• Eerste keer op een catamaran: wat u moet weten
  • Tijdschrift

Tijdens je kapiteinsopleiding heb je geleerd hoe je een monohull zeilboot moet manoeuvreren. Maar wat als je de kans krijgt om een catamaran te zeilen? Ontdek alles wat je moet weten, inclusief de verschillen met monohulls, belangrijke factoren om rekening mee te houden, voor- en nadelen, en aanbevolen bestemmingen en catamaran modellen. Als u nieuw bent in het catamaranzeilen is dit de perfecte gids voor u.

5 redenen om een catamaran te huren

Wat zijn de belangrijkste redenen waarom iemand besluit op een catamaran te gaan varen? Hier zijn de belangrijkste voordelen van de keuze voor dit type boot.

1. Stabiliteit

De dubbele romp van een catamaran zorgt voor een uitzonderlijke aanvangsstabiliteit, waardoor hij blijft drijven en stabiel blijft in ruw water en wind. Als u op zoek bent naar een soepele en rustige zeilervaring, vooral met kleine kinderen of mensen die gevoelig zijn voor zeeziekte, is een catamaran een geweldige optie. Het is perfect om je oma of een nerveuze vriend die nog nooit op een boot is geweest mee te nemen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Zeeziek worden is niet alleen een grote zorg voor beginnende zeilers, maar ook voor vakantiegangers op een boottocht. Maar zelfs ervaren zeilers kunnen er af en toe last van hebben. Degenen met donkere humor zeggen dat het twee fasen heeft - in de eerste fase word je zo ziek dat je bang bent dat je doodgaat, en in de tweede fase ben je bang dat je niet doodgaat. Het belangrijkste is echter dat je begrijpt waarom het gebeurt en het probeert te voorkomen. Hoewel je op een catamaran aanzienlijk minder last zult hebben van zeeziekte, wat werkt het beste als het toch gebeurt? Ontdek het in onze gids - Hoe om te gaan met zeeziekte .

Een catamaran biedt meer ruimte dan elke andere boot van vergelijkbare lengte. Met ruime salons , veel zit- en ligplaatsen en voldoende ligplekken (zoals het net dat bekend staat als de trampoline ) zult u zich nooit krap voelen. De hutten zijn ruim en de badkamers zijn net zo groot als die in veel appartementen. Mensen die een hekel hebben aan krappe ruimtes of waarde hechten aan hun privacy zullen een catamaran ideaal vinden. Op grotere modellen (50+ voet) heeft u zoveel ruimte dat u moeite kunt hebben elkaar te vinden. Ondanks de vergelijkbare lengte voelt een catamaran altijd groter aan dan zijn monohull tegenhanger. Als u gewend bent aan een zeilboot van 50 voet, probeer dan eens een catamaran van 45 voet en u zult nog steeds het gevoel hebben dat u meer ruimte hebt.

3. Voorzieningen vergelijkbaar met een hotelkamer

De hutten zijn niet alleen ruim, maar ook comfortabel en gezellig. Ze zijn meestal uitgerust met hoogwaardig beddengoed, kussens, planken, leeslampen en meer, waardoor ze aanvoelen als een echte kamer. Daarom hebben we een artikel geschreven over 9 redenen waarom een zeilvakantie beter is dan een verblijf in een hotel , en dat geldt dubbel voor een catamaran.

4. Toegevoegde extra's

Catamarans zijn vaak uitgerust met de nieuwste technologie en gadgets. Daartoe behoren zonnepanelen, een generator, een zeewaterontzilter, een moderne plotter met GPS en een automatische piloot . Deze maken u meer zelfvoorzienend op zee zonder dat u zo vaak de faciliteiten van een jachthaven nodig heeft.

5. Ondiepe diepgang

De reden waarom catamarans zo populair zijn bij zeilers, vooral in exotische landen , is de zeer geringe diepgang - 0,9 tot 1,5 meter, afhankelijk van de lengte van het schip, waardoor schippers zich minder zorgen hoeven te maken over het raken van de zeebodem. Hoewel voorzichtigheid en het volgen van kaarten nog steeds noodzakelijk zijn, biedt het meer vrijheid bij het kiezen van ankerplaatsen, zodat u bijna tot aan het strand kunt varen en voor anker kunt gaan om van de rust te genieten.

Alleen kleine vissersboten kunnen zo dicht bij de kust komen als catamarans.

Bekijk artikelen over andere boten en bootspullen

Catamaran vs. zeilboot: de belangrijkste verschillen.

Zeilers hebben verschillende voorkeuren, sommigen houden vast aan enkelwandige boten en anderen geven de voorkeur aan catamarans. Wat het beste is, is al sinds het begin van het zeilen een veelbesproken onderwerp. Daarom is inzicht in de voor- en nadelen van elk rompontwerp essentieel, zodat u uw eigen keuze kunt maken.

1. Huurprijs

Een groot nadeel van catamarans is dat ze duurder zijn op de chartermarkt. Enkelwandige zeilboten kunnen worden gehuurd voor 1.000-2.500 euro per week, terwijl een goed onderhouden catamaran doorgaans begint bij 3.000 euro per week. Dit geldt echter niet voor alle modellen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Als u geld wilt besparen op uw catamaran charter, raden wij u aan vooraf te boeken. Bekijk onze 8 redenen waarom Early Bird deals de beste manier zijn om een boot te huren .

2. Capaciteit

De hogere kosten van catamarancharters worden gecompenseerd door de extra ruimte, comfort en capaciteit - er kunnen vaak tot 12 gasten comfortabel mee. Dit resulteert in een prijs per persoon die vergelijkbaar is met die van zeilboten en goedkoper dan die van hotels aan de kust, waardoor ze populair zijn voor eilandcruises en partyboten. Voor een veilige en verantwoorde feestervaring raden wij u echter aan onze gids te raadplegen - Hoe geniet u van een feest op een boot: 10 tips om uw bemanning en uw boot veilig te houden.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Overschrijd nooit de maximale capaciteit van de boot. En vergeet niet dat zelfs kleine kinderen meetellen als bemanningsleden.

Een grote bemanning kan comfortabel zeilen op een catamaran

3. Havengelden en jachthavengelden

Houd er rekening mee dat twee rompen een bredere boot betekent, wat leidt tot hogere aanlegkosten . Deze grotere breedte kan meer ruimte in beslag nemen dan twee kleinere zeilboten. De kosten per persoon kunnen echter worden gecompenseerd door het feit dat er meer mensen kunnen worden ondergebracht.

4. Snelheid versus verbruik

Catamarans hebben doorgaans twee krachtige motoren , waardoor ze sneller zijn dan zeilboten van vergelijkbare grootte. Zelfs zonder de kracht van de wind kunt u over de wateren vliegen en met een beter brandstofrendement dan motorboten.

Catamarans hebben meestal twee basiszeilen: het grootzeil en de fok, en de bediening ervan volgt dezelfde principes als bij enkelwandige zeilboten. Zelfkerende fokken kunnen ook worden gebruikt, waardoor het trimmen en manoeuvreren van de zeilen minder werk kost.

Voor degenen die hun zeilervaring willen verbeteren, kan vaak een gennaker bij de catamaran worden gehuurd, wat extra voordelen biedt, vooral bij lichte wind. Bekijk onze 5 redenen om een gennaker te huren .

6. Flybridge

Dit verhoogde dek is een algemeen kenmerk van catamarans. Hier bevindt zich de stuurstand en soms extra zit- of ligruimte. Het is een waardevolle toevoeging die extra leefruimte op de boot biedt.

Het tweede dek van de catamaran biedt een andere plek om te zitten en te genieten van het uitzicht op de oceaan.

Voor wie is de catamaran geschikt?

Catamarans zijn de favoriete keuze voor een groep vrienden die een ontspannen vakantie op het water willen, maar zijn ook populair voor zakelijke teambuildingevenementen en gespecialiseerde verblijven zoals yoga. Omdat hun ruime dek een veilige speelruimte voor kinderen biedt, zijn ze ook ideaal voor vakanties met meerdere gezinnen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Als u met kleine kinderen vaart, is veiligheid van het grootste belang. Bekijk daarom onze richtlijnen voor veilig varen met kinderen , ons artikel over hoe te overleven op een boot met kinderen , het Schippersmoeder logboek: varen met een baby en probeer altijd de 4 essentiële tips voor vlot varen met kinderen te volgen. Als je geen kinderen hebt of ze niet mee wilt nemen, waarom dan niet je trouwe viervoeter meenemen? Catamarans bieden voldoende ruimte voor honden om rond te rennen, en als u deze 7 tips volgt, wordt uw huisdier een echte zeehond.

Aan de andere kant zouden we een catamaran niet aanraden aan sportieve zeilers om de wind in te jagen, aangezien de catamarans voor charter niet bedoeld zijn voor wedstrijden of regatta's. Door hun ontwerp hebben ze beperkte upwind mogelijkheden (zeilboten kunnen tot 30° windhoek varen, terwijl chartercatamarans slechts tot 50° tot 60° windhoek aankunnen), waardoor ze ongeschikt zijn voor wedstrijdzeilen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Als u twijfelt of u de boot veilig kunt besturen, overweeg dan een schipper in te huren. Wij kunnen een schipper voor u regelen die kennis heeft van het gebied en de navigatie voor u kan verzorgen of u zeilvaardigheden kan leren die u misschien mist. Bedenk bij het plannen dat de schipper een hut of kooi in de salon zal bezetten.

Bijzonderheden van het zeilen op een catamaran

De beginselen van het zeilen met een catamaran zijn vergelijkbaar met die van een monohull zeilboot, maar er zijn enkele verschillen om in gedachten te houden. Deze zijn misschien al behandeld in uw kapiteinsopleiding.

Reizen op de motor

Een catamaran heeft twee motoren , die elk afzonderlijk kunnen worden bediend met een eigen gashendel. Wil je ter plekke draaien? Dat is geen enkel probleem met een catamaran - gewoon gas geven met de ene motor en achteruit met de andere. Als je deze truc eenmaal onder de knie hebt, heb je geen boegschroef meer nodig, hoewel catamarans daar soms wel mee zijn uitgerust. Dit maakt het aanmeren van uw catamaran tot een koud kunstje in vergelijking met enkelwandige zeilboten.

Reizen op de zeilen

Het zeilen varieert vooral in welke koersen u kunt varen en hoe sterk de wind is. De meeste chartercatamarans presteren het beste op koersen onder een hoek van 50 tot 60 graden met de wind. Dit is een grotere hoek in vergelijking met zeilboten. Wees er dus op voorbereid dat u uw geplande route moet aanpassen.

Als u een zeilboot te hard zeilt, zal de boot zelf aangeven dat u te hard heeft gestuurd door te hellen. Een catamaran doet dat niet, dus je moet goed opletten wanneer je de zeilen moet reven. Gewoonlijk zet je het eerste rif in bij een windsnelheid van 18 tot 20 knopen en het tweede rif bij 23 tot 25 knopen.

Beste bestemmingen voor catamaran zeilen

Naast de meer traditionele locaties van Kroatië , Griekenland , Italië , Spanje en Turkije verhuren wij catamarans over de hele wereld. In deze bestemmingen waardeert u veel ruimte , comfortabele toegang tot het water via trappen, stabiliteit op de golven en voorzieningen zoals een barbecue en airconditioning .

Catamarans zijn echter perfect geschikt voor meer exotische bestemmingen . Op afgelegen locaties komt de geringe diepgang bijzonder goed van pas omdat de zeebodem vaak slecht in kaart is gebracht en de stranden prachtig zijn. De grote water- en dieseltanks, samen met een elektriciteitsgenerator, een ontziltingsinstallatie om vers water uit zeewater te produceren, en zonnepanelen zijn vooral nuttig op exotische locaties waar de infrastructuur voor jachten minder ontwikkeld is. Deze voorzieningen helpen zeilers om zelfvoorzienend te zijn en te voorkomen dat ze om de paar dagen een dok moeten opzoeken.

Populaire bestemmingen voor catamaranzeilen zijn de prachtige Seychellen , Thailand , Frans Polynesië en het Caribisch gebied (Grenada, St. Lucia, Martinique, Antigua, St. Martin, Cuba , Britse Maagdeneilanden, Bahama's en Belize).

YACHTING.COM TIP: Wees niet bang om naar meer tropische bestemmingen te zeilen! Bekijk onze gids voor exotische zeilvakanties . Als u naar deze warmere klimaten gaat, moet u uitzoeken wanneer het regenseizoen of het orkaanseizoen begint.

Het uitzicht in het Caribisch gebied is perfect

De populairste catamarans

Populaire merken chartercatamarans zijn Lagoon , Bali , Fountaine Pajot , Nautitech en Leopard . Dit zijn de modellen die al jaren positieve feedback krijgen van onze klanten en die wij met een gerust hart aanbevelen.

De Lagoon 380 biedt een echte zeilervaring, of de grotere Lagoon 46 , waar u misschien wel de hele ochtend zult loungen in de ruime cabine.

De Bali cat ruimte biedt geweldige zitplaatsen aan het roer.

De Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 waar u op de boeg heerlijk kunt ontspannen op de zithoek of de trampoline.

De Nautitech 46 met zijn enorme salon.

De Leopard 45 met zijn prachtige lichte interieur, of de Leopard 50 die zo luxueus is dat u zich als een koning zult voelen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Voor de veeleisende zeiler zijn de Lagoon 620 en Dream 60 grote catamarans ook het vermelden waard. Het is echter belangrijk op te merken dat de meeste kapiteinsbewijzen niet geldig zijn voor deze reuzen en dat u een professionele schipper moet inhuren.

Speciale soorten catamarans

Catamarans bestaan al geruime tijd, waardoor scheepswerven voortdurend innoveren en nieuwe modellen creëren met unieke kenmerken en eigenschappen. Dus, wat zijn enkele daarvan?


De populariteit van motorcatamarans is de laatste tijd toegenomen, omdat ze de stabiliteit en ruimte van een catamaran bieden zonder de noodzaak van zeilen.

Gelooft u dat meer altijd beter is? Bent u niet tevreden met slechts twee rompen? Dan hebben wij een unieke kans voor u om een trimaran te huren, een catamaran met drie rompen die een ongeëvenaarde zeilervaring biedt. Trimarans zijn nog steeds zeldzaam, dus u zult zeker de aandacht trekken waar u ook gaat.

Alle catamarans in ons aanbod:

Weet u niet zeker of u een catamaran of een zeilboot wilt geen probleem, wij helpen u graag bij het vinden van het perfecte vaartuig. laat het ons gewoon weten..

Denisa Kliner Nguyenová

Denisa Kliner Nguyenová

Faq zeilen op een catamaran.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste verschillen tussen een zeilboot en een catamaran?

  • Aantal rompen = stabiliteit
  • Meer ruimte = hogere passagierscapaciteit
  • Hogere charter- en havenkosten
  • Snelheid per motor

catamaran zeilen

Zeilles bij Altaïr is fun. Voor jou ... reeds 41 jaar.

Gratis cursusboek zeezeilen -  lees meer, 8 goede redenen om altaïr te kiezen.

1  kwaliteit aan scherpe democratische prijs 2  je kan bij elk niveau instappen, wij helpen je kiezen  3  nieuwe jachten: een opleiding mag ook leuk zijn  4  uniek logboek waarin je je vorderingen noteert  5  je bezoekt ook vreemde havens  6  groot netwerk van theoriecursussen in heel België  7  je kan ook  een jacht huren  mét instructeur 8  internationaal erkende zeilschool -  lees meer  

Schrijf nu in Cursisten die een stage volgen bij Altaïr moeten geen praktijkexamen afleggen

Erkend praktijktestcentrum: cpc001, hoe begin je eraan, initiatie - start sailing.

Leren grootzeil aanhalen

Aspirant Crew

Competent crew.

Leren sturen, zeilinitiatie

Day Skipper / Algemeen Stuurbrevet

Coastal skipper / yachtman.

Leren zeilen als schipper van je eigen crew



Leren zeilen, theorie navigatie




2022-09-08 10:32 -  
  • Bounty Adventures

catamaran zeilen

39 Vital Tips, How To Sail a Catamaran!(For Beginners, The Fun and Safe Way!)

catamaran zeilen

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In this article, I list many of the things that I have found significant about sailing a catamaran. The list is mainly aimed towards sailors transitioning from monohulls, but new sailors without prior experience will benefit from reading this before leaving harbor!

So what do you need to know before setting off in a Catamaran?

Catamarans Don’t Heel

Since catamarans have two hulls, the boat won’t heel over to its side while sailing; this means a ton of things! In part, it means that your ride will be faster, safer, more comfortable, etc.

Read this  to understand the difference between monohulls (aka regular sailboats) and catamarans.

You will be faster on a Catamaran.

Since a catamaran has two hulls, it has less volume of the boat below the surface; this means less drag and higher speeds.

Want to know why cats are faster than other boats?

Maneuverability inside the Marina will be much more pleasant.

Although a catamaran will be more affected by winds due to its immense size, you can maneuver it as you would with a battle tank since it has two engines. That is doing a 360 turn without any movement forward or backward. This is an excellent way to enter and exit a marina.

Fuel costs will decrease.

Low drag means less energy needed to propel the boat; this is also true when running the engines. Compared to a monohull, the catamaran will draw less fuel.

Check out this article  to understand why and how you can save fuel and instead spend your money on fun things!

If you get knocked over, you won’t get back up again (but at least you won’t sink!)

Catamarans have a terrible reputation for flipping over or capsizing as it is known to the people of the water. There is not much data to support that claim, and if you look at the available data, you would actually see that catamarans, in many ways, are safer than boats with only one hull.

Are catamarans safer than other sailboats?

Catamarans are wider and, therefore, safer.

Is it easier to push something to its side if it has a wide or a small base? Yepp exactly, the cat has a broad base and is, therefore, more stable (the short and easy explanation). There are numerous other factors to consider but a wider base means better stability!

Sign up for my mailing list to find out when my article on catamaran stability goes online

Catamarans will get you the ladies(or men, or cats, or whatever)

There is nothing more accurate on this list than the fact that a catamaran will get you more company, of the sort you prefer, than a monohull. The sailing is smoother; the space is plentiful, it’s basically made for having friends hanging out on the trampolines.

Speaking of trampolines, some myths say that they are made to reduce water onboard and enhance safety, but everybody really knows it’s a place for beautiful times with great friends ;)!

What are  trampolines  you say?

Because of the shallow draft, you can go places where monohulls can’t

If you are going to the Bahamas (or any other place where the water isn’t very deep), and believe me, you definitely want, then a shallow draft is almost as good of a friend as a cold beer on a sunny day.

A shallow draft means that your boat won’t be sticking very deep into the water, which significantly enhances the number of places you can explore, and it also makes it possible to get very close to the beach.

Be prepared to spend your dollars.

“A boat is a hole in the water where you throw your money” is what a wise friend of mine once told me in a marina in the Miami River. Little did I know at the time how true that statement was to become.

And if you’re on a catamaran… you will have two engines, larger sails, more surface area, more everything, and more everything means that more things will break and more items will have to be paid for

BUT! it also means more fun!

Finding a place to lift your cat out of the water might be trickier than you thought.

Unless you are on a smaller cat, such as the Gemini Legacy 35, you won’t be able to fit in a standard slip, and getting hauled up out of the water might not be possible everywhere.

Be prepared to pay a little extra, and make sure you ask before you!

In contrary to many beliefs, cats can be sailed single-handed.

Another myth is that catamarans are harder to sail than their monohull counterpart; this is simply not true in a general sense. If the boat is set up for shorthanded sailing, it will most certainly be easier to sail than its heeling and leaning sister ship, the monohull.

If you are interested in the skills needed to handle a large cruising catamaran I think you should check out my recommended books here.

No more sailing close to the wind

Since a cat doesn’t have a colossal keel, it tends to move sideways when sailing close to the point of wind. This means more drag, less transfer of movement in the direction of travel, and a less comfortable trip.

Usually, a cat needs to sail more of the wind than a monohull,

Downwind is your new best friend.

But on the other hand, going downwind or running downwind is, together with humans, your dog and red wine, your new best friend. This is where the catamaran will show its true potential.

It’s fast, smooth, and can take you around the world!

Sailing around the world.

Unless you are setting a world record, you will probably take the westward route around the globe. Sailing west means traveling with the prevailing winds and, you guessed it, perfect for a catamaran.

Interested in sailing around the world?

You have friends? Bring all of them!

Maybe not all, but many catamarans can fit many people; 6-10 people is not uncommon. Most of the space is on deck, but since there are two hulls, there are usually 2-4 berths fitting 4-8 people sleeping!

That’s a lot of friends, family, cats, or whomever you would want to bring.

Are you used to monohulls? Then you need to update your storm tactics!

Often, the boat will survive more hardship than the crew; it has happened more than once that a ship will be found only to have lost its team somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

A boat is only as good as its captain allows it to become; with poor sailing skills comes danger, and handling a catamaran IS different than handling another type of boat. Ensure you update your skillset, especially those considering rough weather, so that they are relevant when transitioning to a different kind of vessel!

Full speed with double engines

Exactly how fast you will be able to travel is, of course, dependent upon many factors. But something you can rely on is that more power equals higher speeds; in most catamarans, they employ two engines!

If you want to see a table of examples comparing sailing with one engine and two engines,  check this out.

Hate swinging around on anchor? You better up your bridle-game

A well-balanced bridle will make the cat stay stable towards the wind; a poorly balanced bridle will tend to do a pendulum motion where the waves might push it one way only for the wind to push it back.

Want to better understand  how a bridle work and how to make one?

Don’t stop before the beach; go all the way upon it.

Sailing in the Caribbean, we could often find ourselves wanting to explore a deserted island. We could either throw in the dingy or swim to shore; with a catamaran, you have a third option: “beach” it.

Beaching a catamaran means taking it all the way up to the shoreline so you can step off onto a beautiful beach without even getting your toes wet!

Check this  out to understand what beaching a catamaran is like.

The cat is enormous; why not live on it!

A monohull’s size is usually what takes the fun and comfort out of the vacation, but with more space and your own berth/room, the ability to stay comfortably for more extended periods increases.

You might even have a hard time to get people of your boat 😉

How to sail faster upwind than a longer monohull

Yes, it is usually true that a mono can go closer to the wind than your average cat; this means a shorter distance from point A to point B if traveling directly towards the wind.

But, and its a big but (one T) catamarans on average are faster, that means even though they might have to travel a longer distance, they will usually show up at the destination faster than its mono counterpart.

Especially if we are talking longer distances, let’s say around the world or Atlantic crossings, then there is no discussion over which is the fastest.

Check this list of catamaran speeds to learn more .

No more merry-go-round while at anchor

One of the things I hated the most when living and sailing on a monohull was getting seasick when not even sailing. The wind pushing you one way and the waves the other makes for an incredibly potent mix of sea-sickness.

On a cat, that’s not really an issue; yes, it will swing around a little, it might even swing a little extra since it catches a lot of wind, but it is not going to roll! Which is a huge deal!

How to become a better sailor

Everybody says that to become a good sailor, you must get out there earn your experience, but without the correct feedback and conclusions, you might be at risk of sub optimizing your skillset.

This means that unless you bring someone very experienced, you might create habits that only work under the circumstances you have practiced, that is, calm weather close to shore.

What you need is someone to tell you, “that works today, but it will get you into trouble in X and Y situations,” those tips are vital! Get the opinion of someone you trust, whether it’s online or an actual person tagging along!

The American sailing association has a pretty cool book about handling large catamarans, check it out here.

Sailing single-handed

Catamarans, when set up correctly, can be sailed single-handed or shorthanded. Some of the changes you’ll have to make include;

  • Get an autopilot
  • Make sure your lines go all the way to the cockpit, so you don’t have to leave your GPS, radar, etc.
  • Remove things that are obstructing your view; there are only two eyes on board!
  • Ensure you have enough physical power to handle the winches, sail, etc., if you don’t? Hit the gym; if that doesn’t work, buy electric winches.
  • Practice sailing single-handed(but have a passive crew tag along for safety) and figure out what else you need.

More info on how to sail single-handed

Anchoring your cat at sea

One way to do this is to use a sea anchor, basically a parachute in the water that breaks your movements.  more on sea anchors here

The sea depth in the middle of an ocean can be thousands of meters, so bringing that much anchor chain doesn’t really work. What you would do is drift under control, that is, situating the boat in a comfortable position, and that doesn’t make you drift too much in the wrong direction.

Picking up a mooring ball

This is a common question, but I’m not sure why it intimidates people as much as it does. It is probably the easiest way to anchor of them all.

Basically, what you want to do is;

  • Prepare your bridle
  • Head into the wind slowly, approach the ball on the same side of the centerline as your friend, who will later pick it up.
  • Take into consideration the drift occurring by the wind and current.
  • Use a boathook, stick, or whatever to pick up the line from the mooring ball and attach it to the center of your bridle.
  • Put the boat in reverse, give it a little throttle, and tension the lines so that you can trust your anchoring
  • Voila, you’ve picked up your first mooring ball!
  • How to make your useless friend useful onboard

Turn that useless friend into and a vital asset!

The best way to prepare for troublesome situations is to think through what problems may happen and what you want to do when it happens. What you do is you bring that diamond in the rough that is your friend onboard, you discuss a few situations, you tell her what you want her to do and when.

Then you practice, not full-on, but you will show your friend how things are done; let’s say you want help with anchoring. Do a walkthrough of the process where you let your, now a little bit shinier diamond, handle the ropes and respond to commands. Offer honest and concrete feedback and let them succeed in the task.

Once you feel comfortable with your friend’s actions, you have accomplished two things, you have taught your friend a new skill, and you have acquired a crewmember! Glorious!

Bring your real best friend, the dog (or cat, for you weirdos 😉 )

Heeling is not only tough on us humans! On a cat (the boat), a cat(the animal) can move around more safely, and there is a smaller chance of it falling off. Many chose to keep the pet inside the boat, but I really do believe that your pets should also be able to enjoy the beautiful sailing and weather!

Prepare to see nothing.

I don’t mean beautiful islands and tropical beaches; you’ll see plenty of that! I mean, seeing where you are going, a cat has a lot of stuff in front of you(such as that glorious interior space), so if you’re used to your good old monohull, you might find it difficult at first to get at a good view of where you’re going. Especially when docking or in a marina.

Catamaran Sailing Techniques: Everything you need to know – Yachting World

The wind will give you a hard time.

A catamaran is basically a big box with floating sleds; boxes are not famous for aerodynamics. This box-shaped floater will catch a lot of wind and will make slow speed movements, such as docking, a little bit trickier.

To the rescue comes double engines with separate controls making it possible to do 360 turns on the spot and super small unballasted keels called centerboards.

Spring of the dock will be your new way of life.

Higher on the list, we looked at the box-shaped floating thing that is a catamaran and how much the wind affects it. This is also true when exiting a dock; all that force will make it impossible to head out if the wind blows towards the dock.

Spring off the dock to the rescue! This method uses simple physics of leverage to make your stern move away from the dock even though the wind and waves are pushing you back in.

Sign up to my  mailing list  for information on when that article is published!

Stop turning the wheel and start using your throttles.

The downside of a shallow draft is that it won’t have much that stops you from moving sideways with the wind; the upside of having a catamaran is that you have two engines!

When moving at slow speeds, let’s say docking, you dont have much “grip” on the water and not much water passing around the rudders. This makes handling a catamaran in the same way as a monohull very difficult.

Instead, the preferred method is to put the rudder at center position and turn by offsetting the throttle; higher throttle on your right engine will make you go left and vice versa. This allows for 360 spins and precis handling in tight spaces! Pretty neat, I would say.

Get used to that hellish banging noise!

Bridge deck clearance is a real thing on a catamaran, and if you’re on a smaller sized or just poorly built, you’ll get more banging than your teenaged self ever wished for(pun intended)!

So bridge deck clearance is the distance between the water and the lowest part of the boat between the hulls.

This is the part where the water will pass between the hulls, and under some circumstances, let’s say big enough waves, water will crash and hit the underside—making not only a lot of noise but also vibrations throughout the boat.

Bring all that crap that you thought you would have to leave on land.

“sailing is living the simple life and bringing only what you need,” someone said to me once; screw that! 🙂 On a cat, there is so much space that you’ll be able to bring almost anything that you want and need.

People bring everything from scuba gear(including a system to fill up the oxygen tanks) to washing machines!

Even though I consider myself to be a simple man when it comes to stuff (i live in a van, as some of you know 😉 ) I can totally understand the beauty of bringing a lot of creature comfort on board.

Shallow draft, yes, but how deep is the water, visual checks.

Before sailing the Bahamas, I would hear of stories almost every day of boats that went aground and either got stuck or wrecked their ships. I was terrified but once underway and a couple of months in, I couldn’t really understand how it could happen.

So I started looking into the information about different accidents that I could find, and something struck me, common sense isn’t that common…

I realized that many sailors trusted their GPS or maps more than they trust their own eyes. I could easily understand that the people who went aground were the ones that did not do visual checks when entering or moving through a shallow section.

When storms roll in, the seafloor, especially if made of sand, shifts, and depths, is rarely accurate on a map, and if your sailing with only a few feet to spare, you better keep an eye out!

If monohulls give you feedback like your mom at family dinner, then a catamaran is your dead budgie.

Maybe that title is a bit of a stretch and only applies to my family; if so, sorry about that, let’s carry on!

So when the wind hits the sails on a monohull, it leans to the side, everybody gets seasick, and you want to go home, that is not all bad! That same feeling also gives the captain a sensation of how much force is acted upon the sails, something vital if you want to stay afloat.

The issue with a catamaran is that it does not offer feedback to the helm in the same manner; there is nothing dangerous about it; it is just different. The problem occurs when you expect feedback in the shape of leaning before you start reefing.

If you wait for that, you’ll soon find yourself in trouble!  The easiest and safest way is to use a “wind speed rule of thumb,” basically a standard operating procedure for  putting the reefs in based on apparent wind. Once the wind speed hits X m/s, you put your first reef in; when the speed hits Y m/s, you put the next reef in, and so on.

See a squall coming? Reef early!

A gust of wind? Head down, not up!

I know, I know, I compare monohulls and cats all the time… and yes, here’s one more comparison!

Some of you single-hull-people out there might be tempted to head upwind if there’s a gust hitting the sails, I would rethink that strategy and recommend you train your reactions to do the opposite! 

Heading upwind(on a cat) during a gust will increase the risk of capsizing (flipping over is extremely rare, but if you’re ever going to pull it off, here’s your chance!).

Gybe like Barry White would

I’m not sure we see the same things here, but what I’m trying to say is that you want to take it nice and smooth on the transition from one side to the other.

Tighten in the sheet, pull the mainsail to the center and slowly pass from one side to the other; this will decrease the wear and tear and reduce the risk of injuries from the beam swinging like a 

Owner of CatamaranFreedom.com. A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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WE HAVE A SAILING PASSION and we have exchanged our land life to a brand new Lagoon 46 catamaran, moved aboard and sailed it across the Atlantic in 2022. 

We didn't do this alone. We decided to join the ARC January 2022 rally with 40 other boats and sailed for over a year in the Caribbean.

We have landed on Bonaire and have founded Bonaire Yacht Charters where we offer Luxury Private Charters.  

Follow us and hopefully we meet you somewhere on this beautiful planet!


Our starting point of this trip was La Rochelle, France.

We sailed via the Bay of Biscay and followed the Atlantic Coast all the way into the Mediterranean Sea. In November we sailed out again and crossed from Las Palmas, Canary Islands. Now, after more than 8000NM we are currently exploring the Caribbean islands. 

Follow our route and enjoy our adventure.  

A close friend sent us a beautiful quote from Andre Gide:

"l' homme ne peut découvrir de nouveaux océans que s'il a le courage de perdre de vue le rivage". , "man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore"., let's all discover the world and join this adventure, together, the arc january 2022 crew.


Days at sea


Homeschooling, a new adventure, how we chose our catamaran (again).

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Stichting Catamaranschool Zeehelden is een onderneming zonder winstoogmerk. De doelstelling is het onderwijzen, beoefenen en faciliteren van watersport aan de Noordzeekust.

De Zeehelden vloot

De vloot van Catamaranschool Zeehelden bestaat o.a. uit: Nacra 570, Nacra 500, Nacra 580, Hobie cat Tiger, Hobie Cat 16, Hobie Cat Dragoon, Dart 16. Met een uitgebreid arsenaal aan catamarans hebben we voor iedere zeiler een geschikt type boot. De grotere catamarans zijn geschikter voor de lessen met volwassenen en de kleinere catamarans zijn geschikter voor de jeugd. Lees hieronder meer over de specificaties van de verschillende catamarans.

There is always a place in every sailing school for the bigger catamarans that will carry three with ease and the tutor can take two beginners out knowing that the boat is big enough with wide open trampoline spaces for them all. Also large, strong, buoyant hulls will carry three without getting them too deep in the water and hence to wet and cold, not what beginners want or expect.

The Nacra 570 School provides the perfect answer! As with all Nacra’s the 570 is superbly equipped, stiff hulls and beams gives a perfect platform, all gear is by Harken, one of the leaders in block production and design. A polypropylene mesh trampoline allows free draining and when well tensioned keeps the sailors well clear of the water. The hulls rely upon skeg construction meaning that there is no need for dagger boards, and so launching and recovery and sailing in shallow waters are handled with ease. The rudders simply kick up if they hit any obstruction and can be raised and locked up when parked on the beach. Main sail and jib are Dacron offering years of use and also the ability to reef the boomless main so the 570 can be sailed in a wide range of conditions, essential for sailing schools, where the boats have got to work teaching school clients and be on the water day after day.

Performance wise the 570 will thrill the students and offer them a real insight into catamaran sailing. Too many sailing schools use small catamarans, so the first impression many beginners get when they start sailing is that catamarans are small and wet!! The larger boats, when reefed are easier to sail, they handle the waves and swell better, they give a feeling of size and that gives the beginner confidence to return again and again.

All school boats have to be designed to fulfil a certain sailing role. The Nacra 500 School does just that. She is a “proper catamaran” something not all school boats are !! She is modelled on the successful 500 but with Dacron boomless main and jib. The advantages of moving to Dacron, for the school boat is that the main can be reefed allowing her to be sailed in a wide range of conditions, which is important as when new sailors come to school, they are excited and want to go sailing and not be told that there isn’t enough or too much wind.

So the 500 School sail plan is flexible, allowing this boat to be sailed in a wide range of conditions. Large buoyant hulls give good ride capacity and all the quality features of Nacra are all there, nothing is omitted. Double trapeze, adjustable for individual height, Harken gear throughout, extendable tiller extension, tight polypropylene trampoline, kick-up rudders, rotating mast, the Nacra 500 School is a true catamaran and makes the perfect learning platform.

De Hobie Dragoon

De Hobie Dragoon  is het resultaat van de samenwerking tussen Hobie Cat en diverse zeilscholen.De Dragoon is de uitgelezen jeugdcatamaran voor zowel de startende als de gevorderde jeugd. Vanuit een  standaard  uitvoering is de Dragoon naar de welbekende  extreme  uitvoering te brengen die ook wel de  ’13-foot Formule 18 catamaran’  wordt genoemd.

Deze catamaran geeft de jeugd de mogelijkheid om te beleven hoe het is om onder spi te varen. Daarnaast biedt de Dragoon een uitgebreid scala aan trimmogelijkheden. Langs de Nederlandse wateren wordt de Dragoon veelvuldig ingezet als jeugdboot.

De Hobie Dragoon is een internationaal ISAF erkend model en is een vaste klasse tijdens europees- en wereldkampioenschappen.

Boby Cat 16

Hobie Cat 16  De Hobie Cat 16 is de best verkochte sport- en tevens toercatamaran ter wereld. Sinds de lancering in 1971 zijn er wereldwijd meer dan 100.000 Hobie 16’s verkocht. Zijn a-symetrische rompen (banaanvormen) zijn ideaal voor het trotseren van de elementen. Op een Hobie 16 ervaar je het ‘surfgevoel’. De Hobie 16 staat bekend om zijn betrouwbaarheid én degelijkheid. Kortom, de ideale catamaran voor jong én oud, beginner of gevorderde! De Hobie 16 is een internationaal ISAF erkend model en is een vaste klasse tijdens europees- en wereldkampioenschappen.

Dart 16   Zeilers van alle niveaus genieten optimaal van het zeilen op de Dart 16. Met een Dart 16 ervaar je de spanning, sportiviteit en de snelheid van een high performance catamaran, maar geniet je vooral van het bedieningsgemak, de eenvoudige boot handling en de onverwoestbare en onderhoudsvrije polyethyleen rompen.

De Dart 16 zeil je met zijn tweeën met trapeze en fok. Maar ook in je eentje is deze catamaran heel eenvoudig te zeilen. Bij harde wind is het grootzeil eenvoudig te reven en kan de rolfok binnen seconden weggerold worden. Ook de golven neemt de Dart 16 met gemak door haar dynamische rompvorm. Geïntegreerde skeggen in de romp en het unieke kick-up roersysteem maakt wegvaren en aankomen heel eenvoudig. Je zeilt je Dart 16 zo het strand op!

Instructeur worden?

Catamaranschool Zeehelden is regelmatig op zoek naar enthousiaste mensen om ons team te versterken. Als je ervaring hebt met het geven van zeil of surf les en/of je bent een ervaren wedstrijdzeiler dan kom je in aanmerking voor deelname aan de trainingsdagen.

Ieder voorjaar organiseert Catamaranschool Zeehelden meerdere trainingsdagen voor (aankomende) instructeurs. Deze dagen zijn bedoeld om je zeilvaardigheid, materiaalkennis, theoretische en didactische kennis naar een nog hoger niveau te tillen. Er zal uitgebreid aandacht worden besteed aan het zeilen door de branding en verder op zee.

De instructeurstrainingen zullen dit jaar in de week voor de zomervakantie zijn.

Denk je meer oefening nodig te hebben dan een week, omdat je bijvoorbeeld wel veel zeilervaring hebt, maar niet (vaak) op de catamaran of op de Noordzee hebt gevaren, dan bieden wij de mogelijkheid om in het hele voorjaar op regelmatige basis te komen trainen, totdat je volledig veilig en verantwoord met cursisten de zee op kan.

Voor vragen en aanmelden mail naar  [email protected] Of bel Wouter van Raaij 06-41554949

Stage lopen

Zeehelden Catamaranschool aan de Wassenaarseslag is op zoek naar enthousiaste sportinstructeurs om ons Zeeheldenteam te versterken.

Over de stage

Als stagiair zal je op het strand en in de Noordzee aan de Wassenaarseslag werkzaam zijn als sportinstructeur. Je zal je bezighouden met het opzetten van een strandprogramma tijdens onze Watersportweken voor cursisten van 10 t/m 18 jaar. Je zal de cursisten begeleiden en enthousiast maken voor verschillende watersportactiviteiten en strandspellen. De werkzaamheden zullen bestaan uit het zelfstandig en/of met een mede-instructeur geven van surf-, bodyboard-, sup- en kajaklessen en het verzorgen van diverse strandspellen, zoals beachvolleybal, powerkiten en dergelijke. Als stagiair krijg je bovendien een organisatorische rol bij het vormgeven van de activiteiten toebedeeld. Eventueel kan de stage worden aangevuld door deze werkzaamheden tevens te vervullen voor diverse groeps- en bedrijfuitjes voor volwassenen.

Over de organisatie

Zeehelden Catamaranschool is een stichting die zeilcursussen en andere watersportcursussen aanbiedt aan kinderen en volwassenen. De doelstelling van Zeehelden is het onderwijzen, beoefenen en faciliteren van watersport aan de Noordzeekust. Het Zeeheldenteam bestaat uit ongeveer twintig jonge, sportieve instructeurs.

Jouw kenmerken

– Sportief, veelzijdig en leergierig.

– Zelfstandig, initiatiefrijk en flexibel.

– Surfinstructeur- en/of  lifesaver diploma is een pre.

– Meerdere talenkennis is een pre.

Wat bieden wij:

– Een uitdagende zomerstage, met mogelijkheden tot inzetbaarheid buiten de stage om.

– Professionele begeleiding.

– Een stagevergoeding.

– Het vergroten van je capaciteiten. In overleg kan de stage worden aangepast, zodat deze aansluit bij de competenties die je graag wilt behalen.

– Een super leuke en gezellige sfeer in een jong en energiek team.


Als je interesse hebt in deze stage, stuur dan een e-mail aan Wouter van Raaij via  [email protected] .

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a unique experience on the costa blanca

Sailing to Tabarca Island or Cape Huertas. Full day excursion with homemade food served on board, 3 hours along the white coast with sunbathe in high sea, or watch the sunset from the bay of Alicante, you choose the best experience to share with us . We celebrate your private events, bachelor parties, company groups, because the catamaran is the ideal place!

Why choose Alicante Catamaran

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Family treatment: From the reserve and throughout the tour

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Sailing in a very stable Maxi Catamaran

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Merchant marine safety regulations

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Limited capacity  to 62 people

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Excellent quality-service-price ratio

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Committed to the environment

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All excursions and tours include: water, soft drinks, fresh fruits, free snorkel equipment. Swimming supervised by our lifeguard.

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Tabarca Island

From the port of Alicante, let yourself be carried by the wind along the Costa Blanca, towards the Island of Tabarca. Home-made paella, relaxation and sunbathe to enjoy the crystalline waters of the island, the first marine reserve in Spain.

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Sail & Coast

Discover the pleasures of sailing in maxi catamaran along the Costa Blanca. Enjoy this 3-hours sailing tour to sunbathe away from the crowded beaches and swim in the high seas, near Cabo de Huertas.

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Live the experience of a sunset boat trip on the coast of Alicante. With snacks and small bubbles of cava, admiring the landscape of Albufereta and Cabo de Huertas and its lighthouse.

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Aperitif with Live Music

Enjoy an incredible evening on a catamaran with live music in an ideal environment to relax at the end of the day...

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Private Events

Do you want to surprise your partner or friends with a special day? We help you organize an unforgettable day on the catamaran, designed for weddings, celebrations, nautical events or team buildings,... 

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More adventures

We help you spend a different day thanks to other adventures such as kayaking, paddle surfing, parasailing or Flyboard. Consult us

Haven't you seen our offers section yet? Check the best offers and discounts for Mice, groups and even to celebrate your wedding... Take a look and save on your catamaran ride through Tabarca or Alicante.

Customer Reviews

- kristie h - (google) -.

“  We went on the sunset trip - it was superb! The staff were kind and well organised. The boat was spacious and clean. We enjoyed ourselves from start to finish. Such beautiful views, warm sea to swim and snorkel in, nets to relax and dry off in and then the stunning sunset to top it all off. Highly recommend!  ”

- Starguy83 - (Tripadvisor) -

“  Amazing!!!This trip was amazing nice people that take care of everything! Very kind and enough delicious food and drinks on board!! The price is nothing for what you get!  ”

- Jennika E - (TripAdvisor) -

“  My friends and I (all University students) were looking for a boat cruise and found this one. We did the 6hr catamaran boat cruise to Tabarca and it was the highlight of our trip! The boat cruise included one alcoholic drink, fresh fruit and snacks constantly, a lovely lunch, beautiful views from the ocean and snorkelling off the boat at Tabarca island with tons of fish to entertain us. The staff were incredibly friendly, the boat wasn't overly full which left lots of room for us to have our own space but still meet some other travellers. When snorkelling they fed the fish near us so we could swim with them. Honestly, could not say enough good things about our trip and recommend it to all ages and groups!.  ”

- Karenfitzs -

“  Fabulous boat party in Alicante!. Booked this experience for my daughters hen weekend in Alicante. I personally did not attend but having paid for this outing on the high seas I wanted to ensure that it met their expectations . I exchanged emails with Fanny who was extremely pleasant and helpful. The bank transfer was easy to negotiate so the girls didn’t have to deal with the final payment on arrival. On their return home the party could not have been more enthusiastic. They said there was lots of room on the boat to dance and relax. The crew were friendly, cheerful and accommodating. The snacks and drinks on offer were plentiful and the dj was happy to take requests. They enjoyed having the opportunity to swim and fortunately nobody was seasick. All in all it’s seems to have been one of the highlights in their packed itinerary. On the company website they also advertise days trips for those who want something a little less energetic, these look ideal for families.  ”

- 848laurents -

“  Very good activity. Top crew. Visit to Tabarca Island. Nice and fun. Tabarca is the only inhabited island in the Region of Valencia and is located opposite the city of Alicante, 11 nautical miles offshore and near the Santa Pola headland. In fact, it’s more than just an island: it’s a small archipelago that comprises the islets of La Cantera, La Galera and La Nao as well as the Isla de Tabarca itself.  ”

- Jonathan Bate - (Facebook) -

“  I booked the boat for 15 people for a birthday party. We had an amazing time! The staff were fantastic, they let us play music, enjoy all of the boat, served plenty of drinks and cleaned up after our fun! Highly reccomend them, great customer service and they couldn't have been more acomodating.  ”

- Travelabout2u -

“  Brilliant day out!! I cannot recommend this experience enough! Crew were polite and professional and clearly work brilliantly as a team. They were attentive and multilingual so able to answer any query. The sail was up and everyone was safe and comfortable and enjoying the trip. Only an hour and a half travel each way which flew by and nearly three hours swimming and snorkelling in the warm clear seas. Option to go to the island to the beach or wander but we stayed at the boat as my girls wanted to see the fish. An abundance of drinks and snacks on board, all freshly prepared. Staff were relaxed but professional and on the ball. Decks were cleaned and tables wiped, glasses cleared and washed, drinks chilled and bread fresh. It was worth the cost. Better, I would imagine, with fewer people... boat holds 62 and there were about 40 of us so more space for shade or sun bathing. Suitable for couples families or groups of young people . Paella was delivered by boat...hot and freshly cooked, chicken, vegetarian or seafood and really delicious...the fish devoured the sbsll amount left over. A great day out so thanks to all the crew and organizers...very much enjoyed!  ”

“  Amazing boat ride! Crew is very nice! Very much recommended.  ”

- Killian d Tripadvisor -

“  Fantastic day. Went with young kids and grandparents. Very well run and organised....fantastic crew who couldnt do enough for you.....everything was excellent.  ”

- Jackie - (Google) -

“  Thank you for the most perfect day celebrating our Anniversary with our children & granddaughters. You made it so special for us with the gifts, champagne & cake. The captain & crew were so friendly & helpful - beautiful day xx  ”

- Mariano - (Google) -

“  Hi guys just wanted to say thank very much for the great experience we had on the Katamaran trip to Tabarca island. You guys really went the extra mile with providing us with an excellent service especially regarding my partner birthday treat. She was really happy with it and we enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to another one with you guys soon. I can recommend this guys more.  ”

- Mastakran sukhitcharoenkul - (Google) -

“  Our trip was from 11am-5pm to Tabarca island. The crew was SUPER NICE and friendly. The captain let me picked the songs..I felt special hahaha?. The boat was beautiful and big…not too crowded. Overall, it was a great experience. Highly recommend :)  ”

- Demi Dauerer - (Google) -

“  Great experience for an awesome price.  Free drinks, great organize and super nice crew! Couldn’t have asked for more. Can really recommend it!  ”

- Kristie Horley - (Google) -

“  Amazing boat ride! Crew is very nice! Very much recommended.   ”

“   Amazing!!!This trip was amazing nice people that take care of everything! Very kind and enough delicious food and drinks on board!! The price is nothing for what you get!   ”

“  My friends and I (all University students) were looking for a boat cruise and found this one. We did the 6hr catamaran boat cruise to Tabarca and it was the highlight of our trip! The boat cruise included one alcoholic drink, fresh fruit and snacks constantly, a lovely lunch, beautiful views from the ocean and snorkelling off the boat at Tabarca island with tons of fish to entertain us. The staff were incredibly friendly, the boat wasn't overly full which left lots of room for us to have our own space but still meet some other travellers. When snorkelling they fed the fish near us so we could swim with them. Honestly, could not say enough good things about our trip and recommend it to all ages and groups!.   ”

“  Fabulous boat party in Alicante!. Booked this experience for my daughters hen weekend in Alicante. I personally did not attend but having paid for this outing on the high seas I wanted to ensure that it met their expectations . I exchanged emails with Fanny who was extremely pleasant and helpful. The bank transfer was easy to negotiate so the girls didn’t have to deal with the final payment on arrival. On their return home the party could not have been more enthusiastic. They said there was lots of room on the boat to dance and relax. The crew were friendly, cheerful and accommodating. The snacks and drinks on offer were plentiful and the dj was happy to take requests. They enjoyed having the opportunity to swim and fortunately nobody was seasick. All in all it’s seems to have been one of the highlights in their packed itinerary. On the company website they also advertise days trips for those who want something a little less energetic, these look ideal for families.   ”

“  Very good activity. Top crew. Visit to Tabarca Island. Nice and fun. Tabarca is the only inhabited island in the Region of Valencia and is located opposite the city of Alicante, 11 nautical miles offshore and near the Santa Pola headland. In fact, it’s more than just an island: it’s a small archipelago that comprises the islets of La Cantera, La Galera and La Nao as well as the Isla de Tabarca itself.   ”

Do not hesitate to contact us! It will be a pleasure to help you plan your day at sea. We will advise you as best as possible so that your experience is a success!

* Name and surname

* telephone, * number of people, * arrival date, * departure date, * what interests you.

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15 Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA)

Santa Clara is a city of nearly 125,000 residents that’s located in Santa Clara County, about 75 kilometers south of San Francisco .

The city was founded more than 200 years ago as a Spanish Mission. Now, it’s most well-known for its booming tech industry that’s commonly referred to around the world as Silicon Valley.

Though it’s common knowledge to most football fans, it’s a surprise to many to discover that the relatively small city is also the home of the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers.

Visitors to Santa Clara have abundant activity options at their fingertips without venturing outside city limits, so staying engaged and entertained shouldn’t be an issue.

1. Levi’s Stadium

Levi's Stadium

With a capacity of nearly 70,000, Levi’s Stadium on Marie P. DeBartolo Way in Santa Clara is one of the country’s premier professional football stadiums.

The 49ers play their home games here, and during the off-season, the stadium hosts a variety of annual events, including concerts featuring big names in the music industry.

Taking a family to a football game isn’t the least expensive activity option in the area, but for those who’ve never taken in a pro game, it’s an exhilarating experience that may be worth the cost.

Guided tours are also regularly available, and the bars and restaurants around the stadium are fun to visit year-round.

2. Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

Despite its large population and the overall hustle and bustle, the Bay Area features plenty of urban parks and natural areas that are convenient options for those interested in enjoying the great outdoors.

The Ulistac Natural Area is located on Lick Mill Road in Santa Clara. It is comprised of more than 40 acres that include a variety of distinct environments.

The natural area straddles the Guadalupe River and is home to an array of plants and animals that are well-suited to its riparian habitat.

A particularly popular attraction for bird watchers, it features a number of well-marked nature trails dotted with interpretive signs.

3. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Californians take their art and wine seriously, and there’s no better way to combine the two than by visiting the Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival.

The event is held in the city’s Central Park and features nearly 200 vendors from across the country selling fine art and crafts, gourmet food, and a vast selection of California’s best wines.

Proceeds are donated to worthwhile causes that benefit residents in need. It all takes place in the early fall when the central California weather is perfect for outdoor activities.

Other highlights include live entertainment and lots of art-related activities for kids.

4. The de Saisset Museum

de Saisset Museum

Though he’s not exactly a household name for those who don’t typically travel in West Coast art circles, Ernest de Saisset was one of the Bay Area’s most prominent artists in the 19th century.

Saisset was a French immigrant who enrolled in Santa Clara University and studied painting as a young man.

The museum that now bears his name is located on the university’s campus. It includes a collection of more than 100 of his most impressive works.

It’s as much a historical attraction as it is an art one, and it also has other works from European and American artists dating back hundreds of years.

5. Intel Museum

Intel Museum

Intel is one of the titans of the tech world. Over the years, it has been responsible for some of the most significant technological leaps forward in computer hardware.

The Intel Museum is located on the campus of the company’s world headquarters in Santa Clara, and it’s regularly open to the public.

Even for those who don’t fall into the tech-savvy category, it’s a fascinating place that’s definitely worth an hour or two of time.

Though it may sound dry to technophobes, it’s packed with interactive exhibits for visitors of all ages, so it’s great for kids with short attention spans too.

6. Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

Farmers Market

There’s really no better way to rub elbows with locals, enjoy pleasant weather, and have access to tons of great products you won’t find elsewhere than by visiting a farmers’ market.

The Santa Clara Farmers’ Market is open year-round and features a little bit of everything – from seasonal produce and fresh baked goods to health and body products and prepared food items.

Held on Jackson Street near the downtown area, it’s common to find different items each time you go.

Spending a few bucks is a great way to support local farmers and entrepreneurs, and don’t be shy about asking them for suggestions for things to see and do while in town.

7. California’s Great America

California's Great America

There’s no shortage of theme parks in the Golden State, but there’s one clear choice for those visiting Santa Clara.

California’s Great America is located on Great America Parkway just outside of town. It features tons of rides, dining options, kid’s activities, and a water park that’s a huge draw during the hot summer months.

Though Great America can really draw a crowd during peak times when kids are enjoying their summer vacations, previous guests have noted that wait times for rides weren’t overly long.

Many families choose to spend an entire day on-site to avoid wasting valuable recreational time in the car.

8. Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara is one of the city’s premier historic sites, and it’s now conveniently located on the campus of Santa Clara University.

The mission was established by Franciscans in the 1770s to spread Christianity to the area’s Native American population.

Sadly, things didn’t go according to plan; due to several natural disasters, the mission was forced to move from its original site to where it is now.

Over the years, it was also run by the Jesuits. Though it’s no longer functioning in its original role, it now doubles as a museum and chapel that are open to visitors.

9. The Triton Museum of Art

Triton Museum of Art

Though guests tend to visit the Triton Museum of Art for the works in its collection, its stunning contemporary architecture usually makes a big impression as well.

The museum’s collection includes works from all over the country, but its emphasis is on pieces created by Bay Area artists using local people and scenery as inspiration.

The grounds also include a sprawling outdoor sculpture garden spread over nearly seven acres, and a home from the mid-1860s that’s among the most well-preserved examples of historic American architecture in the area.

The museum is located on Warburton Avenue, and most visitors spend a few hours on-site.

10. Santa Clara Players

The Santa Clara Players traces its roots all the way back to the early ‘60s, when a group of local performers began putting on small shows for the community.

Now nearly seven decades later, they’re still going strong. Their annual performances run the gamut from dramatic theater and mystery to satire and humor.

The players are part of a community theater group staffed by talented volunteers dedicated to providing high-quality, family-friendly entertainment at a reasonable cost.

They’re located on Don Avenue in Santa Clara and offer lots of volunteer opportunities for budding actors and stagehands.

11. Central Park

Santa Clara Central Park

Featuring lots of wide-open spaces and massive swimming and community rec centers, Santa Clara’s Central Park is a go-to destination for activity minded visitors looking to make the most of their limited vacation time without traveling to more distant attractions.

The park is centrally located on Keily Boulevard, has ample parking, and features lots of outdoor amenities and recreational activity options.

From tennis and basketball to softball, lawn bowling, and a big playground, there’s really no excuse for getting bored while on-site. For those looking to spend a relaxing afternoon, there are a lake, built-in BBQs, and public restrooms.

12. The 49ers Museum

49ers Museum Located In The Levi’s Stadium

Even for those who won’t be in Santa Clara during the regular season, the 49ers stadium and museum are fun attractions worth visiting for sports-minded visitors.

The museum is located inside Levi’s Stadium and features nearly a dozen distinct galleries that are open to the public year-round.

It’s a fun and educational experience for visitors of all ages. In addition to football, its exhibits touch on science, technology, and art in a way that engages and entertains young and old minds alike.

Most guests check out the introductory video in the visitor’s center before showing themselves through the impressive collection of trophies, balls, and Super Bowl memorabilia on display.

13. The Santa Clara Fire Museum

Santa Clara Fire Museum

The Santa Clara Fire Department’s roots run all the way back to the 1850s when it was founded.

The museum is now located on Walsh Avenue in an unused training center behind the city’s new fire station.

It sports an impressive collection of equipment and historical memorabilia that give visitors unique insights into the lives of fire and rescue personnel in years past.

The museum’s highlights include a fully restored Model-T fire truck that served for two decades, beginning in the 1920s.

The knowledgeable local volunteer staff also offer regular programs geared at educating the public about fire safety and prevention issues.

14. Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History

Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History

The Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History is run by a local historical society. It is housed in the depot of a now-defunct railroad on Railroad Avenue in Santa Clara.

Like many local historical attractions, the museum is staffed by local volunteers who love answering questions and showing first-time visitors around.

The museum’s exhibits include a variety of railroad equipment and memorabilia, including signals, safety equipment, and historical photographs dating back over 100 years.

The museum is regularly open to the public. It maintains an extensive library of books relating to railroad development and local history as well.

15. Voyager Coffee

Voyager Coffee, Santa Clara

Though it has only been around since 2016, Voyager Coffee’s owner and staff are dedicated to the noble pursuit of making their customers happy.

They do this largely by providing world-class coffee, but also by offering a comfortable space in which guests have opportunities to build relationships with like-minded customers.

Many of their coffees sport internationally influenced flavors, and they’re often infused with things like orange essence and cherry blossom water.

Don’t worry if you prefer your coffee straight-up, because they’ve got more traditional brews as well.

They offer fresh pastry and baked goods, tea, and other non-coffee drinks too.

15 Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA):

  • Levi's Stadium
  • Ulistac Natural Area
  • Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival
  • The de Saisset Museum
  • Intel Museum
  • Santa Clara Farmers’ Market
  • California's Great America
  • Mission Santa Clara
  • The Triton Museum of Art
  • Santa Clara Players
  • Central Park
  • The 49ers Museum
  • The Santa Clara Fire Museum
  • Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History
  • Voyager Coffee


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    A particularly popular attraction for bird watchers, it features a number of well-marked nature trails dotted with interpretive signs. 3. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival. Californians take their art and wine seriously, and there's no better way to combine the two than by visiting the Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival.