Ocean Sail Lust

What is Tacking? How to Tack and Commands

The world of sailing is vast and complex, with numerous techniques and concepts to grasp. However, one skill that should not be overlooked is tacking. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of tacking, providing you with a comprehensive guide on how to tack a sailboat like a seasoned sailor.

Understanding Tacking

What is tacking? Tacking is an maneuver used to change the direction of a sailboat by turning the bow (front) of the boat through the wind. This maneuver allows the boat to sail against the wind, also known as sailing upwind or into the wind.

Whether you choose to tack to the right or the left, the goal remains the same. However, tacking encompasses more than just a simple change in direction. It involves understanding the commands, physics, and dynamics of the maneuver. Let us embark on this journey of knowledge together.

Decoding the Sailing Clock

To grasp the concept of tacking, let’s envision a chalkboard with an arrow pointing downward, representing the wind. Draw a circle on the board, starting from the arrow and encompassing the entire circumference. This circle represents the sailing clock . The zone from midnight to approximately 10 and 2 on either side denotes the upwind sailing area, also known as “no sail zone” According to the laws of physics, sailboats cannot sail directly into this zone. To navigate in that direction, we must employ a technique known as tacking.

What is Tacking

Visualize sailing from the 2 o’clock position, 45 degrees off the wind, and gradually turning your boat through midnight on the sailing clock to the other side, beyond 10 o’clock. This zigzag pattern enables you to progress towards your desired upwind destination. Understanding this fundamental concept is the first step toward mastering the art of tacking.

The Mechanics of Tacking

Now that we have established the basic principles, let’s delve into the mechanics of tacking a sailboat. Suppose you are sailing with your sails hauled all the way in, known as “close-hauled,” on a starboard tack (right side facing the bow). To execute a tack successfully, you need to turn your boat 90 degrees and begin sailing on the other side of the sailing clock. Let’s assume you are at the 3 o’clock position and want to reach the 9 o’clock position.

Executing a successful tack requires the boat to maintain enough inertia to sail directly into the wind while maintaining forward progress. This means your boat must have sufficient speed at the start of the maneuver. Through practice and experience, you will develop a sense of the speed required for a seamless tack.

What is Tacking

Effective Communication: Tacking Commands

Communication plays a vital role in any sailing endeavor. When executing a tack, clear and concise commands are essential to ensure the coordinated efforts of the crew. Let’s explore the key commands involved in a tack.

  • “Ready About”: The helm initiates this command, signaling the crew to prepare for the upcoming tack. The pit crew, located in the cockpit, has crucial tasks such as loading up the lazy jib sheet and preparing to release the working jib sheet. It is important to ensure that the foredeck is clear of any obstacles that may hinder the maneuver. Communicate your intentions to those below deck, as any loose items may fall during the tack. Once everyone is ready, they inform the helm by acknowledging “ready.”
  • “Hard-A-Lee”: This command signifies the beginning of the tack. While there are variations of this command, the essential aspect is to turn the helm quickly and decisively. The helm, or the person in charge of steering the boat, turns the tiller or wheel to windward, opposite to the direction of the upcoming tack. This action initiates the turning of the boat and sets the stage for a successful maneuver.
  • “Ease the Jib Sheet” : As the boat starts to turn through the wind, the crew in the cockpit releases the working jib sheet, allowing the jib to swing across the boat to the new leeward side. This step is crucial to prevent the jib from backwinding and to facilitate a smooth transition to the new tack.
  • “Trim the Jib Sheet” : Once the jib has crossed over, the crew in the cockpit quickly grabs the new working jib sheet and pulls it in to trim the jib for the new tack. This step helps the boat regain power and maintain forward momentum on the new tack.
  • “Well Tacked” : This command signifies the completion of the tack and acknowledges that the boat is now sailing on the desired tack. At this point, the crew can resume their normal positions and activities, while remaining vigilant for any further course adjustments or maneuvers.

Mastering these commands and their timing is crucial for a successful tack. Practice and clear communication among the crew will help refine the execution of tacking maneuvers.

Every Sailboat Tacks different

Every sailboat has its own unique characteristics when it comes to tacking. Even for experienced sailors, maneuvering a new boat requires a learning curve, as each vessel responds differently to the wind and helm adjustments. It’s essential not to underestimate the importance of practicing tacks on unfamiliar boats. While some boats may tack smoothly and effortlessly, others present challenges. For instance, catamarans, shoal draft keels, and boats with multiple masts can pose difficulties during tacking.

What is Tacking

In such cases, a useful technique called “backwinding the jib” can be employed. This involves holding the jib slightly longer on the winch as the boat heads through the wind, allowing the wind to fill the back side of the jib before releasing it onto the new working side. This technique harnesses the wind’s force on the back side of the jib, helping to complete the turn by pushing the bow through the luffing arc. It’s worth experimenting with this method when faced with challenging tacks, while remaining mindful of potential risks to the jib from the spreaders on the mast.

Refining Your Tacking Technique

Tacking is a skill that requires practice, patience, and a deep understanding of your sailboat’s characteristics. Here are some tips to refine your tacking technique:

  • Timing is Key A well-timed tack maximizes the boat’s momentum and minimizes the loss of speed. Practice and experiment with different wind conditions to understand the optimal timing for tacking.
  • Maintain Boat Speed Before initiating a tack, ensure that your boat has sufficient speed to maintain momentum through the wind. A faster boat will have better steerage and control during the maneuver.
  • Minimize Rudder Movements Oversteering or excessive rudder movements can slow down the boat and impede its ability to turn smoothly. Practice using subtle and precise rudder inputs to maintain control and efficiency.
  • Communicate Clearly Clear and concise communication is essential during tacking maneuvers. Ensure that everyone on board understands the commands and their respective roles. Use consistent terminology to avoid confusion and maintain a smooth workflow.
  • Experiment and Adapt Tacking techniques may vary depending on the type of sailboat and individual preferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches and adapt them to suit your specific sailing conditions and boat characteristics. Continuously refine your technique based on what works best for you and your crew.

Remember, mastering the art of tacking takes time and practice. With dedication, experience, and a focus on continuous improvement, you will become proficient in executing smooth and efficient tacks, enhancing your overall sailing skills. Enjoy the process and embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

In conclusion, mastering the art of tacking is an essential skill for any sailor. It requires a combination of knowledge, intuition, and experience to effectively navigate through the wind and execute a successful maneuver. By understanding the commands, being aware of the wind’s behavior, and using tools such as a windex or mobile apps, sailors can enhance their ability to “see” the wind and make informed decisions about when to tack.

With practice and determination, sailors can confidently tack their boats, adjusting their course and embracing the challenges that come with sailing. And remember, if all else fails, the trusty motor is there to lend a helping hand. So, set sail, embrace the wind, and let the journey of tacking unfold, for it is a gateway to endless adventures on the open seas.

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Mastering the Art of Tacking and Jibing: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide, where we delve into the art of two fundamental sailing maneuvers: tacking and jibing. If you’re new to the world of sailing, these terms may seem unfamiliar, but fear not, we’re here to demystify them.

steering a sailing yacht

Tacking and jibing are essential maneuvers that every sailor, regardless of their experience level, should understand and master. But what do these terms actually mean?

In sailing, the wind’s direction plays a vital role in determining the course and speed of a sailboat. Since a sailboat cannot move directly into the wind, sailors use a technique called tacking to move ‘upwind’ or ‘into the wind.’ Tacking involves changing the boat’s direction by turning its bow (the front of the boat) through the wind, so that the wind changes from one side of the boat to the other.

Jibing (or gybing, as it’s known in some regions), on the other hand, is a maneuver used when sailing ‘downwind’ or ‘with the wind.’ It’s the opposite of tacking and involves changing the boat’s direction by turning its stern (the back of the boat) through the wind, causing the sail to switch from one side of the boat to the other.

Mastering these techniques is essential because they allow sailors to navigate effectively and safely under various wind conditions. Without these skills, your control over the boat is limited and can even lead to dangerous situations, especially in heavy weather conditions. By learning and practicing these maneuvers, you can enhance your ability to steer the boat accurately, boost your confidence on the water, and truly maximize your enjoyment of sailing.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll provide a detailed exploration of tacking and jibing techniques, offering step-by-step instructions, common mistakes to avoid, and practical tips to help you navigate the waters like a pro. Let’s set sail on this exciting journey!

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive deeper into tacking and jibing, it’s crucial to understand some fundamental sailing concepts – namely sailing upwind, downwind, and the points of sail .

sailboat tacking video

When we refer to sailing ‘upwind’ or ‘windward’, we mean sailing in the direction from which the wind is coming. On the other hand, sailing ‘downwind’ or ‘leeward’ refers to sailing in the direction the wind is blowing towards. However, due to the design of sailboats and the physics of sailing, a sailboat cannot sail directly upwind or downwind efficiently. This is where tacking and jibing come into play.

points of sails

Now let’s talk about the ‘points of sail.’ The point of sail is the boat’s course in relation to the wind direction. There are five main points of sail:

  • In Irons (Into the Wind): This is when the boat is facing directly into the wind and can make little to no forward progress.
  • Close-Hauled : The closest course to the wind that a boat can sail. The boat sails as tightly as possible towards the wind at roughly a 45-degree angle.
  • Beam Reach : The wind is coming directly across the boat. This is often where the boat can achieve its highest speed.
  • Broad Reach: The wind is coming from behind the boat, but not directly – it’s off to one side.
  • Running (Downwind) : The boat is sailing in the same direction the wind is blowing.

Tacking and jibing are the techniques sailors use to change their direction or point of sail . When you’re sailing upwind (from close-hauled to a beam reach), you perform a series of ‘tacks’ to zigzag your way towards your destination. This is also known as ‘beating.’ Each turn or change of direction where the bow of the boat passes through the wind is a ‘tack.’

When you’re sailing downwind (from a broad reach to running), you perform a series of ‘jibes’ to move from one direction to another. In a jibe, the stern of the boat passes through the wind, causing the sails to switch sides.

In the next sections, we will delve into the step-by-step processes of tacking and jibing, ensuring you can execute these maneuvers with confidence and precision. By mastering these skills, you’ll be well on your way to navigating the open seas more effectively.

The Art of Tacking

Tacking is a fundamental sailing maneuver that allows a boat to move ‘upwind,’ towards the direction from which the wind is coming. Since a sailboat cannot sail directly into the wind due to the forces on its sails, sailors use a zigzag pattern, making a series of turns to progress upwind. Each of these turns, where the bow of the boat moves through the wind, is known as a ‘tack.’


Step-by-Step Guide to Executing a Tack

  • Preparation:

Before initiating a tack, ensure you have enough sea room to perform the maneuver safely. Look around for other vessels, obstacles, or shallow water. The crew should be alerted and prepared to move the sails as needed. Once you’re ready to start, you’re sailing ‘close-hauled,’ or as close to the wind as your boat can efficiently sail.

Start by pushing or turning the tiller (or turning the wheel) towards the wind slowly. This action will cause the bow of your boat to head towards the wind, an area referred to as being ‘in irons.’ The sail will start to flap as it loses the wind.

  • Completion:

Once the bow has crossed through the wind, quickly bring the tiller back to the central position to stop the turn. The boat should now be on the opposite tack, and the sail will fill with wind again. Adjust the sail for the new tack, and you’re back to sailing close-hauled, but in the opposite direction.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  • Tacking too quickly: If you turn the boat too quickly, the sail may not have enough time to switch sides, and you could end up stuck ‘in irons.’ To avoid this, remember to make your turn gradually and smoothly.
  • Not letting the sail loose quickly enough: If you don’t release the sail at the right time, it can prevent the boat from completing the tack. Make sure to coordinate with your crew (if you have one) to release and then trim the sail at the right times.
  • Not using enough momentum: Particularly in light wind conditions, it’s important to enter the tack with enough speed. If you’re moving too slowly, you might not have enough momentum to complete the tack.

Practical Tips for Effective Tacking

  • Practice your tacks in various wind conditions to understand how the wind speed and direction can affect your maneuvers.
  • Clear communication with your crew can make the tacking process much smoother, especially when it comes to moving the sails.
  • Always keep a lookout for potential obstacles, other vessels, or changes in the wind or water conditions.
  • Remember, smooth and steady wins the race. Don’t rush the tacking process. It’s better to perform the maneuver slowly and correctly than to rush and make mistakes.

Mastering the art of tacking is a gradual process that comes with practice. But with these steps and tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to proficiently navigating your sailboat upwind.

Mastering Jibing

Jibing, or gybing, is another vital sailing maneuver, essentially the opposite of tacking. While tacking involves changing the boat’s direction by moving the bow through the wind, jibing entails changing the boat’s course by passing its stern through the wind. This maneuver is most commonly used when sailing downwind, allowing the boat to shift from one ‘gybe’ (or side of the boat the wind is on) to the other.


Step-by-Step Guide to Executing a Jibe

Before initiating a jibe, ensure you have a clear path and enough space to perform the maneuver safely. Inform your crew about the upcoming maneuver so they can prepare to adjust the sails. At the start of a jibe, your boat should be on a ‘broad reach,’ with the wind coming from behind the boat and off to one side.

Gently turn the tiller or wheel away from the main sail. This action will cause your boat to bear away from the wind and the stern will start to move through the wind. As the boat turns, the sail will begin to move across the boat.

As the stern passes through the wind, the sail will quickly shift from one side of the boat to the other. It’s essential to control this move to prevent damage or injury. Once the sail has filled on the new side, straighten the tiller or wheel and adjust your course for the new gybe.

  • Allowing the boom to swing across uncontrollably : This is a frequent and potentially dangerous mistake. Always control the boom’s movement using the mainsheet during the jibe.
  • Jibing unintentionally: This can occur if the boat accidentally turns its stern through the wind. To avoid this, keep a firm grip on the tiller or wheel and maintain awareness of your course relative to the wind.
  • Not preparing your crew : Everyone on board needs to know when a jibe is about to happen. The quick movement of the boom can cause injuries if crew members aren’t prepared.

Practical Tips for Safe and Effective Jibing

  • Always be mindful of the boom. Ensure all crew members are aware of its movement during a jibe to avoid injuries.
  • Practicing jibing in lighter wind conditions can be a good way to get the hang of the maneuver before attempting it in stronger winds.
  • Clear and prompt communication with your crew is vital, especially when adjusting the sails.
  • It can be useful to plan your course after the jibe beforehand, so you can quickly adjust and keep the boat moving smoothly.

Jibing, like tacking, is an essential skill in the sailor’s toolbox. While it can seem daunting at first, especially given the speed at which the sail moves across the boat, with practice, patience, and adherence to safety measures, you can master this maneuver and sail downwind efficiently.

Tacking vs. Jibing

Tacking and jibing, though seemingly opposite maneuvers, are two sides of the same coin – both are ways to change the direction of a sailboat relative to the wind. The primary difference lies in which part of the boat (bow or stern) passes through the wind and whether the boat is moving upwind (tacking) or downwind (jibing).

Comparing and Contrasting the Techniques

  • Direction relative to the wind: Tacking is used when you want to move upwind, in the direction the wind is coming from. On the other hand, jibing is used when sailing downwind, in the direction the wind is blowing towards.
  • Part of the boat through the wind: In tacking, the bow of the boat moves through the wind, causing the sails to switch sides. In jibing, the stern moves through the wind, again causing the sails to switch sides.
  • Speed of the maneuver: Tacking generally involves a slow and steady change of direction and the sails move across the boat relatively slowly. In contrast, jibing is a faster maneuver where the sail moves across the boat quickly, and if not controlled properly, can be quite dangerous.

steering a sailing yacht

When to Use Each Technique

The sailing conditions, including the direction and strength of the wind and your desired course, determine whether tacking or jibing is the appropriate maneuver:

  • Tacking: T his is the maneuver to use when you want to sail towards the wind (upwind). Tacking is typically the safer and more controlled of the two maneuvers and can be used in a wide range of wind conditions. However, in very light wind conditions, maintaining enough speed to complete the tack can be challenging.
  • Jibing: Use this maneuver when you’re sailing with the wind (downwind). It’s important to note that jibing should be performed with caution, particularly in strong wind conditions, as the boom and sail can swing across the boat with significant force. In heavy winds, it may be safer to perform a series of ‘chicken jibes’ (essentially, tacking instead of jibing to change direction when downwind) to keep the boat under control.

By understanding the differences between tacking and jibing and knowing when to use each technique, you can sail more effectively and safely, no matter the wind conditions. Up next, we’ll discuss why regular practice of these maneuvers is crucial and suggest some drills to help you improve your tacking and jibing skills.

Practice Makes Perfect

While understanding the theory behind tacking and jibing is essential, sailing is a hands-on activity, and there’s no substitute for getting out on the water and practicing these maneuvers yourself. Regular practice allows you to build muscle memory, refine your technique, and learn how to respond to different wind and water conditions.

The Importance of Regular Practice

Practice is the cornerstone of mastering any skill, and sailing is no different. Each sailboat has its quirks and unique handling characteristics, and every change in wind and wave conditions presents a new set of challenges. By practicing regularly, you get to know your boat and how it responds under different conditions. Regular tacking and jibing drills will make these maneuvers become second nature, allowing you to perform them safely and efficiently even under pressure.

Drills to Help Improve Tacking and Jibing Skills

  • Figure-Eight Drill: This drill involves sailing in a figure-eight pattern, alternating between tacking and jibing at each turn. This exercise will help you practice transitioning smoothly between different points of sail.
  • Windward/Leeward Drill : Set up two markers (buoys, if available) in a downwind/upwind configuration. Practice sailing upwind through a series of tacks and then downwind with a series of jibes.
  • Man Overboard Drill : Although this is primarily a safety drill, it also provides good tacking and jibing practice. Simulate a man-overboard situation and practice maneuvering your boat to ‘rescue’ the overboard crew member.

Safety Considerations During Practice

Safety should always be your top priority when practicing these maneuvers. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Monitor Weather Conditions : Check the weather forecast before you go out and keep an eye on the sky. Don’t practice tacking and jibing for the first time in strong wind or rough water conditions.
  • Wear Appropriate Safety Gear : Ensure everyone on board is wearing a life jacket. Depending on conditions, you might also need harnesses and tethers, particularly for crew members moving about the boat during tacks and jibes.
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings : Always keep a lookout for other boats, obstacles, or shallow water. Remember that other vessels may not anticipate your maneuvers, so always give way as required.
  • Control the Boom : The boom can move swiftly and forcefully during tacks and particularly jibes. Keep clear of its path and control its movement with the mainsheet.

Remember, the key to mastering the art of tacking and jibing is patience and consistent practice. Happy sailing!

steering a sailing yacht

Mastering the techniques of tacking and jibing is a crucial part of becoming a proficient sailor. These maneuvers allow you to harness the power of the wind, no matter its direction, and to navigate your sailboat safely and effectively in a variety of conditions. Tacking enables you to zigzag your way upwind, while jibing allows you to change direction efficiently when sailing downwind.

Understanding the theory behind these techniques is only the beginning. Each tack or jibe on the water brings new insights and challenges. From different wind strengths and directions to unique boat characteristics, each situation provides a valuable learning experience.

The importance of regular practice cannot be overstated. Through a combination of drills and real-world experience, you’ll find your skills and confidence growing. It is through these repetitive actions that the maneuvers of tacking and jibing will become second nature, allowing you to focus on other aspects of sailing.

Safety is paramount when performing these maneuvers. Always be aware of your surroundings, control the movement of your sails, and ensure all crew members are prepared and equipped with appropriate safety gear.

In the end, continuous learning and practice are at the heart of sailing. Even the most experienced sailors will tell you that they learn something new every time they go out on the water. So embrace the journey and remember – the art of tacking and jibing is not just about changing your course; it’s about mastering the wind and waves, understanding your boat, and developing as a sailor. 

Additional Resources

To further enhance your knowledge and skills in tacking and jibing, here are some resources that you may find helpful. These include books, videos, courses, and websites dedicated to sailing techniques, as well as sources for diagrams that can help illustrate these maneuvers.

  • “The Annapolis Book of Seamanship: Fourth Edition” by John Rousmaniere. This book is a comprehensive guide to sailing that covers a wide range of topics, including detailed sections on tacking and jibing.
  • “Sail and Rig Tuning” by Ivar Dedekam. This book presents a clear understanding of how to tune your rig and sails to increase your boat’s performance.
  • Tacking and Gybing – RYA. A short and concise video that provides visual demonstrations of both tacking and jibing.
  • Sailing – How to Tack and Gybe – BoatUS. These videos offer step-by-step instructions and tips for executing these maneuvers.
  • RYA Sailing Courses : The Royal Yachting Association offers a range of sailing courses, from beginner to advanced levels.
  • U.S. Sailing Courses : U.S. Sailing provides comprehensive educational programs that teach the science, art, and fun of sailing.
  • SailNet Community : A forum where you can ask questions and share experiences with other sailors.
  • Sailing World : Provides a wealth of articles and resources on all aspects of sailing, including technique guides and expert advice.

What are tacking and jibing?

Tacking and jibing are sailing maneuvers used to change the boat's direction relative to the wind. Tacking involves turning the bow (front) of the boat through the wind, changing from one tack (or side) to the other. Jibing is similar but involves turning the stern (back) of the boat through the wind.

Why is mastering tacking and jibing essential?

Mastering tacking and jibing is crucial because these maneuvers allow you to sail effectively and safely in any direction, regardless of where the wind is coming from. They are fundamental skills for any sailor and will enhance your overall sailing experience.

What is meant by sailing upwind and downwind?

Sailing upwind, or beating, means you're sailing against the direction the wind is coming from. Sailing downwind, or running, means you're sailing in the same direction as the wind. Tacking is generally used when sailing upwind, while jibing is used when sailing downwind.

What are the steps involved in executing a tack?

The key steps involved in tacking are the preparation (alerting the crew, positioning the boat), the execution (turning the boat into the wind, switching the sails), and completion (settling onto the new tack). Each step requires specific actions from the crew.

What are some common mistakes in tacking and how can they be avoided?

Common mistakes during tacking include not steering a steady course, turning the boat too quickly or too slowly, and not coordinating the sail trim with the turn. These can be avoided by good communication, practicing the maneuver, and understanding how your specific boat responds to helm and sail adjustments.

How is jibing different from tacking?

Generally, you should tack when you're sailing upwind and want to change direction, and jibe when you're sailing downwind and want to change direction. The conditions, such as wind strength and direction, and the boat's course will also influence this decision.

What are some drills to improve my tacking and jibing skills?

Drills such as the figure-eight drill or the windward/leeward drill can be very effective. These involve repeated tacking and jibing maneuvers, helping you refine your technique and build muscle memory.

What safety considerations should I bear in mind while practicing?

Always check the weather conditions before heading out, wear appropriate safety gear, stay aware of your surroundings, and control the boom carefully during these maneuvers, particularly when jibing. Safety should always be your top priority when out on the water.

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How to Tack: Mastering the Art of Changing Direction while Sailing

by Emma Sullivan | Aug 6, 2023 | Sailboat Racing

sailboat tacking video

== Short answer how to tack: == Tacking, in sailing, refers to turning the bow of a sailboat through the wind. To tack, steer the boat upwind, release one jib sheet while pulling in the other, and adjust sails accordingly. This maneuver enables changing direction against or across the wind.

Mastering the Basics: How to Tack in 5 Simple Steps

Title: Mastering the Basics: How to Tack in 5 Simple Steps – Sailing with Finesse and Flair!

Introduction: Ahoy, sailing enthusiasts ! Picture yourself gracefully maneuvering a sailboat across the shimmering waters, conquering wind and waves. If you’re an aspiring sailor or simply looking to enhance your skills, mastering the art of tacking is an essential step towards becoming a seasoned captain. In this blog post, we’ll unravel the secrets behind an impeccable tack in five straightforward steps. Get ready to level up your sailing game with finesse and flair!

Step 1: Assess the Wind and Choose Your Timing As any skilled sailor knows, understanding the winds is paramount before embarking on a tack. Take note of its direction, speed, and potential shifts. Gauge whether it’s best to tack against a strong gust or wait for a more favorable moment. Timing your tack not only depends on wind conditions but also on nearby obstacles or other boats that may affect your maneuverability.

Step 2: Prepare Your Crew A smooth tack requires coordination and teamwork. Gather your crew members (or solo sailors!) and assign their roles ahead of time. Communicate clearly about impending maneuvers so everyone is aware of their responsibilities during the process. Properly adjust sails, lines, and equipment before initiating the tack to ensure seamless execution.

Step 3: Execute the Helm Movement Once everything is set, it’s time for the helm movement – where your skill as a skipper truly shines! Begin by turning into the wind while keeping a close eye on sail trim and boat balance. Gradually shift your weight if necessary to maintain stability during this crucial phase. The key here lies in maintaining control over both speed and heading – finesse is everything!

Step 4: Trim Sails for Optimal Performance Simultaneously with steering into the wind , skillful trimming of sails can significantly impact performance. Adjust the jib or genoa sheet as you bring the bow through head-to-wind while maintaining tension and preventing it from flogging. Once your bow passes the wind, promptly release the genoa or jib sheet and rapidly trim it on the new tack to achieve maximum propulsion.

Step 5: Resume Course with Confidence After successfully completing a tack, it’s time to resume your desired course with confidence and determination. Carefully evaluate your boat’s new trim, adjusting sails and heading if necessary. Maintain a keen eye on both wind shifts and contradictory currents that may affect your future moves. By being attentive to these factors, you’ll ensure optimized efficiency throughout your sail .

Conclusion: Congratulations – you’ve become enlightened in the art of tacking! By mastering these five simple steps, you’ll execute flawless tacks like a seasoned sailor, impressing others with your wit and cleverness on the water. Remember, practice makes perfect – so grab that tiller (or wheel!) and set sail into a world of sailing finesse and flair. Smoothly executing tacks is just one more achievement towards becoming an exceptional captain who effortlessly navigates every sea !

Step-by-Step Guide: Learning How to Tack Correctly

Tacking is an essential skill every sailor needs to master. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, learning how to tack correctly can greatly improve your sailing performance and ensure you sail smoothly against the wind. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through the process of tacking in detail, providing professional insights, witty tips, and clever tricks along the way.

Step 1: Assessing the Wind Direction Before attempting to tack, it’s crucial to assess the wind direction relative to your boat ‘s position. Look for visual cues such as flags or ripples on the water’s surface. As a witty tip, pay attention to how other sailors are maneuvering their boats – they might be indicating where the wind is coming from!

Step 2: Choosing the Tack Point Once you’ve determined the wind direction, select a suitable tack point that will place your boat on a new course against the wind . A clever trick is to aim slightly higher than your intended course initially; this provides room for adjustment during and after the tack.

Step 3: Initiating Turn To initiate a successful tack, begin by turning your helm away from where you want to go. Professional sailors recommend using smooth and decisive movements here – avoid sudden jerks that may disrupt your boat’s balance or momentum. As a witty addition, think of yourself as Captain Jack Sparrow gracefully maneuvering his ship through rough waters!

Step 4: Preparing Sails As you start turning into the wind, prepare your sails for switching sides by releasing any tension on sheets and halyards. Cleverly keeping control of these lines during the tack helps prevent them from tangling or fouling equipment.

Step 5: Handling Crew Positions For boats with multiple crew members onboard (lucky you!), assigning specific roles during tacking can significantly improve efficiency. Professionals ensure that crew members move swiftly but deliberately across deck while maintaining proper balance and coordination. A witty tip is to practice synchronized movements with your crew, like a well-rehearsed dance routine!

Step 6: Maintaining Speed During the tack, it’s essential to keep the boat moving at an optimal speed to maintain momentum and help complete the maneuver quickly. Cleverly trimming your sails while avoiding excessive sheet tension can significantly aid in accomplishing this. So remember, as a professional sailor, you are not only guiding the boat but also piloting its performance.

Step 7: Adjusting Course Once you’ve completed the tack and changed direction successfully, it’s time to adjust your course gradually back towards your target point – perhaps with gentle amendments depending on wind conditions. A witty piece of advice is to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after executing a flawless tack but remain focused on achieving your ultimate sailing goal!

Step 8: Practicing Makes Perfect Lastly, don’t forget that mastering tacking requires practice, patience, and persistence. Professional sailors continuously refine their techniques through trial and error. They carefully analyze each tack for improvement opportunities and cleverly adapt their approach based on changing wind conditions.

By following this step-by-step guide filled with professional insights, witty tips, and clever tricks, you’re bound to become a proficient tacker in no time! Remember, sailing should be both challenging and enjoyable – so embrace every tack as an opportunity for growth and adventure on the water !

Frequently Asked Questions about Tacking: Your Ultimate Answers


Tacking, also known as changing tack or performing a tack maneuver, is an essential sailing technique used to change the direction of a sailboat when sailing against the wind. While it may seem simple in concept, tacking involves several considerations and techniques that every sailor should be familiar with. In this blog post, we will address some frequently asked questions about tacking and provide you with ultimate answers that are detailed, professional, witty, and clever.

Question 1: What is the purpose of tacking? Answer: Tacking serves the purpose of allowing a sailboat to make progress against the wind by utilizing its ability to sail at an angle into the wind rather than directly into it. By alternating between sailing toward one side of the wind (called starboard tack) and then crossing over to sail toward the opposite side (called port tack), a boat can zigzag its way upwind effectively.

Question 2: How do I execute a tack maneuver ? Answer: To execute a tack, start by steering your boat slightly away from heading into the wind until you feel resistance in your sails . Then, quickly turn your bow through the eye of the wind while simultaneously releasing your mainsail sheet and hauling in your jib or genoa sheet on the opposite side. This will allow your sails to fill on the new side as you complete your turn. Remember to coordinate crew movements and maintain control throughout!

Question 3: Are there any additional techniques for better tacking performance? Answer: Absolutely! One crucial technique is called “backwinding.” When executing a tack, briefly let go of your jib sheet just before completing the turn and let it fly freely across before grabbing it again quickly. This action brings more airflow onto one side of your mainsail during this critical moment and can significantly boost maneuverability.

Question 4: What should I watch out for during a tack? Answer: There are few things to keep in mind. Firstly, always be aware of any other boats or obstacles around you to avoid collisions or entanglements. Secondly, pay attention to wind shifts as they can affect the timing and success of your tack. Lastly, make sure you have calculated your boat’s speed correctly during the maneuver, as tacking at too high a speed may cause excessive heeling or loss of control.

Question 5: Can tacking be used in racing strategies? Answer: Absolutely! Tacking is a key aspect of any sailboat race strategy. It allows racers to optimize their position on the course relative to wind shifts and competitors. By timing their tacks strategically and capitalizing on favorable wind conditions, skilled sailors gain an advantage over others.

Question 6: Are there any alternatives to tacking when sailing against the wind? Answer: While tacking is the primary technique for upwind sailing, there are alternative methods such as using a spinnaker sail or employing specialized sail configurations like wing-and-wing or reaching struts in specific situations. However, tacking remains the most commonly used method due to its versatility and efficiency.

Conclusion: Tacking is an essential skill for every sailor looking to navigate against the wind effectively. By understanding its purpose, mastering execution techniques, and considering additional tactics for better performance, you’ll become a proficient helm capable of effortlessly maneuvering your boat through challenging waters. So embrace the art of tacking with confidence and finesse – smooth sailing awaits you!

Exploring Different Approaches: Tips on How to Tack for Beginners

Title: Exploring Different Approaches: Tips on How to Tack for Beginners

Introduction: Tackling the art of sailing can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. One crucial skill all sailors must master is the ability to tack effectively. Tacking involves changing direction by turning the bow through the wind. In this blog post, we will delve into various approaches and offer valuable tips that will equip newbie sailors with the confidence and finesse needed to conquer tacking like seasoned professionals.

1. Understanding Sailboat Dynamics: Before attempting any tack, it’s essential to comprehend how sailboats respond to changes in wind direction and boat maneuvering. Think of your sailboat as a partnership between wind, current, hull shape, keel design, and your actions as a skipper . Envisioning this comprehensive picture will help you predict your boat ‘s behavior during tacking maneuvers accurately.

2. The Classic Upwind Tack: The most common approach for tacking is the classic upwind technique which involves a smooth turn toward the wind so that it flows over both sides of the sails before settling onto the opposite tack. To execute a precise upwind tack:

a) Gradually bring your tiller or wheel towards you while simultaneously releasing your old leeward (away from wind) main sheet . b) As you feel the pressure building in your new windward (closer to wind) jib sheet, maintain tension and trim it efficiently. c) Continue steering into the turn until you settle onto your desired course on the opposite tack. d) Finally, trim both sails appropriately to maximize power without inducing excessive heel (leaning).

3. The Controlled Slower Turn: While upwind tacks are generally faster and smoother due to better control over sail shape, there may be situations where a slower turn is preferable—such as in crowded marinas or close-quarter encounters on waterways. To execute a controlled slow turn:

a) Gradually steer your boat into the wind , allowing it to slow down without losing steerage. b) Sheet in the headsail entirely on the leeward side to luff and depower it, maintaining control throughout the maneuver . c) Once you’ve successfully avoided obstacles or cleared congested areas, slowly bring her back onto a close-hauled course.

4. The Roll Tack (Advanced Technique): For sailors seeking an innovative approach that combines both efficiency and momentum during tacking, the roll tack technique is worth exploring. By shifting crew weight carefully, this maneuver reduces loss of speed while navigating through the wind . However, mastering this technique requires practice and coordination.

a) Prioritize communication with your crew as they play a crucial role in shifting weight at precise moments. b) As you begin turning toward the wind, ask your crew to cross rapidly from one side of the boat to another to maintain balance. c) Coordinate with them to roll across smoothly by bending knees and leaning into the turn before straightening up once settled on the new tack.

Conclusion: Embarking on a sailing journey can be an exhilarating experience for beginners. Understanding different approaches to tacking will undoubtedly contribute towards making every sail more enjoyable and efficient, regardless of your skill level. Keep practicing these techniques until they become second nature and remember that learning from each attempt is part of becoming a skilled sailor . So set sail with confidence in exploring various approaches for tacking – soon enough you’ll be mastering this critical skill like a true professional!

Improving your Technique: Proven Methods to Perfect your Tacking Skills

Title: Mastering the Art of Tacking: Unveiling Proven Methods to Perfect Your Technique

Introduction: Tacking, an essential maneuver in sailing, requires precision, finesse, and a touch of artistry. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner eager to enhance your skills, mastering this technique is key to maximizing your speed and maneuverability on the water. In this blog article, we delve into various proven methods that can help you perfect your tacking abilities while ensuring an enjoyable and rewarding sailing experience .

1. Understanding the Basics: Before delving into advanced techniques, it’s crucial to establish a solid foundation in tacking fundamentals. Familiarize yourself with the theory behind tacking, such as sail trim adjustments and body positioning . By grasping these basic principles, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how each component contributes to successful tacks.

2. Practicing Effective Communication: Sailing is often a team effort, requiring seamless communication between crew members during maneuvers. Implementing clear verbal cues combined with decisive hand signals ensures smooth coordination among team members when executing tacks. This leads not only to improved technique but also enhances safety on board.

3. Analyzing Wind Patterns: To excel in tacking, developing an acute awareness of wind patterns is paramount. Study wind direction and strength before embarking on each tack; adjusting your course accordingly allows you to capitalize on favorable gusts while minimizing time spent in lulls. This tactical approach will undoubtedly contribute to more efficient maneuvering around buoys or other boats during racing situations.

4. Timing is Everything: Timing plays a pivotal role in executing flawless tacks consistently. To maximize efficiency both when turning through the wind and when accelerating afterward, it’s crucial to achieve optimum timing between steering inputs, sheet adjustments, and physical movements onboard – all while maintaining boat stability throughout each maneuver.

5. Utilizing Telltales for Sail Trimming: Telltales are your secret weapons when it comes to refining your sail trimming technique . These thin ribbons attached to your sails serve as visual indicators of airflow and can be used to fine-tune adjustments during tacks. By keeping a close eye on telltales’ behavior, you’ll be able to achieve optimal sail shape – a critical factor in maximizing boat speed during and after the tack.

6. Body Positioning for Seamless Transitions: Achieving seamless transitions during tacks largely depends on maintaining proper body positioning throughout the maneuver. Practice shifting your weight smoothly from one side of the boat to the other while keeping balance and stability at all times. Additionally, anticipate the boat’s heel angle, adjusting your stance promptly to counterbalance any sudden shifts.

7. Fine-Tuning Boat Setup: Even with impeccable technique, an ill-prepared boat can hamper your tacking prowess. Make a habit of routinely assessing rigging tension, rudder alignment, keel position, and equipment functionality before setting out onto the water. Ensuring that every component is in optimal condition provides a solid foundation for executing impeccably timed and efficient tacks.

Conclusion: Mastering the art of tacking requires patience, dedication, and an ongoing commitment to improvement. By understanding fundamental concepts, optimizing communication within your team, analyzing wind patterns astutely, refining timing skills, utilizing telltales effectively, perfecting body positioning techniques, and maintaining meticulous boat setup – you will undoubtedly witness substantial improvements in both performance and confidence on the water. So set sail with these proven methods in mind; conquer every tack with finesse and bring joy back into perfecting this essential sailing maneuver.

Troubleshooting Common Tacking Challenges: Expert Advice and Solutions

Title: Troubleshooting Common Tracking Challenges: Expert Advice and Solutions

Introduction: Tracking is an integral part of any business that wants to measure its progress, understand customer behavior, and optimize marketing efforts. However, like any other technology-driven process, tracking can sometimes become a source of frustration and confusion. In this blog post, we will delve into common tracking challenges faced by businesses today and provide expert advice along with innovative solutions to help you overcome them.

1. Cross-Domain Tracking: One of the most common tracking challenges occurs when businesses operate multiple websites or have various domains for different purposes. Cross-domain tracking ensures accurate data collection across these domains, allowing you to have a holistic view of your online presence. Our experts suggest implementing Google Tag Manager (GTM) to easily manage all your tracking codes in one central location, optimizing accuracy and saving valuable time.

2. Cookie Blocking and Ad Blockers: With increasing concerns about data privacy and consumer protection, many users now rely on ad blockers or actively block cookies. This poses a significant challenge for accurate tracking as it hampers the collection of vital user data. To address this issue, our experts recommend leveraging server-side tagging instead of client-side tagging alone. By moving certain tags to the server-side, you can bypass ad-blockers effectively while staying compliant with user preferences.

3. Mobile App Tracking: In today’s mobile-first world, businesses need to track user interactions within their mobile apps accurately. Implementing Software Development Kits (SDKs) from analytics platforms such as Firebase or Adjust can address this challenge seamlessly. These SDKs offer comprehensive event tracking capabilities for app usage analysis while providing useful insights into user demographics, behaviors, and engagement levels.

4. Accurate Attribution Modeling: Attribution modeling refers to the process of assigning credit for conversions and sales accurately across different marketing channels or touchpoints. Failing to establish reliable attribution models can lead to misinformed decisions regarding marketing budget allocations. Our experts recommend implementing advanced attribution models, such as data-driven or algorithmic models, to distribute credit fairly and optimize your advertising campaigns.

5. E-commerce Tracking: For businesses with e-commerce platforms, tracking sales and transactions accurately is crucial for effective analysis and optimization. Implementing enhanced e-commerce tracking through Google Analytics can offer valuable insights into customer behavior, cart abandonment rates, product performance, and revenue generation. Smart implementation of event tags can also help you track custom metrics like average order value or lifetime customer value to drive data-informed decision-making.

6. Data Discrepancies: Data discrepancies are frustratingly common in the world of tracking, often leading to confusion and misinterpretation of performance metrics. To tackle this challenge head-on, our experts suggest maintaining a robust measurement plan that outlines clear objectives, proper data sourcing methods, accurate configuration settings, and defined reporting processes. Regular data validation checks should be performed to identify any discrepancies promptly.

Conclusion: Tracking challenges may seem daunting at first glance but with the right strategies and tools in place; they can be overcome successfully. By addressing cross-domain tracking issues, adapting to user privacy preferences, implementing effective mobile app tracking techniques, establishing accurate attribution models for marketing efforts, optimizing e-commerce tracking capabilities, and ensuring consistent data quality control – your business can unlock reliable insights for better decision-making. Don’t let these common hurdles hold you back from harnessing the true potential of tracking technology today!

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Home » Tacking, Turning Around – Free Online Sailing Lesson

Tacking, Turning Around – Free Online Sailing Lesson

This is a definition sailing lesson about turning sail boats around so you can go in the opposite direction – tacking and gybing – and it contains the links to methods, tips and tricks to help prevent you getting tangled up in manoeuvres. This is part of our Free Online Sailing lessons

Prerequisite – Correct Tiller Handling for Sailing Dinghies

The most important thing is have you read the section on Tiller Handling yet ?

This is incredibly important as it allows your eyes to be out looking at the sail and boat and other boats rather than looking at your hands. It might feel unfamilar at the beginning, but it will make your tacks and gybes much more reliable. The basic trick is do not swap your hands on the tiller or sheet until on the new tack. Because you are taking your eyes off everything that actually matters.

We explain how and have a video or two below.

It might feel strange, but if you do it all the time – then any other way will feel strange!

All Free Online Sailing Lessons – Index

  • Sailing Upwind with less effort
  • Increase confidence in Stronger Winds
  • Downwind with less distress
  • Gusts, Gybes and tacks easily
  • Not hitting other boats and more

Basic Lesson – the difference between Tacking And Gybing.

Many times when we turn the boat it is a small direction change. What about the larger direction changes?

At some point we have to turn the boat around. The sail is on one side of the boat. When we turn 180 degrees it ends up on the other side of the boat and we can return to where we started from.

Here they are.

A Tack is when the front of the boat points towards the wind direction during the turn. Sail flaps when we pass through the “in irons” angles to the new upwind angle.

A Gybe is when the front of the boat points away from the wind direction during the turn. The sail will move from out near 90 degrees to near 90 degrees on the other side. Make sure you have the Safety Knot in the mainsheet :)

Our absolute Priority – Swap steering hand after!

Beginners always have trouble with tacking and gybing because they think that they have to do six things at once.

Interestingly – five of those things are very compatible, but number six messes everything else up!!!

List of things we have to do when tacking or gybing

  • Steer through the tack or gybe
  • Stop turning at the correct angle
  • Keep the boat level
  • Don’t hit anything
  • Don’t get hit by anything.

These are not too difficult if we are looking up and around as we steer through the tack or gybe.

But there is a hidden demon. Which is incompatible because it requires looking down, but is actually quite easy to deal with.

  • Change Hands – if you look at your hands during the tack or gybe you will mess up the more important list above.

This video shows what the right method looks like. You don’t have to learn it yet – just see how smooth and neat it is because the sailors can see where they are going and what the sail is doing and importantly – how much the boat is heeling so they can correct.

sailboat tacking video

Delay changing hands UNTIL AFTER THE TACK OR GYBE … …when on the NEW COURSE … … with the RIGHT SPEED

Bet you your other basic sailing book didn’t tell you that!

Something small and fun to practice next time you go sailing

SAILING PRACTICE – steer a course with your hand behind your back without tacking. Anyone who has done some OK steering can do this – it is just the same.

  • Just sail normally.
  • Now point your knees forward
  • Put the tiller extension behind your back
  • Reach behind you with your forward hand to grab the tiller extension
  • Focus on your destination and continue steering for 5 minutes.
  • Turn boat around and do the same so your other hand can practice.
If you look down to swap hands you will mess up all the high priority things and increase the chances of hitting something, capsizing or hurting yourself. We will delay changing hands until after the tack or gybe.

This is where the Prerequisite of Tiller Handling is essential. It makes it easy to change sides WITHOUT changing hands. And it makes it really fast.

Changing of hands prematurely prevents beginning sailors from learning how to tack and gybe smoothly and accurately. It is why intermediate sailors find it nervous to tack and gybe in stronger winds … … they are looking at their hands rather than at what is important.

So having talked about that here are the links to the specific sections of tacking and gybing.

Our Sections on Tacking Techniques

Coming on Tuesday – go down page to subscribe for notification if you like.

Our Section on Gybing Techniques

Safe Gybes and Fast Gybes

INDEX to All our Free Online Sailing Lessons

Our sailboat and other boat plans.

See link at top of the page.

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How To Tack and Jibe A Sailboat – A Beginners Guide

Harnessing the power of the wind is a wonderful feeling, but it does mean one thing: You’ll have to obey the rules of the wind. When your destination is near where the wind is coming from, you can’t just sail directly there. Learning how to tack and jibe is one of the first steps you’ll need to take if you want to start sailing .

While tacking and jibing themselves are simple concepts, there are some important things you need to think about. A good tack means knowing why, when and how you’ll be tacking. Read our simple steps and learn how to tack and jibe.


Tacking means turning the boat through the eye of the wind (the direction the wind is coming from) and catching it on the other side. Since the sails catch the wind from the head, tacking offers a lot of control and can be performed with ease.

Jibing (or gybing) means you are turning the boat downwind from one side of dead downwind (the direction the wind is going) to the other.

The wind is coming from behind the sails and boom, so it can catch the mainsail and hurl it from one side of the boat to the other. This means it must be performed carefully and is fundamentally less controlled than tacking.

Unlike going into the wind, you can actually sail dead downwind but only with a specific sail plan. Often, your sails will require you to jibe downwind. Knowing your points of sail and what they mean is a great way to start learning how to sail.


Since you can’t sail directly into the wind, you must tack up into it if that’s your destination.

Sailing requires catching the wind in the sails to power them up and move forward. That means that the sails must be at an angle to the wind. The angle depends on the direction you want to travel in, relative to the wind.


You can only sail directly downwind with a spinnaker or twin headsails. Other sails like cruising chutes allow you to sail almost dead downwind. However, many sailors don’t want to buy or change extra sails. So, they stick with a jib/genoa and a mainsail for all wind directions.

Jibing is usually performed when you want to sail dead downwind or near enough. You can jibe downwind so that you are zigzagging down along the wind’s path just like when you tack you’ll be zigzagging up towards the wind.


Knowing exactly when to tack will depend on where you’re going and the type of sailing you’re doing. In a race, tacking too early or too late could lose you the medals!

Generally speaking, you want to stay as close to the direct path to your destination as possible. This means that you’d tack fairly regularly.

However, you also need to remember that tacking makes you lose speed for a minute or two. So, you don’t want to tack all the time. In a narrow channel when you must go upwind, you’ll be short-tacking. This is where you tack very regularly. Possibly even every couple of minutes!


As jibing is less controlled, some sailors avoid it as much as possible. If you’re not in a rush, you can technically tack instead and turn the boat in an almost full circle. If you’re in very strong winds, it can be preferable to tack. However, a controlled jibe is always possible.

Similar with tacking, you’ll need to jibe when you’ve gone as far as you want off your direct line and plan to take another zigzag back over it.


Tacking is simple although the technicalities will vary from boat to boat. For a cruising yacht, the helmsman will pull in the mainsheet in as tight as it can be without causing the boat speed to drop off.

The helmsman will then shout, “ready about!” or a previously agreed upon phrase. This alerts the crew that the boat is going to tack.

Note that many modern yachts have a self-tacking foresail. This means that nothing needs to be done with it as it will simply tack itself when the boat tacks.

The crew member controlling the foresail will wait until the helmsman has turned the boat into the wind and out the other side before easing the foresail that will already be trying to tack itself. The same crew member or another one will pull in on the foresail’s opposite line as the first line is completely released.

Once the boat is pointing in its new direction, the helmsman will ease out the mainsheet and the crew will winch in the foresail. The faster you tack, the less speed you will lose!


Jibing is less forgiving than tacking. While tacking does not require the mainsheet to be in tight, jibing does. The first step is for the helmsman to pull in the mainsheet so it is as tight as possible. This prevents the wind from whipping it from one side to the other.

The second step is for the crew on the foresail to sheet in. This stops the wind from pushing the foresail around the front of the forestay.

When these steps are complete, the helmsman can steer the boat to its new position. The boom will be pushed over by the wind as far as the mainsheet allows and can be then let out as far as needed.

This needs to happen fairly speedily to prevent the wind catching it and slamming it the other way especially in swells. The foresail can also be let out to its appropriate level.



Crash jibing is the reason why some sailors dislike jibing. It occurs when the wind, coming from behind, catches the boom on the wrong side and slams it from one side of the boat to the other.

Not only can this send the boat lurching over and breaking the boom, it can also catch crew members unaware, knocking or even killing them.

Crash jibing usually doesn’t occur while jibing. Rather, it occurs when the boat jibes itself. This can happen when sailing very close to the jibing point if the wind changes while using auto-pilot or when waves unbalance the sails and boom.

Crash jibing can be avoided by using a rope to tie the boom to a cleat or using several other safety methods.


While jibing can (and should) be done slowly and with you in control, tacking too slowly won’t work. Since sailing directly into the wind kills your speed, the helmsman should complete the turn through the wind fairly quickly and let out the main straight away.

It’s also crucial to have enough boat speed going into the tack. Otherwise, you may not make it through at all!

If you require extra boat speed, the helmsman can change course away from the wind slightly before the tack, increasing the power of the sails. When the speed is enough, they can then tack successfully. A tack with minimum lost speed is a racing tack and quite a skill to hone.


Occasionally, you may need to suddenly alter course in a way that results in a tack. This might happen if you see something in the water or discover yourself on an immediate collision course. The main consideration in an emergency tack is that nobody is in the way of the boom.

While far more controlled than a jibe, if you must tack before you can pull the mainsheet in, then shouting a boom warning to crew is the first step. The sails come second to the safety of the boat and crew.


The most dangerous things in either sailing maneuver are the boom, the changing angle of the boat and lazy sheets whipping as the sails lose power and flap. Many have gone overboard due to a flicking line!

For a successful maneuver, the crew must be informed of what if going to happen. This will likely take the risk out of these dangers and make for a fast tack or a safe jibe.


What Is Tacking & How To Tack A Sailboat

What Is Tacking | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Capt Chris German

June 15, 2022

When you start sailing there are a ton of topics to learn. Think of sailing like an upside down triangle.  At the top you have a ton to learn and as you get to the bottom you come to an infinitely finer point.

When it comes to sailing, learning never really ends. But so many will skip over some topics because it’s just too confusing and there is too much to learn.  Attempting to progress on the path to enlightenment without first mastering the key elements is a recipe for failure.

One of those key elements is tacking.

Table of contents

What is tacking?

The definition of tacking for this discussion is moving the bow of the boat through the wind. Right or left does not matter, that is the purest definition of tacking. Sounds simple right? Well the definition is about the only simple thing when it comes to tacking.

The idea of moving one’s bow across the wind becomes much more complicated when you learn the commands for proper tacking and then the physics of the maneuver. And it is in these details when most new sailors truly mess it up. Let’s first look at it from God’s perspective.

Picture, if you will, a chalkboard with an arrow pointing downward from the top of the board  where the “wind” is represented by said arrow. Now draw a circle beginning at that arrow and go all the way, 360 degrees, either direction, around and back to the top. That is the sailing clock. And roughly from midnight (where the wind is) to approximately 10 and 2 on either side  is upwind sailing and you can’t sail in those directions. That is called “the luffing arc” and boats can’t sail in that direction by rules of physics so don’t even try.

If you want to go that direction, (ie directly up wind towards midnight on the sailing clock) Then you have to zig zag your way as close to the wind as possible and that my friend is “tacking”. Literally going from 45 degrees off the wind on one side,(i.e. 2 o’clock),  and then turning your boat through midnight on the clock and going 45 degrees to the other side beyond 10 o’clock.  

If you can visualize that, you are half-way to tacking your boat, so now let's add the commands.

How To Tack A Sailboat

Say you are sailing your boat with your sails hauled all the way in, or “close hauled” on a starboard tack (right side facing the bow). That is another definition for the word “tack”; a way to describe the state of your sails, but don’t get mired down on that as this article is about the action of tacking.

You want to turn your boat 90 degrees and start sailing on the other side of the sailing clock, let's say you are at 3 o’clock and want to go to the 9 o’clock position. To do that, your boat has to have enough inertia to sail directly up into the wind while maintaining forward progress and turn all the way through to the other side. To have enough inertia to complete a tack, your boat has to have enough speed at the start of the maneuver. With practice and experience you will begin to recognize how much speed you need to complete a tack of your boat.

Now as I said, there are some commands you need to know. Communication on the boat is imperative. You are not going to just willy nilly turn your boat when you have a 40’ tartan with a genoa jib the size of your backyard to heave across the deck. This requires some cooperation from the crew and commands will keep everyone working together.

Tacking Commands

The first command comes from the helm. They say, “ Ready About.” That means everyone gets to work and prepares the boat to turn 90 degrees through the wind. The pit crew (the folks in the cockpit) has the most work to do as they have to load up the lazy jib sheet and prepare to release the working jib sheet. The foredeck should be cleared of open hatches or errant fenders or anything else you might have decorating your foredeck that might catch a flying jib sheet. And down below if there is any real wind blowing, everything that is not lashed or stowed will come dumping down on the poor unfortunate soul who was making lunch. So let them know your plans too. When everybody is ready, they inform the helm by smartly barking “ready.”

Now is when the magic happens. The Helm declares that they are beginning to tack by saying, “Hard-A-Lee”. There are a couple variations on this command and if you want to say something else, it’s your boat, just make sure everyone on your boat understands what you are commanding. The helm then takes the tiller and swings it with sincere conviction to the leeward side or the side away from the wind. This will begin to turn your boat towards the wind.

Tiller Towards The Sail When Tacking

One way I try to help my students to remember how to turn the helm is the phrase “tiller towards the sail when tacking.”  You won’t have any confusion about what happens next because it’s pretty dramatic.

As the bow of the boat swings toward the wind, the sails will come to life flapping (aka luffing) If your pit crew is on their game, the second the jib collapses into fit of rage they will be ready to release the jib on one side and pull it in on the other side. The helm will turn the boat 90 degrees and once on the desired course is achieved, they will center the rudder and allow everyone to catch up. You can sound like a superstar when you are happy with the direction of the boat by telling the pit crew to “Trim to course” in the saltiest voice you can manage.

Presumably if everything worked, you will then have completed your first tack. Now do it again and repeat for the next 10 years and you will eventually get good at it, if this is the only boat you ever sail.

Every Sailboat Is Different

If however, you are like the rest of us who find themselves on a new boat every so often, you will find that every boat tacks a little differently and no one is a master at tacking every boat the first time out of the gate. So do yourself a favor and don’t wait too long to do your first tack on every new boat you sail.

Then again there are boats that don’t like to tack.

Catamarans, shoal draft keels and anything that has more than one mast can be a challenge to tack and you should plan accordingly. One strategy I find that helps even the most stubborn tackers is called “backwinding the jib.” This occurs when your pit crew holds the jib a bit longer on the winch as the boat noses through the wind and allows the wind to fill the back side of the jib before releasing it to the new working side.

By doing so, the force of the wind pushes on the back side of the jib and that will force your bow through the luffing arc and assist you in completing the turn.

Try it and I think you’ll find it’s a nice little helper in a pinch when you are stuck in the luffing arc some day. Keep in mind, spreaders are thin little spears that like to skewer jibs every now and then so keep an eye to the skies and make sure your spreaders, those things sticking out of the side of the mast,  are wrapped and padded if you want to try this.

Bottom Line

So that’s pretty much all you need to know to tack a boat. Remember your commands and get your sense of the wind working for you. If you cant “see” where the wind is, you’ll never see the luffing arc and you’ll have a heck of a time figuring out when to tack your boat. Many choose to install a windex at the top of their mast to help them “see” the wind and there’s all kinds of new apps and gadgets you can install on your cell to help you learn about the wind and weather while you're starting out. Try a few practice tacks the next time you're out there and I am sure you'll be fine. But if all else fails you can always start the motor.

Happy Sailing!

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Capt Chris German is a life long sailor and licensed captain who has taught thousands to sail over the last 20 years. In 2007, he founded a US Sailing-based community sailing school in Bridgeport, CT for inner city youth and families. When Hurricane Sandy forced him to abandon those efforts, he moved to North Carolina where he set out to share this love for broadcasting and sailing with a growing web-based television audience through The Charted Life Television Network.

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Harbor Sailboats

Tacking and Gybing Made Easy

by Harbor Sailboats | Mar 19, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

sailboat tacking video

Tacking and gybing a sailboat is among one of the first lessons we teach in our basic sailing course . That said, new sailors tend to make small errors that cause the maneuvers to be difficult and possibly unsafe. Here, we will remind you of a few simple steps and techniques to increase your boat handling skills while also keeping the crew and the boat safe.

Tacking- Turning the boat so that the bow passes through the wind

A sailboat can only sail roughly 45 degrees below the true wind direction. So, in order to sail to a destination that’s inside the “no sail zone”, we must tack the boat 90 degrees at a time in order to reach that destination. During this maneuver the helmsman will slowly turn the boat through the wind while the crew will release the working jib sheet and trim on the new working sheet.

One of the biggest mistakes we see on the water is the helmsman turning the boat too fast leading to more difficult crew work and overturning of the boat. By turning the boat slower, the crew will have more time to trim the jib and the helmsman is less likely to overturn and end up on a beam reach.

Your rate of turn should start slow, speed up as you pass through the wind, and decrease as you fall off onto close hauled. If you can hear your rudder dragging through the water and see turbulent water, you’re likely turning too fast. By turning slower, you’re also allowing the crew more time to bring on the new working sheet prior to the boat reaching close hauled and the sail “powering up.”

Tacking slower will increase your boat speed coming out of the tack and make the maneuver a lot easier on your crew!

Gybing- Turning the boat so that the stern passes through the wind

Theoretically, a boat can sail directly downwind but it’s not very efficient on most boats and can be dangerous due to accidental gybes. Instead, we like to sail on a broad reach (roughly 140-degree true wind angle) and gybe across to another broad reach. Just like tacking, turning slow will make gybing safer and easier for everyone involved.

During a gybe, your sails will always have pressure in them because you are not passing through the “no sail zone”. This means you need to trim your mainsail to center line (or close to it) prior to starting your turn. This will reduce the amount of room the boom can move across the cockpit as you turn the stern though the wind. The jib can remain in its current trim as long as a crew member is ready to release the sheet and trim on the new one as the stern passes the wind.

Once the main has been trimmed in, the helmsman can start the turn and level out once they approach the new broad reach. The mainsail trimmer needs to ease the mainsheet once the stern has passed through the wind and the jib trimmer will do the same with the new jib sheet.

The biggest tip here is to turn the boat slower when tacking and gybing.

Try it out on your next charter and let us know if you feel a difference in performance and comfort!

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How to tack

Tacking is normally carried out from one close-hauled course to another. The sails are pulled in tightly, and the crew sits well outboard to balance the boat. When tacking, the crew has to be ready to leap in and out of the boat as required. It is easier for beginners to master the movements by tacking through 180° from reach to reach. The longer turn allows ample time to perfect tasks while maintaining constant control.

turn is completed he has to ensure that the sails are properiy set for the new course, and the boat trimmed accordingly.

Occasionally the boat fails to make the turn, either because there was not sufficient headway, causing the boat to stop in the head to wind position (known as being "in irons"), or because the helmsman and crew failed to carry out their functions efficiently. The crew's job consists of releasing one jib sheet, grasping the other, and moving across the boat. The helmsman must control both mainsheet and tiller while moving across the boat.

The tacking sequence shown here is for a two-man boat with aft mainsheet.

Helsman Position

1 Helmsman sits well forward and. using a pan handle grip, holds tiller extension in back hand, mainsheet in front hand. He checks that all is clear.

2 Helmsman calls "Ready about", transfers mainsheet to tiller hand, extension to mainsheet hand. Crew checks, calls "Ready", helmsman pushes tiller.

3 Helmsman calls ' Hand-a-lee". pushes tiller toward sail He steps across centerline with front foot to face aft. Crew releases jib. moves to center of boat.

Where Sit When Tacking Sailboat

4 As the boat turns through the wind, helmsman pushes extension away to break angle. Crew picks up new jib sheet.

5 Helmsman sits on side, continuing to turn until the sail begins to fill. Crew balances boat and sheets in jib slowly.

6 Helmsman centralizes tiller as sail fills on new course and sits out to balance the boat. Crew trims jib to new course, balances boat.

7 Crew and helmsman sit well outboard to balance boat and trim sails constantly to new course.

Tacking Sailing

7 Beam reach. Sails correctly set

6 Mainsail fills on new tack. Tiller centered

2 Change hands Initiate turn

3 Turning. Crew to center

4 Boom, helmsman and crew on centerline

5 Tacking. Boom on opposite side

Boat positioning

Sailboats zig-zag toward a windward objective. This procedure begins with luffing up and finishes when the wind drives the sails on the other side. This sequence shows how the crew's actions affect the position of the boat in the water.

1 Beam reach. Prepare to turn

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Readers' Questions

What is tacking in sailing?
Tacking in sailing is the maneuver of turning a sailing vessel into and through the wind so that the bow passes through the eye of the wind, the point at which the wind direction is coming from directly ahead. Tacking is a widely used sailing technique, used by all types of sailboats to change direction. The process of tacking typically involves changing the sail’s angle to the wind and changing the course of the vessel by turning the vessel’s bow and stern away from the wind.
How to tack in sailing?
Raise the jib sail; make sure the sail is attached to the sail track and cleats. Pull the jib sheet (sail control line) to an appropriate amount of tension. Make sure the jib is centered and leading edge is straight. Ease the main sheet as far as it will go to provide balance. Trim the jib sheet as required, pulling up on the winch handle to maintain the desired tension. Make sure the jib sheet is cleated securely. Tack the boat when the wind is in the correct direction. This can be done by turning the helm to the opposite side of the wind. Make sure the crew member is on the tack side of the boat as you turn the hull. As the boat moves into the new tack, release enough tension on the jib sheet to allow the jib sail to drift with the wind. As the boat continues to turn, ease the jib sheet to an appropriate tension and the boat should be on its new tack.
How to tack a sailboat?
Position yourself in the center of the cockpit and make sure the mainsheet and the tiller are both within reach. If needed, adjust the jib sheets – loosen them enough so that the jib is luffing. Reach for the tiller and hold it in one hand. Use your free hand to release the mainsheet and let it out until the luff of the sail is close to the centerline of the boat. Ease the mainsheet until the boom is slightly off center and the sail is completely full. At this point, the jib should also be full. Finally, raise the jib by pulling in on the jib sheets until the jib is properly trimmed.


What Is Tacking & How To Tack A Sailboat

How To Tack A Sailboat?

Sailing is a sport and a pastime that encompasses a wide range of techniques and maneuvers, none more fundamental than ‘tacking.’ This essential skill involves changing the direction of the sailboat by moving the bow through the wind. In this article, we will explore what tacking is, why it’s crucial, and a step-by-step guide on how to execute it effectively.

Understanding the Basics: What is Tacking?

Tacking, or ‘coming about,’ is a sailing maneuver used to change the course of a sailboat in upwind conditions. Unlike motorboats, sailboats cannot move directly against the wind, often referred to as the ‘no-sail zone.’ This zone usually spans about 45 degrees on either side of where the wind is coming from. To move upwind, sailors employ a technique called ‘beating,’ which involves sailing a zigzag pattern while continually tacking at each turn. The tack is the point at which the boat’s bow passes through the wind, shifting from one side to the other.

The Significance of Tacking

A smooth and efficient tack can make a big difference in your sailing performance. For racers, a properly executed tack can shave off precious seconds, which can mean the difference between victory and defeat. For cruisers, tacking can help you reach your upwind destination more comfortably and safely. By understanding and mastering this technique, sailors can harness the power of the wind, even when it appears to be working against them.

Step-by-step Guide: How to Tack a Sailboat

Now that we understand the concept and importance of tacking let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on how to tack a sailboat effectively.

Step 1: Check Your Surroundings

Safety should always be your primary concern when sailing. Before initiating a tack, make sure the area is clear of other vessels, swimmers, and obstructions. Keep an eye on the wind and wave conditions as well.

Step 2: Communicate Your Intentions

Communication is key on a sailboat. Before initiating a tack, alert your crew by saying, “Ready about?” If your crew is ready, they should respond, “Ready.”

Step 3: Initiate the Tack

To begin the tack, steer the bow of the sailboat into the wind by turning the helm towards the side where the sails are filled. This action is often referred to as “helm’s alee.”

Step 4: Shifting the Sails

As the bow of the boat passes through the wind, the sails will start to flutter, indicating it’s time for them to be moved to the other side of the boat. This process varies depending on the type of boat and rigging. On a sloop-rigged sailboat, for instance, the jib needs to be released from one side and winched in on the other. The mainsail, on the other hand, should naturally shift to the other side as the boat moves through the wind.

Step 5: Steady the Course

Once the sails have filled on the other side, straighten the helm. The boat should now be on its new course, and you can adjust your sails accordingly for the best performance.

Tips for an Efficient Tack

  • Speed is Crucial : Approach the tack with a good speed. If the boat is too slow, it may not have enough momentum to complete the turn and could end up in irons, i.e., pointing directly into the wind and unable to move.
  • Smooth Steering : The helm should be moved smoothly but quickly when initiating the tack. Too slow, and you lose speed; too fast, and the boat may become unbalanced.
  • Crew Coordination : The crew should move their weight to the new windward side as the boat tacks. This action can help keep the boat flat and maintain speed.
  • Practice : As with any sailing skill, practice is the key to mastering tacking. The more you practice, the more you will understand how your particular boat responds and how to time your actions for a smooth, efficient tack.

Tacking is a fundamental skill in sailing. It allows sailors to navigate efficiently and safely, even in challenging wind conditions. While it may seem complicated at first, with practice, tacking can become second nature. So, get out there and harness the wind, one tack at a time!



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A Complete Guide On Tacking And How To Tack A Sailboat

If you are new to sailing, then you have undoubtedly come across a wide range of topics and aspects to learn. It may seem overwhelming at first, but by tackling each topic, one at a time, you will gradually build up extensive knowledge.

Eventually, you will become the best sailor you could possibly be.

Once you think you’ve learned everything there is to learn about sailing, you will learn something new. This is because you never stop learning when it comes to sailing.

However, to master the art of sailing, you must take heed of the advice given to you by those with sailing experience.

One key element to sailing is something called tacking. You have probably heard of this term but, as you’re here, we’re guessing you want to learn more about it today.

Well, in today’s post, we are going to guide you through what tacking is. We will discuss this important element of sailing carefully so you can get a full understanding of what it entails.

We will also guide you on how to tack a sailboat effectively, so you can continue on your journey to becoming a world-class sailor.

Let’s begin.

Tacking – Explained

Tacking is just one of a seemingly endless stream of sailing terms you will come across when you first start sailing. But, it can be hard to find much information on this subject.

Not anymore!

So, what is tacking? Also known as “Coming About,” tacking is an important sailing maneuver where sailors alter the direction of their vessel’s bow.

In this maneuver, the bow is moved from one side of the wind to another direction. This is so the sailor can continue in the direction they desire, which is typically in an upwind direction.

When it comes to tacking, it’s not as simple as moving from left to right or left to right. It’s about moving in the direction you want to continue sailing.

Changing the direction of a boat’s bow across the wind may sound like a relatively simple task, but it becomes more challenging once you start to study the commands of tacking and the physics involved.

For most novice sailors, it will take a little time to master the tacking maneuver, but it is something that must be learned to become a true sailor.

Grab a piece of paper and draw an arrow pointing down from the top of the board. This will represent the wind’s direction when you’re sailing. If a circle is drawn around this arrow, this will represent the sailing clock.

At midnight on the clock is where the wind is. Around 10 and 2 on the clock (either side of the arrow) is known as upwind sailing.

These are directions where you can not sail. Known as the luffing arc, the reason vessels are unable to sail in such directions is down to the rules of physics. Even if you tried, you wouldn’t be successful at this maneuver.

Of course, there are ways to travel directly up wind, towards the top of the arrow (midnight) on the clock. For this, though, you will need to perform zig-zag movements as close to the wind as you can possibly get. And, this is what is known as tacking.

This tacking maneuver sees sailors move from 45 degrees off the wind from one side, such as 2 o clock on the sailing clock, and then altering its path to move through midnight on the clock.

Then, the vessel will go at 45 degrees on the opposite side of the clock, around or beyond 10 o clock.

Whilst this is explained in relatively simple terms, it gives us a better visual understanding of what tacking is and the maneuvers required. The next step is to understand the commands involved.

Tacking Commands

When you need to tack on a sailboat, you will hear a series of commands. Cooperation between each crew member is an integral and key part of sailing. With the right, easy-to-understand commands, the crew can work together and complete a tack efficiently and safely.

The first command you will hear will echo from the helm – “Ready About!” This tells the crew that everyone needs to start working to prepare the vessel to change its path and turn 90 degrees through the wind.

At this point, the crew in the cockpit, known as the pit crew, will be working the hardest. They will need to load up the lazy jib sheet in order to prepare the release of the working job sheet.

The deck at the forward point of the vessel, known as the foredeck, needs to be cleared of anything that could catch a flying rib, such as certain objects or decorations. Open hatches and loose fenders also need to be cleared quickly.

Below the deck, items that have not been stowed or lashed already could start to fall down on those working here. To avoid such a scenario, the crew needs to inform those below of the plans.

When the entire crew is aware of the upcoming maneuver and is ready, they will all inform the helm and shout “Ready!”

Next, the helm will announce that they are about to commence tacking. Most commonly, they will do this by declaring “Hard-A-Lee.” This command does vary on different vessels, however, and anything can be used, as long as the crew understands what this command means beforehand.

The helm will then take the tiller and swing it with force to the leeward side (this is the side facing away from the wind). At this moment, the boat should start to move towards the wind.

Tacking A Boat – How To Guide

Guide On Tacking And How To Tack A Sailboat

Another way to define “tack” is if your boat’s sails are hauled incompletely, also known as “close-hauled,” when on a starboard tack (the right side of the boat that faces the bow). In other words, it is a term to accurately describe your sails and the state that they are in.

If you want to move your boat 90 degrees to begin sailing on the opposite side of your sailing clock (i.e. from 4 o’clock to 8 o’clock), your boat will need to maintain a forward-facing position to progress further.

Then, it can turn fully to the opposite side of the sailing clock. To achieve this, your boat will require a certain amount of inertia (maintain stability). The boat will need to get enough speed (see also ‘ A Complete Guide On Average Boat Speeds (Pontoon, Sailboats, And Cruisers) ‘) at the beginning of the tack to complete the maneuver successfully.

As you can probably already guess, such a movement will require a lot of practice. But, over time, with more experience, you will start to understand the amount of speed needed to complete a full tack of a boat.

When you’re tacking, you must tiller towards the sail. As you can imagine, tacking a boat in strong winds can be pretty hair-raising.

As your boat’s bow starts to move dramatically in the direction of the wind, the sails will start to flap, almost violently. This extreme flapping is known as luffing.

Here, the pit crew needs to be on high alert. If the boat’s second jib ends up collapsing and moving violently, the pit crew should be ready to release the job on one side. Then, they will pull it in on the opposite side.

At this point, the helm crew will start to move the vessel around 90 degrees. Once they have achieved the correct course, they will ensure that the rudder is centered, allowing the rest of the crew to catch up.

Once you are happy with the boat’s sailing erection, you can shout “Trim to course” to let your crew know. Do it in a pirate voice for dramatic effect, though!

If all goes to plan and everything works out correctly, your first tack on a boat should be complete. Think that’s it? Think again. Practice this over and over and over again. And, then some more, for years.

Eventually, tacking on a boat will become a breeze, especially if you only plan to sail on one boat for many years to come. This leads us to our next point…

Sailboats Are All Unique

It’s important to note that all sailboats are different. For most of us, we will not sail on the same boat every time, year after a year. Now and again, you may need to sail on a boat that is completely different from the one you are used to.

When you move from one boat to another, you will soon notice some differences. You will find that each boat tends to tack slightly differently.

And, no matter how good you become at tacking your usual boat, you will almost never master tacking a new boat straight away. This is why we recommend that you try and tack as soon as possible when sailing on a new boat.

Nevertheless, on some occasions, a boat will not tack very easily at all. No matter how hard you try, it will be painstaking work and a challenge you wish you hadn’t started.

Examples of vessels that “don’t like” tacking include shoal draft keels, catamarans, and those with more than one mast. When coming up against these such boats, you will need to have a plan in action to tack them successfully.

One strategy, known as “backwinding the jib” can help you tackle the most arduous of tackers out there. This procedure sees the pit crew hold the jib a little longer on the boat’s winch as it starts to nose through the gusts of wind.

This strategy allows the wind to reach the back of the job and fill it before being released to the working side.

By backwinding the jib, the wind’s force will push the back of the jib, simultaneously forcing the boat’s bow to move through the luffing arc. When done correctly, your full turn will be ably assisted.

When you find that you’re struggling in the luffing arc (we all experience this at some point), this backwinding process can become extremely helpful. Just be careful when doing so.

Spreaders can sometimes pierce through your jibs at times, so always be on the lookout to ensure the spreaders, pointing out of the mast, are padded and wrapped up safely.

When To Tack

You can tack at any time when moving from an upwind course. However, this maneuver is typically implemented when you need to alter the direction from one close-hauled course to somewhere else. Usually, the intention is to sail towards and into the wind.

How often and when you need to tack tends to depend on the course of where you are sailing and the type of boat you are sailing.

When racing, knowing when to tack requires extreme precision, but for vessels other than those used in racing, this timing can be a little more flexible.

An important note to mention, however, is that if you tack too much and too often, you will lose some speed, but only for a short time. Therefore, try not to tack too soon.

When tacking on a sailing vessel, ensure you understand the wind you’re working with, and remember all of your commands.

Next time you’re on the water, try and practice tacking. Over time, you’ll get the hang of it and become a better sailor at the same time.

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Simplified Tacking Lines for Better Judgments

How’s your sense of geometry on the race course? Can you make quick and accurate judgments about laylines, who’s ahead, and the direction of the wind? Tacking lines can help. In this post, we discuss the geometry behind tacking lines and suggest how you might adapt a practical version of the concept for small boat sailing.

Tacking lines show you three key directions when sailing upwind: 1) the true wind direction, 2) the direction of the “ladder rung” you’re on, and 3) the direction you’d be heading on the opposite tack. Knowing these directions helps you make better strategic and tactical decisions.

In issue #81 of Speed & Smarts, Dave Dellenbaugh shows how to use tacking lines to their fullest extent. We’ve attached his guidance here ( PDF download ), with permission. Dave’s explanations and drawings are clear and worth reading, even if you never install tacking lines.

In the sections below, we’ll summarize the key concepts and suggest a simplified method for using them.

Tacking Angle

Assume you have a compass on your boat, and are sailing close-hauled on starboard tack in a due north direction (compass heading 000°). What would the compass read if you tacked and sailed close-hauled on port? The answer depends on your tacking angle. For many boats in light to medium air, the compass might read 090° after the tack. If so, your tacking angle is 90°.

Tacking angles vary widely based on the boat, the wind speed, and the ability of the skipper to sail the boat for best upwind performance. For most boats, in very light wind you’ll tack through an angle of 95-100° or perhaps more. In strong wind, you could tack through an angle of as little as 70-75°.

Even if you never install tacking lines, you should have a feel for your tacking angle in different conditions. It’s very frustrating to think you’re sailing on a header, tack, and then find out you’re pointing further away from the mark! Similarly, you may think you’re sailing a lift, but get forced to tack and find out you’re more lifted on the new tack! Avoid both of these errors by knowing your tacking angle for various wind conditions.

Three Key Direction Lines and Their Uses

Based on your tacking angle, you can deduce three key directions when sailing upwind. These are shown in the drawing below for a 90° tacking angle.

Three key directions base don tacking angle

The true wind direction is halfway between your headings on port and starboard. For a 90° tacking angle, the true wind is 45° off your windward bow. In less wind, it might be 50° off your bow or more. In stronger wind, it might be only 35-40° off the bow.

Visualizing the true wind direction is helpful:

  • Lifted tack. Compare the true wind direction to the course rhumb line to get a feel for whether you’re on the lifted tack. This is a better method than comparing the distance of your bow from the mark, since it doesn’t depend on your position on the course. This method also helps when you can’t rely on compass readings, due to a major direction shift.
  • Anticipate lifts and headers. Compare the motion of an oncoming puff to the true wind. If the puff is coming from forward of the true wind, it’s a header, and vice versa.

Ladder Rung

Ladder rungs indicate how far upwind you have progressed. See our post on Ladder Rungs for the theory behind this.

The ladder rung direction is always 90° to the true wind. If your tacking angle is 90°, the ladder rung direction is 45° to off your leeward bow. In stronger wind it will be more than 45° to leeward of the bow. The ladder rung line extends in both directions from the boat – to leeward and ahead and to windward and behind.

Visualizing ladder rungs helps you answer two important questions:

  • Am I ahead or behind? If other boats are behind your ladder rung line, you’re ahead. Use this to check boats at a distance, as well as those closer to you.
  • Boat to leeward on opposite tack. If the other boat is behind your ladder rung, you should be able to cross, assuming you leave enough extra to clear the other boat’s bow.
  • Boat to windward on the same tack. If the other boat is behind your ladder rung (extended over your shoulder), you should be able to tack and cross, assuming you leave extra room for the tack.

Opposite Tack

Your heading after tacking will change by the amount of your tacking angle. Having a line to visualize this is helpful. For a 90° tacking angle, your boat’s center traveler, or any similar athwartship line, shows you where your bow will point after tacking. In stronger wind, the new direction will be forward of 90°; in light air it will be behind.

  • Layline. Visualizing the opposite tack direction helps you find the layline. Missing layline calls quickly costs you places. See our post on Layline Calls for more.
  • Tacking too far . If you have a problem with tacking too far, use this line to find a shore reference to end the tack.  

Simplified Tacking Lines for Small Boats

You don’t see tacking lines in small single- or double-handed boats. The skipper is usually the tactician and it’s hard to place them so he/she can sight along the lines. Also, having lines for different tacking angles makes them hard to decipher at a distance. To see the potential complexity in full-featured tacking lines, look at the template in Dellenbaugh’s article. This led us to think about a simpler, skipper-friendly option.

To reduce the number of lines, we opted for a layout that shows the true wind and ladder rung lines for only a 90° tacking angle (TA). We placed these forward, in the skipper’s line of sight. If the TA is smaller or larger than 90°, the skipper can visually fudge the lines as needed.

For the opposite tack lines, we opted for three lines on each side showing the maximum, minimum, and 90° TAs. We placed these near the skipper position. Three lines will help get a more accurate layline call based on the conditions.

Here’s the potential layout. To install lines, string a reference line down the centerline of the boat and use a protractor. Place the lines on the deck with a marker or adhesive pin-stripe tape. You can adjust them as needed.

Simplified tacking lines for small boats

The drawing below shows how to use the lines. With practice, you’ll quickly get used to looking for the appropriate line to use.

Using tacking lines

Championship Tactics , by Gary Jobson and Tom Whidden – discusses tacking lines in Ch. 11

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How to Tack a Sailboat

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Most sailboats can sail at about 45 to 50 degrees off the wind. For example, if the wind is coming from the north, you can sail northeast or northwest. Tacking, or coming about, is turning from one side of the wind to the other by turning through the eye of the wind—the direction the wind is coming from.

Tacking a Small Boat With Only a Mainsail

  • Prepare to tack by sheeting the mainsail in tight and sailing as close to the wind (close hauled) as possible without losing boat speed.
  • Alert other crew that you plan to tack. The traditional command is “Ready about!”
  • In a small boat with little or no ballast, you will have to move to the other side of the boat during the tack, ducking under the mast. Be sure you are free of lines and equipment and can move fast—otherwise, the boat may be blown over and capsize.
  • When ready, alert other crew with the signal “Hard alee!” (meaning you’re pushing the tiller hard to the lee side, causing the boat to turn up and tack). Be sure to stay out of the way of the boom and move your weight to the other side as the boat comes up into the wind and is momentarily flat on the water.
  • As the turn continues, the boom and mainsail cross the centerline and the sail fills on the other side. Now you can steer to stay on a new heading close hauled on the other tack. Be sure not to over-steer too far on the other side of the wind, as a small boat with the mainsail trimmed in tight can be blown over and capsize. Trim the mainsail if you will not be staying on a close hauled course.

Note: In a boat with a mainsail traveler , it’s generally a good idea to center the traveler before the tack and readjust it when stable on course afterward.

Tacking a Sailboat with a Jib

Tacking a sailboat with a jib is similar to the steps described above, with these added:

  • Just before starting the turn, prepare the jib sheets. The one in use must be released during the tack, and the other quickly brought in as the jib crosses over to the other side. Be sure the crew is ready to follow your commands.
  • As you make the tack, the jib will back (be blown backward). At this moment release the jib sheet, letting it out quickly but avoiding snagging the line on anything in the cockpit. At the same time (ideally with a second crew), quickly pull in the jib sheet on the other side so that the jib is not blown flapping far out to the side. On a larger boat, get the jib sheet on a winch as soon as it is hard to pull in, and start cranking the winch fast to trim the sail to the new heading.

Possible Problems When Tacking

Tacking is usually not difficult with two or three crew when everyone’s actions are coordinated. But the following problems may occur:

  • Caught in irons. If you turn the boat too slowly or try to tack without having enough boat speed, the boat may stall and stop when it faces the wind, called being in irons. In this case, you usually have to wait until the wind finally blows the bow to one side. If the wind blows you backward, turn the rudder to make the boat turn the right way. You may have to regain speed and try the tack again. To prevent stalling, be going as fast as you can and as close to the wind as possible before tacking, and then turn quickly with the helm hard over.
  • Over-steering. It’s easy to accidentally turn the boat too far after a tack. If you are working your way upwind, you ideally want to go smoothly from close hauled on one tack to sailing close hauled on the other tack. If you over-steer, you have to trim the sails out to pick up speed and then gradually head up again and re-trim to a close hauled point of sail.
  • Snagged sheets. The jib often moves fast from one side to the other in a tack but flogs and flails about as it crosses the boat. The jib sheets may hang up or wrap on some fixture on the foredeck, occasionally making someone go forward to clear it. A large knot in the sheet at the sail’s clew may hang up on a shroud, although this will usually clear if the tension is released momentarily on the line. Prevention is the best solution. Keep some tension on both jib sheets before and during the tack. Close foredeck hatches and remove other items that may snag the sheets.

In races, the speed and efficiency with which crew coordinates their tacking actions often determine the winder. Practice often! Even cruisers should pay attention to tacking to keep the sailing safe and enjoyable.

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Progress to Perfect Tacks

  • By Steve Benjamin
  • April 26, 2022


What makes a great tack? It’s simple: whatever technique allows you to maintain the optimal combination of the best VMG during the tack and the fastest acceleration out of the tack. That’s easy to say but tough to do well. In my Interclub dinghy days, in light air, we often looked for opportunities to start a tacking duel with nearby competitors. It didn’t matter which way each boat was going; all we wanted to do was grind them down—keep tacking, gaining on every tack. Eventually, someone prevailed. That’s the power of being able to tack really well, and although you may seldom be in that type of tacking combat, tacking better than nearby boats can give you that extra couple of boat lengths that make the difference between rounding just ahead of a pack or rounding in the middle of it.

There always needs to be a reason to tack. It can be for a windshift, to find more wind, to head toward an advantaged side of the racecourse, to avoid a starboard tacker, being at or near the layline, for a navigational hazard such as a shoreline, shoal or oncoming freighter, to cover the fleet, to consolidate on a gain or minimize a loss, and even to take a flyer if in poor position. When in doubt, don’t tack. Many racers, including myself, tack too much—it’s a fatal flaw.

A few of my rules: Don’t tack in lulls or anytime tacking will put you into bad air. It’s better to tack in puffs, unless in heavy air and you’re worried about wiping out. When the windspeed is variable with gusts and lulls, you will lose much less by tacking in a gust rather than trying to accelerate in the light air of a lull after the tack. In oscillating winds, with several shifts per beat, generally tack anytime you are headed below your mean (average) compass heading for the tack you are on. There will be times when you should “eat a header” to get a bit deeper into the new shift, and there will be other times when you may tack off a small lift to find a larger shift or more wind.

For any given beat, study and ­understand the optimal number of tacks that leg requires to be sailed perfectly in the absence of other boats. Only one person should decide exactly where to tack—either the helmsperson or the tactician. And once that decision has been made, ­communication with the crew and the selection of the time and place to tack is critical, especially in a seaway. A well-trained crew is always ready to tack, which means sheets are always cleared, winches loaded, etc. I train the crew not to move until the countdown commences, “3, 2, 1, helm’s over.”

In a seaway, the tack must be done in harmony with the wave pattern. Choose an area or sequence of smaller waves. Done right, the wave pattern will assist the tack. Get the bow of the boat past head to wind as the next wave approaches so that the new wave helps push the bow down to course, requiring less rudder movement. When Tucker Edmondson and I were learning to sail 505s in our first big event—the 1979 World Championships in Durban, South Africa—we developed a technique for tacking in huge ocean waves that worked well: We’d finish the tack and accelerate on the top of the wave crest, filling the sails there instead of in the trough of the wave, where there was less wind.

Steering well through a tack is a bit like the Goldilocks story—you need to turn not too quickly, not too slowly, but just right. Of course, the million-dollar question is, what’s just right? The speed of the turn differs with every type of boat, every wind velocity and, as was the case for us at the 505 Worlds, every sea condition. Those are a lot of variables.

A great tack involves picking up as much VMG as possible during the first segment of the tack, and landing on the ideal exit angle for maximum acceleration as the tack is completed. This all requires good steering, crew coordination and sail trim. Broadly stated, a large, heavy keelboat should be tacked slower, and a light, planing dinghy should be tacked quickly. The fastest turn should be made in medium air and choppy seas, while the slower turn is good for flat water, lighter winds, and when overpowered in heavy winds. In overpowered conditions, the boat’s exit from the turn must be done slowly so as not to end up heeling excessively once on the new tack. No matter what, be sure not to overturn and end up on a course too low of your desired exit angle.

RELATED: Sailboat Racing Tips: Rules at the Start

Because most boats carry some windward helm or rudder angle, begin the tack by slowly moving the tiller or wheel to centerline and gliding the boat up toward head to wind. It’s through this first segment of the tack that you gain maximum VMG, so the longer you can maintain the boat’s momentum, the more VMG you’ll gain. However, that VMG gain comes with an associated loss of speed, which can be measured by the minimum boatspeed reached at the end of the tack as the acceleration segment begins. Have your crew watch the speedo or use a recording instrument, and you’ll get a good sense for that. How do you know when to end the glide and turn the boat through head to wind? Practice, experience, measurement and analysis, of course. I use an increasing rate of turn until just past head to wind and as the sails begin to fill on the new tack.

How you steer the next ­segment of the tack, from just past head to wind until you get to your acceleration angle, a few degrees below close-hauled, is critical. Just after passing head to wind, the speed of the tack, and therefore the degree of rudder angle, gradually increases—more ­rudder angle and a faster turn. From there, the next step is to land right on the exit angle. The location of that angle varies depending on the type of boat. You’re looking for the point where you most rapidly accelerate to the speed you were sailing before tacking. Finding the exit angle for your boat will take a lot of practice tacks. As you do them, note your target and actual speeds, the bottom (or slowest speed) during the tack, and how long it takes to accelerate back to full speed once on the new tack. As you approach the exit angle, the speed of the tack should slow, which means you’ll gradually reduce rudder angle. With an overlapping genoa, you might even want to pause the tack once the genoa is past the leeward shrouds. That allows the crew to trim on the genoa before it really loads up.

Trimming nonoverlapping jibs through a tack requires more finesse, and I’ve found that only the best trimmers do it right. As the boat turns up into the wind, the old leeward sheet is readied to ease. That might involve reducing the number of wraps on the winch, or uncleating the sheet so it is ready to ease freely. Don’t allow the old sheet to ease. During the tack, the jib is backed just a tiny amount, which accomplishes two things. First, it helps turn the boat through the wind and down onto the new tack. And second, it helps blow the jib around. Without backing, the tack will be slow. However, too much backing and the jib will reduce the forward speed of the boat like a brake. The moment it backs, immediately let the old sheet go. There are exceptions to this, such as when approaching the windward mark on the port tack layline. Then, allowing the jib to back for a couple of seconds helps pull the bow down to the new reaching course to the offset mark, requiring less ­rudder angle.

Next—and this is super-important—the trimmer of the new sheet must ­overtrim the new sheet as quickly as possible so that the jib fills on the new tack before the boat reaches its optimal course on the new tack. Once filled on the new tack, the jib provides acceleration and adds lee helm, thus reducing the amount of rudder angle needed to steer the boat down to the exit angle. The overtrim should be as hard as possible. That’s followed by an immediate ease until the boat reaches the exit angle. That ease must be done in harmony with the helms­person. So, as the boat ­continues its turn down to the exit angle, the trimmer eases the jib sheet until, as the boat accelerates to its optimal VMG angle and speed, the jib is then trimmed back in to its optimal tension and shape. A big indicator is the telltales will all be flowing. The process sounds easy, but it takes a lot of coordination between the offside trimmer, who eases the old sheet and backs the sail, the new trimmer and the helms­person. When done correctly, the jib fills on the new tack and literally pulls the bow of the boat down to the desired course, thereby reducing the amount of helm required to turn the boat. Less rudder means less braking, less drag—and greater speed. And that’s what we’re always after.

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