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39 soverel..location michigan

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any advise or opinions on this boat,,,the asking price is $69k  

soverel 39 sailboat

My 33 is a scaled down 39 , both designed by Mark Soverel. very fast responsive off shore race boat. the 39 carries a lot of sail area for a 39' boat and most were race equiped. it does take a crew to sail one with the running back stays and check stays. the ones made at soverel were lighter then the latter Tartan model. the Tartan model has more interior finish work. the price sounds a little high for a late 80's 39 but if it has been maintained and has a full compliment of newer sails it may be worth it. great boat if you want a offshore racer or coastal cruser but a blue water boat it is not. it has a low boom and cabin, the cockpit does not fit a dodger or that type of crusing equipment very well. If one comes up for sail here in the west coast I just might move up to a 39  

soverel 39 sailboat

39 soverel thanks to both of your responses...this boat would mainly be cruised on the great lakes...i understand that this is not the ideal cruiser, but the speed also intreages me..i have not seen the boat yet, but the description does sound good..this is a one owner boat, with 30 k in upgrades in the last 10 years..this boat is very sexy to me, im not sure if it will be the right move, its a lot of money for me, i will take my time to make the right choice,,your in put is helpful...thanks again...ken  

If you are looking for a performance cruisier for the Great Lakes, I would like to suggest that you also look at this Farr 38. 1981 Farr 38 Sail Boat For Sale - This is a sistership of my current boat, which I bought after considering the Soverel 39. While the Tartan in Michigan appears to be in nicer condition and it probably has a 6 seconds a mile faster PHRF rating than the Farr 38, the Farr 38 is a lot more forgiving and is easier to keep at speed. I have had a pretty easy time sailing her to her rating in a wide range of conditions. The Farr 38 also has a little nicer interior laid out (although the Michigan boat appears to have a beautifully maintained and upgraded interior). The South African versions of the Farr 38 like this one and mine were optimized for the light air of Capetown harbor racing and the very heavy air and sea conditions of the south Atlantic. They are surprisingly robust for a light boat and they have a great offshore record. (My boat was single-handed in from South Africa on her own bottom and I have cruised her extensively in a very wide range of conditions) You should be able to buy The Farr for quite a bit less than the Soverel and she should serve you well. Jeff  

jeff, You say it is surprisingly robust??? does that include the two keel separations and sinkings as a result of fender washers ripping through only one centimeter of skin thickness ? Not to mention that 3 people died? I would not call that robust. and i seriously doubt the build spec is much different between any of these boats, unless this deficiency was discovered early on and then all boats were recalled by their individual builders, however many that was  

I am glad that you brought this up. As I believe you and I have discussed in the past, the boat that sank in Australia killing two people, a boat called Rising Farrster, was an Australian redesigned version of the Farr 38 that was built without consultation with Bruce Farr's organization. This was a very different boat than the South African built standard design Farr 11.6 that I referred to as being "surprisingly robust". To explain for those coming late to this, in 2002 (I believe) a boat that was identified as a Farr 38, being used by a sailing school, lost its keel and a large piece of its hull, sinking in less than half a minute and killing two out of the 6 crew members. There was a 2003 Coroners evaluation of that boat which concluded that the sinking occurred because the structure of this boat was not up to reasonable standards. While the boat was identified as a Farr 38 in the report, this boat had a significantly different keel, rig, and internal structure than the standard Farr 11.6 (Farr 38) as they were designed by Farr's office and as most of them were constructed. To explain the differences in more detail, the normal Farr engineered Farr 11.6's (Farr 38's) have an elaborate system of hand glassed-in stringers and transverse framing. They have a deep sump with very deep hand laid up transverse frames extending to the bottom of that sump and approximately 5" to 7" above the hull on either side, and which extend far up on to the topsides and which are tied into stringers, bulkheads and flats on either side of the hull. The keelbolts on the standard design are clustered two to three bolts per sump bay and connected with 8 mm S.S. backing plates which then have fender washers above that. The laminating schedule for the glass below these backing plates consisted of overlapping laminate from of the two hull sizes, as well as over laps of the the transverse frames resulting in approximately 40 to 56 mm of thickness below the bearing plates (approximately 1.5 to 2 times the thickness required by ABS 1996 amendment) depending on the particular sump bay. The stardard 11.6's had a 6'-4" draft fin keel without a bulb, with more keel bolts, and a larger contact area as compared to Rising Farrster. The South African versions, like the boat in question had slightly heavier scantlings (mostly wider tabbing and more hand work) and weighed a little more than the New Zealand, Australian, Swedish, or Canadian standard versions of the boat. Rising Farrster was built off of a heavily customized set of molds which was modified by eliminated the sump and skeg altogether. The internal framing was also greatly reduced from the Farr 11.6. Instead of the deep transverse frames that were hand glassed over the keel sump, Rising Farrister had no sump and very shallow transverse frames which minimally lapped onto the keel area and did not cross the portion of the hull where the keel bolts were physically located. Rising Farrster had thinner hull skins than the stock Farr 11.6's. The hull skins passed across the bottom of the boat, rather than the double lap at this point found in stock Farr 11.6's, resulting in a skin thickness quoted in the Cornoners Report as being 5.5 mm approximately 10-15% of the hull thickness at this point that would be actually present in standard Farr 11.6's. Further adding to the problem, Rising Farrster was fitted with a slightly heavier than a stock 11.6 custom keel, which had a bulb rather than straight fin and had greater draft (which has been variously quoted as having 7'-2" to 7'-6 draft) and so concentrated the loads lower increasing the loads on the keel bolts. Adding to this death wish design, in comparison with the stock 11.6's, Rising Farrster had fewer keel bolts, which had small bearing plates which did not tie the keel bolts together (effectively behaving as fender washers as you note) and a smaller keel contact bearing area. The amazing part of this is that Rising Farrster lasted a long as she did. Then again the Coronor's report indicated that even with all of that there was a 1.5 safety factor, but of course that is less than the safety factor of 2 required by the ABS and essentially a quarter of the safety factor in the standard Farr 11.6. In actual service the standard version of these boats have held up extremely well. As recently as 4 years ago, there was a still a one design class of Farr 11.6's in the Heineken Capetown to Rio Transatlantic race, a race that spent the first week in 40-50 knot winds and ended in light air on the South America. Pretty good for roughly 25 year old race boats some of which had done this race on a regular basis. This last running of the Capetown-Bahia race had a single Farr 11.6 which was 31 years old. I think that you would have to agree that this track record is 'surprisingly robust' considering the grueling conditions that the South African based boats are routinely race in. Respectfully, Jeff  

Jeff your detailed report actually is just a delusion These boats are all simply under built, truth be told just like the J-44 they very most likely lost their keels as a result of thin underbelly and high dynamic stress exceeding tensile strength This is just simple math. too thin a hull , , no amount of words can explain this away. To get speed, (what buyers are addicted to ) means reducing strength to make a lightweight hull And guess what , BOATS SINK , and hope you are not inside when it happens  

Jeff also , please reference your specific statements with links, I never came across these detailed claims you make, being an engineer with structures and materials background I investigate all keel failures so I am interested to see these reports. The only report I found was the one that sank was the one out of Texas on it's way to Isla Mujeres? Interesting there are two cases. Thanks  

Oh and one more thing you mention is that these were optimized for the light air of Capetown harbor racing and the very heavy air and sea conditions of the south Atlantic. Please explain how a boat, any boat can possibly be optimized for both light and very heavy air. ? This seems just too good to be true.  

Kev, Let me see if I can clear up your confusion. The boat from Texas A&M that sank on it's way to Isla Mujeres was a Cape Fear 38. The Cape Fear 38 was a Bruce Merek design and had no relationship to the Bruce Farr designed Farr 11.6 or Farr 38's. I am not sure what the J-44 that you mentioned has to do with this discussion but they are of a very different construction technique. Just for the record, the Coast Guard inquiry on the Cape Fear 38 sinking concluded that it lost its keel due a combination of factors, none of which were considered to be directly related to how the boat was built. The Coast Guard's independent structural analyis indicated that the probable cause of the failure was due to a grounding which delaminated the laminate at the forward end of the keel and which was poorly repaired by students under the direction of the sailing team manager. The problem was exacerbated by storing the boat in a slip where it was aground at low tide and pounded with each passing wake. The thrust of the Coast Guard report pointed the finger at Texas A&M for the failure to properly address these issues. (I have a copy of the full report but the report is summarized in this article. Report: Grounding caused yacht's keel failure ) Regarding Rising Farrster , the "Farr 38" which sank in Australia, here is a link to the Coroner' Report on Rising Farrster . It describes in some detail how the Rising Farrster was constructed. Updated - Implications for Yacht Owners Arising from the NSW Coronial Inquest into the Deaths Aboard the Yacht Rising Farrster The figures quoted above which describe Risng Farrster came from that report. I have a more detailed version of that report in my files. So if your comment where you say " These boats are all simply under built, truth be told they very most likely lost their keels as a result of thin underbelly and high dynamic stress exceeding tensile strength. This is just simple math. too thin a hull " is referring to Rising Farrster , the Australian Coroner's report and I agree with you. But the deficiencies in the construction of Rising Farrster has little to do with the Farr 11.6 in question. Shortly after the results of the Coroners report was issued, I was in contact with a number of Farr 11.6 owners around the world. As you might imagine we were concerned about the possible implications of the findings and how they related to how our boats were built. Since I live in Annapolis where Farr's offices are located, I agreed to see what I could find out and so met with Graham Williams at Farr's office. Graham was a project manager involved with the Farr 11.6's and was tone of the liasons between Farr's office and the Australian Coroner's investgation. Graham was kind enough to show me the construction documents for the production Farr 11.6's and was the one who explained the differences in construction between Rising Farrster , as described in the report, and the standard Farr 11.6's. When you saw the pictures of the interior of structure on Rising Farrster particularly the area around the floor frames (transverse frames) and compared it to the stock Farr 11.6 the differences are readily apparent. Graham showed me the laminate schedule in this area of the stock boat and explained the sequence of construction. I ended up with a copy of the drawing, which showed the laminating schedule and thickness in this area. (If you are seriously interested you can order that drawing from Farr's office) About this time one of the US west coast Farr 38 owners unbolted and rebedded his keel. He already had a copy of the drawings. He took measurements of the glass thickness at the bottom of the sump and his measurements were consistent with this drawing. The description above of the standard Farr 11.6 construction came from that drawing and those discussions. In terms of being South African versions being optimized for the both heavy and light air. The Farr 11.6's start out as an easily driven hullform with a moderate amount of form stability and a lot of ballasted stability. In its stock form the Farr 11.6 starts with a modestly generous standing sail area (SA/D around 22-23). In light air mode, 11.6's carry penalty poles and over-height spinnakers (5 feet higher hoist position than the jib). This results in very good light air reaching speeds. With proper light air genoas these boats are also excellent upwind in light winds, especially for a boat of this era. (The later IMS and IRC designs have less wetted surface and relatively larger SA/D's and so will beat us at the very lightest end of the wind range.) The South African Farr 38's heavy air optimization was both structural and in the sail handling gear and sail inventory. The South African boats had a number of differences from the boats built elsewhere. The structure was beefed up with simple items such as wider tabbing with an extra laminate layer, or longer chain plates with one extra row of bolts. The structure as executed on the South African boats is quite labor intensive. Instead of molded frames and stringers, the frames and stringers were all hand-glassed directly to the hull as part of the hull lay-up while the boats were in the mold. Some modifications were easy additions such as the South African boats have a solid glass crush block at the forefoot, which fills the area from the stem back to the first bulkhead to above the waterline. The South African boats have one extra transverse bulkhead at the aft end of the cabin and galley area and another extra transverse bulkhead forward of the rudder post instead of a second set of knees or a transverse frame at this location. The decks on my South African boat are not cored but have a series of closely spaced glassed in frames. On deck the S.A. boat's portlights were thicker plexiglass, with a smaller panel area, and were thru bolted over the cabin side rather than glued into a recessed aluminum frame as was done on the NZ and Aus boats. While not as pretty, it should be more robust. The normal 11.6's had cockpit lockers, which open to the interior and which serve as sail lockers. To reduce the risk of heavy weather downflooding, on the South African boats this cockpit locker is simply a shallow tray molded continuous with the deck and which has its bottom above the height of the cockpit sole with drains into the cockpit. In terms of sail handling details and sail inventory, the South African boats came with tracks that extend further onto the foredeck, which are intended for use with a heavy weather blade and the storm jib, and a dedicated track on the mast for the storm trisail. On my boat there is a glassed in solid glass stringer below the foredeck track with a continuous aluminum backing plate below. (I discovered that detail when I replaced the foredeck track with an adjust on the fly system) The heavy air sail inventory included bullet proof heavy air blades, and the usual storm sails. On my boat, I have a 109% kevlar lapper, which was designed for a very wide wind range. I use it in winds down to around 5 knots and up to the high 20 knot range with gusts above that. At the upper end of that range, I have a single reef in the mainsail. My boat came with a 95% kevlar blade that was an amazing sail and which could be carried into very high windspeeds with a single-reefed mainsail. Also in terms of optimizing the interior for heavy air, on the interior there are sturdy grab bars at shoulder level, non-skid rolled into the varnish on the cabin sole, narrow passageways with good footholds, and seaberths for half the racing crew on each side of the boat. On the flip side the floor area of the head and galley are tight so you can get good traction, but it means that both the head and galley are a little tight for my taste and cramped as compared to more modern coastal cruisers. I would agree with you that the Farr 38 is a light boat but her light weight did not come at the price of strength. Her structural scantlings are on a par with much heavier boats. (The hull is similar thickness to many heavier cruising boats and Farr included a lot of internal framing which is pretty rare even on much heavier boats.) Much of the weight savings came through careful engineering and a whole lot of hand labor, and careful workmanship in the layups. It did come at the price of a simple and lightly detailed interior with a minumum of liners, almost no teak, and some details which frankly are not as pretty as those on more dedicated cruisers. The light weight also came at the price of a small fuel tank and small holding tank. These boats carry 70-80 gallons of water, but not all that much fuel or poop. Hopefully, this addresses your concerns. Respectfully, Jeff  

I had a few more moments to track down the more detailed Coronors Inquest Report online. Here is a link to the detailed report. According to the report, Rising Farrster was built by Binks who also built the Farr 11.6's in Australia. It was intended by Binks to be an updated model to be called an IMS 38. Pages 11 through 16 discusses some of the differences between the Farr 11.6 and the IMS 38 as designed and as Rising Farrster was actually built. The second to last paragraph on Page 12 summarizes the modifications to the Farr 11.6 design, (which I described in more detail above); including the elimination of the sump, the different keel bolt arrangement, different floor frames (transverse and longitudinal framing changes are discussed in more detail further down the document) and different laminate schedule. The last paragraphs on Page 13 confirms that the keel was heavier than designed, and that the shell laminate was thinner than designed, that floor framing was omitted, and that the weight was added to the bottom of the keel. Since the Corroner's Inquest Report was not intended as a comparison between the 11.6 and IMS 38, it does not explain in great detail the specific design differences between the IMS 38 and the 11.6, but does describe the differences between the IMS 38 as Farr's office designed it and the boat in question. If you wish to perform a more detailed comparison between the Farr 11.6 and the boat in question, and do not want to take my word for them, I would suggest that in your efforts to investigate all keel failures you might want to order the 11.6 hull construction pages from Farr and compare them to the descriptions in the report. The differences are very dramatic and enlightening. Having read the report, the findings do not sound like a delusion to me.... Respectfully, Jeff  

soverel 39 sailboat

Not to hijack your hijack but concerning the Soverel 39 the boat he is looking at has been raced in Grosse Ille Michigan for a number of years. The keel was cut down and wings added because of shallow water in the area. I'm pretty sure this boat was one of the Tartan built Soverels. The PHRF-LE rating for the boat is 78 which is pretty competitive in local conditions. Pros- Pretty boat, quality build, nice interior. Cons- You need a big crew to race. Interesting downwind performance in a blow. I'm pretty sure the boat's current name is Hellion.  

Sandusky: You are right about Kev and I highjacking this thread. I am sorry about that. I can split this thread into its original discussion and a discussion of lost keels if you and/or Kcrk think that is more appropriate. Your description of Hellion pretty much matches my own experience with these boats. Jeff  

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soverel 39 sailboat

Review of Soverel 39

Basic specs..

The hull is made of fibreglass. Generally, a hull made of fibreglass requires only a minimum of maintenance during the sailing season.

The boat equipped with a fractional rig. A fractional rig has smaller headsails which make tacking easier, which is an advantage for cruisers and racers, of course. The downside is that having the wind from behind often requires a genaker or a spinnaker for optimal speed.

The Soverel 39 is equipped with a fin keel. A boat with a fin keel is more manoeuvrable but has less directional stability than a similar boat with a full keel.

The boat can only enter major marinas as the draft is about 2.34 - 2.44 meter (7.68 - 7.98 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

The boat is typically equipped with an inboard Yanmar diesel engine at 27 hp (20 kW). Calculated max speed is about 6.6 knots

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

What is Capsize Screening Formula (CSF)?

The capsize screening value for Soverel 39 is 2.20, indicating that this boat would not be accepted to participate in ocean races.

What is Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed?

The theoretical maximal speed of a displacement boat of this length is 7.9 knots. The term "Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed" is widely used even though a boat can sail faster. The term shall be interpreted as above the theoretical speed a great additional power is necessary for a small gain in speed.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Soverel 39 is about 270 kg/cm, alternatively 1513 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 270 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 1513 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is Motion Comfort Ratio (MCR)?

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?

What is a Ballast Ratio?

What is Displacement Length Ratio?

What is SA/D (Sail Area Displacement ratio)?


When buying anti-fouling bottom paint, it's nice to know how much to buy. The surface of the wet bottom is about 49m 2 (527 ft 2 ). Based on this, your favourite maritime shop can tell you the quantity you need.

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If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

Mainsail halyard 38.6 m(126.8 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Jib/genoa halyard38.6 m(126.8 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Spinnaker halyard38.6 m(126.8 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Jib sheet 11.7 m(38.4 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Genoa sheet11.7 m(38.4 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Mainsheet 29.3 m(96.0 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Spinnaker sheet25.8 m(84.5 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Cunningham4.6 m(15.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Kickingstrap9.1 m(30.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Clew-outhaul9.1 m(30.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)

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If you have any comments to the review, improvement suggestions, or the like, feel free to contact us . Criticism helps us to improve.

The Soverel 39 is a 38.42ft fractional sloop designed by Mark Soverel and built in fiberglass by Soverel Marine (USA) between 1984 and 1988.

The Soverel 39 is a light sailboat which is a very high performer. It is very stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a racing boat. The fuel capacity is originally very small. There is a very short water supply range.

Soverel 39 sailboat under sail

Soverel 39 for sale elsewhere on the web:

soverel 39 sailboat

Main features

Model Soverel 39
Length 38.42 ft
Beam 12.50 ft
Draft 7.67 ft
Country United states (North America)
Estimated price $ 0 ??

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soverel 39 sailboat

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Sail area / displ. 23.57
Ballast / displ. 55.16 %
Displ. / length 125.36
Comfort ratio 17.58
Capsize 2.20
Hull type Monohull fin keel with spade rudder
Construction Fiberglass
Waterline length 34.75 ft
Maximum draft 7.67 ft
Displacement 11783 lbs
Ballast 6500 lbs
Hull speed 7.90 knots

soverel 39 sailboat

We help you build your own hydraulic steering system - Lecomble & Schmitt

Rigging Fractional Sloop
Sail area (100%) 760 sq.ft
Air draft 0 ft ??
Sail area fore 376.13 sq.ft
Sail area main 367.50 sq.ft
I 51 ft
J 14.75 ft
P 49 ft
E 15 ft
Nb engines 1
Total power 27 HP
Fuel capacity 15 gals


Water capacity 25 gals
Headroom 0 ft
Nb of cabins 0
Nb of berths 0
Nb heads 0

Builder data

Builder Soverel Marine (USA)
Designer Mark Soverel
First built 1984
Last built 1988
Number built 0 ??

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soverel 39 sailboat

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SOVEREL 39 Specifications

Hull Type: Fin w/spade rudder Rigging Type: Fractional Sloop LOA: 38.42 ft / 11.71 m LWL: 34.75 ft / 10.59 m S.A. (reported): 760.00 ft² / 70.61 m² Beam: 12.50 ft / 3.81 m Displacement: 11,783.00 lb / 5,345 kg Ballast: 6,500.00 lb / 2,948 kg Max Draft: 7.67 ft / 2.34 m Construction: FG w/balsa cored hull & deck Ballast Type: Lead First Built: 1984 Last Built: 1988 Builder: Soverel Marine (USA) Designer: Mark Soverel

Type Engine: Diesel HP: 27 Fuel: 15 gals / 57 L Water: 25 gals / 95 L Hull Speed: 7.90 kn

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  • SOVEREL 26 (1975)
  • SOVEREL 33 (1983)
  • SOVEREL 36 (1975)

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1987 Soverel 39

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Soverel Marine

Earlier models, with the exception of the 26 and 27 were offered as semi-custom. The details of hull layup, interior and deck construction and design could be modified by the buyer. It has been estimated that more than half were modified to one extent or another from the base design that was offered. Some decks were klegecell-cored, some were balsa. Some hulls were solid glass, some were foam or balsa cored. Some cored hulls were cored only above the waterline, some all the way. Similarly, tankage and rigging details were allowed to be modified by the buyer. Thanks to Steve Wolfe, a Soverel builder from 1975-1978 for this information.


  • Soverel 33 Class Association
  • Bill Soverel
  • Bill Soverel/Mark Soverel
  • Bill Soverel & McCarthy
  • Bill Soverel, Walt Walters
  • Daniel McCarthy/Waltman Walters
  • Daniel McCarthy/W.Walters
  • Mark Soverel
  • Soverel/Walters

19 sailboats built by Soverel Marine

soverel 39 sailboat

Soverel 33 (1983)

soverel 39 sailboat

Soverel 26 (1975)

soverel 39 sailboat

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Soverel 36 (1975).

soverel 39 sailboat

Soverel 33 (1968)

soverel 39 sailboat

Soverel 50RC

soverel 39 sailboat

Soverel 28 Morc

soverel 39 sailboat

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soverel 39 sailboat

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soverel 39 sailboat

Soverel 30 (MK II-III)

Soverel 30 (1979).

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Midcoast Yacht & Ship Brokerage

39' soverel sloop.

--> US: -->
1344 jd 39' 1984 SC $47,500
1--> Diesel--> >-->
Fiberglass 15

39' Soverel Sloop - SOLD

LOA: 39'
Beam: 12'5"
Displacement: 7.0 GT
Draft: 7'6"

Engine(s): O/B on bracket
Engine(s) HP: 15
Engine Model: Evenrude New 06
Hours: 40
Cruising Speed: 5.0
Max Speed: 7.0


Fuel: 12 (Twin 6's)
Water: 2 gal
Holding: N/A

A mean lean racing machine with 6 self-leveling pipe berths all-round. Two person setee; Forward of the bulkhead, "empty hull" perfect for storing shutes.

1 burner alcohol stove new in 07; Small double SS sink w/2 gallon freshwater foot pump; Head behind bulkhead in empty forward area.
West Marine VHF new in 06.
Garmin Map 162 GPS plotter.
4 Nexys multi-repeaters.
1 nexys speed repeater.
1 Nexys analog wind dir & speed.
AM/FM cd player w/2 speakers

2 Marine deep cycle batteries new in 06.
New wiring 06.

3 opening ports aft. one opening deck hatch forward. Mast is keel-stepped.
New awlgrip & non-skid on complete decks 06.
New running rigging 06.
4 Barient #32 3-sp.
6 Barient #23 2-sp.
All winches rebuilt 06.
Harken traveler block new 06.
Harken traveler.
Fore & aft pulpits.
Jack lines.
10 standard life preservers.
Pulpit cover new 06.
Sail cover new 06.
Tiller available if new owner wants to convert.

New Fusion Main by Quantum Sept 07.
Sobstad 3/4 oz.chute new Sept 07.
Quantum #1 headsail, new Feb 07.
Quantum #2 headsail, new Mar 07.
Quantum #3 headsail, new Feb 06.
Cruising main good condition.
Cruising off shore main good contition.
Double head-foil.

Additional Options
Pull-start Evenrude 15HP O/B on bracket w/ two 6-gal tanks new in 06.
Fortress Alum anchor w/30' chain & 200' rode.



soverel 39 sailboat

LOBSTER BOATS - LOBSTER PERMITS WANTED - WE HAVE BUYERS - Call Hal 207-691-8601 - Call Dave 207-390-5146

soverel 39 sailboat

    Beam:  8.33'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  13.2'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  5.85'
    Draft:  4 1'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  5'9'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  5'3'
    Beam:  8''    Draft:  3'6'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  10.5'    Draft:  5'

soverel 39 sailboat

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1985 Soverel 39

Soverel 39 sailboat

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soverel 39 sailboat

1985 Soverel 39

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soverel 39 sailboat


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Boats for Sale

39' soverel 39 racers and cruisers.

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Original owner! Freshwater since new!�  This classic racer/cruiser has an extensive and impressive racing background- proven winner!� This boat was purchased new by a family in Detroit who have maintained the boat with great care.�  Regular upgrades and improvements have been invested in the boat in the last decade and she shows beautifully. Notable features include extensive sail inventory, updated Garmin electronics, as well as updated running rigging.

This is a Tartan Soverel 39. After the performance attention Mark Soverel received for his designs, (notably the 33 and 29) the molds were purchased by Tartan and produced as the Tartan Soverel. The change meant that a Tartan Soverel was stronger all the way around and the interior received some much needed teak highlights and creature comforts making the boat comfortable for cruising as well.

  • Specifications
  • Description
  • Forward V-Berth
  • Mid-ship berth located on Port and Starboard
  • Full Aft Cabin
  • Radiant Stove
  • Galley Sink w/ Manual Foot Pump
  • Insulated Ice Box
  • Genoa (#1, 155, 2, 3, 4, Storm Jib)
  • 3 Spinnakers 1/2 oz, 3/4 oz, 1 3/4 oz.
  • 2016- North Mainsail (Xi Aramaid)
  • 2015- Dieball 145% (Dimension Flex)
  • 2015- Dieball 155% (Dimension Flex)
  • 2012- Dieball 100% (Dacron)
  • 2008- Quantum Mainsail (Dimension Flex)
  • 2007- Quantum SpinnakerÃ? 
  • 2006- 155% (Dimension Flex)
  • 2006 - Quantum Staysail (Airx 900)
  • Whisker Pole
  • Spinnaker Pole
  • Roller Furling

Contact listing agent Peter Polgar directly at (734) 934-1628 or email [email protected] for additional information or to schedule a showing. Ã? 

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  1. Soverel 39

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  3. 39' Soverel Sloop

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  6. SOVEREL 39

    soverel 39 sailboat


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  1. SOVEREL 39

    SOVEREL 39. Save to Favorites . Beta Marine. BOTH. US IMPERIAL. METRIC. Sailboat Specifications Definitions Hull Type: Fin w/spade rudder ... Like the LWL, it will vary with the weights of fuel, water, stores and equipment. A boat's actual draft is usually somewhat more than the original designed or advertised draft. For boats with adjustable ...

  2. soverel 39

    12513 posts · Joined 2000. #3 · Jul 28, 2003. There were two very different Soverel 39''s. The first was a keel centerboard boat designed by the Senior Soverel and the second was designed by the son, the late Mark Soverel. I am assuming that you are looking at the newer Soverel 39 that was designed by Mark.

  3. Soverel 39

    Soverel 39 is a 38′ 5″ / 11.7 m monohull sailboat designed by Mark Soverel and built by Soverel Marine between 1984 and 1988. Great choice! Your favorites are temporarily saved for this session.

  4. 39 soverel..location michigan

    The Soverel 39 on the other hand was designed as a grand-prix IOR race boat. Compared to the S-33, they were fragile and tricky boats to sail well. The prototype, Locura, was built to compete in the SORC back when the SORC was still a big deal that attracted world class boats from all over the planet.

  5. Review of Soverel 39

    The Soverel 39 is equipped with a finn keel. A boat with a fin keel is more manoeuvrable but has less directional stability than a similar boat with a long keel. The boat can only enter major marinas as the draft is about 2.34 - 2.44 meter (7.68 - 7.98 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

  6. Soverel 39

    The Soverel 39 is a 38.42ft fractional sloop designed by Mark Soverel and built in fiberglass by Soverel Marine (USA) between 1984 and 1988. The Soverel 39 is a light sailboat which is a very high performer. It is very stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a racing boat.

  7. SOVEREL 39

    SOVEREL 39. More information . Hull. Fin with spade rudder. Rigging. Fractional Sloop. LOA. 38,42 ft i.e. 11,71 m. LWL. ... Mark Soverel. Blue Water Value Rank (BWVR) 2739. Blue Water Surf Value Rank (BWSVR) 3805. Capsize Comfort Value Rank (CCVR) 5711. Capsize Screening Formula Rank (CSFR)

  8. SOVEREL 39 Sailboat Specifications, Characteristics

    SOVEREL 39 Specifications. Hull Type: Fin w/spade rudder Rigging Type: Fractional Sloop LOA: 38.42 ft / 11.71 m LWL: 34.75 ft / 10.59 m S.A. (reported): 760.00 ft² / 70.61 m² Beam: 12.50 ft / 3.81 m Displacement: 11,783.00 lb / 5,345 kg Ballast: 6,500.00 lb / 2,948 kg Max Draft: 7.67 ft / 2.34 m Construction: FG w/balsa cored hull & deck Ballast Type: Lead First Built: 1984

  9. Boat: 1987 Soverel 39

    The 1987 Soverel 39 sailboat has a fiberglass hull and has an overall length of 39 feet (sometimes referred to as LOA). The width (or beam) of this craft is 126 inches. This boat is rigged as a Sloop. The sail area for the sailboat is 760 square feet. The displacement for the boat is approximately 11200 lbs.

  10. Sail Soverel 39 boats for sale

    Find Sail Soverel 39 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Soverel boats to choose from.

  11. Soverel Marine

    Soverel 30 (1979) 1979 • 9.1 m. Earlier models, with the exception of the 26 and 27 were offered as semi-custom. The details of hull layup, interior and deck construction and design could be modified by the buyer. It has been estimated that more than half were modified to one extent or another from the base design that was offe...

  12. Soverel Marine (USA)

    Soverel Marine (USA) Earlier models, with the exception of the 26 and 27 were offered as semi-custom. The details of hull layup, interior and deck construction and design could be modified by the buyer. It has been estimated that more than half were modified to one extent or another from the base design that was offered.

  13. Soverel sailboats for sale by owner.

    Soverel preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Soverel used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... 39' CE Ryder Southern Cross 39 - for Sale by Auction Seward, Alaska Asking $ 38' sabre 38 MKI Tarpon Springs, Florida Asking $75,000. 24' O'Donnel AC Cat Cohasset, Massachusetts

  14. Soverel boats for sale

    Currently, Soverel, a yacht builder has 2 yachts available for purchase on YachtWorld. This collection encompasses 1 newly built vessels as well as 1 pre-owned yachts, with all listings, handled by yacht brokers, primarily concentrated in United States. Models currently listed on YachtWorld vary in size and length from 30 feet to 33 feet.

  15. Soverel sailboats for sale by owner.

    Soverel preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Soverel used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... 39' CE Ryder Southern Cross 39 - for Sale by Auction Seward, Alaska Asking $ 24' O'Donnel AC Cat Cohasset, Massachusetts Asking $47,500. 30' Island Packet 27

  16. 39' Soverel Sloop

    39' Soverel Sloop - SOLD LOA: 39' Beam: 12'5" Displacement: 7.0 GT Draft: 7'6" Engines Engine(s): O/B on bracket Engine(s) HP: 15 Engine Model: Evenrude New 06 Hours: 40 Cruising Speed: 5.0 Max Speed: 7.0 Tankage Fuel: 12 (Twin 6's) Water: 2 gal Holding: N/A Accommodations A mean lean racing machine with 6 self-leveling pipe berths all-round. Two person setee; Forward of the bulkhead, "empty ...

  17. 1987 Soverel 39, Grosse Ile United States

    View pictures and details of this boat or search for more Soverel boats for sale on United Kingdom GB. United States Canada Australia Spain Germany France Italy Netherlands Boats for Sale. Boats for Sale ... Soverel 39. £53,149 Listed price: US$64,900 Grosse Ile, Michigan, United States. Close Map. Print; Facebook; Twitter; PREVIOUS ...

  18. Soverel sailboats for sale by owner.

    Soverel preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Soverel used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... 39' CE Ryder Southern Cross 39 - for Sale by Auction Seward, Alaska Asking $ 30' Island Packet 27 Colonial Beach VA, Virginia Asking $32,000. 47.8' Nautor Swan Sparkman and Stephens 47

  19. Soverel 39 sailboat for sale

    Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale . 1985 Soverel 39 LOA 39' Beam 12'8" Draft 7'8" Displacement 12,800 lbs "Born from previous Grand Prix successes, the Soverel 39 Racer/Cruiser is the ultimate sailing yacht, light, yet strong, resulting from the use of the latest construction techniques."

  20. Boat: 1985 Soverel 39

    This Soverel 39 sailboat has a fiberglass hull and an LOA of 39 feet (length over all). The boat has a 126 inch beam. This sailboat is set up to sail as a Sloop. The craft has 760 square feet of sail area. Displacement for the boat is 11200 lbs. The draft of this sailboat is approximately 7'6".

  21. SOVEREL 33 (1983)

    44.39 ft / 13.53 m: Sailboat Links. Designers: Mark Soverel: Builders: Pacific Boat Works: Soverel Marine (USA) Tartan Marine: Download Boat Record: Notes. The SOVEREL 33 was built by four different companies using 2 sets of molds. ... Republic Boat Works: 5 built.(1984-1986) Flush deck, no coaming. Divinicell hull and deck. Pacific Boat Works ...

  22. 39' Soverel 39-1987-Grosse Ile-100905860

    This is a Tartan Soverel 39. After the performance attention Mark Soverel received for his designs, (notably the 33 and 29) the molds were purchased by Tartan and produced as the Tartan Soverel. The change meant that a Tartan Soverel was stronger all the way around and the interior received some much needed teak highlights and creature comforts ...

  23. Soverel 39 sailboat land transport

    Compare Multiple Quotes for Sail Boats Shipping at Recent Shipments include: Soverel 39 sailboat land transport, - shipped from North Charleston, South Carolina to Tracys Landing, Maryland ... Soverel 39 sailboat land transport. Delivered. Jim | ID #569188410. Quote Accepted Sep 30, 2009 | Listed Sep 26, 2009. Pickup.