

The more obscure, unusual, overlooked, and irreverent bits of edinburgh and leith local history, the thread about the iolanda, the leith-built “finest yacht in the world”; cruising the world with the super-rich and serving the royal navy in two world wars.

This thread was originally written and published in September 2023.

Today’s Auction House Artefact is a 1909 painting of the beautiful yacht Iolanda, cruising off Naples, by the artist Antonie de Simone. She was built in 1908 by Ramage & Ferguson in Leith for the wealthy American railroad and shipping financier (and yachting fanatic) Morton F. Plant and had a long and interesting life

Iolanda, by Antonie de Simone, 1909

At this time, if you wanted one of the biggest and best steam yachts in the world you went to Messrs Cox & King of Pall Mall to design it, specifically their naval architect Joseph E. Wilkins. And once you had your plans, you went to Ramage & Ferguson in Leith to build it. The Iolanda was the largest of the Cox & King / Ramage & Ferguson vessels, being 310 feet long and displacing 1,823 tons. Described as “ probably the finest yacht in the world “, she could make 19 knots on her 3,500hp steam engines and with her bunkers filled with 600 tons of coal she could cruise for 6,000 miles. To lengthen this, she was also rigged as a schooner and could be sailed.

Iolanda, from "Steam Yachts" by Erik Hofman, 1970

That’s a very big and very fast yacht, by the standards of then as much as now, indeed she was the 10th largest yacht on Lloyd’s Register in 1913, the 3rd largest in private ownership (behind that of the Vanderbilts and of Gordon Bennett of the New York Times ) . This was the 3rd such vessel that Plant had bought off of Cox & King – the others being the Venetia and the Vanadis . She was crewed by a compliment of 70 and had a capacity for 80 passengers. The interiors, as you might expect, were the finest that money could buy, a Queen Anne style. Her fittings included three electrical generation plants, a 3,000 feet string of 1,500 red, white and blue lamps that could be strung from the masts, a desalination system that could produce 15 tons of fresh water per day, a special system to chill the seawater in her plumbing for cold baths and an infirmary with its own X-ray machine.

The interior of the Iolanda, from Yachting Magazine, 1908

Morton Plant, whose sailing schooner was named Elena after the Queen of Italy, named Iolanda after the Italian Princess Royal. He was particularly proud of how big his new steam yacht’s funnel was. To demonstrate its size and to mark the occasion of the launch of the hull in Leith in February 1908, he held a party luncheon inside it for 100 guests (the funnel at this times till being on its side on the quayside). Plant. On his arrival back in the US at New London on August 29th 1908, he flew a 220-foot long pennant from the masthead.

The Iolanda in 1912

In 1909, Plant and his friends began a 33,000 mile cruise around the world that would take almost a year (including the visit to Naples as seen in the painting). He wrote and published an account of this voyage in 1911, sensibly titled The Cruise of the Iolanda . He returned from this global jolly on July 5th, 1910, but had already grown tired of his new toy and soon put it on the market. It was bought in 1911 by Mme. Elizabeth Tereshchenko, a friend of Plant and a wealthy member of the Ukrainian upper class, who spent most of her time in Cannes.

Plant and friends on deck on the Iolanda, from "Cruise of the Iolanda" by Morton F. Plant.

The Iolanda came complete with her Norwegian captain, Charles A.K. Bertun. On the outbreak of WW1, Bertrun and the yacht were stuck in Norway. As the property of an allied nation (the Russian Empire), she was secretly chartered to the British Admiralty and Bertun escaped with her to England on the pretext of going to Bergen for dry docking. The Royal Navy commissioned the yacht as a patrol vessel – work which her size and speed well suited her to. For this purpose she was given a couple of 3″ guns, and seems to have had an uneventful war.

Cross-sectional model of the Iolanda displayed at the New York Yacht Club.

Morton Plant died on 5th November 1918, just before the end of the war. His obituary noted his long list of yachts and membership of the New York, Atlantic, Corinthian (Philadelphia), Indian Harbour, Larchmont, Sea View, Royal Thames, Royal St. George and Royal Forth Yacht Clubs. When the war ended a few weeks later, Captain Bertun took possession of the Iolanda on behalf of the Tereschenko family and took her back to Leith to Ramage & Fergusons to be refitted and repaired after war service. On the death of her owner now exiled in Cannes and Monaco – she passed to Elizabeth’s son, Mykhailo Tereshchenko. Mykhailo was Russian Foreign Minister in November 1917 when he had been rounded up by the Provisional Government and locked in the St. Petersburg Citadel. He escaped from this imprisonment in 1918 and fled to Norway with the 42 carat Tereshchenko diamond , the largest blue diamond in the world. Legend says that this diamond is cursed, and this was responsible for the fall of Imperial Russia and the Tereschenko dynasty.

Photo of Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko from the first edition of "Ten Days that Shook the World" (1919)

The family needed money to finance their life in exile on the French Riviera, so sold the Iolanda to the yacht brokers Camper & Nicholson in 1921 for use on the hire market. In 1927 she was purchased by Moses Taylor Pine Jr. of the National City Bank in New York. Like Morton Plant before them, the Moses Pines made an inaugural cruise and published an account of it ( Diary of Happenings Aboard the Steam Yacht Iolanda, Being a More Or Less [principally Less] Veracious and Plain Account of the Adventurous Voyage Undertaken etc. etc. ) Moses died, I believe, the following year, but his wife kept the yacht on for her own use. In 1939 the Admiralty once again came calling on the Iolanda , buying her off Mrs Moses through an intermediary, Mrs G. J. Guthrie Nicholson of Newport Rhode Island, reportedly for only $5. She was commissioned once again into the Royal Navy, this time as the submarine tender HMS White Bear . Her principal duties were to escort submarines heading out on, and returning from, patrols into their home bases.

HMS White Bear, Imperial War Museum photo © IWM FL 4085

On Nov. 30th 1942, White Bear left Holy Loch in company with the submarine HMS Tuna – which she escorted as far as Wolf Rock off Cornwall – before the latter set a course for the Gironde estuary to drop off 6 Royal Marine Commandos for Operation Frankton – the Cockleshell Hero raid.

1955 film poster for the fictionalised account of Operation Frankton - "Cockleshell Heroes"

White Bear was refitted as a survey vessel in 1944 and posted to the East Indies Fleet, stationed at Colombo. She was fitted with a large and modern printing plant so that the newly surveyed charts could be sent straight to the fleet.

The printing room on HMS White Bear

She returned to the UK in 1947 and was sold, first to Burwood & Co. of London. She was scrapped in Holland in 1958 at the age of 50. A number of artefacts survived, including her clock, the ship’s bell (which sold in 2018 at auction for £1,116) and her figurehead.

The figurehead of the Iolanda, a 1928 photo

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These threads © 2017-2024, Andy Arthur

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Hi Andy, I have the painting of the Iolanda by De Simone hanging on my wall, which I got from my grandmother many years ago. It looks identical (or almost identical) to the image of the painting that you have at the top of this page – where did you get that image from? Donald

Hi Donald, the image is from the listing of a similar painting which came up for auction recently. I’ve seen multiple variations of it (and copies of them) in different historic listings too. You’re very lucky to have one of the originals! I hope to write more about Ramage & Ferguson steam yachts in the future. Andy.

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Collections & Research

Charles A.K. Bertun Collection

Manuscripts collection 216.

G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport
Bertun, Charles A.K. (Charles Anton Knutson), 1868-1967
Charles A.K. Bertun Collection
1897-1986 (bulk 1908-1959)
ca. 160 items
Correspondence, logbooks, reminiscences, and other papers, reflecting Bertun’s career, especially his activities as captain of the steam yacht IOLANDA (out of New London, Connecticut) and friend of its owner Morton F. Plant, and friendships with F. Marion Crawford and members of the Russian royal family.
Coll. 216

Biography of Charles Anton Knutson Bertun

Charles Anton Knutson Bertun was born in Alesund, Norway, September 28, 1868, and died in Decatur, Illinois, June 6, 1967.

He went to sea at the age of 15, and was shipwrecked in 1885 on the Norwegian barkentine COURIER. He later became an American citizen in 1895, graduated from New York Nautical College and captained F. Marion Crawford’s yacht, EZRA NYE, an ex-Sandy Hook pilot boat, in the summer of 1896 from New York to Sorrento, Italy.

Bertun joined the American Line (International Navigation Company) as fourth officer, gradually working his way through the grades until he commanded the ocean-going steam yacht, ALVINA, owned by the company president. In 1903 he became Marine Superintendent of the line. A merger of the company with several others resulted in a general reorganization of personnel, and rather than taking command of small vessels, Captain Bertun became master of the steam yacht, VENETIA, owned by Morton Plant of New London, Connecticut. He then commanded the IOLANDA, built by Plant in 1908. In 1911 the vessel was sold to Plant’s Russian friend Mme. Elisabeth Teretchenko.

In August 1914 Bertun and the yacht were interred by the Germans in Trondhjem, Norway. Secretly chartering the yacht to the British Admiralty in 1915, he escaped from Trondhjem on the excuse of needing dry dock repairs in Bergen, and then delivered IOLANDA to the British in Southampton. After the fall of the Czarist and White Russian Governments in 1917, he went back to Trondhjem as United States Consul. At the end of the war, he went to England and took possession of the IOLANDA from the British Government. The owners later instructed him to sell the yacht to Camper and Nicholson.

From 1918 to 1929 Bertun ventured out on his own as a shipping/purchaser’s agent, and then in the commerical fishing industry, but he was not successful. In the Spring of 1929 he went to Wilmington, Delaware to supervise the building of a private yacht at the Pusey and Jones Yard. He worked with various state shipping and fishing interests until World War II. By 1934 he was married with four children, Charles, Anna, Dorothy and Kurt. In 1942 he supervised the construction of the S.S. CAPE HENLOPEN, and then became her chief officer. In her he sailed with general cargo from New York to Suez and back. Until May 1945 he commanded various vessels of the Merchant Marine, sailing in war zones all over the world.


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Available for use in the Manuscripts Division

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Index Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in the catalog of the G. W. Blunt White Library. Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons or places should search the catalog using these headings.

Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909 Plant, Morton F., 1852-1918

Corporate Bodies (Including Vessels):

Iolanda (Steam yacht)

Russia–Kings and rulers

Royal houses–Russia Steam yachts Steam yachts–Connecticut–New London Yachting

Document Types:

Logbooks Reminiscences


Shipmasters–United States

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Coll. 216, Manuscripts Collection, G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc.

Aldridge, Edward C. (Jr.) 1/18
Anastasia (Grand Duchess) 1/16
Athumney (Lord) 1/4
Ayer, ? (Mrs.) 1/14
Barnes, J.S. 1/4
Blake, A.N. 1/5
Crawford, Bertie 1/19
Crawford, Clare 1/19
Crawford, Eleanor 1/19
Crawford, Elizabeth Berdan 1/19
Crawford, F. Marion 1/1, 1/3, 1/19
Crawford, Harold 1/19
Dalgarno, ? 1/7
Dickson, ? (Miss) 1/14
Edward VIII (King) 1/4
Everidge, ? (Dr.) 1/14
Everidge, ? (Mrs.) 1/14
Ferguson, John 1/11
Gerstner, Anna Bertun 1/7, 1/18, 1/19
Grady, Frederic J. 1/18
Griscom, Clement A. 1/3
Grissom, Robert L. 1/7
Harrison, ? (Mrs.) 1/14
Healey, T.C. 1/18
Hegbom, Ole 1/7
Jett, R. Arthur 1/7
Joyce, ? 1/4
Malik, Nicolai 1/4
Malin, Lily 1/15
Marks, ? (Adm.) 1/4
Marshall, T. Keith 1/7
Martin, John Bentinck 1/4
McCarthy, D.F. 1/7
Menin, Abraham I. 1/7
Michel, ? 1/15
Ott, Frank 1/14
Paia, ? (Miss) 1/15
Phillips, S.H. 1/4
Plant, Morton F. 1/1, 1/3, 1/10, 1/14
Popoff, ? 1/16
Ramage, John T. 1/11
Rocca, Pietro (Signor) 1/19
Schilling, ? 1/15
Shackleford, John W. (Capt.) 1/3
Sherbatoff (Prince) 1/4
Shoultz, ? (Capt.) 1/7
Smythe, Augustine T. 1/7
Taylor, Moses 1/5
Terestchenko, Elizabeth 1/1, 1/3, 1/4, 1/10, 1/15, 1/16, 1/19
Terestchenko, Malin 1/15
Terestchenko, Michel 1/3, 1/5
Thomas, Norris M. 1/7
Wilde, Henry T. 1/19
Williams, Gray 1/7
Wilson, Percy 1/19
Bethlehem Fairfield Yard 1/3
Bombay Yacht Club 1/14
Camper & Nicholsons Ltd. 1/5
Cox & King 1/10, 1/15
Galesburg Register-Mail 1/1
Imperial River Yacht Club 1/4
Intercontental Steamship Lines 1/7
International Mercantile Marine Co. 1/3
International Navigation Co. 1/3
International S.S. Co. 1/7
Lazard Bros. & Co. Ltd. 1/5
Lloyd, Decker, Williams & Knanth 1/7
N.Y. Nautical College 1/3
New York Herald Tribune 1/1
Pusey & Jones Shipyard 1/1, 1/3
Ramage & Ferguson Ltd. 1/11
Russian Imperial River Yacht Club 1/1
The Star 1/1
U.S. Coast Guard 1/18
U.S. Maritime Administration 1/18
Vick Chemical Co. 1/7
ALDA (Schooner) 1/19
ALVINA (Yacht) 1/3
COURIER (Barkentine) 1/3
EZRA NYE (Schooner) 1/3
EZRA NYE (Yacht) 1/1
HERBERT L. RAWDING (Schooner) 1/1, 1/3, 1/7
IOLANDA (Yacht) 1/1, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10, 1/11, 1/14, 1/15, 1/16, 1/19
VENETIA (Yacht) 1/1, 1/3
WILHELMINA (Yacht) 1/1

Detailed Description of the Collection

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

1 1 Newspaper Clippings (copies) re. Capt. Charles A. K. Bertun, and Schooner HERBERT H. RAWDING; 1943-1959
2 Drawing of Morton F. Plant’s house flag; undated
3 “Memo of Services”, Capt. Charles A. K. Bertun; undated
4 Letters re. Capt. Bertun’s attempt to obtain a reward for bringing IOLANDA into Southampton, Englad, in W. W. I; 1936 Jan 20-1937 Jan 7
5 Letters, re. M. Terestchenko’s inquiry into IOLANDA’s status, for Capt. Bertun; 1945 May
6 Small Notebook, “Particulars of Steam Yacht IOLANDA”; 1908
7 Letters and papers, re. Schooner HERBERT L. RAWDING and Capt. Bertun; ca. 1943-1949
8 Booklet, “Rules of the IOLANDA”; 1908 Jul
9 Notebook, “Practical Theraputics,” the use of various medications of the period, by Dr. Schyler Jacques; 1902
10 Memo’s re. chartering of IOLANDA to Mme. Elisabeth Terestchenko; 1911 Apr
11 Correspondence & related papers, Bertun with Ramage & Ferguson, re. outfitting of IOLANDA after World War I; 1916
12 Charts list of Norway, English & Irish Channels, and North Sea; undated
13 IOLANDA: speed table, and Southampton Clearance Certificate; 1919
14 Machine copies of letters from Morton F. Plant; ca. 1909
15 Machine copies of letters from Elisabeth Terestchenko; 1919-1920
16 Machine copies of letters from Anastasia, Grand Duchess of Russia; ca. 1912
17 Machine copy of obituary, Princess Iolanda di Savoia; 1986
18 Data regarding honorable discharge of Capt. Bertun; ca. 1945
19 Machine copies of letters (with transcriptions), F. Marion & Elizabeth Crawford to Capt. Bertun; ca. 1907-1912
2 1 “The ALDA” (transferred to RF 504); 1896 Nov (43 pieces )
2 “Distress of COURIER” (transferred to RF 523); 1954 Jul (203 pieces )
3 “When the Kaiser Wanted to Call”; ca. 1935 (13 pieces )
4 “The Shanghaiing of the Mudhookers”; 1935 (22 pieces )
5 “Voyages of the IOLANDA” (incomplete); 1934 (161 pieces )
1 Navigation log containing data for voyages by U. S. M. S. PARIS; U. S. M. S. ST. LOUIS; U. S. M. S. ST. PAUL, Steam Yacht, MOHICAN, Steam Yacht VENETIA, Steam Yacht IOLANDA; 1897-1898; 1897-1899; 1899; 1902-1903; 1905-1907;1908-1912
2 Logbook, Steam Yacht IOLANDA; 1914 Feb 20-1915 Apr 13
3 Expense book, Chas. A. K. Bertun, “Steam Yacht VENETIA, 1904-1907”; 1903
4 “Cashbook, Steam Yacht IOLANDA”; 1908 Jan-1911 Oct
5 Accounts, “Chas. A. K. Bertun with Steam Yacht IOLANDA”; 1911 Jun 2-1915 Jun 12
6 Daily log of work performed aboard yacht IOLANDA (MC 90.47-1); 1912 Sep 20-1915 Jul 30
7 Pay Ledger for Crew members aboard Yacht IOLANDA (MC 90.47-2); 1912-1915

steam yacht iolanda

The U.S. steam yacht Iolanda: In Neapolitan waters (illustrated); and At sea in a swell

More from maritime pictures.


History Revisited: A Groton yacht fit for a king or millionaire

steam yacht iolanda

In the early 1960s and 1970s, I recall news reports of the various U.S. presidents holding meetings, having social gatherings and going on retreats aboard the Presidential Yacht. At the time I thought this yacht, the 104-foot USS Sequoia, was not only luxurious but enormous.

In recent years, researching a book on Morton F. Plant, the notable millionaire philanthropist from Groton, I learned that he had had a yacht built that was double the size of the presidential boat.

In 1908, with money being no object, Plant, who always seemed to enjoy his “one-upmanship” when it came to his racing yachts, contracted with a well-known boat builder in Scotland to build a 309-foot, five-deck, twin engine, 1,800-ton steam yacht.

It would be the second largest yacht in the world, and was bigger and more lavish than the steam yacht of Edward VII, king of Great Britain and Ireland. The cost to build and outfit the boat was close to $1 million (roughly $26 million by today’s standards).

The accommodations of the boat included drawing and dining rooms, a library, smoking room, fine saloons, and many guest staterooms and bathrooms. All of the rooms were superbly fitted and decorated, principally in Queen Anne and early Georgian styles.

The officers’ and servants’ and crew quarters were spacious, arranged to accommodate 80 people. The yacht was home ported in New London and could often be seen anchored off of Plant’s Avery Point estate and his Griswold Hotel in Groton.

The cost to operate the yacht, and to pay its crew of 67, was estimated to be $20,000 a month.

Based upon the lavishness of this new yacht, that the old cliché “fit for a king” could have been altered to be “fit for a millionaire.”

While the yacht was being built, Plant, for reason unknown, secured permission from the King of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele II, to name his new yacht after the King’s oldest daughter, 7-year-old Princess Iolanda. A special stateroom aboard the yacht was reserved exclusively for Princess Iolanda.

Although it cannot be verified, a news article appearing in the Aug. 5, 1908, edition of the Ocala Evening Star indicated that Plant was to entertain the King and Queen of England at dinner on board the Iolanda while at Cowes, England.

In the book “Cruise of the Iolanda,” written by Morton Plant as a daily record of the 33,000-mile cruise made by the Iolanda from October 1909 through July 1910, the entry on May 28 reflects that the King and Queen of Italy and several other royal personages, paid a short visit to the vessel while it was ported in Palermo, Italy.

On May 31, while anchored off Castelorziano, Italy, Her Royal Highness Princess Iolanda, accompanied by a chaperone, paid a visit to the immense and luxurious yacht named in her honor.

Thus, it can be said that, although the Steam Yacht Iolanda was “fit for a millionaire,” it was also fit for a king – and other royalty.

Interestingly, while the yacht was under construction, Plant was planning several cruises to China and other Southeast Asian countries. Learning of acts of piracy in those areas, he had the Iolanda equipped with two one-pounder Hotchkiss rapid-fire guns. He also had 12 Manlicher rifles, 12 Colt revolvers and an abundant amount of ammunition stored on board.

The smokestack for the Iolanda, also called a funnel, was shown in a photograph prior to installation with a 60 horsepower, six cylinder motor car, with two passengers, easily passing through the stack, and a novel luncheon was given by Plant inside the funnel. It was said that when lying on its side, 100 people standing could easily get inside.

In September 1910, while the Iolanda was moored off of Avery Point, crewmembers manned a launch from the yacht to help in rescuing a large deer that was drowning as it attempted to swim from the Poquonnock River to Pine Island, which was part of Plant’s estate. The crew successfully pulled the deer onto the launch and towed it to the Iolanda, where the yacht’s doctor administered “drowning first aid” to the animal – to no avail.

In September 1911, Plant sold the Iolanda to Russian Countess Elizabeth Terestohenko. Although the amount paid for the yacht was undisclosed, it was said that Plant undoubtedly realized a profit on the sale.

The Iolanda was sold and changed hands several times after being owned by Terestohenko. In 1940 it was converted into a British government/military surveyor ship and was renamed the HMS White Bear.

In 1948, after the war, it was sold to the SS Burwood Company which, in 1952, sold it to Jules Ceulemens & Files of London. It was scrapped in 1958.

Jim Streeter is the Groton town historian.

steam yacht iolanda

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Antonio De Simone (Italian, 1851-1907) The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples18 x 26-1/2 in. (45.7 x 67.3 cm.) image 1

Antonio De Simone (Italian, 1851-1907) The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples 18 x 26-1/2 in. (45.7 x 67.3 cm.)

Sold for US$2,500 inc. premium

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Antonio De Simone (Italian, 1851-1907)

The steam yacht Iolanda was on of the most distinctive yachts of her time. She was a departure from most of the Cox & King designs with her high superstructure and tall graceful funnel. Shortly after her commissioning, her owner, Morton Plant took her on a 33,000 mile to the Mediterranean cruise, then to Japan and returned via the same route. Iolanda was the second of four steam yacht owned by Morton Plant, and after World War I Iolanda was managed by Camper & Nicholson before being sold to Mr. Moses Taylor of New York's National City Bank. During World War II she was used as a survey ship, and was then sold into commercial service in 1947. NB: The dates for Antonio De Simone, the yacht and the date of the painting are off slightly, most likely that the dates for Antonio De Simone are off by a year or two.

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M.F. Plant's steam yacht Iolanda, Groton

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Iolanda | by Itinerant Wanderer

Industrialist Morton F. Plant of New York and Groton, Connecticut had the steam yacht Iolanda built for himself in Scotland in 1908. She was, at the time, one of the largest private yachts in the world. Plant's idea of a maiden voyage was to take Iolanda on a 33,000 mile cruise to Japan, China, India and the Mediterranean.   Iolanda had many owners after Plant including, for a time, a Russian princess. The Yacht also saw service in the British Navy during both World Wars.   This figurehead is the second to be carried by Iolanda. The carving has been restored to its original appearance.   Part of the Figureheads exhibit at Mystic Seaport.          

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Rediscovered Kirchner Thrives: A Report on Germany & Poland’s Summer Auctions

Antonio de Simone

Artwork by Antonio de Simone, The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples, Made of gouache

The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples

Works on Paper

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H.M.S. Cruiser in the Bay of Naples with Vesuvius beyond

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The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples ,1909

The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples by Antonio de Simone, 1909

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steam yacht iolanda

   Ship's Bell from the NYYC Steam Yacht IOLANDA of 1908 ⚈ Sold British

Dated 1908
15 inches high, 14 3/8 diameter

steam yacht iolanda

Ship's Bell from the NYYC Steam Yacht IOLANDA of 1908   Ship's Bell from the NYYC Steam Yacht IOLANDA of 1908 ⚈ Sold

Dated 1908
15 inches high, 14 3/8 diameter

This is the cast brass main bell from the Steam-Sail Yacht IOLANDA of 1908. IOLANDA was designed by Cox and King and built by Ramage and Ferguson of Leith for Morton Plant of the New York Yacht Club. IOLANDA had a length of 310 feet overall and ran on a dual steel screw 185lb. engine generating 345NHP.

IOLANDA was one of the finest yachts of her day, her bow sweeping high off the water and sloping back into a graceful superstructure whose silhouette was topped with a tall funnel and twin masts. The man for whom she was built, Morton Plant, owned several shipping lines and IOLANDA was one of six yachts he was known to have owned.

Plant had connections to the Italian royal family and this vessel was named for the Principessa Iolanda Margherita Milena Elisabetta Romana Maria di Savoia b. 1901, the eldest daughter of the last king of Italy, King Victor Emmanuel III.

Meant as a cruising yacht, she was luxuriously appointed and upon the yacht's launch Plant sailed her on a 33,000 mile cruise through the Mediterranean and Far East.

In later years the IOLANDA was sold and used mainly as a charter vessel, though she became a survey ship during WWII when she was renamed WHITE BEAR.

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Model of Iolanda

Style & luxury.

Original content by: Katherine Hijar

About This Artifact

When the Iolanda was built in 1908, it was the world’s second-largest yacht. A blend of tradition and modernity, it looked old-fashioned with its schooner rig and clipper bow, but was powered by a coal-fueled steam engine. The yacht carried up to 600 tons of coal; when traveling at a speed of 12 knots (nautical miles per hour), it burned about 30 tons of coal per day.

The accommodations onboard were so luxurious that the press compared the yacht to a palace. Iolanda also boasted the latest technologies. Its wireless telegraph was installed under the supervision of Enrico Marconi, the inventor. The yacht had a fully equipped hospital and surgery facility, including an x-ray machine. Staff onboard numbered 70 people, mostly men, including officers, crew, cooks, a doctor, a butler, at least one maid, and a valet. Iolanda accommodated about 10 guests.

At 310 feet stem-to-stern, Iolanda was a massive yacht, nearly three times the length of the Charles W. Morgan . This model is a miniature version of the Iolanda . Every ¼ inch on the model equals 1 foot on the actual yacht. Each detail is accurate, including lights, bells, and whistles. Everything is handmade; the metal parts are made of copper and brass and many of the fittings are silver- or gold-plated. The rigging is made of silk, linen, and wire.

This exceptional model was built by Ramage & Ferguson of Leith, Scotland, the company that built the Iolanda . It was donated to the Museum by Robert D. Huntington, Jr., grandson of Mrs. Moses Taylor, who owned the yacht from 1928 to 1938.

Questions for Further Thought

  • Can you find the figurehead on the model? How does it compare with the actual figurehead of Iolanda ?

steam yacht iolanda

Photo courtesy Francois Grosjean (direct descendant of G.& F. Pratt, owners of Cox and King)

           SY "IOLANDA"   

steam yacht iolanda

The steam yacht IOLANDA was constructed in 1908 in Leith, Scotland by Ramage and Ferguson Shipyards under the supervision of George Wilson and Co. from a design by Cox and King. The specifications detail the interior decor and types of wood to be used. At 318 feet, the yacht was the second largest in the world and was delivered to her owner Commodore Morton F. Plant and based in New London, Ct. under the command of Captain Charles Anton Knutson Bertun. Captain Bertun's papers are in a collection at the Mystic Seaport and detail his years aboard this magnificent yacht. The Museum at Mystic Seaport has a full rigged model of the IOLANDA. In the New York Yacht Club, among the 151 ship models on display, is one of a cross-section of the IOLANDA. A museum quality builder's boardroom display model of SY Iolanda was commissioned in 2018 by Nicholas Mouravieff-Apostol, cousin of Michael Terestchenko. The standard size for such a model is 1/8" to each foot or what is referred to as 1/96 scale. It was built from original plans found in the archives of the British Admiralty by a master model builder in England and was delivered in late 2019 to the Unted States. The ship's model  is now displayed at Mr. Mouravieff-Apostol's estate.

steam yacht iolanda

In October 1909, the Commodore sailed to London in 10 days and 4 hours which was a record at the time. While in the Thames River, the crew rescued a huge Buck deer they encountered foundering in the river. Morton Plant and Moises Taylor published two books detailing their exploits and voyages aboard the IOLANDA. Lloyds Yacht Registries details the Iolanda's ownership.  The title of the Books were: " Cruise of the Iolanda" by Morton Plant published in 1911 and "Happenings aboard the Iolanda" by Moises Taylor published in 1927.

steam yacht iolanda

The party then set sail for a six month tour of the Far East. By the summer the ship was in the Baltic Sea again.

Interior Pictures of the SY Iolanda taken in 1912

steam yacht iolanda

        The Bowsprit of SY Iolanda

steam yacht iolanda

In August 1914 Captain Bertun and the yacht were interred by the Germans in Trondheim, Norway. Secretly chartering the yacht to the British Admiralty in 1915, he escaped from Trondheim on the excuse of needing dry dock repairs in Bergen, and then delivered IOLANDA to the British in Southampton. The British Admiralty extract shows the use of the SY Iolanda during WW I as follows: " IOLANDA , hired yacht, Pendant No 031. Built 1908, 1647grt/1822TM. Armament: 2-3in. In service 21.5.15-5.2.19. May have served as wireless-equipped A/P Group Leader or in special yacht squadrons, at home or in Mediterranean" .At the end of the war, in 1919, he went to England and took possession of the IOLANDA from the British Government. Madame Terestchenko's son, Michael, instructed him to sell the yacht to Camper and Nicholson Ltd. in 1921.

steam yacht iolanda

The Nicholsons kept the yacht for private charter until 1928 when it was sold to Moises Taylor of New York. The family kept the yacht until 1939 when it was sold to Mrs. G. J. Nicholson of Newport, R.I. who sold it in 1940 to the British Government for $5 in a deal brokered by Sir Thomas Lipton . The yacht was converted into a Surveyor Ship and was armed with 20mm Oerlikon AA and Bofors 40mm AA. It was equipped with a full printing shop in order to print sea charts , renamed the HMS White Bear and dispatched to the Far East to be based in Trincomalee, Ceylon where it served out the entire war cruising around the south China Sea especially the Mallaca Straits, Malaya, Sumatra and the other Indonesian islands. Among its famous Commanders was Vice-Admiral Sir Archibald Day who took command of the HMS White Bear in November 1944. Following is a log of the movements of the HMS White Bear by year: 1940 , 1941 , 1942 , 1943-44 .

Following WW II, the British Government sold the ship in 1948 to the S.S. Burwood Company which kept it until 1952 and sold it on to the Jules Ceulemens & Fils Ltd. of London. No more entries are recorded. In all, SY Iolanda had a succession of 8 owners during her fifty years in service.

The IOLANDA was finally scrapped in Holland in 1958 after 50 years of faithful service leaving only memories of a distinctive history and a few relics such as a ship's bell and clock in the hands of collectors.                                        

steam yacht iolanda

                                                            Several paintings depicting the SY IOLANDA were made by reknowned artists. One such artist, Antonio de Simone, painted SY Iolanda in 1909 while it was cruising in the Bay of Naples, Italy

steam yacht iolanda

SY IOLANDA was also a popular subject for photographers

steam yacht iolanda

 The above photo was taken in 1908 while the one below was taken in 1930

steam yacht iolanda

Category: Iolanda (ship, 1908)

  • Type: Steam yacht, later survey ship
  • Design by: Cox & King
  • Built by: Ramage & Ferguson, Leith, Victoria Shipyard
  • Yard No: 214
  • Launched: 1908.03.04
  • Completed: 1908
  • Length over all: 310.0 ft
  • Beam: 37.5 ft
  • Official number: 125487
  • Port: Leith
  • Owner: Morton F Plant, New London, Connecticut
  • 1908 Port: New York City, later New London
  • 1911 Owner: Mrs Elizabeth Terestchenko, Kyiv & Cannes
  • 1914.08 Interned by Germans at Trondheim
  • 1915 Escaped to Southampton
  • 1915.05.21 Requisitioned by Admiralty as auxiliary patrol vessel
  • 1919.02 Returned to owner
  • 1920 Owner: Michael Terestchenko
  • Signal letters: KRNW
  • Port: Portsmouth
  • Owner: Camper and Nicholson Ltd., Gosport
  • 1928 Owner: Moises/Moses Taylor, New York
  • 1930 Owner: Mrs E B Taylor
  • 1939 Owner: Mrs G J Guthrie Nicholson, Newport, Rhode Island
  • Hired as submarine tender, converted to survey ship, based in Trincomalee
  • Owner: British Admiralty
  • Owner: SS Burwood & Co, London
  • 1952 Owner: Jules Ceulemens & Fils Ltd, London
  • 1958 Scrapped in the Netherlands


This category has only the following subcategory.

  • HMS White Bear (ship, 1939) ‎ (6 F)

Media in category " Iolanda (ship, 1908)"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.

steam yacht iolanda

  • Ships built in 1908
  • Ships built at Ramage and Ferguson, Leith
  • Steam yachts of the United Kingdom
  • Steam yachts of the United States
  • Tereshenko family
  • Ships registered in Leith
  • Ships registered in New York City
  • Ships registered in New London, Connecticut
  • Ships registered in Portsmouth
  • Two-masted ships
  • Ships with 1 funnel
  • Ships named after girl names
  • Ships scrapped in 1958
  • Ships scrapped in the Netherlands
  • Ships by name (flat list)

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HMCo #262p [Launch for St. Y. Iolanda]


Offset booklet number(s): HH.4.030 Offset booklet contents: #198 - #202 , #233 , #237 - #242 , #246 , #263 , #266 , #271 [steam & gasoline launches]. Offset Booklet(s) in Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection. Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections, MIT Museum, Cambridge, Mass. (Restricted access --- see curator.) Note: "Reference to offset booklet HH.4.030 was added by CvdL because this boat was built from the same construction plan as other sisterships that were specifically mentioned in it." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. April 24, 2021.)

  • Dwg 055-006 (HH .5.03994 ): Condenser for Launch # 197 (1898-06-14)
  • Dwg 043-037 (HH .5.03387 ); Boiler for No. 197 (1898-06-21)
  • Dwg 049-032 (HH .5.03709 ): Water Tanks for Launch # 197 (1898-06-27)
  • Dwg 008-022 (HH .5.00720 ): Shaft for 28' Launch 199, 200, 201 (1898-11-21)
  • Dwg 002-028 (HH .5.00028 ): Construction Dwg > # 233 Steam Launch 28', # 237, 239, 246, 262, 270, 275 (1903-03-16)
  • Dwg 074-047 (HH .5.05333 ): Sheave Holder and Boat Liftings (1906-04-25)

Nathanael G. Herreshoff

"March 19, 1908 28ft Launch #262 Built [for] Morton F. Plant for s[team] y[acht] [blank (Iolanda) In early p.m. made 6 runs on 1 mile course in Harbor. 3 on board, mod[erate] NW [wind]. Bituminous coual, some trouble from fuel pump, and poor firing. Throttle probably partly closed, 1st run. [Followed by tabulated trial run data with best mean speed being 14.07mph (= 12.24kn). Mean of 4 best runs 13.98 mph 9= 12.15kn)] Contract speed 14.00, but accepted by Capt. Barr." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. Handwritten note in Trials Booklet '1898 - 1909' under date of March 19, 1908. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum.)

Other Contemporary Text Source(s)

"Yesterday Capt. Charlie Barr, the noted skipper of racing yachts, was on board the new 28 foot mahogany steam launch built at Herreshoffs when she had her trial trip in the harbor. The launch was built for Morton T. Plant and is to be a tender for his large new steam yacht [Iolanda] which is now being built in Europe." (Source: Anon. "Bristol and Vicinity" Bristol Phoenix, March 20, 1908, p. 2.) "(Special Dispatch to the Sunday Herald.) BRISTOL. R. I., March 28 --- A shipment was made this week from the Herreshoff shops of a motor boat [ #262p Launch for St. Y. Iolanda], as a tender to the new steam yacht recently built in Scotland for Morton F. Plant, and also a new racing sloop 20 feet in length [ #677s Dad]. The motor craft is elaborately finished in mahogany, and her trial in Bristol harbor demonstrated a speed of 15 miles an hour. The racing sloop was also tried in the harbor and proved very-speedy and quick in stays. Capt. Charles Barr, the well-known racing skipper, was present at the tests, representing Mr. Plant, and arranged for the sending across the Atlantic of both craft. Both the motor boat and the sloop will swing upon davits on board Mr. Plant's new palatial steam yacht. ..." (Source: Anon. "Two Boats Sent Abroad for Plant. Motor Craft and Racing Sloop Intended for Use on His Palatial Yacht." Boston Herald, March 29, 1908, p. 13.) "... There were recently launched from the shops three swift power boats, one for Morton G. Plant [ #262p ], which has been sent abroad; one for Paul J. Rainey [ #263p Cassandra Jr.], and a 50-foot cruising launch [ #264p Sarah Webb] for Col. George H. Webb of Providence." (Source: Anon. "Little Business At Boat Yards. Herreshoff's Yard Very Dull For This Times Of The Year." New London, April 21, 1908, p. 8.)

Archival Documents

"[Item Transcription:] Handwritten (mostly in pencil but also in ink) trials booklet titled '1898 - 1909'. Relevant contents: §49 : #262p [LAUNCH FOR ST. Y. IOLANDA] Trial Run best mean speed 13.98 mph [= 12.15kn] (1908-03-19)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Trials Booklet. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE09_00060. Folder [no #]. 1898-09 to 1911-04.) ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕ ㉖ ㉗ ㉘ ㉙ ㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞ ㉟ ㊱ ㊲ ㊳ ㊴ ㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼ ㊽ ㊾ ㊿ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #262p [Launch for St. Y. Iolanda] even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.

From the 1920 and earlier HMCo Index Cards at the MIT Museum

  • Launch for M F Plant (HMCo-made index card)
  • Note: The vessel index cards comprise two sets of a total of some 3200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and information regarding drawings, later or former vessel names, and owners. They were compiled from HMCo's early days until 1920 and added to in later decades, apparently by Hart Nautical curator William A. Baker and his successors. While HMCo seems to have used only one set of index cards, all sorted by name and, where no name was available, by number, later users at MIT apparently divided them into two sets of cards, one sorted by vessel name, the other by vessel number and greatly expanded the number of cards. Original HMCo cards are usually lined and almost always punched with a hole at bottom center while later cards usually have no hole, are unlined, and often carry substantially less information. All cards are held by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass.

From the 2000 (ca.) Transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Vermilya/Bray

Year: 1907 E/P/S: P No.: 262 OA: 28' 0" LW: 27' 9" Source: Vermilya, Peter and Maynard Bray. "Transcription of the HMCo. Construction Record." Unpublished database, ca. 2000. Note: The transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Peter Vermilya and Maynard Bray was performed independently (and earlier) than that by Claas van der Linde. A comparison of the two transcriptions can be particularly useful in those many cases where the handwriting in the Construction Record is difficult to decipher.

Research Note(s)

"Morton Plant ordered this launch for use on the 318ft LOA steam yacht Iolanda, built in 1908 by Ramage & Ferguson. Plant owned Iolanda until 1911. Prior to Iolanda, Plant had been the owner of the steam yacht Venetia. Mystic Seaport Museum holds a period model of Iolanda (ID # 89.115) which clearly shows both #677s Dad and #262p Launch hanging from the davits on Iolanda's starboard side." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. June 6, 2017.) "Steam engine rating 48hp from undated (1903 or later) diagram by N. G. Herreshoff titled 'Marine Engine. Weights and Prices' in the Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 24, 2019.) "Marine Engine of Inclosed Type. 3 1/2 & 5 & 8 x 4 1/2, 825[rpm], 48[hp]." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. Handwritten List of HMCo-Made Steam Engines. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum, MRDED1_00220. Undated, between 1903 and 1918.) "Built in 180 days (contract to trial)." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. January 16, 2024.) Note: Research notes contain information about a vessel that is often random and unedited but has been deemed useful for future research.

We are always interested in learning more about this vessel. If you want to discuss it or can share any additional information or images or to discuss a copyright concern, please do not hesitate to send an Email to the link below!


Morton F. Plant

Commodore Plant was born in New Haven, CT in 1852 and was educated in the Russell Military School in New Haven and began his business career in 1868 in the service of the Southern Express Company in Memphis, TN. The Plant system of railroads bore the marks of his business genius and he served as Vice President of the system until 1902 when the system became part of the Atlantic Coast Line in which he was a director. He also served as a director of the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway and Trustee of the Connecticut Trust and Safe Company.

Commodore Plant’s yachting career began when as a lad of 13 he became the owner of a catboat and all his life he was the owner of yachts and prominently identified with yachting. His peerless schooner Elena carried his flag to victory and among other well known boats that flew his flag were the NGH steel schooner Ingomar the steam yacht Venetia, Iolanda and the Parthenia.

Commodore Plant was a member of New York Athletic Club, Indian Harbor Yacht Club, Seawanhaka-Corinthian, St Georges and the Larchmont Yacht Club.

His first wife was Ms. Nellie Capron of Baltimore, MD whom he married in 1888 and who died in August 1913 and for whom he named NGH # 586.


  1. Steam Yacht IOLANDA Model, Mystic Seaport, Connecticut

    steam yacht iolanda

  2. The U.S. steam yacht Iolanda in Neapolitan waters by A. de Simone on artnet

    steam yacht iolanda

  3. Antonio de Simone (Italian, fl.1860-1900) , The American steam yacht

    steam yacht iolanda

  4. Bonhams : Antonio De Simone (Italian, 1851-1907) The steam yacht

    steam yacht iolanda

  5. Antonio de Simone

    steam yacht iolanda

  6. New Page 0 []

    steam yacht iolanda


  1. Steam it Saturday

  2. Ena

  3. Steam Yacht Gondola, Coniston Water June 2022

  4. Oceanco’s 117m/ 383’1” Infinity (ex Y719) launched on 1 October, 2021

  5. 1929 Steel Hull Steam yacht on the visitors from the Thames London in Sovereign Harbour Eastbourne

  6. steam launch 'Gondola' on Coniston


  1. The thread about the Iolanda, the Leith-built "finest yacht in the

    The Leith-built steam yacht "Iolanda" was the "finest yacht in the world" in her time, and one of the largest in the world. She served 3 generations of super-rich owners, but still found time to serve the Royal Navy in two world wars and take part in a legendary Commando raid

  2. The American steam yacht Iolanda in Mediterranean waters off Naples

    The long-lived American yacht Iolanda was one of the grandest and most distinctive pleasure craft, not only of her own day but possibly of the entire steam yacht era. Designed by Cox & King and built by Ramage & Ferguson at Leith in 1908, she was ordered by Morton F. Plant of New York, the immensely wealthy owner of various East Coast and Caribbean shipping lines who had sold out his business ...

  3. Charles A.K. Bertun Collection

    Charles A.K. Bertun Collection. Dates: 1897-1986 (bulk 1908-1959) Extent: ca. 160 items. Abstract: Correspondence, logbooks, reminiscences, and other papers, reflecting Bertun's career, especially his activities as captain of the steam yacht IOLANDA (out of New London, Connecticut) and friend of its owner Morton F. Plant, and friendships with ...

  4. A. de Simone (fl.1860-1900) , The U.S. steam yacht Iolanda: In

    The long-lived American yacht Iolanda was one of the grandest and most distinctive pleasure craft, not only of her own day but possibly of the entire steam yacht era. Designed by Cox & King and built by Ramage & Ferguson at Leith in 1908, she was ordered by Morton F. Plant of New York, the immensely wealthy owner of various East Coast and Caribbean shipping lines who had sold out his business ...

  5. History Revisited: A Groton yacht fit for a king or millionaire

    Thus, it can be said that, although the Steam Yacht Iolanda was "fit for a millionaire," it was also fit for a king - and other royalty. Interestingly, while the yacht was under construction ...

  6. Bonhams : Antonio De Simone (Italian, 1851-1907) The steam yacht

    The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples inscribed with the yacht name on the lower left. signed and dated lower right "De Simone_1909" watercolor, pastel and gouache on paper 18 x 26-1/2 in. (45.7 x 67.3 cm.) [not examined out of the frame]


    OLANDA" The steam yacht IOLANDA was constructed in 1908 in Leith, Scotland by Ramage and Ferguson Shipyards under the supervision of George Wilson and Co. from a design by Co. and King. At 318 feet, the yacht was the second largest in the world and was delivered to her owner Commodore Morton F. Plant and based in New London, Ct. under the ...

  8. The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay ...

    View The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples by Antonio de Simone on artnet. Browse upcoming and past auction lots by Antonio de Simone.

  9. The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay ...

    The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples by Antonio de Simone auf artnet. Finden Sie aktuelle Lose und Lose vergangener Auktionen von Antonio de Simone. ... The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples, 1909 Medium: watercolor, pastel and gouache on paper Größe: 18 x 26,5 in (45,7 x 67 ...

  10. Antonio de Simone

    View The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples (1909) By Antonio de Simone; watercolor, pastel and gouache on paper; 18 x 26 1/2 in; Signed; . Access more artwork lots and estimated & realized auction prices on MutualArt.

  11. M.F. Plant's steam yacht Iolanda, Groton

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  12. Steam yacht

    A luxury yacht in the modern sense is a vessel owned privately and used for pleasure or non-commercial purposes. Steam yachts of this type came to prominence from the 1840s to the early-20th century in Europe.The first British royal yacht was Victoria & Albert of 1843. Nominally the first steam yacht in the United States was Cornelius Vanderbilt's North Star, launched in 1854; however, this ...

  13. Model of Plant's exquisite steam yacht Iolanda at ...

    Model of Plant's exquisite steam yacht Iolanda at Larchmont Yacht Club

  14. Iolanda

    Industrialist Morton F. Plant of New York and Groton, Connecticut had the steam yacht Iolanda built for himself in Scotland in 1908. She was, at the time, one of the largest private yachts in the world. Plant's idea of a maiden voyage was to take Iolanda on a 33,000 mile cruise to Japan, China, India and the Mediterranean. Iolanda had many owners after Plant including, for a time, a Russian ...

  15. Royal Navy Auxiliary Patrol ships of World War 1, based on British

    IOLANDA, hired yacht, Pendant No 031. Built 1908, 1647grt/1822TM. Armament: 2-3in. In service 21.5.15-5.2.19. May have served as wireless-equipped A/P Group Leader or in special yacht squadrons, at home or in Mediterranean.

  16. Antonio de Simone

    View The steam yacht Iolanda of the New York Yacht Club in the bay of Naples By Antonio de Simone; gouache; 45 x 66cm; Signed; . Access more artwork lots and estimated & realized auction prices on MutualArt.

  17. Ship's Bell from the NYYC Steam Yacht IOLANDA of 1908

    This is the cast brass main bell from the Steam-Sail Yacht IOLANDA of 1908. IOLANDA was designed by Cox and King and built by Ramage and Ferguson of Leith for Morton Plant of the New York Yacht Club. IOLANDA had a length of 310 feet overall and ran on a dual steel screw 185lb. engine generating 345NHP. IOLANDA was one of the finest yachts of her day, her bow sweeping high off the water and ...

  18. Artifact: Model of Iolanda

    When the Iolanda was built in 1908, it was the world's second-largest yacht. A blend of tradition and modernity, it looked old-fashioned with its schooner rig and clipper bow, but was powered by a coal-fueled steam engine. The yacht carried up to 600 tons of coal; when traveling at a speed of 12 knots (nautical miles per hour), it burned ...

  19. New Page 0 []

    The steam yacht IOLANDA was constructed in 1908 in Leith, Scotland by Ramage and Ferguson Shipyards under the supervision of George Wilson and Co. from a design by Cox and King. The specifications detail the interior decor and types of wood to be used. At 318 feet, the yacht was the second largest in the world and was delivered to her owner ...

  20. Category:Iolanda (ship, 1908)

    Media in category "Iolanda (ship, 1908)" The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. Iolanda yacht by Antonio de Simone.jpg 4,194 × 2,793; 546 KB

  21. HMCo #262p [Launch for St. Y. Iolanda]

    HMCo #262p [Launch for St. Y. Iolanda] (1908); Model 0424; Steam Launch designed by NGH; built for Morton F. Plant

  22. Model of steam yacht IOLANDA

    Model of steam yacht IOLANDA full model MODELS - VESSELS - FULL marad; models wood; metal; glass; paper; textile overall: 48 3/4 x 96 1/4 x 23 in. Rigged model of steam yacht IOLANDA; scale 1:48. 1989.115. Gift by the family of the late Robert D. Huntington, Jr., grandson of Mrs. Moses Taylor, December, 1989. Home;

  23. Nellie

    His peerless schooner Elena carried his flag to victory and among other well known boats that flew his flag were the NGH steel schooner Ingomar the steam yacht Venetia, Iolanda and the Parthenia. Commodore Plant was a member of New York Athletic Club, Indian Harbor Yacht Club, Seawanhaka-Corinthian, St Georges and the Larchmont Yacht Club.