motor yacht club wannsee

Motor-Boot-Club Berlin – aus Freude zum Wassersport.

Veranstaltungen und nachrichten.

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Aufslippen 2023

motor yacht club wannsee

Events  2023

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Abslippen 2024

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Familienbootregatta 2024

Veranstaltungen & Aktivitäten

Beginn: 13.00 Uhr

19.00 Uhr, Clubhaus MBC


Außerordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung


Beginn: 12.00 Uhr

Beginn: 14.00 Uhr


Über den club & vorstand.

Der Motor-Boot-Club Berlin e.V. ist eine Gemeinschaft von bootsbegeisterten Freizeitkapitäninnen und -kapitänen mit Bootsliegeplätzen am Großen Wannsee. Er ist als Mitglied des Deutschen Motoryachtverbands, Motoryachtverband Berlin, Landessportbund Berlin sowie im Informationssystem “Gelbe Welle” auf Verbandsebene engagiert.

1961 wurde der Motor-Boot-Club Berlin durch 35 Mitglieder des ADAC gegründet, die sich zum “Freiwilligen Kameradschaftsdienst auf dem Wasser” (FKD) zusammenschlossen. Danach begann die aktive Aufbauphase des Clubs: Pachten eines Grundstücks, Bau des Clubhauses, der Steganlage und vieles mehr.

1983 erhielt der MBC den Status und die Aufgabe eines “Stützpunktes des DMYV”. Nun war auch der DMYV sichtbar in Berlin vertreten und seither machen bei uns viele Wassersportler aus Deutschland und Europa ihre Sommerstippvisite. Das Symbol der „gelben Welle“

Neben den umfangreichen Aktivitäten auf dem Wasser und an Land engagiert sich der Verein in der Jugendarbeit und führt Veranstaltungen und Spendenaktionen zugunsten sozialer Projekte durch. Die Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen sozialen Trägern hat sich bewährt und ist langfristig angelegt. Verstärkt steht auch die Jugendarbeit, rund um den Wassersport im Zentrum, sowie die kontinuierliche aus und Weiterbildung Rund um den Boots- und Wassersport.

Die insgesamt 69 Liegeplätze bieten Booten mit bis zu 14 m Länge ausreichend Platz und einen sicheren Hafen. Die Steganlage verfügt über Wasser- und Stromanschlüsse. Für alle Boote steht auch ein Winterlager auf dem Gelände zur Verfügung. Das Symbol der „gelben Welle“ weist daraufhin, dass der MBC auch für Gastlieger offen ist und Stegplätze bis 24 Meter mit Strom und Wasser sowie Duschen, WCs und eine Küche bietet.

Das Clubgelände mit seinem Clubhaus, Messe und Terrasse bietet auch an Land einen angenehmen Rahmen für gemeinschaftliche Aktivitäten oder zum Verweilen. Die gesamte Anlage wird durchgehend von Vereinsmitgliedern gepflegt. Neben wassersportlichen Aktivitäten fördert der Verein auch die Gemeinschaft unter den Mitgliedern durch weitere Veranstaltungen und Kooperationen und somit auch das Engagement seiner Mitglieder in sozialen, sportlichen oder umweltrelevanten Bereichen.

Besuchen Sie uns am Großen Wannsee.

motor yacht club wannsee

Der Vorstand

Vorsitzender: Carsten Schwiering Schatzmeisterin : Carola Hennig Schriftführer: Sascha Mentner Beisitzer: Andreas Capito Sportleiter: Stefan Babst Jugendleiterin: Dagmara Maciak Organisationsleiter: Nils Jahnke


Wir weisen Gäste, Besucher und Gastlieger darauf hin, dass auf dem Clubgelände des MBC die Hausordnung des Moto-Boot-Clubs e.V. gilt. Sprich uns bitte bei Fragen an oder lade die Hausordnung hier direkt herunter (pdf 1,2 MB) .

Die Satzung des Motor-Boot-Club Berlin e.V können Sie hier bequem herunter laden (pdf 200 kb).

Für Rückfragen steht der Vorstand gern zur Verfügung. Fragen oder Anregungen einfach per Mail an: [email protected]

Für Gastlieger

Herzlich willkommen, informationen für gastlieger.

Übernachtungsgäste sind herzlich willkommen. Wir verfügen über Kopfstege mit 25 m und 15 m Länge. Legen Sie bitte an unserem Kopfsteg an und erkundigen sich bei einem unserer Stegmeister nach einem aktuell freien Gastliegeplatz. Es ist je nach Verfügbarkeit möglich, in einer Box zu liegen – hier sind Längen bis 14 m vorhanden.

Unser Clubhaus ist mit modernen Duschen, Toiletten und einer Küche ausgestattet, zudem stehen Leihfahrräder zur Verfügung, um die nähere Umgebung zu erkunden oder die nächstgelegenen Supermärkte zu erreichen.

In der Regel ist jederzeit ein Mitglied vor Ort, das die Aufgaben des Stegmeisters übernimmt, Ihnen beim Anlegen helfen kann und Sie auf dem Gelände herumführt. Falls niemand vor Ort ist, erreichen Sie unseren Stegmeister Stefan Babst telefonisch unter: +49 162 666 0473

Direkt gegenüber der Steganlage finden Sie auch einen Hinweiskasten mit weiteren Informationen.

  • Pro Tag beträgt die Liegeplatzgebühr 2,50 € je angefangenem Meter Bootslänge, zzgl. 2,50 € pro Person.
  • Inklusiv ist die Nutzung der Sanitäranlagen im Vereinshaus und der Stromverbrauch am Steg (der Betrieb einer Klimaanlage ist nicht gestattet).
  • Für eine Pauschale von 10,00 € kann Wasser gebunkert werden.
  • Bei Abfahrt nach 12:00 Uhr wird eine weitere Tagesgebühr fällig.

Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass wir keine Reservierungen annehmen können, weder telefonisch noch per E-Mail. Wir bieten keine Liegeplätze für Hausboote an. Wir bitten alle Gastanlieger, den Liegeplatz am Abreisetag bis 12:00 Uhr zu verlassen, um neuen Gästen die Anreise zu ermöglichen.

Stegmeister Stefan Babst Tel: +49 162 666 0473 e-Mail: [email protected]

Am Großen Wannsee 50 14109 Berlin Deutschland

Hinweis: Während der Saison ist immer jemand vor Ort. Die Aufgaben des Hafenmeisters werden von den Mitgliedern übernommen. Falles dennoch kein Ansprechpartner am Steg sein sollte, so finden Sie die Telefonnummer im Infokasten nach dem „Gelbe Welle“-Symbol.


Nachricht schreiben.

Ihre Angaben aus dem Kontaktformular werden zur Beantwortung Ihrer Anfrage erhoben und verarbeitet. Die Daten werden nach abgeschlossener Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage gelöscht. Hinweis: Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit für die Zukunft per E-Mail an [email protected] widerrufen. Detaillierte Informationen zum Umgang mit Nutzerdaten finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung .

* Pflichtfeld

Datenschutz      Impressum

© MBC Berlin e.V.2024

American International Yacht Club Berlin e.V.


Over 50 Years of Sailing on the Wannsee Lake

The roots of the American International Yacht Club Berlin (AIYCB) can be traced back to the arrival of the United States Constabulary Forces in Germany in the Fall of 1945. Sailing on the beautiful Wannsee Lake soon became a popular form of recreation for soldiers stationed in Berlin. Although exact dates are unknown, sometime in the Spring of 1946, with the acquisition of a few sailboats, the U.S. Army established a recreation facility for its soldiers on the Wannsee Lake. The first known location of the U.S. Army recreation facility is the current home of the Potsdamer Yacht Club, located on the southern shore of the Wannsee. This facility was initially used as a recuperation center for injured American soldiers and then later used as the U.S. Army recreation center. This property was returned to Germany in 1949 when the U.S. Army established a major recreation center for the American Military Community in Berlin. This facility was located on the eastern shore of the Wannsee at Am Sandwerder 17-19. Since its establishment, the facility has been known by several names: „Wannsee Yacht Club“, „Wannsee Harbor“, and „Wannsee Recreation Center“ as it was last officially known. Sailing, boating, swimming, and fishing were all available at this facility as well as hotel and restaurant facilities for soldiers. In the 1950s and 1960s American soldiers stationed in West Germany were often sent to the Wannsee Recreation Center for R&R, (rest and recuperation). In the 1960s the US Army adopted a program which allowed private associations to be organized as part of its military recreation program. Thus, at some point in the 1960s, a few American Wannsee sailors founded the American Yacht Club Berlin (AYCB) as a private club under the sponsorship of the Berlin Command. AYCB soon became an integral element of the Wannsee Recreation Center assuming responsibility for Red Cross sailing instruction, organizing regattas, and promoting sportsmanship with Allied (British and French) as well as German sailing clubs.

In 1986 the Wannsee Recreation Center underwent major renovations to all of its facilities and grounds. The existing small dock was expanded to a full harbor in order to accommodate additional motor, paddle and sail boats. Additionally, the luxurious Wannsee villa was fully renovated and utilized as a transit hotel. In 1992, as the Allied Forces were preparing to leave Berlin as a result of Germany’s reunification, a small number of AYCB sailors grasped the initiative and founded the American International Yacht Club Berlin (AIYCB) as a sports club registered under German Law. AIYCB as an officially recognized sport organization, leased the Wannsee harbor facilities and part of the grounds. AIYCB also purchased several boats and various equipment from the departing American Forces. Currently, AIYCB has ca. 140 primary members of various nationalities, including family members, with a total of about 220 people in the club. AIYCB now shares these beautiful and historic grounds at Am Sandwerder 17-19 with the American Academy which currently utilizes the Wannsee villa; now known as the Hans Arnold Center.  

Sailing at the AIYCB

Club boats occupy slips adjacent to private boats in the protected harbor, creating a colorful idyllic sailing setting. Bathed in the warm light of the evening sun, this is among the most beautiful settings on the Wannsee. As many club members do not own boats, the friendly practice of taking others on board as crew members is a frequent occurrence. During the sailing season, a large number of regattas take place and many members also sail in regattas sponsored by other clubs. Traditional and close contact is still maintained with the British and French yacht clubs. Children and youth sailing programs are actively encouraged. The Youth Sailing Program has become a major and successful initiative of AIYCB. In addition to learning sailing skills and good sportsmanship, our youth get to enjoy the camaraderie various nationalities.

Social events such as celebrating the 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, „Nikolaus“ and Weihnachten “ contribute toward maintaining the American flair while integrating festivities of other cultures. Monthly membership meetings are held offering a veritable garden of culinary delights through our “ pot- luck “ meals. A spring and fall grounds clean-up bring all members together in a working setting which solidifies club cohesiveness. Collective projects range from the small to the large including the recent renovation of our 70 year old wooden „Schärenkreuzer“ sailboat by some 30 club members. Children and adults alike find a friendly atmosphere at AIYCB e.V.

Luxurylaunches -

This Wisconsin billionaire’s superyacht is so stunning that when docked in Italy’s Livorno port more people flocked to see the vessel than an otherwise breathtaking sunset.

motor yacht club wannsee

American tycoon Craig Leipold owns Loon superyacht-

Born in Wisconsin in 1952, Craig Leipold has a net worth of $3.6 billion, with most of his wealth stemming from his ventures in the sports and healthcare industries. The owner of the NHL’s Minnesota Wild grew up in a business-oriented family. Before making a name for himself in professional ice hockey, he found success with his telemarketing firm, Ameritel Corporation, and Rainfair Corporation, a protective clothing manufacturer. A graduate of Hendrix College with a degree in Political Science, Leipold obtained his first NHL franchise in 1997. The father of five boys is married to heiress Helen Johnson, who hails from one of America’s wealthiest families. Together, Craig and Helen have generously donated to community development and numerous causes, actively supporting their local community in Minnesota.

Follow Luxurylaunches on Google News

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  • Bootsb�rse f�r Gebrauchtboote
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Motoryachtclub von Deutschland e.V.

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Wannsee , bei KM 2,500

Koordinaten: 52.429141 , 13.181619

Scabellstra�e 10-11

14109 Berlin

Einfahrt Hafenanlage:

Bei der Ankunft legen Sie bitte zun�chst au�en am S�dsteg an. Die Hafenmeister Herr T. Dastig oder Herr W. Folgmann oder andere Clubmitglieder sagen Ihnen dann gerne, welcher Stegplatz verf�gbar ist

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Tel. Hafenmeister: +49-30-8035509

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18,32 km | Boote-und-Bootszubehoer

Wassersporth�tte Wannsee

K�nigstr. 11

14109, Berlin

(030) 8 05 51

(030) 80 60 21

18,32 km | Bootsbau

US-Bootsmarkt Marina Marianne Pohlesee

Gr�ner Weg 5

(030) 80 48 48

18,32 km | Bootsplanen

CANVAS Segel & Bootsplanen

K�nigstr. 4b

(030) 81 29 78

18,32 km | Bootsmotoren

Boots- u. Yachttechnik HFS, Holger Fritz-Stadler

K�nigstr. 4a

(030) 80 60 31

18,32 km | Bootscharter

Hahn Axel Dr.

Kyllmannstr. 8

(030) 21 46 56

18,32 km | Bootslagerung

Am Gro�en Wannsee 12H

(030) 3 25 64

Sportboot-Marina Wannsee

K�nigstr. 4A

(030) 8 05 15

Lipinski J.

Alsenstr. 31

(030) 8 05 48

Bootshaus Bellack, K. Rudolph

Gr�ner Weg 11

(030) 8 05 42

Glienicker Str. 3

(030) 8 05 12

Franke Christa

Alsenstr. 30

(030) 8 05 19

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SKYFALL 190 ft' Trinity Yachts Motor Yacht 2010

$ 29,500,000


Delivering the utmost opulence within wide, open spaces and meticulous detail, the SKYFALL yacht for sale is an unexpected superyacht that overdelivers. Accommodating 12 guests in 6 generously sized staterooms, her amenities match the level of 5-star resorts. 

A contemporarily styled interior features select materials and plush furnishings, while giving guests an array of areas to gather, relax, dine, and entertain. Her 3,707 square feet of exterior deck spaces give way to the ultimate enjoyment at sea, with a vast sun deck, al fresco dining options and panoramic views that stretch beyond the imagination. 


A blend of woods including Honduran mahogany, European maple burl, Australian Lacewood and Wenge come together to create an atmosphere of warmth and richness. Fine details such as a humidor and wine cellar assure that every taste is met. Ideal for entertaining, the main deck salon features a grouping of sofas and armchairs ideal for conversation, while just forward is a formal dining area with a long, rectangular table. Opposite this wall is the galley, where the chef prepares bespoke plates and from which the crew deliver easy service. 

To starboard of the galley lies a grand foyer with a masterful staircase that leads up or down. Exquisite detail can be seen on the banister and the book-matched marble flooring in this area that was created with care. Moving all the way forward is the private master stateroom. One level up, the skylounge is the perfect respite from the outdoors, and is a welcoming space with a sofa, games table, and large bar. 


Located on the main deck forward, the master suite offers a level privacy only matched by the incredible 180-degree views that can be taken in from the bed. A separate lounge area features a large sofa, and a private office boasts a large window. His-and-hers en suites are generous, with marble accents throughout, a walk-in shower and a large spa tub. 

The remainder of the staterooms are located on the lower deck, and are made up of one VIP, three (3) queen cabins (one of which is wheelchair friendly), and a twin, which can be converted into a double. Each is graced with its own en suite and entertainment system and offer much storage for incidentals. An elevator services all decks, including the lower deck, where the accommodations are located.


The sun deck is a playful area with a Jacuzzi and a separate plunge pool that is ideal for sunbathing. Sunpads for lounging, sofas for socializing, a bar, built-in BBQ grill, and a large table for light dining make up the generous space that is topped off by a touch-and-go helipad that doubles as a basketball court. The bar sits under coverage and offers stools to sit and sip drinks. The raised Jacuzzi is surrounded by sunpads, and forward of the plunge pool, an intimate seating area is perfect for enjoying a cocktail and taking in the sweeping views. 

The upper deck is a vast area where aft, many al fresco meals are taken and enjoyed in a panoramic setting. A gathering of loose furnishings here makes up the ideal spot for an after-dinner cocktail and some conversation. All the way forward on this deck is a large seating area where guests can take in the views while underway. From the main deck aft, which boasts a collection of seating options, guests can access the full-beam swim platform. 


The superyacht boasts a large array of water toys for guest enjoyment from the oversized swim platform. At present, there is a working space in the lazarette, with the potential to be converted into either a beach club or a gym by the new owner. A Williams Jet Tender is great for quickly ushering guests to shore or to a secluded bay. The array of toys includes Sea-Doo’s, an electric surfboard, paddle boards, water skis, a trampoline, inflatables, and so much more.


  • Price USD: $ 29,500,000
  • Type: Power
  • LOA: 190 ft
  • Beam: 33 ft'
  • Water Capacity: --
  • Fuel Capacity: 22085 gallon
  • Engine Details: Caterpillar C3516
  • Engine 1: 14675 HRS
  • Engine 2: 14699 HRS
  • Engine Fuel: diesel
  • Days on Market: INQUIRE

+ Highlights

  • 'Touch and go' helicopter capability'
  • New paint 2019
  • Three deck 'wheel chair capable' elevator including a wheelchair friendly stateroom
  • Stunning split-level, full beam master stateroom with 270 degree panoramic windows
  • Gorgeous full beam VIP suite
  • Convertible gym/guest stateroom
  • Jacuzzi and pool suitable for children
  • Huge 3707 square feet of external deck space
  • Air conditioned sky lounge aft deck
  • Over 7200 square feet of internal volume
  • Stunning wine cellar
  • State of the art systems and engineering
  • Gorgeous Patrick Knowles interior that is the epitome of understated elegance and sophistication, exquisitely finished in Honduras Mahogany, Maple Burl, and Wenge

+ Machinery

Main Engines Engine Type: 2x Caterpillar C3516

Engine Hours (Port/Stbd): 14,000

Gearboxes for Main Engines: Reintjes Waf 843

  • Overhaul Oct 2023

Drive + Propeller Type: 2x Shaft with fixed pitch propellers

  • New shaft seals Oct 2022

Generators & Electricity

Output: 191kw @ 1800 RPM

Generators: C7 .1ACERT

Generator Hours (Port/Stbd): 7000

Generator Fuel Consumption (gal/hour): 9.2 gal/hour

Shorepower: Atlas 2x ShorPower Ultra HV, 100 KVA Atlas 3-phase shore power converter units which parallel to produce 200KVA

  • Ordered New Inverters for 2024

Batteries Main Engine Starting: 4x Odyssey CCA1300

Generator Starting: 4x Odysssey CCA1300

Emergency: 2x North Start CCA1000

Air Conditioning Type: Dometic 75 tons of AC (5 compressors)

Other Machinery Watermakers: 2x blue water desalination 2020

  • Membrances 2023

Stabilizers: Quantum QC-1800 Zero Speed

  • Full overhaul Sept. 2023

Bow Thruster: Wesmar (Quantum QT-200)

  • Service Sept. 2023

Steering System: EMI Rudder

Fuel Separator / Filtration: ALFA LAVAL MAB104

Sewage System: Headhunter Type 11 RF300B (60 person)

Fresh Water System: Water link technologies FH-WB14

Bilge Water Filtration: Boss with Bilgemon488 OMD

Lube Oil Capacity: 645 Gal

Waste Oil Capacity: 511 Gal

+ Communication Systems

SATcom: KU Band (ANUVU - disabled currently)

VSat: Starlink Maritime + KA Band (Bluetide)

Telephone System: VOIP - Grandstream

SSB: Furuno MF/HF

VHF: Standard Horizon - Quantum GX5000S

Intercom: Panasonic

+ Navigation Systems

Radar: Furuno 1x Xband RPU-013 1x Sband RPU-013

GMDSS: SAT C Furuno Felcom 15



EPIRB: ACR Global fix pro

Gyro Compass: Sperry marine navigat X MK2

Autopilot: Sperry marine navipilot 4000

Echo Sounder: B&G

Depth Sounder: B&G

GPS: 2x Furuno GP-150

Laser Plotter: ECDIS - Transas Navisailor 4000

Wind/Speed Log: B&G

Navtex Receiver: Furuno NX-700

AIS: Furuno FA-150

+ Entertainment System / Audio Equipment

Control Systems Main Salon: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Main Deck Aft: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Sky Lounge: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Upper Aft Deck: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Sundeck: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Master Stateroom: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

VIP Stateroom #1 and #2: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Guest Stateroom King: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Guest Stateroom Queen: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Guest Stateroom Twin: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Captain's Cabin: Crestron

Engineer's Cabin: Smart TV

Crew Lounge: Crestron and Kaleidoscape

Galley and Laundry Equipment

Main Galley Equipment

  • Cooking Equipment: Miele
  • Refrigeration/Freezer: Delfield Freezers

Crew Galley/Mess Equipment

Additional Galley Equipment

  • Refrigeration/Freezer: Additional freezers in the lazarette

Laundry Equipment

  • Main Laundry Equipment: Miele 4x T8005 4x W3035 (3 in laundry and 1 in lazarette)

+ Tender and Toys

Tender: Williams 565 (2021), Novurnia Canguro (2009)

Dive Gear: Yes

Wave Runner: Seadoo GTI (2021)

Other: 2x Seabob FS5, 2x Paddle Boards, 2x Go cycle, fun air pool, 6x Hobie Pedal Boards, Jet surf electric surfboard

+ Deck Equipment

Anchor Windlass: 2x MUIR Veritcal Hydraulic VRC (18000/35)

Aft Warping Capstans: 2x MUIR VC8000/130

Anchors: 2x 1200lb David HP Talon Stockless w/SS bottom

Anchor Chain: New 2023 - Qingdao

Boat Crane and Davits: Nautical structures

Passerelle: Marquipt hydraulic retractable passarelle

Swimming Platform: Fixed

Helicopter: Sun deck capable of "touch and go" helicopter pad

Reinforced deck with 3350 lbs gross

Jacuzzi: 7 person hot tub; white

Elevator: 46" x 48" LiftEmotion elevator, 4 persons

+ Security, Fire Fighting & Safety Equipment

Security Equipment

CCTV: Luma lum-500-dvr-8ch

Cameras: Yes

Monitors: Yes

Fire Fighting Equipment

Consilium fire detection

Ultra fog suppression

Fire fighting equipment

Safety Equipment

Life rafts, rescue boat, life jackets, immersion suits

+ Accommodations

# of cabins: 6 or 7 /  Lazzarette can be converted into 7th stateroom, Beach Club, or Gym

# of berths: 8

# of heads: 8

Crew Cabins: 8 cabins for up to 14 crew

+ Major Works Completed & Ongoing

  • New water makers (2022) new membranes (2023)
  • Starlink Maritime installed (2022)
  • New shaft seals (2022)
  • Hull hydro blasted (2022) new antifoul (2023)
  • New anchor chains (April 2023)
  • Bow thruster serviced (Sept 2023)
  • Quantum Stabilizers full overhaul (Sept 2023)
  • Exterior varnished tables sundeck and bridge deck revarnished (Sept 2023)
  • Ships name (new LED lights Sept 2023)
  • Bow Fairleads (Secured with larger bolts -  safety upgrade)
  • Tank Cleaning (Sept 2023)
  • Zinc Anodes replaced (Sept 2023)
  • Complete new paint (2019)
  • New AV $600,000 package (2019)
  • New carpets (2019)
  • 2 new generators (2019)

Currently Ongoing

  • Main Engines 8000hr service 
  • Gearbox overhaul 
  • Centa Couplings replacement 
  • Upgrading Navigation lights to latest Lopolight models 
  • Generator mounts replacement 
  • Crew Lounge seating reupholstery 
  • Engine room deck plates powder coating (Bilges are being painted in addition).
  • Lazarette deckhead panels painting

Ordered to install in USA 2024

  • New shore power inverters

+ Repairs and Servicing

2023 - Amico, Genoa

  • All tanks opened for class inspections, fuel tanks cleaned, oil grey water, sewage and fresh water all cleaned
  • Antifouling touch ups, new zinc anodes
  • Stabilizer service
  • Bridge deck aft table, sun deck table revarnished
  • New bow thruster propellers Steering gear serviced
  • Reintjes gearbox 10-year service
  • Windlass serviced
  • CAT generator mounts replaced
  • M/E 3516 service / inspection
  • New A/C plant compressor installed
  • Engine room fans serviced
  • Engine room floor plates to be powder coated
  • Galley duct and laundry duct cleaning
  • Tender and tender engine servicing
  • Guest carpet replacement - bridge deck salon aft
  • Bridge salon, couch and two chairs re-upholstered
  • Crew mess flooring replaced and seating fabric replaced

January 2018

  • Annual service including 2.5 years ABS Inspection
  • Caterpillar top end overhaul completed

+ Exclusions

The name Skyfall

All personal property and affects of the Owner

The Intrepid

Portable Starlink system

Green Egg Portable grill and accessories

All fishing equipment

The inflatable flamingo

All pet items

Bee glassware

Select decor and serving items

+ Disclaimer

+ yw disclaimer.

United Yacht Sales - Florida Treasure Coast is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by FGI Yacht Group.

Not all boats listed online are listed with United, but we can work on your behalf. For more information on this vessel or to schedule a showing, please contact a United Yacht Sales broker by calling our main headquarters at (772) 463-3131.

Interested In This Yacht?

Contact United Yachts to learn more!


United is the largest professional yacht brokerage firm in the world with over 200 yacht brokers in our network. By listing your boat or yacht for sale with us, all of our team are immediately notified of your boat and begin working to match your yacht with a buyer. We have many examples where boats have sold through our network and our proprietary broker forum that keeps our team connected 24/7. With hundreds of closings every year, there is no better team than United to help with the listing and sale of your vessel. Find out what your current yacht is worth on today's market!


The yacht MLS consists of thousands of available brokerage vessels from all over the world and in different conditions. Hiring an experienced yacht broker to help you find the perfect boat makes financial sense, as well as takes the stress out of the process. A United broker starts by listening to your needs, how you plan to use your boat, your potential boating locations, and your budget. We then go to work looking at all of the available yachts that fit your criteria, research their history, provide you with a clear picture of the market, and organizes the showings. We're with you every step of the way from survey to acceptance and our industry-leading support staff will make sure your closing goes smoothly.

Buy your yacht with crypto


Photo of 191' Trinity Yachts Custom 2009

191' Trinity Yachts Custom 2009

Dania Beach, Florida, United States

Photo of 165' Trinity Yachts 2009

165' Trinity Yachts 2009

Nassau, Bahamas

Inquire about this Yacht

motor yacht club wannsee

Wantagh Bay Yacht Club

Aquapalooza in Zachs Bay

Sunset at Atlantique, Fire Island

  • History of the Club
  • Commodore's Message
  • Club Board Members
  • List Albums
  • About Our Club
  • Map and Directions
  • Request Information

Welcome to the Wantagh Bay Yacht Club

Current news.

A Message From Our Commodore

May 15, 2016

Well, Here we go! The website is up and running! I have to start by thanking fellow member Kevin Coveney for all his dedication and hours spent making this page up and running. There will be baby steps with this as we move forward but the end result will make our information better to understand and communicate within the club. Thanks again Kevin!

So, our excitement continues with a new boating season and our annual Blessing of the Fleet and Memorial Day party. Unfortunately, we will not have a building again to host this year but looking at the progress being done on our new building we can assume we will be there next May. The Lighthouse is all ready to be lit at night. That should be a nice welcome back into the marina. Hopefully, the weather will be great and everyone will enjoy themselves. We have a lot of activities planned for our club throughout the summer. Please check the calendar as the events will have the info and times etc. Hoping you all have a wonderful and safe boating season!

Upcoming Events

Wantagh Park Marina

Mailing Address:

Wantagh NY 11793

The Wantagh Bay Yacht Club was founded in 1991.

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  2. Berliner Yacht-Club, Wannseebadweg, Wannsee, Steglitz-Zehlendorf

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  1. Home

    MOTOR-BOOT-CLUB BERLIN E.V. Am Großen Wannsee 50. 14109 Berlin. Deutschland. Hinweis: Während der Saison ist immer jemand vor Ort. Die Aufgaben des Hafenmeisters werden von den Mitgliedern übernommen. Falles dennoch kein Ansprechpartner am Steg sein sollte, so finden Sie die Telefonnummer im Infokasten nach dem „Gelbe Welle"-Symbol. + −.

  2. about

    The roots of the American International Yacht Club Berlin (AIYCB) can be traced back to the arrival of the United States Constabulary Forces in Germany in the Fall of 1945. Sailing on the beautiful Wannsee Lake soon became a popular form of recreation for soldiers stationed in Berlin. Although exact dates are unknown, sometime in the Spring of ...

  3. American tycoon Craig Leipold owns Loon superyacht-

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  4. Hafeninfos: Motoryachtclub von Deutschland e.V. am Wannsee

    Franke Christa. Alsenstr. 30. 14109, Berlin. (030) 8 05 19. weitere Serviceangebote anzeigen. Informationen zur Hafenanlage Motoryachtclub von Deutschland e.V. am Wannsee in Berlin. Der Bootshafen am Wannsee bei Kilometer 2.500 bietet seinen Gästen:

  5. Motor-Yacht-Club von Deutschland e.V. Berlin Wannsee

    Motor-Yacht-Club von Deutschland e.V. Scabellstr. 10-11, 14109 Berlin, Wannsee. 030 8035509. 0171 4339042. Weitere Rufnummern. Bearbeiten Sie die in diesem Feld angezeigten Informationen. aktualisiert am 27.11.2023. E-Mail-Anfrage senden an Motor-Yacht-Club von Deutschland e.V.

  6. Wannsee

    The Verein Seglerhaus am Wannsee, the second oldest yacht club in Germany, was established in October 1867 on a small wooden shack by River Havel. In 1877 it moved to its present location at the edge of the lake. In 1909, Max Liebermann, head of the Berlin Secession, had a villa built at the western shore of the Wannsee.

  7. 33m Riva Dolcevita motor yacht Tasty Waves joins the market

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  8. Potsdamer Yacht Club

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  9. Seven dead in Bayesian yacht sinking disaster

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  10. Berlin

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  11. Excellence (yacht)

    Motor yacht: Tonnage: 2,115 GT ... superyacht Excellence was launched by Abeking & Rasmussen at their yard near Lemwerder. Both the yacht's exterior and interior design are the work of ... elevator, swimming pool, movie theatre, tender garage, swimming platform, air conditioning, BBQ, beach club, jacuzzi, WiFi. On board are also different kind ...

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  14. Motor-Yacht-Club von Deutschland e. V.

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  15. The BEST Wannsee Cruises & boat tours 2024

    Book the most popular Cruises & boat tours in Wannsee. Best price and money back guarantee! Read the reviews of your fellow travelers. ... Private Wannsee Lake and Werder Yacht Cruise. 8 hours; 5 (1) From. $1,421.62. ... Bar Crawl with Shots and Club Entry. 6 hours; Skip the line; 4.6 (331) From $27.98. From. $21.83 .

  16. Used Trinity Yachts 190 ft' Motor Yacht

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    Hargrave Yachts E Series Tri-Deck is a 118' 3" (36.04m) Motor Yacht built by HARGRAVE and delivered in 2024. Search yacht photo gallery here.

  20. Our Story

    The Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania was formed in 1924, and enjoys a proud 99 - year history. We look forward to a celebration in 2024 of our 100-year journey and evolution. Located on the waterfront of the Derwent River in Southern Tasmania Eastern Shore suburb of Lindisfarne the Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania is home to one of this State's ...

  21. WBYC

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  22. Friends of Warneet Motor Yacht Club / Open Mic

    Friends of Warneet Motor Yacht Club / Open Mic. Public group. ·. 258 members. Join group. 🎼Open Mic 🎤 which is held on the first Sunday of every month from 2pm until 6pm. Come down at 2pm and put your name on the board ready to play 🎸🥁🎹🎻🎺🎤🎷or...

  23. Warneet Motor Yacht Club

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