Better Sailing

Sailboat Vs Yacht: What is The Difference?

Sailboat Vs Yacht: What is The Difference?

Many boaters use the terms “sailboat” and “yacht” interchangeably when they are actually quite distinct. A yacht is a larger boat or ship that is used for recreational purposes. The term “yacht” is of Dutch origin, and it was initially described as a small, swift sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to track down and catch pirates. A boat, on the other hand, is a smaller vessel that can range from a fishing boat to a sailboat in size. So, if you’re interested in this topic, this article will compare yachting with sailing in many ways. Like this, you will have a much better understanding of which option is best for you. Keep reading!

Sailboats and Yachts: Meaning

Firstly, it’s important to understand the meaning of each word. Generally, a boat is a form of watercraft that comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. A boat is a watercraft that is small enough to fit on a ship, which is typically less than 1,000 feet long. A ship is a huge vessel with a large carrying capacity that can transport other vessels. The size, shape, and capacity of a boat vary depending on its intended usage. Boats are most commonly employed for navigating places along the water’s edge or inland waterways like lakes and rivers, although they can be utilized on any water source. Boats can be used for a variety of purposes, including providing service to people and vessels on the water, recreational activities, commercial passenger, and cargo transportation across waterways.

So, a sailboat (sailing vessel) is a boat that is propelled primarily by the force of the wind on sails. Keep in mind that the term “boat” can cause some misconceptions about the vessel’s size. People may refer to it as a sailing ship rather than a sailing boat once it reaches a particular size. Also, boats are generally thought to be smaller than ships. A sailboat is a water-borne watercraft whose principal means of propulsion is the wind, which is captured and controlled by triangular-shaped pieces of cloth known as ‘sails.’ On the other hand, a powerboat is a watercraft with an internal combustion engine as its primary source of propulsion.

A yacht is most likely a vessel that is primarily used for personal rather than business purposes. There are yachts that you can hire for a week or more. This might add a little confusion as they are commercially owned but within the hire period, they are used by individuals for leisure purposes. Generally, people usually refer to sailboats as yachts or vice-versa. This is a common phenomenon nowadays, however, there are significantly more sailing yachts than motor yachts at the seaside/marina. If you want to specify a boat that is not largely powered by the wind, use the word motor yacht.

Sailing yachts and motor-powered yachts are the two forms of yachts available today. Yachts range in length from 26 feet to hundreds of feet. A cabin cruiser, or just a cruiser, is a luxury vessel that is less than 39 feet long. A superyacht is typically above 70 feet long. So, what is the definition of a mega yacht? They usually exceed 150 feet in length, but there is no top limit! Note that the world’s largest boat is 728 feet long, or 222 meters.

Let’s now check the main differences between a sailboat and a yacht:

Sails and Motor

The boat may be powered purely by the wind or by one or more inboard or outboard motors, depending on the model. While some larger boats may have very massive engines to provide genuine speed on the water, most yacht engines are far less powerful. Yacht engines are substantially larger, can produce far more power – up to 800hp in some circumstances – and can go many further distances.

If you’re searching for a vessel that’s easier to operate, you could argue that a yacht is a superior option. Sure, the computer components are more complicated, and there is more to manage, but sailing will be simpler. In stormy weather, managing a sail can be tricky. From inside the cabin, you can’t manage your sails. You may, however, operate your yacht from the cabin.

It’s a fact that sailboats will always have sails. After all, it’s their primary source of propulsion. The nail is what propels the boat forward by harnessing the wind. So long as the weather permits, sailing can be done anywhere, at any time. Yachting, on the other hand, has its own set of restrictions. A yacht will usually lack a sail, which can be viewed as a good or negative aspect, depending on your perspective.

The advantage of having a sail over only an engine is that you don’t have to worry about running out of fuel. Fuel is not only costly but also inconvenient and pollutes the environment. When on long voyages, you must always keep an eye on your fuel levels, or you risk breaking down at sea. The great thing with sailboats is that as long as there is wind, a sailboat can sail. If you have an extra sail onboard, you should be alright regardless of what occurs. You have a significantly lower chance of being left stranded at sea.

Sailyacht Vs Yacht

>>Also Read: Sailboats Vs Powerboats: Why Sailboats are Better

Size Matters

The size difference between a yacht and a sailboat is one of the most significant ones. Most of the time, a sailboat will almost certainly be smaller than a yacht. Of course, some sailboats are larger than others, but if we’re talking about average sizes, a yacht will be larger. The reason that size counts so much when deciding which boat to buy is that the available space is limited. So, if you opt for space note that the larger your boat is, the more space you’ll have. This may seem self-evident, but it is one of the most crucial aspects of your boat to which many people forget to give due consideration.

Generally, when it comes to boats, size will always matter. Except in cases where someone prefers overall better performance and speed. But, keep in mind that almost everything you do will be influenced by the size of your boat. The smaller the boat, the less storage space you have, the less space you have for emergency supplies, and even the less space you have for yourself. Regardless of the size of your boat, your sleeping quarters will most certainly be small. Also, depending on your height, every inch of a room may be crucial.

When there are more people on your boat than just you, size matters the most. If you intend to live alone on your yacht, you will have a significant space advantage. If there are three persons on board, you probably going to need more equipment and devices for cooking or for emergencies. All of this suggests that the sleeping space is the most significant distinction between living alone and living with people. If you live alone on a yacht that can sleep four people in theory, you will have a lot more storage and consequently space.

People on Board

The extent to which the crew will influence your decision is mostly determined by your budget and the size of the vessel you are considering buying. Meaning that if you’re intending to buy a sailboat, you won’t need any crew. Except for your family/friends that live on your boat with you, you basically are the entire crew. However, if you own a yacht, it’s an entirely different scenario.

If you intend to live aboard your yacht, you may require the assistance of one or two crew members. There will be plenty to do even if you are the most essential member of the team, i.e. the captain. This is because you might haven’t already mastered things like navigation, maintenance, plumbing, and engineering. So, a yacht often requires a complete crew to assist with navigation, maintenance, electronics and engineering, repairs, and sometimes even stewards to attend to the passengers.

In other words, having a sailboat means that you can take care of everything yourself. There are only a few computer components that will need to be repaired, and you are unlikely to have an engine. Repairing a sailboat isn’t easy in and of itself; it’s just easier for one person to handle. Meaning that it’s far easier to replace a sail than it is to fix an engine. In bad weather, a small sailboat is just easier to monitor than a large yacht. At the absolute least, another set of eyes will be probably required when sailing with a yacht.

Price also Matters

In general, yachts tend to be more expensive than sailboats. Occasionally, a great deal more. For a variety of factors, the most important of which are materials, design, and construction techniques. Note also that a boat’s price is likely to rise as it becomes more modern. Although this isn’t always the case, it is the vast majority of the time. If money is a key factor in deciding which boat to buy, here’s something to think about: just because a yacht is more expensive doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have one. If you have the cash, knowledge, and you know the kind of sailing you will be doing then go for a yacht!

Note also that a sailboat can be outfitted with a variety of amenities and conveniences. But, the sailboat doesn’t always include these features. This will mostly depend on the type of sailboat. As a result, buying a basic sailboat can save you a lot of money. However, most yachts will provide high end amenities. As a result, a motor yacht will cost significantly more than a regular sailboat. Sailboats are also smaller than yachts, which means you have a larger selection of less expensive boats to pick from when making your purchase. But, yachts often start in the six-figure range and can reach millions of dollars depending on the yacht’s size, age, and build quality.

Maintenance and Repairs

Yachts are frequently more expensive to maintain than sailboats. Meaning that boat engines require a great deal of upkeep, and the expense of fuel can be prohibitive for many individuals. For example, did you know that a gallon of diesel fuel in a yacht may only allow you to travel less than 1 nautical mile? If you’re going on a long voyage out to the sea, you can end up spending a lot of money on fuel. A sailboat, on the other hand, can take you wherever you want to go with very little fuel. Bear in mind also that a yacht’s insurance is more expensive than that of a sailboat. One of the main reasons is because it is classified as a yacht.

In addition to the boat’s price there are some other things to consider. The most important one is maintenance and repairs. A boat will always need these and it might need them once per month or once per year. It depends on the kind of repairs and on the way in which you “treat” your boat. Also, if you’re buying a used sailboat, you will need sometimes more research and more money for upgrades. It will be repainted, restored, and upgraded, although it will remain the same size. You should approach buying a boat in the same way that you would with a car. So, according to the size and kind of boat you want to buy, it’s important to keep in mind the price and extra costs as well.

While advanced marine electronics and navigation systems are available on some boats, they are more of a must for yachts. When doing transatlantic voyages, it is critical not only to be able to navigate with precision but also to be able to identify other boats or objects that you may not be able to see, as well as to comprehend your vessel’s performance.

When it comes to technology, it’s not just about whether you’re choosing a sailboat or a yacht. The age of the specific vessel is also something to consider. A sailboat that is more than ten years old may not be as technologically advanced as a brand new sailboat. Better technology can offer a lot of opportunities for you if you decide to buy a yacht. First and foremost, it can make working on your boat much more convenient. There’s no reason you couldn’t work remotely from your boat if you have the ability to set up a functional office with wifi.

Technology also brings up a lot of new possibilities for you when it comes to the act of sailing. A sailboat could traverse the Pacific or Atlantic, but it would be rather difficult. On the other hand, with a yacht, it can be a lot easier. In comparison to a sailboat, your yacht will have advanced navigational systems, warning and guidance systems, and many more safety features.

Sea, Lakes, or Rivers?

Bear in mind that in shallow waters, large yachts are unable to sail. A sailboat is a way to go if you plan on sailing in areas with shallow waters. In the Caribbean, for example, a yacht might be difficult to navigate. At the very least, it’ll be more difficult than sailing. A yacht, on the other hand, may travel to far more places than a sailboat.

A small sailboat might theoretically sail across the Atlantic. However, it can be quite risky, and your boat might not be able to withstand the strong winds and waves. Furthermore, if you’re aboard a sailboat, you can be the only one on board. This means that if the worst happens, far out at sea, there will be no one to aid you. You can do it, of course, but it is risky.

So, smaller boats may normally operate in calmer seas such as lakes, rivers, and shallow harbors. Larger boats, usually between 20 and 30 feet long, can equally navigate rougher ocean seas. A yacht, on the other hand, can sail in deeper ocean waters and handle more choppy seas. Yachts are significantly more ideal for lengthy ocean voyages due to their bigger size, high-tech electronics and guidance equipment, weather protection, and a variety of other characteristics.

Sailboats Vs Yachts

>>Also Read: Sailing Vs Boating: Why Sailing Is Better

Sailboat and Yatch Construction

Depending on the anticipated scale of production, sailboat makers can fabricate their own parts or order them. Masts, sails, engines, and metal fittings are common items provided by specialty vendors. Boatbuilders, on the other hand, create their own fiberglass hulls, using Gel coat polyester resin, a catalyst for the resin, woven fiberglass roving, and fiberglass. Wooden hull manufacturers create and shape their own wood in the same way. Note that the main building materials used in boat construction are aluminum, metal, wood, and fiberglass. The unique structure of each material offers a different design and usage as well as additional features to the way in which the boat is built.

Material considerations are important, whether they affect the cost or the durability of the product. Fiberglass, carbon fiber, and metals such as titanium will also be used to construct a boat. On the contrary, a sailboat will most likely be composed of wood or fiberglass. So, in case you value safety and sturdiness above all else, and money isn’t a big issue, a yacht will be significantly safer for you.

The material can also influence the way in which you make repairs. For instance, a wooden boat is much easier to repair than a metal boat. You can make some simple and quick repairs using wood, and they’ll probably last till you get to a marina. To do major repairs on a yacht, you’ll need a lot of specialized equipment and knowledge. Moreover, you may need to ask for a crew member to help you with this.

Sailboat Vs Yacht – Summary

As you can see there are many differences between a sailboat and a yacht. Nowadays many people tend to confuse or don’t be aware of the exact meaning and differences of these vessels, and it’s normal. But, we, as sailors, have to know the differences in order to understand which kind of boat is right for us. For example, if you want big spaces, luxury, or intend to liveaboard then you should opt for a yacht. But, if you want to experience the true joy of sailing, sail anywhere without worrying about polluting the environment or spending too much on fuel, then go for a sailboat! It will entirely depend on your needs and preferences so weigh the pros and cons of each one before making the decision.

In any case, I hope that you have now clarified the differences between these two and that you will make the right choice. I wish you all safe & enjoyable voyages!


Peter is the editor of Better Sailing. He has sailed for countless hours and has maintained his own boats and sailboats for years. After years of trial and error, he decided to start this website to share the knowledge.

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How to buy a boat: your guide to buying a yacht

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sailing boat and yacht

The process of buying a sailing yacht can sometimes be long-winded and stressful, especially if it’s your first time considering boat ownership. To avoid it being too daunting the first step is to think the whole thing through very carefully and then make a proper plan.

First and foremost, decide what type of sailing you will actually do, as it will be an important indicator as to what size and type of boat you should aim to buy. If you’re still learning to sail then it’s advisable not to buy too big a boat as the bigger it is the more problems and costs you will acquire. It’s often better to buy a used boat that you can practise in and make mistakes on, as accidents can be expensive in a bigger, more valuable boat.

What type of boat?

sailing boat and yacht

A trailer-sailer will save on marina fees and can be big enough for cruising. Photo: Graham Snook


Key factors to look for in a trailer-sailer are size, weight and ease of rigging, launch and retrieval. Trailer-sailer masts are usually designed to be raised manually using an A-frame and tackle, and in many cases these will be provided with the boat. Being launched from a trailer means that it will most likely have a retractable keel and rudder, as well as a removable outboard motor.

Although it is possible to trail a small bilge-keeled boat, they are almost impossible to launch and recover without a crane, given the depth of water required for them to float on and off. If you’re planning on sailing with the family, bear in mind a retractable keel, whether it lifts or swings up, will nearly always impinge on the cabin in some way.

Above 750kg/16ft LOA you will need a larger (possibly four-wheel) trailer, with a more powerful towing vehicle and a few extra crew to help you rig and launch. In return, though, you’ll have a boat that you can live aboard in reasonable comfort for long weekends, or even the occasional week-long sailing trip.

Ideally, a cruising trailer-sailer would be no more than 24ft long and 1,500kg dry weight all up. If you’re going to be coastal cruising over long distances, however, you’ll probably prefer something bigger like a ‘trailer-able’ boat. These can be craned onto a larger, double-axled trailer and taken home or stored somewhere inland for the winter, saving marina berth costs or boatyard storage rates.

Not only does this make good economic sense, but it could also enable you to tow her to a new cruising destination each season. Probably the largest boat you could self-trail would be around 28ft, depending on its weight, beam and size of the towing vehicle.

sailing boat and yacht

Inshore sailing makes sense in a capable, affordable yacht like the Westerly Centaur. Photo: David Harding

Inshore/Coastal cruisers

Calling a yacht an inshore or coastal cruiser can be somewhat misleading, but since the EU introduced the RCD ‘Category’ system, the designations seem to have stuck. To my mind, any yacht that is seaworthy, properly maintained and has a skilled crew, is very likely to be capable of being sailed pretty much anywhere. A larger yacht may be more comfortable at sea and able to take on more crew and provisions, but a seaworthy boat should be just what it says.

If you plan to simply potter along within sight of land, stopping overnight in a sheltered anchorage or in a marina berth, then it obviously isn’t vital to have a boat that can withstand a storm at sea. You will rarely, if ever, experience storm conditions when you’re never more than a few miles from a safe refuge. That said, some still prefer an ocean-going yacht for coastal cruising ‘just in case’, and there’s nothing wrong with that, provided you can afford the extra maintenance and running costs.

Some experienced sailors swear by lightweight, high-performance yachts for coastal and offshore sailing. There’s a certain logic to this in that a quick boat stands more chance of reaching shelter before the worst of a challenging weather system hits.

My ideal coastal cruising yacht, however, is a compromise between a boat that’s reasonably fast and fun to sail, and one that can withstand the occasional Force 8 and 3m-high waves without frightening or risking the safety of my crew or family.

sailing boat and yacht

An Arcona 345 is a highly capable offshore yacht, but probably isn’t large enough be a true ‘bluewater’ yacht. Photo: Richard Langdon

Offshore/Ocean yachts

A true offshore/ocean-rated yacht will be strong, seaworthy and safe but, equally, it should exhibit a sea-kindly, predictable and well-balanced motion at sea, such that the crew remain able to sail, cook, eat and sleep regardless of stormy sea conditions.

What makes a yacht sea-kindly? First and foremost is its motion through, or over the waves. Many modern, lightweight yachts with flat, shallow underwater sections tend to slam into oncoming waves rather than slice through them. This not only jars the crew’s nerves and hurls everything out of the lockers below, but it also puts increased strain on the entire yacht as each thud shakes the hull and rig relentlessly on a long windward passage. Slamming doesn’t just test the integrity of the yacht to its limits, it drags the crew’s morale down and prevents them sleeping, cooking, eating or relaxing while off watch.

As with most aspects of sailing, there are many different schools of thought with offshore yacht design, but it is generally accepted that ocean-crossing yachts should be of a higher displacement than coastal cruisers and that they should have a deeper, vee-shaped forefoot to enable the hull to slice through oncoming waves.

A so-called bluewater cruiser is simply an offshore/ocean cruising yacht that has provision for living on board for extended periods of time under a wide variety of different circumstances. Usually, they will be better equipped with items like watermakers, generators, freezers, solar panels and sat-comms, but the style and design of the yacht itself will mostly be identical to an offshore/ocean-class yacht.

sailing boat and yacht

Stowage is an overlooked but vital consideration when assessing a cruising yacht. Photo: Graham Snook

What to consider


Does the boat you’re looking at suit the style of sailing you plan to do? If you’re only going to day sail along the coast then don’t worry about sea berths, for instance, although it’s useful to have at least one long, straight berth you can fix a lee cloth to in case someone becomes ill. Big, central double berths are great at anchor, but of little use under sail.

Separate cabins are crucial if you have kids on board, so as not to keep them awake in the evening when the adults are still up. Private heads are important too, particularly if you are planning to have friends on board regularly.

Stowage is also a vital consideration for cruising that new buyers often overlook. It’s really annoying to have to remove half the contents of a vast stowage bin to reach a single item at the bottom – so look out for easily accessible lockers, especially near the galley.

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It’s important when family sailing to have the mainsail control lines led back near the helm, so the boat can be safely sailed singlehanded if necessary. Try sitting by the helm and operating a headsail sheet winch. Is the mainsheet nearby so you can dump the main in a gust? Is the mainsheet track positioned where young fingers can easily get trapped? Are there plenty of harness attachments? Is there stowage for larger items like dinghies?

Rig and sails

Unless you’re planning on racing, look for a sail plan that’s easily handled. Nowadays most cruisers choose sloop rigs with in-mast furling mainsails; in fact they can often be standard. You will lose a little performance, though, so if speed and pointing ability are vital then opt for a fully battened mainsail with single-line reefing. Virtually all new cruising yachts these days will come with a furling genoa.

sailing boat and yacht

Will a wheel or tiller suit you best? And is the mainsheet within reach? Photo: David Harding /

Wheel or tiller? Most older boats under 32ft have tillers, whereas most new boats over 26ft offer wheel steering. If you like to ‘feel’ the boat more then go for a tiller. If a wheel seems more natural then go for it but expect to lose a little of the feedback a tiller offers.

sailing boat and yacht

You can put a cat on a beach for a barbecue or to inspect and give the hulls a scrub. Photo: Yachting Monthly

Monohull or multihull?

Most new boat buyers start by looking at monohulls, with few giving multihulls a second thought. However, it’s worth stepping on board a few catamarans or trimarans before dismissing them. Better still, give them a try. You might find the level sailing, greater deck space and higher speeds worth the drawbacks of having a larger boat to park and reduced load-carrying capacity.

Cruising cats have increased in popularity hugely in recent years due to the extra space they offer. They also draw very little, so you can get right in close to the shore or creep up shallow creeks where fin keeled monohulls dare not venture. They take the ground easily too, so you can actually park up on a beach.

sailing boat and yacht

Shopping for a new boat is all part of the fun but beware of hidden costs. Photo: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

New or used?

It’s great to own a brand-new yacht but there are many good reasons for choosing a cared-for used boat. Most will have had any initial faults rectified and are likely to come with all the necessary cruising kit. The downside is not knowing how well she’s been maintained. Depending on age, essentials such as the rig and engine could require expensive replacement.

Privately owned boats under five years old tend to be well shaken down, but not worn to the point of imminent repair. Older boats might well have gone through the first wear/replacement stage and have new sails, rigging and engine.

Most equipment, especially engines, lasts longer if the boat is used regularly. The exception is with charter boats, where everything will be well worn.

A charter yacht will endure ten times the wear and tear of a private one, despite being regularly maintained. Never buy an ex-charter yacht without getting a thorough, detailed survey.

Buying a yacht new

Before buying a new boat bear in mind you’ll need considerable additional kit that’s not included. Don’t get carried away with the options list while forgetting equipment essentials. A good guide is to allow a further 15-20% of the list price to fully equip her for cruising.

It’s also worth noting that the price displayed at a boat show may exclude delivery and commissioning, which can add another chunk to the bottom line.

When you find a boat that ticks all your boxes, go somewhere quiet and add up the real cost including any ‘essential’ options. If there’s anything left in your budget, tick off any ‘luxury’ items you’d like in order of preference, until the pot is empty. You might prefer to opt for a slightly smaller boat but equip it to a higher standard.

A word of warning: if you buy the biggest boat you can afford with the intention of adding goodies later, it will almost always cost considerably more than having them fitted at the factory or during commissioning.

sailing boat and yacht

No matter how much you like a boat, always engage a professional marine surveyor. Photo: Graham Snook

Buying a yacht used

Never make an offer on a boat before seeing it. Even if you’re not an expert it’s worth looking for obvious things before engaging a surveyor. Check for hull cracking, gelcoat blisters, evidence of collisions, squashy decks, dodgy wiring, damaged sails, water in the bilges, seized pumps and so on. If the boat is untidy and uncared for it’s likely to have been neglected in its previous life.

Get an idea of the value of that type of boat in basic form by checking prices of similar craft online. If they range from £20-£35,000, for example, start with the lower figure and add on the value of any extra equipment. For instance, if she has new sails, raise the base ‘value’ by £2,000. For a new engine, add £3,000, and so on. When you reach a figure you think is about right, offer the vendor 20% less and see what happens.

Always make your offer subject to survey, then if problems are discovered you can reduce your offer by the cost of any remedial work required. Once a deal is agreed, if she’s out of the water, retain 10% until she is launched and the powertrain is tested.

sailing boat and yacht

How well will the boat reverse and manoeuvre in tight marina spaces?

The test sail

I would never buy any boat without first taking it for a test sail unless it’s dirt cheap. Some sellers won’t want the hassle, but if she’s had a good survey and you’re really keen the owner should realise this and go along with it. If ashore, the launch/retrieval costs will be yours, as will the surveyor’s bill. If you agree to purchase immediately after the test sail you might not need to crane her back out again.

If buying new the broker should have a demonstrator in the water for you to sail. It might not be equipped to your specification, but it’ll be the same model.

If you’re new to sailing, take an experienced friend or surveyor along if possible. Take your family or your partner along too, to get their opinions.

From the moment you step on board keep your senses alert. How easy is it to get on board from the pontoon? How much does the boat tip over with your weight on the sidedeck? How easy is it to walk around the decks without tripping?

Take a camera and notebook and jot down anything you’re not sure about so you can double-check it later.

Checking the engine

The first thing to test is the engine. If it’s a used boat then pull the dipstick before starting it to check the colour of the oil – any whiteness could be water and is a sign of a problem. Make sure the preheat works and that it starts easily. Marine diesels often smoke a bit at first but should clear once the engine has warmed up. Check the exhaust to ensure it’s emitting a steady stream of water.

Try some simple manoeuvres ahead and astern to get the feel of how she handles under power. Some will have noticeable prop wash, especially those with a fixed-blade propeller, but you can often use this to your advantage once you know how strong and in which direction it acts.

Once on the move go up through the revs just to check there are no flat spots and that she revs to the correct level. Few skippers ever use full revs but it’s a good indicator that all’s well with the engine, transmission and prop. Return to cruising revs and go below to hear how much noise is evident, especially in the aft cabin.

sailing boat and yacht

Check the condition of the sails closely, especially along the seams

Inspecting the rig

Ask the owner to show you where all the sail controls are, don’t just let them sail you around. Helping to hoist sail will show how easy or difficult it is and make handling or gear problems obvious. If it’s hard to hoist a halyard, ask why. The solution might be simple (often a lack of maintenance in a used boat), but it need not be insurmountable.

Check the headsail furler if it has one, by unfurling and refurling it. If it’s stiff to furl, check the swivels for wear. It could simply be poor maintenance, or it might be something more serious like halyard wrap or failed bearings.

Once the sails are hoisted give them a good inspection, particularly along the seams and around the clew, tack and reefing cringles (metal grommets for control lines).

sailing boat and yacht

Laminate sails, such as these FibrePath Enduro sails from Ullman, utilise the boat’s pointing ability and rig controls. Photo: Richard Langdon

Once you’re sailing, ask to take the helm or have your experienced mate take over. You’re looking to see how well balanced she is (assuming the sails are trimmed correctly), and how reactive the steering is.

Ideally, the helm ‘feel’ should be light but positive. It should feel like you’re just there to change direction if needed, not to keep permanent pressure on to hold her on course.

If the steering is noticeably heavy, you have too much sail up or they’re not trimmed correctly, but it’s worth asking the owner or the rep about it.

All points of sail

Put in a few tacks to see how quickly she comes around and how well the deck gear functions. Try her on every point of sail – close-hauled, reaching and running, to see what she’s capable of and if she has any particular foibles.

Depending on the sea conditions, see how she handles with a bit too much sail up and if possible how she copes in strong gusts. Then find out how easy it is to put a reef in.

Check the navigation instruments are all functioning as they should and, if it’s a particularly complicated system, ask the owner or the rep to go through all the nav instruments with you. Finally, hand the controls over to someone else and go below to see what it’s like under sail. Take note of steps, grab handles or bars and fiddles, and then simulate going to the loo, preparing a meal, lying in a berth or plotting a fix at the chart table.

sailing boat and yacht

For ocean sailing a yacht with a longer keel is best for comfort in heavy seas

Buying a long keel yacht

The extra drag created by their large wetted area makes them relatively slow compared to more modern designs, but they provide a comfortable ride in heavy seas, with the fullness of the keel limiting leeway and helping to keep the boat on a straight course downwind with little or no adjustment to the helm. Popular for ocean cruising but poor at manoeuvring under power in tight marinas.

sailing boat and yacht

A fin keel should make a boat faster and more agile

Buying a fin keel yacht

Cutting away the forefoot of a long keel reduces the hull’s resistance to tacking and manoeuvring, while also lessening hydrodynamic drag and thereby increasing speed. Many have ballast bulbs at the bottom to lower the yacht’s centre of gravity (CoG). The resulting short, deep keel makes a boat much more agile.

sailing boat and yacht

An obvious advantage of a twin keel is its ability to take the ground

Buying a twin keel yacht

Also called bilge keels they provide low draught for shallow water cruising and allow a yacht to take the ground upright without supporting legs. One drawback is increased leeway when sailing hard on the wind, due to the reduced wetted surface, and a propensity to heel more readily, due to the higher CoG. Often kept on drying moorings which can put the keel/hull joint under repeated pressure, so check for GRP cracks.

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Cruising World Logo

40 Best Sailboats

  • By Cruising World Editors
  • Updated: May 24, 2024

the 40 best sailboats

Sailors are certainly passionate about their boats, and if you doubt that bold statement, try posting an article dubbed “ 40 Best Sailboats ” and see what happens.

Barely had the list gone live, when one reader responded, “Where do I begin? So many glaring omissions!” Like scores of others, he listed a number of sailboats and brands that we were too stupid to think of, but unlike some, he did sign off on a somewhat upbeat note: “If it weren’t for the presence of the Bermuda 40 in Cruising World’s list, I wouldn’t even have bothered to vote.”

By vote, he means that he, like hundreds of other readers, took the time to click through to an accompanying page where we asked you to help us reshuffle our alphabetical listing of noteworthy production sailboats so that we could rank them instead by popularity. So we ask you to keep in mind that this list of the best sailboats was created by our readers.

The quest to building this list all began with such a simple question, one that’s probably been posed at one time or another in any bar where sailors meet to raise a glass or two: If you had to pick, what’re the best sailboats ever built?

In no time, a dozen or more from a variety of sailboat manufacturers were on the table and the debate was on. And so, having fun with it, we decided to put the same question to a handful of CW ‘s friends: writers and sailors and designers and builders whose opinions we value. Their favorites poured in and soon an inkling of a list began to take shape. To corral things a bit and avoid going all the way back to Joshua Slocum and his venerable Spray —Hell, to Noah and his infamous Ark —we decided to focus our concentration on production monohull sailboats, which literally opened up the sport to anyone who wanted to get out on the water. And since CW is on the verge or turning 40, we decided that would be a nice round number at which to draw the line and usher in our coming ruby anniversary.

If you enjoy scrolling through this list, which includes all types of sailboats, then perhaps you would also be interested in browsing our list of the Best Cruising Sailboats . Check it out and, of course, feel free to add your favorite boat, too. Here at Cruising World , we like nothing better than talking about boats, and it turns out, so do you.

– LEARN THE NAVIGATION RULES – Know the “Rules of the Road” that govern all boat traffic. Be courteous and never assume other boaters can see you. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

moore 24 sailboat

40. Moore 24

pearson vanguard sailboat

39. Pearson Vanguard

dufour arpege 30 sailboat

38. Dufour Arpege 30

Alerion Express 28

37. Alerion Express 28

Mason 43/44 sailboat

36. Mason 43/44

jeanneau sun odyssey 43ds sailboat

35. Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43DS

nor'sea 27 sailboat

34. Nor’Sea 27

freedom 40 sailboat

33. Freedom 40

beneteau sense 50 sailboat

32. Beneteau Sense 50

nonsuch 30 sailboat

31. Nonsuch 30

swan 44 sailboat

30. Swan 44

C&C landfall 38 sailboat

29. C&C Landfall 38

gulfstar 50 sailboat

28. Gulfstar 50

sabre 36 sailboat

27. Sabre 36

pearson triton sailboat

26. Pearson Triton

– CHECK THE FIT – Follow these guidelines to make sure your life jacket looks good, stays comfortable and works when you need it. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

islander 36 sailboat

25. Islander 36

gozzard 36 sailboat

24. Gozzard 36

bristol 40 sailboat

23. Bristol 40

tartan 34 sailboat

22. Tartan 34

morgan out island 41 sailboat

21. Morgan Out Island 41

hylas 49 sailboat

20. Hylas 49

contessa 26 sailboat

19. Contessa 26

Whitby 42 sailboat

18. Whitby 42

Columbia 50 sailboat

17. Columbia 50

morris 36 sailboat

16. Morris 36

hunter 356 sailboat

15. Hunter 356

cal 40 sailboat

13. Beneteau 423

westsail 32 sailboat

12. Westsail 32

CSY 44 sailboat

– CHECK THE WEATHER – The weather changes all the time. Always check the forecast and prepare for the worst case. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

Alberg 30 sailboat

10. Alberg 30

island packet 38 sailboat

9. Island Packet 38

passport 40 sailboat

8. Passport 40

tayana 37 sailboat

7. Tayana 37

peterson 44 sailboat

6. Peterson 44

pacific seacraft 37 sailboat

5. Pacific Seacraft 37

hallberg-rassy 42 sailboat

4. Hallberg-Rassy 42

catalina 30 sailboat

3. Catalina 30

hinckley bermuda 40 sailboat

2. Hinckley Bermuda 40

valiant 40 sailboat

1. Valiant 40

  • More: monohull , Sailboats
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My Cruiser Life Magazine

Yacht vs Sailboat – A Definitive Guide

What exactly is a yacht, anyway? Does it have to be a motor boat? But what about large sailing yachts?

The term is confusing because it is used differently in different places. Sometimes, it’s a term only reserved for large motor yachts with multiple crew member teams.

Here is a look at my observations. You might find that the lines are different in your harbor, but this article should get you started.

Table of Contents

  • Sailboat vs Yacht – What’s the Difference? 

Six Things that Make It a Yacht

So what’s a yachtie, then, sailing yacht vs motor yacht, types of yacht — what makes it a megayacht, modern yachts, classic designs.

  • What about Yacht Racing? 

Sailing Yachts or Motor Yachts

Faqs – motor and sailing yachts vs sailboats.

Cyclades: Milos

Sailboat vs Yacht – What’s the Difference?

Before diving in, it should be noted that there is some regional variation at play. For example, American and British sailors use the word yacht very differently.

First, the American definitions. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary, here are how sailboats compare to yachts.

Sailboat – A boat usually propelled by sail sailboat Boat – A small vessel for travel on water Yacht – Any of various recreational watercraft, such as a) a sailboat used for racing, or b) a large usually motor-driven craft used for pleasure cruising Merriam-Webster Dictonary

So right away, we can see a few trends that play out in the real world. For one, any term with the word “boat” is inherently generic. It could be a fishing boat, a work boat, or a pleasure boat. Likewise, it could be a sailboat or a motorboat.

On the other hand, a yacht is a special kind of boat. It is always for recreational and not commercial use. Sometimes it’s a sailboat used for racing, and sometimes a motorboat used for cruising.

From my personal experience on the water, I don’t disagree with this definition, but it leaves out a lot of nuances.

Across the Pond, the use of the word yacht is slightly different. In British usage, the words “yacht” and “sailboat” are used more or less interchangeably, with more sailors tending toward the word yacht. Here’s the definition according to the Cambridge English Dictionary. 

Yacht – a boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for either racing or traveling on for pleasure Cambridge English Dictionary

This sounds like the definition of a sailboat by US usage to my ear. But this is precisely how many Brits I have met in my travels refer to their boats—er, yachts. 

Besides the dictionary definitions, we could look at how the term is used in the publishing world. For example, one of the most popular UK-based magazines is Yachting World . The magazine covers cruising boats, global sailing destinations, around the world races, and general sailing techniques. Its nearest US competitor is called Cruising World.

A sail boat on the Aegean Sea.

As a boater in South Florida, I became more aware of the differences between a boat and a yacht. You cannot navigate the waters between Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and Miami for long without noticing a few other things that will qualify you as a yacht.

1. Yachts are nearly always operated by a professional crew who act as hosts for the owners and guests. There’s always a captain and chef, and usually stewards and deck hands too.

2. Yachts are flashy—they look expensive, and they are expensive. They shine, they’re always washed, and their wood and stainless glisten with perfection. After all, they have a full-time crew to tend to all of that.

3. While motor yachts are more common, there are plenty of beautiful sailing yachts on the water as well.

4. Yachts tend to be big. They need to be big enough for guests and crew to be comfortable. Plus, many are owned by business owners who use them to entertain. 

5. Yachts spend much of their time with no guests/owners on board. Instead, the crew moves the yacht from one place to another, and the owner flies in to enjoy a few days a month onboard. 

6. Many yachts are available for charter. While one person might own it and use it, they don’t spend all their time onboard. So when it’s still idle, it and its crew are leased out for days/weeks/months at a time.

Even within the subset of the motor yachts, there is significant variation and room for definition. To illustrate, some boats are designed to be sleek and modern, with the stately look of a yacht.

The term yachtie is commonly heard in port cities around the world as a person who gets off a yacht. Initially, this term was used only for wealthy owners or their guests. However, if you’re in a place where “yacht” means smaller boats, then any sailboat owner could be called a “yachtie.”

Nowadays, though, the term yachtie also could refer to the crew. Bravo TV’s Below Decks reality series focuses on the adventures and misadventures of the crews on these sorts of yachts.

More often than not, yachts are motorboats. But they aren’t just any motorboat. They are often sleek and fast ones that look like they just blasted out of the newest James Bond film.

There are also plenty of other styles of yacht on the ocean. Yachts take many shapes and forms since the best naval architects design them to suit whatever their clients want to do. 

For example, some yacht owners use their boats to explore the Seven Seas. To do this, they might commission a custom expedition yacht or convert an old research vessel, fishing boat, or tugboat. These vessels are great for getting off the beaten track and taking any long trip.

This photo was taken when I was at the Amalfi coast this summer. I shot this massive private yacht. Hope you like it!

And similarly, some yacht owners want to sail. Some enjoy sailing for sailing’s sake, and others want their floating mansions to produce a smaller environmental impact by cutting down on their use of fossil fuels. 

There are classic sailboat superyachts, like the three-masted schooner EOS . The EOS is the second-largest pure sailing yacht in the world at 305 feet (95 meters) long. She was launched in 2007 and is owned by movie billionaire Barry Diller and his wife, fashion designer Diane von Fürstenberg. 

But you can’t compare the motor yacht vs sailing yacht without mentioning some of the other ultra-modern takes on the classic sailboat. The Maltese Falcon is a well-known sailing superyacht with three masts. But unlike the conventional schooner rig found on the EOS, the 288-foot (88-meter) Maltese Falcon has DynaRig technology . It looks like a square-rigger from the 1800s, but the masts can rotate, allowing it to sail upwind.

And for those who are still pondering sailing vs motor yacht design, you can’t miss Sailing Yacht A . Sailing Yacht A is sometimes noted as the largest sailing yacht in the world, but due to its unusual design, it is actually a “sail-assisted yacht.” In other words, this boat has sails, but it needs to run the motor to make way—the sails only help the motors.

How Big Is a Yacht?

With varying meanings worldwide, no single definition for the word yacht exists. Many brokers and charter companies loosely define a yacht as being at least 80 feet (24 meters) long. 

In an industry where the lowest entry-level model needs to be big, luxurious, and fancy—how do different naval architects and boat makers differentiate themselves? In other words, how can a yacht be more than just a yacht? 

The answer, of course, is to be a SUPER or a MEGA yacht. There’s no agreed-upon definition of what precisely these terms entail, but make no mistake–it takes a big yacht. 

Worth Avenue Yachts, a global yacht broker and charter specialist company, postulates that a superyacht is at least 78 feet long (24 meters).

Furthermore, mega yachts are even grander. They start around the 200-foot (60-meter) line and keep getting bigger from there. The largest megayacht in the world is the 592-foot (180-meter) AZZAM . AZZAM was launched by Lürssen Yachts in 2013 was built for the President of the United Arab Emirates.

Yacht Aesthetics

So we’ve touched on the fact that yachts are usually pretty big, and in some cases really, really big. But there’s another thing that sets them apart from the typical sailboat, too. Yachts look different.

Generally, there are two aesthetics or looks that yachts take on, forming something of a motor yacht debate. Of course, this isn’t an inclusive list. Many designers work to make a statement with their yachts. The look of the finished vessel is a statement and an advertisement for the builder.

There are many yachts built that are designed right from the drawing board to turn heads. The most common way they do this is by making them modern and sleek, even futuristic at times. 

Designers and builders put the latest technologies into yachts to appeal to early adopters of new technologies. What CEO or celebrity doesn’t want to own the world’s fastest yacht ? 

And then there are futuristic-looking ones with forward-thinking designs. Boat International collected some of the craziest-looking yachts that are worth a look.

white and gold yacht scenery

The yachts above get their title as yachts thanks to their value and size. But there’s another classification that you should consider—those yachts that get their name for their air of traditionalism. 

Perhaps they are well-cared for or restored wooden hulled yachts from the 1920s or 30s. Many of these classics are sailing yachts , but that isn’t always the case. 

In some cases, they are modern fiberglass or metal-hulled boats built recently and designed by contemporary designers. But their owners wanted that classic yacht aesthetic, so they created something that appears older than it is. Here’s a look at some of the nicest classic yachts out there.

What about Yacht Racing?

The older, more traditional British use of the word yacht seeps into everyday American English in a few places. 

They’re more common on the international stage, so beyond the everyday use of yacht terms in the US, these particular uses harness a more global view of the word.

One such example is in the term yacht racing. Yacht racing sounds fancy, and it usually is, but it is entirely about sailboats. Yacht racing is usually done at a yacht club, another term that focuses on an older use of the word. 

In the heydays of the yacht club, the line between the sort of crewed megayachts you see today and the person sailboat was blurrier. Fewer people had boats, and those boats that the wealthy could afford were divided between large crewed vessels and those small private boats kept at clubs. And, of course, one of the favorite activities at the yacht clubs was yacht racing.

Yacht clubs are still a thing, but they are less a part of everyday boating in the US than they used to be. Yacht clubs range from a local, passionate small boat sailing community to exclusive, elite social clubs with little to do with yachts.

Yacht racing is an international sport, although even the Olympics refer to it now as “sailing.” The oldest trophy in sports is the America’s Cup , and the competition for it is the pinnacle event in yacht racing.

Rolex Middle Sea Race 2019

So how do you tell a yacht from other boats? It depends on several factors, but unlike a lot of things in boating, there really isn’t a right or wrong answer. If you want to call your new 20-foot pontoon a yacht or even a ship, go right ahead. However you want to enjoy life, the weather, sun, wind, or adventure, only one thing is for sure. Owning a boat makes it better!

To learn more about other boats and their comparisons, check out: Catamaran vs Pontoon

sailing boat and yacht

At what point does a sailboat become a yacht?

There is no definitive line where a sailing boat can be called a yacht. To some extent, you can use the word sailboat to describe any private, recreational sailing vessel. This is how the word is used in many parts of the world.

In the United States, the word yacht is usually reserved for crewed luxury vessels. To count as a yacht by this definition, the boat would need to be very high-end, sleek, and expensive. In short, it’s probably not a yacht if it’s under about 80 feet or so. 

Are yachts or sailboats more expensive?

Yachts are more expensive, but it’s all in the definition of the word. In the US, the understood definition of a yacht is a luxurious sailboat or motor yacht. More often than not, yachts are big enough to require a professional crew.

On the other hand, a sailboat is any vessel that uses sails for power. So a yacht could be a sailboat, but not all sailboats are yachts. By the US definition, most sailboats are small and far from the lavish luxury you’d find on a yacht. But in some parts of the world, “yacht” is used interchangeably for a sailboat of any value.

Is a 40 foot sailboat a yacht?

The answer depends on where you are from. In parts of the world heavily influenced by British English tradition, the word yacht is often interchangeable with sailboat. If this sounds right, then a 40-foot sailboat could definitely be a yacht.

But in the US, the word yacht is usually reserved for large, lavish, and expensive vessels with professional crews—the types owned by celebrities and the super-wealthy. If this sounds more like your neighborhood, chances are a 40-foot sailboat is just a sailboat. On the other hand, if it doubles or triples in size and gets a crew, it might be bordering on yacht territory.

Is a sailing yacht cheaper than a yacht?

In general, the purchase price of yachts are roughly equal. While sailboats have more rigging and equipment, motor yachts have larger engines, so the prices are closer than you might imagine. There are too many variables to generalize when it comes to operating costs. In general, though, a fast-moving powerboat will always cost more than a slow-moving sailboat due simply to fuel costs.

If you’re thinking about chartering and want to compare the prices of sail versus power, companies like The Moorings Charters allow you to browse various destinations and boats. For example, a one-week charter on a 42-foot sail catamaran in the BVI starts at around $9,400. For comparison, that same charter on their smallest power catamaran, a 43 footer, starts at $11,070.

sailing boat and yacht

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

The Ultimate Guide to Sail Types and Rigs (with Pictures)

What's that sail for? Generally, I don't know. So I've come up with a system. I'll explain you everything there is to know about sails and rigs in this article.

What are the different types of sails? Most sailboats have one mainsail and one headsail. Typically, the mainsail is a fore-and-aft bermuda rig (triangular shaped). A jib or genoa is used for the headsail. Most sailors use additional sails for different conditions: the spinnaker (a common downwind sail), gennaker, code zero (for upwind use), and stormsail.

Each sail has its own use. Want to go downwind fast? Use a spinnaker. But you can't just raise any sail and go for it. It's important to understand when (and how) to use each sail. Your rigging also impacts what sails you can use.

Cruising yacht with mainsail, headsail, and gennaker

On this page:

Different sail types, the sail plan of a bermuda sloop, mainsail designs, headsail options, specialty sails, complete overview of sail uses, mast configurations and rig types.

This article is part 1 of my series on sails and rig types. Part 2 is all about the different types of rigging. If you want to learn to identify every boat you see quickly, make sure to read it. It really explains the different sail plans and types of rigging clearly.

sailing boat and yacht

Guide to Understanding Sail Rig Types (with Pictures)

First I'll give you a quick and dirty overview of sails in this list below. Then, I'll walk you through the details of each sail type, and the sail plan, which is the godfather of sail type selection so to speak.

Click here if you just want to scroll through a bunch of pictures .

Here's a list of different models of sails: (Don't worry if you don't yet understand some of the words, I'll explain all of them in a bit)

  • Jib - triangular staysail
  • Genoa - large jib that overlaps the mainsail
  • Spinnaker - large balloon-shaped downwind sail for light airs
  • Gennaker - crossover between a Genoa and Spinnaker
  • Code Zero or Screecher - upwind spinnaker
  • Drifter or reacher - a large, powerful, hanked on genoa, but made from lightweight fabric
  • Windseeker - tall, narrow, high-clewed, and lightweight jib
  • Trysail - smaller front-and-aft mainsail for heavy weather
  • Storm jib - small jib for heavy weather
I have a big table below that explains the sail types and uses in detail .

I know, I know ... this list is kind of messy, so to understand each sail, let's place them in a system.

The first important distinction between sail types is the placement . The mainsail is placed aft of the mast, which simply means behind. The headsail is in front of the mast.

Generally, we have three sorts of sails on our boat:

  • Mainsail: The large sail behind the mast which is attached to the mast and boom
  • Headsail: The small sail in front of the mast, attached to the mast and forestay (ie. jib or genoa)
  • Specialty sails: Any special utility sails, like spinnakers - large, balloon-shaped sails for downwind use

The second important distinction we need to make is the functionality . Specialty sails (just a name I came up with) each have different functionalities and are used for very specific conditions. So they're not always up, but most sailors carry one or more of these sails.

They are mostly attached in front of the headsail, or used as a headsail replacement.

The specialty sails can be divided into three different categories:

  • downwind sails - like a spinnaker
  • light air or reacher sails - like a code zero
  • storm sails

Cruising yacht with mainsail, headsail, and gennaker

The parts of any sail

Whether large or small, each sail consists roughly of the same elements. For clarity's sake I've took an image of a sail from the world wide webs and added the different part names to it:

Diagram explaining sail parts: head, luff, tack, foot, clew, and leech

  • Head: Top of the sail
  • Tack: Lower front corner of the sail
  • Foot: Bottom of the sail
  • Luff: Forward edge of the sail
  • Leech: Back edge of the sail
  • Clew: Bottom back corner of the sail

So now we speak the same language, let's dive into the real nitty gritty.

Basic sail shapes

Roughly speaking, there are actually just two sail shapes, so that's easy enough. You get to choose from:

  • square rigged sails
  • fore-and-aft rigged sails

I would definitely recommend fore-and-aft rigged sails. Square shaped sails are pretty outdated. The fore-and-aft rig offers unbeatable maneuverability, so that's what most sailing yachts use nowadays.

Green tall ship with green square rigged sails against urban background

Square sails were used on Viking longships and are good at sailing downwind. They run from side to side. However, they're pretty useless upwind.

A fore-and-aft sail runs from the front of the mast to the stern. Fore-and-aft literally means 'in front and behind'. Boats with fore-and-aft rigged sails are better at sailing upwind and maneuvering in general. This type of sail was first used on Arabic boats.

As a beginner sailor I confuse the type of sail with rigging all the time. But I should cut myself some slack, because the rigging and sails on a boat are very closely related. They are all part of the sail plan .

A sail plan is made up of:

  • Mast configuration - refers to the number of masts and where they are placed
  • Sail type - refers to the sail shape and functionality
  • Rig type - refers to the way these sails are set up on your boat

There are dozens of sails and hundreds of possible configurations (or sail plans).

For example, depending on your mast configuration, you can have extra headsails (which then are called staysails).

The shape of the sails depends on the rigging, so they overlap a bit. To keep it simple I'll first go over the different sail types based on the most common rig. I'll go over the other rig types later in the article.

Bermuda Sloop: the most common rig

Most modern small and mid-sized sailboats have a Bermuda sloop configuration . The sloop is one-masted and has two sails, which are front-and-aft rigged. This type of rig is also called a Marconi Rig. The Bermuda rig uses a triangular sail, with just one side of the sail attached to the mast.

The mainsail is in use most of the time. It can be reefed down, making it smaller depending on the wind conditions. It can be reefed down completely, which is more common in heavy weather. (If you didn't know already: reefing is skipper terms for rolling or folding down a sail.)

In very strong winds (above 30 knots), most sailors only use the headsail or switch to a trysail.

sailing boat and yacht

The headsail powers your bow, the mainsail powers your stern (rear). By having two sails, you can steer by using only your sails (in theory - it requires experience). In any case, two sails gives you better handling than one, but is still easy to operate.

Let's get to the actual sails. The mainsail is attached behind the mast and to the boom, running to the stern. There are multiple designs, but they actually don't differ that much. So the following list is a bit boring. Feel free to skip it or quickly glance over it.

  • Square Top racing mainsail - has a high performance profile thanks to the square top, optional reef points
  • Racing mainsail - made for speed, optional reef points
  • Cruising mainsail - low-maintenance, easy to use, made to last. Generally have one or multiple reef points.
  • Full-Batten Cruising mainsail - cruising mainsail with better shape control. Eliminates flogging. Full-length battens means the sail is reinforced over the entire length. Generally have one or multiple reef points.
  • High Roach mainsail - crossover between square top racing and cruising mainsail, used mostly on cats and multihulls. Generally have one or multiple reef points.
  • Mast Furling mainsail - sails specially made to roll up inside the mast - very convenient but less control; of sail shape. Have no reef points
  • Boom Furling mainsail - sails specially made to roll up inside the boom. Have no reef points.

The headsail is the front sail in a front-and-aft rig. The sail is fixed on a stay (rope, wire or rod) which runs forward to the deck or bowsprit. It's almost always triangular (Dutch fishermen are known to use rectangular headsail). A triangular headsail is also called a jib .

Headsails can be attached in two ways:

  • using roller furlings - the sail rolls around the headstay
  • hank on - fixed attachment

Types of jibs:

Typically a sloop carries a regular jib as its headsail. It can also use a genoa.

  • A jib is a triangular staysail set in front of the mast. It's the same size as the fore-triangle.
  • A genoa is a large jib that overlaps the mainsail.

What's the purpose of a jib sail? A jib is used to improve handling and to increase sail area on a sailboat. This helps to increase speed. The jib gives control over the bow (front) of the ship, making it easier to maneuver the ship. The mainsail gives control over the stern of the ship. The jib is the headsail (frontsail) on a front-and-aft rig.

The size of the jib is generally indicated by a number - J1, 2, 3, and so on. The number tells us the attachment point. The order of attachment points may differ per sailmaker, so sometimes J1 is the largest jib (on the longest stay) and sometimes it's the smallest (on the shortest stay). Typically the J1 jib is the largest - and the J3 jib the smallest.

Most jibs are roller furling jibs: this means they are attached to a stay and can be reefed down single-handedly. If you have a roller furling you can reef down the jib to all three positions and don't need to carry different sizes.

Sailing yacht using a small jib

Originally called the 'overlapping jib', the leech of the genoa extends aft of the mast. This increases speed in light and moderate winds. A genoa is larger than the total size of the fore-triangle. How large exactly is indicated by a percentage.

  • A number 1 genoa is typically 155% (it used to be 180%)
  • A number 2 genoa is typically 125-140%

Genoas are typically made from 1.5US/oz polyester spinnaker cloth, or very light laminate.

A small sloop using an overlapping genoa

This is where it gets pretty interesting. You can use all kinds of sails to increase speed, handling, and performance for different weather conditions.

Some rules of thumb:

  • Large sails are typically good for downwind use, small sails are good for upwind use.
  • Large sails are good for weak winds (light air), small sails are good for strong winds (storms).

Downwind sails

Thanks to the front-and-aft rig sailboats are easier to maneuver, but they catch less wind as well. Downwind sails are used to offset this by using a large sail surface, pulling a sailboat downwind. They can be hanked on when needed and are typically balloon shaped.

Here are the most common downwind sails:

  • Big gennaker
  • Small gennaker

A free-flying sail that fills up with air, giving it a balloon shape. Spinnakers are generally colorful, which is why they look like kites. This downwind sail has the largest sail area, and it's capable of moving a boat with very light wind. They are amazing to use on trade wind routes, where they can help you make quick progress.

Spinnakers require special rigging. You need a special pole and track on your mast. You attach the sail at three points: in the mast head using a halyard, on a pole, and on a sheet.

The spinnaker is symmetrical, meaning the luff is as long as its leech. It's designed for broad reaching.

Large sailing yacht sailing coastal water using a true spinnaker

Gennaker or cruising spinnaker

The Gennaker is a cross between the genoa and the spinnaker. It has less downwind performance than the spinnaker. It is a bit smaller, making it slower, but also easier to handle - while it remains very capable. The cruising spinnaker is designed for broad reaching.

The gennaker is a smaller, asymmetric spinnaker that's doesn't require a pole or track on the mast. Like the spinnaker, and unlike the genoa, the gennaker is set flying. Asymmetric means its luff is longer than its leech.

You can get big and small gennakers (roughly 75% and 50% the size of a true spinnaker).

Also called ...

  • the cruising spinnaker
  • cruising chute
  • pole-less spinnaker
  • SpinDrifter

... it's all the same sail.

Small sloops using colorful gennakers in grey water

Light air sails

There's a bit of overlap between the downwind sails and light air sails. Downwind sails can be used as light air sails, but not all light air sails can be used downwind.

Here are the most common light air sails:

  • Spinnaker and gennaker

Drifter reacher

Code zero reacher.

A drifter (also called a reacher) is a lightweight, larger genoa for use in light winds. It's roughly 150-170% the size of a genoa. It's made from very lightweight laminated spinnaker fabric (1.5US/oz).

Thanks to the extra sail area the sail offers better downwind performance than a genoa. It's generally made from lightweight nylon. Thanks to it's genoa characteristics the sail is easier to use than a cruising spinnaker.

The code zero reacher is officially a type of spinnaker, but it looks a lot like a large genoa. And that's exactly what it is: a hybrid cross between the genoa and the asymmetrical spinnaker (gennaker). The code zero however is designed for close reaching, making it much flatter than the spinnaker. It's about twice the size of a non-overlapping jib.

Volvo Ocean race ships using code zero and jib J1

A windseeker is a small, free-flying staysail for super light air. It's tall and thin. It's freestanding, so it's not attached to the headstay. The tack attaches to a deck pad-eye. Use your spinnakers' halyard to raise it and tension the luff.

It's made from nylon or polyester spinnaker cloth (0.75 to 1.5US/oz).

It's designed to guide light air onto the lee side of the main sail, ensuring a more even, smooth flow of air.

Stormsails are stronger than regular sails, and are designed to handle winds of over 45 knots. You carry them to spare the mainsail. Sails

A storm jib is a small triangular staysail for use in heavy weather. If you participate in offshore racing you need a mandatory orange storm jib. It's part of ISAF's requirements.

A trysail is a storm replacement for the mainsail. It's small, triangular, and it uses a permanently attached pennant. This allows it to be set above the gooseneck. It's recommended to have a separate track on your mast for it - you don't want to fiddle around when you actually really need it to be raised ... now.

US naval acadamy sloop in marina with bright orange storm trysail and stormjob

Sail Type Shape Wind speed Size Wind angle
Bermuda mainsail triangular, high sail < 30 kts
Jib headsail small triangular foresail < 45 kts 100% of foretriangle
Genoa headsail jib that overlaps mainsail < 30 kts 125-155% of foretriangle
Spinnaker downwind free-flying, balloon shape 1-15 kts 200% or more of mainsail 90°–180°
Gennaker downwind free-flying, balloon shape 1-20 kts 85% of spinnaker 75°-165°
Code Zero or screecher light air & upwind tight luffed, upwind spinnaker 1-16 kts 70-75% of spinnaker
Storm Trysail mainsail small triangular mainsail replacement > 45 kts 17.5% of mainsail
Drifter reacher light air large, light-weight genoa 1-15 kts 150-170% of genoa 30°-90°
Windseeker light air free-flying staysail 0-6 kts 85-100% of foretriangle
Storm jib strong wind headsail low triangular staysail > 45 kts < 65% height foretriangle

Why Use Different Sails At All?

You could just get the largest furling genoa and use it on all positions. So why would you actually use different types of sails?

The main answer to that is efficiency . Some situations require other characteristics.

Having a deeply reefed genoa isn't as efficient as having a small J3. The reef creates too much draft in the sail, which increases heeling. A reefed down mainsail in strong winds also increases heeling. So having dedicated (storm) sails is probably a good thing, especially if you're planning more demanding passages or crossings.

But it's not just strong winds, but also light winds that can cause problems. Heavy sails will just flap around like laundry in very light air. So you need more lightweight fabrics to get you moving.

What Are Sails Made Of?

The most used materials for sails nowadays are:

  • Dacron - woven polyester
  • woven nylon
  • laminated fabrics - increasingly popular

Sails used to be made of linen. As you can imagine, this is terrible material on open seas. Sails were rotting due to UV and saltwater. In the 19th century linen was replaced by cotton.

It was only in the 20th century that sails were made from synthetic fibers, which were much stronger and durable. Up until the 1980s most sails were made from Dacron. Nowadays, laminates using yellow aramids, Black Technora, carbon fiber and Spectra yarns are more and more used.

Laminates are as strong as Dacron, but a lot lighter - which matters with sails weighing up to 100 kg (220 pounds).

By the way: we think that Viking sails were made from wool and leather, which is quite impressive if you ask me.

In this section of the article I give you a quick and dirty summary of different sail plans or rig types which will help you to identify boats quickly. But if you want to really understand it clearly, I really recommend you read part 2 of this series, which is all about different rig types.

You can't simply count the number of masts to identify rig type But you can identify any rig type if you know what to look for. We've created an entire system for recognizing rig types. Let us walk you through it. Read all about sail rig types

As I've said earlier, there are two major rig types: square rigged and fore-and-aft. We can divide the fore-and-aft rigs into three groups:

  • Bermuda rig (we have talked about this one the whole time) - has a three-sided mainsail
  • Gaff rig - has a four-sided mainsail, the head of the mainsail is guided by a gaff
  • Lateen rig - has a three-sided mainsail on a long yard

Diagram of lateen-rigged mast with head yard, gaff-rigged mast with head beam, and bermuda-rigged mast with triangular sail

There are roughly four types of boats:

  • one masted boats - sloop, cutter
  • two masted boats - ketch, schooner, brig
  • three masted - barque
  • fully rigged or ship rigged - tall ship

Everything with four masts is called a (tall) ship. I think it's outside the scope of this article, but I have written a comprehensive guide to rigging. I'll leave the three and four-masted rigs for now. If you want to know more, I encourage you to read part 2 of this series.

One-masted rigs

Boats with one mast can have either one sail, two sails, or three or more sails.

The 3 most common one-masted rigs are:

  • Cat - one mast, one sail
  • Sloop - one mast, two sails
  • Cutter - one mast, three or more sails

1. Gaff Cat

White cat boat with gaff rig on lake and three people in it

2. Gaff Sloop

sailing boat and yacht

Two-masted rigs

Two-masted boats can have an extra mast in front or behind the main mast. Behind (aft of) the main mast is called a mizzen mast . In front of the main mast is called a foremast .

The 5 most common two-masted rigs are:

  • Lugger - two masts (mizzen), with lugsail (cross between gaff rig and lateen rig) on both masts
  • Yawl - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Main mast much taller than mizzen. Mizzen without mainsail.
  • Ketch - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Main mast with only slightly smaller mizzen. Mizzen has mainsail.
  • Schooner - two masts (foremast), generally gaff rig on both masts. Main mast with only slightly smaller foremast. Sometimes build with three masts, up to seven in the age of sail.
  • Brig - two masts (foremast), partially square-rigged. Main mast carries small lateen rigged sail.

Lugger sails behind berth with rocks and small sloops in the foreground

4. Schooner

White schooner with white sails and light wooden masts

5. Brigantine

Replica of brigatine on lake with lots of rigging and brown, green, red, and gold paint

This article is part 1 of a series about sails and rig types If you want to read on and learn to identify any sail plans and rig type, we've found a series of questions that will help you do that quickly. Read all about recognizing rig types

Related Questions

What is the difference between a gennaker & spinnaker? Typically, a gennaker is smaller than a spinnaker. Unlike a spinnaker, a gennaker isn't symmetric. It's asymmetric like a genoa. It is however rigged like a spinnaker; it's not attached to the forestay (like a jib or a genoa). It's a downwind sail, and a cross between the genoa and the spinnaker (hence the name).

What is a Yankee sail? A Yankee sail is a jib with a high-cut clew of about 3' above the boom. A higher-clewed jib is good for reaching and is better in high waves, preventing the waves crash into the jibs foot. Yankee jibs are mostly used on traditional sailboats.

How much does a sail weigh? Sails weigh anywhere between 4.5-155 lbs (2-70 kg). The reason is that weight goes up exponentially with size. Small boats carry smaller sails (100 sq. ft.) made from thinner cloth (3.5 oz). Large racing yachts can carry sails of up to 400 sq. ft., made from heavy fabric (14 oz), totaling at 155 lbs (70 kg).

What's the difference between a headsail and a staysail? The headsail is the most forward of the staysails. A boat can only have one headsail, but it can have multiple staysails. Every staysail is attached to a forward running stay. However, not every staysail is located at the bow. A stay can run from the mizzen mast to the main mast as well.

What is a mizzenmast? A mizzenmast is the mast aft of the main mast (behind; at the stern) in a two or three-masted sailing rig. The mizzenmast is shorter than the main mast. It may carry a mainsail, for example with a ketch or lugger. It sometimes doesn't carry a mainsail, for example with a yawl, allowing it to be much shorter.

Special thanks to the following people for letting me use their quality photos: Bill Abbott - True Spinnaker with pole - CC BY-SA 2.0 lotsemann - Volvo Ocean Race Alvimedica and the Code Zero versus SCA and the J1 - CC BY-SA 2.0 Lisa Bat - US Naval Academy Trysail and Storm Jib dry fit - CC BY-SA 2.0 Mike Powell - White gaff cat - CC BY-SA 2.0 Anne Burgess - Lugger The Reaper at Scottish Traditional Boat Festival

Hi, I stumbled upon your page and couldn’t help but notice some mistakes in your description of spinnakers and gennakers. First of all, in the main photo on top of this page the small yacht is sailing a spinnaker, not a gennaker. If you look closely you can see the spinnaker pole standing on the mast, visible between the main and headsail. Further down, the discription of the picture with the two German dinghies is incorrect. They are sailing spinnakers, on a spinnaker pole. In the farthest boat, you can see a small piece of the pole. If needed I can give you the details on the difference between gennakers and spinnakers correctly?

Hi Shawn, I am living in Utrecht I have an old gulf 32 and I am sailing in merkmeer I find your articles very helpful Thanks

Thank you for helping me under stand all the sails there names and what there functions were and how to use them. I am planning to build a trimaran 30’ what would be the best sails to have I plan to be coastal sailing with it. Thank you

Hey Comrade!

Well done with your master piece blogging. Just a small feedback. “The jib gives control over the bow of the ship, making it easier to maneuver the ship. The mainsail gives control over the stern of the ship.” Can you please first tell the different part of a sail boat earlier and then talk about bow and stern later in the paragraph. A reader has no clue on the newly introduced terms. It helps to keep laser focused and not forget main concepts.

Shawn, I am currently reading How to sail around the World” by Hal Roth. Yes, I want to sail around the world. His book is truly grounded in real world experience but like a lot of very knowledgable people discussing their area of expertise, Hal uses a lot of terms that I probably should have known but didn’t, until now. I am now off to read your second article. Thank You for this very enlightening article on Sail types and their uses.

Shawn Buckles

HI CVB, that’s a cool plan. Thanks, I really love to hear that. I’m happy that it was helpful to you and I hope you are of to a great start for your new adventure!

Hi GOWTHAM, thanks for the tip, I sometimes forget I haven’t specified the new term. I’ve added it to the article.

Nice article and video; however, you’re mixing up the spinnaker and the gennaker.

A started out with a question. What distinguishes a brig from a schooner? Which in turn led to follow-up questions: I know there are Bermuda rigs and Latin rig, are there more? Which in turn led to further questions, and further, and further… This site answers them all. Wonderful work. Thank you.

Great post and video! One thing was I was surprised how little you mentioned the Ketch here and not at all in the video or chart, and your sample image is a large ship with many sails. Some may think Ketch’s are uncommon, old fashioned or only for large boats. Actually Ketch’s are quite common for cruisers and live-aboards, especially since they often result in a center cockpit layout which makes for a very nice aft stateroom inside. These are almost exclusively the boats we are looking at, so I was surprised you glossed over them.

Love the article and am finding it quite informative.

While I know it may seem obvious to 99% of your readers, I wish you had defined the terms “upwind” and “downwind.” I’m in the 1% that isn’t sure which one means “with the wind” (or in the direction the wind is blowing) and which one means “against the wind” (or opposite to the way the wind is blowing.)

paul adriaan kleimeer

like in all fields of syntax and terminology the terms are colouual meaning local and then spead as the technology spread so an history lesson gives a floral bouque its colour and in the case of notical terms span culture and history adds an detail that bring reverence to the study simply more memorable.

Hi, I have a small yacht sail which was left in my lock-up over 30 years ago I basically know nothing about sails and wondered if you could spread any light as to the make and use of said sail. Someone said it was probably originally from a Wayfayer wooden yacht but wasn’t sure. Any info would be must appreciated and indeed if would be of any use to your followers? I can provide pics but don’t see how to include them at present

kind regards

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Ever wondered what type of sailboat you're looking at? Identifying sailboats isn't hard, you just have to know what to look for. In this article, I'll help you.

Sailboat in front of NYC with Bermuda mainsail and Jib

How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

sailing boat and yacht

Sailboat Vs Yacht? 14 Things To Consider (Before You Choose)

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Making a choice between a traditional sailboat and a yacht can often be difficult and maybe even a little confusing.

This is because the term boat and yacht are often used interchangeably.

In this article, we’ll assume a yacht is a boat that is over 26 feet in length with high-end materials used in its interior. 

Here are 14 things to consider when deciding between a boat vs. a yacht:

Table of Contents

1) What’s The Desired Use Of The Vessel?

One of the first thoughts to keep in mind is your desired use:

  • What do you want to do with your new boat? 
  • Do you want to go racing or deep-sea fishing?
  • Or will you simply be cruising in the boat?

People looking for a boat to race probably won’t want to get a yacht.

This is because yachts focus more on luxury than they do on speed and maneuverability.  As a result, the amenities are usually heavier.

An existing yacht can be laid out as a fishing vessel, but it wouldn’t make much sense to do so.  This is because you’d have to change the deck area to make it more conducive to fishing.

In this case, it would be better to start off with a sport fishing boat/ yacht for this purpose instead.  Big ocean-going sport fishing boats are just a specialized type of yacht.

A cruising trawler/ pilothouse vessel is another specialized type of yacht that is less expensive than a large express motor yacht, and they can be just as seaworthy.

2) Amenities To Consider

sailing boat and yacht

If you’re searching for a boat that features many amenities, you may want to consider getting a yacht over the other types of boats.

A yacht will often have features such as large refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers.

A really big yacht may also feature recreation amenities like hot tubs and even full-size pools to swim in.  In fact, a mega-yacht might even have a pool large enough to swim laps in.

If you’re not into swimming inside of your boat, you can still take advantage of water features on your yacht.  I’ve seen yachts with koi ponds and even waterfalls built into them.

Another amenity that many yacht owners enjoy is a built-in movie theater.  These movie theaters have large projectors, plush seating, and can even feature porthole windows.

People can even get a good workout while out on their yachts in their own fitness centers.  These fitness centers can be as simple as a few cardio machines and some dumbbells, or they can be state of the art centers that feature everything a commercial fitness center might have to offer.

A sailboat yacht can also have these types of amenities.  An example of this is the Sailboat Yacht A, see here .   But sailing yachts in general do not have as much room for amenities as the same size of power yacht.

On top of this, a sailboat yacht is often designed for rough ocean passages.  The spaces of these yachts will be smaller, such a tighter galley kitchen.  This doesn’t offer as much space for cooking but it does make it easier to cook without falling over during rough weather conditions.

3) Comfort Vs. Bunk Beds

Motor yachts tend to be much more comfortable than the average sailing yacht as well.  This is because these motor yachts boats are usually made primarily with comfort in mind.

You’ll notice that saloon living spaces have leather couches and recliners throughout and that even the beds tend to be a bit more spacious.

Even the offices or navigation stations inside of a motor yacht tend to be outfitted with the most comfortable desks and chairs.

For people who are searching for more active comfort options, a motor yacht can have massage parlors, salons, and even saunas built into them.  A traditional sailing yacht usually won’t have options like these, but it will be more comfortable to sail in and to sleep in while out in rough seas.

One example is that a sailboat will have handrails and foot rails in strategic places.

On top of this, a sailboat will have bunks that are easy to get in and out of and that also have bed rails so that sailors do not roll out of them when the weather gets rough.

4) Sailing Skills Needed

When you’re choosing between a sailing yacht and a motor yacht, you may want to consider what your level of sailing skills are.

A yacht can be purchased as a sailing yacht or a power yacht but a sailboat is always going to rely on its sails for any long-distance voyage.

Also, sailboats can be purchased in a wide variety of sizes.

A sailing yacht is usually longer than 26’.  As a result, a yacht might be harder to sail than a traditional sailboat.

In fact, it may be impossible for you to sail a yacht by yourself.  People with larger yachts will have to hire a crew to help them out each time they want to go sailing.

Here’s our guide to how big you can go before you need a crew for your boat .

5) Where Do I Get The Most For The Money?

A sailboat can have a lot of luxuries and comforts built into it.  However, a sailboat doesn’t have to have these amenities built into it.  As a result, you can save a lot of money by purchasing a basic sailboat.

Yachts, on the other hand, will always have expensive amenities to consider.

Because of this, you’ll pay a lot more for a motor yacht than you will a typical sailboat.

Also, sailboats can be smaller than yachts so you have more inexpensive boats to choose from when making your purchase.  Yachts on the other hand usually start out well into the six-figure range and can go up into the millions depending on the size, age, and build quality of the yacht.

A yacht may also be harder to find in your area.

This is especially true if you’re buying a sailing yacht.  The scarcity of yachts compared to the abundance of sailboats drives the prices of yachts up even more.  This means that if you’re looking to buy a yacht in a part of the country that doesn’t have very many yachts available, you may pay an even bigger premium as well.  Of course, large motor and sailing yachts are almost always kept on an ocean coast or maybe the Great Lakes, no matter where the owner lives.

6) Ongoing Expenses To Factor In

Yachts can often cost more to maintain than sailboats.

This is especially true if you’re buying a motor yacht.  Boat engines require a lot of maintenance and the fuel costs can be prohibitive for many people.

For example, did you know that you might only be able to travel less than 1 nautical miles on a gallon of diesel fuel in a yacht?  Go on a long journey out to sea and you could end up spending a fortune on fuel.  A sailboat, on the other hand, will get you to where you want to go without hardly any fuel at all.

Even the insurance on a yacht is more expensive than it is on a sailboat.  One reason is simply because of its designation as a yacht.

Here’s a complete guide we’ve made with insurance cost for boats . It will help you get an idea of what to expect.

Insurance companies will charge more just because of this designation.

Another reason the insurance is higher is that yachts are usually more expensive to buy than a sailboat.  Because of this, yacht owners need to cover a larger dollar sum on their yacht than a sailboat owner does.

One advantage in ongoing expenses that a motor yacht owner does not have to contend with is the expense of maintaining, storing, and replacing the sails.  A sailboat’s sails must constantly be monitored for damages and stored safely out of the sun and saltwater whenever possible.

With a motor yacht, you don’t have these issues.

7) Distances Traveled Between Ports

living on a boat RV

Even large motor yachts will still have limits to how far they can travel between ports.

This is because they simply run out of fuel at some point.

Sailboat owners don’t have this issue as much.

A sea-worthy sailboat can travel for as long as the crew can manage.  In this case, the only limiting factor might be the amount of food that the sailboat owner can bring along.

For this reason, people looking to circumnavigate the world often opt to buy a large sailboat rather than a motor yacht.  This also saves them on fuel costs so they won’t have any distance limits due to budget constraints.

Even yacht owners that plan to travel along island routes may still have limits as to how far they can travel.  This is because replacement parts can’t always be found worldwide.

As a result, a yacht owner might end up stuck in one place while they wait for the arrival of a skilled yacht maintenance tech or a specialty part to arrive from overseas.

8) The Ability to Trailer The Boat

As we said earlier, the minimum size for a yacht is 26’ long.  The width of a 26’ longboat is usually well over 8’ wide.  Eight-foot is the maximum width that is allowed on many U.S. roads.

Even more lenient states will only allow for a maximum width of 8.5 feet.

As a result of all of this, it is impossible to trailer a yacht.  This makes storage and travels more complicated and more expensive.  It also makes it a lot less convenient.

A person looking for a boat that they can trailer will be better off buying a small sailboat. The mast could be taken down so that the boat can be taken through bridges and tunnels without damage to the boat.

In fact, a sailboat can technically be purchased in models that are small enough to be transported on top of a vehicle or within a truck bed.

These sailboats are highly mobile and can be fun to use recreationally.

9) Available Space On The Deck(s)

Sailboats don’t always have a lot of deck space.  This is because much of their deck space is taken up with the mast, sails, and rigging.  As a result, people looking for a boat with a large deck to hang out on would be better off buying a motor yacht.

A yacht is often designed with deck space in mind.  In fact, a yacht will prioritize lounging areas on the deck.  A large sailing catamaran will have much larger deck areas than a monohull sailboat.

Because of this, a yacht becomes a more social boat that is great for cruising and dock parties.

The downside of this, of course, is that you’ll have a larger deck to clean up each day.  A yacht’s deck often needs to be cleaned every day just to keep the saltwater from damaging it.

10) Cruising Vs Sailing

A sailboat owner gets to experience the thrill of sailing.

They get to become one with the boat as it heels on the water and runs with the wind.  This experience is a dream come true for many sailors.

For others, this experience is miserable.  These people may be prone to seasickness, they might not like the excitement of sailing, or they simply might feel like it is too much work to be fun.

Motor yacht owners, on the other hand, get to cruise along the water at a comfortable pace and they don’t have to rely on the wind to take them anywhere.  A yacht owner will travel in comfort but they’ll never get to experience the exhilaration that the sailboat owner gets to experience.

If you’re an adrenaline junky, you’ll probably gravitate more towards buying a sailboat.  On the other hand, if you like to relax on the water with your friends, you may be more suited to motor yacht ownership.

11) Crew Quarters

The owners of large yachts will often hire crews to manage their boats for them.

Because of this, you’ll find luxury accommodations on one end of the boat with crew quarters on the other end of the boat.

In fact, you may even find that larger yachts have captain’s quarters as well.

A captain’s quarters are usually well-appointed and the captain will have his or her own head on-suite.  Crew quarters are usually smaller and you’ll often have three crew members sleeping in the same room with bunks.

Sailboats can also have crew quarters but many of them are more democratized.

What I mean by this is that instead of several luxury quarters and a few crew quarters, you’re more likely to find a sailboat with quarters that are more even in size and capacity and you’re less likely to find berths with heads built into them.

12) Desired Length

It isn’t possible to buy a tiny yacht.  The smallest yacht that you can buy that is still considered a yacht is 26’ long.

Sailboats, on the other hand, come in many different forms and many different sizes.

You can buy large sailing yachts that rival the size of motor yachts or you can buy small sailing vessels that you can put on top of your vehicle.

This versatility in size makes sailboat ownership more universal.  Most people can buy a sailboat even with a modest income.  Yachts, on the other hand, are much bigger and much more expensive. 

As a result, you’ll find that only people with higher incomes or with a lot of interest in yachting will be willing to spend the money it takes to invest in a yacht .

13) Want To Join A Yacht Club?

sailing boat and yacht

Some yacht clubs are yacht clubs in name only.  These clubs will allow anyone with a boat to join the club.

In some instances, people can join these clubs without ever even owning a boat.

More serious yacht clubs will insist that you own a yacht.

In fact, they may even have minimum boat requirements.  For example, you may have to own a newer yacht or you may have to own a yacht of a certain size.

Here’s everything you need to know before you consider joining a yacht club . It’s a great guide we’ve made to help you understand how these clubs work.

If you’re looking to join a local yacht club, you may want to check with the club before you make your yacht purchase.

It would be unfortunate if you bought a brand new yacht only to find out that it was a foot or two shorter than it needed to be to meet the requirements of the yacht club.

Sailors have other club options.

A person looking to join a sailing yacht club may need to buy a certain type of sailboat.  For example, a sailing club may only accept sailors with monohull sailboats.

In this case, you’d want to check with your local sailing clubs before making your purchase.

14) Renting or Buying?

Yachts and sailboats don’t need to be purchased outright.  Some people will rent their boats for specific trips.

This can be especially advantageous for people who want to take a long trip on a yacht.

The reason for this is that the rented yacht might also come with a fully-staffed crew.  This crew will have experience with the boat you’re renting so you won’t have to worry about having them trained.

People looking for a sailboat instead might also find renting to be better than buying.

Here’s a guide we’ve made with a long list of examples on renting prices on sailboats .

For example, a person could rent a different type of sailboat each time they decide to go out for a day of sailing.  This gives them many different experiences and eliminates the storage, insurance, and maintenance costs.

In fact, even people who are looking to buy might want to start off by renting a few times first.  This will give the potential boat owner the chance to explore their options before making a long-term commitment.

Here’s another article we’ve made with more things to think about if you are considering whether to rent or buy a boa t.

Before deciding which type of boat to buy, it is a good idea to determine what needs you prioritize the most.  If you’re looking for an economical vessel to take on long-distance voyages, you may want to consider a sailboat or sailing yacht.

Otherwise, you could go with a motor yacht which might make cruising more pleasant.

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Sailing yachts like Mike Lynch's are 'unsinkable bodies', CEO of boat manufacturing firm says

Bayesian superyacht which sank off Italy is an "unsinkable" vessel, Giovanni Costantino, CEO of The Italian Sea Group, said.

By Ashna Hurynag, news correspondent and Eleonora Chiarella, producer

Sunday 25 August 2024 08:48, UK

Pic:Danny Wheelz

Vessels like Mike Lynch's stricken superyacht are "unsinkable", according to the chief executive of the firm which makes and sells them.

Giovanni Costantino, CEO of The Italian Sea Group, told Sky News there are no flaws with the design and construction of the Bayesian superyacht which capsized in a storm off the coast of Porticello, Sicily, on Monday.

Five bodies were found by divers on Wednesday - taking the number of confirmed dead to six.

The Italian Sea Group also owns the firm that built British tech tycoon Mr Lynch's Bayesian, and Mr Costantino said the vessels "are the safest in the most absolute sense".

News of the sinking left CEO of The Italian Sea Group Giovanni Costantino in ‘sadness on the one hand and disbelief on the other’.

"Being the manufacturer of Perini [boats], I know very well how the boats have always been designed and built," he said.

"And as Perini is a sailing ship... sailing ships are renowned to be the safest ever."

He said their structure and keel made them "unsinkable bodies".

Read more on this story: Why search of superyacht wreck has been so difficult Hero mum 'slept with baby on deck when storm sank yacht'

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Mr Costantino said news of the sinking "put me in a state of sadness on one side and of disbelief on the other".

"This incident sounds like an unbelievable story, both technically and as a fact," he said.

It is understood Italian prosecutors investigating the incident are continuing to hold interviews with the survivors.

Pic:Perini Navi/The Italian Sea Group

On Tuesday they questioned the captain for more than two hours to help reconstruct what happened and provide useful technical details.

Four British inspectors are also in Porticello and have begun a preliminary assessment of events.

It is understood they will look at all relevant aspects of the incident, including the design, stability, and operation of the vessel. They will also examine the effects of the weather conditions experienced.

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Twenty-two people were on board the vessel, 15 of whom were rescued - including Briton Charlotte Golunski and her one-year-old daughter Sofia.

Divers will resume efforts on Thursday morning to bring ashore a body they found earlier. One more person remains missing.

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Captain Glenn on Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 return and the Bayesian 'freak accident'

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Captain Glenn Shephard has been a familiar face throughout all four seasons of Below Deck Sailing Yacht, where he has commanded Parsifal III.

From dealing with the yacht's unpredictable challenges and managing onboard love triangles, to enjoying oversized crackers in the galley, the Bravo star has made the 177-foot vessel his second home for more than 15 years.

Usually catering to demanding guests as they charter through Greece, Spain, and Italy, it seems fitting that the 63-year-old chatted with us from the comfort of his own boat, Avalon, in Croatia.

Season 5 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht has been one of the most anticipated in the show's history. Viewers have been eagerly awaiting its release after photos confirmed filming took place last summer.

Initially slated for a February debut, fans have speculated that the latest season’s release has been delayed following allegations of sexual misconduct against first mate Gary King, made by a production member just days after filming wrapped. King has vehemently denied the accusations.

Despite the controversy, the Montreal native reassured fans that the new season is on its way. However, he remains unsure of exactly when viewers will see him alongside engineer Colin Macrae and chief stew Daisy Kelliher back on their screens.

He told The Standard: “They announced it at BravoCon in November. But then it didn’t air in Spring or Summer. I think it’s coming soon, but I don’t know exactly when. The network decides that. I get endless questions on social media about it, but all I can say is, 'It’s coming soon'.

“We just have to be patient.”

sailing boat and yacht

Though the delay is frustrating, it appears both Shephard and fans will have to wait a bit longer for the next season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht. In the meantime, UK fans can catch him at the Southampton International Boat Show 2024 later this month. The event, the largest of its kind in the UK, returns for its 55th year at Mayflower Park from 13th to 22nd September 2024.

Speaking about his involvement, he said: "It's pretty cool. I'm really excited."

The seasoned captain will participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, host a meet-and-greet, and take part in a Q&A session. And he assured us that he’s ready for all questions, even tough ones regarding the recent Bayesian tragedy, which claimed the lives of British entrepreneur Mike Lynch , his daughter Hannah, and four others when their luxury yacht sank off Sicily.

Boat enthusiasts have been eager to hear Shephard’s perspective on the tragic sinking of Bayesian , especially given his experience with Parsifal III, a superyacht from the same manufacturer. Although that’s where the two vessels similarities end, with Parsifal boasting two masts, not one. It also doesn't have a lifting keel, meaning stability is always at its maximum onboard.

Speaking of the tragedy, Shephard added: “I know there's going to be questions, and I'm happy to address them, but I'm not going to speculate. All I can say is, my heart goes out to the family and loved ones of the people that perish. It's a horrible tragedy, and I'll also say it's definitely a freak accident. You know anyone thinking about going out on a boat and worried that's going to happen - that doesn't happen and I couldn't believe that it could happen.

“We're going to have to take steps to make sure it never happens again, obviously. But no one thought that that could happen. We're all blown away - people in the industry, naval architects - it was a freak incident. That's all I can say.”

Glenn stressed that the Marine Accident Investigation Branch will thoroughly examine the situation, avoiding “guesswork and conspiracy theories” amid the growing social media speculation. He also underlined the importance of safety onboard and reassured viewers that such freak accidents are uncommon.

“Safety is critical,” he said. “It's the most important thing at all times. And we're always keeping an eye on the weather, obviously, but that what happened was a very localised, I think was a very localised event.

“It probably came and gone in a matter of minutes. It's not a hurricane. It's not a storm that's lasting all night. It's something that blows through. I don't know I wasn't there, but that's what I think. And so you have to take all the precautions to be ready for anything, you know, and that's I think we will all learn from this.”

With his sailing knowledge sure to be challenged this weekend, Shephard can usually rely on the camaraderie of his fellow Below Deck captains to riff off of.

Since the debut of Below Deck Sailing Yacht in 2020, he has formed close bonds with Captain Sandy Yawn and Captain Lee Rosbach , whom he hopes will “take to the high seas again” after missing season 12 due to ill health.

sailing boat and yacht

However, Shephard's colleagues have had their share of drama. It all started when Yawn stepped in for Rosbach during Season 11 after he had taken ill. Their feud reached fever pitch when he publicly criticised her leadership and her decision to fire stew Camille Lamb without telling him. As a result, Yawn cemented their fallout by not inviting Rosbach to her wedding in May.

Despite the drama, Shephard has stayed neutral and hopes for reconciliation. He shared: “I always like to bring people together, but I don’t know the full story. There’s talk, and it seems they’ve confirmed they’re not the best of friends. But life’s too short for that.

“When we were all together on stage at BravoCon, they seemed fine. But personalities are tricky — especially in the yachting world, where square pegs don’t always fit into round holes. Strong personalities can mean conflict, and resolving that is a massive skill in any industry."

Looking ahead, the captain is contemplating his future with the show after five seasons. For now, fans can rest assured that Captain Glenn isn’t ready to retire from the captain’s chair just yet. He’s aiming to strike a balance between his work and personal enjoyment, signalling a move towards a more leisurely future.

“I’ll probably continue doing it as long as they keep asking me back. I love it. But because of my age, it’s time for me to stop and smell the roses a bit. My sailing days for work aren’t over, but I’m not going to do it full-time anymore. I’d love to do more seasons of the show.”

The Southampton International Boat Show 2024 takes place at Mayflower Park from September 13 to 22. More information available here .

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    On buying the yacht, the couple wanted to show their daughters, who live in Chiang Mai, Thailand with Bow, that you don't need to know everything and can still try and work it out.

  27. WIN Micky Beckett's Paris 2024 ILCA 7 Boat & Sail!

    The winner of the boat will receive the following: Hull, spars, foils, tiller and extension, blank sail Control lines from Southeast Sailboats A complete set of covers and trolley Free delivery of the boat to your sailing club or home by Micky Value of the boat and sail £8700 Prize 2: ILCA 7 sail used by Micky at the 2024 Olympics. Branded ...

  28. Sailing yachts like Mike Lynch's are 'unsinkable bodies', CEO of boat

    Sailing yachts like Mike Lynch's are 'unsinkable bodies', CEO of boat manufacturing firm says. Bayesian superyacht which sank off Italy is an "unsinkable" vessel, Giovanni Costantino, CEO of The ...

  29. Captain Glenn on Below Deck Sailing Yacht return and the Bayesian

    Season 5 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht has been one of the most anticipated in the show's history. Viewers have been eagerly awaiting its release after photos confirmed filming took place last summer.