Naviguez en toute liberté dans un environnement sécurisé

Le CNFC vous propose de la location de matériels nautiques sur ses sites de Fouesnant et Quimper.

A Fouesnant, les activités de location et cours particuliers sont proposée au Dock (ex "Spot Nautique"), sur la plage du Cap Coz, joignable au  tous les jours de juillet et d'août, de 10 à 19 heures.

Sur place : locations, cours particuliers, coaching... L'équipement de sécurité et de confort est inclus dans toutes prestations.

En louant du matériel, vous êtes le capitaine, responsable de votre embarcation. Vous devez donc maîtriser votre support en autonomie. 

Les réservations pour les mineurs doivent être effectuées par le représentant légal.

Réservez en ligne sur notre site

Merci de vous présenter à l'accueil du Dock 30 minutes avant le début de l'activité .

Matériel prêt à naviguer pour un embarquement immédiat !

  • Kayaks "sit-on-top"
  • Stand Up Paddle, Giant SUP, Hobie Eclipse...
  • Planches à voile et Windsurf à foil
  • Catamarans et catamaran à foil
  • Dériveurs et dériveur à foil

Pour les cours particuliers d'1 heure : explications et prise en main puis 50 minutes sur l'eau.

Hors saison, en mai, juin et septembre, vous pouvez également louer du matériel au Dock (Spot Nautique) , les samedis, dimanches et jours fériés de 14 à 18 heures.

Pour les locations à Quimper, au centre nautique de Creac'h Gwen, contacter le 02 98 90 04 70

  • Brochure Dock 2024 (version française)  (4.62Mo)
  • English version  (4.58Mo)

Stand-up Paddle

Kayak de mer, supports à foil.

Befoil, Windfoil et Wingfoil : envolez-vous !

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Home > Plan Your Stay > Organize my days > Activities on the water > Walks on the water > Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran

Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran

Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran – Glénan Islands – Concarneau


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Sail aboard a maxi catamaran for a moment of sailing pleasure with friends or family (from 1 year old). Every day from April to September. > Day trip to the Glénan archipelago: To enjoy beautiful navigation as well as the discovery of the different islands of the Glénan archipelago with several stops. Departures from Port La Forêt 9 a.m. – 18 p.m. Departures from Concarneau 10 a.m. – 17 p.m. 80€ adult / 55€ child (under 13 years old) > 1/2 day in Concarneau Bay: 3-hour navigation to discover the little-known corners of the Bay of Concarneau 10 a.m.-13 p.m. or 14 p.m.-17 p.m. 55€ adult / 40€ child (under 13) > 2-hour evening navigation with aperitif: At the end of the day, enjoy a 2-hour navigation in the bay of Concarneau accompanied by an aperitif. 18:30 p.m.-20:30 p.m. 40€ adult / 35€ child (under 13 years old) Capacity: 20 people maximum

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Brittany Region

Home > Plan Your Stay > Tickets on sale at the tourist office > Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran

Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran

Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran


Comfort / services.

NEW ARRIVALS Sail aboard a maxi catamaran for a moment of sailing pleasure with friends or family (from 1 year old) Departure from Concarneau and Port La Forêt Every day from April to September -- Day trip to the Glénan archipelago You will enjoy beautiful navigation as well as the discovery of the different islands of the Glénan archipelago with several stops. Opening hours: Port La Forêt 9 a.m. to 18 p.m. / Concarneau 10 a.m. to 17 p.m. Prices: €80 adult, €55 child (under 13) -- 1/2 day in the bay of Concarneau 3-hour navigation to discover little-known places in the bay of Concarneau Hours: 10 p.m. to 13 p.m. or 14 p.m. to 17 p.m. Prices: €55 adult, €40 child (under 13 years old) -- Evening 2 hours of navigation with aperitif At the end of the day, enjoy a 2-hour navigation in the bay of Concarneau accompanied by an aperitif. Hours: 18:30 p.m. – 20:30 p.m. Prices: €40 adult, €35 child (under 13 years old) -- Boat rental Privatize our catamarans for your events, a day, half day, evening with friends or family, bachelorette party, bachelorette party, birthday, wedding or as part of your company for a seminar, team building... From Port-La-Forêt and Concarneau. Other ports contact us.

  • Tickets on sale at the Tourist Office

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  • Pets not accepted

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Catamaran Mer Agitée

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  • A sea cruise aboard the Mer Agitée catamaran is a unique adventure, a marvellous voyage! Embark on a cruise and experience an unforgettable moment at sea as you discover the Glénan archipelago or other magnificent islands on the Atlantic coast.


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Ma BRETAGNE Mes vacances La mer : le blog


Au départ de Fouesnant-Les Glénan, une sortie aux Glénan en catamaran

Le catamaran fait parti des incontournables à fouesnant-les glénan .

Un centre nautique très réputé avec des navigateurs de renoms… S’il a bien un endroit où faire de la voile, c’est bien ici ! Embarquement immédiat sur le Cap Glénan !

Le catamaran qui vous amène aux Glénan depuis Fouesnant

Beau temps, belle mer…à Fouesnant-les Glénan.

10h00 : Rendez-vous sur le Ponton de l’îlot Skoen à Port La Forêt ! On y retrouve Jonathan (le skipper) en plein préparatif pour nous accueillir. Jonathan nous explique le déroulé de notre journée et nous fait enfiler notre gilet de sauvetage.

Larguons les amarres et route vers l’Archipel des Glénan ! La croisière s’effectue dans des conditions météo idéales. Jonathan nous laisse tenir la barre et nous enseigne comment naviguer. Il nous dit « Savez-vous comment on reconnaît un bon navigateur ? A son sillage ! » La consigne est donnée, je m’efforce de garder le cap !

Cap vers Penfret !

location catamaran fouesnant

C’est l’occasion de découvrir l’Archipel des Glénan autrement.

Ce qui est bien en catamaran, c’est que l’on peut naviguer tranquillement autour des îles.. Jonathan nous raconte quelques histoires et anecdotes sur l’Archipel. Notamment la signification des noms des îles : Fort Cigogne viendrait du breton seiz Kognes qui signifie 6 coins. Ou encore que l’Archipel des Glénan était un repaire de pirates ! En effet, à la fin du 17ème siècle, l’Archipel est un refuge formidable pour les pirates anglais, espagnols ou hollandais car il constitue un abri contre le mauvais temps… Découverte des fonds marins

Jonathan me prête palmes, masque et tuba et me voilà prête à découvrir la beauté des fonds sous-marins de l’Archipel. L’eau est un peu fraiche mais les fonds sont très riches en faune et en flore. Je me faufile entre les algues laminaires et croise un banc de daurades et quelques vieilles. Je nage ainsi jusqu’à la pointe Nord de Penfret, Pen A Men. Et là, tapies dans les algues, se cachent 2 araignées de mer. Hop, un canard (un plongeon) et me voilà avec un crabe dans chaque main. Retour au catamaran, ravie de faire la surprise à Jonathan !

Les Glénan avec le phare de Penfret

La mer ça creuse !

On ne mangera malheureusement pas les 2 belles araignées mais un délicieux repas concocté par Anne (Restaurant Le Kinawa ). Table avec vue mer ! La table est dressée directement à bord devant l’Île de Penfret. Au menu : 1 belle tranche de thon mariné accompagné d’une salade de riz et légumes, 1 morceau de melon et une part de Kouign Amann. Balade digestive sur Penfret.

Située à l’est de l’Archipel, l’île de Penfret abrite un Phare, un Fort et un Sémaphore. C’est l’île la plus haute de l’Archipel puisqu‘elle culmine à une quinzaine de mètres au-dessus de la mer. Le Phare : Il est réclamé dès le milieu du 18e siècle en raison des nombreux dangers de l’Archipel. Il est construit à l’extrémité nord de l’île en 1837. Le Fort : Vers 1841, Fort Cigogne ne pouvant pas empêcher les Anglais de débarquer à Penfret en cas de conflit, un fort de 50m sur 40, semi-enterré est construit à côté de phare entre 1841 et 1847. Le Sémaphore : Il est situé à l’extrémité sud de l’île et est construit en 1863. Depuis 1963, le sémaphore est désaffecté. Il est occupé par les stagiaires du Centre nautique des Glénans.

Vue depuis le catamaran

Retour à terre. 17h : Après une agréable journée riche en émotions, nous reprenons la mer pour rejoindre le continent.

Boire un verre en terrasse au Cap-Coz

Originaire de Fouesnant et amoureuse de ma région, j’aime faire du catamaran, des balades sur le GR34 ou encore déguster nos savoureux produits locaux. Fouesnant est une ville authentique qui nous surprend par la diversité de ses paysasges : côtes découpées, longues plages, marais, archipel…Laissez-vous embarquer !

Balade aquatique dans l’eau turquoise à Névez

Balade aquatique dans l’eau turquoise à Névez

Découverte de l’archipel de Molène en semi-rigide à Camaret-sur-Mer

Découverte de l’archipel de Molène en semi-rigide à Camaret-sur-Mer

Découvrir la Baie en kayak à Fouesnant-Les Glénan

Découvrir la Baie en kayak à Fouesnant-Les Glénan

Un apéro sur les bords de l’Aven en pirogue polynésienne à Névez

Un apéro sur les bords de l’Aven en pirogue polynésienne à Névez

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Yacht charter in Port-la-Forêt · Trimaran — Vplp (2010)

Description of baptiste 's catamaran, catamaran - 21.2m — trimaran - vplp.

Board one of the fastest trimarans in the world, designed to break records or win offshore races. It belongs to the MOD70 series, of which only 7 units were built. Privatize a day of sailing aboard a high-tech carbon fiber trimaran. With their curved “C” shaped foils and tilting rigs, these boats are both fast and safe. The MOD70 can reach speeds of up to 38 knots. This class is a reference in international races, they are led by the best teams in the world. The Axciss team offers you three types of offers: The discovery outing A unique opportunity to unite your customers and employees during a half-day sea trip - Boarding from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Provision: bottles of water, caps provided. Price: €8040 incl. tax Sensation Day You want to leave lasting memories in the minds of your customers and employees, embark with us to discover or rediscover the sensations of the large multihull. - Boarding from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Provision: bottles of water, coffee pastries and caps for guests. Price: €10,320 including tax Open sea day You dream of setting sail! Come sail in a MOD70 more than 20 miles from the coast, the opportunity to discover the open sea, its long swell, its birds and marine mammals. - Boarding from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Provision: bottles of water, caps, coffee, pastries, 2 bottles of champagne and 1 hamper of oysters. Departures will be from Port la Forêt, Brest or Cherbourg, depending on the race schedule. Maximum 10 guests + crew members You can consult us for a service departing from another port. Meals and landings in semi-rigid boats on the Glénan archipelago or in Camaret for lunch are not included. Price: €11,760 including VAT

Equipment available on the catamaran

Services provided by baptiste.

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Offered by Baptiste

  ( 2 reviews )

Location of the catamaran: Port, Port-La-Forêt

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  • La Forêt-Fouesnant

Location bateau à La Forêt-Fouesnant · Highfield — Highfield 540 (2023)

  ( 1 avis )

Description du semi-rigide d'Oscar

Semi-rigide highfield highfield 540 90cv.

Louez ce superbe Highfield Coaster 540, équipé d'un moteur de 90 CV. Il est idéal pour pratiquer le Wake Board ou la bouée tractée, il sera également parfait pour visiter l'Archipel des Glénan, la baie de Concarneau ou encore les rivières tel l'Aven, le Belon et l'Odet en famille ou entre amis !

Équipements disponibles du semi-rigide

Ajouter vos dates pour voir le prix

  ( 1 commentaire )

Notes globales

1 commentaire.

Bateau très agréable Très bonnes explications de la part de oscar A recommander

Proposé par Oscar

  ( 50 avis )


Emplacement du semi-rigide: La Forêt-Fouesnant, France


Check-in & check-out, règles du bateau, politique d'annulation, vérifier la disponibilité des bateaux similaires, réservation instantanée, semi rigide bombard explorer 550 (2002), à partir de 240 € par jour, semi-rigide hydrosport 565 (2019), à partir de 225 € par jour, bombard explorer 485 (1996), à partir de 190 € par jour, semi-rigide highfield highfield 540 100cv (2024), à partir de 199 € par jour, zodiac 12 pro man (2005), zodiac 550 (2011), semi-rigide 3d tender 535 xpro (2023), à partir de 235 € par jour, zodiac pro man 12 (2004), à partir de 220 € par jour.

Un conseiller dédié vous accompagnera, cliquez ici

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Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Finistère

Fouesnant - Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Finistère

Commune of Finistère , Fouesnant takes place on the coast of Cornwall, about fifteen kilometers from Quimper and ten kilometers from Concarneau . The Breton town thus forms, with Bénodet and La Forêt-Fouesnant , the Breton Riviera. First tourist resort of Brittany, it offers its visitors a natural heritage of exception including notably the famous archipelago of Glénan.

Very ancient, as evidenced by the menhirs found on site, the commune of Fouesnant was an important barony during the thirteenth century. But the most striking historical episode of the town was certainly the Nedellec affair. This revolt of 1792 was perceived as a prelude to the chouannerie of Vendée. A rural commune in the nineteenth century, Fouesnant benefited from the end of this era of the arrival of the railway. Today, the city of Brittany is above all a great tourist pole, notably revealing seaside villas of the beginning of the last century.

Very popular for its various beaches, the city of Fouesnant also unveils an important architectural heritage testifying to several centuries of history. Dynamic, the city of Breton is also the origin of several festive events throughout the year that seduce inhabitants and visitors.

Geographical information

Tourism labels
Latitude47.8937460 (N 47° 53’ 37”)
Longitude-4.0115270 (W 4° 0’ 41”)
Surface area32.76 km²
Population10557 inhabitants
Density322 inhabitants/km²
Prefecture (17.9 km, 27 min)
Insee code29058

Nearest cities & towns

3.6 km (6 min)
3.6 km (8 min)
5.6 km (9 min)
5.8 km (9 min)
8.3 km (12 min)
10.9 km (15 min)
11.5 km (20 min)
12.7 km (19 min)
13.3 km (17 min)
16.1 km (21 min)
16.9 km (23 min)
17.5 km (25 min)
17.8 km (24 min)

Things to see and do

Tourist city of Brittany, Fouesnant has all the assets to attract visitors: beaches, wild coast, historical monuments and festivals of all kinds.

Built at the end of the 11th century and strongly modified during the 18th century, the church of Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul is an excellent example of Romanesque architecture. Classified as Historic Monuments in the 1930s, it features capitals decorated with acanthus leaves or biblical figures. The most recent elements of the building reveal different origins, such as the flamboyant style of the southern porch. Not far away, you can admire the monument to the dead of Fouesnant, realized very soberly.

Several chapels take place on the territory of Fouesnant, like the chapel of Sainte-Anne. Built at the end of the 17th century, it was modified in the course of the 18th century following destructions. Classified as a Historical Monument, it features a devotional fountain with a basin. You can also appreciate the charms of the chapel of San Sebastián, which dates from the 15th century. One can still see elements of the original construction in the twelfth century, in particular a window of Romanesque style. Inside, a finely crafted fifteenth-century holy water font attracts attention, as is the impressive statue of St. Sebastian pierced with eleven arrows and dating from the sixteenth century. The chapel of Kerbader, of the eighteenth century, and the chapel of Saint-Guénolé, of the twentieth, are also to be admired.

But the main tourist attraction of Fouesnant lies in its exceptional natural heritage. There are several remarkable sites, like the Glénan archipelago. Classified Natura 2000 site, it unveils an exceptional flora and fauna, like the famous narcissi of Glénan which bloom every April. On Cigogne Island, the fort has been classified as a Historic Monument, while Île Saint-Nicolas hosts one of the smallest natural reserves in France since 1974. Guided tours are organized throughout the year To appreciate all these natural wonders. But the archipelago must above all its fame at its nautical center and its international diving center that welcome many lovers of sailing every year.

With a coastline more than seventeen kilometers long, Fouesnant has plenty of sites to admire, notably through the eighteen marked out hiking trails proposed. In the wood of Penfoulic you will discover a tree giraffe classified tree remarkable, while the beach and the site of Cape Coz will allow you to enjoy the view of the sea. Passing a few days in this town of Finistère , you will also appreciate the dunes Beg Meil, Mousterlin Point, Mousterlin polder, a natural site protected by the Conservatoire du Littoral, the marshes and dunes of the White Sea, Île aux Moutons, an ornithological reserve off the Glénan Semaphore of the French Navy.

Places of interest

Information points
Leisure centres
Natural sites
Performance halls

Events and festivities

Several markets take place in Fouesnant. The weekly market is held every Friday morning, while the organic market takes place on Saturday morning in the Place de l'Église. During the summer season, between July and August, Beg-Meil also welcomes its market on Wednesday morning. In December, the city also offers a Christmas market.

In April, the Finist'aire festival of games is the opportunity to discover new board games in Fouesnant.

Every third Sunday of July, the town proposes its Apple Festival, highlighting its agricultural culture, as well as its cider considered one of the best in the region.

On the first Sunday after St. Anne, after July 26, St. Anne's pardon is organized in the chapel of the same name.

The forgiveness of Saint Guénolé is organized on the second Sunday of August. Also known as the feast of the sea, the event highlights the maritime traditions of the city.

Every summer, the site of Kerchann is the scene of the Festidreuz, festival of French songs. On the program, animations and concerts endiablés.

Glénans - West coast of Saint-Nicolas Island (© JE)

Visits, leisure and activities nearby

Leisure activities.

Last nameActivity typeRateCity
Catamaran Sunset Cruise in Concarneau Bay, FinistèreNature and the great outdoors35 € La Forêt-Fouesnant (2.7 km)
Catamaran Cruise in the Bay of Concarneau from La Forêt-FouesnantNature and the great outdoors40 € La Forêt-Fouesnant (2.7 km)
Park & leisure access - single priceEntertainment11 € Quimper (11.7 km)
Tasting of seaweed cheesesLocal flavours13 € Ergué-Gabéric (13.8 km)
Cani Rando, fun and original hiking, pulled by huskiesNature and the great outdoors51 € Brasparts (49 km)
Last nameOuting typeDifficultyDurationDeparture municipality
Beuzec-Cap-CavalHikeIntermediate3:40Saint-Jean-Trolimon (24 km)
Roche du Feu circuitHikeIntermediate3:35Gouézec (28 km)
Circuit of the guardhouseHikeEasy2:10Moëlan-sur-Mer (30 km)
Roche du Feu hike - Departure from the villageHikeIntermediate1:30Gouézec (31 km)
Gouézec circuit from Pont-CoblantHikeIntermediate3:35Gouézec (33 km)

location catamaran fouesnant


location catamaran fouesnant

Bed & breakfasts

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Related articles Fouesnant

Power Catamaran Charter in La Forêt-Fouesnant - Yacht Hire

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Frequently asked questions.

Once we receive your request, we will confirm the availability of the boat, as well as check for alternative ones. To ensure your experience is the best it can be, we may contact you to discuss your request in detail. Let us do the research for you - free of charge.

You can get in touch with the captain as soon as you’ve completed your booking. Our captains are highly qualified and knowledgeable about their locality.

The Charter Fee is an additional, obligatory cost, which typically includes the end cleaning of the boat, home port fees, and linen & towels. The details of the charter fee differ depending on the boat, location and charter partner.

There are marina fees and fuel costs which vary depending on the type, duration and location of your sailing holiday. Marina fees need to be paid at each marina you choose to dock overnight - the amount varies but you may be able to find this information in advance by contacting the marinas directly. Fuel costs depend on whether you’re sailing a motorboat or a sailboat. You can estimate fuel costs by double-checking your chosen boat’s engine, and the expected distance you aim to sail.

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  • France Motorcatamaran

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Moscow Vnukovo airport (VKO)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.

 Passenger Guide

 general information.

Moscow-Vnukovo International Airport, opened on July 1, 1941, is one of the airports serving the country's capital. It operates domestic flights and international destinations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and the Caribbean. Official Website:

Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.

Annual passenger traffic: 16.4 million passengers went through it in 2022.

Tel: +7 495 937 5555. There is an information counter on the ground floor of the terminal, next to the main entrance.


The airport is located in the Vnukovo district, 28 km (18 miles) southwest of Moscow.


 arrivals,  airlines,  facilities and lounges,  overnight stay,  transportation,  car hire, car rental agencies.

Rentmotors (Tel +7 916 724 0455 - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm) and RexRent (Tel +7 495 981 1917 / 800 250 1213 - 9:00 am to 9:00 pm) have offices in the Arrivals Hall.


Parking services at moscow vnukovo airport (vko).

Several parking options available. Payment is made at the stations located at the exit of each sector. More information: Tel +7 495 436 7893 / 7892. Tariffs

P1 & P2 - Multi-level facilities in front of the terminal. First 15 minutes are free. P6 - Long-stay area located in Vnukovo village, on Aeroflotskaya Street.

It is important to request assistance in advance (up to 48 hours before departure) and to describe your needs precisely. A wheelchair can be requested to move around the terminal and board the aircraft with the help of a lift. A special waiting room, induction loops for the hearing impaired, ramps and lifts are also available. More information: Tel +7 495 436 6189.

Latest updates: May 12, 2023

VIP Lounge Pass

What to know before having a Flight


  1. Croisière en catamaran pour aller aux Glénan au départ de Fouesnant

    location catamaran fouesnant

  2. Sorties catamaran la Forêt-Fouesnant Port la Forêt. Excursion bateau

    location catamaran fouesnant

  3. Sorties catamaran la Forêt-Fouesnant Port la Forêt. Excursion bateau

    location catamaran fouesnant

  4. Catamaran habitable

    location catamaran fouesnant

  5. Location Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 Maestro Catamaran de luxe

    location catamaran fouesnant

  6. Location Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42 (Astrea 42)

    location catamaran fouesnant


  1. Hélia 44 par Fountaine Pajot Catamarans

  2. Mise en main du Bali 4.2 Aquilon

  3. OCEANS EVASION locations et croisière voiliers et catamarans

  4. Les enfants en mer


  6. Catamaran Mahé 36 N'GoRé Gruissan


  1. Catamaran

    Le Befoil, catamaran à foils accessible pour vos premiers vols accompagnés d'un moniteur comme pour des runs autonomes. Une constante : deux coques et un trampoline. Rapide, esthétique et grisant, le catamaran se pratique en duo, barreur et équipier, au rappel ou au trapèze. Réservation en ligne. Flotte Catamaran.

  2. Centre Nautique Fouesnant Cornouaille

    Catamaran. Toutes les activités Catamaran. Cap Glénan. Découverte des Glénan; Ecole de croisière. Jeunes enfants. Jardin des Mers; Club Moussaillons ... 29170 Fouesnant (+33) 2 98 56 01 05. Où nous trouver ? Spot Nautique; Cale de Beg Meil; Base Nautique de Créac'h Gwen; Base principale; Comment venir ?

  3. Louer

    Le CNFC vous propose de la location de matériels nautiques sur ses sites de Fouesnant et Quimper. A Fouesnant, les activités de location et cours particuliers sont proposée au Dock (ex "Spot Nautique"), sur la plage du Cap Coz, joignable au tous les jours de juillet et d'août, de 10 à 19 heures.. Sur place : locations, cours particuliers, coaching...

  4. Location bateau Fouesnant

    Location de bateau Fouesnant Réservez dès maintenant et vivez une croisière en catamaran avec équipage et/ou une croisière en voilier avec skipper mémorable avec Océans Evasion. 100% sécurisé pour une location de bateau en toute sérénité !

  5. Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran in Concarneau

    Sail aboard a maxi catamaran for a moment of sailing pleasure with friends or family (from 1 year old). Every day from April to September. > Day destination the Glénan archipelago: To enjoy a beautiful navigation as well as the discovery of the different islands of the Glénan archipelago with several stops. Departures from Port La Forêt 9 a.m. - 18 p.m. Departures from Concarneau 10 a.m ...

  6. Location bateau La Forêt-Fouesnant avec ou sans permis

    • Location de catamaran : environ 514 € par jour, soit en moyenne 65 € pour une journée si vous êtes 8 à bord. • Pour des envies de location plus luxueuse, la location de yachts est également disponible. Louer un yacht à La Forêt Fouesnant est possible pour une sortie à la journée ou une croisière.

  7. Caseneuve Maxi Catamaran in La Forêt-Fouesnant

    Sail aboard a maxi catamaran for a moment of sailing pleasure with friends or family (from 1 year old) Departure from Concarneau and Port La Forêt Every day from April to September -- Day trip to the Glénan archipelago


    About. For more than 50 years, trainees of all ages, ever more numerous, come to share our passion for water sports and transmit the virus from generation to generation. From 4 years old, come and discover the joys of navigation in complete safety. Or discover the latest innovations: windsurf and foiling catamaran, electric surf, Hobie Eclipse ...

  9. Catamaran Mer Agitée (La Forêt-Fouesnant)

    A sea cruise aboard the Mer Agitée catamaran is a unique adventure, a marvellous voyage! Embark on a cruise and experience an unforgettable moment at sea as you discover the Glénan archipelago or other magnificent islands on the Atlantic coast. ... 29940 La Forêt-Fouesnant. Click to display number(s) 06 45 79 19 06 45 79 19 29. www.catamaran ...

  10. The BEST La Forêt-Fouesnant Catamaran experiences 2024

    Our most recommended La Forêt-Fouesnant Catamaran experiences. 1. Brittany: Glénan Archipelago Sailing Day. Sail through Brittany's Glénan Archipelago on a maxi catamaran, offering stability and comfort for all ages. Explore the islands with 2 or 3 stops, enjoying scenic views. Indulge in two aperitifs during the cruise, with the flexibility ...

  11. Location Bateau Fouesnant avec ou sans Skipper

    Catamaran . Goélette . Yacht à voile . Prix par jour . 0 - 1200+ € ... Le prix moyen d'une location de bateau à Fouesnant est généralement de 260 € par jour. Plusieurs facteurs influencent le prix de la location d'un bateau, comme la saison, l'année de construction et son équipement. Les prix peuvent varier entre 100 € et 500 ...

  12. Croisière en catamaran pour aller aux Glénan au départ de Fouesnant

    Beau temps, belle mer…à Fouesnant-les Glénan. 10h00 : Rendez-vous sur le Ponton de l'îlot Skoen à Port La Forêt ! On y retrouve Jonathan (le skipper) en plein préparatif pour nous accueillir. Jonathan nous explique le déroulé de notre journée et nous fait enfiler notre gilet de sauvetage. Larguons les amarres et route vers l ...

  13. Catamaran Mer Agitée

    Catamaran Mer Agitée, La Forêt-Fouesnant. 378 likes · 19 talking about this. Un bateau unique signé Michel Desjoyeaux ⛵️ Location de voilier avec skipper ⛵️

  14. Catamaran Cruise in the Bay of Concarneau from La Forêt-Fouesnant

    Come aboard a maxi-catamaran and enjoy a 3-hour cruise in Concarneau Bay from La Forêt-Fouesnant, just outside Quimper ! In the south of Finistère, the…

  15. Charter Catamaran Port-la-Forêt

    Catamaran in Port-la-Forêt, available from €1,680/day. Book in 5 minutes on Océans Evasion, the global leading boat rental platform. The yacht belongs to Baptiste and can be chartered from €1680 per day in Port-la-Forêt.

  16. Location bateau à La Forêt-Fouesnant · Highfield

    Louez le Highfield Highfield 540 de Oscar, Semi-rigide à La Forêt-Fouesnant disponible dès 199 €/j. Réservez en 5 minutes sur Click&Boat, leader de la location de bateaux. Ce bateau appartenant à Oscar peut être loué à partir de 199€ par jour à La Forêt-Fouesnant.

  17. Rent a Power Catamaran in La Forêt-Fouesnant

    Power Catamaran charter La Forêt-Fouesnant at best prices Rent a Power Catamaran online quick & easy Crewed yachts Flexible cancellation ☎ +44 20 3318 3641. ... Try another location. Exclusive Deals. Take your boat holidays to the next level with exclusive boat deals featuring free and exciting add-ons!

  18. Fouesnant

    Catamaran Cruise in the Bay of Concarneau from La Forêt-Fouesnant: ... Fully renovated in 2019, Garrigae Cap Coz has an exceptional location by the sea, in the city of Fouesnant. All rooms offer free WiFi access. Each room at Garrigae Cap Coz features satellite TV, while some include a terrace with sea views. ...

  19. Vnukovo International Airport Map

    Location: Vnukovo District, Western Administrative Okrug, Moscow, Moscow Oblast, Central Russia, Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe; View on Open­Street­Map; Latitude. 55.59153° or 55° 35' 30" north. Longitude. 37.26149° or 37° 15' 41" east. Elevation. 208 metres (682 feet) IATA airport code. VKO. ICAO airport code.

  20. Vnukovo International Airport

    Vnukovo, formally Vnukovo Andrei Tupolev International Airport (named after Andrei Tupolev) (Russian: Внуково, IPA: [ˈvnukəvə]) (IATA: VKO, ICAO: UUWW), is a dual-runway international airport located in Vnukovo District, 28 km (17 mi) southwest of the centre of Moscow, Russia.It is one of the four major airports that serve Moscow, along with Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, and Zhukovsky.

  21. Vnukovo Map

    Open Location Code. 9G7VJ862+M4. Open­Street­Map ID. node 264180569. Open­Street­Map Feature. place=­town. Geo­Names ID. 857689. Wiki­data ID. Q861805. We encourage you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions.

  22. Power Catamaran Charter in La Forêt-Fouesnant

    Power Catamaran rental in La Forêt-Fouesnant at best deals Boat hire online Choose from +31.000 boats with or without skipper ☎ +44 20 3318 3641. ... Try another location. Exclusive Deals. Take your boat holidays to the next level with exclusive boat deals featuring free and exciting add-ons!

  23. Moscow Vnukovo airport (VKO)

    Moscow-Vnukovo International Airport, opened on July 1, 1941, is one of the airports serving the country's capital. It operates domestic flights and international destinations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and the Caribbean. Official Website: Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.