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Discuss multi-hull sailboat design, production and custom sailing catamarans and trimarans.


Scored a Donor Cat, What is it?


Multihull Structure Thoughts


New Build: KD 860 Open


recognize this multihull?

rael dobkins

Shunting a proa, Balkan style...


Which one out of these small multi-hull designs will be the best for my needs?


Farrier F32A - looking for Plans


Proa circumnavigation

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Ash Spark

Boatbuilders, any thoughts...


Gemini Catamaran, new builds?


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Length vs Beam - will this cause any problems?

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Central Nacelle and Centerboard on CRUISING Cat


Cause of slamming on Gemini 105MC


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Incat is building a huge EV ferry!

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Cross Beam thoughts for small Tri


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Floating Island, more thoughts Opinions please.

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Aluminum tube sectioned mast


Small cat crossbeam questions


Thermo-Lite Boards

Bob Rosa

Cooling water thru hull pickup placement

Chinese electric winch.


Siren 8.4 catamaran.

Skip Johnson

Mast raising/lowering question

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Forum du catamaran de sport en france.

un groupe de pratiquants passionnes de catamaran de sport a cree un site consacré a sa pratique: http://catamaran.multimania.com

Le forum du catamaran de sport propose une liste de diffusion libre et gratuite (le site n'a aucune vocation commerciale) entre pratiquants (reglages, raids, rencontres, matos...); pour toutes les marques de catamaran (hobie-cat, KL, Dart, NACRA...).

En outre le forum du catamaran de sport recapitule les principaux evenements cata, recense les principaux liens, heberge un certain nombre de documents techniques (rating, regles de classes, equipements, navigation...); offre des petites annonces...

a bientot pour nos cyber-bord: http://catamaran.multimania.com

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Ne faudrait-il pas créer un forum spécial catamarans de sport sur seamply ??? Il n'y en a pas, et je trouve ça dommage... Qu'en pensez-vous ?

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

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oui, mais le probleme est qu'il ferait double emploi (au risque que tout le monde n'accede pas a toutes les infos) avec le forum existant qui comprend deja plus de 100 abonnés.

En outre, comme indiqué, le site du forum http://www.multimania.com/catamaran offre des fonctionnalité suplementaires: liens, documents, evenements...

je viens d'aller voir le newsgroup, mais je ne comprends pas grand chose ... :frown:

Pourtant, je suis propriétaire d'un KL, je participe à des régates, et donc particulièrement concerné.

Toujours est-il que je viens d'écrire un mail à seamply pour leur demander de créer un forum catas de sport. J'espère qu'ils vont le mettre en place... :smile:

nico f

Je suis pour le fait de créer un forum spécifique.

J'envisage de m'acheter un cata en normandie (villers - blonville ou Deauville), et j'ai besoin de conseils. (matériel, club, régates, etc ...)

salut a tous,

le forum du catamaran de sport http://www.multimania.com/catamaran est un forum dedié au cata de sport.

il est necessaire de s'inscrire la premiere fois (comme ici, c'est gratuit et sans engagement), en principe c'est assez simple, mais si tu rencontres des difficultés, tu peux m'en faire part a l'adresse suivante: eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%61%6c%75%6e%65%6c%40%63%68%65%7a%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%61%6c%75%6e%65%6c%40%63%68%65%7a%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))

n'hesites pas egalement a me faire part de toute remarques ou suggestions.

pour ce qui est du choix d'un cata ou d'un club, ca serait bien etonnant qu'il n'y ait pas un des abonnés de ta region qui puisse te renseigner.

je n'ai aucune action (car le forum est sans vocation commerciale), mais je vous invite a nous rejoindre car l'ambiance est vraiment sympas et les echanges cata fructueux.

nous sommes maintenant plus de 130 pratiquants passionnés de catamaran de sport a debattre de nos passion sur le forum francophone du catamaran de sport http://catamaran.free.fr

si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, vous serez les bienvenues


Je crois qu'il est difficile de ne pas comprendre que vous avez un forum sur le cata.... Si il est tellement mieux pourquoi venez-vouys en parler sur tous les forums des sites nautqiues (seamply, sail on line....). Je vois en tout cas que comme moi vous appréciez à juste titre le forum seamply :smile: :smile: :smile: Votre forum cata en tout cas c'est tres compliqué. A bientôt

salut boum,

Pourquoi une telle reaction?

Si, effectivement, je me donne quelques peines a faire connaitre le forum du cata, ca n'est pas que je le juge "tellement mieux", mais qu'il est different et complementaire des autres car, a ma connaissance, le seul a etre specialisé dans le cata de sport. En outre, comme indiqué, il offre bien d'autres fonctions que le simple echanges de messages.

Quoiqu'il en soit, qu'il soit bien clair que je n'ai aucun interet dans cette affaire que celui de partager ma passion avec d'autres et ne voit pas en quoi cela pourrait porter ombrage a qui que ca soit (et certainement pas a SEAMPLY qui m'a adréssé un message de felicitation!)

En tout cas il semble donner satisfaction aux 130 abonnés qui y contribue (car ca n'est pas que "j'ai un forum", c'est notre forum a tous).

Puisque tu le trouve compliqué, je reitere ma proposition de me faire part directement sur mon e-mail eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%61%6c%75%6e%65%6c%40%63%68%65%7a%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%61%6c%75%6e%65%6c%40%63%68%65%7a%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b')) de toutes difficultés ou suggestion. Je ne vois pas ce qui est compliqué: la premiere fois, il est necessaire de s'inscrire (afin de nous premunir des Spams), ensuite il suffit de se rendre sur le site http://www.egroups.fr/group/cata pour consulter les infos souhaitées.

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"Sport" catamaran

  • Thread starter RT Firefly
  • Start date Sep 18, 2022
  • Sep 18, 2022

RT Firefly

Terry Wilkinson

Veteran member.

I previously owned a 26’ World Cat with cuddy cabin, slept 2, head, twin Honda 115’s, slightly under powered, but great boats, well built, good quality, expensive  

  • Sep 19, 2022

Senior Member

I've fished on a 32 World Cat several times. It's a beast. Lots of beam, great ride in 4 ft. seas. I owned a 23 World Cat that I fished as far as 70 miles offshore. It was a solid little boat that road like a 27 ft. monohull. Factory support was great. World Cat always answered the phone when I called, usually the same lady, and was helpful in obtaining replacement parts. World Cat and Glacier Bay are owned by the same parent company, or at least they were when I owned my boat. I think of World Cat as more fishing-oriented and faster than the Glacier Bay. All that being said, there are some negatives to these big cats. They're too big to reasonably trailer, but they have few of the amenities of a wet slipped boat with a cabin. No marina in my area will dry-stack a cat, even if you buy a cradle.  


Popped up on my Yacht World search feed - not within your exact parameters (nor mine), but at least you wouldn't have to drive far to look at it: https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/20..._campaign=YW_SearchAlerts&utm_content=9192022  

Greetings, Mr. B. Thanks for that one. We went aboard her last March. She's done been rode hard and put away wet! There was about a quart of hydraulic fluid in one of the bilges supposedly due to a recent steering "repair". Evidence of water leakage around all the ports (rust tracks). What I couldn't figure out about that particular boat was all the teak and holly hatches in both sponsons had damaged finish with most of the varnish cracked and peeling and this is inside the cabins-an area that's supposed to be dry. I suspect someone trying to take advantage of the bull boat market and asking way too much for a boat in poor shape. Was originally listed last year for $215K, dropped to $165K, then to $150K and now, just this morning in your link to $127K. She might go sub $100K in another few weeks/months... There IS another we've inquired about but I see she's "sale pending" this morning.  

My limited experience is with a Glacier Bay 26' cuddy/express fished offshore 40 miles. It rode great for it's size but does not rise up as much as the World Cat due to the displacement vs. planning hull types. There is some air effect lift with speed but not as much as much as the WC. A short chop somewhere around 3.5' with a short period will force you to slow down, then the waves hit the bottom of the tunnel and it feels like a carolina skiff. It also has an odd feel of leaning to the outside of a turn or side-to the waves more like a car than a planning boat, unnerving at first but you get used to after a while. Build quality is good and well thought out. I don't think any boat in this size range can handle tall and short chop so it is nitpicky to mention but may be worth noting.  

I have a 29' World Cat. It's a dual console, so no berths, but it does have a stand-up head with a sink. A solid, heavy boat which is excellent at ignoring chop and wakes. Cruises at 28-30 knots, tops out at 42 knots. Turns flat, without leaning either way. Nitpicks: will sneeze if trolling directly into chop (the solution is to alter the heading); will rock violently if drifting beam to the waves and the wave period is exactly wrong so that the peak of a wave is under one sponson and the trough is under the other (the solution is not to be beam to the waves). I am happy with the boat.  

  • Sep 21, 2022

Miz Trom

Hello Mr. Firefly: We visited Wefings Marine in 2016 and looked closely at a new C-Dory Tomcat. We are slow cruisers, and to a much lesser degree fisherpeople (we buy our snapper filets at Publix). It is a spartan boat, but beautifully usable. The Tomcats are so-so in regards to fit and finish. But considering their resale value, we should have bought a Tomcat instead of the disastrous Great Harbour TT35 we ended up purchasing. If we could find a used TomCat today for under $75k we would grab her in a minute. Warm Regards, Mrs. Trombely  

Greetings, Thank you all for your comments, thus far. Seems the sampling prefers the ride of the World Cat over Glacier Bay. VERY valuable insights! A 1 or 2 hour sea trial in benign conditions really doesn't give one much of a feel for any vessel much less one that is purported to handle sportier conditions better than a similar sized mono hull. Ms. T. Very early on I looked at the Tom Cats but decided they're just that much too small. Nice boats with good use of space but... The overwhelming majority of cats in the 28' to 34' range are center or dual consols with bow seating instead of a cabin/cuddy. We put an offer in on an Arrow Cat 320 but it sold for full asking which was out of our $$ comfort zone. I can't see investing 1/4mil in a depreciating asset that will sit idle for 6 months of the year. Gotta go make dinner for the memsaab. Will comment further...  



An old class mate has a 30 ft cat and absolutely loves it. Fast, nice ride, good platform for water sports and to have a group of people aboard. He got the bends when he was diving in his early 20’s and requires crutches to walk around (limited use of his legs). He manages fine on this boat, including some solo runs to the Islands where he meets other boating mates to tie up with.  

  • Sep 22, 2022


Fished a world cat out of Marathon FL and sanibel. It was a truly wonderful platform for fishing. Prior experience was mostly on deep Vs (favorite remains regulator). Unlike the Deep Vs totally stable at rest with a pleasant motion. Had twin Hondas on the back and sipped fuel. Mostly fished the mound but did some skinny water for Spanish mackerel on the fly. Not as good as a real flats boat for that but surprisingly decent. Wife wasn’t impressed. No comforts for her. Her judgment was if your going to do the canyons get a deep v. If skinny water get a flats boat.  


Cats beach very well. Even if you dry it out, it eventually floats up without drama.  

RT Firefly said: ...one that is purported to handle sportier conditions better than a similar sized mono hull. Click to expand...


Moderator Emeritus

Being geographically impossible to buy, this is just for ideas: https://www.boatsonline.com.au/boats-for-sale/used/power-boats/simpson-10-4-powercat/276711  


RT Firefly said: Greetings, Mr. BK. Thanks but WAY too slow. We just sold a 10 knot boat. Too much cockpit overhang for fishing. Vroom! Click to expand...


  • Sep 23, 2022

https://www.pacificboats.com/pdf/pacific-boats-recreational-0217.pdf Our next boat when we give up cruising. Strong, next to no maintenance, minimal draft, good in a seaway and room for everyone to fish or hang out. Be nice to never wax anything. Would have a head in the center console for the ladies. Just a different point of view.  

Greetings, Mr (Dr.) H. We are one step further along. Thus the search for " Strong, next to no maintenance, minimal draft, good in a seaway and room for everyone to fish or hang out. Maybe not the next to no maintenance part. Interesting, at least to me, is we're going through EXACTLY the same process as most of the "newbs" are. "What boat should I buy?" or "What is the best boat for the loop?" or "How big a boat can/will...?" Very common questions posed by new members. MY stock question that I always ask is "What do you want the boat to do for you?" Hence out search for THE Cat. One non-eligable candidate (wrong coast) is this: https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/2008-glacier-bay-3080-coastal-runner-8276507/ Totally closed cabin and no generator. NOT ideal for Florida due to need for AC on this particular boat but a generator can be fitted. Low hours on the engines and it shows nicely. Propane stove and solar panels are a plus IMO but no bait tank. Compromises...  


It's got a trailer though.  

Greetings, Mr. CO. Indeed it does but the sheer logistics of going to see the boat, arranging survey and sea trial, arranging transport and selling the trailer on arrival is more than I want to take on. There have been boats on the east coast and several we have been aboard BUT as the age old sayings go..."You'll know THE boat when you see it" or "the boat chooses you" just hasn't happened yet. We've put offers in on 2 thus far and even had one surveyed. The stars weren't in alignment. Manana.  


Patience is needed when looking for a GB. It took me over a year to find even just a 2270 that I am now working on..... Worth the wait, BTW.  

Greetings, Mr. b. Oh, I'm well aware of the patience end of things both from a nautical AND a life's perspective. Took me 4 years of searching to find our "northern" boat (23' Penn Yan SF). She's out there. Just gotta keep digging.  

Good luck in your search! https://www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/473221174724806/?media_id=1&ref=share_attachment[/ur  


monkey boat driver.jpg

Greetings, Mr. CO. Thanks but I'm more of a Karma person than a luck, coincidence or chance type. I saw that one in LA but one MUST HAVE for the Admiral is a stand alone head. No porta-potties. In the GB range that eliminates 27's and below. One reason I posted the GB 3080 and the WC 320EC in my first post.  

  • Sep 27, 2022


Greetings, Mr. d. Damn near perfect except...As much as I love the Tauranga region (we have friends just outside of Hamilton-Kihikihi), it's a bit far to commute. It's quite similar to the GB 3080 and the WC 320EC. Thanks.  

  • Sep 28, 2022

https://www.tampayachtsales.com/boat/2005/glacier-bay/-3490-ocean-runner/2789718 https://www.tampayachtsales.com/boat/2005/glacier-bay/3470-ocean-runner/2787420 I'm sure you've probably seen these ones.  

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Aquila 36 Sport Review

topRik team in this review explains, using its own testing experience, what is unique about the Aquila 36 Sport motor catamaran from Sino Eagle Yachts.

As usual, the story is illustrated with a large number of photos with a video gallery at the end. Also, we present you with opinions about the Aquila 36 Sport from famous sailors writing for the yachting media.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Sino Eagle Yachts is confidently conquering the American and European markets of comfortable catamarans. It has been building Aquila twin-hull motor yachts at a purpose-built facility in Hangzhou, southwest of Shanghai, since 2012. The company launched its 100th hull in 2017.

Hull number one rolled off the production line in November 2016 and was officially unveiled at the Miami International Boat Show in February 2017. It took just three and a half years to reach number 100, which is much faster than other models in the range, which typically take around five to six years to achieve this feat - in December 2020, the Aquila Yachts team has already reported that 100th vessel, motor catamaran Aquila 36 Sport Power, rolled off the production line and headed to its new owner in Europe. This is amazing performance for a newcomer to the European market.

So, designed in America, built in China and debuting in Europe at Cannes in 2019, the Aquila 36 began its triumphant march on a new continent.

And already at the 2022 Cannes Yachting Festival the improved Aquila 36 Sport was presented - 10 meter multihull with outboard engines, free space and hydrofoil.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

In September 2023, in Phuket in Thailand, the catamaran Aquila 36 Power received the Christofle Yacht Style Award in the category "Best Multi-Hull Motor Yacht up to 15m" for its innovative new design.

This was the first year of the YACHT STYLE awards that were designed to showcase achievements in architecture, design and innovation in the latest motor and sailing yachts presented to the Asia-Pacific region by leading builders.

Speaking at the awards ceremony, YACHT STYLE’s CEO and publisher Gael Burlot said the idea behind the new award is to take a fresh look at how awards have been made in the past, and to find truly innovative ways that improve the performance of sailing or motor yachts.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

In the case of Aquila 36 Sport Power the main innovation was the use of outboard engines on a twin-hull boat with a hydrofoil or Hydro Glide Foil System. This system significantly improves the seaworthiness of the catamaran and, importantly, reduces fuel consumption. Let’s say right away that this system is an option that you don’t have to use if you prefer a classic trawler, that is, a displacement vessel instead of a planing vessel. This opportunity - the choice of the method of movement without changing the type of hull (displacement or planing) can also be attributed to the shipyard's innovations.

As for hydrofoilers, this has already become a common phenomenon among monohull ships, but the idea of using a hydrofoil for cats, after several attempts at its implementation in the 1990s, was declared a futuristic phenomenon and postponed until better times.

But the Sino Eagle Yachts marine engineers decided that such times had come and presented the Aquila 36 Sport, a catamaran that, thanks to the Hydro Glide Foil System turns into a double-hull hydrofoiler.

The hydrofoil connecting both hulls allows the boat to rise out of the water with increased speed. As might already know, the maximum speed of a boat is inversely proportional to its length along the waterline. Increasing engine power gives an insignificant result in relation to speed: in order for the speed of a displacement yacht to double, it is necessary to increase the engine power eight times, and a threefold increase in speed will require a 27-fold increase in engine power.

There is only one way out - to “reduce” the length of the vessel. Or rather, the part of the hull that is submerged in the water. Unlike displacement hulls, planing hulls weaponize not only the Archimedes force, but also hydrodynamic lift and water resistance.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

When a certain speed is reached, the boat overcomes the hump of resistance, its bow lifts up, and the stem does not touch the water. Instead of pushing through the water, as displacement yachts do, the planing hull begins to glide across the surface.

The displacement of the part of the hull of the Aquila 36 Sport that remains in the water is reduced to minimum. This reduces water resistance and allows the boat to reach high speeds.

Based on all of the above, the future catamaran owner must decide on his preferences, as well as sailing regions, before deciding which cat he needs - a fast planing catamaran that can quickly escape from bad weather or a solid displacement one. Even though the choice might be difficult, the hull remains the same.

It is no coincidence that Aquila Power Catamarans is one of the fastest growing motor catamaran brands in the yachting world today, and the Aquila 36 Sport is its worthy representative.

Features of Aquila 36 Sport

  • Brand: Aquila
  • Hull type: Catamaran
  • Overall length, m: 10.96
  • Overall length, ft: 36
  • Width, m: 4.45
  • Draft, m: 0.6
  • Displacement, T: 6.6
  • Water tanks, l: 200
  • CE Certification: B:8 PAX - C:18 PAX - D:26 PAX
  • Engines, HP: 2 x White Mercury Verado V8, 300 HP
  • Option engine, HP: 2x White Mercury Verado L6, 400
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 625

Maximum Speed and Fuel Consumption

Max speed Up to 38 knots
Cruising speed Up to 30-35 knots
Fuel consumption 133 l/h when planning at a speed of 35.7 knots

Review of Aquila 36 Sport by Toprik Team

topRik team saw this vessel first at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2022, expecting to find a fairly spacious and comfortable yacht, preferably a motor catamaran, the cockpit of which could be equipped for fishing in various ways.

Of course, we couldn’t pass by the Aquila 36 Sport - fishermen know that sometimes they have to travel long distances to find fishing spots, and doing this on a fast boat is much more productive.

To be honest, our first look at the Aquila 36 Sport came from reading the numerous brochures that were offered at the manufacturers’ stands. Of course, first of all, we paid attention to new products, and among them - this promising picture.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

A very interesting combination, which surprises few people in other areas, but is still new in yacht building: an American developer and a Chinese manufacturer.

Seeing it up close did not disappoint. The ability to completely close the cabin while searching for fishing spots allows you to cut out the noise of motors and protect yourself from the wind. There are promising nuances here, which we will talk about later when we get to the wheelhouse.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

This fishing version has everything taken into account, including a well for bait and a refrigerated reservoir for storing your catch. There are other options, which we will definitely dwell on.

Even without going on board, we see that there are no side decks - this suggests that the main deck is very spacious. This is how the zones on the main deck are distributed, and they are truly separated by wide passages, which ensures comfortable movement for passengers. Generous glazing on the sides guarantees natural light in the cabins.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

It is not surprising that the manufacturer claims that up to 26 passengers can simultaneously stay on board, although the cabins are only 2 by 4 berths. This apparent discrepancy is due to the versatility of the Aquila 36 Sport. After all, it can be used as a weekend boat, a cruiser in coastal waters, as a family boat or for charter, for fishing, etc.

And now is the time to approach the transom, although we have already seen quite a lot.

At the Transom

The first thing that catches your eye is the outboard motors, which is quite rare in the design of catamarans, especially those almost 11 meters long. No matter how you plan to use the boat, the transom will look the same, as in the photo below.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

That is, between the two engines there is a fairly large bathing platform, above it there is a sofa facing the sea, and on either side of the platform there are wide steps. Entrance to the cockpit is through the gate on the starboard side.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Soft sofas are not necessary - harsh fishermen who do not need these excesses go to sea. But you can’t do without an installation for attaching spinning rods.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

If it seems to you that the beach platform is located too high above the water level, do not worry, the manufacturers have taken this into account and offer a folding ladder of an original design for descending into the water.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

The difference in the organization of the cockpit for fishing and cruising is much more noticeable. Shall we go up to the cockpit?

In the Cockpit

By the way, you can enter the cockpit both through the swim platform, if the boat is moored stern-to and from the sides, if the catamaran is moored side-to. For this purpose, gates with hinges, handles and handrails made of stainless steel are provided on both sides.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

If this is a boat for fishing and diving, then inside the cockpit, in addition to a grill, you get a well for live bait and a refrigerator for storing fish. The rest of the cockpit deck is cleared for free movement.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

This is what the grill looks like on the starboard side. If desired, it can be left in any version of the catamaran - for fishing, family vacation or charter cruise.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

But in general, the cockpit of the Aquila 36 Sport, intended for travel, is a relaxation area with soft sofas, which is a continuation of the saloon. These soft, cozy sofas line the entire conventional transom wall. If you choose a grill, there will be one less sofa here.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Inside the Saloon/Wheelhouse

The saloon and cockpit seem to be a single whole, unless they are separated by transparent awnings or even a transparent sliding door - the choice depends on the preferences of the future owner.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Of course, such a sliding door as in the photo below will reliably block out the noise of the engines and make it possible to install air conditioning here if we are talking about extremely hot sailing regions. In this case, you should choose full glazing of the interior, and not be limited to a windshield with awnings.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

If you want to provide natural ventilation, then open the door to the saloon and to the foredeck. Yes, this is a through passage from the cockpit itself to the foredeck. Keep in mind that there is a slight level change to deepen the interior under the hardtop, so be careful when crossing its boundaries.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

The saloon is divided into two zones - dining and working. The dinette area includes a large corner sofa and table to port and a galley opposite it. The galley can be equipped with a stove and/or grill at the owner's discretion. Together with a refrigerator, freezer and sink, this is a sufficiently equipped kitchen for preparing a variety of hot food.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Al fresco dining with freshly prepared food, chilled drinks and ice cream is the perfect spice for a cruise or weekend getaway. As you can see, there are enough frying panels to provide fried deliciousness to a larger group than in the photo above. But you can also use a microwave oven.

We think there is no need to say that this table folds out and, together with the sofa, transforms into one large lounger, which can also be used as an additional bed.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

The side backrest of the sofa also transforms into a reclining chair for two observers in front of the windshield on the port side. Pay attention to the wide “window sill”, where you can safely put your smartphone or tablet without fear that it will slip when pushed.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

On the contrary, there is a double seat for the helmsman and assistant, who will not let you get bored or fall asleep at the helm – these are very comfortable chairs. To ward off drowsiness or just warm up, you can stand up to your full height - the chair can be conveniently transformed.

So we got to the helm and control console. Here is a full set of navigation equipment and indicators that allow you to control the yacht’s systems. On the right hand is a powerful engine control handle, as well as a joystick. The console also displays communications equipment and, of course, the display of a multifunctional marine chartplotter, which can perform the functions of a sonar, which is necessary for sea fishing, a chartplotter and radar.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Pay attention to the handrails and footrests installed here - a very powerful stainless-steel pipe, as throughout the catamaran. For the safe movement and activities of passengers and crew, the developers took into account every little detail, including the absence of sharp corners of furniture.

At the Foredeck

We get to the bow of the Aquila 36 Sport through the hinged windshield door. A pair of sun loungers and a pair of backless seats are located opposite each other. Between the seats there is a chain box with an anchor installation.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

With the help of additional mattresses, the seats turn into excellent full-size sun loungers, which can be used not only by passengers, but also by the helmsman if he puts the catamaran on autopilot and puts an assistant in his place.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Inside the Cabins

But if you want to truly relax, or a sea voyage involves spending the night on a ship, excellent cabins are available for 4 people. As they say, nothing extra, but everything you need: a large double bed, storage space, and for each cabin there is a separate toilet room with a shower, washbasin and toilet.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

The photo below shows one of the cabins, the second is a mirror image of this one. As you can see, there is generous natural light, as we expected, as well as an opening hatch in the ceiling for natural ventilation.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Both toilet rooms are also mirrored. Quite spacious for an 11 meter boat, lots of light and an opening porthole.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

We had great fun testing the Aquila 36 Sport at sea. To be honest, we were still tuned in to the “trawler behavior” of this catamaran. In addition, the solid deck in the bow also contributes to this. In general, we admit that we were somewhat skeptical about the possibility of real planing on this boat – and we were wrong...

The Aquila 36 Sport reached planing at 6 seconds, and got to a speed of 30 knots at 16 seconds.

The boat we tested had a pair of Mercury Verado V8 with 300 HP engines, which developed a speed of 5700 rpm. With such indicators, we were able to reach a speed of just over 38 knots - this was our maximum speed obtained experimentally. At the same time, fuel consumption was 217 liters per hour.

Reducing the top speed to 60 km per hour at 5000 rpm reduced fuel consumption to 133 liters per hour.

Seaworthiness is excellent when you're above 15 knots because only part of the hull is involved in overcoming the resistance of the water flow - most of it is raised above the water, and it is much easier to cut through the air than water.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Advantages of Aquila 36 Sport

Aquila 36 Sport successfully fulfills its main purpose - providing maximum pleasure from sea cruises and entertainment on the water thanks to one of the best layout and design of boats in its category.

An incredible range of options for the main deck alone: fully open, glass-lined or fully enclosed with a tempered glass sliding door allow the catamaran to be used at any time and even in areas with low temperatures.

Such a variety of versions, as well as two cabins with separate toilets, allow the catamaran to be used not only for family weekends, but also for cruises, including for a group of up to 26 people.

Comfort, safety and excellent seaworthiness are added to the list of advantages of this unique catamaran, equipped with the unique Hydro Glide Foil System, which allows you to go on planing and significantly save fuel compared to displacement boats with the same dimensions.

Reviews of Aquila 36 Sport from Professionals

John Ford

It is not surprising that a writer in the Australian yachting media attributed part of the credit to the Australians for foil technology has become more actively used in the manufacture of mass-produced motor boats. If you are interested in the logic of this statement, refer to the original source using the link provided.

He then discusses the history of the Aquila brand and the range of motor catamarans that have the Hydro Glide option.

Interesting data that the author cites when discussing why the manufacturer’s statement about savings and improved seaworthiness when using this option is true: at speed, the wings lift 40 percent of the boat’s weight out of the water.

John further describes in detail the principle of operation of the hydrofoil, and then moves on to examine the design and configuration of the catamaran.

The author also dwelled in detail on the results of testing the boat at sea.

Mark Rothfield

Mark began his review by sympathizing with Isaac Newton, who would probably be puzzled by the fact that the Aquila 36 Sport burns the same amount of fuel at 20 and 30 knots - 80 liters per hour.

And everything is explained by Hydro Glide Foil System, which is installed on the catamaran.

The author remember how he tested the Aquila 36 at one time, and that hull already seemed to him very effective - he provides testing data for the speed and fuel consumption of that cat. An improved version with an “underwater appendage”, as Mark put it, has even better performance.

Further, he describes in sufficient detail and clearly the principle of operation of Hydro Glide Foil System, and notes that the benefits of this system begin to appear at a speed of 15 knots. You start to see full benefits at 40 knots.

He noted that you won't feel the nose lift, but you will feel the effects of acceleration.

Speaking about the consequences of saving, Mark was happy for the wallets of future owners and the health of polar bears.

Here's an interesting addition: the hydrofoil is only compatible with 300-horsepower engines. Why so - read the review by Mark Rothfield by following the link provided.

Video Reviews of Aquila 36 Sport

As always, we tried to get the best videos on this boat in existence.

First, the trailer from Aquila Boats themselves:

Captain Nick from MarineMax demonstrates what this catamaran is capable of at the sea, and shows off its interiors:

Mark Rothfield explains various features of the boat:

More great footage of boat in movement:

Walkthrough of the interiors:

We already talked about the versatility of Aquila 36 Sport motor catamaran more than once in the review. Thanks to its seaworthiness characteristics, in particular excellent maneuverability, speed, as well as comfortable living conditions on board, simple and logical operation, this yacht is suitable for the following categories of yachtsmen:

  • for lovers of fishing in comfortable conditions;
  • those wishing to provide their family with a safe and comfortable holiday at sea;
  • fans of speed without complications with sails;
  • those who like to relax at sea in a large group of friends in comfortable conditions;
  • organizers of charters.

Aquila 36 Sport Review

Where to Buy Aquila 36 Sport at a Bargain Price

If you have read up to this chapter, you already know where to buy Aquila 36 Sport at a good price: just ask the experts of the topRik marketplace for help - and you will not have any problems left, since we will take care of:

  • search for a yacht exactly according to your needs;
  • negotiations with the manufacturer on favorable terms for you;
  • preparation, correct and timely execution of all necessary documents;
  • on-site inspection of the boat's equipment;
  • transfer of the catamaran Aquila 36 Sport to the point you specified.

Your bonuses are: free virtual configuration of the catamaran using the price calculator, as well as free consultations from topRik experts. For that you don’t even need to register.

If you have any questions, use the feedback form (Contacts section), call us or send a message to [email protected] .

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catamaran de sport...

  • Thread starter lrnick
  • Start date Oct 20, 2005
  • Oct 20, 2005

Bonjour, Quelqu'un connaît-il une belle traduction en anglais pour ça? Sports catamaran me va à la limite, faute d'un terme courant. Merci aux voileux... Nick  



Senior member.

Salut Irnick, Dans le Grand dico, on fait reference au sport de planche à roulettes : "Figure où l'on se tient à deux sur deux planches parallèles, chacun ayant les pieds posés sur la planche de son partenaire" mais il n'a pas de définition en anglais... est-ce que ta traduction est pour la voile, ou pour la planche à roulettes?  

  • Oct 21, 2005

Pour la voile. Je me suis inspiré de moi-même (avec un peu d'aide de Google) et j'ai trouvé 'sport catamaran'. Un cata un peu plus léger et profilé que les catas classiques. On verra bien. Merci quand même. Nick  

  • Oct 24, 2005

How about something like; Sailing a catamaran keeps me high  

  • Oct 25, 2005
  • Oct 26, 2005

French for Beth, The high I'm referring to is High on adrenaline, if you ever sailed a catamaran you need all your senses, your hartbeat is at it's maximum. The speed you can obtain gliding on surface of the water, the waves hitting hard against the boat and the control the captain must have to maintain it's course is intense. Anybody who has sailed in high winds on a catamaran was high on something ! addicted sailor  

Hey, I guess if your are not into sailing the term " high " could be misinterpreted. Inrik, quel terme exactement désire-tu traduire ?  

  • Oct 27, 2005

I receive a new message every day in my inbox, some new idea, some interpretation. As a matter of fact I wanted to translate 'catamaran de sport' as you'll see from my first post. I used my own idea in the end. I must agree with Podd though, sailng a cat in a good breeze is exhilarating. Ever sailed a laser? N  

Yes, irnick, Lasers are awesome (I was a passenger, still trying to learn how to sail). My dad used to race with his (for fun, not professionally).  

Agnès E.

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07-05-2012, 08:49  
Boat: Made offer on a Regal
? Would like to hear from some owners on these. My wife has it in her mind that when I retire that we need. I really do not know anything about them (I.E. how they handel, or what kind of range could you get). I always thought that we would go with a for LRC but
07-05-2012, 08:54  
our sail cat and have been looking at this. their p-47 model
07-05-2012, 09:09  
Boat: Mahe 36, Helia 44 Evo, MY 37
47PC is a pretty sweet ride. Charted one in the BVI's a this Feb.

We used 46.6 gallons of for the ten day .
The Moorings was surprised we used so little .
We used only one at 2000 going 7.5 to 9.5 knots depending on sea conditions.
She tracked straight as an arrow on .
Used two engines to and to catch a ball.

Has two 150hp Cummings engines  
08-05-2012, 10:52  
Boat: PDQ MV34
cat. Started with a 21' Seacat and currently have a 27 World Cat TE and a 2005 34 . I, obviously, am a fan of the .
The World Cat is a 40mph/1 mpg without many soft horizontal places for non-fisherpersons to lounge. The is a 18MPH/4mpg condo (albeit with 12 rod holders).
The PDQ has twin 100 Yanmars, fully protected running , draws about 2', twin staterooms with full queens, dry (i.e. with separate shower), a down , dual a/c , , washer/dryer, and fly bridge and lower controls).
We chartered the Moorings/Leopard 37 in Marsh Harbour and loved it. But, the Moorings/Leopard is set up for rather than . We purchased the PDQ last summer for the purpose of running around Florida's , the Fla Keys, and the . I researched many, many cats before deciding on the PDQ because that was the only boat reasonably available that ticked the top four boxes I had- dual helms, , fully protected running , and accessible engines. The PDQs are not pretty, but I have long ago come to grips with the fact that I am a function over style guy. I don't believe PDQ is currently manufacturing new , but their website is still active and a web search will turn up several PDQ34's on the used market. The 2005-2006 is generally viewed as having the more desirable galley/salon layout.
Have fun with your search!
08-05-2012, 12:23  
Boat: Made offer on a Regal
16-05-2012, 09:24  

be around 4-5gph  
16-05-2012, 09:28  
Boat: Made offer on a Regal
16-05-2012, 09:44  
16-05-2012, 09:48  

The is way up there, but this is the catamaran I like the most right now.
16-05-2012, 10:04  
Boat: Made offer on a Regal
26-05-2012, 00:15  
Boat: Oram, Upulo 10m
at 10kts using 14.5 L/hr and will happily do 6kts using one at l/hr in flat
At 16kts at 4500 use 30 l/hr
A very large small boat    

26-05-2012, 02:01  
Boat: Moody 31

forum catamaran de sport

26-05-2012, 05:07  
Boat: Chartercats, Prowlercub, 42'
28-05-2012, 03:25  
Boat: Oram, Upulo 10m

forum catamaran de sport

05-06-2012, 05:41  
Boat: Made offer on a Regal
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Die Spieler des FC Hansa Rostock stehen zusammen mit Trainer Bernd Hollerbach (MItte) auf dem Rasen © picture alliance / Fotostand

Schwacher Saisonstart - Darum läuft es nicht bei Hansa Rostock

Der FC Hansa Rostock hat einen schwachen Start in die Saison hingelegt: Aus im Pokal, noch kein Sieg in der 3. Liga. Trainer Bernd Hollerbach beklagt seit Wochen den aus seiner Sicht zu kleinen Kader. Doch die Probleme des Teams haben auch mit ihm zu tun, wie die Daten zeigen.

von Tobias Knaack

Den Auftakt in die neue Spielzeit hatten sie sich beim FC Hansa ganz anders vorgestellt. Nach dem von Ausschreitungen begleiteten Abstieg aus der 2. Liga wollten die Mecklenburger mit einem großen personellen Umbruch ein neues, gemeinsames Band schaffen, das von Mannschaft und Trainer über die Club-Verantwortlichen und Geschäftspartner bis hin zu den Fans reicht. Die Rostocker wollten nicht weniger als eine neue Identität.

Stattdessen: Streit um die Kündigung des Hauptsponsors , Rücktritt von Aufsichtsrat Michael Brügmann, massive Fan-Beleidigungen in den sozialen Netzwerken nach dem Pokal-Aus gegen Hertha BSC (1:5) und ein Pfeifkonzert im Ostseestadion nach dem Remis gegen Borussia Dortmund II (1:1) am vergangenen Sonnabend. Nur zwei Punkte aus den ersten drei Liga-Partien bedeuten Tabellenplatz 18.

Vorstandschef Robert Marien vom Fußball-Zweitligisten FC Hansa Rostock © picture alliance / Fotostand | Fotostand / Voelker

Hansa Rostock und Ex-Vorstandschef Marien lösen Vertrag vorzeitig auf

Darauf haben sich der Aufsichtsrat der Mecklenburger und der ehemalige Vorstandsvorsitzende verständigt, wie der Club am Dienstag mitteilte. mehr

Nicht nur die Größe des Kaders ist ein Problem

Auch weil es in der jüngeren Vergangenheit - wie in der vergangenen Spielzeit Arminia Bielefeld - immer wieder Zweitliga-Absteiger gab, die über Anpassungsschwierigkeiten in der 3. Liga in arge Abstiegssorgen gerieten, schrillen die Alarmglocken an der Ostsee. Schon vor dem Saisonstart hatte Neu-Coach Hollerbach den aus seiner Sicht zu kleinen Kader beklagt.

Zwar sind in der Zwischenzeit unter anderem in Stürmer Albin Berisha weitere Neuzugänge an Bord der "Kogge" gegangen, der 23-Jährige alleine aber kann die Probleme der Mecklenburger nicht akut lösen. Denn die gehen über die Größe des Kaders oder eine pauschale Erhöhung des Angebots in der Offensive hinaus, wie die Daten des Global Soccer Networks (GSN) zeigen. Sie äußern sich auch etwa darin, wie die aktuell vorhandenen Spieler eingesetzt werden - oder wiederkehrende Systemwechsel für Unruhe sorgen.

Aktuell wäre ein 4-4-2 Hansas beste Formation

Hollerbach hat in drei Ligaspielen drei Mal anders spielen lassen: gegen den VfB Stuttgart II (1:1) ein 3-1-4-2, gegen Wehen-Wiesbaden (0:1) ein 3-4-2-1, gegen Borussia Dortmund II ein 3-5-2. Geht man davon aus, dass unterschiedliche Systeme unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Spieler stellen, hat es Hollerbach an dieser Stelle in der Vorbereitung und in den ersten Pflichtspielen offenbar noch nicht geschafft, seine ideale Formation auf den Platz zu bringen - und seinen Spielern so Sicherheit und Kontinuität zu geben.

Hinzu kommt: Alle Formationen gehören den Daten nach nicht zu den Idealformationen. Das Idealsystem wäre aktuell ein 4-4-2 mit Raute - basierend auf den Fähigkeiten der einzelnen Spieler. Die laut GSN beste Hansa-Aufstellung sähe dann so aus:

Uphoff - Rossipal, Roßbach, Gürleyen, Neidhart - Schuster, Fröling, Mejdr, Lebeau - Berisha, Gudjohnsen

Spieler nicht auf den für sie besten Positionen

Schon hier aber zeigt sich, dass Hollerbach gerade in der Offensive bislang einige Spieler "positionsfremd" eingesetzt hat, also nicht an der für sie besten Stelle. Adrien Lebeau etwa musste gegen Stuttgart und Dortmund als Stürmer spielen, ist aber als zentraler offensiver Mittelfeldspieler am stärksten. Nils Fröling, am stärksten als Linksaußen, hat in allen drei Begegnungen bisher im offensiven Mittelfeld agiert.

Die größte Baustelle bei Hansa ist laut GSN das rechte Mittelfeld. Im 18-jährigen Claas Zamzow ist nur ein Spieler im Kader, dessen Primärposition dort liegt. Allerdings fehlt ihm aktuell noch die Qualität für die 3. Liga (GSN-Index: 37,67). In den ersten drei Ligaspielen liefen daher Nico Neidhart und Tamas Mejdr im rechten Mittelfeld auf - beide haben ihre Stärken aber eigentlich in eher defensiveren Rollen auf der rechten Seite.

Was ist der GSN-Index?

  • 1. "fußballerische Eigenschaften": Technik, Spielübersicht oder der erste Kontakt: Einschätzungen über 130 fußballspezifische Eigenschaften von mehr als 300 Scouts weltweit.
  • 2. "fußballerisches Potenzial": Wo werden Spieler besser, wo stagnieren sie oder entwickeln sich zurück? Ein Algorithmus analysiert Daten aus der ersten Säule und vergleicht Spielertypen.
  • 3. "Performance auf dem Spielfeld": Tore, Pässe, Fouls, Schüsse oder auch Abseitspositionen: die Spiel-Basisdaten und weiterführende Analysen wie "Expected goals" oder "Action scores" werden durch einen Algorithmus in einen übergeordneten Kontext gesetzt - zum Beispiel positionsbezogen.
  • 4. "Spielniveau": Jede Mannschaft oder Liga hat einen Zahlenwert, der ihre Stärke bemisst. Oberliga oder Champions League: Umso höher das Spielniveau des Gegners, desto positiver wirkt es sich auf den GSN-Index aus.
  • 85 - 100: Weltklasse
  • 70 - 85: internationale Klasse
  • 60 - 70: Durchschnitt Bundesliga bzw. der Top 5 Ligen
  • 50 - 60: Durchschnitt 2. Bundesliga
  • 40 - 50: Durchschnitt 3. Liga
  • 30 - 40: Durchschnitt Regionalliga
  • aktueller GSN-Index: zeigt die aktuelle, allumfassende Qualität eines Spielers basierend auf den Daten der vier Säulen und Algorithmus-Berechnungen.
  • möglicher GSN-Index: Künstliche Intelligenz ermittelt anhand der Daten das bestmögliche, zukünftige Leistungsniveau eines Spielers.

Dennoch haben die Rostocker bislang die meisten ihrer Angriffe über die eigene rechte Seite vorgetragen - mehr als 17 pro Partie. Obwohl das der sechstbeste Wert der Liga ist, kreiert die Mannschaft hieraus kaum Torgefahr (0,22 erwartete Tore bedeuten Rang 15).

Zweikampfstark, aber nach vorne limitiert

Die Daten zeichnen darüber hinaus auch ein erstes Bild der bisherigen Auftritte des Hollerbach-Teams insgesamt - einer zwar engagierten und robusten, nach vorne aber unkreativen und limitierten Mannschaft. Den Daten nach ist die Mannschaft in vielen Dimensionen der Zweikampfführung ligaweit Spitze - oder rangiert auf einem der vorderen Plätze.

Umgekehrt ist Hansa in den bisherigen drei Liga-Partien in vielen Statistiken, die für ein geordnetes Offensivspiel stehen würden, maximal mittelmäßig gewesen, in einigen Werten aber auch am Ende des Rankings - etwa bei den angekommenen Pässen oder den Schlüsselpässen. Der FCH spielt im Ligavergleich mit durchschnittlich rund 22 Metern die drittlängsten Pässe, ist die Nummer eins bei langen Schlägen.

Moritz Jenz vom VfL Wolfsburg © IMAGO / Christian Schroedter

Transfer-Ticker: Wolfsburg verleiht Jenz an Mainz - Hansa holt Jonic

Gerüchte, Zugänge und Abgänge: Was passiert bei den Fußball-Profi-Clubs im Norden am Ende der Sommer-Transferperiode? Alle Infos im Live-Ticker. mehr

Zu wenig Schüsse und Abschlussgelegenheiten

Das Problem daran: Das Team bringt den Ball so zwar recht häufig in den gegnerischen Sechzehner und kann dort sogar die fünftmeisten Ballkontakte verzeichnen, nur entstehen daraus nicht annähernd im gleichen Maß Abschlussgelegenheiten. Egal ob Schüsse pro Partie, Schüsse aufs Tor, Torschussvorlagen oder die Zahl der erwarteten Tore - die Mecklenburger ordnen sich statistisch in dieser Hinsicht maximal im unteren Mittelfeld der Liga ein.

Und das mündet - zumal gepaart mit einem unterdurchschnittlichen Spieltempo - im gemeinsam mit Tabellenschlusslicht 1860 München bislang schwächsten Angriff der Liga mit lediglich zwei Treffern.

Hansa am Freitag bei Vikoria Köln

"Wer einen Umbruch will, muss auch mit den Konsequenzen leben. Mir geht es darum, wie wir auftreten", sagte Coach Hollerbach am Mittwoch vor der Partie am Freitag beim Tabellen-Dritten Viktoria Köln (19 Uhr, im NDR Livecenter ): "Die Jungs wollen. Es ist, wie ich von Anfang an gesagt habe: Wir haben einen Umbruch hinter uns. Wir müssen geduldig sein."

Helfen würde - neben dem Festlegen auf ein System - laut GSN dennoch ein Neuzugang für die rechte Offensivposition, "der sowohl Torgefahr kreieren, durch Dribblings, Flanken, Schlüsselpässe und eigenen Abschluss torgefährlich sein" kann. Ein solcher Spieler könnte der 24 Jahre alte Sofian Bahloul vom österreichischen SCR Altach per Leihe sein.

Das Transferfenster in der 3. Liga ist noch bis Montag geöffnet, am Freitag steigt die Begegnung in Köln. Beide Termine sind trotz des frühen Zeitpunkts in der Saison mit Blick auf die Entwicklung des Clubs in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten von großer Bedeutung.

Neuzugang Ahmet Gürleyen (r.) klatscht mit Trainer Bernd Hollerbach von Hansa Rostock ab © IMAGO/Ostseephoto

3. Liga - Zu- und Abgänge: Hansa Rostock, VfL Osnabrück, Hannover 96 II

Alle Zu- und Abgänge der norddeutschen Fußball-Drittligisten Hansa Rostock, VfL Osnabrück und Hannover 96 II in der Saison 2024/2025 im Überblick. mehr

Frust bei den Spielern des FC Hansa Rostock nach dem 1:1-Ausgleichstreffer des VfB Stuttgart II © IMAGO / Sportfoto Rudel

Hansa Rostock nach dem Abstieg: Aller Anfang ist schwer

Die neu formierten Mecklenburger zeigten beim 1:1 gegen den VfB Stuttgart II gute Ansätze. Doch um den Wiederaufstieg zu schaffen, braucht es weitere Verstärkungen. mehr

Die Hansa-Profis Jannis Lang, Philipp Klewin und Sveinn Aron Gudjohnsen (v.l.). © IMAGO / Jan Huebner

Kader der 3. Liga: Hansa nur im Mittelfeld, Osnabrück vorne dabei

Die Kader der 3. Liga in der Datenanalyse: Wer Aufstiegsfavorit ist, wer um den Klassenerhalt bangen muss. mehr

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Cahors. Le 25e forum des sports est un événement attendu

L’édition 2023 avait connu un franc succès. DDM archives 2023.

Le 25e Forum du Sport qui se tiendra le samedi 31 août, est l’évènement à ne pas manquer.

Les Jeux Olympiques ont démontré un engouement extraordinaire pour l’ensemble des sports de la part du public, et, avec les Jeux Paralympiques qui auront tout juste commencé, le Grand Cahors ne peut qu’être impacté par cette grande vague sportive.

Les bénévoles de l’Office du Sport de Grand Cahors ont travaillé activement pour que cette 25e édition du forum soit une journée exceptionnelle, aidés et soutenus par les services de la ville et de la Communauté d’agglomération. Rendez-vous est donné de 10h à 18h sur le Stade Lucien-Desprats à Cahors. Les associations sportives seront à la disposition du public, des ateliers et des démonstrations aideront à les faire mieux connaître. Des quiz, sur des sujets sportifs bien sûr, seront proposés avec divers goodies offerts. Présence de la Croix Rouge sur le site.

Le Bubble Band Cahors assurera l’ambiance musicale. Les bénévoles de l’Office vous proposeront boissons, crêpes, pop-corn, sandwichs à la buvette. Des stands particuliers : Lot Handisport, Maisons Sport Santé, Établissement Français du Sang et le Comité Olympique et Sportif du Lot.

La culture et ses nombreuses associations seront aussi présentes sur le site.

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  15. Catamaran Sailboats at TheBeachcats.com

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  16. Raid Catamaran

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  25. Schwacher Saisonstart

    Der FC Hansa Rostock hat einen schwachen Start in die Saison hingelegt: Aus im Pokal, noch kein Sieg in der 3. Liga. Trainer Bernd Hollerbach beklagt seit Wochen den aus seiner Sicht zu kleinen Kader.

  26. Cahors. Le 25e forum des sports est un événement attendu

    Le 25e Forum du Sport qui se tiendra le samedi 31 août, est l'évènement à ne pas manquer.Les Jeux Olympiques ont démontré un engouement extraordinaire pour l'ensemble des sports de la ...