RYA Competent Crew, Day Skipper, ICC, Yachtmaster and PowerBoat Level 2 - Leisure and Commercial Courses Scotland

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RYA / MCA Yachtmaster® Coastal & Offshore Sailing Exams

Mca certificate of competence exams (sail) for commerical & private use with scotsail ®.


  1. 6. Navigation
  2. Safety 7. Meteorology
  3. Boat Handling 8. Signals
  4. General Seamanship 9. Engine Operations
  5. Skipper Responsibilities 10. Navigation

Yachtmaster Packages >

Knowledge to RYA Coastal/Yachtmaster® Shorebased Level is assumed

- but the course certificate is not required.

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An RYA / MCA Yachtmaster® needs a wealth of knowledge, not only to cope with plain sailing or motor cruising, but also to be able to cope in more demanding situations.

Yachtmaster ® is split into two grades -Yachtmaster ® Coastal & Yachtmaster ® Offshore.   There is no 'Yachtmaster Course' so-to-speak - you have to be at the required standard already through your own experience.    Once you think you have the necessary experience and knowledge, you can apply to book a 5 Day RYA Yachtmaster ® Preparation Course + RYA / MCA Examination.

You will spend a Sunday to a Thursday afternoon, preparing for your RYA / MCA Yachtmaster ® Examination, getting used to the yacht , crew (who are other RYA Trainees), and practicing your sailing and navigation techniques with an experienced ScotSail ® Yachtmaster ® Offshore Instructo r.

The examiner is an independent RYA / MCA Examiner, booked and chosen by ScotSail ® - if you wish you can speak to your Examiner beforehand - nobody is trying to trick you or trip you up and everything you might be asked is straightforward and open.

The exam will normally take place from about 1600hrs on a Thursday, thus giving you time to practice before, and so that the exam can start in the day-time, and then proceed into darkness.  There can be up to 4 candidates on an Exam at any time.

Before the exam starts, your Examiner will greet you, and will want to sit down to have a chat with you to determine your previous experience, and check that you have the pre-requisite certifications and logged experience - it is your responsibility to ensure that you have everything required, and we would advise that you check this info at www.rya.org.uk .

The Yachtmaster® Preparation courses are 5 Days & Nights / Full Board (Sun-Fri) with Check-In/ Arrival from 1800hrs on Sundays, at our LargsCentre.   Each night is spent on board in cabins, at a different island / location / marina, in the Firth of Clyde & Islands sailing area.    Sailing exercises take place during the day, and there is plenty of opportunity to visit local attractions and go ashore to visit islands and villages.   You will certainly experience longer passages, navigation exercises and night-sails.   There is an external examination, and only a RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Instructor may lead this preparation course.

See What To Bring, & Other Frequently Asked Questions >

What Is a Yachtmaster®? >

Yachtmaster® Coastal Requirements >

Yachtmaster® Offshore Requirements >

RYA / MCA Exam Fees >

Commercial Endorsements >

Where You Can Work With RYA Qualifications >

rya yachtmaster scotland

18 Years

(for award of



inc RYA Tuition &

Safety Equipment etc.

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£99 Deposit + Balance

Due 28 Days Prior.

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Where Do We Go? On a RYA Yachtmaster Sailing Course in Scotland from ScotSail?

One of the great advantages of a ScotSail® Yachtmaster® Prep Course is that you and your crew can choose where you want to go.

A typical course or experience will entail leaving our centre at Largs Yacht Haven and engaging in sailing activities and training during the day , whilst en route to a destination - that you will decide.   A Yachtmaster® needs to be able to get the boat and crew from A - B, and then to C - safely and probably through more challenging waters and passages than a Coastal Skipper would be expected to.

You and your crew will be completely involved in the decisions about where to travel to - and how to get there.   This is all part of the course, is vital learning and all part of the fun!    There are plenty of places to travel to - Isle of Arran , Kyles and Isle of Bute, Rothesay, Tartbert, Portavadie, Holy Loch, Rhu, Loch Long and Loch Riddon to name just a few - you can't explore it all in just one week!

Experience stunning mountains , castles, whales, dolphins , seals and birdlife - even sail past Royal Navy submarines and other interesting marine traffic too!

Availability & Booking for the RYA Day Skipper (Coastal / Tidal) Sailing Course in Scotland Course Content Information

We operate Yachtmaster® on selected weeks and weekends, from February to October.

We require advance notice of a Yachtmaster® Prep + Exam so that we can ensure we have an Examiner available, and make other relevant arrangements.

Looking for 7 Days / Nights RYA Sailing Courses from a Friday to Wednesday Instead? >

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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail – Everything You Need to Know

Time8 to 48 hour exam (dependant on the number of people) after a potential prep course of up to 5 days
Prerequisites50 days spent at sea
2500nm sailed, with at least 50% in tidal waters
5 days as skipper
5 x 60nm passages, 2 of them as skipper
Min. Age18
Exam8 hours to 2 days on the water
AimTo work commercially on a sailing vessel under 24m in length within 150nm of a harbour.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail ticket is considered the most useful and credible of all sail cruising qualifications. Administered on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastgaurd Agency by the RYA the qualification is accepted as a worldwide standard. To gain an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail qualification you must sit a practical exam. 

What Does the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Allow You to Do?

Gaining an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail will allow you to work commercially on sailing vessels not exceeding 200GT.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail exam certifies that you are competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage that is not more than 150nm from a harbour.

How Can You Sit an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Exam?

The exam can be organised via the RYA to be done on your own vessel or via an RYA training centre, to be done on an RYA training vessel. It should be noted, that to complete the exam on your own vessel, your vessel must be up to an appropriate safety standard.

Most RYA training centres offering the RYA Cruising Scheme offer some form of pre exam preparation or coaching for those looking to take an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail exam.

These courses are often referred to as ‘RYA Yachtmaster Prep’ courses. This is unique within the RYA training framework in that it does not have a fixed course syllabus, length or course completion certificate.

Who Can Do an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Exam?

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail exam is open to anyone who meets the minimum criteria, with all experience within the last 10 years.

  • 18 years of age or older
  • 50 days spent at sea
  • 2500nm sailed, with at least 50% in tidal waters
  • 5 days as skipper
  • 5 passages of over 60nm, with at least 2 as skipper

If you have skippering experience but not the required days or passages, then the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Sail might be for you.

If you have the miles, but not the skippering experience, then again, the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Sail might be for you.

Additionally, exam candidates must also hold a relevant GMDSS VHF certification and an RYA First Aid certificate or recognised equivalent.

Can You Go Straight to the Exam?

You can indeed jump straight into the RYA Cruising Scheme at this stage, however, it is imperative that you understand the levels that are required of you, both in your knowledge and practical skills.

It is suggested that as a minimum you have completed (and passed) the RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory course as the knowledge in here is both required for you to be at the level required, but will be formally tested during your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail exam, both orally and in practical applications.

What Do You Need to Know before Attending an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Course and Exam?

You, of course, need to be a suitably experienced skipper and this involves meeting the prerequisites mentioned above to be eligible. You should be able to handle your vessel competently in close quarters and at sea. You should be comfortable applying this in various day and night time passages.

As mentioned, it is strongly recommended to have completed the RYA Coastal and Yachtmaster Theory as the depth of knowledge gained from this shore based course will be tested throughout your exam. 

How Long Does a Prep Course and Exam Take?

The exam itself can take anything from 8 hours to 2 days depending on how many candidates are being examined on one vessel at a time. Up to 4 candidates can sit the exam at once and this would last for a maximum of 48 hours if so.

An RYA Yachtmaster Prep course is generally four and a half days long and is usually directly followed by the practical exam.

rya yachtmaster scotland

Is There a Set Syllabus for the Prep Course?

No, this is the one time that while there is a recognised ‘course’, there is no syllabus. It is up to the experienced instructor on the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Prep course to tailor the learnings to your needs. This is more about refining your skills rather than teaching new ones.

You should be honest with yourself and your instructor in order for learnings throughout the week to be tailored to improve yourself on any weak areas that you may have.

What Should I Expect from an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Prep Course?

These courses run as a standalone course and while there may be students on another course, generally everyone onboard is a candidate for an RYA Yachtmaster Exam. The courses should however be run with no more than 4 students on board.

The content will depend on the needs of all students and is aimed at fine-tuning existing skills rather than teaching new ones. This will involve a lot of night time sailing and navigation, carrying out challenging boat handling while using theory knowledge and ensuring general skippering skills are up to scratch.

There is a basic syllabus that is used to help shape the exam content, but in reality, you can be tested on anything from the RYA Cruising Scheme within the exam.

Before choosing the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Prep course you need to be honest with yourself and your own abilities. While on the course you need to take on the advice and guidance given by the instructor on what areas need work. If you speak to your instructor before the course, they can tailor the instruction to your needs.

What Should I Expect on an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Exam?

On the exam, you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and competence. You will be expected to take full responsibility of your vessel and crew. The examiner will be looking for you to demonstrate competence and show your broad range of experience.

The exam will be an intensive experience and even when you are not the designated skipper, you will still be asked questions and observed and examined as a participant of the crew.

During the exam you will be asked to complete various tasks, ranging from leaving the dock, skippering a short passage, casualty recovery, night pilotage and even blind navigation. Additionally, you will be tested on theoretical aspects such as how to deal with an engine failure, knowledge of your vessel’s stability, meteorology and IRPCS.

As a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail, these tasks are ones that should now be second nature to you and should take minimal time to plan while the theoretical knowledge should be able to roll off your tongue. 

rya yachtmaster scotland

What Is the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Exam Syllabus?

The following topics make up the basis for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail exam syllabus. IRPCS, safety, boat handling, seamanship, responsibility as skipper, navigation, meteorology and signals.

But, as mentioned above, anything from the whole RYA cruising syllabus scheme can be tested.

What Is the Cost of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Course and Exam?

As ever, many schools differ in price. We would recommend that you take a look around at the various options and find what suits your needs the best. Cheapest is not often better.

This can range from knowing if you will have to share a cabin while onboard to whether food and berthing charges are included to how many other students you will be sharing your week with.

The exam fee is usually not included, which is currently £231.

Where Should I Do My RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail?

As always there are many thoughts and pros on cons on this, and as a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail you should consider yourself experienced enough to sit the exam anywhere. However, if you choose to sit the exam in an area that you are familiar with then you will take a little bit of the stress out of learning a new area and start with a small advantage of having that all important local knowledge at your disposal.

What Happens If I Struggle on the Prep Course?

Your instructor should be able to update you on your ability levels throughout the course. They will be highly experienced and it is suggested that you listen to their advice given.

If you are learning something for the first time you should consider if you are ready for the exam. Talk to your instructor and they will be able to guide you on if you are ready for the exam, if they would advise further training or if they recommend that you aim for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Sail exam instead.

What Is the Pass Mark for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Exam?

There is no pass mark as such and the examiner will be looking to see that you are a competent and complete skipper, capable of looking after both your vessel and crew in a safe manner.

Every exam is different and no examiner will be setting out to fail any candidates, but they must ensure and check that each candidate is able to demonstrate their ability, knowledge and skills in a safe and timely manner.

If you were to fail to reach the levels of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail certificate of competence then the examiner will give you a thorough debrief complete with action points to work on before you have another attempt at the exam. 

What Comes after RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail

After completion of the exam, you will have gained the highly sought after RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail certificate of competence and you can get this commercially endorsed by adding a sea survival certification, a personal medical and a PPR course, all of which, along with your GMDSS VHF and First Aid should be sent off to the RYA for certification upgrade. This will now allow the holder to skipper a vessel commercially, so long as it is less than 200 gross tonnes, up to 150nm from a harbour.

The next step is of course to get out on the water and to keep learning, keep gaining experience and keep improving on the skills and knowledge learned so far. No skipper is the finished article and we should all keep seeking to improve.

Within the RYA cruising scheme, there are a couple more steps that are possible. This is to progress and upgrade your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail certificate of competence to an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Sail certificate of competence.

To do this there is 3 main steps, first, you will need to complete an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory course, where you will learn about astro navigation, ocean meteorology and ocean navigation, join the waiting list for our ocean theory course here . Next, is to complete an ocean qualifying passage that meets the necessary requirements. Finally, you will then need to complete another exam, this time an oral exam, where you will discuss your ocean qualifying passage and general ocean skippering skills.

On successful completion of this, you will be awarded the highest accolade within the RYA cruising scheme, the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Sail certificate of competence.

One other direction of travel is to become an RYA Cruising Instructor for Sail. To do this, you will first want to consolidate your skippering skills and knowledge then look to come back and start off with an RYA Cruising Instructor course. On this course, RYA Instructor Trainers will assess and guide you through what is required and expected in order to work as an RYA Cruising Instructor for Sail.

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Yachtmaster Preps Course, Largs

Our Yachtmaster Preps course is perfect for those looking to practice and perfect their skills before sitting the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam. For most sailors the RYA Yachtmaster is the ultimate aim and the certificate is recognised all over the world. With 20 years of sailing experience, our RYA Yachtmaster Instructor will take you through the drills and skills that are required to pass your exam. Early in the week the instructor will assess your ability and make a plan about where the practice is most needed, to ensure you get tailored time to put you in the best possible position to pass the final exam. Anyone wishing to experience the Preps course without going forward to the exam is welcome to join the course, but we require these experience-only applications to be made by email. The web booking system is designed exclusively for exam candidates. The crew will be a maximum of 4 Yachtmaster candidates and one experience builder.

if you intend to re-take an exam, we need to know the name(s) of your previous examiner(s). You may be examined once only by an examiner

There are two levels of Yachtmaster exam: the first is Yachtmaster Coastal and the second is Yachtmaster Offshore.

Yachtmaster Coastal has the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal routes but not necessarily the experience of longer passages. The exam will test your general skippering skills and general seamanship, knowledge of collision regulations, navigation, signals and meteorology.

The entry requirements for the YM Coastal exam are: 30 days at sea (two as a skipper), 800 miles and 12 night hours (all in the last 10 years). There are lower requirements if you have Coastal Skipper practical course. Half of the sea time has to be sailed in tidal waters.

Yachtmaster Offshore has the knowledge and experience to skipper a yacht in longer passages where the boat is a maximum of 150 NM from a safe haven. The exam will test skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS, meteorology and signals.

The entry requirements for the YM Offshore exam are: 50 days, 2500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages. 5 days experience as skipper. At least half this mileage and passages must be conducted in tidal waters. All qualifying sea time must be within 10 years prior to the exam.

The course starts on a Sunday evening and departs from Largs Yacht Haven, Scotland, and returns to Largs at approximately noon on the following Friday.

There is no formal course outline, which will allow you to work on the areas that you need the most. After the course we are able to organise an examiner for your Offshore/Coastal exam, if you wish. The exam would commence at approximately noon on the Friday and, depending on the number of candidates (usually 4), it could run through to the Sunday morning. The exam fee is additional to the cost of the course, for aspiring YM Offshore the cost is £231 and YM Coastal it is £200. The cost is set by the RYA and is payable to them by online card payment before the exam.

rya yachtmaster scotland

Date Places Price
Sunday, 6th October 2024 at 18:30 1 £ 895.00
Sunday, 27th October 2024 at 18:30 2 £ 895.00
Sunday, 3rd November 2024 at 18:30 SOLD OUT £ 895.00
Sunday, 16th February 2025 at 18:30 3 £ 895.00
Sunday, 9th March 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 13th April 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 27th April 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 11th May 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 17th August 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 7th September 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 28th September 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 12th October 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00
Sunday, 2nd November 2025 at 18:30 4 £ 895.00

Number of participants

rya yachtmaster scotland

We will start our cruise in the beautiful tourist port town of Cascais on the outskirts of Lisbon. We will visit Porto, we will stop at the marina right at the mouth of the Douro River, not far from the famous Port wine cellars, which we will visit. We end up in the Spanish port city of La Coruña, home to the world’s oldest lighthouse still in operation. Port & Paella, sun and sailing – a winning combination!

Discovery adventure sail full of interesting, exotic places. It’s not often that you visit four countries on two continents on one holiday! The sailing adventure is planned in such a way that there is time to wander the streets of the towns and cities visited. Each place is completely different, with a different atmosphere and a different culture. Sailing in the Gibraltar area is a powerful experience in itself due to the current, weather and heavy boat traffic – great for revising your col regs! Malaga is easily accessible by plane, as is Lisbon for all major airports.

Three days of ocean crossing to the island of eternal spring. We will sail from Arrecife, stopping at the beautiful and rustic Isla Graciosa, north of Lanzarote followed by Islas Selvagenas which is a Portuguese nature reserve comprising of several small islands about 130 miles northwest of Lanzarote. The next stop will be Porto Santo, a small neighbour of Madeira with a beautiful, almost empty golden beach of several miles. Once on Madeira we will visit some of the marinas in the south of the island and end up in Funchal, the capital of Madeira. The entire trip should be less than 400 miles. Informal coaching on the way, keeping your skills fresh in the winter months.

Jersey – Dublin – Largs

A brisk, action-packed cruise across the English Channel and the Irish Sea.

The area of Brittany and the Channel Islands has one of the largest tidal ranges in Europe, with very strong tidal currents. Yachting paradise and hell at the same time. Amazing sailing experience and good experience.

Who hasn’t sailed the Biscay, it’s as if he wasn’t even a yachtsman. The Bay of Biscay is called the weather kitchen for Europe. The weather here changes quite quickly and with stronger winds, bigger waves can form. That’s why we count on a 10-day cruise so that we can wait for the optimal moment to set sail. The cruise itself should take about 3 days. If there is time left, we will take some cruises along the coast of Brittany around Brest. Both La Coruña and Brest are harbor pearls of the Atlantic Ocean.

rya yachtmaster scotland

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Chieftain Training

RYA & STCW Courses – Sail, Power, Super-Yacht & Workboat

Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

The Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence Exam can be taken in a powered or sail craft (i.e. there are two separate disciplines). Much of the route (the shorebased courses) is identical for both disciplines.

There are actually three levels of Yachtmaster ( Coastal, Offshore and Ocean). When people refer to “Yachtmaster” they are generally referring to Yachtmaster Offshore. This article focuses on Coastal and Offshore, our separate article, “ What is an Ocean Yachtmaster ” deals with the higher level of the three.


The route to Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore is similar, candidates for both will have followed a similar pathway, but the offshore candidate will have logged considerably more experience prior to exam and will be pushed harder during the exam. Visit our helpful RYA Advanced and Yachtmaster Qualifying mileage page for more information.

The route to Yachtmaster has several stepping stones, most students work through Day Skipper Shorebased and Day Skipper Practical and then Coastal Skipper , however if you already have relevant experience and skills you can consider skipping these courses.

Before considering embarking on a Yachtmaster practical week , you must arm yourself with;

  • Qualifying mileage (power or sail as appropriate)
  • RYA SRC (1 day) or
  • Higher level GMDSS Radio Certificate of Competence  (3-8 day)
  • RYA First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Elementary First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Medical First Aid (4 day) or
  • Seafish First Aid
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased (6 days or online)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Radar (1 day)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Diesel (1 day)

You are also strongly advised to take the RYA Sea Survival or STW PST Course (1 day), which is required if you intend to operate as a commercial Yachtmaster (most candidates take the exam for commercial reasons and add the RYA Commercial Endorsement however some are leisure boaters and do it for themselves).

Sea Survival PST

Our Yachtmaster practical (preparation and exam) week is 5 days, it takes place on board our motorboat and results in the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore (Power) Certificates of Competence . If you prefer to take the sail exam we can put you in touch with a sail school once you have all of the above shorebased courses. During the prep week our Instructor will take you through many of the exercises the examiner is likely to throw at you on the final day. We operate the prep week with a maximum of 3 students.

fast track yachtmaster power

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Sailing InTuition

RYA Yacht master / Coastal skipper shorebased theory at Largs

RYA Yachtmaster theory shorebased course at Largs in Scotland.

The RYA Yachtmaster theory shorebased course is a comprehensive theory course for more experienced skippers building on the RYA Day Skipper theory course. This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages.

This course will take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills.

The course is taught over 40 hours with three exam papers.

Pre-course experience: Dayskipper theory certificate or equivalent knowledge.

Minimum age: 16

Course content:

  • position fixing
  • course shaping and plotting
  • tidal knowledge
  • use of almanacs and admiralty publications
  • electronic position finding equipment
  • taking and interpreting forecasts
  • plotting weather systems
  • weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
  • collision regulations
  • customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
  • It allows some time for revision of the basics and then moves on to advanced navigation techniques.

RYA training centre

 © Sailing InTuition 2023. Website design by @tinkeratsea

Largs Yacht Haven, Irvine Rd, Largs, KA30 8EZ, Scotland

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BOSS - British Offshore Sailing School

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  • Fastrak Fastrak Day Skipper Fastrack to Yachtmaster Offshore Day Skipper Course - Shore based and Practical Fastrak to Coastal Skipper Course Bespoke Sail Training Programmes Fastrak to Yachtmaster Ocean
  • Youth Sailing Teenagers - RYA Competent Crew Course Teenagers - RYA Day Skipper Course Teenagers - Day Skipper Theory and Practical Course Duke of Edinburgh's Award - DofE Sailing DofE - Team Sailing Expeditions DofE - Open Gold Sailing Expeditions DofE - Open Silver Sailing Expeditions Gap Year Sailing 2023-24 DofE - Residential Sailing Courses
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  • RYA Fastrak Sailing Courses

Fastrack to Yachtmaster Offshore

Product code:, rya yachtmaster offshore fastrack course, join a fastrak training course.

FASTRAK is the original comprehensive, eighteen-week, professional seamanship training programme designed and run by the British Offshore Sailing School. With full Royal Yachting Association (RYA) recognition, it is run by a highly experienced team of yachting instructors, who have taught all over the world. BOSS runs three highly successful eighteen-week FASTRAK courses per year. With small group sizes, we can ensure that the highest possible standard of instruction is given to each individual.

Students selected for this intensive course can expect to receive quality training that is second to none. From day one you will be working towards the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster® Offshore qualification. During your time with BOSS you will spend over 90 days afloat, aboard a variety of yachts, learning good practical seamanship, constantly improving personal technical expertise and above all learning those vital skippering skills.

You will experience sailing yachts with both tiller and wheel steering, masthead and fractional rigs with hank on, luff groove and roller furling headsails, allowing you to gain a wide base of experience. 15 days of your course will be shore based, utilising our custom built classroom facilities at Hamble. Here, students will be shown the intricacies of navigation, meteorology, safety, electronics, use of Radar and the rules regarding avoidance of collisions at sea.

The BOSS FASTRAK course is aimed at both those who are committed to establishing a career in the marine industry and those looking for a career break. It is not just a series of RYA courses put together but a careful mixture of programme learning, technical instruction and the all important skipper experience building. Combine this with regular appraisals of your progress and you have a unique package designed specifically to make the most of your 18 weeks. The course includes;

  • Skippering Experience
  • Sea Survival
  • RYA Small Craft First Aid
  • Navigation Cruises
  • Close quarters Boat Handling
  • 60 Mile Skippered Passages
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore
  • Skippering Skills
  • 2,500 miles

And much more.... 

  • 12th August - 15th December 2024


At the helm

Availability and Booking

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Your 126 days fastrack to yachtmaster offshore.

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Step 3 add participant(s), please select your course duration, 126 days fastrack to yachtmaster offshore.

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  • Certificates of Competence

RYA Certificates of Competence

Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an rya certificate of competence.

Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide.

Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not issued following a formal training course but are achieved by successfully completing an exam testing your skill, knowledge and experience.

So whether you’re a recreational boater looking to put your skills to the test, or need a professional qualification and commercial endorsement to work on the water, find out everything you need to know below.

The pinnacle of yachting qualifications. Find out what it takes to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

Provided you have sufficient experience, seatime and the required certificates, you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge.

The RYA training schemes will take you all the way from beginner to exam level. As well as the required certification, there are a number of other RYA courses you might find useful.

With the backing of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) we ensure RYA qualifications are recognised and respected throughout the world.

We are constantly monitoring and improving our courses and exams. Find out more about how we measure exam feedback to ensure the highest levels of satisfaction and confidence.

  • RYA Courses Explained
  • Local Services
  • RYA Start Yachting
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA Yachtmaster Prep
  • ICC Assessment
  • RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster
  • RYA Yachtmaster Ocean
  • RYA Marine Radio (SCR VHF)
  • RYA First Aid
  • RYA Diesel Engine
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Practical Calendar
  • Classroom Calendar
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  • Practical Booking
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from £600

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from £910

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from £240

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  • Sleeping bag and liner
  • Small pillow
  • Towel (quick drying best)
  • Sunscreen (yes, even in Scotland)
  • Moisturiser
  • Seasickness remedies
  • Personal medication
  • Sailing boots (wellies boots or hike boots are a good alternative)
  • Sailing shoes or training shoes
  • Full waterproofs (not lightweight - sets are available to borrow free of charge)
  • Socks for boots and shoes
  • Thermal underwear
  • Trousers (avoid denim)
  • Thin mid-layers
  • Windproof outer layer
  • Gloves (full finger and fingerless)
  • Head torch / small torch
  • Logbook G158 (may be purchased on the course)
  • Passport-style photo for YM / CS / DS courses
  • Meet up at the Britsail RYA Training Centre office (next to the chandlery in the main marina office complex)
  • Daily times 0900 - 1700
  • Drinks and snacks included during the course
  • Accommodation may be available on the yacht on the evening before the first day of the course until the end of the course. Please let us know if you wish to stay on the yacht overnight.
  • Start Friday evening approx. 1930
  • End Sunday afternoon approx. 1500
  • Accommodation on the yacht from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon is included in the course fee. The first evening meal is not included in the course; please discuss with your instructor should you wish to have your evening meal after the start of the course.
  • Start Sunday evening approx. 1930
  • End Friday afternoon approx. 1500
  • Accommodation on the yacht from Sunday evening through to Friday afternoon is included in the course fee. The first evening meal is not included in the course; please discuss with your instructor should you wish to have your evening meal after the start of the course.
  • All meals, drinks and snacks whilst onboard the yacht
  • Sailing waterproofs
  • Safety equipment, i.e. lifejacket and safety line
  • Cooking gas
  • Diesel fuel (although hopefully, you will be doing more sailing than motoring)
  • Mooring and marina fees
  • Secure marina car park
  • RYA Certificate

Practical Course Frequently Asked Questions

How much are your courses and what is included in the price?

Where do you sail, what time do i need to be there, what is a typical course itinerary, can i come along if i don't want to do a sailing course, what should i bring with me, which course is the right one for me, do i need to complete a theory course before doing at associated practical course, what are the sleeping arrangements, is there anywhere to park my car.

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learn to sail

Rya training centre, rya practical courses, sailing courses, rya sailing courses, rya courses.


© 2024 Stavordale West Limited (trading as 'Britsail') is a Private Limited Company Registered in Scotland. Company No:SC387703

People sailing on a boat

Popular courses

From beginners to professionals, there's something for everyone. Explore our most popular courses or browse by activity.

RYA Courses and qualification image headers

RYA Learn to Wingsurf  

Get started in winging! In as little as four hours you'll learn how to fly the wing ashore and afloat, building your confidence on the water.

Person steering the boat

RYA Day Skipper  

Make the transition from crew to skipper, developing the practical skills and confidence to take command of a small yacht.

RYA Courses and qualification image headers

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Handling

Get to grips with the basics and learn how to master the waves with this two-day entry level course.

two people learning how to use a radio

RYA Marine Radio (SRC)   

If you have a VHF radio onboard your boat, or carry a handheld VHF whilst out on the water, you need to hold an operator's licence. Get qualified with our one-day course and exam.

2 people looking at a map

RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship

Learn the basics of navigation, tides, charts and safety awareness in just two days in the classroom or eight hours online.  

First aid image of someone practising cpr

RYA First Aid   

Our one-day first aid course has been specifically developed for water users and covers everything from CPR and head injuries to cold water shock.

With more than 100 courses to choose from, there's something for every age, ability and interest.

rya yachtmaster scotland

Instructors, coaches and careers

Looking for more information about becoming an RYA Instructor or Race Coach? Or want to turn your passion into a career on the water? Here’s everything you need to know.

Person pulling a rope on the boat

Professional qualifications

If working on the water is your livelihood you need the right training. RYA qualifications are the tickets to your success, so start your career as you mean to go on.

Happy people on a motor boat

Careers advice

Whether you’re after a career on the water or ashore, the marine industry offers opportunities all over the world.   

RYA Training centre logo

RYA recognition

Be a part of the world's leading training programme for recreational and professional boaters and join our network of more than 2,400 recognised training centres worldwide.

1 person learning how to put up a sail

Love an outdoor office? The chance to shape and inspire future boaters? Then join our talented crew and become an RYA Instructor.

chalk board with training instructions

Race coaching

Get into race coaching and help keep Great Britain the world's greatest competitive sailing nation.

Old photo of sailing boats departing

Learn about our heritage

We've come a long way since the introduction of the RYA Dinghy and Coaching schemes in 1970.  

  • Certificates of Competence

From RYA Yachtmaster® to Advanced Powerboat, RYA Certificates of Competence are the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. Find out more about the required experience and book your exam.

View your RYA certificates online by registering for a free MyRYA account.


  1. Intensive fast track yachtmaster

    rya yachtmaster scotland

  2. RYA practical courses, yacht tuition

    rya yachtmaster scotland

  3. RYA Yachtmaster preperation

    rya yachtmaster scotland


    rya yachtmaster scotland

  5. RYA Yachtmaster preparation and mock exam

    rya yachtmaster scotland

  6. Britsail

    rya yachtmaster scotland


  1. Dundee Fc Vs Hearts : Premiership Week 2 : Goals

  2. Visit ST ANDREWS

  3. RYA Yachtmaster offshore training

  4. Stern to alongside

  5. RYA Scotland Coach Conference 2016

  6. RYA Yachtmaster preparation course


  1. Yachtmaster Courses 2024

    RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Prep and Certificate of Competence Exam for Leisure and Commercial from ScotSail in Scotland. Call 9am - 9pm / 7 Days: 0845 834 0335 . Home; ... experience longer passages, navigation exercises and night-sails. There is an external examination, and only a RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Instructor may lead this preparation course ...

  2. What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

  3. Go West Sailing

    Largs Yacht Haven, Irvine Rd. Largs, KA30 8EZ. United Kingdom. Phone: 01475789837. Sign up for our newsletter: We are a RYA training centre and offshore sailing company based in Scotland. We offer sail training (practical, theory), offshore adventures (Scotland, Greenland, Iceland, Canaries, South America, Antarctica), yacht charter and delivery.

  4. Britsail

    WELCOME TO BRITSAIL. We are a family-owned and operated RYA Training Centre operating out of Kip Marina, Inverkip, Scotland's Premier Marina. We offer a full range of RYA practical, classroom, and online courses, including Start Yachting, Competent Crew, Day Skipper, RYA Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster, Radio Marine (VHF), CEVNI, PPR, ICC, First ...

  5. RYA Yachtmaster preperation

    Assumed knowledge: Yachtmaster theory and knowledge of using a radar. Necessary certification: A GMDSS VHF Short range certificate and a valid first aid certificate. Minimum age: 18. Course starts: 09:00 @ Largs Scotland. Practical prepartion course for MCA/RYA Yachtmaster offshore or coastal. We will prepare you for your MCA/ RYA Yachtmaster exam.

  6. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  7. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail ticket is considered the most useful and credible of all sail cruising qualifications. Administered on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastgaurd Agency by the RYA and accepted as a worldwide standard. ... Isle of Mull Argyll & Bute Scotland PA75 6NR phone Call: (+44) 01688325025 email Email: ...

  8. RYA Courses & Qualifications

    Learn to sail with our RYA accredited sailing courses. We offer a wide range of practical training, online & shorebased sail courses. Call me! Maybe? RYA Courses. ... From Scotland to subtropics, Yachtmaster Ocean qualification passage. x Azores to Salvador in Brazil NM3200 - 24 days and an enviable entry to any sailors log book, ...

  9. Yachtmaster Course

    The exam fee is additional to the cost of the course, for aspiring YM Offshore the cost is £231 and YM Coastal it is £200. The cost is set by the RYA and is payable to them by online card payment before the exam. Yachtmaster preps course for those wanting to practice & perfect their skills for the Yachtmaster Coastal exam or Offshore exam.

  10. Britsail

    Yachtmaster Offshore - 50 days sea time (5 days as skipper), 2500 nm, 5 passages min 60nm with 2 overnight and 2 as skipper all on a sailing yacht and Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster offshore theory or equivalent knowledge. Course duration. 5 days, taken over 5 weekdays; Minimum age. 18 years (to sit the RYA Yachtmaster™ Certificate of ...

  11. RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Exam

    2 Contact [email protected] if your sea time is on a yacht greater than 24m and 500gt. 3 For example, an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Sail wishing to be examined for RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Power. Form of exam: Practical: Certification required: A GMDSS compliant Marine Radio Operator's Certificate such as the RYA Short Range Certificate or higher.

  12. RYA practical courses, yacht tuition

    The Clyde in Scotland is the perfect training ground to prepare for a YachtMaster offshore or Coastal exam and gain an MCA recognised certificate of competence. Learn More. RYA YachtMaster Prep and Mock exam (6 days) Not quite sure if you are ready for your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or Coastal exam? Spend 3 days with an RYA examiner being ...

  13. Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

    Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail) The Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence Exam can be taken in a powered or sail craft (i.e. there are two separate disciplines). Much of the route (the shorebased courses) is identical for both disciplines. There are actually three levels of Yachtmaster (Coastal, Offshore and Ocean).

  14. Intensive fast track yachtmaster at Largs, Scotland

    For a bespoke package please email [email protected] with your requirements. RYA Yachtmaster training. Spinnaker handling and milebuilding. Anchoring during RYA course. Pre-course experience should be near: Coastal - 30 days at sea, 800 miles, 12 night hours and 2 days skippering. Offshore - 50 days at sea (including 5 days ...

  15. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  16. RYA Yachtmaster shorebased theory

    The RYA Yachtmaster theory shorebased course is a comprehensive theory course for more experienced skippers building on the RYA Day Skipper theory course. This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages. ... KA30 8EZ, Scotland ...

  17. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean is experienced and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world. Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158), which is available from the RYA webshop. The exam consists of an oral and written test.

  18. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean is experienced and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world. Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158), which is available from the RYA webshop. The exam consists of an oral and written test.

  19. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Fastrack Course Join a Fastrak training course. FASTRAK is the original comprehensive, eighteen-week, professional seamanship training programme designed and run by the British Offshore Sailing School. With full Royal Yachting Association (RYA) recognition, it is run by a highly experienced team of yachting instructors ...

  20. RYA Certificates of Competence

    Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an RYA Certificate of Competence. Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide. Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not ...

  21. RYA Certificates of Competence

    Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an RYA Certificate of Competence. Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide. Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not ...

  22. RYA Scotland Sailing School

    Meeting location. Meet up at the Britsail RYA Training Centre office (next to the chandlery in the main marina office complex) Day Courses. Daily times 0900 - 1700. Drinks and snacks included during the course. Accommodation may be available on the yacht on the evening before the first day of the course until the end of the course.

  23. RYA courses and qualifications

    View your RYA certificates online by registering for a free MyRYA account. The RYA's training courses and qualifications are recognised and respected all over the world. With more than 2,400 recognised training centres across 58 different countries and more than 100 courses, there's something for every age, interest and ability.