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Father/Son is a mission in Grand Theft Auto V that protagonist Michael De Santa performs with the assistance of fellow protagonist Franklin Clinton .

  • 2 Mission Objectives
  • 3 Gold Medal Objectives
  • 4 Transcript
  • 6.1 Phone Calls
  • 6.2 Daily Globe Newspaper
  • 6.3 Lifeinvader Posts
  • 6.4 Bleeter Posts
  • 6.5 Weazel News
  • 7.1 Walkthrough
  • 8 Video Walkthroughs
  • 9 Oversights
  • 11 Navigation

Mission [ ]

This mission can be started as either Michael or Franklin. If the player chooses to start the mission as Michael, a cutscene at Michael's mansion shows Amanda and Tracey arguing over whether Tracey can have a male friend stay the night. Michael retreats out to the pool with a drink and listens to music, only to be interrupted by Franklin. If the player chooses to start the mission as Franklin, the mission begins with Franklin approaching Michael at the pool.

Franklin and Michael talk. Franklin is interested in learning from Michael's criminal experience, but Michael claims that he's retired and encourages Franklin to go to college so he can "rip off people and get paid to do it." Still, Michael takes an interest in Franklin and offers to buy him a beer at a nearby bar that Michael likes. The two head for Amanda's Sentinel to drive there, but are interrupted when Michael gets a call from his son, Jimmy , who informs Michael that he tried to sell Michael's yacht , without his father's permission. The buyers stole the boat instead, leaving Jimmy to cower and hide in the boat's head (bathroom) as the thieves drive it on a trailer down the Great Ocean Highway .

Michael takes the wheel of the Sentinel and heads to Pacific Bluffs . Along the way, Michael states that while he's retired, if Franklin sufficiently impresses him on this outing, Michael might teach Franklin a thing or two. They reach the Great Ocean Highway and they spot Michael's yacht flying by, pulled by a Phantom . The two give chase as the thieves follow the Del Perro Freeway .

Upon arriving the first checkpoint, where the truck is seen, the entire sequence of traffic is scripted, and all ambient traffic is disabled:

  • The Phantom spawns, towing the Yacht trailer .
  • A Buffalo spawns near the gas station, along with a clean Surfer , which passes across the truck's path.
  • In traffic, a Speedo , Jackal , Asterope and Dominator are found, leading towards the tunnel.
  • Numerous Feltzers and Blistas are found around the highway.
  • Upon entering the tunnel, the truck causes a red Jackal to crash into the central divider, narrowly missing a lime green Feltzer on the opposite side. A Tourbus is also found entering the tunnel.
  • Inside the tunnel, a Bison is seen on the opposite lane, followed by a Dashound . On the player's side, the truck narrowly misses a black Stretch . A Jackal and Feltzer also lose control with the truck passing them.
  • Near the exit, another Bison, Blista, and Dashound are seen on the highway. More Feltzers are also found.
  • A red Flatbed loaded with a yellow and black Gauntlet makes its way off the off-ramp, onto the highway, only to rear-end a car losing control. The Gauntlet then falls off the truck.
  • Many of the aforementioned cars are found around the exit of the tunnel, including Bisons, Buffalos, and Feltzers.
  • Passing over the Palomino Avenue intersection, a Trashmaster comes to a halt, while a Jackal swerves out of control, avoiding the truck, alongside a Bison turning right off the freeway.
  • Along the La Puerta Freeway span, a large amount of Phantoms , almost all of which towing large box trailers , are seen. Usually just one or two of the same livery trailer are found, such as Cluckin' Bell or a generic blank box trailer. Two pass over the off-ramp leading to the Olympic Freeway as the chase sequence passes under.
  • After the large wave of trailer trucks, which ends briefly after passing over Innocence Boulevard , more generic traffic appears, including Blistas and Dilettantes. A utility Boxville , followed by a Regina and a unique brown GoPostal Boxville are seen on the freeway.
  • Around the point Jimmy swings out on the boom of the boat, a Speedo , Blista and Phantom are located on the large bend towards the Miriam Turner Overpass .
  • Once on the overpass, little to no traffic spawns until passing over Elysian Island . At which point, McGill-Olsen Burritos , more Blistas and Bisons spawn. A Prison Bus is also found further along the freeway.
  • Once the car is damaged, generic, ambient traffic begins to spawn. The scripted sequence is ended.
  • The Phantom carries on driving out of view, all the way towards Murrieta Oil Field , before the truck despawns, leaving the trailer.
  • This mission has by far the largest variety of scripted traffic, having at least 4 common vehicles as opposed to the standard 2; the Blista, Jackal, Buffalo, and Feltzer. In the PC version, this has a small effect on performance compared to other missions, even other scripted sequences.

To save Jimmy, Franklin climbs onto the car's hood, jumps onto the yacht, and deals with the goons on the stern before retrieving Michael's son. However, Jimmy gets hit by the boat's boom when it swings outward and ends up dangling over the freeway while clinging to the boom for dear life. Michael pulls up close enough in time for Jimmy to drop into the back of the Sentinel. Michael then gets near enough to the rear of the yacht so that Franklin can jump safely onto the hood.

With Franklin back in the car Michael wants to continue pursuing the thieves, but the engine of the Sentinel begins to break down, due to a goon having shot it earlier while grappling with Franklin. Left unable to keep up the pursuit, the goons get away, leaving Michael crestfallen. On Franklin's recommendation, the three drive to the nearby Los Santos Customs where Hao works, and Michael has Franklin call him a taxi to meet them there; over Jimmy's protest, he asks Franklin to take care of the Sentinel and get Jimmy home so Michael can have some alone time to "headbutt the road in peace." Michael gives Franklin the cash he has on him for the repairs and takes the cab home while Franklin and Jimmy get the Sentinel fixed. Following that, Franklin drives Jimmy home and the two agree to hang out sometime.

Mission Objectives [ ]

As Michael:

  • Go to Pacific Bluffs.
  • Get Franklin close to the yacht.
  • Shoot the thief.
  • Chase the yacht.
  • Catch Jimmy.

As Franklin:

  • Go to Los Santos Customs.
  • Get Amanda's car repaired.
  • Go to Michael's house.

Gold Medal Objectives [ ]

  • Immediately go towards the mast once Jimmy is visible, and make sure to keep the car steady underneath it while still avoiding traffic.
  • Drive back carefully.

Transcript [ ]

This section/page depicts all cutscenes and dialogues in the mission " Father/Son " in Grand Theft Auto V .

The following scene only appears if the mission is started with .

You're such a fucking dictator!
The scene cuts to Tracey arguing with her mother, , in the kitchen.
Why the fuck not?
He's not staying the night! He's a bum! I don't even know why you are with him!
Oh my God! I don't give a shit!
The scene cuts to Michael going to the pool with a drink while smoking.
: He's a bum! He is homeless!
: Are you kidding me?! He doesn't have anywhere to go!
: I don't care!
: Oh my God!
: I do, you hear me?
: Oh my God! You have no say...
: Keep your mouth shut! What I do is none of your business!
: I fucking saw him!
: And watch your language! I'm gonna call your father and you're gonna get your ass kicked!
: It's not fair! I hope someone cuts your brake cables!
: I swear to God, you kill me!
: kill me!
: You know it's not that I wish I...
: Stupid bitch...
Michael sits down on his lawn chair and puts some earphones on to drown out his family's arguing. He turns on his phone and puts on "I Don't Care Anymore" by Phil Collins before relaxing and having a drink.
The cutscene starts here if the mission is started with .
Franklin arrives at the pool. Michael notices Franklin and takes off his sunglasses. He then takes off his earphones.
What do you want?
Man, I come by that drink you ordered. That's all.
I wasn't really serious about that.
You're here, whatever. Sit.
Franklin sits down on another lawn chair next to Michael.
You're not gonna rob me again?
Man, I never robbed you. That was just a repossession.
(chuckles) call it whatever you wanna call it. I really don't care. (smokes) What can I do for ya?
Shit, I just came by to see if there's somethin' I can help you with. I see you doin' well for yourself.
Look...I'm retired.
Ain't you a bit young for the pipe, slippers, and starin' at a fuckin' sunset?
You know, I've been in this game for a lot of years, and I got out alive. That makes me the right age. You look like a good kid. If you want my advice, you give this shit up. You work hard, screw over everybody that you love, hurt, rob, kill indiscriminately and maybe...just maybe, if you're lucky, you become a three-bit gangster. It's bullshit. Go to college. Then you can rip people off and get paid for it. It's called capitalism.
Hmm, so what I saw the other day was like when a corpse briefly reanimates itself and terrorizes everyone, right?
What you saw the other day...was a guy dealing with pests.
I guess I never saw myself as just a fuckin' pest.
Well, then today's lesson's all about humility. Tomorrow we'll try a training montage.
A training what?
Nothin'. I was just lost in an eighties movie fantasy.
Yeah, I can see you spend a lot of time there.
Yeah, as much as I can.
So that's why you here in Vinewood, then, right?
Maybe I'm here because I'm just an idiot who thinks that imported palm trees are a good substitute for not really knowing what the fuck you're doing on this earth.
Jesus, man. You a good time, you know that?
Michael gets up from his lawn chair and takes his phone.
I'll tell you what, least I can do is buy you that beer. There's a little bar I like, it's not too far from here. Let's go.
Alright, man. I'm following you.

*We're taking my wife's car.
*(sigh) Let's take Amanda's car.
As Michael and Franklin head towards Amanda's , Michael gets a phone call from his son, .
Hey Jim, I'm going for a drink w...
: Dad, shit! I'm in our boat going down the Western Highway. It's... it's been stolen.
What? The yacht's been stolen?
: I was trying to sell it. I know you didn't want it sold, but I need money, and they don't want to buy it, they just want to take it. I'm hiding in the head.
You're insane! Alright, I'm coming, for my boat!
The following text will appear if Michael hangs up on Jimmy.
: Dad - come quick! These guys are stealing ur yacht, we're heading towards the freeway. Totes not my fault!
Alrighty, then. Change of plans. My darling boy is in trouble.
I'll do what I can to help with that, man.
Michael and Franklin get into Amanda's car and head towards .
Lesson number one: don't ever have kids.
Hey man, look, if I had kids, I don't think no parenting issues would arise over who had boat privileges and who don't. Shit, motherfuckers be lucky to sit in a bath tub.
Shit, things that desperate, huh?
Nah, but, you know, shit, I was making a point.
Mythologizing self-deprecation. I know it well...
Yeah man, but shit, where the boat at?
Little shit's been hijacked. They're somewhere on the Western Highway.
Man, ain't you worried?
About my boat? Yeah, I am.
But you can always buy another boat.
Yeah, tell my accountant that.
Man, you can always get credit for one.
And have you come and repo it? No thank you.
Alright, homie.
I ain't your homie, I'm someone you wanna impress.
Really? Man, I thought you was retired. Why the fuck do I want to impress some slipper-wearing motherfucker?
Because I can still teach you a thing or two. Maybe help you open the door to all the joys that boat-related parenting issues entail.
So I'ma help you get this boat back, right?
That you are, my friend.
As Michael and Franklin approach Western Highway, they see a hauling Michael's .
Oh! There! There! There it is! That's my boat!
Your boat's in a fuckin' hurry, man.
Yeah, well, we'll catch 'em.
We got a plan?
Sure. Once I get us up close, you're the boarding party.
More like the falling in traffic party.
You'll be fine. Anything happens, I got a piece in the glove box. I'll cover you.
Oh yeah, man. Fine. Just fucking fine. So you thought of everything, right?
Well you said you wanted to learn the old way of doing things. This is the old way.
Michael gets Franklin close to the yacht, and Franklin jumps onto the yacht, dealing with thugs that get in his way.
Ah, fuck this!
Hey, aren't they stealing this to sell it? Come on! Ah, too close!
Get 'yo ass out of here.
As Franklin fights with the thieves, one of them inadvertedly shoots the Sentinel's engine.

*Not the engine! Shit! The fucking engine!
*Oh, they didn't! They fucking shot the engine! Fuck!
Franklin throws one of the thieves off the yacht.

*Throw him overboard!
*Hey, stop throwing assholes at me!
*Knock it off, you thieving pricks.
*You got four lanes to throw guys at.
Franklin deals with another thief, getting into another fist fight.
Be cool, Frank. Be cool. Shit. You're pirates - you know that?
Michael shoots another thief.
Okay! Now, go find Jimmy!
Dad? Wait! You're the guy from the dealership?
Yup. And it's a long story, bro.
Jimmy gets snagged by the yacht's boom.
Jimmy! Kid, watch out for the boom! Fuck, hold on.
Arrghh! Dad! Help! Help! Help!
Whoa! Crap!
Michael lines the car with the boom and catches his son. Michael: The fuck is wrong with you, kid? Jimmy: Dad? Michael: Don't "Dad" me, you little shit. You better hope she's still seaworthy.
NOTE: If Michael doesn't save Jimmy, as well as Franklin, in time, the Sentinel's engine starts to malfunction which forces Michael to pull over at the end of the bridge as he stops and repeatedly hits the stirring wheel in anger. Michael: Fuuuuuck! Arrrrrgh! The Mission Fails for not saving everyone in time.
Hey, shoot this motherfucker!
One of the thieves falls off from the boom.
Yeeeeesh! Nah...shit. Come on, kid. Come on, kid.
Hey! Get me off of this damn thing!
Michael catches Franklin as he lands on the car's bonnet. Franklin: Remind me not to come to you for parenting advice. Michael: *All-a-fuckin'-board? Let's stop this ship from sailing. *That everyone? Alright, time to get the boat back.
NOTE: If Michael doesn't save Franklin in time, the Sentinel's engine starts to malfunction which forces Michael to pull over at the end of the bridge as he stops and hits the stirring wheel in frustration. Michael: Argh! Jimmy: Dad, don't be all butt hurt. At least you got me out of there. Michael: You listen to me, you little shit! That kid just jumped off the hood of a moving car to save your ass, and now he's gone! And so is my boat! The Mission Fails for not saving everyone in time.
This is getting really weird, pop.
The Sentinel's engine starts to malfunction.
Ooooh, now doesn't sound good.
Damn, that's the engine, man. We ain't chasing shit in this thing.

*Don't break down. Not yet.
*Come on, stay with me. Stay with me...
The yacht goes out of Michael, Jimmy and Franklin's view.
(groans) My fucking boat!'s just a thing! At least you've still got a son...
Eh. There's a chop shop back there, dog. You drive us there, we can get the ride fixed.
Michael, Jimmy and Franklin drive to near the .
My boat!
It's just a thing.
My boat.
Please stop doing that... Listen... I fucked up, okay...I'm not going to lie. That was...a really bad judgment call...but...shit, Dad, I nearly died, and all you give a shit about is this fucking boat?!'s not's...
All we do is scream at each wonder I can't get a job...It's all your fucking fault. Or, it's not...but it's your fault. I...I mean, I just want to impress you.
By selling my boat to some gang bangers?
I know it sounds dumb when you put it like that...but all you do is daydream or get angry...
Look, I love you, Jimmy, but you're an asshole, and right now, with my boat disappearing over the horizon, that's all I can see... Franklin, would you do me a favor and give this kid a ride home after they've fixed this thing? I want to headbutt the road in peace.
Oh, great - leave me with the home invader!
I'll get it done, dog, no problem.
(not in subtitles) Dad!
Enough, alright? Franklin, do me a favor, call me a taxi, will you?
Sure thing, man.
Franklin gets his phone out and calls .
Hey, I need a cab as soon as you can send one. Los Santos Customs, by the airport. A'ight, thanks.
Thank you.
Eh, man, we might be able to find the boat, you know.
We ain't gonna find it, it's gone.
Man, I can ask around...
Don't worry about it, it's gone. I'll call the insurance company.
You covered for fire and theft, right?
I'm guessing they don't get too many piracy claims on the Great Ocean Freeway, you know. Fuck, I hate paperwork.
Eh, so you, ehh, do much yachting?
Not anymore, no. I don't.
, I mean, man.
Nah, nah, not really. This little shit stays in his room all day, and I don't have many other people to go with, you know. I liked looking at it.
Yeah, you know, I'd come down to the marina, sit on the dock, pour myself a drink and look at her - Jacqueline. It'd clear my head, you know, let me dream.
Jacqueline, huh? Well, maybe you need to do some other shit to fill your time. Dream other dreams, man.
Yeah, sure, whatever.
Michael, Franklin and Jimmy approach Los Santos Customs.
Hey, this the place up here. I know this dude, man, his name's Hao. He goin' look after.
Take what's in my pocket - a couple of thousand bucks. That'll cover it, right?
Yeah, should be cool.
Michael, Jimmy and Franklin arrive at Los Santos Customs.
So, you sure you're good?
Yeah, I got this.
Michael gets out of the car. As Franklin takes the driver's seat, Jimmy climbs over to the front passenger seat.
Ooo, and I'm gonna come up front.
Get out and walk around.
It's okay, I can just climb over.
Look, I'm gonna get the ride fixed, man, and drop it back off at your house along with this dude. It's all good though, man. You go and get your head right, alright?
Alright. Listen, thanks for today. Appreciate it. You stop back out to the house, we'll talk.
You see?
Fo' sho, man. Hey, sorry we didn't get your boat, man.
Michael hails a and gets into it.
Come on, man. Let's trick this whip, homie.
Franklin and Jimmy drive into Los Santos Customs.
: ) Still need to get you out for one of the races, Franklin. See if you drive as fast as you talk.
Surprised you're not still licking your wounds after losing that race, Franklin.
For a second, I thought you'd just come here to talk smack about that race you won.
Franklin gets Amanda's car fixed up.

*Alright. Good as new.
*Reconditioned, sweet.
Franklin leaves Los Santos Customs and drives Jimmy back to the .
I'ma take you home now.
It's Franklin, right?
Yeah, Franklin. Or the credit fraud guy, the home invader, you know what, call me what you like, man.
Yeah, ahh, no. I mean, sure...
Jimmy, ain't it? Or James?
Jimmy. Or, just, like... Jizzle?
(chuckles) No man, I'll just stick with Jimmy, homie.
So, ahh, what's the deal, man?
You and my old man? I see you at the dealership. Then someone steals my whip. And Pop is all like, he's been down there to talk to you guys.
Your pops did more than talk.
What he do?
Look, man, if he ain't tell you, I ain't gonna tell you. But I lost my fuckin' job and I thought maybe he could help me find a new one.
Dude, my dad is retired. Like, fully. Like, his only marketable skills are watching TV and daytime drinking.
Man, look, I dunno homie, he seems okay to me. Shit, he saved your ass.
saved my ass.
Nah, nah, man. Well, well, maybe we good together, you know? Like, maybe we can get shit done we couldn't do separately.
If it keeps him out of the house, that's cool by me.
Yeah, well, we'll see.
Look, I'm sorry my dad lost you your job. It's hard out there. Tough. I mean, I'm employmentally challenged at the moment.
Oh, you got fired, dude? Damn, that's rough.
Not , as such, I didn't get a job.
I've been there, homie. You been putting them resumes out there, but no one's hiring, huh?
No, I, uhh, I didn't get a job. I've never had a job. It feels like hard work, life. The days just kind of disappear. Hey, you play Righteous Slaughter?
Nah. Not since the first couple.
Franklin and Jimmy arrive back at Michael's home.
Yo! So, like, since we're both unemployed, like, we could run together, you know?
Yeah, I'll think about it, homie.
Or, or, we could just, like, chop it, y'know? Play darts or get our drink on? Strip clubs? Come on, dude, I get real crazy.
Yeah, I got your number should I need it, man. But, uh...hey-hey, you know what? Man, go easy on your pops, dog. Alright?
Alright. Church.
(chuckles) Exactly, man.
My brother from another mother. I mean...I-I hope so 'cause my mom was kind of a skank back in the day. See ya!
Yeah, whatever, homie. Peace!
  • Several Marabunta Grande members – Killed by Michael in order to save Franklin, Jimmy, and in a failed attempt to retrieve his stolen yacht.

Aftermath [ ]

Phone calls [ ].

  • Jimmy De Santa - Franklin can call Jimmy immediately after this mission. Franklin will ask Jimmy how Michael is doing, to which Jimmy says he's fine, but doesn't understand what his dad is adding to their partnership. Franklin tries to tell Jimmy that life where he's from is rough, and not glamorous as Jimmy thinks it is, but hopes that some of Michael's "shine" will rub off on him. Jimmy doesn't understand where Franklin is coming from, to which Franklin tells him he's got to go and hangs up.
  • If the player switches to Michael right after the mission, he will get out of the taxi he took during the mission in Morningwood (close to the Tivoli Cinema ), or seen dropping off Amanda (who is in a bad mood, probably because of what happened with her car) at Portola Drive to go shopping.

Daily Globe Newspaper [ ]

Terror on the highway.

Forrest Simon - Daily Globe

" Motorists on the Del Perro Freeway were thrown into a panic when a high-speed gun battle broke out between two vehicles, one of which was carrying a yacht. What sparked the clash and the identity of the two groups of men involved is not yet known, but this leads us to our reader poll of the day: "Is a drive-by shootout over a luxury yacht a sign that Los Santos is in economic crisis, or out of economic crisis? "

Lifeinvader Posts [ ]

  • Jimmy De Santa - " So yeah sorry about the boat i was just trying to use my initiative and make a contribution to the finances like you keep saying i need to. Gotta get creative in a recession! At least i was outside right??? That home invader turned out to be pretty cool, btw. "

Bleeter Posts [ ]

  • @muttonjohnpoo - " You know you're in Los Santos when...there's a driveby shootout on the Del Perro Freeway over a yacht. "

Weazel News [ ]

" High speed gun battle on a Los Santos freeway. Shock and terror on the Del Perro Freeway earlier as two groups of men engaged in a high speed gun battle over a luxury yacht. The Weazel News team was there just minutes too late, as usual, and spoke to this man. "I thought it was a joke or some prank until a bullet came through the window and tore through my artery. Now if you don't mind, I need to go to the hospital. "

Gallery [ ]

tr3 Boat Trailer (Rear quarter view)

Walkthrough [ ]

Franklin greeting Michael.

Video Walkthroughs [ ]

Father/Son Mission Walkthrough

Oversights [ ]

  • A glitch can occur when Franklin and Jimmy have Amanda's car repaired while in Los Santos Customs. If the player selects the "Armor" menu, but leaves without choosing any modifications, Amanda's car will have the roof up when Franklin drives it out of the garage.
  • After the player rescues Jimmy and arrives at the Los Santos Customs, they can kill Jimmy by shooting the red tank nearby and having the flames from it reach him. This doesn't lead to the mission failing.
  • The song Michael listens to on his iFruit phone during the opening cutscene is " I Don't Care Anymore " by Phil Collins . When Michael, Franklin and Jimmy drive to Los Santos Customs the song playing on the radio will always be " All the Things She Said " by Simple Minds . Both songs can be heard on Los Santos Rock Radio .
  • The Phantom towing Michael's boat trailer is immune to the player - it cannot be destroyed, and is difficult to catch up with, particularly at its first instance. It also cannot be beaten; if the player manages to get ahead of the truck, it will speed ahead, particularly at the end of the chase.
  • This mission is similar to part of the final mission in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas , where Sweet Johnson jumps onto the back of a fire truck similar to Franklin jumping onto the yacht. Then when the side of the yacht swings out, and Jimmy is left dangling from it, it is similar to when Sweet was left dangling from the ladder of the fire truck.
  • The Wilhelm scream is heard when Franklin throws the first goon off the boat.
  • Alternatively, if the player hasn't done any of Hao's races, Hao will comment that Franklin really needs to sign up for the races.
  • After the end of the mission, Jimmy will send a text message to Franklin asking him to accept his friend invitation on Lifeinvader , however, there will be no friend invitation on Franklin's Lifeinvader page.
  • If the player manages to follow the truck's path after the engine is damaged, one will eventually find the trailer abandoned in the middle of the road. It seems that the truck leaves Elysian Fields Freeway by going to Amarillo Way , turns to the east side of Innocence Boulevard and, eventually, despawns at the intersection with El Rancho Boulevard (right before entering to Sustancia Road ). The trailer itself will eventually despawn too.
  • When Franklin jumps from the Marquis to the Sentinel, he will make his way to the passenger seat regardless of the car's movement, even if it is flying through the air or upside down.
  • If the player leaves Los Santos Customs without repairing the Sentinel, the mission will fail with the message "You failed to fix the car." This message is oddly written in second person, instead of the usual third person.
  • If Michael fails to catch Franklin before the truck drives away, a special cutscene will play. Michael pulls over, he then grunts, and Jimmy will say to him " Dad, don't be all butt hurt. At least you got me out of there. ", making Michael angry, who shouts at Jimmy saying " You listen to me, you little shit! That kid just jumped off the hood of a moving car to save your ass, and now he's gone! And so is my boat! ", before leading to mission failure. If Michael fails to save them both, Michael will pull over at the same spot, yelling " Fuuuuuck! ", constantly hitting the steering wheel, before laying his head on it crying, again leading to mission failure.
  • The Sentinel is scripted to break down after two gunshots to the engine, even if the player avoids the gunshots altogether. In normal gameplay, however, the Sentinel's engine can take up to twenty gunshots before the engine is destroyed.
  • Grenades and Sticky Bombs thrown during the chase will not blow up when triggered, wasting them away. They can be blown up after the yacht is lost, however.
  • When the player switches to Michael after this mission has been completed, he may sometimes be seen at the dock, upset at the loss of his boat.
  • If the player doesn't take the shortcut and instead takes the long way to Los Santos Customs after the car's engine dies, Michael will tell Franklin a slightly long story about how much his boat meant to him. After the part where Franklin calls Michael a cab, Michael will also mention that he calls his boat "Jacqueline", much to Franklin's curiosity.
  • It is possible to customize the Sentinel after repairing it. Doing so will prompt Jimmy to jokingly say that Amanda will be angry once she finds out.
  • If the player gets to Los Santos Customs before Franklin calls a cab for Michael, Franklin will offer Michael a ride back to the house, though Michael will wave down a cab anyway.

Navigation [ ]

• ] series
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• ] in
Introduction |
Part 1 |
Part 2


Part 1 | |
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8


Part 1 |
Part 2 | | | |
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Option A | | |
Option B | | |
No Options |
Option A Heist Setup
The Jewel Store Job
The Merryweather Heist
The Bureau Raid |
The Big Score | | |


The Jewel Store Job |
The Merryweather Heist |
The Bureau RaidN/A
The Big Score | |
Blitz Play | | | |
The Paleto Score


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6


Part 1 | |
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


Part 1 |
Part 2
Part 3


Part 1
Part 2 |


Option A
Option B
Option C
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

[ E ] - Enhanced Version only missions

  • 1 100% Completion in GTA San Andreas
  • 2 Vehicles in GTA V
  • 3 Vehicles in GTA Online

GTA Online: How To Complete The Superyacht Life Missions


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GTA Online Player Shows How Broken the Game's AI Is

How gta online can foreshadow the plot of gta 6, black myth: wukong— how to beat yellow loong (golden loong staff location), quick links, what is a superyacht life, mission 1: overboard, mission 2: salvage, mission 3: all hands, mission 4: icebreaker, mission 5: bon voyage.

Unlike most entries in the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Grand Theft Online allows players to breathe life into their characters and explore Southern San Andreas as their own crime lords-to-be. Now outside the confines of the stories of usual Grand Theft Auto protagonists, GTA Online players are left to their own devices to make a name for themselves with a rising criminal empire. That, or just go have explosive mayhem with their friends.

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Thankfully, players who want a genuine GTA experience can rely on missions to give them a semblance of sanity in the game’s setting. One such quest is “A Superyacht Life,” which in itself is a series of six missions that players can pursue with up to three friends. What makes “A Superyacht Life” one of the most memorable quest lines in the hit online installment, and how can players complete it?

Available through the Los Santos Summer Special update released in 2020, “A Superyacht Life” is a questline given to a player or up to four players. This questline is primarily set in the Galaxy Super Yacht , an expensive GTA Online vehicle that players will eventually own.

Similar to other questlines in GTA Online , the ones provided in A Superyacht Life revolve around an interconnected plot point. Players must assist the quest-giver, Captain Brendan Darcy, in various duties involving the usage of the Galaxy Super Yacht. These include undersea missions, cargo retrieval, and even fulfilling the goals of high-end clients.

Accessing The Quests

Players can access "A Superyacht Life" from the Bridge of the Galaxy Super Yacht. From here, they should head to the Captain’s Workstation to load the current mission available to them.

Alternatively, players may be able to use their smartphone to call Captain Brendan Darcy and then choose a Request Job. The current available mission in the series should be made accessible to players. Both these options are available as long as players haven’t completed the questline in full.

When players access this mission, a distressed Captain Darcy informs the player that someone has stolen the yacht’s jetskis (another expensive GTA Online vehicle ) as well as important documents related to both the Captain and the players. The documents specify that they are “permanent residents of international waters.”

First, head to the Vespucci Canals, the last known location of the joyriders. The waterworks can prove tricky ground to eliminate the thieves at first, but the area provides both decent cover and a lot of openings to shoot opponents.

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The Captain will then inform players that the thieves were part of a Puerto Del Sol yacht club, which means players have to exact revenge against them. To do this, they need to head to the yacht club and sink the 10 boats located there. Players need to do this fast, as one of the boats may attempt to sail away from danger. This second objective is tricky, as this part of the mission is done with a Wanted level that doesn’t lower. The yacht club also has medium-level Security Guards. Moreover, the mission is only completed once players lose their Wanted level as well.

After a successful encounter with thieves, the Captain sends players to their second Grand Theft Auto mission . "Salvage" resembles a more modern take on sea exploration, albeit with a dash of wanton violence. The Captain informs a player of a distress call that has come from a sunken supply ship, the Olifantus, not too far from them. Should they make it in time, they will be able to retrieve the cargo and the loot for themselves.

Retrieving Supplies

Players are first directed to a dredge barge just south of the yacht. Go underwater towards the shipwreck and slowly retrieve the supplies. Players can’t stay underwater for too long, though. They are able to rise and swim back courtesy of Rebreathers, around 10 of which are provided. Players may also use their own scuba suit for this portion of the game.

Dealing With The Kkangpae

The Captain, via a call, congratulates the player after their retrieval of the cargo. Unfortunately, the sound of glass breaking can be heard, as well as the implication that part of the cargo has been stolen. Players have to go back to the ship, only to see it hijacked by the Kkangpae. They will also notice some enemies riding Dinghies circling their yacht. The confrontation with the Kkangpae is tricky, as players find themselves surrounded. There is no time limit for rescuing the Captain though, so players can take their time.

After eliminating the Kkangpae, players will receive a call from an unknown number with the Captain on the line. He will explain that the Kkangpae took him and the bartender hostage as revenge for the yacht destruction in the previous mission. Players will be directed to a peninsula near Cape Catfish, with one area designated as a hostage site. Be careful during this portion of the mission, as the player's travel towards the peninsula will have them encounter various Kkangpae. Not only that, they need to steer clear of the hostage site, as the Captain and bartender will be executed once players are seen at a particular distance. Eliminating the hostiles stealthily will complete the mission.

The adventures of the players and the Galaxy Super Yacht take a wilder turn fitting the Grand Theft Auto name courtesy of the third mission. When players accept their mission, the Captain tells the player of a business deal they have to salvage involving the Pacific Country Club. Apparently, an unknown party has started setting club members' cars on fire, and it’s up to players to stop this. Despite its straightforward nature, the mission has a particular complexity that players need to consider.

Stealing The Tula

First, go to the LSIA to steal a Tula (an aerial firefighting plane) from the coast guard before the fire department is able to respond to the situation. When players arrive at the airport, around 10 Coast Guard members are patrolling the area. Players will notice stealth visibility cones in their minimaps, all from the Coast Guard members. Players need to steal the Tula quietly, as getting spotted will give players 2 Stars in Wanted levels.

Once players do steal the Tula, they will notice a new part of the HUD: a “Water Remaining” gauge. Players need to land on water periodically to refill it, and should do so until they have around eight water gauges. This serves as “water bombs” to wipe out the fire in the garage. After filling up the bars, players will get a text message warning them to stay out of this problem.

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Putting Out Fires

Players will notice eight burning cars when they arrive at the country club, all of which they have to extinguish. This becomes challenging as Kkangpae try to destroy the Tula from the ground. The added challenge here is that players only have five minutes to save all these vehicles.

When players finish this segment, the Captain will tell players that they need to go to the Pipeline Inn nearby to save yet another set of vehicles. This time around, players need to save six more vehicles within another five minutes while enemies try to destroy the Tula. After putting out all the fires, the Captain will tell players to bring the Tula back to the yacht for disposal. The mission ends when the player lands the Tula near the yacht.

Despite the difficulty of the mission, failing and restarting does get players next to the Tula without any enemies present. This allows them to simply load the Tula with water and proceed with the rest of the mission.

In the fourth mission, the Captain has begun formulating a plan for exacting vengeance against the Kkangpae for the previous mission’s kidnapping. This becomes a more action-packed take on the questline, akin to more standard missions in the title.

First, players have to go to the Fridgit Cold Storage warehouse inside the Cypress Flats. The mission will tell them to destroy all AC units that maintain the temperature of the gang’s products. During this part of the mission, the Kkangpae will attack players from Frogger choppers from the skies and from other rooftops. Players new to GTA Online need to be careful here, as they might be overwhelmed.

Next, players are asked to steal Benson, a product that the gang is currently preparing to deliver. The Captain will then tell players to deliver the product to the buyer themselves. During the process of delivery, the Kkangpae will still try to chase and attack the players from various directions and from different vehicles. The buyer is located in Del Perro’s Hedera Hotel, in an alley behind the structure. The mission is completed after players exit the vehicle.

Bon Voyage takes place during a heavy thunderstorm. At the start of this mission, the Captain tells players that the heavy rain has shut down both yacht’s engines and generators. Even the power onboard will go down, and the helicopter aboard the expensive GTA Online yacht explodes while waves of enemies slowly arrive.

The yacht usually has anti-aircraft systems, but the lack of electricity means they’re non-functional. Only the players are able to defend the yacht. This is perhaps the most difficult confrontation in the questline. Enemies will be coming from multiple fronts: enemies already onboard, those arriving from the sea, and those rappelling down from choppers.

There will be three waves of enemies of progressing difficulty. Unfortunately, players won’t be able to enter the interior of the yacht. However, players will continuously see Body Armor and Health pack pickups on the top deck just outside the bridge’s entry to give them the occasional boost.

After the second wave, the Captain will realize that the attackers are once again the Kkangpae. When players reach the third wave, the Captain will finally get power back on the yacht and activate the defenses. This gives players an offensive boost, as the Captain will be able to handle threats from the skies. After players clear the remaining threats from the boats and on the ground, they will finally complete the mission.

Grand Theft Auto Online was released for the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS3, PC, and Xbox 360.

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How to Complete the Save Boat Mission in Gta 5

  • February 29, 2024

In this guide, you will come to know how to complete the Save Boat mission in GTA 5 . You have to follow the simple steps in this guide to complete the mission. 

If you start the mission as Michael, then Franklin will come to you when you are chilling is in the backyard and ask for a job. At that time, Michael will receive a call from his son, and he will tell him that he is kidnapped with his boat. You need to take Franklin with you and follow the truck with your son and boat.

yacht mission gta 5 how to shoot

Now you need to follow the directions from your minimap and get to the main highway where you will find your boat. After that, you need to get closer to the boat and you will see that when you are very close to your boat, Franklin will jump over to the boat, and he will start fighting with the enemies.

yacht mission gta 5 how to shoot

While you are in the car, you need to use your gun and kill one or two enemies and then take your car to the left side of the boat. You will see that your son will jump over to your car from the boat then you have to take your car to the backside of the boat so that franklin will also get in the car,  as shown in the image below.

yacht mission gta 5 how to shoot

You have to turn around and go back to the garage to repair your damaged car. When you get there, Michael will leave the car and take a taxi home, while you have to repair the car and drop it off at Michael’s house. So the car’s repair will be free from the garage, then you have to drive the car to Michael’s house and leave to complete the mission.

yacht mission gta 5 how to shoot

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GTA 5 Mission 6 – Father/Son Guide

Home » Grand Theft Auto 5 » Missions » GTA 5 Mission 6 – Father/Son Guide

Father/Son Gold Medal Objectives

Quick CatchRescue Jimmy within 10 seconds
Not a ScratchAfter Franklin repairs Amanda’s car, deliver it with no damage

Get Franklin close to the yacht

GTA 5 Mission 6 Father Son Guide

Shoot the thief

Catch jimmy.

GTA 5 Mission 6 Father Son Guide

Catch Franklin

GTA 5 Mission 6 Father Son Guide

Repair Amanda’s car and return it to Micheal’s house

GTA 5 Mission 6 Father Son Guide


GTA 5 Mission 5 Complications

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How do I solve (shooting guy off yacht)?

Grand theft auto v, xbox one pc playstation 3 playstation 4 playstation 5 xbox 360 xbox series x, grand theft auto v (playstation 3).

  • Ok serious issue with hitting guy on yacht with gun while driving there a cheat or autopilot mode loll? (father son) mission moorefords68 - 10 years ago - report
  • Ok so This is franklen we are talking about. Use a sniper with a scope while on land and shot him in the head. Then Lester will send u the message of another guy to kill Metalgear737 - 10 years ago - report 21   24
  • Use your special ability. You can trigger your special ability by pressing on right trigger and left trigger (the ones for your thumbs) simultaneously. This should slow things down for you to aim and shoot the guy. davdirks - 10 years ago - report 27   57

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GTA Online Yacht Missions And Payouts

GTA Online offers a wide variety of mission chains and quests, providing players with the opportunity to earn substantial rewards. Among these missions are the Yacht missions, which are part of the "A Superyacht Life series" and become available after purchasing a Yacht. 

To assist you in completing these missions and obtaining the associated rewards, we have provided a comprehensive breakdown below. We will outline the specifics of each Yacht mission, explain the payout structure, and reveal the rewards you can expect upon completion.

GTA Online - All Yacht Missions

As part of the Los Santos Summer Special update in Grand Theft Auto Online, players can engage in a series of six missions called " A Superyacht Life. " These missions are assigned by Brendan Darcy, the captain of the player's Galaxy Super Yacht, and can be played by a group of 1 to 4 players.

GTA Online All Yacht Missions listed below

Below are the descriptions of all six of these Yacht missions in GTA Online:

Mission 1: Overboard

Captain Darcy alerts the player that the yacht's jetskis and important documents, which establish both the Captain and the player as permanent residents of international waters, have been stolen. The player is instructed to proceed to the Vespucci Canals, where the joyriders were last spotted. Eliminating the thieves in this area can be challenging, but it offers decent cover and strategic shooting positions.

GTA Online All Yacht Mission Overboard mission

The Captain reveals that the culprits are members of the Puerto Del Sol yacht club, prompting the player to seek revenge. The next objective is to head to the yacht club and sink the 10 boats docked there. Time is of the essence, as a boat may attempt to escape. Sink them all, and the mission will be completed.

Mission 2: Salvage

Brendan Darcy informs the player about a distress call from a sunken supply ship nearby. They are directed to a dredge barge to collect the sunken cargo around the wrecked Olifantus ship. 

After retrieving the cargo, the player returns to find the yacht invaded by the Kkangpae. They eliminate the hijackers and receive a call from Brendan, who reveals he and the bartender have been taken hostage. The player rescues them while fending off attackers and returns to the yacht.

Mission 3: All Hands

Brendan alerts the player about a problematic business deal at the Pacific Country Club. They must steal firefighting planes from LSIA to extinguish cars set on fire by club members. Guards at the airport trigger a 2-star wanted level until the Tula is acquired.

GTA Online All Yacht Missions All hands mission

After refueling in the air and receiving a threatening text message, the player heads to the country club. They extinguish burning vehicles while fending off Kkangpae attacks. There's a 5-minute time limit for each task. Brendan mentions additional fires at the Pipeline Inn. Returning the Tula to the yacht concludes the mission. Failing restarts at the LSIA hangar without enemies.

Mission 4: Icebreaker

Brendan Darcy devises a revenge plan against the Kkangpae for kidnapping him. The player destroys air-conditioning units at the Fridgit Cold Storage warehouse and steals the prepared product. 

The player must deliver the goods while fending off Kkangpae attacks. The mission ends when the player reaches the buyer in an alley behind the Hedera Hotel in Del Perro.

Mission 5: Bon Voyage

The mission starts with a stormy setting as the yacht's systems fail. Enemies attack from different directions, including onboard, in Dinghies, and from Buzzards. Brendan reveals that the attackers are the Kkangpae, the gang that previously kidnapped him. 

GTA Online All Yacht Missions Bon Voyage mission

The player defends the yacht through three waves of enemies. Brendan restores power and requests the player to eliminate remaining foes on foot and in boats. The mission ends after completing this task.

Mission 5: D-Day

Brendan informs the player about the boss of a money laundering outfit staying on a heavily defended yacht. He suggests using a Kraken submersible to sneak past their defenses. The sub is located near a barge, close to the rival yacht's defensive zone patrolled by Dinghies.

While operating the sub, the player must stay low to avoid detection and navigate through underwater mines. A detection meter shows the player's visibility to the yacht's defenses, while a depth meter indicates their underwater level. Staying at a safe depth of around 275-350ft is crucial. The surrounding area is patrolled by boats, so the player must remain submerged.

GTA Online All Yacht Missions Final mission D Day

Approaching the yacht's vicinity, the player resurfaces and boards the ship, engaging multiple enemies onboard. After eliminating all enemies, the boss tries to escape in a helicopter. The player must give chase, with the helicopter being escorted by two others. Dinghies also join the pursuit. The escort helicopters have gunners armed with RPGs. The target helicopter's health is displayed on-screen. Once the helicopter is destroyed and the boss is killed, Brendan suggests collecting the bounty on the boss's head, concluding the mission.

GTA Online - Yacht Missions Payouts

Currently, we don't have an exact number for the payout of each of these missions, since they depend on other factors such as the rank you play at and the amount of time the mission takes. However, we can say that the payout will be around the $38,000 mark (adjusting for the 25% increase thanks to the recent update), as after they are all complete, players will earn the Captain's Outfit as a souvenir.

GTA Online All Yacht Payout's total amount

So there you have it, a complete breakdown of all the Yacht missions on GTA Online as well as the Payouts you'll receive for completing them. Be sure to check back here soon, as we'll update this listing with the most relevant information as it's made available. 

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  7. How do I solve (shooting guy off yacht)?

    Use a sniper with a scope while on land and shot him in the head. Then Lester will send u the message of another guy to kill. Use your special ability. You can trigger your special ability by pressing on right trigger and left trigger (the ones for your thumbs) simultaneously. This should slow things down for you to aim and shoot the guy.

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    In this guide, you will come to know how to complete the Save Boat mission in GTA 5. You have to follow the simple steps in this guide to complete the mission. If you start the mission as Michael, then Franklin will come to you when you are chilling is in the backyard and ask for a job. At that time, Michael will receive a call from his son ...

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    GTA 5 Mission 6 - Father/Son guide with screenshots and details for mission objectives how to get Gold medal. ... Shoot the thief This can be extremely hard due to fact that car moves fast. Practicing shooting at ammu-nation store will help a lot. ... As soon as Jimmy starts hanging from the yacht, you have 10 seconds to drive the car beneath ...

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    Call Imani, pay $12K, and you're off the radar indefinitely until you attack another player. The area is limited to roughly a 1 kilometer circle and it's greyed on your map so you can see where it is. Once you use it, it's stuck in that spot, you can't call and ask for it again. Plan accordingly.

  15. How do I solve (shooting guy off yacht)?

    The Bullet occasionally spawns painted in light blue with orange lateral stripes as a secondary color. This is a reference to the distinctive Gulf Oil racing livery applied to several real-life GT40 race cars in the 1960s; furthermore, the Bullet is based on the modern-day version of the GT40, the Ford GT.

  16. GTA Online Yacht Missions And Payouts

    GTA Online - All Yacht Missions. As part of the Los Santos Summer Special update in Grand Theft Auto Online, players can engage in a series of six missions called "A Superyacht Life." These missions are assigned by Brendan Darcy, the captain of the player's Galaxy Super Yacht, and can be played by a group of 1 to 4 players.

  17. Cannot get past Father and Son mission

    Members. Joined: 02/10/2016. Posted February 11, 2016. Hi Guys. Yes it's true i am a noob but i cannot get past the Father and Son Mission Franklin almost always get thrown of the boat or i have a collision with someone i tried it 50 , 60 times you guys would probably say try harder i have checked you tube but no help there so maybe some of you ...

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    Hold L1 and use R to aim, then R1 will fire. It takes a lot of practice to get used to it but keep at it, you'll get there. Nope. Aiming and firing while driving is a pain in the ass, at least on PS4 as you need all your fingers in a various and uncomfortable position. You need to get used to it and better at it.

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    Call a Stripper on cell phone - invite them to yacht so you and your friends can have a lap dance by the chair to the right of the bar. Get to the yacht and put on the defense so that the people chasing you get blown out of the sky, and if they start coming to you by boat/swimming/etc. just use the capt and move your boat to another location.

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    I give my complete rundown of every yacht mission and what you get for completing the yacht mission strand in the GTA Online Los Santos Summer Special Update...