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The sinking of superyacht Yogi

yacht stephane courbit

A multi-million superyacht lies at the bottom of the Aegean Sea

yacht stephane courbit

In February 2012 a virtually new, $39 million megayacht sank in the Aegean Sea.

Only the eight members of the crew were onboard, and they were airlifted to safety.

Yogi was a 60m Turkish-build superyacht. Completed in 2011 at the Proteksan Turquoise yard, the yacht had serene interiors, accommodations of a world-class resort and the technological sophistication of modern vessel.

In the morning of the disaster, she was sailing in wintery conditions from Turkey to France. She made a visit to Turkey for a warranty paint period and now was heading to Cannes. She cleared the Dardanelles straight in the evening of February 16th and soldiered on despite the weather that took a turn for the worse.

Nobody knows what really happened in that grim night. A mayday call was issued at 03:30 hours. She sank at 08:45 in the morning of February 17th, just 19 nautical miles of the Greek island of Skiros.

The eight French members of the crew were picked up by a helicopter from the Hellenic Air Forces.

Super Puma Διάσωση "Yogi"/ SAR "Yogi" from Hellenic Air Force on Vimeo .

M/Y Yogi was sailing under the French flag. The yacht was owned by Stephane Courbit, a wealthy Frenchman.

The cause of the sinking is still unclear. The initial reports said that engine failure while navigating 3m waves was to blame for the sinking. The enquiry results were never published, the owner, the crew, the insurer, all hiring big legal teams to defend them. All the affair was surrounded in an official silence.

M/Y Yogi featured accommodation for 12 guests in six double cabins including a large main deck master suite with lounge and day area. On the features list there was a large jacuzzi on the sun deck, a swimming pool, two beach clubs, a massage room and many more.

Photo credits: EPA, AP, Boat International, Hellenic Air Force.

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Carole bouquet : « j’ai mal mais je suis heureuse », naufrage du bayesian : de nouveaux détails glaçants sur la mort des passagers du luxueux yacht, naufrage du “méga yacht” de stéphane courbit.

INFO MATCH. Nouveau coup dur pour l’homme d’affaires français Stéphane Courbit. Son « Yogi », un navire de croisière de grand luxe flambant neuf vient de faire naufrage en mer Egée. Les huit hommes d’équipage ont été récupérés sains et saufs.

C’était le plus grand yacht immatriculé en France. Le « Yogi », le « mega-yacht » battant pavillon tricolore qui a sombré hier vendredi au large de la Grèce, appartenait à l’homme d’affaires Stéphane Courbit, selon le registre du tribunal de commerce que Paris Match a consulté. Flambant neuf, lancé en mars 2011 par un chantier naval turc, le navire de 60 mètres de long a été victime d’avaries mécaniques lors d’une tempête, entre les îles de Skyros et Psarra, en mer Egée.

D’abord couché sur le flanc, comme le « Costa Concordia », le « Yogi » a fini par couler. Les huit hommes d’équipage ont pu être sauvés lors d’une spectaculaire opération d’hélitreuillage, mettant en œuvre deux hélicoptères et une frégate de la marine grecque. En pleine crise budgétaire, ces images de l’armée venant au secours d’un yacht pour milliardaires n’ont pas manqué de susciter des commentaires acerbes à Athènes.

Détenu par la société parisienne Lov NB 49, le « Yogi » était le plus récent fleuron de Lov Group Invest, la structure patrimoniale personnelle de Stéphane Courbit, propriétaire par ailleurs des hôtels de grand luxe Les Airelles à Courchevel et Pan Dei à Saint-Tropez. Depuis Monaco, son port d’attache, et via le site Internet, qui vient de s’interrompre, le « Yogi » était proposé à la location pour 357 000 euros la semaine en basse saison, 378 000 euros la semaine en période de pointe. 

(images marine grecque)

A ce tarif de choc, le super yacht, dessiné par l'architecte naval Jean Guy Verges proposait, selon sa brochure « La quintessence du luxe et du bien-être » avec 800 mètres carrés d’appartements privés à la décoration inspirée de l’île de Bali, pouvant accueillir 12 personnes, réparties entre six cabines. En saison, l’équipage présenté comme « surabondant », comprenait quinze personnes, dont cinq marins chargés de la navigation et de la maintenance et deux mécaniciens. La sécurité du navire avait été particulièrement fouillée, sa construction en Turquie au chantier Proteksan Turquoise, ayant été suivie par une équipe du Centre de sécurité des navires de Saint-Nazaire et par un expert technique français.

La perte du « Yogi » est un nouveau coup dur pour Stéphane Courbit, jeune loup ces affaires qui a fait fortune, au début des années 2000 en revendant sa société de production télé au géant du secteur Endemol. Actif aujourd’hui dans l’audiovisuel, les paris sportifs, les jeux en ligne et la distribution d’électricité, l’entrepreneur doit aussi trouver 143 millions d’euros que la milliardaire Liliane Bettencourt avait investis l’année dernière dans son groupe et qu’il a promis de rembourser.


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yacht stephane courbit

Le Réseau Atlantico

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Best-Of du 31 août au 6 septembre

Le yacht de Stéphane Courbit coule en mer Égée

Le "Yogi", 60 mètres de long et plus grand immatriculé en France, a été victime d'avaries mécaniques.

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Quand Stéphane Courbit se fait saisir son yacht

Le Foursome est aujourd'hui proposé à la vente pour 3,3 millions d'euros

Le Foursome est aujourd'hui proposé à la vente pour 3,3 millions d'euros - Columbus Yachts

Le producteur Stéphane Courbit est surtout connu pour les émissions que produit son groupe, Banijay. Touche pas à mon poste, Koh lanta, Fort boyard, N'oubliez pas les paroles, 28 minutes ... c'est lui.

Devenu millionnaire, notre homme a voulu se doter d'un yacht. Mais il n'a jamais eu de chance. On se souvient qu'en 2012 sombra le Yogi , son yacht de 60 mètres, soit le plus grand immatriculé en France. ll l'avait acheté à peine un an plus tôt pour 35 millions d'euros.

Un yacht de 43 mètres de long

Ce qu'on ne savait pas, c'est que sa précédente tentative avait aussi tourné à la bérézina. Dans un premier temps, il avait acquis un yacht long de moins de 31 mètres, un modèle Leopard fabriqué par le français Rodriguez Group.

Mais en 2008, il décide de s'offrir un modèle plus grand. Il conclu un accord avec Rodriguez Group pour acheter un autre yacht de type Leopard, long de 43 mètres cette fois, pour la modique somme de 14,5 millions d'euros. L'accord prévoit que Rodriguez Group reprendra son ancien yacht. En effet, le constructeur cannois achetait souvent l'ancien yacht afin de favoriser la vente d'un nouveau modèle. Il se retrouvera ainsi avec sur les bras un tas de yachts d'occasion sans arriver à les vendre, ce qui le conduira à sa perte, comme nous le verrons plus tard...

Stéphane Courbit verse un acompte de 3 millions d'euros. Mais les deux parties n'arrivent pas à s'entendre sur un accord définitif. Le producteur audiovisuel demande alors le remboursement de son acompte, mais sans succès. Il saisit alors le tribunal de commerce de Cannes. 

Procédure de sauvegarde

Une explication est que Rodriguez Group commence à avoir des problèmes d'argent. Il se place en procédure de sauvegarde le 7 avril 2009. Stéphane Courbit réclame alors son acompte de 3 millions d'euros, plus 4,5 millions d'euros de pénalités de retard (le contrat prévoyait des pénalités de 25.000 euros par jour si l'acompte n'était pas remboursé). Mais la procédure de sauvegarde gèle les dettes des créanciers...

Finalement, en décembre 2009, les deux parties trouvent un accord amiable pour contourner ce problème. Rodriguez Group vend à Lov L 43 Ltd (une société de Stéphane Courbit immatriculée à Malte) un autre yacht de type Mangusta 108-14 long de 33,5 mètres, le Foursome , pour 4 millions d'euros, ce qui rembourse notamment l'acompte. Stéphane Courbit immatricule le Foursome sous pavillon luxembourgeois, mais compte ensuite le revendre, et confie un mandat en ce sens à Rodriguez Group...

Le shérif débarque

Mais les choses ne vont pas se passer comme prévu. Le Foursome , qui mouille à Fort Lauderdale (Floride), attend tranquillement son nouveau propriétaire... quand il est saisi par un autre créancier de Rodriguez Group: un hôtel de Montréal baptisé le Saint James.

Là encore, la vente d'un yacht à cet hôtel a mal tourné. En 2008, Rodriguez Group avait vendu un yacht de la gamme Léopard 34/10 baptisé la Iguana pour 9,1 millions d'euros. En échange, Rodriguez Group devait racheter pour 2,5 millions d'euros le yacht de l'hôtel, un Mangusta 80/52 baptisé le Saint James . Rodriguez Group, lorsqu'il reçoit le Saint James , juge son état technique "mauvais", et que l'accord ne tient plus, et refuse donc de payer les 2,5 millions d'euros.

L'hôtel engage alors une vaste bataille juridique en France, au Canada et en Floride. Pour l'hôtel, "Rodriguez Group n'a jamais eu l'intention de payer, et intentionnellement escroqué l'hôtel Saint James". L'hôtel obtient des jugements en sa faveur au Canada et aux États-Unis, qui lui permettent de saisir en mars 2010 les actifs de Rodriguez Group en Floride. Le shérif local débarque alors et saisit deux yachts: le Sixty Five et le Foursome que venait d'acheter Stéphane Courbit...

Furieux, le producteur de télévision s'adresse alors à la justice française, et obtient la levée de cette saisie. Mais il demande aussi la levée de la saisie à la justice américaine. Mais en vain, car l'hôtel argue que Stéphane Courbit ne doit pas être privilégié par rapport aux autres créanciers. "Il semblerait que le litige se soit finalement résolu par un accord à l'amiable, et Stéphane Courbit a pu récupérer le Foursome ", indique Karine Remond, avocate de l'hôtel Saint James.

Coquille vide

L'affaire s'est mal terminée pour Rodriguez Group, placé en redressement judiciaire le 7 janvier 2014, puis en liquidation judiciaire le 30 juillet 2015, laissant 260 millions d'euros de dettes bancaires, auprès de BNP Paribas, Crédit lyonnais, CIC, Crédit agricole... Le néerlandais Industrial and Marine Diesels, reprend une partie des actifs, mais dit avoir trouvé une "coquille vide", et porte plainte. Suite à cela, une enquête préliminaire pour "escroquerie, abus de biens sociaux, banqueroute, favoritisme, prise illégale d'intérêt et détournement de fonds publics" a été ouverte en 2015...

De son côté, le Foursome a été rebaptisé Pan Dei 2 puis le Mosking . Il mouille actuellement sur la Côte d'Azur. Si le coeur vous en dit, vous pouvez le louer pour 60.000 euros par semaine, ou l' acheter pour 3,3 millions d'euros...

Contacté, l'hôtel Saint James et la porte-parole de Stéphane Courbit n'ont pas répondu.

Retrouvez les autres épisodes de la série ici.

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The mega yacht of Stéphane Courbit sank in the Aegean

Herman Labuschagne

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Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused of sexual harassment and assault by producer on his latest album

Sean “Diddy” Combs was sued Monday in federal court by a producer on his most recent album, who accuses the music mogul of sexually harassing, drugging and threatening him over more than a year. The producer, Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones, says in the lawsuit that he lived and traveled with Combs from September 2022 to November 2023, during which time he recorded hours of video and audio of Combs, his staff and others “engaging in serious illegal activity.”

Among the allegations is that Combs forced Jones to procure sex workers and pressured him to engage in unwelcomed sex acts with them and others and that Combs gave laced alcoholic beverages to people who attended parties at his homes. 

The lawsuit includes what it says are screenshots from gatherings hosted at Combs’ homes that included underage girls and sex workers, some of whom he said were provided drinks that had been laced with drugs at Combs’ direction.

The suit, filed in U.S District Court for the Southern District of New York, also names Combs’ adult son, Justin; his chief of staff, Kristina Khorram; Universal Music Group CEO Sir Lucian Grainge; and former Motown Records CEO Ethiopia Habtemariam as defendants. Jones says in the lawsuit that Grainge, Habtemariam, Motown Records, Love Records and Universal Music Group effectively worked together with Combs in a “RICO enterprise” that “failed to adequately monitor, warn, or supervise” the actions of Combs, his son and his chief of staff. A RICO enterprise is any individuals or groups that act together to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

Jones is seeking $30 million.

Representatives for Justin Combs, Khorram, Grainge, Motown Records and Love Records did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Habtemariam could not immediately be reached for comment.

An attorney for Combs said Jones’ “reckless name-dropping about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to garner headlines.”

“We have overwhelming, indisputable proof that his claims are complete lies. Our attempts to share this proof with Mr. Jones’ attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, have been ignored, as Mr. Blackburn refuses to return our calls,” the attorney, Shawn Holley, said in a statement. “We will address these outlandish allegations in court and take all appropriate action against those who make them.”

Sean Combs arrives at the 2018 Met Gala.

The suit is the latest in a series of  damning allegations against Combs .

According to Jones’ lawsuit, in or about August 2022, Combs called Jones and requested that he produce several songs on the R&B album “The Love Album: Off the Grid,” which was released in September 2023 and was nominated for a Grammy.

“Mr. Jones agreed, and his life has been detrimentally impacted ever since,” the lawsuit says.

Jones alleges that Combs sexually harassed and assaulted him while he lived with him at Combs’ homes in Florida, Los Angeles and New York, as well as on a yacht Combs rented in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The harassment and assault included “constant unsolicited and unauthorized groping and touching of his anus,” according to the lawsuit.

Jones says he was forced to work in Combs’ bathroom as Combs showered naked in a glass enclosure, according to the lawsuit.

When he raised concerns about the behavior to Khorram, Combs’ chief of staff, the lawsuit says, she dismissed them as “friendly horseplay, stating that those acts were Mr. Combs way of ‘showing that he likes you.’”

The lawsuit accuses Khoramm of aiding and abetting Combs’ sexual assault of Jones and of working with Combs “to groom him into accepting a homosexual relationship.”

Jones also alleges that he was forced to solicit sex workers and perform sex acts with them to please Combs. 

To aid in the alleged recruitment, Jones said, Combs provided him with “an exclusive Bad Boy baseball cap” and required him to wear it to a Miami establishment “as a signal to any sex worker he approached” that Combs was in town and had sent Jones to recruit them, the lawsuit says.

Jones alleges Combs, whom he describes in the suit as “forceful and demanding” and someone who does not take no for an answer, leveraged his power as one of the most influential people in hip-hop and business to intimidate him, including by threatening to inflict bodily harm if Jones did not comply with his demands.

On one occasion, Jones alleges, Combs forced him to watch as he displayed guns and bragged about getting away with shooting people. In a separate incident, Jones alleges, Combs shared that he was responsible for a shooting in a nightclub in New York City in 1999 with the rapper Shyne, born Jamal Barrow. A jury acquitted Combs of gun possession and bribery charges in connection with that incident, while Barrow was sentenced to 10 years in jail. Jones was terrified of Combs and felt he could not tell him no, according to the suit.

“Mr. Combs consistently made it clear that he has immense power in the music industry and with law enforcement,” the lawsuit says.

Jones says in the lawsuit that he has video and audio evidence to support some of the allegations. The lawsuit says that Combs required Jones to “record him constantly” and that on several occasions, Combs took Jones’ cellphone to record himself. As a result, Jones alleges, he has hundreds of hours of video and audio records of Combs, his staff and his guests “engaging in serious illegal activity.”

Jones says in the suit that he believes Combs also drugged him on Feb. 2, 2023. He alleges he woke up naked, dizzy and confused in bed with Combs and two sex workers.

In response to a request for comment, Jones’ attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, used a Latin phrase, “res ipsa loquitur,” which loosely translates as “the thing speaks for itself,” referring to the lawsuit.

Jones says in the suit that he was “under an implied work-for-hire agreement” and was not compensated for the songs he produced on “The Love Album.” As a result, the lawsuit says, Combs, Love Records, Motown Records and Universal Music Group were all unjustly enriched at his expense.   The labels did not immediately respond to requests for comment. 

Combs has been sued by four women who have accused him of sexual assault. Cassie, whose legal name is Casandra Ventura, said Combs physically abused her and forced her to have sex with male prostitutes while he masturbated and recorded the encounters. The lawsuit  was settled the day after it was filed . The settlement was “in no way an admission of wrongdoing,” Combs’ lawyer, Ben Brafman, has said.

Following Cassie’s lawsuit, two other women, Liza Gardner and Joie Dickerson-Neal, have alleged in lawsuits that Combs sexually assaulted them. And a woman identified as Jane Doe in court documents  said Combs and two other men gang-raped her when she was 17  and Combs was 34. 

Those three cases against Combs are still pending. In a statement in December, he denied the allegations, saying “enough is enough,” and called the claims against him “sickening.” 

“Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth,” he said in the statement.

The mounting allegations stand to harm Combs’ legacy and business empire. A day after Ventura filed her suit,  three of Combs’ former artists expressed support for her . The same month, Combs  stepped down as the chairman of Revolt TV . In December,  Hulu scrapped a reality television show  that was to have followed his family. And in January, Combs  withdrew his lawsuit against Diageo as part of a settlement  with the London-based spirits giant, which he had accused of racism.

This article was originally published on .

Diana Dasrath is NBC News’ entertainment producer and a senior reporter. 

Janelle Griffith is a breaking news reporter for NBC News.

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  1. Visite du “Yogi”, le “méga yacht” de Stéphane Courbit

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  2. Quand Stéphane Courbit se fait saisir son yacht

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  3. Le yacht de Stéphane Courbit fait naufrage

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  4. Le yacht de Stéphane Courbit fait naufrage en Grèce

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  5. Naufrage du “méga yacht” de Stéphane Courbit

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  6. Le yacht de Stéphane Courbit sombre au large de la Grèce

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  1. Why Did the Megayacht Yogi Sink?

    An official whirlwind ensued. Acting in accordance with the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization or IMO, the French International Registry initiated a formal investigation—Yogi was, after all, a French-flagged vessel, with an all-French crew, and owned by Stepháne Courbit, a wealthy Frenchman who'd made big news in previous months because of a controversial sum of €143 ...

  2. The sinking of superyacht Yogi

    The yacht was owned by Stephane Courbit, a wealthy Frenchman. The cause of the sinking is still unclear. The initial reports said that engine failure while navigating 3m waves was to blame for the sinking. The enquiry results were never published, the owner, the crew, the insurer, all hiring big legal teams to defend them. All the affair was ...

  3. The mega yacht of Stéphane Courbit sank in the Aegean

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  5. Naufrage méga yacht. Le patron du chantier naval parle

    Le « Yogi », le «mega-yacht » de l'homme d'affaires Stéphane Courbit qui a sombré vendredi en mer Egée, était la fierté du chantier naval turc Proteksan Turquoise, à Tuzla près d ...

  6. Inside the largest yacht that ever sank

    Yogi was the largest yacht ever built by up and coming Turkish shipyard, Proteksan Turquoise at the time of her delivery in 2011. Reminiscent of an explorer style yacht through her design by Jean Guy Verges, Yogi featured oversized portholes in her hull that brought in tons of flight into the yacht's cabins. Built for Stephane Courbit, a French ...

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    The "Yogi" a 800 square meters yacht of the french businessman Stéphane Courbit sinking near the Greek coasts on the 17th of february. The boat is 60 meters ...

  8. Le méga-yacht de Stéphane Courbit a fait naufrage en mer Egée

    Stéphane Courbit avait fait fortune au début des années 2000 en revendant sa société de production télévisuelle au groupe Endemol. Il est aujourd'hui actif dans les secteurs de l ...

  9. Stéphane Courbit

    Stéphane Courbit, né le 28 avril 1965 à Crest , est un entrepreneur français du secteur des médias et de la télévision. Il est ... En 2012, son yacht Yogi fait naufrage en mer Égée, au large de l'île de Skyros ; il était sorti un an plus tôt d'un chantier naval turc [33].

  10. Naufrage du "méga yacht" de Stéphane Courbit

    Le « Yogi », le « mega-yacht » battant pavillon tricolore qui a sombré hier vendredi au large de la Grèce, appartenait à l'homme d'affaires Stéphane Courbit, selon le registre du ...

  11. Le yacht de Stéphane Courbit coule en mer Égée

    Le yacht de croisière de luxe de l'homme d'affaires Stéphane Courbit a fait naufrage vendredi 17 février au large de la Grèce. L'équipage composé de huit personnes a été sauvé lors d'une ...

  12. Visite du « Yogi », le Méga Yacht de Stéphane Courbit

    Visite guidée, en vidéo, du « méga yacht » de croisière de Stéphane Courbit, destinée à une clientèle richissime prête à dépenser plusieurs centaines de mill...

  13. Quand Stéphane Courbit se fait saisir son yacht

    Rodriguez Group vend à Lov L 43 Ltd (une société de Stéphane Courbit immatriculée à Malte) un autre yacht de type Mangusta 108-14 long de 33,5 mètres, le Foursome, pour 4 millions d'euros ...

  14. Stéphane Courbit

    Stéphane Courbit (born 28 April 1965) is a French businessman in the sector of media and television. In 2022, his net worth was estimated to be €2,200 million euros. He was listed as the 56th-richest man in France. [1] Biography. Beginnings. ...

  15. Superyachtfan

    In 2019 it was reported he would sell the hotel to investor Stephane Courbit. Gibier named his yacht after his partner Bintador. Note the @airbus_corporate_helicopters AC135 heli on the yacht's foredeck, which is also owned by (a company under control of) Gibier.

  16. The mega yacht of Stéphane Courbit sank in the Aegean

    Jul 22, 2014 - The "Yogi", the luxury cruise ship (60m) of the French businessman Stephane Courbit, sank Friday in the Aegean Sea, off Greece (02-17-2012) Pinterest. Today. Watch. Explore. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.

  17. Visite du "Yogi", le "méga yacht" de Stéphane Courbit

    Visite du "Yogi", le "méga yacht" de Stéphane Courbit. Margarete Vue. Follow Like Favorite Share. Add to Playlist. Report. 9 years ago; Visite du "Yogi", le "méga yacht" de Stéphane Courbit. Show less. Recommended. 0:30. I. Up next [SEN-NV] NRSC: Trillion. Margarete Vue. 0:59. Response to Stalking Barack Obama.

  18. Yacht Owners Register • 2024 • Yachts & Owners

    Gilles Gibier is the owner of the yacht Bintador. He is the owner of the famous Hotel de La Messardiere in St Tropez. It is one of the biggest and one of the most prestigious hotels in the French Riviera. In 2019 it was reported he would sell the hotel to investor Stephane Courbit. Gibier named his yacht after his partner Bintador.

  19. VALERIE SUBBOTIN • Net Worth $100 Million • House • Yacht

    He is the owner of the Heesen yacht GALVAS.. The GALVAS yacht, built in 2019, is a luxurious creation of Heesen Yachts, boasting an intricate design by H2 Yacht Design.. Powered by robust MTU engines, the yacht cruises comfortably at 12 knots with a maximum speed of 16 knots, offering a range exceeding 3000 nautical miles. The yacht's luxurious interior accommodates 12 guests, and a crew of ...

  20. Sean 'Diddy' Combs Accused Of Sexual Harassment, Assault By ...

    Sean "Diddy" Combs was sued Monday in federal court by a producer on his most recent album, who accuses the music mogul of sexually harassing, drugging and threatening him over more than a year.

  21. Flotilla Radisson Royal

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Cruises and excursions on Moscow River on river yachts and trams, official website. Cruises all year round, in summer and winter! > Purchase tickets online

  22. Ost Power 20 GRP Sport Fisherman or general purpose boat

    Ost Power 20 sport fisherman or general purpose boat. This design was commissioned by Russian builder Ost Yachts, based in Moscow.Their brief was for a boat with modern stealth-type styling and with potential for multiple usage formats.