•  Y-tunnus 3019905-7 3019905-7 
  •  Valkolammentie 2, 07910 Valko
  •  Valkolammentie 2, 07910 Valko
  •  Kaupparekisterissä
  •  Ennakkoperintärekisterissä
  •  Työnantajarekisterissä


Tilikauden tulos.

Liikevaihto (tuhatta euroa)91510331180364
Liikevaihdon muutos %50,5%14,2%-69,2%
Liiketulos (tuhatta euroa)311819
Käyttökate %5,4%2,6%8,4%6,3%
Liikevoitto %3,3%0,1%6,5%2,5%
Tilikauden tulos (tuhatta euroa)241566

Yachtcare Finland Oy Ab on perustettu vuonna 2019. Se on osakeyhtiö,  jonka kotipaikka on Loviisa , ja pääasiallinen toimiala Venekorjaus, venehuolto .  Yhtiön toimitusjohtaja on Peter Johan Ullstedt.

Viralliselta nimeltään yhtiö on Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab.

Yhtiön Yachtcare Finland Oy Ab liikevaihto oli 364 tuhatta ja tilikauden tulos 6 tuhatta. Liikevaihto laski 69,2%. Liikevoittoprosentti oli 2,5%. Tiedot perustuvat yhtiön viimeisimpään tilinpäätökseen vuodelta 2023.

12/2023 päättyneellä tilikaudella yhtiöllä oli 1 työntekijä.  Työntekijämäärä laski 66,7% edelliseltä tilikaudelta.

Tietojen lähde: Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä (YTJ), Fonecta, Kaupparekisteri, Suomen Asiakastieto

Onko tämä sinun yrityksesi? Voit muuttaa näytettäviä tietoja maksuttomassa Oma Fonecta -palvelussa. Kirjaudu Oma Fonecta -palveluun tästä .

  • Toimitusjohtaja
  •  Peter Johan Ullstedt , toimitusjohtajan sijainen (4/2023), hallituksen jäsen (8/2023)
  •  Easyboat Oy Sipoo
  •  Björklund Båtslip Parainen
  •  VeProTech Nokia

Muut yritykset osoitteessa Valkolammentie 2

21 yachts with potential ties to Russian oligarchs have been detained in Finland while authorities determine ownership

  • Finland has detained 21 yachts in order to determine whether they are owned by Russians oligarchs.
  • "They're not boats an ordinary citizen would have," the head of Finnish customs told Bloomberg.
  • Finland previously impounded one boat reportedly used by former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Insider Today

Finland has barred 21 yachts from leaving the country while officials investigate the suspicion that they belong to Russian oligarchs, the head of Finnish customs said this week.

The customs department began telling winter storage facilities of the decision last week, according to Helsingin Sanomat , which first reported the news.

"They're not boats an ordinary citizen would have, but they're not 150 meters long either," Sami Rakshit, head of the enforcement department, told Bloomberg .

"We don't assume that all the detained yachts fall under sanctions, but that is what we are trying to determine now," he added.

Mikko Pellikka, CEO of Yachtcare Finland, told Helsingin Sanomat his company had four yachts in storage at the Port of Loviisa.

"It's hard to interpret whether the boats are Russian because they are registered around the globe," he said. "We can't say who ultimately owns the boat. Official papers do not necessarily read the names of the persons."

Earlier this month, Finland seized a 32-meter yacht believed to be used by former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Finland shares a 1,340-kilometer (830-mile) border with Russia, and the city of St. Petersburg lies on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Finland, which connects to Russia to the Baltic Sea and beyond.

Meanwhile, the UK government has taken steps to prevent "a small number of yachts" from leaving the country over suspected links to oligarchs, and turned away 10 ships tied to Russia, according to transport secretary Grant Shapps .

And in Italy, a 140-meter-long superyacht with reported links to Russian President Vladimir Putin is now under the control of an all-British crew after the Russian crew reportedly disappeared.

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Näin nokian miljardidiilistä neuvoteltiin kulisseissa – kilpakosijan viime hetken korkeampi ostotarjous hylättiin, oy yachtcare finland ab 3019905-7.

Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab (3019905-7) on perustettu vuonna 2019 ja sen toimialana on Laivojen ja veneiden korjaus ja huolto. Yrityksen viime tilikautena 12/2023, Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab teki 364 000 EUR liikevaihtoa ja sen tulos oli 6 000 EUR. Yrityksen nettotulosprosentti oli 1,74%. Katso kaikki yrityksen julkiset tiedot alta!

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* Henkilöstömäärä perustuu yhtiön tilinpäätöstietoihin. Ajantasaisen tiedon puuttuessa voi henkilöstömäärä perustua aiempiin tilinpäätöstietoihin sekä Alma Talent Tietopalveluiden arvioon.


Sisältää yritystä koskevat Kaupparekisteriin merkityt viralliset tiedot.

6,49 € (sis. alv. 24%)

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Tilinpäätös on yrityksen viimeisin Patentti- ja rekisterihallitukselle toimittama tilinpäätös.

9,75 € (sis. alv. 24%)


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Yachtcare Finland Oy in Loviisa

Yachtcare finland oy.

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Alusta asti toimintamme ytimenä on ollut ajatus, että huolehdimme asiakkaasta ja hänen veneestä tinkimättömästi, jotta veneen arvo säilyy ja veneilykaudesta tulee onnistunut. Veneen saapuessa kartoitamme tarpeet yhdessä asiakkaan kanssa ja sovimme tarvittavista palveluista, mitä tehdään talven aikana. Päämärämme onkin aina luovuttaa entistä parempi ja turvallisempi vene omistajalleen. Ota meihin yhteyttä, niin kerromme lisää palveluistamme! 


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M-Yachts Oy Ab

Välillä pitää, varsinkin kiireen keskellä, uskaltaa hetkeksi pysähtyä ja koota ajatukset jotta maaliviiva ei sumene. Toivottavasti eilinen M-Yachtsin johtoportaan yhteinen päivä Haikon kartanossa johtaakin siihen että saadaan kevään viimeisetkin projektit kunnialla maaliin. Yhdessä vedetään tämäkin kausi loppuun jonka jälkeen päästään pitkään odotetulle kesälomalle ☀️😎 ... See More See Less

Perjantai oli Jussin viimeinen päivä meillä. Vaikka parempaa asentajaa sekä hienompaa ihmistä on vaikea löytää niin turha jäädä itkemään. Joten juhlittiin sen sijaan koko porukalla 🥳🍾⛱️ Kiitos Jussi näistä vuosista! ... See More See Less

Härligt när det finns de som inser värdet på dessa äldre damer. Att förvalta en träbåt kräver uppmärksamhet och energi för att den skall kunna leva vidare till nästa generation, och för Else-Maj var det dags att få en ny duk till rufftaket och nya glas till ventilfönstren. Snart får även hon komma tillbaka i sitt rätta element! 😍☀️ Tämä arvokas iäkkäämpi rouva pääsi leikkaukseen. Else-Maj:lle tehtiin ihonsiirto laittamalla uuden kankaan ruffikatolle ja samalla parannettiin näköä vaihtamalla venttiili-ikkunoiden lasit uusiin. Nyt hän odottaa jo innolla tulevaa kesää! 😍☀️ #träbåt #puuvene #puuveneet #venetelakka #båtvarv #lakkaus #kevät #kosteri #Koster ... See More See Less


Moottorivene 1.

Palveleva telakka Loviisassa

Talvisäilytys kylmässä hallissa  9 x 3m 3500kg

  • Veneen vastaanotto telakan asiakaslaiturissa
  • Veneen nosto telakan omalla kalustolla
  • Kaikki ulkopesut, myös vetolaite
  • Glykolin ajo moottorin jäähdytysjärjestelmään
  • Talvisäilytys kylmässä hallissa telakan alueella
  • Telakoinnin aikaiset telakointuet
  • Akkujen lataus 
  • Vesillelasku ja siirto asiakaslaituriin
  • Lopputarkastus ja veneen ylärakenteiden huuhtelu

Purjevene 1

Palveleva telakka Loviisassa

Talvisäilytys kylmässä hallissa  9,5x 3,5m 4500kg

  • Maston purku, ”masto pystytetty” rikaus
  • Maston säilytys katoksessa
  • Akkujen lataus
  • Maston rikaus, ”masto pystytetty” rikaus

Asiakkaat suosittelevat

yachtcare loviisa

Käytyäni suurimman osan Suomen telakoista läpi noin 40 vuoden purjehduksien kokemuksella, M-Yachts Loviisassa on mielestäni ammattitaitoisin, edullisin ja kaikista tarkimmin lupaamansa aikataulut sekä hintansa pitävä telakka. Asiakaspalvelu on ystävällisin ja yksinkertaisesti paras mitä voi saada tässä maassa!  / Risto Niemi, S&S 6.6 ja Swan 36

yachtcare loviisa

We sailed from Germany, came for winter storage to M-Yachts and got a hearty welcome! Over the winter our boat went through a major refit. They kept us well informed at all time, and the given prices never failed. Now it feels heartaching to leave our new friends behind…  / Dr Jürgen and Eva Bornhaupt, Westerly Oceanquest 35

M-Yachts Janne

Purjeveneeni  rungon maalipinta oli päivityksen tarpeessa veneen ollessa muuten hyvin entisöity.Perusteellisen harkinnan jälkeen päädyin M-Yachtsiin, koska  kilpailukykyinen hinnoittelu ja helppo kommunikointi telakan kanssa vakuutti minut. Olen erittäin tyytyväinen lopputulokseen ja yhteistyöhön telakan henkilökunnan kanssa. Voin lämpimästi suositella heitä.  / Jan Karlsson Swan 371, 040/1980 Ardnagee


yachtcare loviisa

M-Yachts Oy Ab Valkolammentie 2 07910 Loviisa, FINLAND

60.4071° n, 26.25417° e, +358 (0) 40 6304243, [email protected].


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Valkolammentie 2, 07910, Loviisa

33150 - Laivojen ja veneiden korjaus ja huolto

Laivojen, veneiden, vesiliikennealusten, vesirakenteiden kunnossapito, talvitelakointi, huolto- ja korjaustoiminta.

Liikevaihto 1 033 162 1 180 016 363 569
Liikevaihdon muutos 50.6 % 14.2 % -69.2 %
Liiketoiminnan tulos 606 81 407 8 880
Liiketulosprosentti 0.1 % 6.9 % 2.4 %
Tilikauden voitto 221 55 792 6 311
Keskipalkka / kk
Henkilöstö 2 3 1
Henkilöstömäärän kasvuprosentti 0.0 % 50.0 % -66.7 %

Tutustu Suomen helppokäyttöisimpään yritystietopalveluun

Sail in Finland!

Sail in Finland!

The unique sailing and boating experience

Loviisa harbor view

Loviisa and the Laivasilta marina

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Short history

Just as the other cities along the eastern shore of the Gulf of Finland, Loviisas (Lovisa in Swedish) history is tied to the many wars fought by Sweden and Russia along the Finnish borders. In 1745, Sweden lost a great slice of eastern Finland. Sweden now needed a new trade city to replace in particular Hamina (Fredrikshamn) and in 1745 Loviisa was founded, first under the name of Degerby. The Swedish king Adolf Fredrik visited the city in 1752 and apparently liked what he saw because he decided to rename the city after his wife, Lovisa Ulrika.

The Laivasilta Marina continues the seafaring tradition of Loviisa

To protect the city, fortifications works were started. The fortifications around the city itself were never properly completed, but the Svartholm island fort at the entrance to the city became a reasonably important installation and played an important role in the 1788-90 war. Just like many other military installations, also Svartholm was sacked by the English-French navy in 1855 during the Crimean war.

The busy Loviisa Laivasilta harbor in the early 19th century. By Gavril Sergeyev (1768-1816), Wikimedia Commons

The importance of the Loviisa inner harbor declined with the advent of steamships and the building of the Valko harbor further out to sea.

Present day Loviisa

Today Loviisa is a quaint small city which blossoms in the summer. In Finland Loviisa is perhaps best known for the nuclear power plant just outside the city. If you are interested, the site is open for visitors.

Loviisa old wooden houses

The second thing Loviisa is famous for are its wooden houses with well-kept gardens. Therefore it should come as no surprise that the two biggest events in Loviisa are the annual garden festival Loviisa Open Gardens  and the Loviisa Old Homes  event. Loviisa Open Gardens consists of multiple events from late May until early July where people open up their gardens for visitors to admire.  The Loviisa Old Homes is an event in the same spirit. During the last weekend in August people open up their homes (or renovation projects soon to be homes) to showcase wooden house renovation, interior decoration and life style. The latter event is a must-see for anyone living in or planning to buy an old wooden house.

The Laivasilta marina

The Loviisa marina is located on the western shore of the Loviisa bay. The name Laivasilta (Skeppsbron in Swedish) literally means “boat bridge” and goes back to the times when the city’s salt trade was centered on Laivasilta. The red buildings in the harbor are old salt warehouses and add an touch of nostalgia to the marina.

Loviisa Laivasilta in the days of the salt trade. Model in the Maritime Museum.

The marina has room for 50+ boats. It has all the typical services of Finnish marinas including of course a sauna, showers, electricity and a filling station. It is sheltered from all westerly winds but a bit open to easterlies.

Loviisa Laivasilta marina

Laivasilta is a small scale culinary haven. There are a couple of restaurants/cafes just off the jetty. In the marina you can find the cafe/restaurant Laivasilta (hint: try one of their hamburgers).  Alittle further towards the main street you can find cafe/restaurant Saltbodan .  My recommendation: give the ship’s cook a well deserved day off!

Interior detail from the restaurant Saltboden.

If you are looking for activities, there are plenty around Laivasilta. The main attraction in the marina is the very interesting Loviisa Maritime museum . The museum tells the story about local seafaring from the 18th century until present days. Unfortunately the exhibition is only signposted in Swedish and Finnish but you can ask the very nice staff for a tour. For some more maritime inspiration, just below the museum you can find a small jetty for some charming, small wooden boats.

One of the many ship’s models from the Loviisa Maritime Museum

Loviisa Laivasilta wooden boat jetty

The marina is also home to the beautiful yacht  Österstjernan . She is a modern day replica of a yacht that 1815 – 1848 sailed with passengers and cargo between Loviisa and Stockholm/Sweden.  Österstjernan does occasional tours so if you are lucky, you can experience a sail on a traditional ship.

Österstjernan is a replica of a 19th century yacht.

If you want to stray a bit further, the marina is located in the middle of Loviisa’s wooden house district. Roam the narrow streets for cuteness overload from the well-kept houses and gardens. A bit to the south you can find the Tullisilta area that used to be an other major landing spot for trading ships. Today you can find there a very nice beach with a massive children’s’ playground in the shape of a ship.

Tullisilta beach is perfect for s swim on a warm day

The Loviisa city center is located about 1 km to the north of the marina. The city center offers all the services of small Finnish cities: grocery store, pharmacy and other shopping opportunities.

If your boat needs maintenance, you can find help in the nearby Valko harbor. M-Yachts is a full-service boat yard that can cater to both your immediate service needs as well as your winter storage needs , would you want to leave your boat in Finland over the winter. In case your sails need servicing,  Doyle Sails  has a loft next to the M-Yachts boat yard.

Map of Loviisa and Laivasilta marina

Map icons courtesy of  Nicolas Mollet/CC license

For more information on Loviisa, check out the Loviisa tourist info pages .

Loviisa Laivasilta is a 30miles marina.

yachtcare loviisa

Loviisa Laivasilta Service Marina

  • 60° 27,2’N 26° 14,2’ E
  • +358 40 740 7308

Coordinates :  60°27.2’ N, 26°14.2’ E Map series : A 615 Harbour code : 201

In the summer, life in the town revolves around the fantastic Laivasilta harbour area. A row of old warehouse buildings house a maritime museum, various exhibitions and restaurants that are open in the summer. The harbour area also has an outdoor playground for kids. The distance from the harbour to the centre of Loviisa is only 600 metres or so. 

Location : In the Laivasilta area, the cove in Loviisanlahti has a full service guest harbour, about ten nautical miles north of the Hudonselkä main boating route. In the fairway to the harbour, the water depth is 2.7 metres at the shallowest point. 

Boat berths and fees : The Laivasilta guest harbour has a total of 70 finger berths and mooring buoys. The water depth in most of the berths for visiting boats is 2.7 metres.

Harbour fee : €10 per day per visit, €20 per overnight stay. The overnight stay fee includes electricity, water and the use of shower, laundry and other facilities for boaters.

Contact information : Harbour master tel. +358 40 740 7308

All services are open daily from 1 June to 31 August. The guest harbour is open by agreement from May until ice forms in the autumn. 

The facilities for boaters include saunas, showers, toilets, also accessible toilets, washing machines and dryers, a TV, stove and refrigerator. 

The harbour has an information board or desk, a kiosk, bike rental, summer terrace, a water station, household waste management, septic tank pump out, fuel dispenser with a card reader and a boat ramp. Parking is free in the harbour and there are also parking spaces for trailers.

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Lovisa Båtvarv

Ab Lovisa Båtvarv (Loviisan Veneveistämö) on perheyritys ja kuuluu Suomen vanhimpiin ja monipuolisimpiin telakoihin huvivenealalla. Yritys on yli 40 vuoden toimintansa aikana määrätietoisesti kehittänyt toimintatapojaan ja asemoituu nykyään yhdeksi johtavimmista alallaan. Runsaaseen palvelutarjontaamme kuuluvat veneiden huollot ja ylläpitotyöt kuten myös moottori- ja venekorjaukset. Telakalla olevissa halleissamme vuokraamme asiakkaillemme sekä lämmintä että kylmää tilaa veneiden talvisäilytykseen.

Toiminnassamme asetamme painoa myös vihreille arvoille. Uudenaikaiset hallimme lämmitetään ympäristöystävällisesti merivedestä saatavasta energiasta. Ympäristöystävällisestä pohjapesusta saimme Pelasta Itämeri -palkinnon 2021.

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Tried-and-tested solutions

The Deco & Yacht division is home to products that reach end users through retailers and wholesalers. It covers application areas such as wood preservation, boat maintenance and refitting, and painting and decorating. We specialise in one and two-part filling compounds in DIY and professional quality.

Outstanding product quality and perfectly coordinated product systems are the bedrock of perfect results. This principle unites the three brands PAINT-SYSTEM, SCANDICCARE and YACHTCARE.

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The YACHTCARE brand from Vosschemie offers a full range of cutting-edge technologies for boat owners. With everything from anti-fouling treatments to foam rollers, this tried-and-tested portfolio for cleaning, maintaining and repairing boats has a full range for all boat building materials above and below the waterline.

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Natural care with long-lasting results..

Wood is a natural product and a well-loved material in the home and garden. However, for wood to retain its natural resilience, weather resistance and flexibility, it has to be treated and maintained. The SCANDICCARE wood care range is based on natural oils that allow wood to breathe. This helps to preserve and reinforce the original character of every type of wood.

Loviisa: The Town

Previous: ruotsinpyhtää: kukuljärvi trail, next: loviisa: svartholm fortress.

Loviisa (Swedish spelling: Lovisa) is a Finnish town in the east of the capital region, 90 km east of Helsinki, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, about halfway between Helsinki and Russian border; a rather small one, with the population of about 15,000.  Of the four cities along the National Road 7, commonly passed by Russian tourists (including myself) on their way to Helsinki, Loviisa is the smallest, and likely the least often visited.  For me it was the closest Finnish town where I had never been before, so that's why I decided to choose this destination in first place.

Loviisa was founded in 1748, soon after the Russo-Swedish War of Hats (1741-1743).  In the period between the Great Northern War (1700-1721) and the War of Hats Sweden, for some reason, mostly ignored the question of defense of its Finnish territory, despite having just lost a good chunk of it (including Vyborg) to Russia.  The War of Hats was revanchist in nature, and apparently Sweden assumed it would generally be on the offensive side in that war.  Well, they were mistaken, and another chunk of Finnish land, including fortresses of Lappeenranta, Hamina , and Savonlinna  fell to Russian hands.

Thus Sweden was in a great hurry to build some new fortresses: Sveaborg and Svartholm.  Sveaborg, near the ( then very minor ) town of Helsinki, was to be the great impregnable fleet base; it is currently also known as Suomenlinna, and is the best known attraction of Helsinki.  The much smaller Svartholm was to be the new frontier fortress, replacing Hamina (Fredriskhamn) in that role.  The construction of both fortresses started in 1748, under the command of Field Marshal Augustin Ehrensvärd.

Ehrensvärd actually intended to construct both sea and coastal frontier fortresses.  The coastal one, intended to protect the King's Road (main Turku — Vyborg highway of the time) and named Degerby, however was never fully completed.  Sweden lacked the funds to finish all their fortresses.  For that matter, the modest-sized sea fortress was also never finished, although at least it looked formidable enough.

A town naturally sprung up at Degerby together with the fortress.  In 1752, the town and the fortress of Degerby were renamed to Lovisa, after Queen Louise Ulrika, wife of King Adolf Frederick.  The king (actually installed at the Russian insistence in 1751, as the previous king died childless), was a nice but fairly harmless guy, and Louise Ulrika overshadowed him a lot; a powerful woman relentlessly trying to increase the royal power, as Sweden at the moment was a constitutional monarchy and the King's powers were rather limited (a really novel idea for the time).  So unlike the king she was utterly hated by pretty much anyone, but in the end her son Gustav III managed to restore absolute monarchy for some decades.

Lovisa (spelled Loviisa in Finnish) coastal fortress never saw any military action, while Svartholm served as Swedish base in Gustav III's War of 1788-1790 which ended in a draw.  In the Finnish War of 1808-1809 the unfinished and ill-equipped fortress was besieged by the Russians and quickly surrendered.  The coastal fortress fell into disrepair, while Svartholm was used as a prison for a while, and then was destroyed in the Crimean War of 1854-1856 by the British fleet.  Luckily enough was left that both fortresses were eventually partially restored and currently are the primary attractions of Loviisa.

Loviisa the town burned down in the great fire of 1855, as so many of the old wooden Nordic towns did.  Some quarters did survive the fire though.  The new town was built slightly to the southwest of the fortress.

Modern Loviisa is a nice cozy coastal town.  It is very much bilingual, with 54% Finnish and 43% Swedish speakers.  Not much happens here but it's a pleasure to look at and to walk around.  Probably its two biggest enterprises are the cargo port of Valko (specializing mostly in wood exports), and the nuclear power station.  The fortresses are its main sights, and I visited both of them, but first let's have a look at the town itself.

Loviisa is located in the easternmost part of Uusimaa, the capital region of Finland.  Loviisa along with the city of Porvoo used to belong to Eastern Uusimaa (Itä-Uusimaa) region, which existed from 1998 to 2011, and the signs on some government buildings etc. still refer to Eastern Uusimaa.  This to date has been the only major change in the Finnish region (maakunta)  system since it was first formalized in 1994.  (A county (lääni)  system existed before, coexisting with region system for some years, and was abolished altogether since 2010.)

yachtcare loviisa

1. I booked a room at Tamminiemi  Camping.  Tamminiemi  (Finn. Oak Cape) is a very nice place, which operates both as a campground for tents and RVs, and as a hostel in two 19th century-era wooden villas in a beautiful garden.  It's not the cheapest accomodation option but still relatively affordable, and I wanted a room in Loviisa itself rather than some backcountry village.  The rooms offered have a shared bathroom (maybe there are more expensive options with a private bathroom, I don't remember) but that's not a problem in practice.  And on the other hand there's a shared kitchen too which can be useful.  Highly recommended overall.

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2. As the name suggests Tamminiemi is actually located on the sea coast, so you can go have a beer sitting by the water if you want.  Loviisa is located on the western coast of a long, fairly narrow sheltered bay named Loviisanlahti.  So you can't see open sea from here and it feels more like a lake.

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3. I'm pretty sure that's a sauna on the pier.

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4. Older Finns relaxing near their RV.  With a fridge full of beer I assume.

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5. One of Tamminiemi's villas in the evening sun.

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6. A long wooded ridge named Myllyharju (Finn. Mill Ridge) , about 20-30 meters high, runs through Loviisa and serves as one of the town parks.  (This makes Loviisa feel a lot like Jyväskylä which has a similar ridge, although Jyväskylä is many times bigger of course.)  I walked from the camping to the ridge along a street full of nice spacy detached homes.

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7. Forest tracks on Myllyharju.

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8. There is an observation tower on the top of Myllyharju, not really very tall but painted red and with fancy handrails.  The tower is named Kukkukivi  (Finn. Cuckoo Rock?) .  There were two Finns sitting and drinking at the top but I waited a bit and they came down.

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9. The top platform of Kukkukivi is located at 49 m above the sea level.

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10. You can see a much bigger chunk of Loviisanlahti from the top, including the fortress of Svartholm (on the island in the right side of the picture, with low fortifications visible).

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11. And the Loviisa Nuclear Power Station, too.  It's located some 15 km from the city, on the eastern side of the bay (so probably closer as the crow flies).

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12. And the views of Loviisanlahti itself are also very nice.

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13. Rocks on Myllyharju.

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14. The trail goes on top of the ridge, gradually descending towards the center of the city.

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15. WWII-era air defense gun.  There is also a windmill nearby, which is probably where Myllyharju gets its name from.

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16. Loviisa City Hall's tower.

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18. Each bench on Myllyharju has a plaque with an excerpt from some Finnish poetry, for example,  Maamme (Our Land) by Runeberg, which is the de facto national anthem of Finland (although not formally recognized as such).  Exactly the kind of detail I enjoy spotting.

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19. The ridge ends just near the Loviisa Church, with a small garden and a fountain in front of it.  The neogothic church, built in 1865 by Georg Theodor Chiewitz, is very pretty although the design isn't particularly unique for Finland.

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20. The building on the right side of the church garden.

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21. Loviisa's main street is a wide but fairly short esplanade.  Its northern side, Mannerheiminkatu  (Finn. Mannerheim Street) , is actually the main road through the city, the Regional Road 170.  It used to be the main National Road 7, carrying traffic to Kotka and St. Petersburg.

The street on the picture above is the quieter southern side of the esplanade, Brandensteininkatu Street.  This name refers to the German colonel Otto von Brandenstein, whose detachment of 3000 troops landed in Loviisa in April 1918 and provided some much-needed assistance to the Whites in the final stages of the short but bloody Finnish Civil War.  (The newly-independent Finland was really close to becoming German satellite state, going as far as inviting a German to be installed as the King of Finland, but then of course Germany lost the war and the king business and other nonsense was promptly forgotten.)

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22. Cobbled square near the church.

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23. Restaurant on Mannerheiminkatu.

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24. A monument to Jacob Forsell, one of the first owners of the nearby Ruotsinpyhtää Ironworks , and the founder of a dynasty which continued to operate Ruotsinpyhtää for a century or so.  The local office of Kela, the Finnish social security bureau, is in the background.

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25. Another monument nearby is to Jean Sibelius, the most famous Finnish composer by far.  He looks kind of gloomy here, but according to the photographs he really used to have this expression most of the time.  He is pictured bald here, unlike the famous monument in Helsinki; this is his appearance from his later years, when Sibelius lived long enough to see himself becoming famous and revered, but completely failed to write anything of significance over the latter thirty years of his life.

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26. Apparently Sibelius actually lived in one of the old wooden houses here in 1892 while writing his Kullervo symphony, one of his Kalevala-based works.

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27. The church from the sunlit side.

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28. I walked a bit around modern residential areas north of the center.  Apartment blocks in such towns are usually not fancy at all yet, as always, there is something beautiful in the simplicity of the design.

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29. Finnish apartment blocks (mostly newer ones) commonly have very beautiful green backyards.  Sometimes there is just a parking lot right under the windows though.

I'm not a huge fan of driving, as I always said, and I particularly don't like using a car for commuting to work.  Still I must admit that in a small town like Loviisa owning a car really has very few downsides (apart from the cost).  No traffic jams, mostly free parking (towns the size of Loviisa in Finland do not bother with parking tolls at all), ample parking space virtually anywhere, small distances.  And the streets are still usually empty and you don't feel like you're occupying valuable space with your car.

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30. Backyard with garbage bins.

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31. A lone pedestrian.  The streets looked very deserted, which is again expected for a Saturday evening in a small Finnish town.

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32. Local energy company.

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33. Are these actually some ruins in someone's backyard?

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34. There are some newer apartment blocks too.  Of course they are still pretty small.

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35. And some of them even have those wonderful glass balconies that I adore so much.

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36. This building reminds me a lot of some of the old mansions in St. Petersburg and its suburbs.

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38. I wonder how many people in Loviisa actually commute to Helsinki for work.  90 km is a lot to cover daily, but the road to Helsinki (Road 7) is very good, a motorway with 120 km/h speed limit in summer.

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39. Local  Seurahuone house.  Seurahuone  (Finn. Assembly Room) is a type of building which existed in all Finnish towns of any size in the 19th century, which was basically used to hold various events, for example, concerts and dances.  I'm not sure if any are actually still used for this purpose (or, for that matter, what this Loviisa building is used for).  Most existing Seurahounes are currently repurposed as hotels; some also hold city halls, etc.

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40. An odd small bell tower standing here seemingly on its own.  Some Googling revealed that it belongs to the nearby Our Lady of Kazan Orthodox Church which occupies a nearby building which does not look like a church at all (so I've got no pictures of it).  Or maybe I understood incorrectly, there's nearly no information available online (even in Finnish or Swedish).

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41. The local taxi station looks like a Russian public toilet.  No, really.  (Maybe this  was a public toilet originally?)  On the other hand one of the cars waiting for orders here was a goddamn Tesla.  I found this utterly hilarious.

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42. Fountain with crane statues back on the central esplanade.  And apparently two more tourists in the town.

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43. The bus station also looks very unimpressive.  Loviisa has a rail line, 77 km long, connecting it to the city of Lahti; but it's only used for seaport freight, and there hasn't been any passenger service since 1970s.

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44. The signs at the station promise quite a lot of destinations.  I'm not sure there's actually a scheduled bus to St. Petersburg.

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45. Gas station, a small island of light and life.

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46. A small old industrial building behind the gas station is used as a car wash, with little regard to its looks.  That's something not common for Finland.

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47. Local gymnasium (Swedish-language university-preparatory school).  The city also has a  lukio (lyceum, same thing but for Finnish-speaking students).

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48. A small monument to Verner Weckman behind the gymnasium.  A Loviisa native, he was the first ever Finnish Olympic champion, winning a gold medal in  Greco-Roman wrestling at 1908 Summer Olympics.  He actually studied and lived in Helsinki though.  He went on to work as an engineer, eventually serving as an executive director of Kaapelitehdas for 30 years.  Kaapelitehdas  (Finn. Cable Factory) was one of a few Finnish industrial corporations which were eventually merged to become the great Nokia company as we know it.

In 1955 Weckman was awarded the title of vuorineuvos for his services.  Finland, being a republic, retains a number of noble families going back to Swedish era (which ceased having any particular privileges long ago) but lacks a king who could in theory grant more titles.  Although in practice other Nordic monarchies do not grant new titles anymore too.  Anyway to make up for this fact Finland has a system of honorary titles which may be granted by the president.  The highest two titles are  valtioneuvos (State Councillor) and  vuorineuvos (Mountain Councillor).  The first one is granted to statesmen, and the second one to businessmen (particularly industrialists).  The title does not confer any rights or privileges whatsoever, and it costs a lot of money (about 50,000 €) to nominate a person.  About 300 people were awarded the vuorineuvos title throughout the history of independent Finland.

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49. Wooden quarters of old Loviisa.

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51. This monument in old Loviisa simply states "Loviisa town was founded in 1745 on Degerby Rusthåll land".   Rusthåll (Swedish)/ Ratsutila (Finnish) is an old term dating to the era of Swedish allotment system, the system of keeping a trained army which was responsible for the renowned Swedish military successes.  A rusthåll farm was required to provide a horse and a trained rider for the army, in exchange for a major tax reduction.  The rider was allowed to stay at the farm in peaceful times, but was required to show up for service as soon as mobilized.  Similar arrangements existed for seamen and infantry.  The system existed from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century (and was greatly reformed by Charles XI in late 17th century, paving way to the victories of Charles XII).

Curiously enough Sweden continued to employ and pay existing allotment troops even into the 20th century, up until the last one of them retired in 1961; in Finland's Russian era, on the other hand, the system was effectively abolished as soon as 1810 (existing troops were granted pensions), and for many decades Finland didn't have to maintain any sort of army at all.  So anyway, apparently Loviisa was originally founded on the land of one of these rusthåll farms.

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52. Tourist office outside the old town.

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53. Some more old houses on an old unpaved street.

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54. A park of sorts on the coast of the Loviisanlahti Bay.

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55. Mute swan family at Loviisanlahti.

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56. Tiny lighthouse near the marina.

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57.  Onni (Finn. Happiness) , an old tugboat on display near the Laivasilta Harbor.  The tugboat is pretty old, built in 1907 in St. Petersburg, but other than that isn't really notable.  It doesn't appear to be in a very good shape.

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58. Laivasilta Harbor.  Laivasilta means "Ship Bridge" but there aren't any bridges in sight, apart from the piers of course.  It is used as a marina, and the boat to Svartholm Fortress also departs from here.

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59. There are some shops and restaurants on the shore.

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60. The restaurants were actually quite busy.  There were some pretty big celebrations ongoing.  I think that was a wedding; I saw a hand-written sign for "Kettu & Pupu" (Fox and Bunny) inside a heart.  I didn't actually see the groom or the bride though.

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61. Walking on towards Tamminiemi after sunset.  Some Canadian geese in the reeds.

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62. And a cat stalking them intently, with no way to reach them.

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63. Loviisan moon.

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64. With that I went to bed, but one more place I'd like to show is the one I saw next day, the last place I visited before setting out towards home.  This is the Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant on the island of Hästholmen, southeast of Loviisa.  Finland is the only Nordic country using nuclear power, and has two nuclear power plants: this one, and Olkiluoto on the Bothnian coast near the town of Rauma.  Loviisa was built by the Soviets, and Olkiluoto by the French.

Loviisa plant consists of two reactors of the VVER type, widely used in former USSR countries.  The first reactor was launched in 1977, and the second one in 1980.   Much of the equipment apart from the reactors themselves was built by Western companies.  The plant, having underwent some upgrades over the years, currently generates 2x510 MW of electrical power.  This is less than the Olkiluoto plant (2x880 MW).  There are no plans to build more reactors at Loviisa; the third one is being built in Olkiluoto instead, also by the French, but the project is massively behind the schedule (was expected to launch in 2009, current plans are for 2018), and the costs were overrun almost three times.  There are also plans for a completely new nuclear power plant, Hanhikivi, in Pyhäjoki near Oulu.

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65. The nuclear power plant is of course strictly guarded, but it's located on an island, and it is possible to park at the huge visitors parking lot before the gates, and take pictures across the strait separating the island from the mainland.  I hope that wasn't illegal or something.  Anyway I didn't saw any warning signs, and I didn't try to hide what I was doing.

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66. There's also a small workers village near the power plant, also freely accessible.  Looks almost like a camping.  I'm not sure why the village is necessary at all; it's not like it's a huge distance from Loviisa itself.

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67. The final oddity I noticed when driving home from Loviisa were a few intersections on the road between Loviisa and the motorway interchange with Road 7 which looked like that — a nice safe turnoff straight into impassable forest.  Maybe some new outlying city quarters are planned here?  But anyway it's not common for Finland to just build something nonsensical like that in hopes for future development.  (I know of a few places in St. Petersburg that look like that though.)

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68. And that's all for Loviisa, a nice town with an anchor and two crossed cannons on its coat of arms.  I loved it a lot, just as I loved Hamina which is also a former Swedish border fortress.  I didn't cover Loviisa fortresses themselves though, so there will be two more posts, about Svartholm and Degerby.

Published on : August 30, 2017


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General Cargo Ship, IMO 9213600

  • VesselFinder
  • Cargo vessels

The current position of WILSON LOVIISA is at North East Atlantic Ocean reported 1 min ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Mongstad, Norway , sailing at a speed of 8.7 knots and expected to arrive there on Sep 3, 18:00 . The vessel WILSON LOVIISA (IMO 9213600, MMSI 314608000) is a General Cargo Ship built in 2005 (19 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Barbados .


Position & Voyage Data

Predicted ETA
Distance / Time
Course / Speed 
Current draught4.4 m
Navigation Status Under way
Position received
IMO / MMSI9213600 / 314608000
Length / Beam80 / 13 m

Map position & Weather

Recent port calls, vessel utilization, vessel particulars.

IMO number9213600
Ship TypeGeneral Cargo Ship
Year of Build2005
Length Overall 80.08
Length BP
Beam 12.40
Gross Tonnage2069
Net Tonnage
Crude Oil -
Gas )-
Grain )
Bale )-
Ballast Water )
Fresh Water )-
Place of Build
Engine Builder
Engine Type
Engine Power
Fuel Type
Service Speed
Registered Owner
ISM Manager
P&I Club-
Classification Society

Similar vessels

Vessel Built GTDWT Size (m)
20052069 263480 / 12
19862068 3060108 / 15
19852068 3060108 / 15
19832068 3060108 / 15
19772068 218981 / 13
19812072 531596 / 16
19962066 318088 / 12
20052073 346075 / 16
19852064 335788 / 11
19692064 350687 / 14

WILSON LOVIISA current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of WILSON LOVIISA data.


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  3. Fiskari 25 PKH moottorivene 1991

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  4. Loviisa Yacht Harbour in Loviisa, Finland

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  5. Loviisa, Finland, July 27, 2022: View of a Marina in Loviisa, Fi

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  6. Nauticat 33 moottoripursi 1974

    yachtcare loviisa


  1. Yachtcare Finland Oy Ab

    Tietoa yhtiöstä Yachtcare Finland Oy Ab on perustettu vuonna 2019. Se on osakeyhtiö, jonka kotipaikka on Loviisa, ja pääasiallinen toimiala Venekorjaus, venehuolto. Yhtiön toimitusjohtaja on Peter Johan Ullstedt. Viralliselta nimeltään yhtiö on Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab.

  2. 21 Yachts Detained in Finland While Authorities Determine ...

    Mikko Pellikka, CEO of Yachtcare Finland, told Helsingin Sanomat his company had four yachts in storage at the Port of Loviisa.

  3. Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab

    Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab (3019905-7) on perustettu vuonna 2019 ja sen toimialana on Laivojen ja veneiden korjaus ja huolto. Yrityksen viime tilikautena 12/2023, Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab teki 364 000 EUR liikevaihtoa ja sen tulos oli 6 000 EUR.

  4. Yachtcare Finland Oy, Lovisa, FI

    Yachtcare Finland Oy. No ratings. 2 Valkolammentie. 07910 Lovisa. Uusimaa - Finland. Boats. Pleasure Boats And Accessories, Sales And Repair. Interested in this type of business for your B2B prospection? Buy up to 1,896 business data concerning 1,122 similar businesses for 112.2 € !

  5. M-Yachts

    Käytyäni suurimman osan Suomen telakoista läpi noin 40 vuoden purjehduksien kokemuksella, M-Yachts Loviisassa on mielestäni ammattitaitoisin, edullisin ja kaikista tarkimmin lupaamansa aikataulut sekä hintansa pitävä telakka. Asiakaspalvelu on ystävällisin ja yksinkertaisesti paras mitä voi saada tässä maassa!

  6. Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab

    Yrityksen Oy Yachtcare Finland Ab yhteystiedot, taloustiedot, palkkatiedot sekä päättäjätiedot löydät Taloustutkasta

  7. Loviisa and the Laivasilta marina

    The Laivasilta marina invites boaters to visit Loviisa: old wooden houses, maritime museum, excellent restaurants and good marina services.

  8. yachtcare loviisa

    The A.V. Club; The Takeout; The Inventory; Finland Detains 21 Yachts At Once Just In Case They Belong To Russian Billionaires 'they're not boats an ordinary citizen would have".

  9. Loviisa Laivasilta Service Marina

    Loviisa Laivasilta Service Marina Loviisa Laivasilta Service Marina Coordinates: 60°27.2' N, 26°14.2' E Map series: A 615 Harbour code: 201 In the summer, life in the town revolves around the fantastic Laivasilta harbour area. A row of old warehouse buildings house a maritime museum, various exhibitions and restaurants that are open in ...

  10. Marina/Local Harbour of LOVIISA details

    Real-time updates about vessels in the Marina/Local Harbour of LOVIISA : expected arrivals, port calls & wind forecast for LOVIISA Marina/Local Harbour, by MarineTraffic.

  11. Lovisa Båtvarv

    Lovisa Båtvarv. Ab Lovisa Båtvarv (Loviisan Veneveistämö) on perheyritys ja kuuluu Suomen vanhimpiin ja monipuolisimpiin telakoihin huvivenealalla. Yritys on yli 40 vuoden toimintansa aikana määrätietoisesti kehittänyt toimintatapojaan ja asemoituu nykyään yhdeksi johtavimmista alallaan. Runsaaseen palvelutarjontaamme kuuluvat ...

  12. Yachts and Boats in Yacht Port / Marina LOVIISA (

    Find current position of ships in LOVIISA, Finland, Photos, Shipping companies, Live Maps of Marine Traffic and Vessel Finder, ETA, location, Arivals, Departures. MAP VESSELS PORTS TOOLS EMBED. Search. UTC. Search. YACHTS and BOATS in YACHT PORT / MARINA LOVIISA, Finland ( - DUAL TRACKING - )

  13. Port of Loviisa

    Port of Loviisa. / 60.4125; 26.258333. The Port of Loviisa ( Finnish: Loviisan satama, Swedish: Lovisa hamn) is a Baltic seaport in the city of Loviisa, located on the south coast of Finland and the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland. It is situated in the Valko district of Loviisa, and is also known as the Port of Valko .

  14. Loviisa Boat Service Oy

    Loviisa Boat Service Oy. 461 likes · 3 talking about this · 4 were here. Veneiden huolto korjaus ja maalaus Täyden palvelun talvisäilytys.

  15. Deco & Yacht

    The YACHTCARE brand from Vosschemie offers a full range of cutting-edge technologies for boat owners. With everything from anti-fouling treatments to foam rollers, this tried-and-tested portfolio for cleaning, maintaining and repairing boats has a full range for all boat building materials above and below the waterline.

  16. Loviisa: The Town

    Loviisa (Swedish spelling: Lovisa) is a Finnish town in the east of the capital region, 90 km east of Helsinki, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, about halfway between Helsinki and Russian border; a rather small one, with the population of about 15,000. Of the four cities along the National Road 7, commonly passed by Russian tourists ...

  17. Lovisa/Loviisa

    Lovisa/Loviisa Port location Latitude: 60.45787420 Longitude: 26.22780980

  18. Yachtcare & Yachtmanagement

    Our Yachtcare and Yachtmanagement Services are available in Italy and Croatia. As these kind of services are very individual, please drop us a short message with your request and we will get back to you to discuss a personal quote.

  19. Ab Lovisa Båtvarv

    Ab Lovisa Båtvarv - Loviisan Veneveistämö Oy, Lovisa, Etelä-Suomen Lääni, Finland. 436 likes · 1 talking about this · 53 were here. Talvisäilytys,...

  20. DM Yacht Care

    DM Yacht Care has a lot of experience in all kind of services: HULL Treatment (antifouling , coppercoat) Topsides Paint, Gelcoat, Varnishing, Polishing and Waxing. BOAT COVERS (spraywood, Bimini , Lazy Bag , etc ) , Frames Teak repairs and Ship-wright. Cleaning and Maintenance. Rigging specialist (standing and running) , deck hardware, furlers and reefing We take good care of your boat!

  21. ayc yacht brokerage

    © 2024 CheerUp. All rights reserved. Sitemap ayc yacht brokerage ayc yacht brokerage

  22. WILSON LOVIISA, General Cargo Ship

    Vessel WILSON LOVIISA (IMO 9213600, MMSI 314608000) is a General Cargo Ship built in 2005 and currently sailing under the flag of Barbados.

  23. Marin Yacht Care

    Full detailing paired with regular wash downs keeps everything and everyone bright and happy. Inquire if our services are a good match for you and your Sailboat or Motor Yacht. Marin Yacht Care maintains a short and distinguished client list in Belvedere/Tiburon, Sausalito, Richmond and San Francisco. Pride in our work and love of our craft ...