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Sorosuub Luxury Yacht

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Multipassenger ship
Pilot only

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The Sorosuub Luxury Yacht is a veteran reward given to players who have been subscribed to SWG for at least 180 continuous days, or in other words, 6 months. The yacht is a mutli-player ship that is great for hosting parties through space, but has no weapons for space combat. The Yacht is also invulnerable to attack, and cannot be challenged to duel. It can initiate the Lost Star Destroyer Heroic but players will not receive the bonus buff you would if a vulnerable craft was used. It can hold up to 100 items, and does not take up any lots while in the player's datapad.

Note: As the Sorosuub Luxury Yacht is a Veteran Award, it can not be modified with Crafted or Looted Space components, such as weapons, engines, etc.

The command /getvet will allow you to see how many days are logged for Veteran Rewards and if enough time is accumulated, then to receive that Reward using the /claimVet command.

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SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal mistress after the Battle of Endor. At the time, Lando's involvement with the mining operation known as Nomad City kept him from tinkering with the starship, but in the years since he has repeatedly modified and upgraded Lady Luck.

Lando initially planned to transform the Lady Luck into an advanced luxury cruiser. However, Calrissian's near-constant involvement with the New Republic has forced him to convert the Lady Luck into a competent combat vehicle. At first glance, the fifty-meter long starship appears to be an unarmed pleasure yacht, but this placid exterior conceals five retractable laser cannons and a small ion cannon turret. A pair of powerful Chempat-6 deflector shield generators provide moderate protection from enemy fire. The Lady Luck's engines are housed in two long engine pods connected to the main hull. Although the starship's sublight and hyperdrive speeds can't match those of the Millennium Falcon, the Lady Luck can still outrace nearly any other luxury vehicle in the galaxy.


Bridge of a luxury yacht

The Lady Luck's secondary systems truly set it apart. It has a highly-sophisticated sensor system allowing Lando to detect, identify, and scan approaching vessels at great range. When the Lady Luck is scanned by customs officials or enemy forces, the ship's transponder can be programmed with up to three separate false identities that include aliases, fake cargo manifests, and modified system specs. Lando frequently changes these identities, although he has used the alias "Stardream" on more than one occasion. A droid brain aboard the starship can pilot the starship in emergencies and direct it towards a summoning unit that Lando always keeps on his belt; this feature proved especially helpful when Lando, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo were forced to flee the mining city of Ilic. The starship also has concealed smuggler compartments.

Although the Lady Luck is now well-suited to combat, it is still a lavish luxury starship. An entire observation level includes an exterior deck and numerous viewports. Lando's private suite and the five visitor cabins are decorated with rare art from around the galaxy. Conform-couches can be found throughout the starship, and the main deck contains a jet-stream meditation pool, and a small crystal garden. Even the Lady Luck's escape pods are furnished with state-of-the-art grav-couches covered in the finest Corellian leather.

Please note that this Veteran Reward is not listed in the "Veteran Rewards" tab on the Star Wars Galaxies main page, though it is still available.

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Ships: Sorosuub Yacht



The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal mistress after the Battle of Endor. At the time, Lando's involvement with the mining operation known as Nomad City kept him from tinkering with the starship, but in the years since he has repeatedly modified and upgraded Lady Luck.

Lando initially planned to transform the Lady Luck into an advanced luxury cruiser. However, Calrissian's near-constant involvement with the New Republic has forced him to convert the Lady Luck into a competent combat vehicle. At first glance, the fifty-meter long starship appears to be an unarmed pleasure yacht, but this placid exterior conceals five retractable laser cannons and a small ion cannon turret. A pair of powerful Chempat-6 deflector shield generators provide moderate protection from enemy fire. The Lady Luck's engines are housed in two long engine pods connected to the main hull. Although the starship's sublight and hyperdrive speeds can't match those of the Millennium Falcon, the Lady Luck can still outrace nearly any other luxury vehicle in the galaxy.

The Lady Luck's secondary systems truly set it apart. It has a highly-sophisticated sensor system allowing Lando to detect, identify, and scan approaching vessels at great range. When the Lady Luck is scanned by customs officials or enemy forces, the ship's transponder can be programmed with up to three separate false identities that include aliases, fake cargo manifests, and modified system specs. Lando frequently changes these identities, although he has used the alias "Stardream" on more than one occasion. A droid brain aboard the starship can pilot the starship in emergencies and direct it towards a summoning unit that Lando always keeps on his belt; this feature proved especially helpful when Lando, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo were forced to flee the mining city of Ilic. The starship also has concealed smuggler compartments.

Although the Lady Luck is now well-suited to combat, it is still a lavish luxury starship. An entire observation level includes an exterior deck and numerous viewports. Lando's private suite and the five visitor cabins are decorated with rare art from around the galaxy. Conform-couches can be found throughout the starship, and the main deck contains a jet-stream meditation pool, and a small crystal garden. Even the Lady Luck's escape pods are furnished with state-of-the-art grav-couches covered in the finest Corellian leather.


Multi-Passenger Luxury Yacht
Any Pilot
Veteran Reward
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Ship Customizations

sorosuub luxury yacht 3000

[Click to see Ship Customizations]

Developer Comments on the Creation of the Lady Luck By Artist Rick Knox The initial design of the Sorosuub 3000 comes from the expanded universe, "Heir to the Empire" which is where I began my search for technical drawings, deck plans and other source information. As it turns out there isn't a lot of source material for the Sorosuub 3000, but fortunately I was given great latitude with its design. First I started with the outside and used the basic profile seen in "Star Wars: The Essentials Guide to Vehicles and Vessels" and expanded that concept. The drawings aren't too exciting so I spiced them up by adding surface detailing, exposed machinery and other subtle details to give the Sorosuub 3000 some character. After the external portion of the model was finished and signed off, it was time to work on the design for the inside rooms. For this part of the ship I wanted to consult with Technical Art Director Jeff Dobson and Lead Designer Cinco Barnes. Cinco wanted the ship to have a lot of windows so players could enjoy the "glass bottom boat" effect in space and wanted the ship to be unarmed and invulnerable (since it isn't a combat vehicle). The only problem we had was why would anyone want an unarmed, invulnerable ship? Well the answer had to be, "because it looks COOL!" We got a look at another version of the Lady Luck shown in a different game but ultimately decided it wasn't large enough and didn't have enough windows. I then did some quick concept layouts and discussed the possibilities with Jeff, but knew that I wanted it to be big and spacious. After a few sessions of mapping out rooms I decided on a final layout, and got started making the ships insides. The main observation deck needed to be 2 floors high with a balcony so you could really get the feel of how large the ship is. After designing this room the others rooms were created using a similar theme of curved pylons and surfaces and deep warm colors. Lastly I had to come up with hull patterns for the Sorosuub 3000. For this I wanted to tie in the inside styling I had come up with, which was a sort of flowing advanced yacht look. So I look at some Winnebagos and real world yachts and came up with 6 patterns that look relevant to star wars but also give it the pleasure yacht look. The Sorosuub 3000 in Jump to Lightspeed is approximately 90 meters long and has 8 Rooms including a Bridge, Stateroom, Meditation room, Armory, Engineering, Bar and two Observation decks. Its Three stories high and has 2 elevators and 26 windows. You may not be able to fight in the Sorosuub 3000, but I bet you will have a good time!

SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 Images

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Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

When style's your name and comfort's your game, look no further than the Luxury 3000 space yacht when you want to travel the stars. The sleek, precision-crafted starship hails from one of the finest starship manufacturers in the galaxy. It has spacious interiors, often modified for the heights of opulence. Such vessels are not typically armed -- besides, weapons would ruin its graceful lines -- but in the unpredictable and rambunctious sectors of the Outer Rim, skippers often equip their yachts with defenses. In some cases, they even conceal laser cannons in the existing sensor ports and communication masts as to not mar the ship's beauty.

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  • Length: 55.52m

TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Luxury 3000 yacht

Manufacturer SoroSuub Corporation

Model Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

Class Yacht

Cost 250,000 credits

Max Space Speed 50 MGLT

Hyperdrive rating Class 2

Armament None

Minimum crew 1

Passengers 10

Cargo capacity 100 metric tons

Role(s) Private shuttle Transport

Background and History

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious.

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod houses a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also has an observational level with an exterior deck near the aft of the ship, while the interior compartment has a small jet-stream meditation pool and several conform-couches. The main deck offers a dining area, a large private suite, and five visitor cabins, as well as the escape pods, the bridge and the main control systems. In addition, the viewports on the side of the ship are retractable. Above the bridge is a docking coupling. The power couplings and sensor arrays were at the front of the ship, and in some cases jut out.

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Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

The Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a ship made by SoroSuub Corporation .

Sorosuub Luxury Yacht

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Multipassenger ship
Pilot only

you need some sort of key to view this image

The Sorosuub Luxury Yacht is a veteran reward given to players who have been subscribed to SWG for at least 180 continuous days, or in other words, 6 months. The yacht is a mutli-player ship that is great for hosting parties through space, but has no weapons for space combat. The Yacht is also invulnerable to attack, and cannot be challenged to duel. It can initiate the Lost Star Destroyer Heroic but players will not receive the bonus buff you would if a vulnerable craft was used. It can hold up to 100 items, and does not take up any lots while in the player's datapad.

Note: As the Sorosuub Luxury Yacht is a Veteran Award, it can not be modified with Crafted or Looted Space components, such as weapons, engines, etc.

The command /getvet will allow you to see how many days are logged for Veteran Rewards and if enough time is accumulated, then to receive that Reward using the /claimVet command.

Star Wars Lore [ ]

SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal mistress after the Battle of Endor. At the time, Lando's involvement with the mining operation known as Nomad City kept him from tinkering with the starship, but in the years since he has repeatedly modified and upgraded Lady Luck.

Lando initially planned to transform the Lady Luck into an advanced luxury cruiser. However, Calrissian's near-constant involvement with the New Republic has forced him to convert the Lady Luck into a competent combat vehicle. At first glance, the fifty-meter long starship appears to be an unarmed pleasure yacht, but this placid exterior conceals five retractable laser cannons and a small ion cannon turret. A pair of powerful Chempat-6 deflector shield generators provide moderate protection from enemy fire. The Lady Luck's engines are housed in two long engine pods connected to the main hull. Although the starship's sublight and hyperdrive speeds can't match those of the Millennium Falcon, the Lady Luck can still outrace nearly any other luxury vehicle in the galaxy.

Bridge of a luxury yacht

The Lady Luck's secondary systems truly set it apart. It has a highly-sophisticated sensor system allowing Lando to detect, identify, and scan approaching vessels at great range. When the Lady Luck is scanned by customs officials or enemy forces, the ship's transponder can be programmed with up to three separate false identities that include aliases, fake cargo manifests, and modified system specs. Lando frequently changes these identities, although he has used the alias "Stardream" on more than one occasion. A droid brain aboard the starship can pilot the starship in emergencies and direct it towards a summoning unit that Lando always keeps on his belt; this feature proved especially helpful when Lando, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo were forced to flee the mining city of Ilic. The starship also has concealed smuggler compartments.

Although the Lady Luck is now well-suited to combat, it is still a lavish luxury starship. An entire observation level includes an exterior deck and numerous viewports. Lando's private suite and the five visitor cabins are decorated with rare art from around the galaxy. Conform-couches can be found throughout the starship, and the main deck contains a jet-stream meditation pool, and a small crystal garden. Even the Lady Luck's escape pods are furnished with state-of-the-art grav-couches covered in the finest Corellian leather.

Please note that this Veteran Reward is not listed in the "Veteran Rewards" tab on the Star Wars Galaxies main page, though it is still available.

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SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

Category: Yacht

Silhouette: 4

Handling: 0

Model: Luxury 3000

Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation


Navicomputer: true

Encumbrance: 100

Passengers: 10

Price: 120,000

Additional Rules:

Index: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook :262

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Luxury 3000 Yacht

sorosuub luxury yacht 3000

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Craft : SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Type : Private space yacht Scale : Starfighter Length : 50 meters Skill : Space transports: Luxury 3000 yacht Crew : 1 Crew Skill : Varies widely Passengers : 10 Cargo Capacity : 100 metric tons Consumables : 1 month Cost : 250,000 (new), 150,000 (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier : x2 Hyperdrive Backup : x14 Nav Computer : Yes Maneuverability : 1D Space : 5 Atmosphere : 295; 850 kmh Hull : 2D+2 Shields : 1D Sensors : Passive: 25/1D Scan: 50/2D Search: 75/2D+2 Focus: 3/3D

Background:  The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travelers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious.

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod housed a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also had an observational level with an exterior deck near the aft of the ship, while the interior compartment had a small jet-stream meditation pool and several conform-couches. The main deck offered a dining area, a large private suite, and five visitor cabins, as well as the escape pods, the bridge and the main control systems. In addition, the viewports on the side of the ship were retractable. Above the bridge was a docking coupling. It also housed a retractable laser cannon on the ventral side of the ship in the event of emergencies. It sometimes also utilized ion engines. The power couplings and sensor arrays were at the front of the ship, and in some cases jutted out.

Before the Clone Wars, they were typically associated with diplomats for meetings and travel. They quickly fell out of favor as the war began as they were seen as targets for pirates and Separatists. During the Clone Wars, they were concealed with weapons to better protect themselves against Separatist attacks. Pirate captain Hondo Ohnaka piloted a Luxury 3000 space yacht dubbed Fortune and Glory.

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Luxury Yacht 3000

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SoroSuub 3000

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious.


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Postcards from Gulag

Photographs from the remnants of the gulag archipelago, watchtower, perm-36, perm krai.


Perm-36 is allegedly the only Gulag camp that has been turned into a museum. While this is not strictly true (there are other former camps that have been partly preserved) and Perm-36 is heavily reconstructed, the museum has conserved an important part of the Soviet camp system, especially from its latter era after the death of Stalin. Perm-36 camp operated from the 1940s until the last days of the Soviet Union, and it was meant mainly for the political prisoners and dissidents. Among the dense forests of Russia near the Ural mountains stands a solitary watchtower of the former camp. Behind it, inside the zona , one finds relics of the barracks, but somehow the tower itself, a symbol as poignant as barbed wire, communicates the utter isolation of Gulag victims.

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‘Project Ali Baba’ Yacht Makes Jeff Bezos’ $700 Million Megayacht Look Tiny

‘Project Ali Baba’ Yacht Makes Jeff Bezos’ $700 Million Megayacht Look Tiny


  • Lurssen’s $450 million Project Ali Baba is a 466-foot floating palace, set for delivery in December 2024.
  • This luxury superyacht will accommodate 24 guests across 12 staterooms, served by 45 crew members, and features two helipads.
  • Despite a collision during construction and a change in ownership due to sanctions, Project Ali Baba promises to set new standards in the world of luxury yachting.

Last year, German shipyard Lurssen made headlines with the unfortunate fire and the destruction of a Saudi billionaire’s $250 million USD yacht . But, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, Lurssen’s back in the spotlight with the superyacht Project Ali Baba—a 466-foot vessel that makes Jeff Bezos’ 416-foot sailing yacht, Koru , look like a dinghy in comparison.

A Palace Fit for a Super-Modern Sultan

Project Ali Baba has begun sea trials in Germany, with construction nearly complete and only minor adjustments remaining. The trials showcase a close-up of the yacht’s extended bow, drawing inspiration in design from military styles. The vessel is scheduled for delivery in December 2024.

sorosuub luxury yacht 3000

At $450 million USD, Project Ali Baba is the nautical equivalent of the GDP of a small country. This aquatic wonder will sleep 24 guests in 12 staterooms, waited on by 45 crew—because when you’re this wealthy, even your help has help.

The four-deck yacht features two helipads—one fore and one aft—revealing the near-constant flurry of high-profile visitors. It also features a spacious beach club off the aft of the main deck and several lounge areas sprinkled throughout, promising endless possibilities for relaxation and fun.

Luxury That Defies Description

Characteristically tight-lipped, Lurssen doesn’t give away many secrets regarding the interior of this yacht. However, reports suggest unparalleled luxury abounds: sumptuous furnishings, sophisticated entertainment systems, and custom finishes redefine opulence. The upper deck is rumoured to be a private sanctuary for the ultra-wealthy owner, with exclusive amenities to fire the imagination.

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‘Honolulu’ Superyacht: Lürssen Shipyard Fire Destroys Saudi Billionaire’s $400 Million Yacht

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‘Ulyssia’ Superyacht: World’s Largest Yacht Is Bigger Than The Titanic & Way More Luxurious

Built from a steel hull, aluminium superstructure, and teak decking, Project Ali Baba is an engineering masterpiece with great design. With a gross tonnage of 9,400 GT, she will enter into the elite fleet of only 70 motor yachts that have exceeded 100 meters in length. Her MTU engines promise impressive performance, with a maximum speed of 20 knots and a cruise speed of 12 knots. With an added 3,000 nautical mile range, no destination will be out of reach.

Ali Baba Superyacht

A Giant’s Turbulent Path

The path of this yacht to centre stage wasn’t all without incident. In December last year , the yacht collided with an internal gate and had a brief encounter with a bridge, providing an early, brief glimpse of the gigantic vessel of luxury.

Project Ali Baba started construction in 2019 and was commissioned by Russian billionaire Leonid Mikhelson, estimated to be worth $25.5 billion USD per Bloomberg . Then came Russia’s war on Ukraine, and Mikhelson wasn’t able to take possession because of subsequent sanctions. Sold while still under construction, the true identity of Project Ali Baba’s new owner remains a tantalising mystery.

Ali Baba Superyacht

The Future of Floating Fortunes

Even as climate activists protest these fuel-guzzling giants and the occasional superyacht meets an unexpected fate , the demand for these floating palaces simply shows no signs of abating. Project Ali Baba is among the ten superyachts in the construction process at Lurssen.

sorosuub luxury yacht 3000

As a matter of fact, it is estimated that the global superyacht market was valued at over $10.2 billion USD in 2022 and is set to hit $25.7 billion USD by 2032, growing at a robust 9.8% CAGR.

Whether one applauds or condemns the luxury yacht industry, the numbers do tell the story. The rich and famous continue to pump money into these fabulous vessels as part status and part testament to their unlimited wealth. With Project Ali Baba set to rule the waves, the adage is once again proved right that as far as superyachts are concerned, nothing’s too big, too luxurious, or too expensive.

After all, in the world of the super-rich, the sea’s the limit.

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  1. SoroSuub Luxury Yacht ortho by unusualsuspex.deviantart.com on @deviantART

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  3. The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more

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  4. SoroSuub Luxury Yacht 3000

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  5. SoroSuub Luxury Yacht 3000 by wingzero-01-custom on DeviantArt

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  6. Admiral Belzediel

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  1. Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious. The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod housed a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also had an observational level with an exterior deck near the ...

  2. Luxury 3000 space yacht

    The Luxury 3000 space yacht, also known as the SoroSuub 3000 or Personal Luxury Yacht 3000,[2] was, as its name implied, a luxurious transport ship manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation. Before the Clone Wars, they were typically associated with diplomats for meetings and travel. They quickly fell out of favor as the war began as they were seen as targets for pirates and Separatists. During the ...

  3. Sorosuub Luxury Yacht

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal ...

  4. Star Wars Galaxies: Sorosuub Luxury Yacht tour

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  6. Star Wars Lady Luck SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

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  7. Star Wars Galaxies

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal ...

  8. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    Dimensions. Length: 55.52m. When style's your name and comfort's your game, look no further than the Luxury 3000 space yacht when you want to travel the stars. The sleek, precision-crafted starship hails from one of the finest starship manufacturers in the galaxy. It has spacious interiors, often modified for the heights of opulence.

  9. SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travelers rather than cargo and far more luxurious. Designed for use by the Galaxy's rich and powerful, the Sorosuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is made to please. The vessels feature a private suite in the bow, a main deck with an ...

  10. Star Wars Ships and Vehicles: SoroSuub

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  11. Luxury 3000 yacht

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious. The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod houses a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine.

  12. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    The Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a ship made by SoroSuub Corporation.

  13. Lady Luck

    The Lady Luck—a SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000—was the personal starship of gambler and Rebel Alliance/New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. The ship was named after Ymile, the girlfriend of Dominic Raynor, who secretly helped Lando win Cloud City from Raynor, and whom Lando nicknamed his "Lady Luck" for her assistance. Lando owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the ...

  14. Sorosuub Luxury Yacht

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal ...

  15. SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    Price: 120,000. Rarity: 6. HP: 4. Weapons: 0. Additional Rules: Index: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook :262. Report an issue with this item. SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a Starship from Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook.

  16. Star Wars ...ish

    OP • 5 yr. ago. Workshop Link. "The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000s, made by SoroSuub, were utilized as early as the Clone Wars, including a visit to Naboo by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. During the Liberation of Gerrard V by the Rebel Alliance, the planet's Imperial governor used a small fleet of these yachts in an attempt to pillage the planet ...

  17. Luxury 3000 Yacht

    Focus: 3/3D. Background: The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travelers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious. The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod housed a sublight engine and a hyperdrive ...

  18. Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious. Craft ..... SoroSuub Personal Luxury 3000 Yacht Type ..... Private Space Yacht Cargo Capacity ..... 100 metric tons Scale...

  19. Glorious Chariot

    The Glorious Chariot was a Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 designed by the SoroSuub Corporation. This particular vessel was customized for the Hutt Darga Jiramma Mionne. The interior of the ship was once very nice, but like the inside of Darga's palace, it has been used as a den of iniquity for far too long. Much of the interior is in severe disrepair, and some parts of the ship can only be ...

  20. Watchtower, Perm-36, Perm Krai

    Perm-36 is allegedly the only Gulag camp that has been turned into a museum. While this is not strictly true (there are other former camps that have been partly preserved) and Perm-36 is heavily reconstructed, the museum has conserved an important part of the Soviet camp system, especially from its latter era after the death of Stalin.

  21. 'Project Ali Baba' Yacht Makes Jeff Bezos' $700 Million ...

    Lurssen's $450 million Project Ali Baba is a 466-foot floating palace, set for delivery in December 2024. This luxury superyacht will accommodate 24 guests across 12 staterooms, served by 45 ...

  22. Trains bypassing Perm-2

    Answered: Starting from November 14, some departures of the trains #83/#84 (Северный Урал) and #11/#12 (Ямал) will skip all stops from Perm-2 to Chusovskaya. These trains offer the best times to arrive in Perm from Nizhny Novgorod. May I ask what are the...

  23. Gornozavodsk, Perm Krai

    Gornozavodsk (Russian: Горнозаво́дск) is a town and the administrative center of Gornozavodsky District in Perm Krai, Russia, located 192 kilometers (119 mi) northeast of Perm, the administrative center of the krai.Population: 12,057 (2010 Russian census); 13,061 (2002 Census); 14,858 (1989 Soviet census). It was previously known as Novopashiysky (until 1965).

  24. Live Webcam Perm Dzerzhinsky City District, Perm Krai, RU

    City. This HD webcam at the Krylova Perm Zhk Danilikha Condominium complex shows the cityscape of Dzerzhinsky City District in Perm, western Russia, while listening to music via this live stream. Perm is the sixth-largest city in Russia, with a population of about 1.2 million people. It is an important centre for arts and culture, with numerous ...