Best Small Sailboats For Beginners

Best Small Sailboats for Beginners: Discover My Three Favorites and Set Sail with Confidence

igor desperatesailors

Sailing is a fun and enjoyable activity for everyone, no matter the experience level.

Mastering how to sail a primary boat is effortless. I encourage beginners to practice in the right environment as they can gain considerable experience with time.

Since most beginners make the mistake of picking the wrong boat to start with, they get frustrated and quit before they can sail by themselves.

In this blog, I will cover the  best small sailboats for beginners  to help mitigate this problem.

Read on to learn more…

  • Catalina 16.5

So, What’s the Best Small Sailing Boat For Beginners?

The three best small sailboats for beginners.

Sunfish is a personalized boat for beginners to sail with. Its ease of use makes sailing enjoyable for both beginners and experienced sailors.

Key Specifications

  • Sail Area: 75 Square Feet
  • Hull Weight: 120 Pounds
  • Capacity: 1-2 people
  • Optimal Weight: up to 190 pounds

Key Features

  • Sunfish has a patented kick-up rudder that makes beach launches, landings, and shallow-water sailing effortless.
  • It has a self-bailing cockpit.
  • It has a stainless steel bow handle that enables carrying, docking, and holding the boat into the wind while launching or loading.

Sunfish Rigged For Sailing

  • Easy to sail and rig using a single control line
  • Fast planning sailboat in good wind
  • It is cheap
  • Daggerboard and kick-up rudder enable easy beaching.
  • Little freeboard and small cockpit
  • A beginner can easily capsize

Why I Have Included Sunfish Sailboat in My List

I have included this sailboat in my list because it combines performance, durability, and stability suitable for beginners and experts.

With this boat, you can quickly learn how to sail, and you can’t go wrong with it.

More Info International Sunfish Class Association

Hunter 15 is a safe and versatile boat for both beginners and masters in sailing.

  • Passenger capacity: 4
  • Length overall: 4.4 m (14′6″)
  • Draft – Board Up: (6″)0.15 m
  • Draft – Board Down: (3’0″)0.92 m
  • Material: fiberglass
  • Appendages: lifting keel
  • Intended use: daysailer

Hunter 15 Small Sailboats For Beginners

  • Stainless steel arch
  • Spacious cockpit area
  • Easy to balance
  • It doesn’t sail well in downwind
  • No separate starting battery

Why I Have Included the Hunter 15 Sailboat in My List

I have included this boat in my list because it has a comfortable wide beam, a contoured self-bailing cockpit and fiberglass construction.

Additionally, it is designed to allow beginners to sail around with ease, and it is a safe boat giving sailors a confident feeling and peace of mind as they sail.

More Info

Catalina 16.5 is a small, powerful recreational sailing boat constructed predominantly of fiberglass.

  • LOA: 16.33 ft. / 4.98 m
  • Approximate Base Wt.: 430lb.
  • Draft Board up: 5″
  • Draft Board down: 4’5″
  • Fiberglass composite Kick-up rudder
  • Stainless steel standing rigging
  • Adjustable hiking straps
  • Self-bailing cockpit

Catalina 16.5 Sailboat For Beginners

  • Fast sailboat
  • Easy to sail and rig around
  • Difficult to balance

Why I Have Included Catalina 16.5 Sailboat in My List

I have included Catalina 16.5 boat in the list because of its fantastic design, is versatile, and you can get them in two designs: the keel model and the centreboard model.

More Info

Here are my top three picks of  best small sailboat for beginners :

If I had to pick one, I would go for Hunter 15 sailboat because it has the the best safety features. The Hunter 15 sailboat is also easy to operate, plus you can dock with no problem. The boat is easy to maintain, and it’s not complicated for a beginner.

What is your choice?


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igor desperatesailors

Hi, I’m Igor, Skipper of S/Y "The Hooker". A decade ago, I conquered my childhood dream: to be a sailing skipper, own a sailing yacht. Yes, it knocked dullness out of my urban life — Read more →

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The Best Small Sailboat For Beginners. 8 Great Boat Options

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best small sailboats for beginners

If you are new to sailing and want to get a boat, what should you get? There are tons of sailboats out there on Craigslist, eBay, and Marketplace. Prices can range from free to a hundred thousand or more. What should you get for your first sailboat? Keep reading below to learn a little more about sailboats and what you should look for. I also have my picks for the best small sailboat for beginners.

What makes a sailboat good for beginners?

I learned to sail in middle school and have done it regularly since then. I spent my college summers working as a children’s sailing school instructor at a few yacht clubs around the US. I’ve raced sailboats a ton too on all kinds of boats from collegiate buoy racing too overnight long distance races. After years of doing this, I am way more of a go sailing for fun kind of guy than someone who lives for the competition.

For anyone thinking about learning to sail, it’s not that hard to learn sailing basics. You can teach yourself watching Youtube vidoes but it wouldn’t hurt to take a sailing lesson just to learn the basic sailing terms and see a live hands on demonstration of how to sail.

Here is what I have learned over the years for which boats make learning to sail easier.

Easy to sail

You need a boat that is easy to sail. You don’t want to get a boat that capsizes super easily. You want a stable boat that can tolerate some mistakes without sending you into the drink. You want a boat that isn’t too overpowered so it won’t feel terrifying if the wind picks up while you are out.

Easy to rig

You want a boat you can rig and put together easily. If it’s a trailerable boat you need a mast you can put up and down without hurting your back or needing a bunch of tricks. A racing boat with a lot of sail controls may have a ton of things you need to hook up when rigging it and lots of adjustments depending on wind conditions. A recreational day sailing boat may have very few. As a beginner sailor looking for a boat, less is more. You want something that leans towards, lift the mast, put the sails on, hoist, and go.

What exactly is a small sailboat anyways? A read an article recently in a popular sailboat cruising magazine. They labeled a 36 footer as a “compact cruising yacht”. There is nothing compact or small about a 36 footer. Bigger sailboats react slower to steering and sail controls. A larger boat will have a lot more momentum when you are trying to get on and off the dock. The bigger the boat, the more load and force on all the lines and sails.

I recommend learning to sail first on something simple like a Sunfish. A little 14 foot sailing dinghy that can hold 1 or 2 adults. If your more ambitious and want to start with a boat you could go cruising in then a Catalina 25 or 27 are good choices. You really should not go any bigger than that for your first boat. A Catalina 30 weighs twice as much as a Catalina 27 and you can’t just easily push it around the dock. A 30 footer should be saved for your second or later boat.

Dinghy vs keelboat

Your first sailboat can be a dinghy without a keel or a keelboat. Small keelboats can make really good learning boats. With most keelboats you don’t need to worry about capsizing. If you go with a dinghy get something that is easy to upright.

Flying Scots are used for learning sailboats in many places including a sailing club I used to belong too. They are big stable and tubby. They are horrible to upright if you do manage to capsize them. You will need help from a powerboat to do it. If you go for a dinghy with no keel, it is better to stick to 15 feet or under so you can upright it without outside help. The 16 to 20 foot dinghy is where it can take some skill to self rescue yourself after a capsize if it’s possible at all.

If you decide to get a 20 to 25 foot keelboat, it is easiest to keep them at a marina with a hoist or preferably in the water. Trailer launching keelboats is a challenge even with a swing keel because of how deep you need to get them in the water to float off the trailer.

Minimal sail controls

When you learn to sail, all you really need are a halyard to hoist the mainsail, a sheet to control the mainsail. You don’t really need anything else to be adjustable. That is all you need to sail upwind, downwind, or any other point of sail. Everything else is extra for a beginner.

1 or 2 sails

When you learn to sail all you need is a mainsail. The near perfect learning sailboat is the Sunfish which has a lateen rig with only 1 sail. It has really simple controls and you can rig it wrong and it will still sail for you.

It is okay to learn to sail on a sloop rigged boat with 2 sails. A mainsail and a headsail or jib. Stop there.

You don’t need a spinnaker. Ask anyone who has raced sailboats and they will have stories about what went wrong with a spinnaker. Spinnakers are responsible for breaking more stuff on a sailboat than anything else.

There are boats out there with 2 or more masts such as a ketch or yawl. The second mast is called a mizzen mast. Don’t even think of getting one of these either. It’s just more distraction and things that can break or go wrong. You don’t want a cutter rigged sloop. These have 2 headsails which you again don’t need or want.

Tiller steering

Your first boat should have tiller steering. Don’t get a boat with wheel steering. The wheel mechanism has a lot of drag and slop in it and you won’t feel how the boat is reacting. A tiller lets you immediately feel the boat is out of balance. A tiller is easier to learn to sail upwind with by learning to push it towards or away from the sail. Wheel steering is less intuitive. Stay away from that big cruise with a wheel.

Trailerable boats vs marinas

I grew up in central Pennsylvania where we had small lakes to sail on. This meant a trailerable small boat when we got our first sailboat. I currently live in Michigan near the Great Lakes. Most boats I’ve had as an adult have lived at a marina and not at my house.

If you want to sail more often, keep it rigged at a marina so you have to do the very least possible to get it out on the water. I use my sailboats way more often when I don’t have to hook it up to a car, drag it to the lake, rig it and do the reverse to go home. The downside is cost. Keeping even a Sunfish at a marina or yacht club can cost a lot.

If you want to experience sailing on a low budget, trailering smaller boats is a fine way to go. If you want more convenience and your willing to pay for it consider keeping your boat rigged at a marina.

Portable boats (multi-section hull or inflatable)

There are a few new entries in the boating world that focus on making the boat easier to store and transport. These involve either inflatable hulls or a folding or multi-section hull. These let you store the boat in your garage, large closet or spare room. You can fit them in the back of a small SUV for transport without roof racks or a trailer. 2 great examples of these are the Tiwal inflatable sailboat and Minicat inflatable catamaran.

Commonly available and easy to get parts

Stuff will break on your sailboat if you use it enough. Some parts on a boat are really generic such as pullies, blocks and lines. Other parts are not such as boom or mast end fittings, rudders, etc… There are a lot of cheap boats out on Craigslist. There are a million old 15 foot 2 person sloop rigged sailing dinghies out there in people’s yards. Before buying any of these make sure that all the parts are there. Do not buy one without seeing it rigged with sails up first.

If your not sure find an experienced sailor friend who sails to go look at it with you. If anything is broken look up to see if you can get a replacement part. For many of these old boats, replacement parts are impossible to find which is why they are being given away for not much or free.

If a boat has an active racing class still, there is a good chance replacement parts are available. Racers go out in high winds and push the boat which means they break stuff. Boats like a Sunfish or Laser that are still produced and raced all over are easy to get sails and spare parts.

Keep it inexpensive

When you are buying your starter boat, know that it won’t be your last boat. You will learn what you like and don’t like and you’ll want another boat. There is a disease among sailors called “Threefootitis”. No matter how big a boat you buy, you will always want one at least a 3 feet bigger boat. Don’t spend a ton on your first sailboat. There are tons of Sunfish out there for under $1000 and even under $500. I once got one for free that was still in racing condition. The biggest boat you should consider, something like a Catalina 27, can be had for well under $5000. Under $10,000 for a fully optioned one with wheel steering and a diesel inboard.

See our guide to how much does a small sailboat cost to learn more about what it costs to buy a sailboat.

1 – Minicat Inflatable Catamaran

minicat inflatable sailboat

Minicat makes a line of inflatable catamarans. They are available in a few sizes and suitable for children up to a few adults. Minicat’s use an inflatable hulls with a multi-piece mast and trampoline. The whole thing can be put away in 1 to 2 bags that are 6ft x 1ft x 1ft. They will easily fit in the back of an SUV with the rear seats folded or easily tied to a roof rack.=

The Minicat can hit high speeds just like a solid hulled catamaran. They have a full length fin down each hull to generate power. They are as fun to sail as any traditional hobie cat or other beach catameran but much easier to transport and store.

The Minicat 420 is their most popular design. It is about the same size as a Hobie 14 and good for up to 4 adults. You can learn more about or get one from Great Lakes Watercraft .

2 – Tiwal Inflatable Sailboats

tiwal2 sailing

Tiwal makes a line of 3 inflatable sailboats. They range from a basic dinghy to a performance racer. They are capable of sailing with 1-3 adults and children depending on the model. They break down into bags that will fit in the back of most people’s cars.

They use modern rigs with furling or reefing options so you can use them in a variety of winds. They use drop-stich construction to be able to create a v-hull that gives good performance on the water. The Tiwal 3R has hiking racks for even more performance.

Tiwal sailboats have been seen on Below Deck Sailing Yacht. They are one of the favorite water toys for people cruising on big boats. They let anyone try sailing with a small, easy to transport, and affordable package.

Visit to learn more about their sailboats.

3 – Sunfish

sunfish sailboats

I personally learned to sail on a Sunfish. It is still one of the best sailboats to learn sailing on. It is a super simple boat design that is easy and fun to sail and virtually anyone can rig or launch it.

Sunfish are small, 14 foot sailboats with a lateen rig that only has a main sail. They are sometimes referred to as board boats. They have a flat deck you sit on top of. These are common at beach resorts around the world so almost everyone has seen one at one point or another.

They are extremely simple to rig. You put the mast through the sail/booms and into the hull. There is one halyard to raise the sail. They have one sheet to control the sail. Racers have figured out ways to rig more controls but chances are, any boat you buy used won’t have them. 2 adults can easily fit on a Sunfish for sailing around.

Sunfish are very forgiving and easy to sail. The square sided hard chined hull makes them feel stable in the water even in a lot of wind. If you do capsize they are easy to upright and self bailing.

New Sunfish are still being built and they are raced in many places so parts are sails are easy to get. If you do feel like giving racing a try, chances are there is somewhere you can do it. The boats are sturdy and durable.

To learn more about Sunfish go here.

4 – Laser

laser sailboat

A Laser is another 14 foot 1 or 2 person sailboat that falls under the board boat category. They are very common and raced all over the place. It is the most popular racing sailboat in the history of sailing. They are currently an Olympic class boat as well. They have been raced at the Olympics in every summer games since 1996.

Lasers are less stable and capsize easier than Sunfish. They are a bit faster and higher performance for those wanting a little more oomph. They are still manageable for beginners. They are one of the easiest boats out there to upright after a capsize. If you choose one, take it out on lighter wind days until you get the hang of it. Don’t start out on a day with lots of wind and white caps or you will probably spend the whole day capsizing over and over.

Lasers are available with different sized sails. The most common version is the standard laser. The next most common is called the “Laser Radial” which has a smaller sail and mast. Some boats will have both. If it’s your first boat I strongly recommend looking for a boat with a Radial rig.

The thing to watch for with Lasers is their mast step. This is where the mast goes into the hull. If you are looking for one, pour a glass of water into the hole and see if it stays there or drains into the hull. If it drains into the hull, walk away from that boat. The weakness of these boats is the mast to hull joint which weakens with time and lots of use. If the mast step holds water it is fine.

To learn more about Lasers go here.

5 – West Wight Potter 15/19

west wight potter sailboat

West Wight Potters are very small cruising keelboats. They come in 15 and 19 foot versions. The 15 footer can be towed behind almost any car. The 19 footer needs a good sized SUV like an Explorer. They are very simple sloop rigged boats without any extra racing controls. They have keels and are stable. There are lots of them out there and they are still being made.

These aren’t the fastest or flashiest boats out there. They are easy to rig, easy to sail and you can do trailer cruising on them. These are for sail regularly on Craigslist and Marketplace. They are known to be solidly built without any common failure points.

If you are looking for a small keelboat you can learn to sail with and tow around these are a great choice.

To learn more about West Wight Potters go here.

6 – Catalina 25 and Catalina 27

Catalina 27 sailing

Dinghy sailing isn’t for everyone. Some people are more interested in a cruising boat they can go places with and stay over night. If that is you then a Catalina 25 or 27 is a great choice. Catalina 25 and Catalina 27s are 2 of the most common small cruising keelboats out there. They were built from the 1970’s through late 1980’s. There were thousands of both of them built. I have owned 2 Catalina 27’s and had a ton of fun on both of them. They are easy to sail, dock and take care of. They are at the large end of what you should consider for a beginner sailboat but still manageable.

Both boats were available with lots of options. Catalina 27’s can be simple with tiller steering and outboards. They can be more decked out with wheel steering and diesel of gas inboards. Catalina 25’s are the same although they are all tiller steering. Catalina 25s have either a fixed feel or a retractable keel for trailering. As a trailer boat they are huge and you’ll need something like an F350 to tow it.

For your first sailboat, look for a tiller steering, outboard motor, fixed keel version. Look for a boat with a roller furling headsail. This makes the boat much more easy to manage. You can reduce sail area by partially rolling up the headsail if it gets too windy. This is much better for your first boat then buying one with multiple sails that hank onto the headstay that need changed as the wind changes.

Do some more research into the boat for problem areas such as deck core rot or “Catalina smile” before buying one. Price wise, you can find them for $1000 to $10,000 depending on options and conditions.

To learn more about Catalina 25’s go here. To learn more about Catalina 27’s go here.

7 – Hobie 16/14

Hobie 16 catamaran

Hobie 16’s are the most popular beach catamaran in the world. They are common at beach resorts all over the world. I have owned one of these before too. They are also actively raced so parts and sails are easy to get. The Hobie 14 is the slightly smaller and less popular little brother. Both are available used all over the place for cheap.

Hobies are a ton of fun to sail. You can go really fast flying a hull in one. If you get one of your first sailboat use a bit of caution on when you take it out until you get used to it. Don’t start out on a day the wind is nuking and hope it will go okay because it won’t.

These are fairly easy to rig. This is the most complex boat I would ever recommend to a beginner. The mast can be challenging to raise and lower but there are easy ways Macguyver it and make it not so bad.

They do not tack easily upwind. Like all multihulls they can get stuck in irons easily when pointed into the wind. Sometimes you have to give it a little backwind and opposite rudder to get spun through the wind. It’s easy with a little bit of practice. It won’t tack as easily as a monohull.

To learn more about Hobie cats go here.

8 – The 2 person 14 foot sloop rigged sailing dinghy

2 person sailing dinghies

There are tons of this type of boat available used everywhere. There isn’t any single one that is widespread around the US to mention a particular design. There are tons of 420’s and Flying Juniors, Capri 14’s, JY15’s, Islander 14’s, etc… out there. They are all meant for 2 people. They all have a sloop rig with main and jib and a retractable centerboard. They all aren’t that hard to rig. They all can be trailered behind any car.

They can be sailed by one person in light winds or 2 people in almost any wind condition. They can be self rescued by 2 people after a capsize without help. Keep this in mind if you think about sailing it alone on a windy day.

As mentioned earlier in the article. The thing to watch out for with this type of boat is making sure all the parts are there. Make sure it is in sailing condition before you buy it. If something is broken make sure you can replace it before buying it.

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Small Sailboat Types: Choose the Perfect One For You

A boat's weight, draft, and sail area often affect its performance in different wind and water conditions. For this reason, sailors often prefer small sailboats because they are easy to handle, have simple rigging and sail plans, and are also more affordable. In this article, we'll help you choose the perfect type of small sailboat that fits your experience and budget.

The most common types of small sailboats include dinghies, daysailers, sloops, and catamarans. Dinghies are small, lightweight boats that are easy to launch and sail, while daysailers are slightly larger but more comfortable. Sloops are characterized by a single-mast rig, while a catamaran has two hulls, which provide stability.

To choose the right small sailboat for your needs, there are three important factors to keep in mind: your skill level, the intended use of the boat, and your budget limits. Let's find out how each of these factors can affect your choice.

  • Dinghies are lightweight and easy to transport, but they can capsize easily, have limited space, and are not suitable for long distances or overnight trips.
  • Daysailers are more spacious than dinghies, but they are heavier and less maneuverable.
  • Small sloops are more spacious and comfortable than dinghies or daysailers; however, they are heavier and more expensive and require a larger vehicle or trailer for transport.
  • Small catamarans are fast and fun to sail but may require more maintenance and are less comfortable than sloops for overnight trips.
  • If you plan to race, you may want a boat that is lightweight and fast, such as the J/70 or the Melges 24, but for day sailing, opt for small sailboats like the Hobie 16 or the Flying Scot.

small sailboats like sunfish

Types of Small Sailboats

Below is a table showing the different types of small sailboats and a short list of popular sailboats under each one:

Small, lightweight sailboats that are easy to maneuver and great for learning basic sailing skills. 6–15 feet in length Optimist, Laser, Sunfish, 420, 29er
Slightly larger sailboats that can accommodate small groups and are good for day trips and weekend outings. 16–20 feet in length Catalina 16.5, Flying Scot, Precision 15, O'Day Daysailer
Larger sailboats that are more spacious and comfortable than dinghies or daysailers. Good for day trips and overnight trips. 20–30 feet in length Catalina 22, Hunter 22, J/22, San Juan 21
Fast and fun sailboats that can accommodate small groups and are good for day trips and weekend outings. 14–20 feet in length Hobie 16, Nacra 15, Prindle 16, Dart 16

Dinghy is a common type of small sailboat

A dinghy is a small sailboat that is typically used for racing or sailing in shallow water. It can be sailed by one or two people, and they are usually very lightweight and easy to handle.

They also cost less compared to other types of small sailboats. If you're curious as to how much a dinghy costs , here's an article for you.

small sailboats like sunfish

They are also very versatile and can be used for a variety of different sailing activities. Here are the pros and cons of choosing a dinghy:

  • Pros: Lightweight and easy to transport, great for racing, maneuverable, good for learning basic sailing skills.
  • Cons: Can capsize easily, limited space for passengers, not suitable for long distances or overnight trips.
To know which type of dinghy suits you best , you can read this article.

Daysailers are another popular small sailboat choice

Daysailers are slightly larger than dinghies and are designed for day sailing. They are usually between 16 and 20 feet in length and can be sailed by two or more people.

small sailboats like sunfish

Daysailers are designed for comfort and ease of use, with features such as a small cabin or cockpit for shelter and storage. They are also often equipped with amenities such as a small galley or a portable toilet.

  • Pros: More spacious than dinghies, can accommodate small groups, good for day trips and weekend outings, stable and easy to handle.
  • Cons: Heavier and less maneuverable than dinghies, may require a trailer for transport, not suitable for long distances or overnight trips.

Small sloop is a classic and versatile small sailboat option

A sloop is a type of sailboat that has a single mast and a fore-and-aft rig. This means that the sails are set parallel to the centerline of the boat.

small sailboats like sunfish

Sloops are one of the most popular types of sailboats because they are easy to handle and can be sailed by just one person. They are also very versatile and can be used for racing or cruising.

  • Pros: More spacious and comfortable than dinghies or daysailers, can accommodate small groups, good for day trips and overnight trips, good for learning intermediate sailing skills.
  • Cons: Heavier and more expensive than dinghies or daysailers, may require a larger vehicle or trailer for transport, may require more maintenance.

Small catamarans are a lightweight and stable small sailboat option

A catamaran is a type of sailboat that has two hulls instead of one. The hulls are connected by a trampoline, which provides a stable platform for sailing.

Catamarans are very fast and can be used for racing or cruising. They are also very spacious and can accommodate a lot of people.

  • Pros: Fast and fun to sail, can accommodate small groups, good for day trips and weekend outings, stable and easy to handle.
  • Cons: More expensive than dinghies or daysailers, may require a larger vehicle or trailer for transport, may require more maintenance, less comfortable than sloops for overnight trips.
If you want to know the costs of buying and owning a catamaran , either new or used, you might find this article helpful.

Small Sailboats for Different Skill Levels, Intended Use, And Budget

Below is a table showing how to choose a specific small sailboat model based on skill level, intended use, and budget:

Beginner Day sailing, learning $1,000-$4,000
Intermediate-advanced Racing, day sailing $2,000-$9,000
Intermediate-advanced Racing, day sailing $5,000-$15,000
Intermediate-advanced Cruising, day sailing $10,000-$20,000
Advanced Racing $10,000-$30,000

Choosing the perfect small sailboat based on skill level

small sailboats like sunfish

When choosing the perfect sailboat for you, try to choose a boat that matches your skill level so that you can enjoy sailing safely and comfortably.

Small sailboat for beginner sailors

If you are new to sailing, you may want to choose a small dinghy or daysailer that is easy to handle and control. Boats like the Sunfish or the Laser are popular choices for beginners, as they are lightweight and simple to rig.

These boats are also relatively forgiving, which means that they are less likely to capsize or cause injury if you make a mistake.

Small sailboat for intermediate sailors

If you have some sailing experience but are not yet an expert, you may want to consider a slightly larger boat that can handle more wind and waves.

Boats like the Catalina 22 or the Hunter 26 are popular choices for intermediate sailors, as they are larger and more stable than dinghies, but still relatively easy to handle. These boats also offer more amenities, such as a small cabin or a head, which can make them more comfortable for longer trips.

Small sailboat for advanced sailors

If you are an experienced sailor, you may want to choose a larger boat that can handle more challenging conditions. Boats like the J/105 or the J/120 are popular choices for advanced sailors, as they are designed for racing and cruising in open waters. These boats are more complex to rig and operate, but offer greater speed, stability, and control in high winds and waves.

Choosing the perfect small sailboat based on intended use

Are you planning to use the boat for day sailing, racing, or cruising? Different boats are designed for different purposes, so choose a boat that is well-suited for your intended use.

Small sailboat for day sailing

If you plan to use your boat for day sailing, you may want to consider a small dinghy or daysailer that is easy to launch and retrieve. Boats like the Hobie 16 or the Flying Scot are popular choices for day sailing, as they are fast and fun to sail in open waters. These boats are also relatively easy to rig and maintain, which makes them a great choice for recreational sailing.

small sailboats like sunfish

Small sailboat for racing

If you plan to use your boat for racing, you may want to consider a lightweight and fast boat that is designed for speed and agility. Boats like the J/70 or the Melges 24 are popular choices for racing, as they are designed to be fast and responsive in all conditions. These boats are also highly maneuverable, which makes them a great choice for competitive sailing.

Small sailboat for cruising

If you plan to use your boat for cruising, you may want to consider a boat that is more comfortable and has more amenities. Boats like the Catalina 27 or the Hunter 31 are popular choices for cruising, as they offer more space, storage, and comfort than smaller boats. These boats are also designed to be stable and seaworthy, which makes them a great choice for longer trips.

Choosing the perfect small sailboat depending on your budget

Consider choosing a boat that fits within your budget so that you don't overspend and end up with a boat that you can't afford to maintain or use. The price for used dinghies ranges from $1,000 to $5,000.

For used sailboats within 20–40 feet, the prices range from $5,000 to $50,000 . Keep in mind that there are also additional costs to consider, such as storage, maintenance, and repairs.

To get an idea of the pricing for used sailboats , you can use this article as a reference. Meanwhile, for the annual maintenance costs for sailboats , here's an article you can refer to.

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Small Sailboats: From Dinghies to Ocean Cruisers

Ahoy there, maritime enthusiasts! Are you tired of being a landlubber and ready to take on the open waters? Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about sailing into the sunset but thought that owning a sailboat was only for the wealthy or the experienced? The good news is that small sailboats are here to prove you wrong. Easy to maneuver, affordable, and incredibly fun, these little vessels offer a world of possibilities for novices and veterans alike. So, why not set sail on this journey and explore what small sailboats have to offer?

Types of Small Sailboats

Dinghies are like the hatchbacks of the sailing world—compact, practical, and surprisingly versatile. Usually measuring under 15 feet, they are the go-to boats for sailing newbies to cut their teeth on. Why? Because they're affordable and easy to manage. Think of a dinghy as your first bicycle—sure, you'll fall a few times, but the lessons learned are invaluable.

If a dinghy is a hatchback, then a daysailer would be your sporty coupe—ideal for a fun day out but not really for a week-long journey. These boats are a bit larger, typically ranging from 15 to 25 feet, and can comfortably accommodate 4 to 6 people. They're perfect for sailing close to shore, having a picnic on the water, or enjoying a beautiful sunset.

Looking for something a bit unique? The catboat could be your feline friend on the water. These boats are known for their single mast and mainsail, making them easier to handle. They’re the sort of boat that likes to lounge lazily in shallow waters but can also pick up the pace when needed.

Features to Consider When Buying

Hull material.

The hull is like the foundation of a house—if it's not strong, everything else fails. Generally, you'll find hulls made of fiberglass, wood, or even aluminum. Each material has its pros and cons. For instance, fiberglass is durable and low-maintenance but can be expensive. Wood offers a classic look but requires more upkeep.

Would you prefer manual or automatic transmission in a car? Similarly, the rig type of your sailboat affects your sailing experience. You might opt for a simple sloop with one mast and two sails or maybe a cutter with an additional headsail for better balance. The choice is yours.

Length and Beam

Here's where size really matters. The length and beam (width) of your boat will significantly impact its stability, storage capacity, and how it handles in different water conditions. It's not always that smaller is easier to handle; sometimes, a slightly larger boat offers better stability and amenities.

Advantages of Small Sailboats


Let's face it—owning a boat isn't cheap. But small sailboats make the dream more accessible. Not only are the upfront costs generally lower, but ongoing maintenance expenses like docking fees, cleaning, and repairs are also more manageable. It's the difference between owning a high-end sports car and a reliable sedan—both can be fun, but one is undoubtedly easier on the wallet.


Remember the first time you parallel parked a car? Now, imagine doing that with a 40-foot boat! Small sailboats shine when it comes to maneuverability. They're easier to steer, quicker to respond, and a breeze to dock, making them perfect for navigating through narrow channels or crowded marinas.

Low Maintenance

Less is more when it comes to boat maintenance. Smaller surface area means fewer places for dirt and grime to hide, making cleaning easier. Not to mention, smaller engines (if your boat has one) mean less complicated mechanical problems to solve. It's like owning a plant that only needs water once a week—low commitment, high reward.

Popular Small Sailboats

Remember the Volkswagen Beetle of yesteryears? Compact, easy to manage, and immensely popular—that's what Sunfish is to the world of small sailboats. Whether you want to race or just sail leisurely, this boat is a versatile choice that won't disappoint.

For those who crave a bit more adrenaline, the J/22 is like the sports bike of small sailboats. Known for its speed, agility, and performance, this boat is a favorite in racing circles. It's agile enough to make quick turns yet sturdy enough to handle a variety of sea conditions.

Catalina 22

If you're looking for the minivan of small sailboats—functional, family-friendly, and reliable—the Catalina 22 is for you. Ideal for weekend trips with the family, this boat offers a cabin for shelter, a cooking space, and even a small toilet. It's a floating home away from home.

Small Sailing Yachts for Sale

Where to buy.

Buying a boat can be like buying a car; there are various avenues available. You can go through dealerships, check out classified ads, or even explore online platforms like Boat Trader or YachtWorld. Just like you wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, make sure to do a sea trial before making a purchase.

Price Range

The cost of your new aquatic venture can vary widely depending on the size, brand, and features. You might find a used dinghy for as low as $1,000 or a top-of-the-line daysailer that costs over $20,000. Therefore, it's crucial to budget not just for the initial purchase but also for the ongoing costs like maintenance, insurance, and docking fees.

(To be continued...)

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Small Bluewater Sailboats

Definition and features.

When it comes to small sailboats, not all are built for the big leagues, aka open-ocean sailing. However, some compact beauties are fully capable of taking on the mighty seas, and these are commonly referred to as "bluewater sailboats." These boats generally have reinforced hulls, deep keels for added stability, and more robust rigging systems. They also often come with advanced navigation and safety features like radar and autopilot systems.

If you're serious about open-ocean sailing but don't want a massive boat, brands like Nor'Sea and Pacific Seacraft have some excellent offerings. These boats might be small in size (often under 30 feet), but they are big on features and sturdiness, designed to withstand challenging sea conditions.

Boats for Cruising


A cruiser is like a comfortable sedan equipped for a cross-country road trip. Similarly, cruising boats are designed for longer journeys and typically feature amenities like sleeping cabins, cooking facilities, and even bathrooms. However, small cruising sailboats make these comforts available in a compact form, ensuring you don't have to compromise on luxury while also enjoying the benefits of a small boat.

The market offers various models to suit different cruising styles. If you prefer a classic, vintage look, the Bristol series offers some wonderful choices. Those who want a more modern flair might gravitate towards Hunter or Beneteau models. No matter your preference, there's likely a small cruising sailboat that fits the bill.

Very Small Sailing Boats

What makes them unique.

We're talking about boats usually under 10 feet, often even as small as 6 or 7 feet. These are the "motorbikes" of the sailing world—quick, nimble, and perfect for a joyride, albeit on water. What they lack in amenities, they make up for in sheer fun and the ability to go places bigger boats can't.

Very small sailing boats are perfect for specific types of water activities. You can use them for fishing, exploring secluded inlets, or just enjoying a peaceful day on the water. They are also excellent for teaching kids the basics of sailing due to their simplicity and ease of handling.

Small Ocean Sailboats

Ocean-capable small boats.

Yes, you read that right—there are small sailboats designed for ocean sailing. Unlike their cousins confined to more tranquil waters, these boats have features that make them seaworthy. However, don't assume that any small boat can be taken on an ocean voyage. Specific design features are essential for this kind of challenging adventure.

Essential Features

So what makes a small sailboat ocean-worthy? For starters, a strong hull designed to take on challenging sea conditions. You'd also want a deep keel for stability, a robust rigging system to withstand high winds, and multiple fail-safes like backup navigation systems.

Small Ocean Cruisers


Ocean cruisers in a small size offer the best of both worlds—they are versatile enough for both coastal cruising and open-ocean voyages. These boats are like your all-terrain vehicles, capable yet compact.

Pros and Cons

While adaptable, small ocean cruisers may lack some of the luxury or speed that larger yachts can offer. However, their versatility and ease of handling often make them a popular choice for those who like a variety of sailing experiences.

Small Cruising Sailboats

Ideal for beginners.

If you're a rookie in the world of sailing, a small cruising sailboat could be your best bet. These boats are typically easy to handle, straightforward to maintain, and offer enough amenities for short trips—making them an ideal starting point.

Popular Models

If you're new to cruising, a couple of models might catch your attention. The Compac 16, known for its easy handling and classic look, is often recommended for beginners. Another excellent option is the Catalina 18, which offers a bit more room without compromising ease of use.

Setting sail on a small sailboat opens up a world of opportunities—whether you're a seasoned sailor looking for a weekend thrill or a beginner aiming for a long-term commitment to the sea. Understanding the types, features, advantages, and options in the small sailboat market will help you make an educated choice. The sea is vast and welcoming, offering adventures and tranquility alike, and a small sailboat can be your perfect vessel for exploration.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our range of charter boats and head to some of our favourite  sailing destinations.

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Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

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11 Best Small Sailboat Brands: How to Choose Your Next Daysailer or Pocket Cruiser

12th oct 2023 by samantha wilson.

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Sailing is a relaxing, invigorating pastime that allows you to harness wind and waves in a unique and historic way without requiring a 50-foot yacht to enjoy what’s special about the experience. In fact, small sailboats allow a delightful back-to-basics experience that often gets lost on larger, systems-heavy sailboats.

On a small sailboat you can connect with the sea, feeling the boat move beneath you. The boat is typically easy to rig, simple to sail, and can even be sailed solo. Small sailboats give you the freedom to trailer your or car-top your boat and go anywhere, and they’re perfect for learning the nuances of sailing. There are many excellent brands and models of small sailboat, each with their own appeal, and here we narrow down some of our favorite in the daysailer and pocket cruiser categories under 30 feet. 

Difference Between a Daysailer and a Pocket Cruiser

While there are many different types of sailboat on the market and there is no single definition of either a daysailer or a pocket cruiser, they are used in a particular way, as the names imply. The term daysailer covers a huge array of sailboats, smaller and sometimes larger, and is generally defined as any day boat used for local sailing, with a simple rig, and easy to get underway. A pocket cruiser typically offers a cabin and head, and adequate accommodations for an overnight stay and sometimes longer cruises. Having said that, there is a large overlap between the two in many instances, so the lines may become blurred. 

What Size is a Small Sailboat?

Small is a relative term of course, but in general—and for the purposes of this article—a small sailboat is one that could be sailed by a small crew, often with one or two people aboard. It will have a simple rig and be trailerable, and it might be either a daysailer or pocket-cruiser style vessel as above. Within those categories, there are many models and styles, but when it comes to length we consider a sailboat as small when it’s under 30 feet in overall length. 

The Best Sailboats Under 30 Feet

Pocket cruiser: Beneteau First 27.  The Beneteau First 27 is a modern example of a pocket cruiser, earning Cruising World ’s Boat of the Year award in the Pocket Cruiser category in 2022. With space for up to six people accommodated in a separated bow-cabin and open saloon, it offers families the chance to go farther, explore more, and cruise in comfort. There is a galley with freshwater and a head, adding to the interior home comforts. The sailboat itself is modern, fast, and stable, designed by Sam Manuard, and has been designed to be incredibly safe and almost unsinkable thanks to its three watertight chambers. The handling is also refreshingly intuitive, with a well-designed cockpit, simple deck controls, and double winches allowing it to be sailed solo, by two people, or a small crew. 

Beneteau First 27

Photo credit: Beneteau

Daysailer: Alerion 28.  You’ll certainly turn heads cruising along in an Alerion 28, a daysailer whose forerunner by the same name was designed by Nathanael Herreshoff in 1912 and then updated with a modern underbody for fiberglass production by Carl Schumacher in the late 1980s. This pretty daysailer manages to combine a traditional silhouette and classic feel, with very modern engineering creating an excellent package. Over 470 of these sailboats were built and sold in the past 30 years, making it one of the most popular modern daysailers on the water. With a small cabin and saloon, complete with miniature galley area, it offers respite from the sun or wind and the option for a night aboard. The cockpit offers a beautiful sailing experience, with plenty of space for the whole family. 


Photo credit: Alerion Yachts

The Best Sailboats Under 25 Feet

Pocket cruiser: Cornish Crabber 24.  British manufacturer Cornish Crabber has been producing beautiful, traditional style small sailboats for decades, ensuring they honor their heritage both in the construction style and appearance of their boats. The Cornish Crabber 24 is the most iconic of their range and dates back to the 1980s. It offers a simple yet surprisingly spacious interior layout with cabin, galley, and head, and a good sized cockpit, as well as seating for up to six people. It’s the perfect family sailboat, with clever use of storage as well as just under 5000 pounds of displacement providing stability and easy tacking. Aesthetically the 24 is simply beautiful, with a traditional silhouette (combined with modern engineering), finished in hardwood trims. 

Cornish Crabber 24

Photo credit: Cornish Crabber

Daysailer: Catalina 22 Capri.  Catalina sailboats need little introduction, and are one of the world’s best-known, most-respected brands building small sailboats. The Catalina 22 Capri (also available in a sport model) is a great example of what Catalina does so well. While we’ve classified it as a daysailer, it could easily cross into the pocket cruiser category, as it offers excellent sailing performance in almost all conditions as well as having a small cabin, galley, and head. Loved for its safety, stability, ease of handling and simple maintenance, it makes for a good first family boat for getting out onto the bay or lake. 

Catalina 22 Capri

Photo credit: Catalina

The Best Sailboats Under 20 Feet

Pocket cruiser: CapeCutter 19.  This is another model that combines the beauty of the traditional silhouettes with modern-day advancements. The design originates from the classic gaff cutter work boats, but today offers excellent performance—in fact it’s one of the fastest small gaffers in the world. The interior is cleverly spacious, with four berths, two of which convert into a saloon, as well as a simple galley area. With quick rigging, it can be sailed solo, but is also able to accommodate small groups, making it a capable and hugely versatile pocket cruiser. 

CapeCutter 19

Photo credit: Cape Cutter 19

Daysailer: Swallow Yachts’ BayRaider 20.  Classic looks with modern performance are combined in Swallow Yachts’ beautiful BayRaider 20. This is one of the most capable and safest daysailers we’ve seen, but also incredibly versatile thanks to the choices of ballast. Keep the ballast tank empty and it’s light and fast. Fill the tank up and you’ve got a stable and safe boat perfect for beginners and families. While it’s got an eye-catching traditional style, the engineering is modern, with a strong carbon mast and construction. While this is a true daysailer, you can use the optional spray hood and camping accessories to create an overnight adventure. 

Swallow Yachts BayRaider 20

Photo credit: Swallow Yachts

The Best Sailboats Under 15 Feet

Pocket Cruiser: NorseBoat 12.5.  Can we truly call the NorseBoat 12.5 a pocket cruiser? Yes we can! The sheer versatility of this excellent little sailboat has convinced us. These beautiful hand-crafted sailboats offer exceptional performance and are described by the manufacturer as ‘the Swiss Army Knives of sailboats’. The traditionally styled 12.5 can be sailed, rowed, and motored. It can be trailered, easily beached, and even used as a camp cruiser, allowing for overnight adventures. There is no end to the fun that can be had with this easy-to-sail and easy-to-handle boat, which makes it a dream to learn in. With positive flotation, lots of clever storage, and a full-size double berth for camp cruising, it really is the perfect mini pocket cruiser. 

NorseBoat 12.5

Photo credit: NorseBoats

Daysailer: Original Beetle Cat Boat 12: All across the bays of the US east coast cat boats have long been part of the ocean landscape. Able to access shallow rocky coves yet also withstand the strong coastal winds, these traditional New England fishing boats have an iconic shape and gaff-rigged mainsails. Beetle Cat have been producing elegant wooden cat boats for over 100 years – in fact they’ve made and sold over 4,000 boats to date. Their 12 foot Cat Boat 12 is one of their finest models, offering lovely daysailing opportunities. It has a wide beam and centerboard that lifts up, allowing it to access shallow waters, as well as a forward mast and single sail gaff rig in keeping with the traditional cat boats. To sail one of these is to be part of the heritage of New England and Cape Cod, and to honor the ancient art of hand-made boat building. 

Beetle Cat official website

Beetle Cat Boat 12

Photo credit: Beetle Cat

The Best Small Sailboats for Beginners

When it comes to learning to sail, it’s important to have a boat that is easy to handle. There’s no quicker way to put yourself or your family off sailing than to start off with a boat that is either too big or too complicated. When choosing your first boat we recommend the following characteristics:

  • Small: The benefits of starting off with a small boat are many, as we’ve seen above. They’re easier to control as well as to moor, and they react more quickly to steering and sails. They can be trailered and launched easily, and the loads generated are much lower than on bigger, heavier boats.
  • Easy to sail: You want a boat that is stable and forgiving of mistakes, doesn’t capsize easily, and isn’t too overpowered in a stronger breeze. Keep things simple and learn as you go.
  • Simple sail configuration: Choosing a boat that can be rigged by one person in a few minutes, and easily sailed solo, makes it easier to take along inexperienced crews. With regards to the rig, all you need are a halyard to hoist the mainsail and a sheet to control the mainsail.
  • Tiller steering: We recommend boats with tiller steering over wheel steering when starting out. The tiller allows you to get a real feel for the boat and how the rudder works as it moves through the water. 

For more information on choosing the best beginner sailboat check out our full guide. There are many popular brands of beginner boats including Sunfish, Laser, and Hunter Marlow. Some of our favorites include;

Hobie 16: The classic Hobie catamaran has been a well-loved beginner sailboat for years, and the Hobie 16 started life back in 1969. Since then they’ve made and sold over a staggering 100,000 of the 16s. It has twin fiberglass and foam hulls, a large trampoline, and a pull-up rudder so it can be sailed straight onto the beach. The basic package comes with an easy to handle main and jib with plenty of extras available too such as a spinnaker and trailer. The Hobie 16 promises a great learning experience and lots of fun in a very nifty and inexpensive package. 

Hobie 16

Photo credit: Hobie

Paine 14: You’ll immediately fall in love with sailing when you step into a beautiful Paine 14. Made from seamless epoxy cold-molded wood, the P-14 is simply beautiful and offers the classic sailing experience with the design and innovation of a more modern hull and rig. Two people will be able to enjoy getting out on the water together and learning the ropes. The Paine 14 has a lead ballast keel that accounts for nearly half her weight, giving her the feel of a much larger boat, but is still trailerable and easy to manage offering the best of both worlds.

Paine 14

Photo credit: Chuck Paine

High-Performance Small Sailboats

Small sailboats generally become high performers if they are light, have a lot of sail area, or they have more than one hull. More recently, some of have been designed with foiling surfaces, as well. For the purposes of this article, we’d like to close by pointing out one model that is super fast and has versatile pocket-cruising capabilities.

Corsair 880 trimaran : The Corsair 880 trimaran is the grandchild of the company’s F27, a model that launched the popularity of trailerable leisure trimarans about 40 years ago. The 880 has taken the model to new heights and exemplifies the incredible space benefits you can achieve in a 29-foot sailboat. We’re talking an aft cabin, room to sleep 5 people, an enclosed head, and standing headroom in the galley and main saloon. It brings many of the opportunities that a much larger yacht plus the ability to cruise in extremely shallow water. Whether you want to cruise to the Bahamas or enjoy a high-adrenaline race, the Corsair 880 offers incredible performance and unlimited adventures in a truly pocket size. 

Corsair 880

Photo credit: Corsair

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.

small sailboats like sunfish

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12 Perfect Small Sailboats

Jonathan Holmes 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 40 reviews)

Small Sailboats

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Last Updated on August 23, 2024 by Jonathan Holmes

Easy to rig, simple to toe, compact, manageable, maintainable, and affordable, all the perfect small sailboats have one thing in common: they always provide an adventurous tour in the sea.

So, either you are looking for something light on the pocket or just an adventure enthusiast wanting some safe daytime ride, the perfect small sailboats are the sole good means to fulfill your call.

After all, honestly, everybody does not need large 30 ft sailboats for cruising. However, large boats offer a lot of features like bunks, refrigeration , entertainment, and electronics. But are these features necessary for just boating? Well, I guess not.

When cruising, you only require a boat, a sail, a rudder, and a mast. Thus, nothing can offer you the ultimate adventures of coastal cruising better than small sailboats. Small sailboats not only provide you a breezy feel in the water but also offer you the opportunity to sense every change in trim instantaneously.

Table of Contents

12Best Small Sailboats

The market has a wide variety of small sailboats that measure less than 20 ft in size. Moreover, they are quite hit products as they offer great fun in the water.

With this guide, you may equip yourself with all the necessary information about the top 12 small sailboats. My top picks are just perfect as they’re simple to sail, easy to rig, and time-tested. Thus, if you were looking for a listing of the perfect small sailboats, you’re certainly on the right post.

Keep scrolling to read on for the best small sailboat picks.

Hunter 22 is a clever boat for a very fair price. It retains the hull of its predecessor- Hunter 216, featuring an open transom and a large cockpit. However, it is made of fiberglass with balsa-cored topsides and a solid bottom section.

Furthermore, the deck is a bit changed, having a 40 sq. ft. larger rig. Similar to Hunter 216, it, too, features a hydraulic ballast keel. The Hunter 22 is primarily designed to offer a thin line between “go-fast mini-sport boat” and “fun family daysailer and weekender”.

You can select between either half of them according to your requirements.

The cruising package features a simple electrical system, a portable toilet, and a V-berth in the small cuddy cabin. Whereas, the performance package offers an asymmetric spinnaker, a retractable bowsprit, mid-cockpit traveler, hiking grips, and straps in the cockpit.

  • Hunter 22 is a daysailer.
  • It offers a portable toilet.
  • The manufacturers offer an optional electrical system with Hunter 22.
  • The boat features a large cockpit and open transom.
  • It offers a cuddy cabin and twin bunks.
  • It features a hydraulic lifting centerboard and laminated fiberglass deck and hull.
  • Comfortable
  • Fair priced
  • Easy for trailing
  • Faster than most of the other boats available in the market
  • Versatile and family-friendly
  • Might need some replacement parts

Catalina 22 Sport

The retractable keel and basic amenities allow the Catalina 22 Sport to be trailered easily. Basically, the Catalina 22 Sport is an updated design of its predecessor Catalina 22.

The large cockpit is enough to seat a crowd. It offers a fractional rig with a mainsail and a roller-furling jib, a cabin that provides bedding for four with a forward hatch for ventilation, and a retractable lead keel.

In essence, the Catalina 22 Sport is more of a family-friendly racer. Also, it offers an alternative to choosing an older boat.

Besides, the Catalina 22 Sport offers the value and quality Catalina has come to expect since 1970. It is simple to rig and an excellent sail to step up from dinghy sailing to budget cruising.

  • Catalina 22 Sport is a daysailer.
  • It offers an adjustable outboard motor bracket.
  • The boat features a comfortable cockpit with contoured coamings.
  • It has an anodized aluminum mast and boom.
  • It offers low stretch halyards and internal halyards.
  • Catalina 22 offers a complete standing and running rigging.
  • Many interior features, including Fiberglass Hull Liner, molded Headliner, and Low Glare Texture.
  • Easy for trailing with its swing keel
  • Family-friendly
  • Simple to rig without a complicated setup
  • Fast in speed
  • Stability and reliability
  • Features spacious cabin
  • If you choose some old models, you will need some replacement parts.
  • Not much trendy considering the interior and upholstery

Hobie Cat 16

The legendary Hobie Cat 16 has revolutionized boating . Firstly, it belongs to a proud watersports lineage, which within a few years of the foundation was loved by thousands.

Secondly, The Hobie Cat 16 is either used as a daysailer or a racer. The double banana-shaped hulls easily cut through the water, and the boat gets going fast even in light winds, as the aluminum alloy frame and two sails catch wind considerably.

Thirdly, there would certainly be no complete roundup of fun, trailerable, and small sailboats without any mention of the venerable Hobie Cat 16. The large trampoline provides a spacious platform to move about. Moreover, it offers many optional features, including a beach dolly, trailer, douse kit, a spinnaker, and a main and a jib.

In essence, it is a classic boat; enthusiasts and collectors covet it alike. Undoubtedly, it has the pedigree to prove that it is the red Ferrari in the world of cruising.

  • The mast is 26 ft 6 inches tall and weighs about 320 pounds.
  • The boat is 16 ft 7 inches in length and 7 ft 11 inches in width.
  • Two color options are available.
  • The dual-trapeze rig offers you harness its sheer power.
  • The asymmetrical fiberglass hulls offer lift
  • Low maintenance sailboat
  • Reasonably priced
  • Perfect for a Small Crew
  • Easy to trailer
  • Simple to rig
  • Sailing may be hard when you’re alone.

Norseboat 21.5

In essence, the Norseboat 21.5 offers everything an expensive trailer-sailer does. It features a sensible centerboard arrangement, contemporary, good fit and finish, high-quality construction, and sea-kindly underbody.

The value of Norseboat 21.5 lies in its charm. You will easily fall under its spell if you are into the idea of a solid and easy-to-sail boat . The price tag looks much higher for a small 21 ft boat. However, the hype of Norseboat 21.5 tells you that it’s worth it.

Moreover, the NorseBoat 21.5 offers several configurations: one with a small cockpit and cabin that has a double berth for two adults and an optional berth for children, and another with an open cockpit and smaller doghouse.

Each of them comes with a ballasted stub keel and centerboard and carries the brand’s exclusive carbon fiber gaff-rigged mast. Also, the lightweight design of the Norseboat 21.5 offers easy rowing and a simple trailer.

  • Norseboat 21.5 offers a lightweight design.
  • It offers two different configuration options.
  • Norseboat 21.5 has rowing stations.
  • It features an electric outboard.
  • The hull and deck are of fiberglass with a wood core.
  • Comfortable and versatile
  • Expensive compared to the other sailboats on the list

Barney Lehman and W.D. Schock designed the Lido 14. It is an American sailing dinghy that was built in 1958 for the very first time.

In essence, the Lido 14 is a classic sailboat that proves to be a perfect pick to suit small boats, especially for the owners who are still learning the ropes of boating.

The Lido 14 is just perfect for shorthanded racing, single-handed sailing, and solo sailing. It offers seating arrangements for about six people at most.

In the first year of its launch, two hundred Lido 14 boats were ordered. And, around 6300 Lido 14s had been built for 40 years. Today, a new Lido 14 boat is not available in the market; however, you will not regret ever getting a functional used boat.

Thus, the Lido 14 makes your investment worth it and serves you well throughout the journey.

  • It offers a retractable centerboard raised with stainless steel straps.
  • The hull features a near-vertical transom, a spooned plumb stem, and a transom-hung rudder controlled by a tiller.
  • It has a fractional sloop rig with a loose-footed mainsail and anodized aluminum spars.
  • Non-intimidating
  • Has the car top capability
  • Easy in handling
  • New models not available

RS Sailing is primarily known for its line of racing dinghies. It built the 16-ft, 4-in sized Venture, which is such a perfect training and cruising dinghy.

The Venture offers a large, self-draining cockpit that can accommodate a group of friends or a family. Whether you are just messing about with your family or friends, club sailing , or just up for casual racing, RS Venture delivers the best with all its features. It is among the most versatile and nimble dinghies for sailing the masses.

In addition, the RS Venture can carry up to eight people in its self-draining cockpit. The excellent performance makes it adventurous; the multiple equipment options allow several boat configurations.

Moreover, the RS Venture is the winner of multiple awards. The excellent stability makes the boat ideal on coastal water, offering an advantage to those learning the sport.

More importantly, The RS Venture has the potential to carry more people in it than its dinghy rivals.

  • The RS Venture offers a spacious platform.
  • It features a rear back storage.
  • The boat also offers reverse transmission.
  • It has an open cockpit with high buoyancy.
  • The exterior is composed of plastic and dual carbide.
  • Can be car toped
  • Versatile and stable
  • Simple to handle
  • Good looking
  • A bit expensive

Super Snark

The Super Snark is a simple, lightweight, lateen-rigged daysailer, marketed as the “Super Sea Snark.” It is fun sailing, easy to learn, unsinkable, and simple to set up, and transport. Most of the people who get it find it satisfying to their sailing requirements.

Moreover, Super Snark is highly portable and storable. It can easily load onto your vehicle due to its construction and light-weight. In addition, the roof racks with slide-out loading bars make moving much easier.

Termed as unsinkable, the Super Snark is built with EPS foam, with the external hull and deck, which is vacuum-formed to the deep with ABS. polymers. The Super Snark weighs approximately 50 lbs having a capacity load of 310 lbs. It can carry two people at once.

  • It has the capacity for two people.
  • The internal hull leaves no void as it is filled with EPS foam, making the boat unsinkable.
  • Mast, spar, and boom are of aluminum.
  • It is made of recycled plastic.
  • It weighs approximately 50 lbs
  • Lightweight
  • Car top-able
  • Recyclable construction material
  • Easy to learn
  • Simple to setup
  • Not family-friendly

The Laser is one of the most popular single-handed racing sailboats available in the market. With its simple rigging and simple design, Laser started single-handed racing 50 years ago when it came out. Interestingly, with over two lacs made, it is the most popular race boat in the world.

Everyone enjoys the Laser, from club racers to Olympians. It is a simple vessel to own and rig, which rewards practice and good sailing techniques. The Laser is built with updated foils and sail controls.

Moreover, a three rigs system allows the sailors to enjoy boating. It offers a seating capacity for two people. This boat is a fiberglass lightweight model easy for capsize and recovery.

  • It has the capacity for two people seating.
  • Includes the upgraded Vang, Cunningham, and Outhaul controls
  • The boat features heavy fiberglass hull construction with aluminum spars.
  • It has a small rudder with a lower boom.
  • Worldwide popular and recognized racer
  • Car top capability
  • Stable and easy to handle
  • A bit hard to sail

If you are looking for a good looking sailboat with excellent performance, the Paine 14 is here for you. It features a contemporary fin keel and spade rudder, which makes it more agile and faster.

In essence, Paine 14 is an old-time appeal with its varnished gunnels and transoms. However, it offers all the modern features every updated boat has. You can rig this boat with a gaff or a Marconi rig and can trailer it behind a vehicle.

In fact, Paine 14 can sail under mainsail alone due to the large flotation compartments fore and aft. The rig is simple, with an unstayed carbon-fiber mast and a mainsail bent onto its spars.

Overall, the Paine 14 feels like a favorite classic daysailer when you sit in it. The bronze hardware, the slatted-wood cockpit sole, and the varnished trim; all of these are elegantly designed. The cockpit ergonomics are seamless, and the sail controls fall perfectly to hand.

  • It features a modern fin keel and spade rudder.
  • The boat is built in seamless epoxy cold-molded wood construction.
  • It has parallelly fitted fiberglass battens to the luff, which extend from the leech to the foot of the sail.
  • Easy for trailing with its fin keel
  • Good prevention of slippage
  • Features spacious platform
  • Not much trendy in looks


The FarEast 18 is a low maintenance 19-ft vessel that offers high speed cruising in the sea.

Equipped with an open deck, the Far East 18 offers excellent performance. It offers great safety and stability due to its design. The hull has a beautiful shape that can be easily handled.

The lifting keel and the removable rig makes it easy to transport by a trailer. It takes a square-top fixed mainsail and an asymmetrical spinnaker, which is a driving force for buoy racing. The Far East 18 can compete with six crew but also offers bedding for three people when you are staying out overnight.

Moreover, this vessel features an updated bulb keel with carbon structure, vacuum-infused foils, and fiberglass hull. Best of all, a single person can easily rig and launch FarEast 18. Moreover, you can trailer this boat easily with a displacement below 1500 pounds.

All in all, Far East 18 is an excellent little sailboat available in the market.

  • Small cabin instead of a reduced deck
  • It features an updated bulb keel.
  • The boat features a spacious cockpit.
  • It has a lightweight structure.
  • It is constructed with a vacuum infused polyester sandwich.
  • Not too brutal on the pocket
  • Comfortable and low maintenance
  • Modest Price
  • Does not perform well in strong wind

The Sage 17 was designed in 2009 by Jerry Montgomery. It is a small, stable, go-anywhere vessel, featuring a transom with a balsa core, a carbon fiber deck, and a cabin roof.

The Sage 17 is a 1300 pound vessel. It comes with a loose-footed main and a working jib that sheets inside the lifelines. There is a kick-up rudder, a 120-lb centerboard, and a 400-pound lead keel that will not strand while cruising through shallow water.

In addition, this boat is simple enough for beginners and sophisticated enough for experienced sailors. It is manufactured to handle your adventures with safety. It comes with a non-skid covering on the horizontal surfaces, a bow pulpit, transom-mounted boarding ladder, and a self-draining cockpit.

Moreover, this model is hand-built with vinyl ester resin, fiberglass, and carbon fiber in a lapstrake style to offer you enhanced strength. The cabin and deck are made of a balsa core and carbon fiber.

The Sage 17 sails fast in light air and provides unruffled travel as the wind blows more strongly. You will definitely enjoy hindrance free comfort in the airy open cabin. And, you can get customized cabin cushions that are available in different colors.

  • Jib downhaul lead for the cockpit
  • Cabin-top mounted winches and jib tracks
  • Internal halyards
  • Single reef main and working jib, with running rigging
  • Complete mast and stainless-steel standing rigging
  • Fiberglass and vinyl ester lapstrake hull with a carbon fiber
  • Carbon fiber and vinyl ester deck with a balsa core
  • A variety of options available to choose from
  • Simple enough for beginners
  • Safe and durable
  • Quite reasonably priced, considering all the features
  • Might require some replacement gears

Montgomery 17

The Montgomery 17 was designed for Montgomery Boats by Jerry Montgomery in conjunction with Lyle C. Hess. It was manufactured with centerboard and keel models.

The Montgomery 17 offers more stability than most of its rivals. And, when it comes to comfortability, the Montgomery 17 again stands above the rest.

This boat has the capability of going about moderate offshore passages. You can easily trailer it as it is small enough in size.

Moreover, it is designed with a masthead and toe rail that fits most of the foresails. It has a proper amount of storage area, a DC power, an optional shore, and seating arrangements for two people offering a headroom, a pair of bunks, and a portable toilet.

Overall, the Montgomery 17 is among the giant-killers of the market when it comes to performance. Though small in size, it makes its way past its larger rivals and excels in the extremes.

That is not just it; using a four-part gear, you can easily uplift the deck-stepped mast.

  • The hull type is swing keel.
  • A flush deck version is also available.
  • Some versions feature a fixed keel.
  • There are three types of keel configurations available; retractable keel, shallow draft fixed keel, and a shallow draft fixed keel in conjunction with a centerboard.
  • Comfortability
  • Quite faster than its rivals
  • Outstanding racing record
  • Favorable handicap
  • Not suitable for deep sea

The Wrap Up

Hitting the water with the right sailboat can be an overwhelming task for many. To ease this process, the list above has narrowed down the 12 perfect small sailboats.

While there are infinite sailboats available in the market, the sailboats, as mentioned above, will serve you right and make you enjoy the ride.

However, in my opinion, the best of all is none other than the Catalina 22 Sport as it is the most moderate pick of all. You don’t have to compromise on either the quality or affordability.

In my opinion, you must not spend too little or much for too low or too high quality. A moderate model will serve as the perfect pick for you. Thus, Catalina 22 Sport being moderately robust and not-so-expensive wins my heart.

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Practical Sailor Reviews Seven Performance-Sailing Dinghies

Agile, fun boats like the classic sunfish and new hobie bravo keep the smile in summer sailing..

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Photos by Ralph Naranjo

Messing around in small boats is a global theme-one thats embraced by pond-bound pram sailors, river riders, lake voyagers, and all of us who call salt water home. The purpose of this sailing dinghy profile is to highlight seven very interesting little sailboats. Some are new designs, and others have stood the test of time, but all are currently being manufactured, and each drives home just how much fun sailing close to the water can be.

This isn’t a shootout among anorexic speedsters or a report on the best tender that doubles as a sailing dinghy. Its a look at perennials like the Optimist, Sunfish, and Laser-legendary competitors that have helped spawn some of the best sailors in the world. But its also a look at three of the newest entries in the dinghy-sailing circle: Bics Open, Hobies Bravo, and Laser Performances Bug. These agile, new sailing dinghies are chock full of fun and boat-handling features to inspire kids of all ages to go sailing.

Well also take a look at Chesapeake Light Crafts kit approach to getting started-one that offers meaningful lessons and tangible rewards well before the boat ever hits the water.

Scale down an Open 60, add sail technology long favored by windsurfers, and put it into play in a tough thermo-formed hull, and you have the makings for a new kind of watercraft. The result is a very interesting blend of performance and reliability that targets adolescent interest. When all is said and done, Bics boat is more akin to a sit-down windsurfer than a traditional Blue Jay. And like all good boats, its vying for attention not just based on performance, construction quality, and style, but just as importantly, on the price tag stuck to the hull.

The Open Bics light weight and wide, flat stern section means that even small chop can be surfed; and bursts of planing on a reach add a zing factor to dinghy sailing. The Open Bic is already an International Sailing Federation (ISAF)-sanctioned class, and fleets are developing around the US. Another bonus: Its an easily portable boat that can be carried like a windsurfer, adding excitement to a Sunday picnic at the beach.

The thermo-formed polyethylene hull is a modified hard-chine design with lots of beam aft. Sailed flat, the boat is agile enough to surf wavelets, and with a shape thats ergonomically friendly to hiking, the ensuing heel on the upwind leg puts just the right amount of chine into the water. In light air, careful control of heel can significantly reduce wetted surface.

The design team that developed the Open Bic saw it as a transition bridge from Optimist sailing to a more performance-oriented dinghy. An interesting innovation is that the Open Bic can be sailed with an Optimists rig and blades. This buy the hull only approach can be a significant incentive for parents with children outgrowing their Opti as fast as their boat shoes. However it wont be long before the kids want the fully turbo-charged feel delivered with the Open Bics well-shaped 4.5-square-meters rig, sail, and nicely foiled blades.

Bottom line: The Open Bic is fast, agile, and buckets of fun for kids uninspired by sailing in the slow lane.

Just when you think that Hobie Cat Co. has covered whats possible in beach-cat innovation, their design/engineering crew comes up with a new twist that reinvents the wheel. The Hobie Bravo is a good case in point.

In a recent visit to Backyard Boats ( ) in Annapolis, Md., we got a good look at the Bravo. Nearly as narrow as a monohull but still quite stable, this quick-to-launch beach cat packs plenty of get-up-and-go. Its a simple to sail, entry-level boat that fast tracks learning the steer, sheet, and hike trilogy. The boat features a single, midline rudder and roto-molded hulls. The shape of the hulls provides enough lateral plane to allow a crew to make headway to windward.

The narrow (4 feet), 12-foot Bravo uses crew weight and hiking straps to add to the righting moment once the breeze is up. Whats done with webbing on larger cats has been converted to a shallow, rigid deck well on the Bravo. It does raise the weight of the boat to 195 pounds, but it offers comfortable seating plus room for cushions and a cooler. Kids or grown ups can have a Tom Sawyer-Huck Finn type of adventure aboard this fun little sailing machine. Or the family on a beach picnic can set it up and take turns speed reaching along a sandy shoreline.

The furling mast supports a roachy sail with slightly slanted vertical battens, helping to shape the boomless mainsail. The result is convenient sail handling, decent performance, and superior safety. Theres no boom to clobber the crew, and the roller-furled sail and mast are easily stepped in the tripod-like receiver. This interesting set of struts raises the top bearing point of the mast step and spreads rig loads out to the hulls. The furling mainsail offers the ability to reef, a big plus in a building breeze or when teaching children to sail.

Like all of the boats in the Hobie lineup, theres a wide range of specialty parts and fittings that make the boats fast to rig and easy to handle. The kick-up rudder is hung on gudgeons mounted in the center of stern, and just as rig loads have been effectively spread via the tripod step, the energy radiating from the large rudder is spread athwartships via a contoured deck element.

Bottom line: The boat is quick to rig, easy to launch, and responsive to beginners-more experienced sailors will have just as much fun power reaching when the breeze is up.

The Bug

A pocket-sized club trainer, the Bug is an evolution of the kids trainer/club racer that leverages lessons learned in Optis, Dyers, and Sabots. It pulls together the logic of a stable hull shape and simple-to-sail rig, and puts it all in a cost-effective package.

Lending to its success is designer Jo Richardss ergonomic, roto-molded hull, a fabrication that is as close to zero maintenance as a boat can get. The straight out-of-the-mold polyethylene skin gets a few decals, and theres no wood to refinish or gelcoat to wax. These tough, abrasion-resistant hulls have a bumper boat tolerance thats a big plus when it comes to kids learning to sail. Best of all, owners can start with a learn-to-sail rig and upgrade to a more performance-oriented mast and sail package (41 or 56 square feet) that kicks performance into the fast lane.

Oars and an outboard motor bracket can be added to turn the little sailboat into a dual-purpose dinghy. Even the bow painters means of attachment makes sense-no projecting hardware ready to knick the topsides of unintended contacts. Instead, theres a recessed hole in the stem allowing a line to be lead through and a knot used to keep the painter in place.

Bottom line: Aimed at club programs and families look for boats that can be transported on the car top, the Bug is easy to rig and definitely kid friendly. The fact that its manufacturer, Laser Performance, is an international interest and a major player in the performance dinghy industry means that this boat and its parts will be around for a while.

Hobie Bravo

Photo courtesy of Hobie Cat Co.

Eastport Pram

Chesapeake Light Craft expedites boatbuilding for do-it-yourselfers looking to take their garage-built boats for a sail. The company pre-cuts parts, packs kits with all the materials, epoxy, and paint youll need, and leads homebuilders through a thoroughly detailed stitch-and-glue approach to assembly. Kits are available in various stages of completeness, ranging from plans only to the full package, including sail, hardware, running rigging, and paint.

The Eastport Pram is just shy of 8 feet, and the marine plywood and epoxy construction delivers a boat that weighs in, sans sailing rig, at just 62 pounds. Lighter than the comparatively sized Bug, this stiff, durable dinghy, rows like a real boat and sails comfortably with one or two aboard. In keeping with other good tender attributes, the Pram behaves under tow and is equally amicable when propelled by a small outboard or tacked up an estuary under sail.

Kit boatbuilding continues to have a niche following. Theres also an added-value feature worth noting: On one hand, the builder receives a box of pieces and the result of his or her endeavor leads to an aesthetic and utilitarian dinghy. In addition, the DIY skills the builder develops will be useful in other epoxy bonding, brightwork, or mono-urethane application projects. Such talents will benefit many other boat maintenance endeavors.

Whats hard to quantify is the sense of accomplishment derived from sailing a boat that you have built yourself. When the project is tackled in tandem with a child, spouse, or friend, the memories and the boat will last.

Bottom line: With neither sidedecks or a sealed hull, this is not a boat thats easy to recover from a capsize. So once the kids favor on-the-edge sailing in a building breeze, a non swamping, easier-righting boat is probably a better option. The Pram can then be put to use by their appreciative parents or grandparents.

Never in their wildest dreams did Bruce Kirby and Ian Bruce imagine that the Weekender (the Lasers original name) was destined to become an Olympic class sailboat and one of the most popular springboards for top-tier sailors in the world today. Originally envisioned as a car-topper for weekend campers, the cat-rigged, low freeboard sailing dinghy morphed from its original roots into a boat favored by college competitors and revered by generations of agile sailors of all ages. Even frostbiting winter sailors have locked onto the Laser.

Chesapeake Light Craft

Designed in 1969, the Lasers first few years were anything but smooth sailing. Popularity grew quickly, but along with the limelight came plenty of consternation. Dubbed a surfboard not a sailboat by a growing cross-section of the yachting elite-many parents warned junior sailors to steer as clear of Lasers as they did sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. The campaign failed, and junior sailors in yacht club programs around the country fell into the grip of the new one-design dinghy-discovering the sailboats proclivity to plane.

one-design Laser

Dyer Dhows languished in boat sheds across the country as a new theme in sailing took hold. Dubbed fast is fun by sailor/engineer Bill Lee, the young Merlin of Santa Cruz, Calif., took the theme to big-boat sailing, merging California culture with the Laser logic of light displacement and planing hull shapes.

Best of all, the Laser embraced the ideal of a tightly controlled one-design class that put people on the water in identical boats and left winning and losing races up to sailing skill and tactics rather than a boats performance edge. For decades, the boat has been the single-handed sailors choice among junior sailing programs, and with the addition of the Radial, 4.7 and M rigs, smaller competitors have also found the boat to be a great sailing platform. Today, theres some lawyer saber-rattling over the sale of the design rights, but the boat remains more popular than ever.

The sleeved sail, two-part spar, daggerboard, and kick-up rudder make the boat a quick-to-rig and fast-to-get underway dinghy. Light-air efficiency is good for a one-design sailboat, but this means that as the breeze builds, the non-reefable sail can become a handful in a hurry. In fact, the boats Dr. Jekyll-and-Mr. Hyde demeanor is what builds talent among Laser practitioners. The big boys block the mainsail and blast off for the layline, while lighter sailors heavy-weather tactics include more nuanced de-powering and feathering. In light air, the tables turn, and the winner is often the sailor who planes quickest on the reaches. The old guards surfboard slam may have held some credence after all.

Bottom line: The Laser is a timeless classic thats easily transported and is built for performance. Its well suited to adrenaline-seeking teens as well as the more fit adult crowd.

Designed in 1947 by Floridian Clark Mills, the utilitarian Optimist could be made out of two sheets of plywood-and from its inception, the Optimist was meant to link kids with the water. Slipping into obscurity in the U.S., the little pram found fertile ground to grow in northern Europe. With just a few tweaks, the Scandinavians took Millss lines and parlayed them into whats become the favored junior sailing trainer for kids from Detroit to Timbuktu. Statistics show that there are about 30 builders worldwide putting out approximately 4,000 boats each year. With about 130,000 boats class registered and an estimated 300,000 total hulls built (amateur and pro), theres plenty of reasons to get excited about an Opti.

Performance boats

The example weve chosen is the USA-built McLaughlin boat, both a demonstration of high-quality FRP construction and modern manufacturing techniques. Its also a boat that can be purchased in a range of performance-inducing iterations-upgrades designated as club, intermediate, advanced, and professional versions. Like all performance sailboats, stiffness and strength-to-weight ratio is important. But class rules include a minimum weight, so the most competitive hulls meet the mandatory lower limit but use good engineering and building technique to reinforce the daggerboard slot and mast step and produce overall stiffness.


The low mast height and high aspect ratio sprit sail is very versatile, affording young (and small, 65 to 130 pounds) sailors a wide window of decent performance. The flat bottom, slab-sided hull is responsive to crew weight-driven trim changes, and the better the sailor, the more agile they become. Light-air performance is all about minimizing wetted surface and maximizing sail area projection. When the breeze starts to kick up, the sailor becomes the ballast, and the art of hiking, sheet handling, and tiller wiggling come into play.

Under careful adult supervision, two 6- to 8-year-olds can double-hand the friendly little dinghy, or one more-confident child can solo sail it. In fact, introducing kids to sailing with similar proportioned small prams has been a right of passage around for decades. A set of oarlock gudgeons can turn the pram into a functional dinghy thats also adaptable to the smaller Torqeedo outboard (

McLaughlin also markets a Roto-molded polyethylene version of the Opti and sells DIY kits for those who want to create their own wood version.

Bottom line: The Opti is like a first bicycle without the need for training wheels. The fact that at the last Olympics, over 80 percent of the winning sailors had gotten their start in an Optimist speaks well to the value of messing around in this particular dinghy.

Open Bic

Designed in 1951 by ice boaters Alexander Bryan and Cortland Heyniger, the hard chine Sunfish was the prototype board boat. In 1959, it made the transition into fiberglass, and over the following half-century, more than a quarter-million hulls would hit the water. Simplicity and decent sailing attributes combined with an attractive price to make the Sunfish the most popular one-design dinghy ever raced.

Far more than a platform for racers, these boats are an excellent training tool for sailors of all ages. Also built by Laser Performance, they reflect the fun of summer and put sailors in close contact with the water on which they sail. Its no surprise that the larger fleets coincide with warm water and many see going for a swim to be part and parcel of the low-freeboard experience.

The lateen rig is in keeping with the overall design concept and simplifies rigging. A short stub of a mast is stepped and a single halyard hoists the sail along with tilting V-shaped upper and lower booms.

The total sail area is nearly the same as the Laser, but the halyard hoist versatility of the lateen rig make it a handy beach boat and a little less daunting when the wind begins to build. The clean sail shape on one tack and deformation caused by the mast on the other tack are a slight drawback. The Laser rig is more efficient, but when caught out in a squall, its nice to be able to ease the halyard and dump the sail. Its also handy to be able to leave the boat tethered to a mooring, and the doused sail and short mast make it possible.

Multiple generations of sailors are often found sailing Sunfish, and the boat represents one of the best bargains to be found in the used boat market. When considering a pre owned boat, the potential buyer needs to take a close look at the daggerboard-to-hull junction and mast step, points where previous damage can create hard-to-fix leaks.

Bottom line: The Sunfish is a great beach boat that can turn a hot afternoon into a fun-filled water experience.

There were no losers in this group, and picking winners and runners-up proved a difficult task. The outcome had to be based on assumptions about how these boats would be used. For example, parents with a competitive 9-year-old who swims like a fish, always sprints for the head of the lunch line, and likes to steal bases in Little League probably have an Opti racer in the making. Less competitive junior sailors-future cruisers in the making-will do better learning aboard a Bug. Many newly formed sailing clubs target the boat as their trainer of choice.

The Bravo holds plenty of appeal for those with a lakeside cottage or a favored campground destination. Whether its a solo sail just before sunset or a fun race on Sunday, the quick to set up and put away features are a plus, and for those who feel that two hulls are better-the Bravo will hold plenty of appeal.

Serious competitors can campaign a Laser for life, and whether youre headed for a local district regatta or getting ready for the Olympic trials, the hull, rig, and sail remains identical-sort of like the Monaco Grand Prix being raced in a street legal Mustang.

Bic Opens new little speedster tickled our fancy, and as a trainer/performance boat crossover, it drew a strong nod of approval. Watching the junior sailors smiles as they sailed their Open Bics endorsed our opinion.

And if there is any boat that defines the essence of summer, the Sunfish takes the prize.

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Boat Profile

A simple sailboat from the 1950s

From Issue   August 2024

I f you’ve been around dinghy-sailing a while, there is a better-than-average chance that you’ve come across the venerable Sunfish (or have mistaken one of its many imitators for a Sunfish). Audrey has been messing about with Sunfish since 1982, and she first capsized one with me onboard in 1984. Through the years we’ve spent many memorable hours sailing this simple boat and have had immeasurable fun restoring old and well-used, even abused basket-case boats.

The Sunfish, a direct descendant of the 1945 Sailfish, was the creation of ALCORT Sailboats, founded by Alex Bryan and Cortlandt Heniger. A hollow-bodied wooden “sit-on” sailboat, the Sailfish was featured in LIFE magazine’s 1949 article “World’s Wettest, Sportiest Boat.” It went through various iterations and in 1952, the designers at ALCORT, with considerable input from Aileen Shields Bryan, introduced a new iteration they called the Sunfish. Aileen was considered one of the best female sailors of the day, having won the 1948 Adams Cup—the Women’s National Sailing Championship—as well as the Atlantic and 210 class championships. She recommended adding a small cockpit as a foot well for more comfort, and widening the hull by 12″ for more stability. Since 1952 the Sunfish has been in continuous production and by 2013, more than 500,000 had been built and sailed in over 50 countries.

small sailboats like sunfish

While owing much to its predecessor, the Sunfish is more boat than board. The beam was increased by 12″ to improve stability and a footwell and splashboards were added. The sail is no longer laced to the spars and now attached with clip rings.

Between 1952 and the mid-1960s, the Sunfish was built in plywood and kits were available. We acquired hull number 13 of the pre-production boats and restored it in 2013. Based on the emerging popularity of fiberglass construction in the late 1950s, ALCORT produced the first fiberglass Sunfish in 1960. It was immensely popular for recreational sailors as well as one-design racers, so popular that it was inducted into the American Sailboat Hall of Fame in 1995.

The Sunfish is a medium-sized hard-chined pontoon-hull dinghy with a length of 13′ 9″ and a 4′ 1″ beam. Draft with the daggerboard down is 2′ 11″ and the modern-day hull weighs 120 lbs. (The ALCORT hulls of the 1960s were built a little stouter, with hull weights of 139 lbs.) Crew capacity is 500 lbs and there is just enough room for two adults. The optimal weight for a solo sailor is up to 190 lbs.

small sailboats like sunfish

Despite the raised freeboard and the splashboard forward of the footwell, the Sunfish is still a wet boat, making it more popular in areas with warmer water.

The virtually unsinkable pontoon hull of most fiberglass Sunfish contains six closed-cell expanded-polystyrene blocks—three in the bow and three in the stern—which structurally tie the hull to the deck. The 2″-wide blocks are held in place by marine-grade foam, which provides additional flotation. If you consider buying an old Sunfish, it is wise to make sure that the internal foam is not waterlogged (by weighing it) or detached (by pounding lightly on the deck and hull with your hand to tell if it feels and sounds solid). Recent Sunfish have internal plastic air bladders for flotation.

New boats can be ordered with either a mahogany or Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) rudder and daggerboard. Whether choosing the classic look of wood or the stronger FRP material, the 44″-long daggerboard and foil-shaped rudder offer excellent control on all points of sail. The daggerboards have increased in length through the years from 31″ on the early wooden hulls to 39″ for the fiberglass boats, and then 44″ for the latest racing daggerboard. The newest daggerboards are foil-shaped. Rudder design has also evolved: from a round blade to a spoon tip to the angular blade shape that has been in use since 1971, when the rudder system was changed from the patented rudder-releasing mechanism made in bronze by Wilcox & Crittenden to an aluminum gudgeon, pintle, and spring design. The new system allows the sailor to raise or lower the rudder while seated in the cockpit, and the rudder will also easily kick up by itself for beaching or if an underwater obstacle is struck.

small sailboats like sunfish

When becalmed, the Sunfish is easily paddled. If alone and using a single-blade paddle, a sailor can hold the helm over with their body and thus maintain directional stability while keeping both hands free. When the paddle is not needed, it can be stowed on the foredeck, held in place with its grip on the splashboard, the shaft between the halyard and the mast, and the blade beneath a line stretched taut across the deck from the bow.

The 75-sq-ft lateen rig sail with its single sheet, and a basic tiller and extension—one string and one stick—are all that is needed for a day of sailing. The spars are made of anodized T 6061 aluminum, with the 13′ 9″ booms being held aloft by a 10’ aluminum deck-stepped mast. The sail was originally lashed to the booms with cord but now has plastic sail clips that look like shower curtain rings. The original sails were cut from cotton by Old Town, but when Dacron debuted, Ratsey & Lapthorn became the sailmaker of choice introducing a little extra draft into the foot of the original flat five-panel sail. Since 1979 Sunfish sails have been made by North Sails. Sail controls for the recreational rig include outhauls for the upper and lower booms. For the racing rig, there are extra lines run to the lower boom that control a cunningham to adjust the luff tension and another line to control the foot tension. With this rig, all skill levels, from beginner to expert, can go out and have a great time on the boat.

Sunfish have been built by several manufacturers with most of the boats from the 1970s through the early 1980s produced by ALCORT, a division of AMF, one of the largest American recreational equipment companies. During the peak of AMF/ALCORT’s production as many as 60 Sunfish a day were leaving the factory in Waterbury, Connecticut. The manufacturer of the boats since 2007 has been Laser Performance, with hulls now built in Portugal after stints in the UK and a short period in China.

small sailboats like sunfish

More than 500,000 Sunfish have been built and regattas are popular around the world. The regatta pictured here was hosted in July 2024 by Willow Bank Yacht Club on Cazenovia Lake in New York. A one-day regatta of five races, it welcomed all classes of “legal” Sunfish.

Along with the rudder system change in 1971, a storage cubby was added under the aft end of the cockpit, and around the same time, the DePersia Venturi bailer went from aluminum to plastic construction, a welcome change from the earlier version, which was susceptible to corrosion. The bailer allows the cockpit to self-drain when the boat is making even just a few knots of headway, and closes off with an internal float ball or plug inserted from inside the cockpit. The foredeck has a bow handle; newer hulls with their rolled gunwales are easier to handle on the beach. The original tillers were wooden, usually cut from ash, while modern tillers are aluminum, either straight or wishbone style. The original Sunfish had no sheet fairleads; then a small open fairlead was added to the cockpit lip—the “sheet hook”—and in the 1980s a swivel cam cleat was introduced. Today’s boats usually sport a ratchet block on a stand-up spring set just ahead of the cockpit. Another upgrade was the addition of a hiking strap mounted close to the cockpit floor.

Our current fleet includes the 1953 wooden hull, a 1965 ALCORT, and two AMF boats from 1981 and 1982. They all sail wonderfully, and we appreciate even the older hulls, which weigh a few more pounds but are resistant to oil-canning and can take a beating about as well as the thicker fiberglass construction of the ALCORT Sunfish. The sail hoists easily with one halyard that passes through a deck block or bullseye fairlead to a horn cleat, while the sheet runs from a bridle spanning the aft deck, through two boom blocks and back down to the cockpit.

Launching requires pointing the bow into the wind, pushing the rudder down, and shoving off. After getting settled on the cockpit edge, the daggerboard goes down a bit, and the sailor falls off and sheets in. Skipper Audrey likes to put her boat on the chine and hike out, while other folks prefer to sail flat. The boat tacks smoothly and, with the tiller over just shy of the deck edge, carries enough speed to avoid getting caught in irons. On a run, the daggerboard can be raised, and it will usually stay in place on its own, but the latest trick is to run a bungee from the bow handle back to the daggerboard to cant the board in the trunk and hold it in the selected spot. The bungee or a line should always be used to tether the daggerboard to the hull to keep it from going astray in a capsize—you stand on the daggerboard to right the hull.

small sailboats like sunfish

On a calm warm day, the Sunfish is a fun boat for a family outing. In winds over 15 knots however, the boat can be a handful and more suited to a crew of one or two experienced sailors.

Sunfish behave admirably up to around 15 knots of wind; above that people and parts start breaking, and only a few of our most experienced racer friends tempt the more challenging conditions. If the wind dies, put the rudder down and the Sunfish will paddle well with a single-blade paddle or kayak paddle. We’ve even used a Sunfish as a stand-up-paddle platform—very stable but also heavy. The boat is quick to rig, which maximizes time on the water. While a Sunfish and its spars are cartoppable, lately we have been using our utility trailer and dolly.

New Sunfish are produced by Laser Performance and shipped worldwide. Used examples are available in many areas. Look for a relatively clean boat with minimal hull damage and dry, intact foam innards. The spars should be straight. New and used sails, rudders, and daggerboards can be tracked down through dealers or on various social-media platforms. All the parts are interchangeable on the fiberglass fleet with the exception of the old versus new rudder systems. Resale value is high, so you can’t go wrong with a moderately priced, ready-to-sail Sunfish.

small sailboats like sunfish

Kent and Audrey Lewis have been messing about with Sunfish for decades and are experts at basket-case restorations. Knowledge gleaned from dozens of restorations is compiled in The Sunfish Owner’s Manual and logged at Small Boat Restoration .

Sunfish Particulars

Length:   13′ 9″ Beam:   4′ 1″ Draft:   2′ 11″ Sail area:   75 sq ft Hull weight:   120 lbs

The Sunfish Recreational , manufactured by Laser Performance , sells for $5,950 and the Sunfish Race with race sail and additional control lines sells for $6,150.

The Sunfish Forum is a good source for further information.

Is there a boat you’d like to know more about? Have you built one that you think other Small Boats readers would enjoy? Please email us your suggestions.

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Comments (8)

I’m intrigued by the lateen rig on the Sunfish. I presume this is largely self-vanging, like a balanced lug. The rig has the advantage that it can be dropped in a squall, something that can’t be done with the sleeved Laser sail.

No vang per design, but folks add one for racing performance by using the excess halyard back through the deck fairlead and up around the gooseneck swivel, then tied off. Or a variation on that theme.

We like to keep the boat simple, one stick, one string.

Researching all this for an exhibit at Mystic a decade or two ago, I found some interesting tidbits. Al and Cort were iceboat builders and canoe sailors; they responded to a request by the Red Cross for a paddle board for lifeguards, and came up with a prone paddle boat not unlike today’s stand-up paddle boards. They were turned down, so figured out something else they could do with their work. So stick in a daggerboard and add the lateen sail that was standard in open-canoe sailing.

A friend of a friend had a connection to Life and got the right photog and writer to do a spread. I think it ran over several pages, maybe in the center. It’s hard to imagine a similar media impact that would have today: viral when it hit the stands. It was the only capsize, right, and sail away boat in existence then.

A contributing factor, possibly one of the major factors in the Sunfish was that Mrs. Bryan was pregnant and found the Sailfish difficult to sail. A cockpit made all the difference.

Aileen Shields came from good sailing stock, her father was Cornelius Shields. The family knew a thing or two or three about sailing.

I once had my in-laws’ Sunfish planing on a beam reach on Canandaigua Lake and held my own against a 25′ Wianno Senior.

Nicely written, Kent. Only comment is a pontoon is usually paired or threes, like a catamaran or trimaran. The Sunfish hull is a monohull. The monohull Butterfly and further scows are tunnel hulls. Keep on saving Sunfish!

I think Kent is talking about the hull shape. When viewed in cross section, the bottom edges dip down.

I’m amazed how bruised up a sailor can get with a Sunfish on a breezy day! Kent’s observation about the change in behavior in 15 knots or above is true to my experience!

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Michael R. Wing

Michael R. Wing

Daysailers, pocket cruisers and other small sailboats.

Daysailer Designs

I love small boats!  I always have, ever since I was a kid.  If you gave me a mega-rock star’s money I would not buy a bigger boat, although I might buy some nice waterfront real estate to sail from.  But even if you love the small boat you have, you might like the looks of some of the others and be curious about them.  (There’s a reason they call boats “she.”)  The following are my notes from a life of noticing and sailing small boats.  I am arbitrarily not considering anything longer than twenty feet or weighing over one ton, or sailboats used only for class racing. 

“Daysailer” can mean any sailboat that’s not in a race or on an overnight cruise.  It also means a specific 16’ 9” sloop designed by Uffa Fox which was mass-produced in fiberglass by the O’Day company in Fall River, Massachusetts and is still made today by Cape Cod Shipbuilding.  I own one of these, built in 1963.  So from now on DaySailer will mean the boat designed by Uffa Fox and “daysailer” will mean a boat you sail for a few hours at a time.  A pocket cruiser has a small cabin with berths for sleeping, which mine (kind of) does.

small sailboats like sunfish

A major division in these boats is between those with centerboards and those with keels.  You lose versatility when you put a fixed ballasted keel on a sailboat.  Keel boats are heavier, slower and more expensive than centerboard boats.  You can’t run up on a beach and step out onto the sand, which for me is part of the fun of sailing.  You avoid shallow water.  You need to tie up to a dock, or use a tender to get to and from the shore.  They may fit on a trailer, but because of their draft and weight it’s a chore to trailer-sail them.  However, they are safer in strong wind because they won’t capsize.  They have more room, and a steady motion.  Once a sailboat gets over 20’ long, rail meat isn’t enough to keep the boat upright.

Don’t buy a new boat unless you have to.  New boats are expensive compared to used ones, which sell for 10% – 50% of the price of new.  Any fiberglass boat can be restored to a “practically new” condition with a few weeks of work.  All fiberglass boats end up in landfills eventually, so by purchasing a used one you reduce waste as well as save money.  And the production boats designed years ago are at least as beautiful and functional as those being designed today.  Some of the most popular small sailboats ever were designed fifty or sixty years ago and have been made continuously for decades by more than one builder; the hull mold and production rights passing to a new company whenever the old company folds.

small sailboats like sunfish

The Alcort Sunfish and other popular “wet” boats:  The Sunfish and the Laser have a lot in common.  They are identical in length (13’ 9”) and nearly identical in beam, draft, weight, sail area, price, and popularity.  Today they’re even made by the same company, LaserPerformance , but that wasn’t always true.  The Sunfish was designed by Alcort, Inc. and produced by Alcort for decades.  With its colorful striped lateen sail, tiny footwell of a cockpit, and flat fish-shaped hull it didn’t look anything like any other boat.  The designers had previously build iceboats, then experimented with paddle boards.  The Sunfish has won many design awards.  It is the most-produced fiberglass sailboat ever.  The Laser is more of a performance boat.  Even though it is wider than the Sunfish, its round-bottomed hull and tall rig make it faster and tippier.  Both boats have been produced by the hundreds of thousands.  On both boats, you are just inches off the water with little protection from getting splashed.  They aren’t for winter sailing.  A third boat in the “wet and popular” category is the Hobie 16 catamaran.  There’s no cockpit; you sit on a fabric trampoline.  Multihulls are inherently fast but their width makes them awkward to handle at the dock or on a trailer. 

The DaySailer was marketed as the “boat that launched 10,000 weekends.”  I have not sailed mine that many times yet, but I’m closing in on 100.  For me, it’s a right-sized boat: small enough to single-hand, big enough to take a few guests comfortably, fast enough not to be boring, with good-looking curves.  The cuddy cabin deflects spray and provides a place for tired children to rest.  I sleep overnight sometimes, head-forward under the cuddy on some camping foam pads with my feet sticking out into the cockpit.  She draws only a few inches with the board raised so you can sail up onto a sandy beach.  When the tide falls while you are on shore, the boat is light enough to push back into the water.  The DaySailer’s 145 ft 2 of sail area are really too much for my northern California climate, where winds in the double digits are the norm.  When I sail alone or on windy days I reef the main before I go out and use a smaller-than-standard jib taken from a 14-foot O’Day Javelin.  Then when the wind gets really hairy I slacken the main sheet, leave the tiller, go up on the foredeck and drop the jib and secure it.  The boat naturally heaves to in this situation and is quite stable.  Jib secured, I go back to the tiller and sail under reefed main alone.  She’s fast and well balanced under all these sail configurations. 

One other caveat – I keep my boat on the shore with the mast stepped all the time.  I don’t trailer-sail it and if I did that 25’ keel-stepped aluminum mast would be a problem because I cannot raise and step it by myself.  Even with two people it’s tricky.  If I was going to trailer-sail I would get a boat with a shorter, lighter mast. 

The DaySailer was the model that made the O’Day Corporation prosper but they built smaller and larger boats too, up to 40 feet long.  The O’Day Javelin is the DaySailer’s 14-foot little sister; it looks different because it has no cuddy cabin but sails similarly.  Even smaller than that is the 12-foot O’Day Widgeon .  The DaySailer’s twin big sisters are the Rhodes 19 and the Mariner .  The Rhodes 19 looks a like a larger, two-and-a-half-foot-longer DaySailer with a cuddy cabin.  The Mariner has the same hull as the Rhodes 19 but it has a real cabin for overnight cruising with a bulkhead separating the cabin from the cockpit and a big V-berth below with storage space, room for a small camp stove, etc.  The Mariner and the Rhodes 19 are both available with either a centerboard or a fixed ballasted keel. 

There have been over ten thousand DaySailers built, and several thousand each of the Widgeon, Javelin, Rhodes 19 and Mariner models as well, so you see these boats everywhere.  A rarer cousin of these is the 15’ 8” O’Day Ospray (yes, that’s Ospray with an “a” not “Osprey”.)  This boat is only a foot shorter than a DaySailer and looks just like one except that the mast is stepped forward of the raised domed cuddy cabin instead of through it.  The cuddy cabin is smaller.  I don’t know why O’Day bothered to build a boat so similar to its best-seller and they only did it for a few years.  I have only ever seen one of these.  The Widgeon, Javelin and Ospray are no longer built but Cape Cod Shipbuilding still builds DaySailers and Stuart Marine in Maine builds new Mariners and Rhodes 19’s.

small sailboats like sunfish

West Wight Potter P-15 :  I had one of these boats when my kids were small.  It looked like a bathtub toy, but in a good way.  There are famous stories of people making long ocean passages in them, but really if you want to make a long ocean passage a 15-foot centerboard dingy is not the best way to do it.  A boat with a ballasted keel is.  If you absolutely have to go on a blue-water voyage in a dingy this is probably the one to use.  Most P-15 owners trailer-sail them on lakes and bays and they are very good for that because they don’t weigh much and the mast is stepped on deck and is only 15’ 6” tall and is thin also so it’s easy to put the mast up.  The mast is so short because the “simulated gaff”-rigged mainsail is compact and wide for its height.  The mainsail is in the shape of a gaff sail plus a gaff topsail, with a sturdy batten taking the place of the gaff boom.  Plus, the boat is under-canvased (main + working jib = 98 ft 2 ) compared to other boats of similar size and weight.  This was rarely a problem for me, sailing in windy northern California.  On the occasions when it was a problem I just put on a big genoa jib.  The reason the boat is under-canvassed is that it was originally designed to sail in the waters around the Isle of Wight, in English Channel, where it’s blowing a gale most of the time.  Strong winds and choppy conditions are built into this boat’s DNA, which is funny because today they are produced by International Marine in southern California where the wind is much lighter.

I miss sailing dry (the Potter deflects spray efficiently) and I sure do miss those two big 6 ½ foot-long berths down below.  The Potter is faster than she looks like she would be; I had no complaints about her speed.  I did find the cockpit uncomfortable.  The P-15 has a lot of big boat features and one of these is a self-bailing cockpit.  This means the floor of the cockpit is above the waterline, which makes the cockpit quite shallow.  I don’t have very long legs but I wished for more legroom.  It was like sitting in a bathtub.  And the cockpit coaming didn’t make it easy to sit on the rail.  As my kids grew there wasn’t room in the bathtub for four people anymore.  So I traded up to my O’Day DaySailer.  Then my kids lost interest in sailing.  Oh well, the DaySailer is a great boat too.  Some other “big boat” features I could have done without are the bow pulpit (what’s it for?) and the bulkhead between the cabin and the cockpit.  I like a more open arrangement.  But if I were a trailer-sailer I would go back to the Potter in a heartbeat because it’s so easy to wrangle on and off the trailer. 

The same company also builds the P-19 which is more than twice the boat even though it is only four feet longer.  One difference between them, besides size, is that while the P-15 has a typical centerboard that pivots backwards and up, the P-19 has a 300-lb. metal daggerboard that goes straight up and down.  So even though this boat only draws 6” with the board up, you can’t just sail towards the beach until the board bumps.  You have to slowly raise it using a winch.

West Wight Potters, especially the P-15’s, hold their resale value much better than most boats.  I sold mine for more than I paid for it.  Many owners keep them in their garages and polish them obsessively, so used Potters are often in Bristol condition. 

Some pocket cruisers similar to the Potters (but with deeper drafts) are the Montgomery 15 , the Montgomery 17 , the Com-Pac 16 and the Sage 17 . In the 1960s and 1970s the MacGregor Yacht Corporation produced thousands of Venture-21’s,and their little sisters the Venture-17’s .  These were inexpensively made trailer-sailers with ballasted swing keels, big cockpits, low headroom in the cabin, and very few frills.  They are not pretty by anyone’s standard (they look like skinny Clorox bottles with sails), but if your budget is tight they can be had for next to nothing. 

small sailboats like sunfish

The Herreshoff 12½ and its relatives: (12 ½ refers to the waterline length; the boat is almost 16’ long overall.)  Nathaniel Herreshoff, its designer, was a member of a prominent family of naval architects and yacht builders in Bristol, Rhode Island.  He designed many of the America’s Cup defenders of the Gilded Age and the early 20 th century.  Those elegant yachts were his inspiration for this charming little gaff-rigged sloop.  It was conceived as a safe and stable boat for beginners and children.  It has been in continuous production since 1914.  Today you can buy one from Cape Cod Shipbuilding or from Ballentine’s Boat Shop , also on Cape Cod (where they call it the Doughdish) but there are used ones, in wood or fiberglass, all over New England.  Warning: these boats aren’t cheap.  Expect to pay what you would for a car.  The Herreshoff 12½ has a fixed ballasted keel with 735 lbs. of lead in it that draws 2’ 6”.  It must be the smallest keel sailboat in common use.  There is no cabin, but some people have used it for overnight cruising by rigging a boom tent and making a bed on the cockpit sole, which of course has no centerboard trunk to divide it in half.  Of all of the boats I’ve never had or sailed, this is the one that most calls to me.

Two and a half feet of draft is too deep to land on beaches, so designer Joel White modified the design to make the Haven 12½ which is almost identical to the Herreshoff 12½ from the waterline up.  Down below it has a centerboard, but also a shallow keel.  The Haven 12 ½ draws a foot less than the Herreshoff 12 ½ but weighs about the same.  So it still draws 1’ 6” with the board up and weighs well over half a ton.  It’s not obvious that this is enough of an improvement to make it truly beachable.  The Bullseye has the same hull as the Herreshoff 12½ but has a more modern Marconi sloop rig and a cuddy cabin.  Cape Cod Shipbuilding produces the Bullseye.  The Paine 14 is a scaled-down version of the Herreshoff 12½ that looks similar above the waterline but has a carbon fiber mast and a modern fin keel and less wetted surface area, so it performs with more zip. 

small sailboats like sunfish

The Cape Dory Typhoon has been called “America’s Littlest Yacht” although maybe the Herreshoff 12 ½ deserves the title more, being even littler and being designed by a famous yachtsman.  But the Typhoon has a proper cabin complete with a bulkhead that separates it from the cockpit and a sliding hatch, sleeping berths below, round portholes in the cabin trunk, teak cockpit coamings, winches for the jib sheets, and all the other details of a much larger keel boat.  Plus, Carl Alberg designed it with elegant, understated lines.  Several thousand of these were made, a few as daysailers without the cabin, but Cape Dory no longer exists as a company.  My uncle Eddie had one of these on Lake Michigan. 

As long as we’re on the subject of keel boats, the Cal 20 is ubiquitous where I live on the west coast.  I learned to sail on a Cal 20 when I was seven years old, in San Diego Harbor, steering a course between the aircraft carriers and the Hobie cats.  The Cal 20 is a stocky little boat with a 7’ beam.  My father always said it developed a “vicious weather helm” when the wind got too strong but I’ll bet this problem can be solved by reefing the main – I don’t remember if he ever did that.  Used Cal 20s are easy to find and the seller is usually motivated to sell because the slip fees at a marina in the San Francisco Bay Area or Los Angeles are often more than the boat itself is worth.  You have to keep it at a marina; it’s no trailer-sailer. 

Traditional Catboats : These are heavy, wide, and slow with deep round cockpits, oval portholes on the cabin trunk and one huge gaff mainsail on an unstayed mast that’s right up at the bow.   They have their origins as utility boats for clamming and fishing on Cape Cod.  They look salty at the mooring but they are not as exciting to sail as more slender sloops.  They have a lot of room for their length, though.  No one model or manufacturer dominates this category.  The Marshall Marine Corporation on Cape Cod makes the 15-foot Sandpiper, the 18-foot Sanderling and the Marshall 22.  Arey’s Pond Boat Yard (also on Cape Cod) makes traditional catboats 12’ and up, with their 14-footer being the best-selling model.  Florida-based Com-Pac Yachts produces a line of trailerable gaff-rigged catboats 14-20’ with less wood trim that are more affordable then the high-end boats that Marshall and Arey’s Pond makes.

small sailboats like sunfish

Beetle Cats , however, are catboats that are nimble sailers.  The design of this lightweight (for a catboat) 12-footer goes back to 1921 and four thousand of them have been built.  There are plenty of used ones available but you can buy new ones in wood from Beetle, Inc. on Cape Cod and in fiberglass from Howard Boats , also on Cape Cod. 

small sailboats like sunfish

The Drascombe Lugger and its many relatives are triple-propulsion boats: they can be rowed, sailed or powered by an outboard motor in a built-in motor well.  It should go without saying that design compromises mean that they are not high-performance sailboats, rowboats or motorboats.   They are traditional looking open boats with a Gunter rigged mainsail and a small mizzen.  They are made in the United Kingdom so even though more than 2000 have been produced there are not a lot of used ones available in North America.  Expect to pay top dollar or even to have to buy a new one, unless you live in the UK.  There is no cabin on the Lugger but people use them for beach camping on extended cruises because they have plenty of storage space and shallow draft.  Their design is based on traditional English fishing boats that had to be beachable.  The Lugger is 18’ 9” but Drascombe makes many other models including the 15 ½ – foot Dabber and the 21’ 9” Longboat, all essentially the same except for the size.  The Norseboat 17.5 , “the Swiss Army Knife of boats”, made in Canada, is a modern alternative.  It is advertised as a sailing/rowing boat but with a beam of just 5’ 2”, round bilges and low freeboard it looks tender.  I would sail it in light air; I’m not sure how it would do in a gale. 

Cornish Crabbers and Shrimpers are also based on traditional fishing boats, and are also made in England.   However, most of these are heavy keelboats that violate my “not more than twenty feet and not over one ton” rule.  Even the popular 19’ Shrimper is really over 22’ with the bowsprit and weighs over a ton.  Also, since they are made in England there are not that many of them available in North America, unless you want to pay for a new one. 

small sailboats like sunfish

Flying Scot: I used to sail one of these.  I single-handed it and found that this boat is really too big and powerful to single-hand very well.  The mainsail was bigger than a barn door.  Mine had no reef points.  I would come screaming back to the dock at the end of the sail thinking “geez, I sure hope I can stop this beast…” It’s not tippy, just has a lot of power.  You could water ski from one.  The company that makes them, Flying Scot, Inc . is located on a small lake in western Maryland; maybe it’s not very windy there.  Also, there is no place in the cockpit or forepeak or even on deck to lay out a sleeping bag for an overnight; it’s strictly a daysailer and racer.  That’s unusual for a boat that is 19’ long and almost seven feet wide. 

Cape Cod Mercury Sloop: Don’t confuse this with the 18’ “Mercury Class” boats; this boat is 15’ long.  It is a favorite with camps, sailing schools and community boating programs but it looks kinda generic and institutional – I don’t think that many people buy these for their own personal use.  At least all the ones I’ve ever seen have been in institutional fleets.  Come to think of it, there are other sailboats like that, the Flying Junior for instance.  Cape Cod Shipbuilding makes Mercury Sloops. 

Whitehalls are rowing boats.   They were originally water taxis in New York City.  So they are light in weight, and have narrow beams and low freeboard.  Today you can get Whitehalls with sail rigs but these light, narrow, low hulls aren’t ideal for sailing.  I would only sail one in gentle conditions, and gentle conditions are uncommon where I live.  Whitehall Rowing & Sail and Gig Harbor Boat Works (both in the Pacific Northwest) are two companies that produce them with sail rigs. 

small sailboats like sunfish

So there you have it – every boat has a story that explains why it looks the way it does.  Many of the stories have happened on or near Cape Cod.  If you live there, you are lucky to be surrounded by all these pretty boats. 

Poem: Sailing Alone – by Michael Wing

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Sunfish Sail Dinghy Reborn

  • By Chad Gillis
  • Updated: April 27, 2021

A black and white image of a man at a sewing machine.

The Sunfish. For thousands of sailors around the world, it’s an iconic name that conjures memories of beautiful beaches, colorful sails, whipping winds and a freedom that only comes from such a simple small craft. Many sailors have centered their love for the sport on a Sunfish—at summer camps in the lakes of the Midwest, along coastal stretches of both American coasts, and on pretty much any stretch of water between. First offered as a DIY wood kit in the 1950s, the Sunfish has been a staple of the recreational sailing and racing scenes for decades as a relatively inexpensive one‑design dinghy.

The ubiquitous and ­colorful singlehander has stood the test of time, but today it is at a performance crossroads. Technology has long surpassed the boat’s one-design ­limitations, and new generations of sailors are now drawn to modern dinghy classes with better equipment. But what if the Sunfish were reimagined with modern blades and a more efficient sail? There are several movements afoot to do just that, with innovations driven by Sunfish fanatics taking development matters into their own hands.

Leading one charge in the sail-development department is Kevin Farrar, of Farrar Sails in New London, Connecticut. He’s now manufacturing a ­non-class-legal Sunfish sail, one that he says is much faster than the triangular rag of yesteryear. The boom is also shorter on this rig, yet the sail area is increased by about 8 square feet.

“It’s clearly a significant change,” Farrar says. He’s been working his version of the Sunfish sail for several years. “The concept is to make something that’s going to make the boat appeal to 16-year-olds out there. This is a modern design, and it really works.”

His sails are getting faster too, generation by generation, as he makes tweaks that have also made the classic boat appear more modern. “Off the wind, [the latest generation is] radically faster than even what we were making in the second generation of sails,” Farrar says. “[The boats] are planing much faster. I’m not sure if they’re planing upwind quite yet, but it has taken [the Sunfish] a step beyond what the Laser is.”

Them might be fighting words. The Laser has long been the standard singlehanded dinghy, and it’s one of the most popular racing classes on the planet, but Farrar hopes his sail will help breathe new life into Sunfish sailing, perhaps even draw a new generation to what seems to be a declining class.

“It’s the basic lateen rig except that the sail area is 83 square feet, and the top of the sail is parallel to the waterline. You’re getting a lot more of the sail up and in better air,” Farrar says. “The boom has been shortened to about 10 feet.”

All equipment used in official Sunfish-class racing must have been offered by the builder at some point in the boat’s life cycle. And while the Sunfish’s modern blades are a big step up from the wooden blades of the early days, there’s still plenty of room for improvement. And that’s where Kent Misegades comes into the story. At his AeroSouth facilities, in Seven Lakes, North Carolina, he’s stamping out some pretty slick-looking foils for his Sunfish. He has a vertical rudder that has minimal weather helm, even in stronger winds. The current class-approved rudder is notorious for having strong weather helm when the wind pipes above 15 knots. Misegades says his rudder is better and faster (especially upwind), and it costs about the same as the Sunfish-class-supplied rudder. “I understand the one-design concept,” he says. “It’s an even playing field, so it really does come down to a comparison of skills. I understand it, but that, of course, kills innovation, so there are two sides to it.”

Misegades said he isn’t yet targeting the class ­association or asking racers to adopt his new daggerboard and ­rudder designs. He knows that most Sunfish owners don’t race, but no good sailor would ever argue against better handling. “I knew from the outset that any change of rules for the class is pretty involved, for good reason,” he says, “so, I never went about trying to convince the class to adopt them. We’ve never really gone to class ­racing, but something that’s intrigued me is there’s been discussion of a new rudder, and it’s opened their eyes to potentially get gear from a third party.”

Three sailboats sailing on the open waters.

Misegades says his ­rudder dramatically improves the Sunfish’s notorious weather helm, but he had other goals in mind during the design process. “The weather helm wasn’t my primary goal; it was mainly to reduce drag to improve pointing and speed,” he says. “I went through a lot of different plans; hundreds of iterations happened.

“It all comes down to the angle of the rudder, and in all angles, this rudder really is superior,” Misegades ­continues. “But there is one drawback to this vertical rudder in that it doesn’t scull. The Sunfish ­rudder does do that well.”

Misegades’ rudder is also prone to stalling during a tack if the helmsperson is not careful. “This vertical narrow rudder will whip the boat around, but it’s not nearly as ­effective as the standard rudder,” Misegades says.

AeroSouth’s foils are ­comparable in price to what class builders offer today. The wood-and-carbon version of the daggerboard is $350, which is less than the official class boar. AeroSouth’s rudder is $300.

The International Sunfish Class Association is likely to be slow in adopting this new gear, however. Perhaps for good reason. Larry Suter, who has raced Sunfish in seven different decades, has been pushing the class to set the stock rudder to 90 degrees. Doing so would be at least one step forward, he says. “If you go out in a Sunfish in 14 or 15 knots of wind, and if you feel the pull on the tiller and the pull on the mainsheet, it’s the same force,” Suter explains. “[The 90-degree rudder angle] really makes the boat a nice boat to sail. It doesn’t have the weather helm, and you don’t have to fight it.”

Lynne Randall, Florida Peninsula region representative for the Sunfish Class, is familiar with the new sails and blades being developed outside the manufacturer’s specs, and she is cognizant that the class association can’t simply change equipment every time a new piece of gear comes to market.

“It’s a really strong one-design group around here, so you have to keep the boat [setup in a way that’s] approved by the class,” Randall says. “These changes are interesting and fun, and some people are trying them out, but as far as one-design racing goes, you can’t do it.”

Randall says that the new gear will require investigation, testing, adopting and tweaking before it gets anywhere near approval under the class regulations. Drawing new sailors to an old class is an exciting idea, but so too is retaining the sailors who make up the bulk of the racing fleet

“Of course we want to grow the class, and it’s one of those things that evolves,” Randall says. “But if you want to sail ­recreationally, there are ways to try different things.”

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Best 2 Person Sailboats

Best 2 Person Sailboats | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

December 28, 2023

‍ Key Takeaways

  • 2-person sailboats are small sailboats like sailing dinghies but can be a larger boat too
  • Experienced sailors will likely not need much of nay training on these boats
  • Most of these boat types are trailerable sailboats since they are under 30 feet
  • 2-person sailboats are some of the best sailboats but it varies on your intended use
  • Consider joining a sailing club to get the most use out of 2-person sailboats

‍ A 2-person sailboat can be a larger dinghy or a sailboat meant to be handled by two people. But what are some of the best 2-person sailboats?

The RS200, Hunter 15, and Hobie 16 are a few of the best 2-person sailboats. Other sailboats meant for two people include the Norseboat 17.5, Sunfish, and even a Laser SB3. These small sailboats are best geared as a beginner sailboat that compliments having two people on board.

In my experience, there are plenty of small sailboat brands that are perfect dinghy sailors or those that want to have an extra person on board their boat. Whether it is a big boat or small boat there are options to have at least two people on board while sailing.

Table of contents

‍ Top 12 Best 2-Person Sailboat Brands

When people think about a two person sailboat they often refer to a small sailboat. Indeed a sailing dinghy is likely your best bet but there are other options to consider when looking for a fun cruising sailboat that can accommodate another person.


The RS200 is considered one of the most popular double handed dinghies in existence. Since 1995 it has become a staple for those that want to enjoy or get into dinghy sailing.

The use of two people makes it a great experience on the water and necessary to help navigate. If you have never sailed on one of these you are missing out on a thrilling experience.


One of the more affordable small sailboats best for two people out there is the Hunter 15 . It is perfect for sailors that are getting their feet wet or only go out every so often without worrying about messing with complicated features. While it can hold up to four people it is best suited for two in mind to help sail.


The Hobie 16 is one of the most famous multihull sailboats for those that enjoy a sailing dinghy. The fact that it incorporates a second person to help steer makes it a fun and rewarding experience with a friend on board. In fact having another person on board will help unlock its true sailing potential.

Norseboat 17.5


For those that love a good daysailer it would be difficult to pass up a Norseboat 17.5 if you saw one for a good price. These are perfect for a couple to enjoy an evening out on the water or to gently explore shallow waters. In some cases you could enjoy fishing if the water is calmer.


The Sunfish is another classic small sailboat that is great for having two people on board. They are famous for being used in racing events across the world. They are easy to sail and are right around 14 feet in length which make them easy to transport.


Laser sailboats are another iconic sailboat brand that features the ability to have two people on board. With the added weight of another person it increases the performance of this boat while racing. It is also great for building camaraderie among other sailing racers on a team.

West Wight Potter 19


West Wight Potter has made a few popular cruising sailboats over the years with most notably their 19 model. This boat is a brick house for around 19 feet and is easy to sail with another person on board. Even though these are not as fast as some of the other sailboats mentioned here it makes up for that with the added level of comfort to accommodate another guest.

Catalina 16.5


Catalina is known for their quality and craftsmanship of sailing yachts. There is plenty of room in the cockpit for two people to enjoy an afternoon together.

It is also a great option for a daysailer. Some of the larger models are considered a family boat but can also be used by just two people due to its ease of use while sailing.

The 420 is another edition of a sailing dinghy that is meant for two people. If you see a sailing dinghy that is not a Sunfish then this is usually the next option for sailors. It offers style and an endless opportunity to have excitement on the water.


The Paine 14 is considered a mini yacht and is a perfect trailerable sailboat. The boat’s design is great for accommodating another person on board. It is great for those new to sailing or want a smaller boat with a classic look.


For pocket cruisers you cannot ignore the Sage 17 as a great option for two people on board. This fractional sloop is perfect in shoal drafts and is ideal for those that want to have a relaxing environment. It is stable and offers a great experience on the water no matter where your adventures take you.

Islander 24


The Islander 24 is perfect for those that do not want a larger sailboat but also do not want a dinghy. It is a perfect blend for sailing and cruising but also providing many opportunities on the water. With its size you can easily navigate this boat with two people.

Why Are 2-Person Sailboats Great Boats?

No matter what your desired sailing adventure is there are plenty of sailboats that are geared towards an easy setup and sailing experience. For boats that are designed with two people in mind it makes it sound like it is more difficult to handle but that is not the case.

Boats that are capable for two people sailing can generally be handled by one person but the performance is improved with the addition of the second person. The type of boat will also make a difference and if it has anything equipped such as automation systems. Below are some reasons why these boats are best for beginners or those that want an easier time on the water.

Sailing is Easier

Dinghies usually are meant for racing but they offer you first hand experience on how a boat should move in the water. Do not be afraid of the occurrence of capsizing in these boats.

In fact it is an integral part of the experience that will give you real time feedback on what went wrong. As for pocket cruisers or daysailers you do not want to capsize these so make an effort to control the stability as best as you can.

Rigging Setup is Seamless

For smaller boats that you can move on a trailer they usually can be put together in pieces. This makes setting up and breaking down a simple process that is great for storage.

When you are sailing and are newer to the experience you want something that is simple while operating in real time. You will likely want to handle something that does not take rocket science to explain.

Compact Size

Bigger sailboats are a little harder to steer so that is why it is best to go for something less than 30 feet with two people. This gives you plenty of room without compromising comfort.

The most ideal size ranges for two people are between 14 and 24 feet but it largely depends on the type of boat you are using. Some sailors can even handle boats ranging 45 feet and up but it all depends on your experience and intended use.

Multiple Sails

The mainsail is all you need to learn the basics of sailing but some boats might be equipped with more sails. This might mean your boat is a sloop rig which has two sails.

If you have more sails it would not hurt to have a second person on board to help with the action of raising and lowering of them. An automation system would greatly help this situation.

Many boats have various options for steering. These include tiller and wheel steering which should be obvious when checking out the boat upon a potential purchase.

If your boat has tiller steering it is best to get a feel for how the boat is while you are sailing. However you should go for what is most comfortable to you when you are the one operating it the most.

Best for Getting Parts

Since some boats are generally smaller for two people that means it is easier to acquire boat parts for maintenance. There are more boat parts in stock for smaller boats since they are more common which means you will have less of a headache and downtime for sailing.

There might even be a good chance you can find them cheaper on a marketplace online. Some boats might be totaled at a shipyard and you can find parts cheaper than paying for new ones outright.

Best Prices

Since 2-person sailboats are generally smaller they are usually are less expensive than other larger boats. If you are able to find them used they are even better at fitting within your budget depending on that boat brand.

You can expect to pay less than $20,000 for many top quality 2-person sailboats. This all depends on the condition of the boat and how new it is upon you purchasing it. This could range much higher depending on additions to the boat and the brand.

Are 2-Person Sailboats Good for Families?

As the name suggests it would not really be ideal to have a boat that is meant to hold only two people. But some of the options mentioned above are large enough to hold roughly four people and are great for the family.

Depending on how you intend to use your sailboat can make a difference as well. Some boats can still be considered family boats if they are commonly used within the family.

What Size is Best for 2-Person Sailboats?

Depending on the activity you are going to experience on the water will affect what size boat you are needing. For sailing dinghies those are usually used for racing since speed is priority.

If you are wanting to cruise without having too much else going on then something around 25 feet would be great. Families that are wanting a little more room but still be able to handle the boat with two people can likely find sailboats ranging up to 45 feet that are easy to sail.

There is not really a science that points to the perfect length for 2-person sailing. This all comes down to how confident you are in your sailing abilities and how easy it is to operate the boat in comfortable conditions.

Features to Consider on 2-Person Sailboats

For most one or two person boats there are a handful of features that can make your life easier while sailing. The good news for most 2-person sailboats is that they can likely be operated by one person.

Any added features or design of the boat might make an impact if the other person on board is not used to the setup. Here are some added features that will make a difference but keep in mind that they might not accommodate a small sailboat like a racing dinghy.

System Automation

There are plenty of automatic conveniences to add to your boat. These include autopilot and an electric windlass. A roller furling or even a radar can also make a huge impact to your sailing adventure.

A lot of these features come in handy when the weather turns rough or the tide becomes fierce. It is also great to have these if the other person on board with you is new to sailing or is a small child.

Having a boat equipped with GPS is another option for automation even if you think you know your way around the area. Consider adding one to your boat if you plan on taking it out in moderate conditions that might take you off of the intended path.

Multihulls by default are some of the safest sailboats out there due to their stability. This is true but it also depends on the design of the boat and how it is being used.

Most 2-person sailboats are going to have great stability. If it is a small sailboat that is equipped with a lateen rig it will likely have slightly better stability than other racing dinghies. However pocket cruisers are designed to be more stable and are great for two people wanting to enjoy a cruise.

In the event that something happens you should have a safety tether or a life jacket while on board. Even with two people on board you might not be immune to falling off your boat if the conditions get rough. You should also consider having an emergency radio and a way to ping your location in case things to go bad.

Types of Sails

The sail area on a boat makes a big impact on the performance. This is also why getting the right sails are important.

You should aim to have a combination of a gaff sail and a bermuda sail to optimize performance. Both of these together if applicable are the perfect blend for many windy conditions.

Rigging Setup

There are numerous types of rigs to consider on your boat. A lateen rig has a different shape than a gaff rig and will affect the performance based on the wind.

A gaff rig is best for one or two people on board due to it being easier to sail with an easier set up. No matter what rig setup you have you should know how to properly set up the sails and safely operate while in motion.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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OceanWave Sail

Sunfish Sailing Boat: Techniques, Maintenance, Racing, Community

Published by oceanwave on august 5, 2023.

The Sunfish sailing boat , is a compact, lightweight, and adaptable vessel created for sailing for leisure. Its simplicity and usability make it a popular option for both novice and seasoned sailors.

Alex Bryan and Cortlandt Heyniger, who created Alcort, Inc., originally unveiled the Sunfish sailboat in the early 1950s. The popular “Lateen” sail employed by the Moors and other ancient cultures served as inspiration for its design. The Sunfish has had tremendous growth in popularity over time and continues to be a recognised icon of recreational sailing.

Design and Structure

The Sunfish has a straightforward, fibreglass hull with a flat bottom that offers stability and manoeuvrability. Its single-person design makes sailing alone on it comfortable. Tandem sailing is a popular use for several Sunfish variations that have been altered to suit two individuals.

The daggerboard, a retractable centerboard, on the Sunfish enhances overall stability by assisting in preventing lateral movement while sailing upwind. Effective boat steering is made possible by the rudder, which is at the stern.

The comparatively tall and slender Sunfish mast makes for an effective and exciting sailing experience.

The sail is a lateen rig with a characteristic triangle shape, composed of sturdy materials like Dacron. Using a halyard and a sheet line, the sail may be readily raised or dropped.

Simple rigging is used on sunfish sailing vessels. The mainsheet regulates the sail’s pitch, and the tiller steers the boat by moving the rudder. The outhaul and cunningham modify the shape and tension of the sail while the halyard lifts and lowers it to improve performance.

Sunfish Sailing Techniques

Rigging the sunfish.

A Sunfish must have its sail, daggerboard, and rudder tightly fastened before it may sail. For safe and pleasurable sailing, proper rigging is crucial.

Basic Sailing Maneuvers

  • Tacking: This maneuver involves rotating the boat’s bow through the wind, which allows the sail to seamlessly change sides.
  • Jibing: Jibing refers to rotating the stern of the boat through the wind and switching the sail to the opposing side.
  • Points of Sail: For effective sailing and navigating a variety of wind conditions, it is essential to comprehend the various points of sail (upwind, close-hauled, reaching, and downwind).

Advanced Sailing Techniques

  • Racing Strategies: For competitive sailors, learning racing strategies, such as starting procedures, mark edging, and tactical decision-making, can greatly enhance performance.
  • Windward Sailing: To sail upwind (windward) and make headway against the wind, accurate sail trimming and boat positioning are necessary.
  • Downwind Sailing: To sail effectively downwind, you must maximize your sail angle and take advantage of wind shifts to increase your speed and momentum.

Popular Sunfish Sailing Destinations

Coastal regions, lakes, and reservoirs all around the world are frequently enjoyed by sunfish sailors. The Great Lakes, American coastal regions, and picturesque areas in Europe and beyond are among the most well-liked travel destinations.

With winds typically ranging from 5 to 15 knots, the Sunfish is perfectly suited for light to moderate conditions. For beginners, calm waters and protected harbors are ideal, but for experienced sailors, more difficult open-water conditions may be desired.

Sailing any boat, especially the Sunfish, requires utmost caution. In addition to being mindful of the weather, sailors should always wear the proper personal flotation devices (PFDs). It’s important to observe all boating laws and keep within approved sailing areas.

Maintenance and Care

Storage and cleaning.

A Sunfish sailing boat must be properly maintained in order to last for a long time and operate at its best. Use fresh water to thoroughly rinse the boat after each sailing session to get rid of any salt or debris. To clean the hull and deck, use mild soap and a gentle brush instead of abrasive cleaners that could harm the fibreglass. Dry the boat completely after cleaning it before storing it.

For storage, choose a covered space or spend money on a boat cover to shield the Sunfish from the elements. The boat’s health and longevity will be preserved and increased by keeping it out of the rain, sunlight, and extremely hot or cold weather.

Fixing Small Damages

Check the Sunfish frequently for any indications of wear or small damage. To stop future damage, cracks, chips, or scratches on the hull should be fixed right away. Using repair kits that are available from boat dealers or specialty stores, boat owners can frequently handle minor repairs.

Consider contacting a specialised yacht repair agency for assistance with larger damages or structural problems. In addition to keeping the Sunfish in excellent condition, proper maintenance will guarantee the sailor’s safety.

Seasonal Maintenance Checklist

Make sure to give the Sunfish a complete inspection before each sailing season. Look for any wear or fraying in the rigging, including the mast, sail, and lines. To ensure smooth functioning, lubricate moving components like the rudder and daggerboard systems.

Check the hull for any potential leaks and confirm that all hardware and fittings are firmly attached. Replace damaged lines or hardware as necessary. Check the sail’s integrity as well, keeping an eye out for any tears or wear that could impair performance.

Racing and Competitions

A thrilling feature of Sunfish sailing is Sunfish class racing, when sailors compete in regulated competitions and regattas. The International Sunfish Class Association (ISCA) has established particular guidelines and requirements for the Sunfish class. Typically, races have short tracks, and competitors try to complete as quickly as they can.

The chance to compete in many local, national, and worldwide regattas is available to Sunfish sailors. The Sunfish World Championship, North American Championship, and various regional championships held in various nations are a few of the important competitions.

Specialised training and practise are essential for everyone interested in racing. Experienced racers and coaches frequently organise training camps and clinics to aid participants in honing their abilities and strategies. Mastering race-specific manoeuvres, comprehending wind patterns, and refining racing strategy are all part of competitive preparation.

Sunfish Sailing Community

The Sunfish sailing community is a thriving and encouraging global network of sailors. The governing body, in charge of enforcing class regulations and planning significant events, is the International Sunfish Class Association (ISCA). Local Sunfish class organizations offer further assistance and possibilities for sailors to interact in various places.

Sunfish sailing boat aficionados have venues to share experiences, ask questions, and swap advice through online forums and social media groups. Additionally, there are several of websites and blogs that provide helpful resources including regatta dates, maintenance advice, and sailing skills.

The advantages of joining the Sunfish sailing community are numerous. It offers a wonderful chance to connect with like-minded people, pick the brains of seasoned sailors, and share the thrill of sailing. Participating in community activities also promotes a sense of camaraderie and provides both novices and seasoned sailors with invaluable support.

Sunfish sailing boats are an enticing option for sailors of all ages and experience levels because they provide the ideal balance of simplicity, excitement, and versatility. Sunfish sailing continues to be popular because to its simplicity in maintenance, ease of rigging, and accessibility to a variety of sailing locations.

The Sunfish offers a simple and pleasurable entry point for people who are thinking about taking up sailing. Its user-friendly layout and the Sunfish community’s assistance guarantee a pleasurable and unforgettable trip on the water. Therefore, giving Sunfish sailing a try can spark a passion for the sport that lasts a lifetime, whether the goal is a peaceful day on the lake or serious racing.

To discover more about various liveaboard sailboats , yachts, and catamaran, check out this Sailboat Data page. You may discover comprehensive details on different sailboat models and their performance here, making it easy for you to pick the best boat for your requirements with Ocean Wave Sail !

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  20. small boat sailors: do you enjoy sailing sunfish or lasers ...

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