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L’ex yacht di Briatore “Force Blue” è di nuovo in vendita

In passato era finito al centro della cronaca per un presunto caso di evasione fiscale. adesso il “force blue” appartenuto a flavio briatore è finito di nuovo sul mercato.

Force Blue

Force Blue, lusso e comfort senza limiti  

Layout esterno e interno, interni del force blue, scheda tecnica – force blue, fotogallery 6 immagini.

flavio briatore yacht

Argomenti: Daily Nautica , tasse-&-fisco

Lusben Sailing ITA

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FORCE BLUE Yacht – Remarkable $20M Superyacht

FORCE BLUE yacht is Bernie Eccelstone’s $20 Million superyacht. The striking yacht was delivered in 2002 from the Danish shipyard, Royal Denship, and features interior design from Rune Design, Laura Sessa Romboli, and Celeste Dell`Anna.

The sticking exterior of the yacht was developed by Tom Fexas Yacht Design and Ole Steen Knudsen.

The vessel is perfectly designed for entertainment on the water, with plenty of family-friendly spaces for a true superyacht lifestyle experience.

Force Blue
63 m (207 ft)
12 in 6 cabins
10 in 5 cabins
Royal Denship
Tom Fexas Yacht Design Inc
Celeste Dell’Anna
16 knots
1,325 ton
US$ 20 million
US$ 1-2 million

force blue

FORCE BLUE yacht interior

The interior of the FORCE BLUE yacht features magnificent designs from Rune Design, Laura Sessa Romboli , and Celeste Dell`Anna .

The vessel has accommodation for 12 guests in 6 cabins one VIP cabin, three double cabins, and one twin cabin.

There are crew accommodations for 17 crew members. The superyacht is packed with luxury features, from a well-appointed library that offers a relaxing spot, the movie theatre to wind down after a long day, or the dance floor where guests can dance the night away.

The extravagance continues in a full spa with a sauna and a dip in the jacuzzi. The spa includes a hammam, mud bath, and sauna pool.

There is also a gym for guests to catch a workout. The FORCE BLUE is packed with water toys for fun on the water.

These toys include a collection of towable toys, diving equipment, a sea bob, paddleboards, and much more. The FORCE BLUE yacht is also wheelchair friendly.

She features extensive exterior spaces for the perfect event charter and has a light and refreshing interior that guests can enjoy.

FORCE BLUE is the perfect yacht to hold events on as the aft bridge deck has a full bar and reception area for 60 guests.

force blue yacht image

FORCE BLUE yacht exterior

The exterior of the FORCE BLUE yacht was designed by Tom Fexas Yacht Design and Ole Steen Knudsen .

She features a royal blue steel hull in a white aluminum superstructure. Her hull is a full displacement hull, making her more stable while at anchor.

She was first built in 2002 by the Danish shipyard, Royal Denship. She later went through a refit at the beginning of 2022.

She was built as a part of Royal Densip’s expedition series, which include the yachts, TURMOIL, and BIG ARON. The shape of the yacht is a trawler expedition-style for adventure purposes.

force blue superyacht

FORCE BLUE yacht specifications

The FORCE BLUE yacht has a length of 63.3m, a beam of 11.38m, and a draft of 2.95m. She has a displacement of 1325 gross tons and is fitted with twin Caterpillar engines .

She comfortably cruises at 14 knots and reaches a maximum speed of 18 knots.

She has a range of up to 8000 nautical miles. She features an onboard stabilization system that ensures comfort for guests while at sea.

force blue yacht photo

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  • Force Blue Yacht
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By SuperyachtNews 14 May 2015

Briatore back in the dock again

Flavio briatore is back in court again, facing tax evasion charges relating to a sum of €3.6 million that prosecutors claim was the result of 'false registration'. this case highlights the grey area that increasingly exists for commercial yachts that are used by their ubos.….

Image for article Briatore back in the dock again

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  • MOTOR BOATS , News

Flavio Briatore’s Force Blue superyacht ends up at auction

  • Gioacchino Ferrari
  • January 11, 2021

Seized in 2010 for tax evasion, Briatore’s Force Blue superyacht will be auctioned in late January

, between the search for a new owner and the announcement of a final verdict that has been awaited for over a decade.

Actually, the legal issues related to Flavio Briatore ‘s superyacht , seized in 2010 off the coast of La Spezia, seemed to be resolved with the limitation on appeal. The boat, however, has remained in the care of the judicial guardian and will be put up for sale on January 27th , before the Supreme Court expresses itself in this regard: the hearing is set for February 12th.

The reasons why the Force Blue will be auctioned (the auction is authorized by the Appeal Court of Genoa) would be represented by the potential loss of the superyacht overall value and the management of maintenance costs, deemed too high by the keeper. A difficulty that would have worsened last year due to the lockdown, which inevitably interrupted the charter activities, however authorized on board the Force Blue since May 2010, when the Italian Financial Police seized the boat in the waters of La Spezia.

Flavio Briatore’s Force Blue superyacht ends up at auction: confiscation, restitution or compensation?

briatore force blue 62-meter superyacht auction

The boat, built by Royal Denship in 2002, is 62 meters long, has three decks and weighs 1,325 tons . It is owned by Briatore’s Autumn Sailing society and is one among the 100 largest superyachts in the world, as well as one among the most famous boats belonging to VIPs.

What is striking is the fact that the sale will take place two weeks before the final decision by the Supreme Court, which could return the pleasure boat to the Italian businessman or confirm the seizure. if the boat has already passed into the hands of the new owner, Briatore would only be entitled to a cash compensation . We’ll see. What is certain is that the long journey of the Force Blue is now coming to an end.

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Monaco Tribune

Le Prince Albert II, Flavio Briatore, Robbie Williams, Charles Leclerc.. tous réunis au Yacht Club de Monaco pour une soirée inoubliable

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Une rencontre parfaite entre yachting, musique et glamour s’est tenue ce samedi 7 septembre au Yacht Club de Monaco. Le Groupe Ferretti y a organisé son événement privé annuel, combinant une avant-première exceptionnelle de yachts avec une performance enflammée de la superstar britannique Robbie Williams. Un concert unique au milieu des plus beaux bateaux du monde et de l’élite internationale.

flavio briatore yacht

Le Prince Albert II, présent lors de cette soirée d’exception, a partagé cet instant aux côtés de célébrités comme les pilotes de Formule 1 Charles Leclerc et George Russell, l’entrepreneur Flavio Briatore, le créateur Domenico Dolce, ou encore l’acteur Pierfrancesco Favino, tout juste revenu du Festival de Venise.

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Les invités ont eu le privilège d’explorer ces merveilles lors de visites privées, et même de participer à des essais en mer, profitant d’une immersion totale dans l’univers du luxe flottant.

Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Ferretti Group Official (@ferrettigroup)

Un dîner étoilé pour couronner la soirée

Les plaisirs des sens ne se sont pas limités à la vue et à l’ouïe. Antonio Mellino, récemment auréolé de sa troisième étoile Michelin, a concocté un dîner d’exception pour les convives. Chacune des créations gastronomiques servies durant la soirée était un hommage à la haute cuisine, apportant une touche de raffinement supplémentaire à cette nuit déjà exceptionnelle.

Une after-party exclusive sur le yacht de Flavio Briatore

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Leni Klum spends some quality time with her dad Italian billionaire Flavio Briatore as they holiday on his yacht after years of 'never seeing each other'

By Laura Parkin For Mailonline and Richard Eden for the Daily Mail

Published: 03:55 EDT, 9 September 2023 | Updated: 13:54 EDT, 9 September 2023

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German model Heidi Klum split up with Italian billionaire Flavio Briatore while she was pregnant with his child.

By the time she gave birth to her daughter, Leni, she was going out with pop star Seal, who later became Leni’s adoptive father.

When Briatore, now 73, was asked about his relationship with Leni seven years ago, he told an Italian newspaper: ‘It’s hard to miss a baby you never see.’

Now, however, he appears keen to make up for lost time as Leni, 19,  has been enjoying a holiday aboard his yacht in Monaco with Flavio. 

The pair were Joined by her half brother Nathan Falco Briatore, 13, from Flavio's marriage to actress Elisabetta Gregoraci. 

Family: Heidi Klum split up with Italian billionaire Flavio Briatore while she was pregnant with his child - now he appears keen to make up for lost time with Leni, 19

Family: Heidi Klum split up with Italian billionaire Flavio Briatore while she was pregnant with his child - now he appears keen to make up for lost time with Leni, 19 

Siblings: The pair were Joined by her half brother Nathan Falco Briatore, 13, from Flavio's marriage to actress Elisabetta Gregoraci

Siblings: The pair were Joined by her half brother Nathan Falco Briatore, 13, from Flavio's marriage to actress Elisabetta Gregoraci

The father and daughter have been photographed looking close as they chatted and laughed together, but their relationship has not always been so solid.

Heidi and Italian Formula One manager Flavio first went public with their relationship in March 2003.

The German-American model announced her pregnancy just months later in December 2003, but while she was expecting, the couple went their separate ways.

While she was still pregnant, Heidi started dating musician Seal and she then welcomed her daughter Leni in May 2004 in New York.

Flavio later told how he was living in London during the early years of Leni's life whereas Heidi was in Los Angeles, describing the distance as 'unbridgeable'. 

Leni was officially adopted by Seal when she was five years old, and she changed her name to Helene Samuel - the singer's surname. 

She now goes by her mother's surname and is known as Leni Olumi Klum in her professional modelling life and on her Instagram page.

Sweet: The father and daughter have been photographed looking close as they chatted and laughed together, but their relationship has not always been so solid

Sweet: The father and daughter have been photographed looking close as they chatted and laughed together, but their relationship has not always been so solid

Flavio told how they all 'calmly' agreed that it made sense for Seal to adopt Leni so she could 'grow up in a family'.

'The three of us calmly agreed that it made the most sense that he adopt her, because a child needs to grow up in a family,' Flavio told Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera  in 2016.

Heidi and Seal went their separate ways in 2012 and their divorce was finalised two years later.

The couple share three children - Lou, 12, Henry, 16, and Johan, 14 - and Seal has maintained a very close relationship with Leni  since their split.

Twelve years after Heidi gave birth to Leni, Flavio told how he 'never' sees his daughter and said that makes it 'hard' to miss her. 

Former Renault F1 team manager Flavio, who has a son Nathan with his ex-wife Elisabetta Gregoraci, added: 'Heidi, Seal and I have built an amazing relationship.

'It's hard to miss a baby that you never see. But I know that Leni is not an abandoned child. Leni is part of Seal's family and Nathan is part of mine.'

He went on to explain that he used to speak to his daughter for two hours on the phone each day, but that it 'wasn't enough'.

'Leni was born when Heidi and I had already spilt. Heidi was living in Los Angeles and I was in London, the distance between us was unbridgeable,' he said.

'We used to speak on the phone two hours a day, but it wasn't enough. She needed to stay with her mum.'

While Flavio lived in London, Leni grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from Pacifica Christian High School in 2022.

She reunited with her biological father in August 2018, with reports at the time claiming they had met up in Italy in late July of that year.

TMZ  published photographs of the father and daughter spending time together at the Cala di Volpe hotel in Porto Cervo after years apart.

Heidi and her three other children were reportedly also present, and Leni and Flavio were seen embracing as they appeared to be rebuilding their relationship.

Little is known about their relationship in recent years as they keep things relatively private, but they have been seen together on a number of occasions more recently. 

Exes: While she was still pregnant, Heidi started dating musician Seal and welcomed her daughter Leni in May 2004 (pictured in January 2010) they went their separate ways in 2012

Exes: While she was still pregnant, Heidi started dating musician Seal and welcomed her daughter Leni in May 2004 (pictured in January 2010) they went their separate ways in 2012

Very close: Flavio told how they all 'calmly' agreed that it made sense for Seal to adopt Leni so she could 'grow up in a family' (pictured at the 2022 US Open in New York City)

Very close: Flavio told how they all 'calmly' agreed that it made sense for Seal to adopt Leni so she could 'grow up in a family' (pictured at the 2022 US Open in New York City)

In recent weeks, Leni has been enjoying a sun-soaked holiday with her boyfriend Aris Rachevsky on her billionaire father Flavio's luxury yacht.

She has been seen spending quality time with her father as they have travelled around Italy and France on the lavish vessel.

The pair have been photographed  looking close as they chatted and spent quality time together on a beach trip in Italy earlier this week.

The father and daughter appear to have rebuilt their relationship after years of absence and estrangement, and now sweetly appear to have a close bond.

Share or comment on this article: Leni Klum spends some quality time with her dad Italian billionaire Flavio Briatore as they holiday on his yacht after years of 'never seeing each other'

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  1. FORCE BLUE Yacht • Flavio Briatore $20M Superyacht

    The yacht Force Blue is an expedition-style luxury yacht built by Royal Denship in 2002. It can accommodate 12 guests and has a crew of 17. It has a top speed of 18 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. The yacht's current owner is Italian millionaire Flavio Briatore, a successful businessman and former Formula One manager.

  2. Force Blue

    Force Blue is a luxury yacht built by Royal Denship in 2002 for Roy Speer. It was later owned by Flavio Briatore and seized by Italian Customs for tax evasion.

  3. Flavio Briatore's Seized Superyacht Is Now a Floating Luxury Resort

    In comes in at 70 meters (230 feet) long, and has a beam of 11.38 meters (37.3 feet). The thing has a GT of 1,325, and it moves above the water thanks to a pair of Caterpillar engines that give it ...

  4. FLAVIO BRIATORE • Net Worth $200 million • Yacht • House

    Learn about Flavio Briatore's life, career, and net worth as a successful businessman in fashion and Formula 1. Find out his yacht, house, and private jet details, as well as his involvement in F1 teams and clubs.

  5. Flavio Briatore Yacht FORCE BLUE • Royal Denship

    https://www.superyachtfan.com/yacht/force-blue/Superyacht Force Blue is owned by Italian entrepreneur Flavio Briatore. Flavio Briatore started his career as ...

  6. Flavio Briatore

    Flavio Briatore is an Italian businessman who started his career as a restaurant manager and insurance salesman in Italy. He was convicted of fraud in the 1980s, but later became the manager of Benetton Formula One team, which won two world championships with Michael Schumacher.

  7. L'ex yacht di Briatore "Force Blue" è di nuovo in vendita

    Il Force Blue, superyacht di 71 metri appartenuto all'imprenditore Flavio Briatore, è pronto a cambiare proprietario dopo una lunga vicenda giudiziaria durata 12 anni.. Tutto è cominciato nel 2010, quando la Procura di Genova aveva sequestrato lo yacht al largo della Spezia, mentre il manager era a bordo con la sua ex moglie Elisabetta Gregoraci e il figlio.

  8. FORCE BLUE Yacht

    1. FORCE BLUE yacht is Bernie Eccelstone's $20 Million superyacht. The striking yacht was delivered in 2002 from the Danish shipyard, Royal Denship, and features interior design from Rune Design, Laura Sessa Romboli, and Celeste Dell`Anna. The sticking exterior of the yacht was developed by Tom Fexas Yacht Design and Ole Steen Knudsen.

  9. BLU FORZA Yacht • Flavio Briatore $20M Superyacht

    Force Blue è un trawler in stile spedizione costruito da Denship Reale nel 2002 e ristrutturato nel 2021. Il suo proprietario è il milionario italiano Flavio Briatore, ex manager di Formula Uno, che lo ha acquistato da Bernie Ecclestone.

  10. SuperyachtNews.com

    Flavio Briatore is back in court again, facing tax evasion charges relating to a sum of €3.6 million that prosecutors claim was the result of 'false registration'. ... Briatore's yacht was originally seized in 2010, and prosecutors allege that he underwent 'false registration' in order to avoid incurring tax on the purchase and ...

  11. Flavio Briatore's Force Blue superyacht ends up at auction

    Actually, the legal issues related to Flavio Briatore's superyacht, seized in 2010 off the coast of La Spezia, seemed to be resolved with the limitation on appeal. The boat, however, has remained in the care of the judicial guardian and will be put up for sale on January 27th , before the Supreme Court expresses itself in this regard: the ...

  12. Report: Italian gov't siezes Flavio Briatore's $22M yacht

    Flavio Briatore is one of the most recent big fish caught in the Guardia's net; his $22-million yacht, Force Blue, was impounded over the weekend off the coast of the Italian Riviera.

  13. Flavio Briatore appeals tax fraud conviction over use of yacht Force Blue

    13 July 2015. Flavio Briatore, the Italian tycoon and former boss of the Benetton and Renault F1 racing teams, is appealing a recent sentence to 23 months in prison for tax evasion. The sentence, which was handed down by the Italian courts, relates to the entrepreneur's use of superyacht Force Blue, bought by Briatore for just under £70m in ...

  14. 20% charter rate cut on Flavio Briatore's explorer yacht Force Blue

    Flavio Briatore's 63.22 metre motor yacht Force Blue, is available for charter in the West Med from August 31 with a reduced rate of €195,000 per week, down from €235,000. ... Following the news that Flavio Briatore is appealing a tax fraud conviction over use of 63.22 metre ...

  15. How Leni Klum and father Flavio Briatore have rebuilt relationship

    Leni Klum has been enjoying a very luxurious holiday on her billionaire businessman father Flavio Briatore's yacht in recent days, travelling around France and Italy.. Leni, 19, who is the ...

  16. Flavio Briatore: from F1 to Monaco nightspots, the ...

    Learn about the life and career of Flavio Briatore, the Italian entrepreneur who rose from poverty to become a Formula 1 legend and a nightlife mogul in Monaco. Discover his achievements, his vision, his challenges and his latest projects in this profile article.

  17. Une after-party exclusive sur le yacht de Flavio Briatore

    Flavio Briatore, toujours au centre des événements les plus exclusifs, a accueilli certains invités VIP sur son yacht personnel. Publicité » Parmi les participants à cette after-party, on retrouvait les deux pilotes ainsi que le PDG de la Formule 1, Stefano Domenicali.

  18. FLAVIO BRIATORE • Net Worth $200 million • Yacht • House

    Flavio Briatore started his career as a restaurant manager and insurance salesman in Italy. His career took off when he became a successful franchiser for the Benetton fashion brand. Despite facing several fraud charges in the 1980s, Briatore co-owned and established a successful Benetton franchise in the Virgin Islands and the United States.

  19. Leni Klum holidays with her dad Italian billionaire Flavio Briatore

    German model Heidi Klum split up with Italian billionaire Flavio Briatore while she was pregnant with his child.. By the time she gave birth to her daughter, Leni, she was going out with pop star ...

  20. Sakhalin

    Sakhalin is the largest island of Russia, located in Northeast Asia. It has a complex history of disputes and divisions between Russia and Japan, and a diverse population of Russians, indigenous peoples and former Japanese residents.

  21. A breath of fresh air in town

    Gagarin Park: A breath of fresh air in town - See 258 traveler reviews, 233 candid photos, and great deals for Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia, at Tripadvisor.

  22. FLAVIO BRIATORE: The Life of the Former F1 Manager and Luxury Yacht Owner

    Delve into the multifaceted life of Flavio Briatore, his early career, success with Benetton, F1 exploits, net worth, and personal life. Understand how this Italian businessman made his mark on the world. ... FLAVIO BRIATORE • Net Worth $200 million • Yacht • House • निजी ...

  23. Bluefin and Halibut Fishing on Sakhalin and Kuril Islands

    Sakhalintunahuntersteam offers sophisticated fishermen to try their hand at catching such a coveted trophy as Pacific bluefin tuna. We invite you to do this with an experienced team of local fishermen in the waters of Sakhalin Island and Moneron, who have extensive experience of sea fishing, including in the Indian Ocean.

  24. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

    Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is the capital of Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, located on Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East. It has a history of Russian, Japanese and Soviet rule, and is a major center of gas and oil extraction and processing.