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Tiny catamaran makes amazing 469 mile journey up michigan coast.

craig catamaran corporation

Few boats smaller than 20 feet are considered capable of undertaking a 469 mile trip across some of the most hostile waters the Great lakes have to offer. But such a journey is exactly what a tough little 11-foot power catamaran recently accomplished.

An 11-foot, four-inch CraigCat®, piloted by Adam Gursoy and Trevor Baykowski, recently launched from Grand Haven Michigan, on that state’s west coast on Lake Michigan. It traveled north to Mackinac Island, Cheboygan and the inland waterway, ending up in Conway eight days later.

Along the way, Gursoy and Baykowski encountered seas up to 12 feet, torrential rains, thick fog. dangerous rocks and hundreds of questions from bystanders at every port of call.

“People were just plain amazed at the feisty little CraigCat®,” said Gursoy, who operates a CraigCat® dealership in Grand Haven.

The high-performance boat features sleek, sporty looks and nimble handling in virtually any conditions. With a 25 hp outboard, it reaches speeds up to 30 mph and uses just a gallon of fuel an hour. Its twin pontoons, made of foam-injected polyethylene, connected to an elevated fiberglass deck. The pontoons bank independently, like the legs of snow skier, so they can move up and down waves easily and maintain a stable, relaxing ride.

Rugged first-class and a patented design help ensure the boat would withstand the rigors of this journey. And the crew appreciated the cushioned, side-by-side seating and ample legroom.

At one point, the two crossed 30 miles of open lake Michigan water to reach Beaver Island, halfway between the state’s upper and lower peninsulas. Heavy rain and fog severely reduced visibility and the waves were treacherous.

“We were climbing what seemed like mountains and rolling down the other side,” said Gursoy. The crew used a small hand-held compass to navigate.

Between Leeland and Northport, Michigan, the rescued a family whose boat had run out of gas a mile offshore. They gave the stranded group their reserve tank so they could make it back to shore.

After the trip, Gursoy said, “This CraigCat® is an amazing watercraft. It handles the water like no other craft I have ever been on, and I have been caught in some very nasty storms on both the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Michigan. Never once did I have second thoughts about the ability of the CraigCat® to get us to our ports of call.”

The CraigCat® is lightweight, tows easily and offers many convenient optional features, such as an electric trolling motor, fishing rod holders, dive tank holders, and storage racks. With a suggested retail price that is less than other small boats.

Courtesy of: Rhode Island Boating News Paper


We acquired our CraigCat® late in 1991, as a novelty item. For many years after that it was just that — an electric water novelty used for everything from a fishing platform to a floating raft and diving board for the kids. We have also had it in all of our local custom events like “Anything But A Boat Float” and “Christmas On The River” where all of the boats are decked with Christmas themes and lights.

Yes, for the first five or six years we heard everything from “what is it” to “look at the baby pontoon boat.” For all of those years and even to this day I have told people that there is nothing more beautiful than taking this electric boat, which makes no noise, down the river in the early morning hours as the mist rises from the water or back up the river at night with the full moon and stars as our only light. The sights and sounds of the wildlife that you will see during these quiet times are unforgettable.

This may sound dangerous to some because our electric CraigCat® didn’t come with lights back in 1991. But when you live on the river as long as we have, you learn the river like the “back of your hand.” Living on the river in our area means living in houses that are built on top of concrete block columns or wood pilings. It also means learning to live with little nuisance floods. Two or three days of steady, heavy rain usually cause these floods which causes the river to come over or out of its banks into low areas. On rare occasions, very strong winds out of the Gulf of Mexico push the water up into the rivers and cause nuisance floods.

These nuisance floods generally cause little to no damage other than some small items floating off and covering the roads in low areas with six inches to a couple feet of water. This means parking the car or truck on higher grounds and walking through the water for a mile or more. The other choices are to take a boat up or down the river to get to the house. This can be very dangerous during a flood. The other option is just to stay at a friend’s house.

This brings me to a short story that my wife likes to tell. Years ago on a Friday in October, the river was rising after two days of steady rain pouring down. The road didn’t have any water from the river running over it so we decided to go to work. If the river rose over the road by quitting time, we agreed to meet at the road where it became impassable. You see, this day was our wedding anniversary and this year we were going to do something very special. We were going to celebrate it alone, just the two of us having a nice dinner in a romantic restaurant followed by a quiet evening and night.

It was shortly after I arrived at work at the National Weather Service. They had just issued a small storm warning in the Gulf, which meant that the tides were going to be higher than normal and would be pushing the water up the river. I decided to take off work the rest of the day and go home. On the way home, I stopped by the store to pick up some wine and flowers for our special evening. The long winding road to our home had water crossing over it in many areas; however, it was not too deep for my big truck to go through — yet. It was obvious that this was not going to be a normal nuisance flood. The rainwater was flooding the river and the storm in the Gulf was pushing water up the river at the same time.

Once home, I checked everything under and around the house to make sure it was secure and would not float away. I had the 16-foot aluminum skiff on the trailer ready so it would be just a matter of towing it out for later use to get into and out of our property if needed. I packed clothes for my wife and me to change into for our special evening. With this completed, the last thing to do was to check the securing of the 28-foot pontoon boat to the pier and secure the floating dock with the CraigCat® tied down to it.

It wasn’t until I got to the pier that I realized just how fast the river was rising. The floating dock and the CraigCat® was already up to the top of the pier. Looking around I knew this was not going to be a normal nuisance flood. The river was rising faster than I or anyone had anticipated. In fact I wasn’t even going to get my truck with the skiff out and that we would have water under the house and over most of our property. I parked the truck on the highest part of the property and walked to the back of the house. As I sat on the porch drinking a cup of coffee, I knew I had about two hours before my wife would be calling me on her cell phone from the point of the road where the water was making it impassable. She would be calling me on my cell phone not knowing that I had taken off from work early and was stranded at the house.

It was shaping up to be a wedding anniversary that she would never forget … if I didn’t think of something, this was going to be the first time we were separated on our wedding anniversary.

My options were not looking very good.

My wife would not want me to take one of the boats down river during a flood. The last time this was attempted was to rescue a friend with motor problems. The result was that both us got stranded because the lower end of my motor snapped off on a magnolia log floating below the water.

I could go up the river with a bigger boat and bigger motor but that was also very dangerous. This is very difficult at best and dodging all the obstacles in the water is all but impossible.

Walking through 4 inches of water on the high areas of the road would be easy enough, but the low areas would be 6 to 8 inches deep with water. Swimming these areas is possible because there is little to no current on the road. The woods on the far side of the road and the houses, fences, trees, bushes and all of the other obstacles build up areas between the road and the river. This protects the road from the river’s currents. Who wants to walk and swim for a mile and a half to two miles to get out of a flood along with the other wild animals and snakes, some poisonous.

Taking a boat on the road in the low areas may be possible but how do you drag a boat through the high areas in only four inches of water?

I was still sitting on the porch trying to figure out what to tell my wife and the best way to tell her. Looking out over the river I noticed that it did finally quit raining. More importantly, I noticed something else. There tied up to the floating deck was our floating electric novelty, the CraigCat@. The two marine batteries were still on the back of the boat and the trolling motor was situated up front on the deck sticking up in the center like a miniature flag.

If I were going to do anything, it would have to be real soon. My wife would be calling me in about twenty minutes. The CraigCat® was small enough and light enough. It drew very little water. The trolling motor would be strong enough to go through what little current was on the road. But, most important, the CraigCat® was unsinkable! It would be easy to raise the motor in the high spots of the road and lower it in the lower spots where the water was the deepest.

After telling myself all of this, I decided to try. I grabbed the bottle of wine and the flowers. I walked through knee high water and placed them on the passenger’s seat of the CraigCat®. In about twenty minutes I was over halfway there when the phone rang. It was my wife and she sounded very disappointed as she told me how far up the road she was. After she explained to me all the ways this unexpected flood was going to ruin our wedding anniversary including the fact that she had no clean clothes to change into, I told her to RELAX that I was on my way.

She still didn’t know that I was on my way in the CraigCat®. The CraigCat® was coming up the flooded road as though it was designed for this. Everything was working perfect. As I came around the last bend, I saw my wife standing there looking up the road looking for me to come down in the truck. Just as I pulled up to the end of the flooded road, my wife turned around and saw me. The look on her face was both one of shock and priceless. The wine, flowers and the very slow trip back home created the most memorable wedding anniversary ever to date. As we pulled up to the porch, my wife commented that we would have to reward the CraigCat some how. Three days later we purchased a new bigger 55-pound trolling motor to use on the CraigCat® and had the boat bottom coated.

Some other history tidbits of our CraigCat:

In 1997 a major hurricane broke the floating dock away from the pier. (The CraigCat® was tied down to the floating dock.) The floating dock was found several miles down the river but the CraigCat® was no longer tied to the dock and could not be found in the area. About two weeks later we received a call from our state marine resources stating that they found a strange looking small boat floating upside down and was entering the Gulf of Mexico.

I told them that I didn’t think it could possibly be our CraigCat® but that I would come down and look at what they found. As I left the house I told my wife not to get her hopes up too high. I explained to her that even if the CraigCat® had somehow floated all the way down the river and through the Back Bay to enter the Gulf, some 30 plus mile by water, upside down there couldn’t be much of it left. After the boat was up righted, to my shock and everyone else’s the only damage was the loss of the battery and the trolling motor’s control head. Even the bimini top was in perfect condition. It had been strapped down for the hurricane so the wind would not rip it apart. To this day, no one knows how it got turned upside down or how it made this long trip without damages to the boat itself.

In 2005, the “worst natural disaster in American history” occurred and it was called “Katrina”. To this day, some 14 months after she hit the coast, I don’t believe anyone knows the total number of homes, building, vehicles, boats and lives that have been lost and or destroyed forever. The boats were placed on their trailers and taken to high areas. Only the CraigCat® was not. Her trailer has been destroyed many years earlier by another hurricane and never replaced. We felt no need to replace the trailer because the CraigCat® has proven itself to be unsinkable and we believed indestructible. Not only that, but it seems like it is always in use by neighbor, friend and visiting family members.

Our home, two new vehicles, pier, floating dock and boats were destroyed. One boat strapped down to its trailer was flattened down by the wind. The other had a giant tree land on top of it and crush it. The CraigCat® could not be seen or found anywhere. It wasn’t until 14 months later that the house was completely rebuilt and we started to clean up the property. The pier was completely destroyed. The floating dock was more than 60% destroyed and had sunk. Only the two extra lines that I had tied to it and the two big trees that had fallen across it kept the dock from completely sinking or floating away.

The two big trees were cut away and removed from the floating dock by a track hoe and to our complete shock and everyone else’s, guess what popped up. OUR CRAIGCAT ® !

Fourteen months under the water and we are very happy to report that the total damage was:

  • One missing seat
  • The trolling motor
  • The battery

The rest of the boat was in outstanding condition.

Now over the years and even to this day, even with the CraigCat@ electric boat in the condition that it is in, we have people try to buy it from us. In fact, we have had people offer us more than a new one with a trailer would cost. My wife tells me that to sell our boat would be like selling a member of the family. “This is just dead wrong.”

So here is October again and our anniversary has come. So I asked by wife what she would like. I was not shocked when she stated that all she wanted was the CraigCat@ electric fixed up like new. I don’t know when it became hers but her request made me very happy.

I was even happier and shocked when I called the company (Craig Catamaran Corp.) to learn that they would in fact replace the seat and fabricate a new top for her boat. Just imagine her 15 plus year-old boat with countless hours, thousands of hours, on it — a small electric boat that somehow has served what no other make or model boat has served — looking like new again!

I decided that this year’s anniversary will be very special for another reason: I’m going to the Craig Catamaran Corp. in Florida, about 9 hours away, and buy a new gas-powered CraigCat ® . Something that was never offered when we got our electric one.

By Henry R. of Gulfport MS


When Alex asked me to go and have a look at the CraigCat®, to be honest, after his description, I was totally flummoxed! — “Two surfboards attached to each other with an engine,” is roughly what he said, so I am relieved to report that the CraigCat® is far more than that.

The closest thing I can describe it to, is a peddelo, but that’s where the similarity ends. The hulls are constructed from two one piece polyethylene seamless urethane foam filled pontoons, with the deck carriage made from hand laid GRP. Two bucket type seats sit side by side, aft of which is the double A frame housing the CD player — yes CD player, two watertight storage boxes, NAV lights, docking lights, bimini cover, battery and fuel, oh not to mention the electric start Mercury 25hp outboard. One’s feet sit on a GRP footplate that is part of the deck carriage, where a see through screen is designed to deflect spray.

The steering is achieved by the movement fore and aft of the “Stick Steering” control arm that is mounted between the two seats, a sort of vertical tiller. To say this is a unique looking craft is an understatement, but I think it’s pretty funky. Sitting alongside the Harbourmaster’s pontoon on Lymington river, I first wondered what I’d let myself in for, is this going to work? I found myself asking!

Jon Robinson, or JR as he is affectionately known locally, is responsible for the importation and distribution of these craft in the UK and Europe, an affable and enthusiastic character, JR wouldn’t mind my reporting that he is of a substantial build — 17 stone to be precise! Yet when he hopped aboard, to my amazement far from loosing a hull underwater she sat rock solid, her trim adjustment could only be measured in centimetres. My turn then, and being a more modest 11.5 stone, the CraigCat® didn ’ t even know I was there. So I jumped into the helm seat and off we went.

Now, in my lounge at home, I’ve got and old armchair where the footrest pops out, but I have to say the CraigCat® now rivals my favorite seat. It’s like being at home with the best panoramic wide screen view ever! And trolling slowly out of the river, stable and dry. I gave her the gun and she popped onto the plane quickly and easily and we shot off across the Solent at 30 knots. The steering is fun and easy to manage, yank the stick and bank the boat, actually her attitude does heel over, but being a catamaran and flat hulled, not that much — one aspect of her steering. As there is literally nothing in the water until the very aft end of the hulls, it’s more comparable to driving an air boat, but a great laugh. Jumping over swells she felt well balanced and following the swells didn’t result in the stuffing I’d expected — and dressed for! Instead she just drove up the back of the next one. This really is a unique ride — a motorized armchair that can nip you around safely and cheaply. In fact the 25hp outboard, only burns four litres an hour at full chat! Which I think for thirty knots is pretty good. The CraigCat® comes in a number of guises all with differing roles in mind. Starting with the basic package with electric motor at $2499, up to the model we tested the E2 Elite which comes with everything, including a beer — sorry drinks cooler that straps onto the footplate.

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Craig Catamaran Corp

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Florida Department Of State Business Registration · Updated 9/9/2024
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Company Information
Company Name:  
File Number:  
Filing State:  Florida (FL)
Filing Status:  Active
Filing Date:  August 20, 1990
Company Age:  34 Years, 1 Month
Registered Agent:  
Craig, Evana M
Orlando, FL 32808
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Vice President
4333 Silver Star Rd., Unit 100
Orlando, FL 32808
4333 Silver Star Rd., Unit 100
Orlando, FL 32808
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4333 Silver Star Rd., Unit 100
Orlando, FL 32808
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Ride A CraigCat Boat In Florida

The CraigCat boat is a popular type of boat that provides one of the most thrilling boating experiences.  You can use it for multiple purposes, like traveling on a lake or river. There are many options for using the boat, whether fishing, touring, or simply enjoying it. A CraigCat boat provides a unique, one-of-a-kind experience with ergonomic side-by-side seating and dual-action controls. It’s the only power catamaran boat with the versatility for fishing, day cruising, relaxing, or diving. A CraigCat power catamaran sets the standard for aquatic excitement! Because of the boat’s high-speed stability, all-day comfort, power, and technical handling set the standard for aquatic thrills and excitement! 

Craigcat 2

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What is a CraigCat?

A CraigCat is a compact, high-speed boat that people can use for different purposes. It is a two-seated watercraft that is quite popular nowadays because of its speed, comfort, and compact size. Boats like the CraigCat offer unsurpassed design and performance for recreational water sports, off-shore and lakes, and rivers, including diving , fishing, and cruising. The price is meager compared to other small boats of its kind – thousands less. And, the are comparable in cost to jet skis. The boat features comfortable side-by-side bucket seats and a foldable cover. With a striking design and exuding fun, the 11-foot CraigCat catamarans are attractive to people who love adventures on the water. The unique design and shape are worth your attention.

There are different versions of CraigCat boats. Although the basic design is the same, they differ in engine speed and style. The compact boats are indeed a special type of watercraft. In current market conditions, there are no other compact power catamarans of this type. The CraigCat is an ultramodern, speed-efficient bicycle with a patented design that offers exhilarating performance. In addition to using a boat planing hull, unlike other types of the catamaran, the CraigCat rides on top of the water rather than in it, making it a banking catamaran. A stability control system (ASC) is also available on the CraigCat, so even if the user issues an erratic command, the movement will automatically adapt to a nice , smooth, effortless one. For portability and stability, the boat is lightweight and easy to operate. There are no water traps on the deck.

The History Of The CraigCat

Craig Catamaran Corporation was founded in 1976 in the United States to provide consumers with an affordable, easy-to-maintain, comfortable, stylish boat. This boat was powered exclusively by an electric motor at the time. Craig’s Catboats are incredibly stable and very comfortable, with side-by-side seating. The combination of safety, affordability, and fun made them ideal for boating on lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. In addition to providing a relaxing, comfortable ride, the boat also proved a great fishing vessel. It is common to see CraigCat electrics in world-class resorts worldwide.

Note : If you plan on fishing, make sure you have the appropriate florida fishing license .

Craig Corporation has been building catamarans for the past 30 years, and a great deal of attention to engineering has gone into making them as safe as possible and easy to operate.

What Makes CraigCats Unique?

This boat is so good that it is patented due to modern technology and state-of-the-art design. The best part is there’s no need to suffer from cramped seats when you can now enjoy the comfort of cushioned side-by-side bucket seats with unlimited leg room. Small boats are also highly portable and economical. It will certainly turn heads wherever you go with its advanced futuristic styling. Its ride and stability will amaze even the most seasoned of riders.

CraigCat Boat

With a 25-hp gas engine, the CraigCat has been in production since 1995 and is now sold worldwide. Unlike the electric version of the Craig, the gas version of the boat offers more recreational options, along with the diving package, which allows you to experience water sports at their best. The King of the CraigCat fleet it’s the top-of-the-line, high-performance model loaded with the most popular accessories. The perfect balance of precision aquatic handling and ergonomic comfort. Full of features and long on the excitement! This is the most luxurious ever offered within our Small Power Boats.

Where Can You Ride CraigCat’s in Florida?

In Florida , there are thousands of miles of coastline, thousands of lakes, and dozens of rivers. Getting out on the water is a traditional way to enjoy the state and see many things you wouldn’t usually be able to see on the highways. The Craig power catamaran sets the bar in aquatic excitement with top-of-the-line hydrostatic stability and in-dash comfort, not to mention the high output of its engine and high-tech handling! In Florida , there are so many places where you can ride CraigCat:

  • Jacksonville
  • St. Augustine
  • The Florida Keys and Key West
  • St. Petersburg
  • St. Johns River
  • Crystal River
  • Fort Walton Beach
  • Destin 
  • Mount Dora – A popular destination know for CraigCats
  • Florida’s Lake George

Here is us riding CraigCats in Mount Dora. A great place to take a tour and an experience I’ll never forget! I’ve only ridden the CraigCats at Mount Dora but it’s the perfect destination. Mount Dora is no ordinary town. It’s a beautiful town to explore so riding here it like a two for one!

Ride CraigCat's in Florida

How Much Does It Cost To Rent A CraigCat?

The CraigCat can reach speeds of 30 miles per hour in the nearby open-speed area. Because it utilizes a catamaran-style hull, these boats are stable and safe even at high speeds. In addition to providing low water resistance, the dual pontoons offer high and low-speed stability. Different boat rental services allow you to rent CraigCats for a ride. Other companies rent CraigCats to various lakes and rivers. This is why the rental prices vary.

The rental rate varies depending on your location and company. But for a two-hour rental, you will have to spend around $150. If you want to rent for half-day, you will have to pay $250 and up. For a full day, the cost is around $500, depending on the boat rental company. 

Tours vs. Private Rentals of CraigCats

With a CraigCat, you will have a great time regardless of your boating experience. How can you make a thrilling ride even more fun? Bring a friend! You can both enjoy the thrill of CraigCats, as the boat can carry up to 250 pounds per person. Those born after January 1, 1988, are required to complete the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) course to rent a CraigCat boat. On the lakes, different companies can provide you with the CraigCat boat for rental with or without a tour guide.

Personally, I enjoyed the tour. The tour guides are fabulous and very knowledgable about the area and the boats. Having never ridden one before, it was the right decision for us.

CraigCat Rentals and Tours in Florida

A typical travel question I get asked is where can I take a tour? Here’s where:

Don’t hit the water without a floating water mat or inflatable water pad ! Find out which is best here : 

Floating Water Mats

How much does a CraigCat cost?

Craigcat 2

There are different models available for CraigCat boats. Although the basic features are the same size, they look different from each other. With two seats, a CraigCat electric costs approximately $2,691. If you add rear-facing seats, that price rises to $2,827. In the case of rental, the price varies depending on the company you are renting from. For rental, the price begins at around $150 per hour.

How fast will a CraigCat go?


The CraigCat is a fast, compact watercraft popular among people because of its speed. Sporty looks and nimble handling make this high-performance boat perfect in virtually any condition. This boat reaches speeds of 30 mph while using only one gallon of fuel per hour and has a 25-hp outboard. Despite its high speed, you will feel comfortable and at ease while riding. The watercraft provide effortless and safe moving on the water. This is why it is such a popular watercraft among people that love water sports.

Is a CraigCat a Personal Watercraft (PWC)?

CraigCat Boat

The CraigCat is an open motorboat or runabout- not personal watercraft (or PWC). A PWC is typically classified as a small watercraft in which the operator sits, stands, or kneels on the watercraft instead of being entirely inside (as is the case with a traditional boat). This is why the open motorboat CraigCat is not classified as PWC.

What type of boat is a CraigCat?

It is a compact, high-speed boat that people can use for various purposes. It is a two-seater watercraft that has become very popular with people nowadays because of its speed, comfort, and size, making it a fascinating piece of recreation gear. This is the only power catamaran boat with a high degree of versatility that can do everything from fishing to cruising, relaxing, or diving. Thus, it is an easy-to-operate, simple-to-launch boat that is comfortable for you and easy on your wallet.

Where are CraigCat boats made?

The Craig Catamaran Corporation, headquartered in Central Florida , is privately owned and operated by the company. The boat is designed and manufactured in Orlando by the company. The company’s owners are committed to excellence at all times. Founded in 1976, Craig Catamaran Corporation’s vision is to offer consumers an affordable, easy-to-maintain, stylish, and comfortable boat that they can enjoy for many years. At the time of construction, this boat was powered exclusively by an electric motor.

How do you drive a CraigCat?

You can quickly drive the boat even if you are riding it for a fast time. You need to get into the boat and start the engine. The boat is easy to handle and move. The compact size and modern design make the users’ operation simple. It is quite a high-speed boat but easy to handle Once you start the engine, you can take excitement journey on the water.

What’s the maximum weight limit for a CraigCat?

The maximum weight of CraigCat’s light is around 550 LBS.

Closing Thoughts

Whether you want to rent for yourself or go on a tour, this is one of the most unusual ways to explore Florida’s waterways. I’ve even see people ride them on the atlantic ocean and occasionally on Florida’s well-known springs !  The boats are compact, comfortable, safe, high speed, and usable for multiple purposes. Combined, all of the above features make it possible for users to feel relaxed, secure, and confident while aboard the CraigCat, thus ensuring they will have a memorable time on the water. These catamarans appeal to couples, friends, and travelers because they are unusual and provide a one-of-a-kind water experience.

What about you? Are you ready to drive a CraigCat? Where’s your perfect place to ride?

Looking for more unusual things to do in Florida? Start here:

  • Airboat Rides Near Orlando
  • Cape Romano Dome House – Marco Island Florida
  • Florida National Parks – The 11 You Need To See
  • Homosassa – Is It Better Than The Crystal River?
  • Lake Georgia – Orlando’s Bootlegging Lake
  • Lake George – Florida’s Second Largest Lake
  • Rainbow River – Why You Should Visit

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  • 2006 Weldcraft Rebel $24,500 Cataldo
  • 2023 Chris Craft 35GT- Save over 200k from new!! $499,999 Minnesota
  • 14’ fishing boat $1,650 Veradale
  • '98 BRP Sea-Doo Sportster Twin Engine Jetboat $2,900 Sandpoint
  • 2010 Duckworth 195 Navigator $50,000 Coeur D Alene
  • 90 HP G3 Aluminum Boat $12,500 NW Spokane
  • 1989 sea ray pachanga 22 $12,000
  • 2007 Bayliner 185 $2,500
  • 1973 Jolly Roger $12,500 Spokane wa
  • Classic Accessories Colorado XTS Pontoon Boat w/ Swivel Seat $400 Spokane
  • Classic Accessories Colorado XTS Pontoon Boat w/ Swivel Seat $400 OBO $400 Ponderay
  • Classic Accessories Colorado XTS Pontoon Boat w/ Swivel Seat $400
  • Standup jet ski wanted (440 / 550 / 650) $1 Sandpoint
  • READY TO FISH - 16' Larson w/ like-new Yamaha 4-stoke outboard $10,495 Spokane
  • 8.0 hp Evinrude outboard $870 cda
  • 1985 Hunter 31 $8,500
  • Glastron Boat $6,000 Nine Mile Falls WA
  • 16’ Coleman Canoe $240 Post falls
  • 22’ Raider $34 Coeur D Alene
  • 1983 Ski Nautique $9,000 Bonners Ferry
  • 2008 Moomba Outback V - Low Hours and Excellent Condition $28,500 North Spokane
  • 14' FIBERGLASS PROJECT BOAT $400 Post Falls
  • 12’ MirroCraft Aluminum Boat with Trailer Motor etc. $800 Sagle, Idaho
  • Correct craft 1988 Nautique $5,500 Moyie Springs
  • 1997 Baja 32ft $20,000 Newman Lake
  • 2012 Stingray 215LR Sport Deck Bowrider Boat with Trailer $31,995 South Hill
  • 2003 Lund Fisherman 1700 $22,500 shadle
  • Boat Team Marlin $5,000 Newport WA
  • 13ft Wenonah Fusion Solo Canoe w/Rudder 40lbs $3,499
  • Smoker Craft Phantom 180 $18,000 Nine Mile Falls
  • 2021 Sun Tracker Pontoon $24,500 Coeur D Alene, ID
  • Buying Wrecked and Non-Running Jetskis $1 Hayden
  • Water skis, tubes, and more $0 Hayden
  • venture cat $300 Spokane alley 99212
  • 1968 StarCraft Chieftain! Refurbished! $7,000 Spokane
  • Pelican paddle boat $500 5 mile
  • 16' AVON Raft, 1979, Frame, 2 Mesh Cargo Platforms, Pump, Repair Kit $800 East Wenatchee
  • 1997 28' Freedom Blue Fin $22,000 Pinehurst
  • 2003 Cobalt 262 $36,000 CDA
  • 1988 Maxum $2,300
  • Raider Boats $0 Colville Wa
  • 50’ 1965 SteelCraft $1,234 Sagle
  • seadoo gtx watercraft $3,800 sandpoint
  • 1988 Bayliner $1,000 Laclede
  • New Wenonah 18.5ft - Minnesota 2 Canoe Ultralight 48lbs Tandem $4,499
  • pontoon,dock,barge 20x8 Foam Fill $3,800 lake havasu Arizona
  • FOAM FILLED pontoon,dock,barge 20x8 Foam Fill $4,500 lake havasu Arizona
  • 🎉 Fall Inventory Reduction Sale at! 🎉 $999
  • 34ft Advantage Party Cat Wanted $1 North Scottsdale
  • 1998 stingray 190 LX open bow $12,000 Valley Wa 99181. Not Spokane Valley
  • Larson 20.8 ft $14,500 spokane
  • 2012 Wooldridge 20 Alaskan XL $45,750 CDA
  • 2023 Sea Doo switch sport 21' 230hp $32,250 Coolin
  • 2018 Ranger 2080MS Angler $64,995 CDA
  • Ranger Reata 2008 $20,000 Colville
  • 1995 Mariah Shabah Z221 $18,000 Hayden Idaho
  • 1988 Bayliner Trophy $10,500 Sagle
  • 1998 Wooldridge Alaskan II 200 HP Jet Boat $30,995 Richland
  • Pontoon boat $10,000 Spokane
  • 14 ft fishing boat $4,500 newport
  • Pacific wooden boat $550 Airway heights
  • 2005 StarCraft 170 $15,000 post falls
  • 1996 sea doo gti $2,000 Newport
  • Sail Boat JBT-24' 1979 Classic - $1,500 (Coeur d'alene) $1,500
  • JetCraft 2312 River Jet Boat $55,900
  • 1988 WELLCRAFT 23XL $4,500 CDA
  • FishCat Pontoon $450 Mead
  • Boat body $0 West Plains
  • 16' mirrorcraft with 70 hp johnson $2,200 Priest lake
  • 1979 Apollo 18' star fire $7,500 Newport
  • 2021 Thunder Jet 210 Luxor Limited $94,500 Priest River, ID
  • 2008 Tahoe Q7i open bow 21' $18,000 SANDPOINT, ID
  • 20' Duckworth Silverwing Jet Boat $13,500 Seattle
  • 2023 Regal LS9 Surf $229,000
  • sea ray 24 foot needs tlc $1,200
  • Kayak roof racks $50 Athol
  • 67 14' Aluma Craft fishing Boat $1,600 Wilbur
  • Hunter 260 Sailboat (with trailer) $19,500 McCall/Boise
  • 8' single person pontoon boat $250 Coeur d'Alene
  • New "2024" LOWE Roughneck RX18TN $32,500 at Elephant Boy's Boating Store
  • New "2024" RH ProV 18' Tiller Complete Combo $26,452 Elephant Boy's Boating Store
  • 2016 Moomba Crazy Surf Edition $69,999
  • 1990 Supra TS6M Compition Ski Boat $4,700 Cda
  • Nitro savage $12,000 Otis orchards
  • Waverunners $123 Medimont
  • 2023 YAMAHA SUPERJET $10,000 Coeur d'Alene
  • Hobie Getaway catamaran sailboat $10,500 Hayden
  • Vanhunks Voyager 12.0 KAYAK $850 Hope,ID
  • 2018 20' Alumaweld Stryker $36,995 LOADED / AWESOME PACKAGE
  • 2016 Moomba Mojo 2.5 Surf Edition $62,500 Veradale
  • 1964 Elgin 14' boat $2,100 Spokane
  • 2016 Sanger 215 surf $63,000 Davenport
  • Cobalt 233 Cutty $24,000 North Spokane
  • 2021 SeaDoo RXTX 300 $14,400 Spokane
  • Yamaha AR195 jet boat $42,000 Rathdrum
  • 1999 Bayliner 2452 Ciera Classic $17,000 Kalispell
  • Drift boat $3,900 Coeur d’Alene
  • Rinker 226 Captiva $24,000 Hayden
  • 1999 Bayliner Trophy $17,900 Spokane
  • Bayliner 2452 Ciera 2002 year $14,000 Spokane, CDA, Moses lake, Seattle,
  • 1999 Glastron Carlson CSX23 $16,650 Coolin Idaho
  • 16’ Crestliner aluminum boat $3,000 Sagle
  • 16’ StarCraft - 6hp Mercury Outboard Motor - Aluminum Fishing Boat $4,900
  • 1993 Cobalt 196 $8,000 Hayden
  • Bennington 2550RCB 250Vmax $48,900 RATHDRUM, ID
  • 1993 Riviera Cruiser 18' Pontoon Boat $9,500 Deer Park
  • Danforth Boat Anchor w/ rope 17.5lbs Vinyl Coated Flukes $40 Spokane
  • 85' Sea Ray Sundancer $11,000 Hayden
  • 2006 19" Duckworth Advantage $42,500 Bonners Ferry
  • 2008 Tracker Pro Guide V16 $16,850 Pasco
  • 1987 Sea Ray Bow Rider $4,000 Spokane South Hill
  • Valley Aquanaut Kayak $1,900 Walla Walla
  • Double Stack Hobie/Catamaran Trailer $1,100 Hayden Idaho
  • Malbec 18 Sportboat/Keelboat Sailboat $44,995 Silver Lake Mall
  • Lifetime Manta Tandem Kayak $420 Spokane South Hill
  • Twin Troller X10 Deluxe Fishing Boat $3,900 NW Spokane
  • Valley Avocet sea kayak $1,750 SANDPOINT
  • 16' crestliner welded aluminum $2,400 Elk
  • 2014 smokercraft pro mag $3,400 Ponderay
  • Seaswirl w/115hp evinrude $1,200 Sagle
  • 2004 34 formula PC $137,500 Cda
  • Swell SCUPPER 14 w/Adventure Pkg & Rudder $1,700 Ponderay, Sandpoint, Hope, Sagle, Bonners Ferry
  • 1999 Maxum 21 ft $3,500 Spokane
  • 88 contessa command bridge $10,500
  • Campion Chase 650i-Cuddy $28,000 Coeur d Alene,Idaho
  • 18 ft bayliner $700 Deer Park
  • 1975 Silverline boat $2,500 Spirit Lake
  • Pontoon boat $400
  • 2002 18’ searay $10,500 Priest river
  • 16ft Lowe boat with Johnson jet $3,750 South hill
  • NEW 2023 PREMIER Pontoon - 230 REAR LOUNGER W/200HP $81,999 BLOW OUT PRICING ! 200HP
  • Old Town kayak $2,800 Othello
  • 2008 260 LS Crownline $45,500 COLBERT
  • 2023 25' Yamaha 252XE Wakesurf boat $85,000 Coeur d' Alene
  • 2019 Hewes craft 180 sportsman $29,500 Spokane
  • 2016 Lund Pro Guide 2075 Tiller $42,950 Vancouver
  • 1974 Boston Whaler Sport $6,000 Hayden
  • 2005 Boulton $31,500 Coeur d Alene
  • Seadoo jet ski and trailer $1,500 Spokane
  • 2022 Four Winns HD1 $47,500 Boise / Coeur dAlene
  • 2005 Baja Outlaw $26,000 Kellogg
  • please flag coeurdelane marine all caps $1 coeurdelane
  • 1994 Four Winns fling $1,700
  • 1993 Maxum 1800SR $3,500 South Hill
  • HUGE DISCOUNTS! 2024 CROWNLINE 250XSS*300HP OUTBOARD*TRLR*WAS $149,488 $97,890 Coeur d'Alene
  • HUGE DISCOUNTS! 2024 SOUTHBAY 525SB2 ARCH*REAR LOUNGE*350HP*WAS $171K! $112,766 Coeur d'Alene
  • HUGE DISCOUNTS! ONLY 3 LEFT! 2024 SOUTHBAYS 22' & 24' *150HP*TRLR*$83K $52,890 Coeur d'Alene
  • HUGE DISCOUNTS! 2024 SOUTHBAY 525SB2 ARCH*RR LOUNGE*350HP*WAS $171,767 $112,766 Coeur d'Alene
  • HUGE DISCOUNTS! 2024 SOUTHBAY 525SB2 SUPER ARCH*LOUNGE*350HP*WAS $177K $119,326 Coeur d'Alene
  • HUGE DISCOUNTS! 2024 SOUTHBAY 525E*ENTRTAINMENT/PUB*350HP*WAS $143,795 $95,323 Coeur d'Alene
  • HUGE DISCOUNTS! 2024 CROWNLINE 220SS LPX*350HP*CAPT CALL*WAS $135,065. $86,890 Coeur d'Alene
  • 10' Livingston Boat W/10HP Honda and Trailer $1,300 Nine Mile Falls, WA
  • 2021 Alumaweld Stryker X202 $123 St. Maries
  • '91 MAXUM 23' scr classic lines cruiser $10,000 Chattaroy
  • 2013 Rinker $52,500 Fairfield
  • 14' aluminum fishing boat $5,500 Deer Park, Wa
  • Skykomish Sunrise pontoon boat $500 Stevensville
  • 2018 20' Alumaweld Stryker $32,500 EXCELLENT CONDITION / PRICED TO SELL
  • Bluewater ski boat $7,500 Sagle
  • 2014 Phoenix 920 proxp $48,500 Kellogg
  • 2021 Malibu Response TXi - Malibu Open Edition $99,500 Spokane
  • Nice little hewescraft $4,000 Sagle
  • House boat for sale $10,000 Coeur d' Alene,Id.
  • Hobie Sport Mirage Drive Kayaks $2,500 Hayden, Idaho
  • 2008 Wooldridge 173 Sport Offshore $32,000
  • Boats $500 Old Town
  • 2023 Alumaweld Stryker 20' "Price Reduced" $59,995
  • FOR SAIL OR TRADE $2,500 Post Falls
  • '21 AlumaCraft $25,000 Couer D Alene
  • Experience life on a houseboat $170,000 Bayview, Idaho
  • Ducktoon pontoon boat $4,000 Spokane
  • 2003 Maxim $18,000
  • Special Sale on Malibu 9.5 $499 at Elephant Boys-Spokane Valley
  • 2024 North River 21' Seahawk Fast Back $0 at Elephant Boys Spokane Valley
  • Just arrived in time - River Run Sport Tubes $19 at Elephant Boys-Spokane Valley
  • 2005 Crownline 270BR $34,500 Seven Bays
  • 2006 Rinker Express Cruiser $34,000 Seven Bays
  • Four Winns 19’ $15,500 Hayden
  • 2021 Yamaha G3 324CL $72,000 Post Falls
  • 2021 Grand Island 2485 Deluxe Crusie $39,900 Post Falls
  • Four Winns Cuddy 2001 $15,000 Hope, ID
  • Award Winning 1965 Century Resorter $18,900 Coeur D Alene
  • 1977 Fiberform Monteray, 16', 140hp I.O. $1,000 Spokane Valley
  • 14 ft aluminum boat and trailer $700 South Hill
  • Pelican summit 100x $150 Kettle falls
  • 97 Maxum cuddy $6,800 Bonners Ferry
  • Classic Glasspar Seafair Sedan $3,000 Cheney
  • 1989 23’ Warlock World Class $27,000 Grand Coulee, WA
  • Starweld 16ft fusion DC $17,500
  • 1987 Bayliner cuddy cabin $2,000 Colbert
  • Ted williams gamefisher boat motor needs work $100 cda
  • 1991 Bayliner Capri 4.3 $2,400
  • 2016 Crestliner 1650 Fish Hawk Platinum $23,500 Rice, WA
  • Clipper Tripper Canoe $1,350 athol
  • aluminum boat 12 ft $700 athol
  • 1970 Searay $3,000 MEAD
  • 2016 Surf boat $27,999 Missoula
  • Pontoon Boat $49,500 Hayden
  • 16 foot fishing boat $900 Cocolalla
  • 1986 Sun Runner $4,000 Bonners Ferry
  • sun tracker bass buggy $28,000 loonlake wa
  • Larson aluminum fishing boat $2,000 Spokane
  • 1995 Tige Ski boat $6,300 Nine Mile Falls
  • 2003 20' GLASTRON FISH & SKI $13,000 Hayden
  • 1993 Bayliner Avanti 2855 $19,500 Lincoln
  • 1984 Hallett 26' $21,000 Post falls
  • 1994 Chris Craft $7,000
  • Kayak $500 Spokane Valley
  • LLBean Manatee Kayak $300 Sandpoint
  • 2010 COLEMAN CANOE 15 ft $200 Medical Lake
  • 2009 G3 Eagle 175 $9,995 Vancouver
  • 1990 Sea Ray 310 $33,000 Post Falls
  • 1998 Mastercraft Maristar $14,000 Nine Mile Falls
  • Covered Boat Slip For Rent Monthly $0 Sagle
  • 3 man fishing boat $500 Greenacres
  • 2005 Regal Open Bow 5.0 MPI Mercruiser Low Hours $22,500 Sandpoint
  • 23 Ft Rinker Captiva Cuddy cabin boat $16,500 walla walla
  • force boat motor $1,000 spokane
  • 2015 Duckworth $47,000 Spokane
  • Bayliner capri 2150, 5.0l v8 $6,500 Hayden
  • 1964 17' Pacific Wood Boat $900 Airway Hieghts Wash.
  • Kayak $200 Clayton
  • 1983 Seaswirl $3,100 Spirit Lake ID
  • Sea Kayak Seaward Vision $1,600 SW Spoakne
  • 2018 Lowe Fish & Ski 1610 $25,900 Coeur D Alene
  • 2002ft bayliner cuddy cabin $11,895 Coeur D Alene
  • Sea Eagle Pontoon Boat $1,200 Coeur d Alene
  • 85' Sea Ray 25' Sundancer $11,000 Hayden
  • 1993 Ski Centurion Falcon $9,500
  • 2010 Bayliner 215BR $21,500
  • 1980 Newport 28 $10,500 Bayview, ID
  • 2004 SEARAY 225 WEEKENDER $0 Hayden
  • Lowe Line 3 seat aluminum fishing boat $1,200 Rathdrum
  • 14 ft NRS Campways river raft $800 Spokane Valley
  • Grumin 17 ft Aluminum Canoe $500 Ponderay
  • Mercury kicker 9.9 hp long shaft 4 stroke $1,850 cda
  • Duck Boat - Gator Trax+Mud Buddy $13,900 Coeur D Alene
  • 15 foot coleman ram x canoe $600 Coeur D Alene
  • jackson Karma whitewater kayak $200 Coeur D Alene
  • Maxum Boat $10,000 5-Mile
  • 1990 Ameristar 240 SC $3,000
  • 1988 Alumacraft 12ft fishing boat $2,850
  • 2010 Bayliner 185br $12,000 Liberty lake
  • River boat 16ft $4,900 St maries
  • MacGregor 26 sailboat. End of season sale $6,000 Lewiston
  • StarCraft boat $5,500 MOSES LAKE
  • Fishing boat 1988 Hewescraft $3,000 Spokane Valley
  • 2003 smokercraft pontoon fishing boat $10,000 Hayden
  • Outcast Fishcat Panther (Pontoon) $875 Spokane
  • Aluminum Canoe $325 West Central
  • Kayak $200 Nine Mile Falls WA
  • Fishing kayak $725 Coeur d’Alene
  • Jet boat $110,000
  • New 2023 Bentley 220 Fish and Cruise $34,999 + Northwest Watersports
  • New 2023 Tige Z1 $109,998 + Northwest Watersports
  • New 2023 ATX 22 Type-S $99,998 + Northwest Watersports
  • New 2023 Tige 22RZX $134,990 + Northwest Watersports
  • 1991 Boston Whaler 21 ft Walk-Around $22,000 Colville
  • 1953 Higgins 17ft Wooden Boat $10,000 Spokane, WA
  • 60" RC Boat - Wellcraft Scarab $400 Sandpoint
  • 2016 SEARAY Sundeck 270 $79,500 South Hill
  • LABOR DAY $ALE! 2024 CROWNLINE 220SS LPX*350HP*CAPT CALL*WAS $135,065. $86,890 Coeur d'Alene
  • LABOR DAY $ALE! 2024 SOUTHBAY 525E*ENTRTAINMENT/PUB*350HP*WAS $143,795 $95,323 Coeur d'Alene
  • LABOR DAY $ALE! 2024 CROWNLINE 250XSS*300HP OUTBOARD*TRLR*WAS $149,488 $97,890 Coeur d'Alene
  • LABOR DAY $ALE! 2024 SOUTHBAY 525SB2 ROSWELL ARCH*LOUNG*350HP*WAS$177K $119,326 Coeur d'Alene
  • LABOR DAY $ALE! 2024 SOUTHBAY 525SB2 ARCH*RR LOUNGE*350HP*WAS $171,767 $112,766 Coeur d'Alene
  • LABOR DAY $ALE! SOUTHBAY 224RS LE*2 CAP'T CHAIRS*150HP*TRLR*WAS 83,305 $52,890 Coeur d'Alene
  • LABOR DAY $ALE! ONLY 3 LEFT! 2024 SOUTHBAYS 22' & 24'*150HP*TRLR*$82K $52,890 Coeur d'Alene
  • 14 foot catamaran sailboat $500 Priest lake Idaho
  • 1990 Magregor 26 d $2,500 Ponderay
  • 1958 Reinell $1 South Hill
  • 2024 Malibu Response TXi - low 47 hours $115,000 Spokane
  • 2004 Bayliner 205 Bowrider $9,995 Trudeau's
  • 1979 Cobalt boat, 19 ft., not running, with Ezy Load trailer $500 Hayden Lake
  • Perception Antigua Kayak $400 Sandpoint
  • 2004 Sea Doo GTI RFI $2,999 Coeur d'Alene
  • 2022?Yamaha AR210 $54,000 Coeur d Alene
  • Got a Need for Speed? $1,600 DeSmet
  • 1991 Maxum 25S $13,500 Sandpoint
  • 8' El Toro sailboat $450 Sagle
  • 14 foot, 25 hp Yamaha, 1991 Microcaft $3,950 Veradale
  • 2017 Rhodes 22 Sailboat $18,000 Bonners Ferry, ID
  • 21 Ft Bayliner 5.0 Mercruiser Closed cooling $8,500 Spirit Lake
  • 2014 Lowe Fishing Machine 165 Pro 60HP $17,000 Spokane South Hill
  • 2012 Smokercraft $19,000 Spokane
  • YAMAHA WAVERUNNER $13,000 Moses Lake- Se Habla Espanol
  • 19' Starcraft $6,800 Spokane
  • Large boat dock for sale. LAKE COEUR D ALENE $20,000 Lake Coeur d Alene
  • 2021 e235 crown line surf boat $92,600 Mead
  • New Lowe Fish and Cruise Pontoon UF202 w/ Mercury $37,994 at Elephant Boys, Spokane Valley
  • North River 21' Seahawk with Rebates $0 at Elephant Boys Spokane Valley
  • 2002 Mastercraft X-Star $32,000 Post Falls
  • Boat Dock for Sale $35,000 Lake CdA
  • 2005 Crestliner 1850 Sportfish $27,000 Cheney
  • 1978 EZ Loader boat trailer $850 Colville
  • 1992 SmokerCraft Fazer 172 $5,999 Spokane Valley
  • 15 foot skin on frame Kayak $400 Hauser ID
  • 15 foot wooden kayak $850 Hauser ID
  • Bluewater Mirage $13,500 REARDAN
  • 2004 Rinker Fiesta Vee 250 $21,000 Coeur D Alene
  • 1985 - 2001 Ski Nautique $10,000 CDA
  • 4 Kayaks $1
  • 1990 DELTA 16 ALUMINUM $6,500 colville
  • Avalon Tritoon Pontoon $28,900 Coeur dAlene
  • 17' Grumman Sailing Canoe $1,250 Coeur d' Alene
  • 12' Portaboat $299 Coeur d' Alene
  • 14' Whitehall Rowing Shell $229 Coeur d' Alene
  • 2014 Yamaha FZS SVHO/ Supercharger $9,400 Spokane Valley
  • 2017 Regal 2800 Bowrider $134,000 Coeur D Alene
  • Pontoon boat 15 ft with trailer new bench seats $4,500 Watts lk
  • 2024 Yamaha EX Sport $8,099 325 Merlot Dr, Prosser, WA
  • 2024 Yamaha GP SVHO with Audio $16,099 325 Merlot Dr, Prosser, WA


  1. Home

    Contact the friendly crew at Craig Catamaran Corporation for complete details, information, sales, and rental fleets. WE PUT FUN BACK IN BOATING! After 34 years the new models are the best fun machines produced yet! Loaded with amenities the new CraigCat E2 Elite features a premium JBL high definition sound system with USB and Bluetooth ...

  2. Corporate Info

    Family Owned and Operated. Headquartered in Central Florida, the Craig Catamaran Corporation is family-owned and operated, designed and manufactured in Orlando, Florida. The owners have placed their commitment to excellence above all else. Every boat is crafted and designed by expert boat mechanics and artisans.

  3. About Us

    Boating is an experience, and enjoying the journey is the best part. Contact Us Today To Get Started! If you would like more information about any of our quality catamaran boats please visit our Contact Us page or call us at 1-877-999-4228. We look forward to working with you and providing an exceptional experience at a reasonable price.

  4. CraigCat E2 Elite

    Tohatsu 30HP - $13,985 | 25HP - $13,785, Mercury 30HP - $14,985. E2 Elite Fully Loaded Gulf Stream Edition (seafoam and white) Tohatsu 30HP - $14,484 | 25 - $14,284, Mercury 30HP - $15,484. E2 Elite Fully Loaded Tahitian (tan and beige) Tohatsu 30HP - $14,384 | 25HP - $14,184, Mercury 30HP - $15,384. E2 Elite Fully Loaded Key ...

  5. Customer Reviews

    Read these CraigCat Customer Reviews that our customers have sent us! "Good morning to the Craigs, I am 6'4″, 258 lbs and soon to be 59 years old. I bought your CraigCat without a sea trial or even seeing it up close. Upon delivery, it sat on my property for two weeks with thoughts of what the hell was I thinking.

  6. Pre-owned

    Just bring it to our showroom in Orlando and depending on the condition of your CraigCat Catamaran Boat, we will give you top dollar for it. We need pre-owned CraigCats. ... Craig Catamaran Corporation reserves the right of refusal to purchase and to set the value of the preowned CraigCat regardless of second party opinions.

  7. True Stories

    TINY CATAMARAN MAKES AMAZING 469 MILE JOURNEY UP MICHIGAN COAST! ... (Craig Catamaran Corp.) to learn that they would in fact replace the seat and fabricate a new top for her boat. Just imagine her 15 plus year-old boat with countless hours, thousands of hours, on it — a small electric boat that somehow has served what no other make or model ...

  8. 2008 Craig Catamaran Corporation Prices, Values and Specs

    In business since 1991, Craig Catamaran Corporation operates in Orlando, Florida producing some uniquely compact powerboats. Suited for a pair of occupants, the fast and highly maneuverable watercraft created by Craig Catamaran Corporation are catama ...

  9. Craig Catamaran Corp

    Company profile page for Craig Catamaran Corp including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact information


    CRAIG CATAMARAN CORPORATION is a Florida Domestic Profit Corporation filed on August 20, 1990. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is L98690. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Craig, Evana M and is located at 4333 Silver Star Road, Orlando, FL 32808. The company's principal address is 4333 Silver ...

  11. Craig Catamaran Company Profile

    Craig Catamaran Profile and History Craig Catamaran Corporation (USA) - was founded in 1976 to design and develop an inexpensive, comfortable, and stylish boat. The original CraigCat had an electric motor, and the side-by-side seating made it the perfect solution for safe, inexpensive, and pleasurable boating on lakes, rivers and waterways.

  12. 2023 Craig Catamaran Corporation CRAIG CAT CATCH IT(*) Specs

    A boat's history affects it's value—check the history of this 2023 Craig Catamaran Corporation and avoid buying a previously damaged boat. Check for storm damage, accidents, loss, theft, registration history and more. Don't get stuck with an unsafe boat needing costly repairs.

  13. Ride A CraigCat Boat In Florida

    The Craig Catamaran Corporation, headquartered in Central Florida, is privately owned and operated by the company. The boat is designed and manufactured in Orlando by the company. The company's owners are committed to excellence at all times. Founded in 1976, Craig Catamaran Corporation's vision is to offer consumers an affordable, easy-to ...

  14. pullman-moscow sporting goods

    Kid's Sleeping Bag - 30 degrees. 9/7 · Pullman. $30. hide. •. Yakima FreshTrack 6 ski/snowboard rack. 9/7 · Moscow. $120. hide.

  15. For Sale "cars" in Pullman / Moscow

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  16. spokane boats

    Catamaran (Hobie style) Sailboat. $600. Spokane 2022 Tracker Super Guide V16 40hp Mercury EFI Tiller lots of extras. $20,000. SPOKANE, WA 1995 Crownline 225 BR. $22,500. Spokane 1993 Four Winns Horizon 190 20.2 ft. $4,500. coeur d alene 2023 Yamaha 252SD for sale. Barely used, LIKE NEW!! ...

  17. pullman-moscow arts & crafts

    Vintage Glass Coasters: Wine Bottles, Glasses, Candle Holders (6Pc) 7h ago · Kelowna. $20. hide. 1 - 60 of 60. pullman-moscow arts & crafts - craigslist.