
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor – Everything You Need to Know

Time8 to 48 hour exam (dependant on the number of people) after a potential prep course of up to 5 days
Prerequisites50 days spent at sea
2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters
5 days as skipper
5 60nm passages, 2 as skipper
Min. Age18
Exam8 hours to 2 days on the water
AimTo work commercially on a sailing vessel under 24m in length within 150nm of a harbour.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor ticket is considered the most useful and credible of all motor cruising qualifications. Administered on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastgaurd Agency by the RYA the qualification is accepted as a worldwide standard. To gain an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor qualification you must sit a practical exam. 

What Does the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Allow You to Do?

Gaining an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor will allow you to work commercially on motor vessels not exceeding 200GT.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam certifies that you are competent to skipper a motor yacht on any passage that is not more than 150nm from a harbour.

How Can You Sit an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

The exam can be organised via the RYA to be done on your own vessel or via an RYA training centre, to be done on an RYA training vessel. It should be noted, that to complete the exam on your own vessel, your vessel must be up to an appropriate safety standard.

Most RYA training centres offering the RYA Cruising Scheme offer some form of pre exam preparation or coaching for those looking to take an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam.

These courses are often referred to as ‘RYA Yachtmaster Prep’ courses. This is unique within the RYA training framework in that it does not have a fixed course syllabus, length or course completion certificate.

Who Can Do an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam is open to anyone who meets the minimum criteria, with all experience within the last 10 years.

  • 18 years of age or older
  • 50 days spent at sea
  • 2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters
  • 5 days as skipper
  • 5 passages of over 60nm, with at least 2 as skipper

If you have skippering experience but not the required days or passages, then the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor might be for you.

If you have the miles, but not the skippering experience, then again, the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor might be for you.

Additionally, exam candidates must also hold a relevant GMDSS VHF certification and an RYA First Aid certificate or recognised equivalent.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor

Can You Go Straight to the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

You can indeed jump straight into the RYA Cruising Scheme at this stage, however, it is imperative that you understand the levels that are required of you, both in your knowledge and practical skills.

It is suggested that as a minimum you have completed (and passed) the RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory course as the knowledge in here is both required for you to be at the level required, but will be formally tested during your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam, both orally and in practical applications.

What Do You Need to Know before Attending an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

You, of course, need to be a suitably experienced skipper and this involves meeting the prerequisites mentioned above to be eligible. You should be able to handle your vessel competently in close quarters and at sea. You should be comfortable applying this in various day and night time passages.

As mentioned, it is strongly recommended to have completed the RYA Coastal and Yachtmaster Theory as the depth of knowledge gained from this shore based course will be tested throughout your exam. 

How Long Does an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep Course and Exam Take?

The exam can take anything from 8 hours to 2 days depending on how many candidates are being examined on one vessel at a time. Up to 4 candidates can sit the exam at once and this would last for a maximum of 48 hours if so.

An RYA Yachtmaster Prep course is generally four and a half days long and is usually directly followed by the practical exam.

Is There a Set Syllabus for the Prep Course?

No, this is the one time that while there is a recognised ‘course’, there is no syllabus. It is up to the experienced instructor on the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep course to tailor the learnings to your needs. This is more about refining your skills rather than teaching new ones.

You should be honest with yourself and your instructor in order for learnings throughout the week to be tailored to improve yourself on any weak areas that you may have.

What Should I Expect from a Prep Course?

These courses run as a standalone course and while there may be students on another course, generally everyone onboard is a candidate for an RYA Yachtmaster Exam. The courses should however be run with no more than 4 students on board.

The content will depend on the needs of all students and is aimed at fine-tuning existing skills rather than teaching new ones. This will involve a lot of night time cruising and navigation, carrying out challenging boat handling while using theory knowledge and ensuring general skippering skills are up to scratch.

There is a basic syllabus that is used to help shape the exam content, but in reality, you can be tested on anything from the RYA cruising scheme within the exam.

Before choosing the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep course you need to be honest with yourself and your own abilities. While on the course you need to take on the advice and guidance given by the instructor on what areas need work. If you speak to your instructor before the course, they can tailor the instruction to your needs.

What Should I Expect on an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

On the exam, you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and competence. You will be expected to take full responsibility of your vessel and crew. The examiner will be looking for you to demonstrate competence and show your broad range of experience.

The exam will be an intensive experience and even when you are not the designated skipper, you will still be asked questions and observed and examined as a participant of the crew.

During the exam you will be asked to complete various tasks, ranging from leaving the dock, skippering a short passage, casualty recovery, night pilotage and even blind navigation. Additionally, you will be tested on theoretical aspects such as how to deal with an engine failure, knowledge of your vessel’s stability, meteorology and IRPCS.

As a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor, these tasks are ones that should now be second nature to you and should take minimal time to plan while the theoretical knowledge should be able to roll off your tongue. 

What Is the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam Syllabus?

The following topics make up the basis for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam syllabus. IRPCS, safety, boat handling, seamanship, responsibility as skipper, navigation, meteorology and signals.

But, as mentioned above, anything from the whole RYA cruising syllabus scheme can be tested.

What Is the Cost of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

As ever, many schools differ in price. We would recommend that you take a look around at the various options and find what suits your needs the best. Cheapest is not often better.

This can range from knowing if you will have to share a cabin while onboard to whether food and berthing charges are included to how many other students you will be sharing your week with.

The exam fee is usually not included, which is currently £231.

Where Should I Do My RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor?

As always there are many thoughts and pros on cons on this, and as a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor you should consider yourself experienced enough to sit the exam anywhere. However, if you choose to sit the exam in an area that you are familiar with then you will take a little bit of the stress out of learning a new area and start with a small advantage of having that all important local knowledge at your disposal.

What Happens If I Struggle on thePrep Course?

Your instructor should be able to update you on your ability levels throughout the course. They will be highly experienced and it is suggested that you listen to their advice given.

If you are learning something for the first time you should consider if you are ready for the exam. Talk to your instructor and they will be able to guide you on if you are ready for the exam, if they would advise further training or if they recommend that you aim for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor exam instead.

What Is the Pass Mark for the Exam?

There is no pass mark as such and the examiner will be looking to see that you are a competent and complete skipper, capable of looking after both your vessel and crew in a safe manner.

Every exam is different and no examiner will be setting out to fail any candidates, but they must ensure and check that each candidate is able to demonstrate their ability, knowledge and skills in a safe and timely manner.

If you were to fail to reach the levels of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence then the examiner will give you a thorough debrief complete with action points to work on before you have another attempt at the exam. 

What Comes After RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor?

After completion of the exam, you will have gained the highly sought after RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence and you can get this commercially endorsed by adding a sea survival certification, a personal medical and a PPR course, all of which, along with your GMDSS VHF and First Aid should be sent off to the RYA for certification upgrade. This will now allow the holder to skipper a vessel commercially, so long as it is less than 200 gross tonnes, up to 150nm from a harbour.

The next step is of course to get out on the water and to keep learning, keep gaining experience and keep improving on the skills and knowledge learned so far. No skipper is the finished article and we should all keep seeking to improve.

Within the RYA cruising scheme, there are a couple more steps that are possible. This is to progress and upgrade your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence to an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Motor certificate of competence.

To do this there is 3 main steps, first, you will need to complete an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory course, where you will learn about astro navigation, ocean meteorology and ocean navigation,   join the waiting list for our ocean theory course here . Next, is to complete an ocean qualifying passage that meets the necessary requirements. Finally, you will then need to complete another exam, this time an oral exam, where you will discuss your ocean qualifying passage and general ocean skippering skills.

On successful completion of this, you will be awared the highest accolade within the RYA cruising scheme, the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Motor certificate of competence.

One other direction of travel is to become an RYA Cruising Instructor for Motor. To do this, you will first want to consolidate your skippering skills and knowledge then look to come back and start off with an RYA Cruising Instructor course. On this course, RYA Instructor Trainers will assess and guide you through what is required and expected to work as an RYA Cruising Instructor for Motor. 

rya yachtmaster exam fees

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Yachting Monthly

  • Digital edition

Yachting Monthly cover

How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

  • Chris Beeson
  • September 16, 2015

The global standard of sailing qualifications is achievable for any experienced, competent skipper. Tom Cunliffe explains how to pass your Yachtmaster exam

Pass your Yachtmaster

The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination. To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, the practical test is the only one that counts Credit: Graham Snook/YM

Pass your Yachtmaster

Tom Cunliffe is an RYA Yachtmaster examiner. He has passed and failed hundreds of Yachtmaster candidates over the years

We in the UK are exceedingly fortunate. Just as the English language is the best bet for a world traveller, our very own RYA/MCA Yachtmaster qualification happens to be the global standard for sailing. It’s required for anyone planning to become a professional and, thanks to the continuing efforts of the RYA, Brits who sail for leisure still don’t have to carry any proof of competence in home waters. Despite this blessed lack of regulation, the Yachtmaster certificate remains the logical target of many a self-motivated sailor. It also represents the icing on the cake for those looking for the reassurance of an external assessment.

Courses and exams

Yachtmaster training can take place on a boat or in a classroom. A shore-based course, either at desks in a school or via the increasingly popular Internet distance learning programmes, ends with a Yachtmaster theory exam. Success in this will help a student in subsequent qualification upgrades, but it is not officially recognised. The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination – the Yachtmaster Practical . To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, this practical test is the one that really counts.

Yachtmaster Prep

Pass your Yachtmaster

Meteorology matters: a favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite you to analyse it. Be ready and know your subject

This is a non-RYA course and, as such, has no official status or syllabus. However, it is run successfully by many RYA sailing schools to prepare candidates for an examination which generally follows on at the end. Up to four students spend several days together on the boat in which they will be examined. The benefits are that they get to know one another and their yacht under the guidance of a highly qualified Yachtmaster Instructor. The general feeling is that these tutors can’t teach you much you don’t already know in a week, but that they are very good at coaching the best out of those skills you already have. Prep courses are great for brushing up on how to jump through the various hoops an examiner may set up. What they can’t do is make someone who doesn’t have suitably constructive mileage into the confident skipper examiners are looking for.

Coastal or Offshore – what’s my level?

Recently, the old Coastal Skipper ticket has been superseded by the new ‘Yachtmaster Coastal’ certificate. The qualifying mileage for this MCA-recognised qualification is 800, with passage and night-hour requirements being relaxed in comparison with ‘Yachtmaster Offshore’, which keeps its 2,500-mile entry level. Either is a proper Yachtmaster qualification and can be described as such. Only the often-dropped suffix distinguishes the two. The syllabi are identical, the variant is the rigour of the examination. Apply for ‘coastal’ and the examiner, recognising that you have less sea-time, will be more inclined to cut you a bit of slack.

The RYA has noted that most candidates are really only making ‘coastal-status’ passages. In real terms, this includes an annual trip across the Irish Sea, the North Sea or the Channel in a calculated weather window, which is very different from setting off from Ramsgate towards Norway with five days and potentially serious conditions ahead of you. The implications should be clear: unless you need the Offshore ticket for professional reasons, if in doubt, go for Coastal.

Preparing yourself and the boat

A skipper sitting in a cockpit with a cup of tea

A relaxed candidate with a mug of tea makes a better impression than a harassed-looking one

If you’ve signed on with a sailing school, you’ll be stuck with the boat you’re given. You can be confident that this yacht ticks all the official boxes by being coded for commercial use, but while some are very up-together, others are not. If the boat is generally sloppy and scruffy, you can at least make an effort to stow the mainsheet in a seamanlike manner while you are nominally skipper.

Neatly coiled lines on a yacht

Neatly coiled lines reflect well on the skipper

You can also ensure that fenders are hung at the same level, sharpen up the guardrails and see that things generally look as though somebody knows the difference and cares. Then the examiner won’t hold the ratty lifebuoys and the smelly bilge against you.

A man in a mobile phone wearing a baseball hat

Mind that your dress and demeanour don’t make a bad first impression

Try to be ready in good time so that you aren’t involved in a last-minute kerfuffle. If you’re relaxing in the cockpit with a mug of tea when the examiner arrives, he or she will be more impressed than if you’re frantically working out tidal heights and scuffling through the chart table. Wear sensible kit. Don’t worry if it’s not this season’s fashion. My examiner turned up in an old duffel coat back in 1978 and I think I was wearing a canvas smock and a flat cap, but the smock was freshly laundered and the cap was right way round…

The main thing is that you can sail, but an examiner is always pleased to be freed of any hassle with the paperwork. Most of us are no better with admin than you are, so make our lives easy by producing an up-to-date first aid ticket and all the rest, plus a cheque made out to the RYA – not the examiner, perish the thought!

Passage planning

Pass your Yachtmaster

Your passage plan should be realistic. Keep it simple and be ready to adapt and update as things develop

You may be given the opportunity to produce a passage plan before the examiner arrives. If so, make it realistic. Don’t plot every course to the last degree. After all, you don’t know what speed you’ll make or what the wind will really do. Check tidal gates, distances, viable alternatives and the weather. Look at any hazards, sort out a time to leave and have a plan for updating as things develop. That’s about what you’d do if there were no exam, and that’s what I, at least, want to see.

Examination on your own boat

Fenders on a yacht

A nicely level line of fenders sends a good signal to the examiner

You don’t have to go to a sailing school to be a Yachtmaster. I love it when a candidate asks to be examined without training on his own boat. Don’t worry if she isn’t coded. There’s no legal requirement that she should be. Most of mine haven’t been either, and I couldn’t care less.

As an examiner, I want to see that your priorities are sound and that you’re thinking clearly and for yourself. On the day, the yacht must be clean, tidy and seamanlike. Waterline crisp, sail covers Bristol fashion, not looking like some poor bird with a broken wing, ropes carefully stowed, a comprehensive chart kit for the waters to be sailed, the makings of a meal plus snacks and, of course, everything that counts should be working.

What the examiner is looking for

Feeling relaxed in close quarters

Pass your Yachtmaster

Competent, confident boathandling counts well in your favour

If there’s one thing that will upset an examiner, it isn’t that you forgot to put on your lifejacket, it’s that he feels insecure when you begin manoeuvring in a marina. Take it from me, there’s nothing worse than sitting at the backstay wondering what you’re going to hit. If the boat slides sweetly out of her berth with everyone knowing what’s required and no shouting, then moves away easily with the examiner confident you’re in charge, that you’ve checked the next alleyway for collision risk, that your choice of speed is sensible and efficient and that it never enters his head to feel anxious, you’re well on the way to a pass after five minutes. No course can teach you this. It can only tick the box confirming you’ve managed it once or twice. The rest is up to you and your sea time.

Wind awareness

Pass your Yachtmaster

You should always be aware of the true wind direction and how it will influence any manoeuvres

Here’s another subject you can’t learn on a prep course. Knowing where the wind is and how it relates your position to any impending manoeuvres is critical. I often ask a candidate where the wind is coming from when he’s approaching a situation we both know will involve some sort of gyration under sail. If he looks instinctively at the masthead or, worse still, an instrument set to apparent wind, he’s dropped a bagful of points. At this stage, his mind should be setting up where the boat will best be placed to make her critical turns. Apparent wind isn’t going to help him much. What he should be doing is glancing at the water and noting the tiny ripples to assess what the true wind is actually doing. I’m often amazed at how many folk have never been shown how to do this. Racing sailors can handle it in their sleep, because they need to predict windshifts, but cruisers tend to get lazy, so make sure you can read the wind.

Good sailing

Pass your Yachtmaster

No need for incessant, race-style tweaking, but pay due attention to sail trim while the yacht is under way. If there’s a mainsheet traveller, use it

Pass your Yachtmaster

Ensure that the genoa sheet leads are properly positioned for the point of sail you’re on

Pass your Yachtmaster

Lovely: both mainsail and genoa set up with the right amounts of tension and twist

All examiners hate to see a yacht sloppily sailed on passage. Make sure that your crew are using the traveller, that genoa fairleads are properly positioned, that the main is well set up with kicker and mainsheet tension for twist. Above all, do not sail over-sheeted. It’s a dead giveaway that you just haven’t been out there enough yet.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Too much staring at the plotter screen betrays nervousness

In the days before GPS set navigators free, people used to fail exams by what we called ‘sailing the chart table’ rather than skippering the yacht. Assuming the test to be all about some sort of imagined ‘correct navigational practice’, candidates nailed themselves to the navigatorium when they should have been up on deck directing operations and watching out for the ship coming up astern that was suddenly looking bigger every moment. Well, guess what? Nothing has changed. This remains a big problem with neophyte Yachtmasters.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Sail the boat, not the chart table

The secret is to plan well, then nip below every so often on passage to keep an eye on what’s going on in the chart department and whizz back on deck pronto to carry on skippering the boat. I’ll lay a pound to a penny it’s what you do when there’s no examiner on board, so have the confidence to back your own usual practices. This is particularly important at night in crowded waters. An unsuccessful candidate often fails himself by allowing disorientation to creep in, simply by not keeping the true perspective on events, which can only be found on deck.

Pass your Yachtmaster

The use of electronic nav-aids such as GPS is not ‘cheating’ – it’s an integral part of navigation

All examiners have their own take on use of electronics. Personally, I want to know my candidate is making modern aids to navigation, including a chart plotter if there one, an integral part of his navigational policy. The idea, as one candidate suggested, that use of GPS is somehow ‘cheating’ is incomprehensible to me. I will almost certainly ask at some stage that the yacht be navigated classically, to see how easy my man is with what, for most people, are now backup skills. If I’m unconvinced by his performance, off he goes to think again.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Your chartwork should be fluid and accurate

Skilled chartwork comes with use, and no amount of last-minute swotting can make up for weeks of doing it as a matter of course. Plotting traditional fixes is a good giveaway these days. With GPS all around us, we only do this for real when electronics fail. I’ve seen a person take 15 minutes to select three objects from a background studded with lights, then plot the results. The yacht had moved over two miles in the meantime…

Filling out a log book

It’s absolutely vital that you maintain a decent logbook during the exam

It’s absolutely vital, whether navigating with a giant chart plotter or a Walker log, that you maintain a decent log book. Without this, if GPS fails for any reason at all, you’re lost, Mate, so is your exam, and quite right too!

Take command

One of the most important questions on most examiners’ private lists is how good the candidate is at taking charge. If he’s managing well, we probably won’t even notice that he’s in command, that his crew all know what’s expected of them and that their skipper is quietly checking that they’re doing it. Good leadership is seldom about barking orders, and never about ignoring all on board, yet leadership is what being a Yachtmaster is all about. First, you must be sufficiently comfortable with your own skill levels not to have to worry about little things like picking up a mooring. Only then can you consider what may go wrong for the poor soul on the foredeck in a gale at midnight.

The classic skills

These are what most people imagine success in an exam is based upon. Actually, these basic skills merely help an examiner build up an overall picture of the candidate. It’s generally not a hanging matter if one manoeuvre goes a bit haywire. Even a grounding is often more interesting for what the candidate does about it than for the fact that it has happened. After all, nobody is perfect, especially under the stress of an exam.

Man overboard

Pass your Yachtmaster

An effective, confidently executed man overboard drill speaks volumes about a candidate’s boat-handling ability but it’s not necessarily curtains if the manoeuvre goes a bit haywire

Errors in principle are not popular with examiners. Mistakes under pressure may sometimes be forgiven, and man overboard is a case in point. If the boat sails past the dummy with her mainsail full and the examiner asks, ‘What went wrong?’ It won’t get you much of a score if you reply, ‘I was going too fast.’

‘Candidate’s speciality, stating the bleeding obvious,’ the examiner will note on his pad, and move on, downhearted.

However, if you say, ‘I’m kicking myself because I was too far upwind and couldn’t de-power the main. I tried to get onto a close reach but I misjudged my approach,’ he’s more likely to take a lenient view – especially if you’ve opted for ‘Coastal’.

Securing the yacht alongside

When I was examining instructors regularly, I’d often sail up to Poole Quay (a tidal wall) shortly before closing time. I’d hop off the boat as soon as she touched the piling, saying, ‘You sort her out, skipper, I’m off for a quick pint.’ I’d then do just that. When I returned 10 minutes later, if the yacht was neatly snugged down with four lines ashore, ends on the dock, a fender board in place, sails neatly stowed and all hands below cooking and relaxing, the guy was in good shape for a pass. If I found discussions on deck about whether to ‘hand the end back for a spring’, and people blundering about in the dark, things didn’t look so bright for our hero. Have a system and know how to execute it.

… and don’t forget

Mooring and anchoring

Pass your Yachtmaster

Mooring and anchoring under sail should present no challenge to the aspiring Yachtmaster. When in doubt, drop the mainsail

These are Day Skipper skills that should pose no threat to a Yachtmaster candidate. Under sail, just remember first to assess whether the wind is with or against the tide. If you get lucky and it’s against, drop the main and arrive stemming the stream, spilling under headsail or creeping along under bare poles. If wind and tide are at all ambiguous, never forget the old adage – when in doubt, drop the mainsail.


As forecasting has become more comprehensive and accessible, I’ve noticed a reduction in candidates’ capacity to understand what’s going on and to read a bulletin creatively. Anyone who can’t describe the typical cloud sequence on a North Atlantic depression gets nil points from me, and failure to understand the basics of air masses is going to run up a black mark too. A favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite their Yachtmaster to analyse it. Be ready, and know your subject.

A chart lying in a cockpit of a yacht

Tom sees no reason not to have a chart in the cockpit, but some examiners disapprove of it. Be ready to justify your choice

Many candidates produce excellent pilotage plans for entering a strange harbour. I’m happy with that, and most examiners love it. Personally, I prefer to sketch a few notes on the actual chart and have it in the cockpit held down with a winch handle, yet I’ve met examiners who’d be horrified to see a chart on deck at all. So there you have it. Do what suits you best, then be ready to justify your choice. Actually, this advice is good across the board. The examiner wants to see what you really do, not some fantasy you’ve cooked up because you think he might like it. That is a weak candidate’s policy and it often backfires.

A book on a toilet

No shortcuts here, you just need to know your stuff – and finding the time to learn isn’t difficult

So far as the MCA is concerned, this is the crunch. Examiners are encouraged to demand high standards in this subject, and there’s no reason for a candidate, knowing full well he is to be put on the griddle, not to have the regulations burned into his heart. The best way to be exam-proof is to invest in A Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road, available for modest money from all good chandlers or Place it prominently in the heads some months before the exam and devote five minutes of the shining hour each day to digesting its wondrous contents. The book makes it easy and there’s no excuse for disappointing the Board of Trade!

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RYA Sailing Courses

Rya yachtmaster coastal and offshore – prep course and exam.

rya yachtmaster exam fees

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate – Prep Course & Exam

An RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate is the ultimate sailing qualification for UK sailors and for many aspiring professional sailors around the world. Whether you want the Yachtmaster Certificate of Competency to be able to charter yachts as skipper anywhere in the world, as proof you have reached the pinnacle of your leisure sailing ambitions, or you need it for a sailing career, you will need to pass the exam. It is nautical equivalent of a driving license, no matter if you are into racing yachts, classic boats, super yachts or motor boats.

If you pass and meet the pre-requisites to convert it into a commercially endorsed MCA/RYA Certificate of Competency, you are legally qualified to skipper a vessel up to 24 metres or up to 200 tonnes.

Why do a Yachtmaster Preparation Course ?

Unlike other courses in the cruising programme, there is no formal training to complete in order to become  a Yachtmaster Offshore. Instead, provided that you have sufficient experience and seatime (see pre requisites), you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge. This exam takes place on an approved yacht with an external RYA examiner testing both your practical skills and your theoretical knowledge over 5-9 hours per candidate, or slightly longer if you are the only candidate being examined.

Our Yachtmaster Prep course has a generous 5 days (more than most schools) and 2 days set aside after the course for those that feel ready to take the exam.

Benchmark for a Successful Exam Pass

If you have not completed a shore based Coastal skipper/Yachtmaster theory course then please check the syllabus to make sure you are confident with your theoretical knowledge (especially Rules of the Road IRPCS)  and the practical application of navigational skills. We can now offer you a Long Distance Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Theory Course, which gives you the option of when, where and for how long, you study.

A RYA Yachtmaster Coastal (formerly Coastal Skipper) should have the knowledge to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises but does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages.

A RYA Yachtmaster Offshore should be able to enter any well-charted harbour for the first time, with sufficient depth, by day or night. The only way to gain confidence is by practice, particularly at night when skill is required in picking out navigation lights and buoys against a background of shore lights. (If you have colour blindness please talk to us before booking)

With a course over 7 days, your fully qualified instructor will be able to devote plenty of time to your individual needs with regular debriefings and coaching aimed at helping you to raise your standards.

Fee’s for Yachtmaster Certificate preparation

Voyage fee is for the full 5 days of instruction (or 8 days if you go on to do the exam)

Examination fee payable to the examiner -RYA Yachtmaster offshore Exam is £215 and Yachtmaster Coastal is roughly £185 per person (2019).

Yachtmaster Coastal Pre Exam Requirements

Radio Operators Certificate – for example (restricted) VHF Radio Operators Certificate or a GMDSS Short Range Certification or higher grade marine radio qualification.

Valid First Aid Certificate – First Aid certificates held by police / fire or armed servicesare also acceptable.

Seatime – 800 miles logged within 10 years of the examination. 30 days on board. 2 days as skipper and 12 night hours. (half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters)

rya yachtmaster exam fees

Yachtmaster Offshore Pre Exam Requirements

Seatime – 2500 miles. 50 days on board. At least 5 passages over 60 miles and acting as skipper for at least 2 of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages.

Skipper experience – at least 5 days as skipper. (Half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters)

50 Days seatime & 5 days as skipper – 2500 miles logged – 5 passages over 60 miles -including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper.  Qualifying passages must be over 60 miles non stop by the most direct route and involve no change of skipper during the passage.

Bring with you to the exam

RYA logbook or evidence of your sailing experience and qualifying passages

  • Passport photo
  • cheque or credit card details for Exam fee payable to the RYA
  • First Aid Certificate
  • VHF Radio Operators Certificate
  • You must be over 18 years of age & qualifying experience gained over the age of 15.
  • Certification required before the examination:
  • VHF Radio Operators Certificate – First Aid Certificate

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RYA Yachtmaster Sail Training Package & Exam – Theory & Practical Combined

An RYA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper.

Experience the excellence of Palma’s leading RYA sea school, specializing in Yachtmaster training for aspiring candidates worldwide!

Our exceptional track record of exam success, personalized pre and post-course training support, and glowing reviews have solidified our position as the leading choice for RYA training in Mallorca.

Join students from across the globe and set sail towards your Yachtmaster dreams with confidence!


1.995  €

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  • Reviews (2)

Event Details

What is the rya yachtmaster exam preparation package – theory & practical.

It is important to understand that within the RYA Sail and Motor Cruising scheme, there is NO Yachtmaster course. Like most schools we offer “Yachtmaster Exam Preparation Training”

To attend RYA Yachtmaster Sail training we will expect that you already have ALL the prerequisites to be eligible for the exam (see below). You should already be an experienced skipper who can competently handle a boat under sail/power in close-quarter situations and at sea. You should have a depth of knowledge equivalent to the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course and have applied this in a variety of situations during day and night passages.

Our two-week theoretical and practical training courses aim to perfect your abilities, improving and fine tuning the skills and knowledge you already have. We will assess your strengths and weaknesses and concentrate on improving the latter, to help prepare you for the exam by your independent RYA Yachtmaster examiner.

To be eligible for the Yachtmaster exam you must meet the prerequisite mileage/experience given below.  You are not asked to prove your miles, but you will be asked to fill out a sea miles log that will be handed to the examiner before the exam. Without the minimum experience you will not be permitted to do the exam.

Whether you go for Sail or Motor  depends on the experience you have as the miles and experience you present to the examiner  must be on the same type of vessel as the discipline you’re going for   (e.g. you can’t present miles on a sailing yacht if you’re hoping to achieve Yachtmaster Motor).

Pre-requisites for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal exam are:

  • 30 days at sea, 800 miles on vessels less than 24m LOA
  • 2 days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA
  • 12 night hours  

Pre-requisites for the RYA Yachtmaster offshore exam are:

  • 50 days at sea, 2500 miles on yachts up to 500gt2
  • 5 days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA
  • 5 passages over 60 miles long which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper

For both of the above RYA Yachtmaster Exams:

  • At least half the qualifying sea time must be gained in tidal waters.
  • All qualifying sea time must be within 10 years prior to the exam.
  • All sea time must be on vessels of the same discipline as the exam to be taken, i.e. Sail or Power

Our two-week packages start  with a week of theory in our training centre. The theory course starts at 0845 hrs on a Monday and runs for 6 consecutive days.

In the second week , you’ll board one of our training yachts for five full days of practical training, Monday to Friday. (Sometimes Sunday – Thursday)

The practical exam will commence either on Friday or Saturday (depending on the examiner’s flights/weather conditions, and can run through until Monday).

(Please do not plan any ongoing travel arrangements until you’ve spoken with us; we can advise the time for the exam finish)

The course fee  includes:

  • Yachtmaster theory.  6-day course – (Includes course notes & materials)
  • Yachtmaster practical preparation training, 5-day course.
  • Free use of the boat during the exam
  • Fuel for the duration of the course exam included.

Other Expenses:

  • The fee for the exam is not included. This is paid directly to the RYA and costs £241 for offshore and £208 for coastal.
  • Examiner expenses are not included. These are typically between 75€-200€ (max) per student.
  • Accommodation is also not included, however, we are very centrally located on Palma´s Paseo Maritimo so there are lots of options nearby.

You will also need:

  • First Aid Certificate (in date)
  • VHF/SRC Certificate

If you don´t have these, they can be incorporated into your package, please ask us.

Commercial Endorsement

A commercial endorsement is required for work on board British flagged vessels subject to the MCA’s codes of practice for small commercial vessels.

Additional training courses and a medical fitness certificate are required to be eligible for a commercial endorsement.

  • Either an ENG1 or ML5 Medical
  • STCW or RYA Sea survival certificate
  • Complete the RYA’s online  PPR Course

Once you have completed these three steps then you can apply for  Commercial Endorsement  through the RYA. It can take a few weeks for your certificate to arrive in the post, so plan ahead.

Course Dates

26 August – 06 September 2024, 09 – 20 September 2024, 23 September – 04 October 2024, 07 – 18 October 2024, 21 October – 01 November 2024, 04 – 15 November 2024, 18 – 29 November 2024, 02 – 13 December 2024, 13 – 24 January 2025, 27 January – 07 February 2025, 10 – 21 February 2025, 24 February – 07 March 2025, 10 – 21 March 2025, 24 March – 04 April 2025, 07 – 18 April 2025, 21 April – 02 May 2025, 05 – 16 May 2025, 19 – 30 May 2025, 02 – 13 June 2025

2 reviews for RYA Yachtmaster Sail Training Package & Exam – Theory & Practical Combined

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Ivo H. – August 6, 2019

The combination of the theory week and afterwards the practical was just right to put everything learned in the first week into practice in the second week.

' src=

Cyrill (verified owner) – April 1, 2021

Learning in a small, dedicated group with a great tutor in the classroom and then carry on that momentum to the practical part was a great way to prepare for the YM exam.

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© Palma Sea School - 2024 All rights reserved | RYA Yachtmaster & Powerboat Courses in Palma de Mallorca

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Commodore Yachting

Late notice spaces available for selected courses - click here for details

RYA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track

Price: from £10,500 (£1,000 deposit to secure your space)

Location: Starts from our base at Premier Gosport Marina, and visits different ports around the Solent and adjacent waters

Duration: 18 Weeks

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track course takes you from limited or zero sailing experience all the way up to a fully qualified RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ , with all the required practical, theory courses, mile-building and sailing experience you’ll need to help get you qualified*.

Developed by some of the best RYA Yachtmaster Instructors and world-leading Marine industry experts, our Yachtmaster Fast Track scheme is far more comprehensive and better value than the competition – Compare what we offer against others!

Why go elsewhere? Book your place on our next RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track course!

Booking details

Please select your preferred start date below.

  • Monday 9th September 2024 (3 spaces)
  • Monday 3rd February 2025 (4 spaces)

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Course Information

Joining Instructions: Please click here for course joining instructions

The RYA Yachtmaster Exam application fee isn’t included in the above cost. Please click here to print-off the RYA Yachtmaster exam application form :

Recommended Reading: RYA Day Skipper Handbook Sail (G71), RYA Yacht Sailing Techniques (G94), RYA Yachtmaster™ scheme and syllabus (G158), Commodore Yachting programme syllabus

Course Prerequisites: None required, although some sailing experience is preferred.

Minimum Age: 18+

Holiday & Skippers Insurance: We would advise ALL our customers to ensure they have suitable holiday & Skippers insurance in-place. Yachtsman’s insurance is available from a variety of souces like Topsail Insurance and can cover things like cancellations and personal effects cover.

This course is an investment in yourself. We will take you from a raw student to RYA Yachtmaster™ within an 18 week programme syllabu s.

With the skills learnt on the programme you will have a great, foundation ready to start your professional career.

Read more about what we offer on our RYA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track programme that other centres don’t, here .

Who is the course for:

The RYA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track programme is designed for anyone who wants to make the sea their choice of career, and is dedicated and determined enough to invest heavily in themselves over a defined timeframe.

This course will to take your sailing to the next level with a highly respected and well-recognised professional qualification at the end.

It’s well advised that you have undertaken some sailing recently and have completed at least 100 sea miles.

This course is demanding and requires a lot of input, effort and dedication from you.  We will give you all the support and guidance you need in order to help you achieve the ultimate end-goal that is the award of an RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ qualification.

rya yachtmaster exam fees

What we cover on the course:

This 18 week RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track programme will take you from a raw student to RYA Yachtmaster™, and will cover a variety of courses and sailing exercises during your time with us.

By the end of the programme you will have hopefully achieved the end-goal in that you will be an RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ with a great professional sailing career ahead of you.

The courses and events you’ll undertake on the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track programme are:

  • RYA Competent Crew (Twice!)
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory
  • RYA Day Skipper Practical (Twice!)
  • RYA First Aid at Sea
  • RYA Yachtmaster™ Coastal Theory (Twice!)
  • RYA Yachtmaster™ Preparation (Twice!)
  • RYA Yachtmaster Exam (Exam fees at students own cost)
  • Self-sailing weeks & mile-building time (Yacht charter – No instructor on board)
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2
  • Diesel engine maintenance
  • Yacht maintenance
  • Plus various internal courses and teaching sessions

Check out what we offer against other providers – We provide the most comprehensive package in the industry, giving you better value for money.

We put you through selected training courses twice, reinforcing your learning experience without putting you under pressure to get it right first time around.

Accommodation is also included for the full 18 weeks, even during shore-time courses*

We even provide you with a full set of new wet-weather kit to take away with you upon completion of the course.

Why go anywhere else?

*Subject to boat availability

Course formats & details:

Courses run in a single format:

  • 18 weeks duration

The final programme and series of courses, training time and self-experience sessions will be scheduled and agreed upon commencement. Take a look at our RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track programme syllabus .

Taken over a continuous 18 week period with allotted breaks for self-learning, self-sailing and revision time, this course demands dedication and hard work. The course syllabus is intensive yet achievable, and is structured to give you the best chance of success.*

If you want further information for our RYA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track programme , take a look at our detailed syllabus .

*Qualification subject to the student demonstrating a satisfactory level of performance on the RYA Yachtmaster exam to the examiners satisfaction. Passing this course is not guaranteed.

rya yachtmaster exam fees

Our Principal says this about the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ Fastrack Course:

Ok so this is the big one, this is your gateway entry into a professional career in sailing, and all the places it’ll take you.

This programme will fully immerse you in the world of sailing, and will push you to your limits, demanding maximum effort from you at all times. It’s not an undertaking for anyone who thinks it’ll be easy, so prepare yourself for what will  be a very demanding yet ultimately extremely satisfying investment in yourself!

Working closely with our team, you will be taught a number of different techniques and skills. You’ll build an incredible depth of knowledge and confidence that will take you forwards into your new career.

You will be sharing accommodation with your fellow students so will have to work together as a team and be adults about accommodation and sleeping arrangements.

We’ll start you off with the basics, and will encourage, guide and drive you until you’ve mastered them all. You’ll have ample self-learning slots which will include time aboard one of our fleet yachts for some quality self-sailing. This will help build confidence in skippering and crew management, amongst other skills.

From budgeting for food, to thinking about how to cook on the boat, the whole show will be a success or failure based on your decisions, truly providing an ongoing learning experience you can move forwards with.

You will be completely hands-on with the maintance and upkeep of the Yachts you are on, if somethings breaks you will be fixing it with the maintance team, or maybe at sea with your crew. Either way, you’ll need to grasp and fully understand those skills and theories in order to succeed.

All the above may sound daunting, but remember you’ve got the Premier sea school backing you all the way. Our dedicated and experienced team will guide, inform, coach and help you all the way.*

To read more about what we offer that other sea schools don’t, and how we give you the best experience and training available, why not take a look at our RYA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track syllabus .

*Qualification is subject to the student demonstrating the required level of competence to the examiner in the RYA Yachtmaster exam. Passing this course is not guaranteed.

Customer reviews

A fantastic weekend of sailing, almost 130 NM in all, with a relaxed, but fully engaging skipper. Great set up and brilliant on the admin. Thanks Stef, Tom et al!

Google Logo

I did a weeks coastal skipper course getting ready for my yacht master and I have to say it was one of the best training weeks I’ve had - our training instructor was superb, exactly the sort of person that you want. He could inspire, provide discipline and impart knowledge as well as let you learn through your own mistakes. Tom and Steph run an excellent operation there and I highly recommend it. They’re flexible and very helpful when it comes to your journey into being a qualified sailor.

Nigel Frith Avatar

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  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

National Yachting School  » RYA Sail Crusing Courses  » RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during where astronavigation is not necessary.

An RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper.

To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster Offshore is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. He or she will essentially be a much more experienced Yachtmaster Coastal and can do the same things more smoothly, for longer periods and in more arduous conditions. The theory knowledge required for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is the same as that for Yachtmaster Coastal, but considerably more practical experience and skill is required.

The 4 days prior to the exam is run along the same lines as the Yachtmaster Coastal preparation. Your instructor will asses your skills and address any areas over weakness. A high level of boat handling under various conditions of wind and tide is required. Navigation skills should be at the level of Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper theory and a thorough knowledge of collision regulations is expected. Your instructor will tailor the course to suit your individual needs in order to prepare you for when the examiner steps on board.

After 4 days your instructor will give you a thorough debrief and you should feel confident in your ability to take the exam should you feel ready to do so.

During the exam, your RYA examiner will meet you onboard and talk you through the plan for the day. They understand that you could be nervous and will do their best to allay your fears and make sure you are clear about what they want you to do. They are there to find out what you can do, rather than pick holes. You will be asked to undertake a short passage, but you may have to plan a longer one. In general, you should skipper the yacht in your normal style. If this means putting the kettle on every half hour, then do it!

Your examiner isn’t looking for first-time-every-time success, but you will need to demonstrate competence and a good understanding of how the boat reacts at various situations. Don’t hesitate to change sails or reef, if you think it is necessary for the task.

Whether you are fully in command of the yacht is the most important assessment that your examiner will make. Especially with Yachtmaster Offshore the examiner will be looking for high level of proficiency based on broad experience.

Course Duration: 4 days for the course and 2 days for the exam. Most courses start on Saturday evening and finish on Wednesday afternoon, the exam starts the same evening or the next morning after the end of the course.

Previous Experience Required: 50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged (min. half of it MUST be in tidal waters!), 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper. VHF radio operators certificate (SRC or higher) and a valid First Aid Certificate recognised by the RYA. click here for the list of acceptable first aid certificates

Course Overview: Preparation and brush up for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills.

Minimum age: 18

Course price DOES NOT INCLUDE:

  • exam fee paid directly to the RYA (205 GBP for YM Offshore, 177 GBP for YM Coastal)
  • examiner's travel expenses from/to th UK (estimated approx. 300 Euro, shared between exam participants)
  • food, harbour fees and diesel used for the boat

RYA Yachtmaster

Date fromDate toPlacePriceStatus
02. 11. 2024 09. 11. 2024 Kaštela (Croatia 1190 € open

Due to the coronavirus crisis, we are canceling all practical courses in Croatia until further notice. For new course dates, please keep an eye on our website.

Winter courses on Canaries

In NYS we believe that there’s no such a thing as winter in sailing and you can always find a good place to enjoy your hobby any time throught the year. So we offer popular winter courses again, this time on Canary Islands, starting from Tenerife because of the best flight connections.

RYA Sailing Accreditation Rated as the World’s Best

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) sailing qualifications have been voted the premiere sailing accreditation for excellence and global reputation following a recent survey targeting 200 professional yacht and motorboat charter companies. The professional charter companies that were surveyed own and manage in excess of 6,000 charter boats across the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Asia.

  • Sail Cruising courses
  • Commercial Endorsment
  • Rent a boat
  • Sailing equipment
  • Yachting publications

National Yachting School Liptov - RYA Training Centre

National Yachting School Skola jachtingu s.r.o. Makovskeho namesti 3147/2, Brno, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 731 745 273 Phone: +421 902 896 099

Web: E-mail: [email protected]

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Online Courses

  • What is RYA?
  • NYS Instructors
  • RYA Training Centre
  • Terms and Conditions
  • RYA Sail Training Ladder
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Preparation & Exam
  • Shorebased Theory Courses
  • RYA Basic Sea Survival / World Sailing Personal Offshore Survival course
  • Short Range Certificate

Sailing Courses

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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep + MCA/RYA Exam

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To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. He or she will essentially be a much more experienced Coastal Skipper and can do the same things more smoothly, for longer periods and in more arduous conditions.


Early in the week the instructor will asses your strengths and weaknesses and coach you in the areas required to pass the examination however our experience normally leads us to work on the following areas; passage planning, man overboard recovery, close quarters handling, skippering techniques, navigation in restricted visibility, pilotage and knowledge of the International Collision Regulations. The instructor will debrief you fully as the week progresses and ensure that you get time to work on those weaker areas. Before joining the course, students should have the pre-requisite experience outlined above, navigation theory to RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster theory level and a thorough knowledge of the Collision Regulations.

The examiner will ask each candidate to skipper the yacht on several short passages and complete various demonstrations of their skippering and sailing ability over the course of the weekend.

rya yachtmaster exam fees

0900 Monday until the completion of all the exams which will be no later than 1500 on Sunday. Click here for an example schedule of how you will spend the week.

What's Included:

All food except the evening of joining, wet weather gear and accommodation onboard. Mooring fees are an extra and we suggest that you budget approximately £30 for this course. For details of what you should bring please refer to the FAQ's section .

Support Courses: 

  • RYA Sea Survival
  • RYA/ISAF Offshore Safety
  • RYA First Aid
  • PPR Course .

Supporting Books:

Please click here to view books for sale

Next Step: 

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory Course

Duration: 7 days (Monday to Sunday), 5 day preparation and 2 day exam weekend.

Previous Experience Required:  Minimum 50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged, 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper (Half the qualifying sea time must have been conducted in tidal waters). VHF radio operators certificate and a valid first aid certificate. Current theory knowledge to RYA Coastal/Yachtmaster theory.

Course Overview: Preparation and brush up for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills. Ratio 4:1

Click here to view full course syllabus.

Cost: 7 Days £895 + Exam Fee (£241)

Contact Hamble

Falmouth School Of Sailing Ltd

Call us: +44 (0)1326 211311

rya yachtmaster exam fees

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal & Offshore Exam Preparation Training

rya yachtmaster exam fees

At Falmouth School of Sailing, we offer exam preparation courses which help you hone your practical skills to prepare for taking the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and RYA Yachtmaster Offshore examinations.

At this stage, you will have already completed the qualifying miles needed for each qualification, so the focus of our preparation weeks are to make sure that you are confident and fully prepared in each area of the syllabus. Your instructor will work closely with you and your fellow students to ensure that your individual areas of concern and revision are covered.

Our courses are usually run over five days typically beginning at 17.00 on Sunday, with the examination stage starting on Friday afternoon, and finishing on Saturday.

All of Falmouth School of Sailing’s RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore preparation weeks and exams take place in Falmouth, Cornwall. The range of sheltered cruising waters of the Carrick Roads and the Fal Estuary provide a perfect training and testing area.

Your practical examination will be taken by an independent local RYA examiner who will test you on boat handling, man overboard procedures, passage planning, crew handling, blind pilotage and knowledge of lights and signals amongst other things.

The RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore qualifications will unlock the door to bare-boat charter worldwide, provide an entrance into the yacht industry, if commercially endorsed and give you a wealth of experience as a skipper.

Accommodation is provided on board the yacht during the course and lunch will be provided every day throughout the course duration. Evening meals will be provided for all but 1 of the nights. This allows one night for you to dine out with your fellow crew members (this meal will be at your own expense). Dinner is always an important meal after a busy day on the water. We encourage the cooking roles to be shared out equally amongst the boat, making it a team effort. We will always try our best to cater for individual dietary requirements wherever possible, however, at times offerings may be limited due to catering for multiple dietary requirements in a confined space.

Yachtmaster Coastal Pre-Examination Requirements

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing or sailing motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:

  • 30 days at sea on a vessel less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to 12 days at sea on vessels less that 24m LOA, or substituted with 30 days at sea on yachts under 500gt if an RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
  • Two days as skipper on a vessel less than 24m LOA.
  • 800 miles, which can be reduced to 400 miles on vessels less than 24m LOA or substituted with 800 miles at sea on yachts under 500gt is an RYA Coastal Skipper practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
  • 12 night hours.

For information on qualifying passages please visit

Minimum Exam duration: 6-10 hours for one candidate. 8-14 hours for two candidates.

Minimum Age : 17 at the time of exam.

Yachtmaster Offshore Pre-Examination Requirements

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing sailing or motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:

  • 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500gt which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
  • Five days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to three days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
  • 2,5000 miles on yachts up to 500gt, which may be reduced to 1,250 miles if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
  • Five passages over 60 miles long, which must include two overnight passages and two as skipper, which may be reduced to three passages including one overnight and one as a skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.

For information on qualifying passages, please visit: .

Minimum Exam duration:  8-12hours for one candidate. 10-18 hours for two candidates. No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one two-day session.

Minimum Age : 18 at the time of exam.

For both the levels of examination, candidates will also need:

  • A passport sized photo
  • A VHF/DSC certificate
  • A recognised First Aid certificate
  • The appropriate exam fee payable to the RYA

Costs & Dates

Per Person
Price *£950 per berth

*Exam fee is not included please see fees below.

Duration: 5 Days plus examination (7 days)

From: Sunday 1700 – Sunday 12:00

RYA Exam Fees: 

Yachtmaster Coastal £223

Yachtmaster Offshore £256

2024 Course Dates:

Sunday 4th – Sunday 11th August

Please contact the office to discuss further dates and availability.

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Falmouth School Of Sailing Bridge House Tregoniggie Falmouth Cornwall TR11 4SN

+44(0)1326 211311

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Course interest --- RYA Level 1 Start Sailing - Keelboat RYA Level 2 Basic Skills - Keelboat Combined RYA Level 1 & Level 2 - Keelboat RYA Level 3 Better Sailing - Keelboat RYA Day Sailing - Keelboat RYA Seamanship Skills - Keelboat RYA Start Yachting - Cruising RYA Competent Crew - Cruising RYA Day Skipper - Cruising RYA Coastal Skipper - Cruising RYA Yachtmaster Prep - Cruising RYA Level 1 Start Powerboating RYA Level 2 Powerboat Handling International Certificate of Competence RYA Safety Boat Own Boat Tuition Private Boat Tuition Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster Theory Day Skipper Theory RYA Sea Survival VHF/ SRC, GMDSS Radio Course VHF/ SRC, GMDSS Radio Direct Assessment STCW - Elementary First Aid STCW - Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF) STCW - Personal Safety and Social Responsiblities (PSSR) STCW - Personal Survival Techniques (PST) STCW - Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) STCW Basic Safety Training Course Automated External Defibrillator Basic Life Support (BSL) Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Emergency First Aid for Schools First Aid at Work (FAW) First Aid at Work Requalification First Aid for Outdoor Activities Paediatric and Early Years First Aid Paediatric Basic Life Support RYA First Aid Self Store Solutions Yacht Deliveries Yacht Management

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Portsmouth and Chichester Marine Training

Yachtmaster Power - Exam Prep Course

Practice your skills with an experienced instructor to prepare for the Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore exam.

Price £1,650 (inc VAT).  (RYA Exam fee not included in course price)

6 day course (exam starts on 5th day)

Accommodation can be provided onboard

Lunch, snacks and drinks provided

Commercial Endorsement available – Learn more

Free parking at Port Solent Marina

How to book a course

If you would like to book a Yachtmaster Power course with Portsmouth Marine Training you can use the online booking system at the bottom of the page, or feel free to give us a call on 02392 838885 or 07597 311612 and we can take your booking over the phone.

What are the aims of the Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore Prep Course?

The Yachtmaster course helps you prepare for the MCA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence in motor cruising. You will practice the skills needed to skipper a motor cruiser or work vessel up to 200 tonnes and take responsibility for the vessel and crew for passages up to 150 miles offshore, day and night. To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore certificate, candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster should be capable of skippering a yacht on extended offshore passages by day and night.

What will you be learning?

An experienced Yachtmaster Instructor will prepare and polish your skills for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster exam. There will be revision of advanced skippering techniques, navigation and pilotage by day and night, and overall yacht management skills. You will also have time to practice close quarter handling, person overboard recovery and other skills as deemed necessary by the instructor. The exam will be conducted on the 5th and 6th day by an external examiner. The Yachtmaster exam fees are payable prior to the course online to the RYA.

What are the Yachtmaster Coastal Exam prerequisites?

A minimum of 800 miles logged sea time, practical boat handling experience to Day Skipper level, as well as a sound working knowledge of tidal navigation, preferably an RYA Yachtmaster Theory certificate. For further details of requirements, please see the RYA website.

What are the Yachtmaster Offshore Exam prerequisites?

A minimum of 2500 miles logged sea time, including at least 5 passages over 60 nm. You should have practical boat handling experience to Yachtmaster Coastal level, as well as a sound working knowledge of tidal navigation, and preferably an RYA Yachtmaster Theory certificate. For further details of requirements, please see the RYA website

As well as extensive boating experience, you will also need a VHF certificate and First Aid certificate to complete the exam. We would also recommend the RYA Sea Survival course, RYA Radar course and the RYA Yachtmaster Theory course .

Related course materials…

Buy rya yachtmaster handbook at the rya shop here.

yachtmaster motor cruising

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RYA & STCW Courses – Sail, Power, Super-Yacht & Workboat

Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

The Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence Exam can be taken in a powered or sail craft (i.e. there are two separate disciplines). Much of the route (the shorebased courses) is identical for both disciplines.

There are actually three levels of Yachtmaster ( Coastal, Offshore and Ocean). When people refer to “Yachtmaster” they are generally referring to Yachtmaster Offshore. This article focuses on Coastal and Offshore, our separate article, “ What is an Ocean Yachtmaster ” deals with the higher level of the three.


The route to Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore is similar, candidates for both will have followed a similar pathway, but the offshore candidate will have logged considerably more experience prior to exam and will be pushed harder during the exam. Visit our helpful RYA Advanced and Yachtmaster Qualifying mileage page for more information.

The route to Yachtmaster has several stepping stones, most students work through Day Skipper Shorebased and Day Skipper Practical and then Coastal Skipper , however if you already have relevant experience and skills you can consider skipping these courses.

Before considering embarking on a Yachtmaster practical week , you must arm yourself with;

  • Qualifying mileage (power or sail as appropriate)
  • RYA SRC (1 day) or
  • Higher level GMDSS Radio Certificate of Competence  (3-8 day)
  • RYA First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Elementary First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Medical First Aid (4 day) or
  • Seafish First Aid
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased (6 days or online)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Radar (1 day)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Diesel (1 day)

You are also strongly advised to take the RYA Sea Survival or STW PST Course (1 day), which is required if you intend to operate as a commercial Yachtmaster (most candidates take the exam for commercial reasons and add the RYA Commercial Endorsement however some are leisure boaters and do it for themselves).

Sea Survival PST

Our Yachtmaster practical (preparation and exam) week is 5 days, it takes place on board our motorboat and results in the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore (Power) Certificates of Competence . If you prefer to take the sail exam we can put you in touch with a sail school once you have all of the above shorebased courses. During the prep week our Instructor will take you through many of the exercises the examiner is likely to throw at you on the final day. We operate the prep week with a maximum of 3 students.

fast track yachtmaster power

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  • Certificates of Competence

RYA Certificates of Competence

Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an rya certificate of competence.

Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide.

Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not issued following a formal training course but are achieved by successfully completing an exam testing your skill, knowledge and experience.

So whether you’re a recreational boater looking to put your skills to the test, or need a professional qualification and commercial endorsement to work on the water, find out everything you need to know below.

The pinnacle of yachting qualifications. Find out what it takes to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

Provided you have sufficient experience, seatime and the required certificates, you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge.

The RYA training schemes will take you all the way from beginner to exam level. As well as the required certification, there are a number of other RYA courses you might find useful.

With the backing of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) we ensure RYA qualifications are recognised and respected throughout the world.

We are constantly monitoring and improving our courses and exams. Find out more about how we measure exam feedback to ensure the highest levels of satisfaction and confidence.

  • Certificates of Competence

Arranging your exam

You can arrange your exam in a number of ways. here's our helpful guide on everything you need to know..

Before arranging an exam, please make sure you read through the requirements for your intended examination . Once read, confirm that you satisfy the requirements and only book when ready to proceed.

Exams in the UK

You can book your exam through your nearest RYA Recognised Training centre, by using the links below. Just click ‘Change your selection’ to enter your specific location:

Centres able to arrange Yachtmaster exams

Centres able to arrange Powerboat Advanced exams

Requesting an examiner

You can also request an examiner for specific dates in the UK by clicking on the links below. Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for an examiner to be allocated to you. Whilst we will do our best to meet your request, we cannot guarantee an examiner will be available in your location or on the date you have requested. If you are arranging a Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam outside of the framework of an RYA Recognised Training Centre, you will need to provide a suitable vessel and crew.  

Request an Advanced Powerboat, Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore exam

Request a Yachtmaster Ocean exam

Exams outside the UK

Exams outside the UK must be organised through an RYA training centre recognised for practical cruising courses or advanced powerboat courses (as appropriate). To find your nearest centre please use the links below, click ‘Change your selection’ to refine your search by location.

Yachtmaster exams

Powerboat Advanced

Exams in New Zealand

For details of exams and fees in New Zealand, please contact Coastguard Boating Education on [email protected]

Prior to your exam

Ensure you have completed an application form. In most cases this should be done through the online exam payment service. This produces a pre-populated application form where you can complete the additional pore-requisite information. However, if your exam is being paid by your training centre on their RYA account, please ensure you complete the appropriate exam application form below, with the centre name and account number. This form can also be used by those wishing to pay by cheque.

Application for an Advanced Powerboat, Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore exam

Application for a Yachtmaster Ocean exam


If you decide to cancel your exam, please directly contact the Training Centre you booked with or your examiner. If you booked your exam via the online service and have not yet been provided with the examiners contact details but wish to cancel, please contact [email protected] .

Exam requirements

Please make sure you read the full requirements before booking your exam:

  • Advanced Powerboat  exam requirements
  • Yachtmaster Coastal   exam requirements
  • Yachtmaster Offshore  exam requirements
  • Yachtmaster Ocean  exam requirements
  • Conversion  exam requirements


  1. RYA Yachtmaster & Sail

    rya yachtmaster exam fees

  2. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore prep course and exam

    rya yachtmaster exam fees

  3. RYA Yachtmaster 200T Practical & Exam

    rya yachtmaster exam fees

  4. RYA Yachtmaster Training & Exam

    rya yachtmaster exam fees

  5. RYA Yachtmaster™ Certificate of Competence Exams

    rya yachtmaster exam fees

  6. RYA Yachtmaster Exam (motor)

    rya yachtmaster exam fees


  1. Exam fees

    Exam fees Current exam fees for RYA Certificates of Competence . Type of exam. Fee. ... £208. Yachtmaster Offshore. £241. Yachtmaster Ocean. £180. Short Range Certificate. £70. Partial Re-Exam £120 . For information on using your Certificate of Competence to work commercially, please see our Commercial Endorsements guidance.

  2. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  3. Yachtmaster

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

  4. What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. ... exam fees and how to book. Related courses . RYA Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster Offshore Theory. RYA Marine Radio SRC. RYA ...

  5. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean is experienced and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world. Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158), which is available from the RYA webshop. The exam consists of an oral and written test.

  6. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam is open to anyone who meets the minimum criteria, with all experience within the last 10 years. 18 years of age or older. 50 days spent at sea. 2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters. 5 days as skipper.

  7. How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

    To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, this practical test is the one that really counts. Yachtmaster Prep. Meteorology matters: a favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite you to analyse it. Be ready and know your subject. This is a non-RYA course and, as such, has no official status or syllabus.

  8. exams

    Select MyRYA at the top of the screen. Once you have purchased your exam you will receive an email confirmation and, in a separate message, your exam application form. If you are purchasing an exam, please print your form and take it to your exam. If you experience any problems please contact Web Support on: 02380 60 4211 or [email protected].

  9. RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore

    Fee's for Yachtmaster Certificate preparation. Voyage fee is for the full 5 days of instruction (or 8 days if you go on to do the exam) Examination fee payable to the examiner -RYA Yachtmaster offshore Exam is £215 and Yachtmaster Coastal is roughly £185 per person (2019). Yachtmaster Coastal Pre Exam Requirements.

  10. RYA Yachtmaster Sail Training Package & Exam

    For both of the above RYA Yachtmaster Exams: At least half the qualifying sea time must be gained in tidal waters. ... The fee for the exam is not included. This is paid directly to the RYA and costs £241 for offshore and £208 for coastal. Examiner expenses are not included. These are typically between 75€-200€ (max) per student.

  11. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  12. RYA Yachtmaster™ Fast Track

    The RYA Yachtmaster Exam application fee isn't included in the above cost. Please click here to print-off the RYA Yachtmaster exam application form: Recommended Reading: RYA Day Skipper Handbook Sail (G71), RYA Yacht Sailing Techniques (G94), RYA Yachtmaster™ scheme and syllabus (G158), Commodore Yachting programme syllabus

  13. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

    An RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. ... exam fee paid directly to the RYA (205 GBP for YM Offshore, 177 GBP for YM Coastal) examiner's travel expenses from/to th ...

  14. How to Pass the Yachtmaster Exam

    Prepare the boat for the manoeuvre (using the crew) Select the correct direction and angle of approach. Select the correct sail combination for this approach. Control the boat speed on the approach bringing the boat to a stop in a controlled manner. Picking up and secure to the mooring bouy safely.

  15. RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Coastal practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. You or a training centre provide the boat and the RYA provides an examiner. Note: All qualifying sea time and passages must be gained on vessels appropriate to the type of exam i.e. gained in sailing vessels for a sail ...

  16. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep + MCA/RYA Exam

    To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. He or she will essentially be a much more experienced Coastal Skipper and can do the same things more smoothly, for longer periods ...

  17. RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Coastal practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. You or a training centre provide the boat and the RYA provides an examiner. Note: All qualifying sea time and passages must be gained on vessels appropriate to the type of exam i.e. gained in sailing vessels for a sail ...

  18. RYA Yachtmaster Coastal & Offshore Exam Preparation Training

    Duration: 5 Days plus examination (7 days) From: Sunday 1700 - Sunday 12:00. RYA Exam Fees: Yachtmaster Coastal £223. Yachtmaster Offshore £256. 2024 Course Dates: Sunday 4th - Sunday 11th August. Please contact the office to discuss further dates and availability.

  19. RYA Certificates of Competence

    Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an RYA Certificate of Competence. Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide. Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not ...

  20. RYA Yachtmaster Power

    Yachtmaster Power - Exam Prep Course. Practice your skills with an experienced instructor to prepare for the Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore exam. Book Course. Price £1,650 (inc VAT). (RYA Exam fee not included in course price) 6 day course (exam starts on 5th day) Accommodation can be provided onboard. Lunch, snacks and drinks provided.

  21. Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

    The route to Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore is similar, candidates for both will have followed a similar pathway, but the offshore candidate will have logged considerably more experience prior to exam and will be pushed harder during the exam. Visit our helpful RYA Advanced and Yachtmaster Qualifying mileage page for more information.

  22. RYA Certificates of Competence

    Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an RYA Certificate of Competence. Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide. Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not ...

  23. Arranging your exam

    Yachtmaster exams. Powerboat Advanced. Exams in New Zealand. For details of exams and fees in New Zealand, please contact Coastguard Boating Education on [email protected]. Prior to your exam. Ensure you have completed an application form. In most cases this should be done through the online exam payment service. ... please contact ...