taiwan trawler yachts

Taiwan Trawlers

Are they still worth owning.

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You see them everywhere—on the hard, in marinas and, more importantly, in all the bays and coves of our popular cruising grounds—the ubiquitous Taiwan trawler. Are they, or are they not worth owning?

They came out of Taiwan in the 1970s and 1980s by the score, flooding a market that was looking for budget-priced cruising boats that were fun to own and economical to operate. Despite many of them being popped from the same mold, they were sold under a bewildering number of names—Albin, CHB, Cheer Men, C & L, DeFever, Hershine, La Paz, Marine Trader, North Sea, Puget Trawler and Universal, just to name a few.


taiwan trawler yachts

The hulls were constructed using a new material called fibreglass, and many were heavily over-built. But quality control was a problem and as a result some North American yards dismissed them out of hand, calling them “Taiwan tupperware” or “eastern junk.” Others recognized them for what they were—a great way to get families into boating at a modest price.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and the proof of their longevity is that, 40 years on, many still cruise the Pacific Northwest every season, owned by people who would have no other vessel. Where a new 36-foot trawler will set you back $500,000 or more today, many of those classics of the last century can be had for $50,000 to $100,000. And they’ve long stopped depreciating $15,000 per year.

While some of the 1970s era trawlers had problems with poor construction, after about 1981 the industry made significant changes in quality control, and there were fewer surprises. Many of the hulls were built in a central boatyard and then farmed out to family businesses for finishing. As a result, construction and detail varied widely. One boat might have intricately carved dragons on every interior door but poorly fitted wall panels; another might have beautifully finished bathrooms but leaky windows. Yet another would have strange electrical wiring but beautiful instrument panels.

Discovering poor workmanship later might involve stripping the teak decks to discover that half the screws were missing (a screw not used, was a spare screw for the next boat). Another discovery might be that the original fibreglass deck hadn’t been swept before the deck was laid. Bumps in the decking? No problem, just plane the teak planking flat, meaning thin and thick sections later.

It’s not surprising that some boaters wouldn’t set foot on one. But among the lemons there are peaches to be found. Speaking from personal experience, I searched for a specific style (a europa, rather than a sedan, tri-cabin or sundeck) for nearly two years, before finally buying one all the way across the country in upstate New York, then shipping it back to the Pacific Northwest on a truck! Why? Because it was exactly what I wanted. But I looked at a lot of boats in BC, Washington and as far away as the upper Columbia River in Oregon before finding that New York boat.

Today, dollar for dollar, they are some of the best deals in the leisure craft industry, and as some approach 50 years, many are still in fair shape. Usually powered with a single 120-horsepower Ford Lehman naturally aspirated diesel, or less often with a 130-horsepower Perkins, they aren’t great performers, chugging along at hull speed (six to eight knots), but burning a thrifty one litre per mile. Neither the Ford Lehman 6D380 nor the Perkins 6.354 are produced any more, but spares are still easy to find and reasonably priced.

While many potential buyers will see the low operating costs as a powerful incentive, we should add a note of caution—as with any older equipment, it helps to be handy for the inevitable things that break. But the main components, the hull, the deck, the engine and the layout can be solid (subject to some caveats listed below). Remember, wiring, instruments and tanks can be dealt with as and when necessary. In the meanwhile, the difference between that $250,000 vessel and your $50,000 one is sitting in your bank.

In the mid-‘70s, New Jersey entrepreneur Don Miller of Marine Trading International began importing a 34-foot aft cabin model from Taiwan, designed by marine architect Ed Monk. It was an immediate success. Where else could you get a complete cruiser, with parquet floor, instruments, smothered in teak, even curtains, for $25,000? It’s estimated that Miller imported over 3,000 trawlers in the following decade.

Copycats appeared almost immediately. Labour costs were cheap across the Pacific, and there followed a wild scramble as many small boatyards got into the fabrication business, jobbing out sub-contracts to family and friends, and then merging the finished trawlers under various marketing names. Don Miller’s boats, unsurprisingly, became known as Marine Traders.

Sinclair Wen owned the Chung Hwa Boat Building Co. where they produced CHBs and LaFitte sailboats. In the late 1970s he bought a share of the Kadey-Krogen line, which was producing the popular 42-foot cruiser. Apart from interior layout changes and a small increase in length (44 feet), that design has been in production for over 40 years!

Alexander Chu, who had worked at C&L, went on to start Ocean Alexander with a 50-foot pilothouse model that could be bought for $125,000. Today, its sequel, the 60-foot pilothouse, costs over a million. The company is still in business, manufacturing luxury yachts that have made their mark around the world.

Arthur DeFever designed a line of blue water cruisers that proved popular, although others quickly copied them. So was Bill Hardin’s classic Coaster 33. Originally built by CHB, it wasn’t long before look-alikes were coming out of all sorts of yards under the names of Heritage, Golden Gate, Bluewater, Far East and more. And the quality varied.

The habit of copying the industry leaders almost became an epidemic. A story from Don Miller illustrates the situation in the late 1970s. While at the boatyard in Taiwan, he ordered 23 changes to the design. Two weeks later back home, he saw that other importers were advertising the same 23 changes! It was a competitive market, and as Miller freely admitted, Taiwan trawlers weren’t the best boats, but they were very good value. They remain that today, in part because the exterior appearance of those early boats hasn’t changed much (unlike cars or houses). A 1978 36-foot Albin looks surprisingly similar to a 2001 Island Gypsy, or a brand new Grand Banks Classic. The tri-cabin design is timeless.

But times move on; where once they were mostly built in Taiwan, today many manufacturers have moved to China where the cost of labour is lower. As in Taiwan, the first few years’ models have had QC issues.

taiwan trawler yachts

So, you’re thinking about a Taiwan trawler. First, decide which of the layouts will suit you best. You have kids? A sundeck or tri-cabin has the benefit of a bow cabin with bunks and head, separated from the aft master cabin and second head. It’s good to keep the noise apart. A tri-cabin, by the way, is sometimes called a double-cabin, as it has fore and aft sleeping cabins. The tri-cabin description just includes the central saloon in the cabin count.

Are you likely to be just a couple on board? The europa or sedan with a larger master cabin with centreline bed and small second cabin, with just a single head might be a better use of space. Plan to fish off the aft deck? A sedan or tri-cabin gives the best cockpit space.

Suffer from claustrophobia? The full width of the sundeck master cabin is a good option. Are you a light sleeper? Don’t buy a sedan or europa with the main cabin in the bow, where you’ll hear the lapping of waves all night on the hook. Bad knees? Avoid a europa with its steep companionway, where a tri-cabin lets you reach the upper helm in a series of short, easy stairs. Planning on spending time cruising in the shoulder seasons? Get a europa with its broad upper deck that screens the lower windows, and lets you leave the doors open, even when it’s raining.

Now that you have an idea of what you’re looking for, develop a relationship with a broker and a marine surveyor, both of whom specialize in trawlers. They are just like medical doctors—there are specialists in every field, and it helps to get advice from someone knowledgeable about trawlers, rather than luxury yachts or fast tugs or sailboats.

taiwan trawler yachts

Before you call in the hired help, have a preliminary checklist for when you’ve found one you like. Your time is free. Taiwan trawlers can have leaky windows. Check for discolouration below the sills. They have a reputation for leaky decks. Water gets under the teak deck and runs to the lowest point, which is about 2/3 of the way toward the stern, at the deck’s lowest point, where it pools under the boards and finds a screw hole to penetrate the sub-deck. Does the deck feel soft there? Can you get into the engine room and see the underside of the deck? Is there visible water damage? That low point is often where the water tank fill pipe is. Does it look corroded?

Small deck areas can be repaired quite economically. Check the internet, especially trawler forums. There are several ways of curing a boat with small sections of soft deck, without ripping up everything and starting again.

Are there cracks where the superstructure abuts the deck? What this can suggest is not a soft superstructure, but a soft hull. It might mean the hull stiffeners aren’t doing their job. There are four beams (stringers) that run fore and aft along the inside of the hull. The middle pair usually carries the engine. Across those stringers, ribs stiffen the hull sideways. Over the long life of the boat, a prior owner may have drilled holes to run pipes or electrical cables. If bilge water has penetrated the stringers, the wood rots and the hull starts to flex in the swell. That in turn means anything attached to the hull (the engine alignment, prop shaft, upper cabin, deck penetrations), all flex too. Make sure that the surveyor checks the moisture content of the stringers.

In the superstructure, water penetration can soften the frame and be expensive to repair (usually from the inside). This is less of a problem on europas, which have a wide upper deck that sheds the rain. Like the hulls, the amount of structural material in the superstructure can vary from vessel to vessel, some being massively thick, others paper-thin. One check is to remove the shore power fitting to see the wall’s cross-section.

Another thing to consider is poor resin penetration of the fibreglass during construction. This usually manifests itself as spider web cracks and chips, exposing dry chopped mat beneath. Depending on where they are, they can be cosmetic, or can be the inlet for water that over time can destroy walls and decks. Hulls, on the other hand, were mostly over-resin coated, with the result that blistering and osmosis is less common. But certain brands had a bad reputation for poor hull construction. Make sure the surveyor does a thorough hammer check.

Tanks are another issue. Some old fuel tanks were welded steel. A flexing hull causes tanks to buckle and leak, usually at the welded corners. Tank removal is a slow process, but needn’t be a deal breaker. If you’re reasonably handy, grinding up an old tank into pieces to remove through the engine room hatch, and installing multiple small tanks (to fit through the same hole) is not as difficult as it initially appears.

When viewing a prospective boat, the engine room can tell its own story. Learn to read it. Rusty parts and junk lying about imply the owner either doesn’t care, or doesn’t go down there often. Polished pipes and oiled surfaces suggest regular servicing. Have an oil analysis done—it can tell you a lot about the bearings. Do the fuel and oil filters look new? Are the batteries clean on top? Does the wiring look tidy or tangled?

According to the late Bob Smith (engine guru), Ford Lehman engines, if looked after, can go for 20,000 hours before a rebuild on the block. Replacing peripherals like heat exchangers, pumps, hoses and exhaust manifolds are just part of the business of buying an older boat. Set aside an additional 15 percent of the purchase price for upcoming issues, and try to do as many of the repairs yourself. That way you’ll learn about your boat, and save yourself money.

Bright work is another concern for some buyers. All that magnificent outside teak needs to be stripped and re-varnished to retain the look. Modern varnish does last longer, or you can just let your rails go au natural. Weathered exterior teak shouldn’t be a reason to turn down a boat, but you’ll notice that since the 1990s, teak hand and cap rails have gone out of style because of the maintenance issue. That still leaves exterior window frames, handrails and trim. I’ve taken to painting them—a good marine paint lasts three to five years, whereas varnish lasts one to two.

taiwan trawler yachts

The best advice when buying a Taiwan trawler is to educate yourself. Look at many models. Ask questions. Concentrate on the later models (1982 to 1990) as materials and construction methods did improve. Find a good marine surveyor for that day when you discover the one that ticks most of your boxes. And remember, no boat 30 to 45 years old will tick ALL the boxes.

Be realistic. Understand that most Taiwan-built trawlers aren’t blue water boats (there are a few exceptions). However, for sheltered cruising such as in the Salish Sea, they are perfect. And know that when you find that diamond in the coal heap, you’ll have a sturdy, seaworthy partner to share adventures with for as long as you’re both able to put to sea! Happy cruising.

taiwan trawler yachts


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The Evolution of the Trawler Yacht

what is the best trawler yacht

Here I sit in the new Annapolis office of Seattle Yachts, as it quickly comes together, with new carpet, paint, furniture, window graphics and internet service. We just brought on our first broker, Bill Boyer, and once the certificates and licenses are approved, we will begin the business of selling new and used cruising boats in the Chesapeake Bay area. The main office has slotted some new boats to reach this office this summer, something we really look forward to. With other Seattle Yachts offices in the Pacific Northwest, California, and Florida, we are a great network for people looking for their next cruising boat .

I am pleased at the range of boats for sale. Seattle Yachts owns several boat builders in the U.S., as well as representing yachts from Sweden, Germany, Brazil, and Asia. My recent article on cruising security reminded me of a subject on my mind for several years now. It is the broader subject of safety. And how cruising boats have evolved.

Last fall I had a chance to go sailing for the first time in many months on a 37-foot cruising sailboat. The sail reminded me of the lack of flat deck surfaces, the constant up and down movement in and out of the cockpit, with nowhere to put one’s feet without stepping on blocks, lines, and brightwork. Perhaps it was just that boat, but I forgot how many obstacles, cleats, blocks, tracks, sheets, boom, and winches one must safely navigate around, all while the boat is moving and heeled over. And while the boat had handrails and lifelines, they were not always nearby or high enough to suit me.

The potential risk of tripping or hitting something on a sailboat really stands out if you have not been on one in a while.

Seen below: One reason we love the Hanse 458 is the 'clear deck' concept which minimizes the places you can trip while maneuvering. Definitely not like other sailboats!

Hanse 458 sailboat

I remember driving up to Portsmouth, Rhode Island to visit Ted Hood at his yard. When we took a break so Ted could meet with a potential client, one of his managers gave me a tour of the Little Harbor operation. After climbing a ladder to go aboard a gorgeous Little Harbor 62 sailboat, sitting securely inside one of their buildings without its mast and rigging, we joked about how one had to really pay attention to move safely around the deck, both at foot and head levels. So much stuff, compound curves, and hardware everywhere!

When I compared that experience to the 48-foot trawler I was on the previous week, with wide side decks, high bulwarks and covered aft cockpit, the Little Harbor yacht seemed a daunting landscape. I will never forget the comparison.

Seen below: The new Northwest Yachts 48 may be the perfect-sized trawler for a couple looking to escape the mainland and cruise.

The Perfect Trawler

And size does not make that go away. A couple of years ago, I sailed to Bermuda on a friend’s beautiful, 83-foot Camper Nicholson sailboat. Despite its huge deck layout, there was plenty to step around, over, or duck under to move about. Sitting in the cockpit, watching and hearing the strain and groan of the sheets on the huge winches, it was clear that if anything broke on this boat it would be a big deal. The forces at work to move a large yacht at hull speed are significant.

At the time it got me thinking that perhaps a trawler is the safest vessel to go cruising on, in the context of the kind of pleasure boating most of us enjoy. Whether it is a full displacement trawler yacht motoring along at single-digit speeds, or the more flexible cruising motoryachts capable of efficient travel at higher cruising speeds, they don’t go so fast that things get out of hand. Debris or deadheads can be seen in advance if one is paying attention. Operators have plenty of time to make reasoned decisions whether avoiding objects or navigating tricky waters. Under way, people are generally on a flybridge or inside the boat, not walking around obstacle-course side decks or bouncing along at 25+ knots with low handrails.

Many of those bulbous powerboat cruisers, obviously designed from the inside out, lack the side deck and foredeck protection offered by trawlers and cruising motoryachts. I have never understood those designs. I only need to look out the office window to see a Mainship trawler on the hard next to a large Sea Ray. The foredeck on the Mainship is a flat surface well protected behind high bulwarks and tall stanchions. It is very secure and safe to move about when handling the anchor or dock lines.

It is a different situation on the Sea Ray. A downward sloping, multi-curved foredeck makes moving forward difficult, with only calf-high stanchions to keep one aboard. No thank you! When I researched the details of accidents within our trawler community a few years ago, I found the boat is never the problem. My conclusion was that a trawler and cruising motoryacht are safe platforms for cruising.

Seen below: Northern Marine has a new 57 that will be launching this spring and will be among the safest trawler-style cruising yachts on the market.

50 Foot Trawler Yacht

I once asked Bob Phillips of Grand Banks Yachts (that dates me for sure!) if he knew of any boats that had been lost, other than from hurricanes or other natural causes. He thought for a moment and recalled one GB that was destroyed outside of San Francisco, but no one was hurt. While one crew member disconnected shore power at the dock, preparing to leave, someone else was in the master stateroom putting things away. She put a side table lamp on the bed, in case of rough weather, not realizing it was still turned on, but without power. When they later started the generator, the lamp came back on and eventually started a fire in the bedding material. The GB was a total loss, although it did not sink, and no one was injured.

Compared to gybing booms, rig and hardware failures, and sloping decks adorned with tracks, lines, and fittings, trawlers just do not present danger to the crew, often just a couple and their dog. On most sailboats, the crew is out in the open, steering and handling the sails, exposed to the weather and sea conditions.

Most of us mature folks no longer choose to venture out in conditions where sailors are out there with double-reefed mainsails and tiny headsails, huddled in foul weather gear behind a dodger. Those conditions are no longer our cup of tea. But if they were, we would be safe at the inside helm or pilothouse, warm and dry.

Many owners of larger center cockpit sailboats attempt to reduce exposure by fully enclosing the cockpit, but to me they are just trying to turn their sailboat into a trawler.

Considering the many thousands of Grand Banks, Mainship, Monk, DeFever, Marine Trader, and scores of vintage Taiwan trawler brands that serenely cruise our waterways, they have an excellent record as safe cruising boats, and trawler speeds are just fine. Look at the boats doing the Great Loop at any given time, and how much fun the couples are having in their great adventure. What is the perfect boat for doing the Loop? A trawler.

Traditional trawlers are boxy with a pointy end, not particularly efficient hull shapes, but they do well with small diesel engines, such as the venerable Ford Lehman or Perkins. A pair of those engines will drive a 42-footer at the leisurely speed of a trawler.

Seen below: The classic Grand Banks 36 is a great example of a traditional trawler-style boat.

classic trawler boat

But as the desire to go faster found larger engines creeping into these boats, the hulls push a lot of water as speed increases, as those boxy hull shapes were not designed for that much power. And fuel economy goes out the window. When Ken Smith designed the original Grand Banks, it was not meant as a high-speed cruiser.

Many of the early Taiwan boats were downright crude in construction, built with lots of pieces and parts, and some components were prone to delamination. Despite these issues, these traditional trawlers continue to offer lots of living space, are relatively simple, and the varnished teak interiors remain easy to live with.

I think what ultimately makes them safe is their simplicity, slow speed, and lack of drama. Dependable diesel cruisers, safe and reliable. Throw in a bow thruster and you are good to go.

While the definition of a " trawler yacht " has certainly changed over the past number of years, it remains a metaphor for our lifestyle rather than a specific boat or hull shape. We have all sorts of variations today, and all represent boats that can fit the needs of a couple or family. (Read: Buying And Owning A Trawler Yacht )

The evolution continues and now boats share little with traditional trawlers. Today’s hull shapes run efficiently at higher speed, powered by diesel engines that offer more horsepower per pound with reduced emissions. The build process is also different, with resin infusion becoming the standard for fiberglass construction. New hulls have great strength without the weight, and far better resin-to-glass ratios than conventional hand laid construction.

Couples can now choose sleek or as traditional as they prefer, and they also have lots of choices in finish materials and accommodations. The president of Grand Banks once joked to me that they made the highest quality, and most uncomfortable, seating. No more. Today’s boats offer luxury saloon seating, and helm chairs rather than hard benches.

Boat builders take safety up a notch in other areas as well. Stairways with handrails replace vertical ladders, side decks have tall safety railings and great protection, and they build interiors to higher ergonomic and comfort standards.

Even our choices for stabilization go way beyond what was available in Robert Beebe’s paravane days.

Which brings me back to looking over the cruising boat choices from Seattle Yachts. It is quite a spectrum of cruising choices. On one end, there are the quality expedition yachts from Northern Marine . I was on a Northern Marine 80 just last week, all 285,000 pounds of her. Go anywhere capability does not get any better.

Then there are the Alaskan and Northwest Yachts . Twin engines, semi-displacement cruising yachts that can do pretty much anything well. Perfect for living aboard, extended cruising, or just hanging out on the water. They complement other quality yachts from Hampton , Endurance , Schaefer , and Regency . All are fine choices for those leaning toward cruising motoryachts. If couples want somewhat more traditional, there is the full line of Nordic Tugs , highly successful and popular cruising boats that can be found all over North America, built in the U.S. You will see Nordic Tugs at every Great Loop rendezvous.

Seen below: The Nordic Tugs 40 is en route to Seattle Yachts and more build spaces are available.

Nordic Tug Boats 40

Downsizing towards a day or weekend cruiser? Seattle Yachts sells the line of Nimbus boats from Sweden. They feature walkaround layouts that keep everyone safe without the need to climb over seating or other structures. There is a T11 coming to Annapolis this summer, and I cannot wait to drive it among the typical Annapolis waterfront scene of picnic boats and large Whalers. The Nimbus should really stand out from the ritzy play boats and white fiberglass.

I think it is great to see designs that properly insert safety into the design spiral, rather than dealing with it as an afterthought.

What a wonderful time to go cruising, and an even better time to get a new boat.

See you on the water.

Enjoy these other boating and cruising articles by Bill Parlatore :

  • Dawn Of The Paperless Helm
  • Letting Go But Still In Control
  • Learning To Handle A New Boat
  • Improving The User Experience
  • A Paradigm Shift In Cruising
  • Consider Buddy Boating
  • A Matter Of Staying Safe While Boating
  • Should I Carry A Gun While Cruising?
  • A Boater's 3-to-5 Year Plan
  • Boat Tools: A 4-Part Series
  • Provisioning Your Yacht For Extended Cruising - Bahamas
  • Provisioning Your Yacht For Extended Cruising - Alaska

taiwan trawler yachts

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Shilshole Marina

7001 Seaview Ave NW, Suite 150 Seattle, WA 98117


Cap Sante Marina

1019 Q Avenue, Suite A&B

Anacortes, WA 98221


Marine Parts / Service Center

2915 W Avenue

Sun Harbor Marina

5060 N Harbor Dr, Suite 155 San Diego, CA 92106


Marina Village Yacht Harbor

1070 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 109 Alameda, CA 94501


Marina del Rey

13900 Marquesas Way, Suite 6002 Marina del Rey, CA 90292


Fort Lauderdale

1535 SE 17th St, Suite #103B Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Safe Harbour Old Port Cove

116 Lakeshore Dr. North Palm Beach, FL. 33408

Annapolis Harbor

7350 Edgewood Road Annapolis, MD 21403



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When looking for new, pre-owned, and used used trawler yachts for sale in Taiwan, the amount of time it takes to narrow down exactly what you want can some times be intimidating. With so many manufacturers, models, and boats types, how do you begin to find the right yacht that meets your budget and your needs?

Trawler yachts for Sales is the one-stop professional yacht brokerage that can navigate you through the frustrations and help you make the best decision possible when it comes to the purchase of your next boats. We can help you find the yacht for sale, set up the showings, help negotiate pricing, handle the yacht closing and everything else involved, and we do all of this so you are able simply sit back and to enjoy the process. Buying a yacht requires a significant investment and it is our goal to provide you with detailed information and professional guidance.

When searching for a yachts for sale , there are a plethora of options. The yachts on our website number over 4,113 listings, including yachts built by top brands such as Tartan, Albin, Sunseeker, Mainship, Pursuit, Selene, Hatteras, Outer Reef and more. Trawler yachts for Sale can also help you find the best used center-console boats for sale in Taiwan from brands like Yellowfin, Contender, and more.

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photo of Yacht Builders In Taiwan Are Flourishing Thanks To Quality Production And Value

Yacht Builders In Taiwan Are Flourishing Thanks To Quality Production And Value

By Rob Bowman | Posted On Sep 04, 2019 Updated On Mar 23, 2022

The business of building yachts in Taiwan might have begun in the 1960's, but today it is regarded as one of the leading countries in the world for producing high-quality vessels at the same pace as their European counterparts. As a country in constant economic growth, the evolution of the Taiwanese shipyards has led to ground-breaking achievements in construction, style, and design. "We are seeing an extremely well-built and intelligently designed boats coming out of Taiwan in the last few years," said Mike Kutrybala , a long time yacht broker with United who specializes in Taiwanese manufacturers. "The majority of designs are aimed at the cruising yacht customer and are all "westernized". Taiwanese builders understand our market, what the American buyer is looking for, and they have been able to execute it on larger scales."

Consider that there are now over 35 shipyards building boats over 50-feet in Taiwan, an island country that is just over 22,000 square miles in size. According to an article by Barche Magazine, the number of yachts registered under the Taiwanese flag increased from just 15 in 2012 to over 120 in 2017. And with over 70% of yachts produced being exported out of Asia, Taiwan has become a big player in the international yachting industry. Taiwan is now the largest producer of yachts over 50 feet in Asia and the fifth-largest in the world . If you increase that threshold to 78 feet in length, Taiwan becomes the fourth largest country building yachts only behind Italy , the Netherlands, and Turkey .

(Seen Below: The Taiwan International Boat Show has become the largest indoor boat exhibition in Asia and displays all the local shipyards latest models. Photo cred: Horizon Yachts.)

Taiwan international boat show

The Greater Kaohsiung area is the largest yacht producing part of Taiwan with more than 80% of boats built here leaving out of Kaohsiun Harbor. This is actually a 10% decrease in yachts leaving the Harbor as other areas in Taiwan increase their own production. Below are a list of shipyards and yacht builders currently active in Taiwan.

The Horizon Yachts Shipyard

horizon yachts for sale shipyard

Horizon Yachts has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 20 years to the point where their factory in Kaohsiung now encompasses 463,000 square feet and employs over 300 craftsmen and workers. Everything from the new V68 to Horizon's power catamaran line to the EP 150 are built in this factory which also has its own service and re-fit center. Recently, Horizon Yachts was the recipient of the "Best Asian Yacht Builder" award at the 2019 Asia Boating Awards. Horizon is now an established worldwide brand and it all started in Taiwan back in 1987.

The Dyna Yachts / Dyna Craft LTD. Shipyard

Dyna Yachts For Sale Built In Taiwan

Dyna Craft LTD was formed in 1986 by a team of extremely talented and experienced yachting industry professionals. Founder and current President Mr. Terry Yen is an esteemed naval architect and continues to design all Dyna Yacht models today. With more than 30 years in business, the Dyna shipyard also has experience building Marlow Yachts for almost a decade. Known for exceptional quality, gorgeous interiors, and incredible value when compared to many European brands, Dyna Yachts have delivered over 300 vessels. United Yacht Sales will be displaying a new Dyna 68 Motor Yacht at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show.

The Ocean Alexander Shipyard  (Photo cred below: Yachting Magazine)

Ocean Alexander Yacht Built in Taiwan

The story of how the Ocean Alexander empire came to be is a rather interesting story. It starts back in 1977 when Alex Chueh was repaid a loan in the form of a company. Alex's friend couldn't repay the initial loan, so he came Alex the factory instead as payment. Once Alex met with Ed Monk Jr., a famous yacht architect, the beginning of Ocean Alexander Yachts was taking root. In 2015, Ocean Alexander was named as one of the top 5 luxury motor yacht builders in the world by Showboat International Magazine. Today, Ocean Alexander has even opened a U.S. based factory in Florida .

The Zhuhai Shipyard - Selene Yachts

selene yachts built in taiwan

The Selene Yachts factory, also known as the Zhuhai Shipyard, is known as one of the best equipped and largest scale yards in the world. The original Selene factory, however, was not in Zhuhai but rather Dongguan, known for its high-end furniture. This benefitted Selene immensely as the interior accommodations used local furniture for a very luxurious feel. After the Zhuhai was constructed and the process of getting the boats into the water became easier, construction was consolidated to Zhuhai. Today, there are over 400 Selene Yachts cruising around planet Earth.

The Tung Hwa Shipyard - Fleming Yachts 

fleming yachts built in taiwan

Tony Fleming originally started developing the idea for Fleming Yachts in 1985 and made it clear that he wanted only the best materials and the highest quality construction methods used. The Tung Hwa shipyard was chosen for their commitment to Tony's ideology and today Fleming Yachts is one of the most reputable, highly regarded, and quality cruising yachts built in the world. Approximately 18 Flemings are now built every year at Tung Hwa and over 340 are currently in use by their owners.

The Mares Yachts Shipyard

Mares Power Catmaran Yachts Taiwan

If there was ever a boat builder that exudes the quality and attention to detail that comes out of Taiwan, it's Mares Power Catamaran Yachts . Every Mares model is built to the ultimate toughness and kept light for optimal performance by the use of a resin infusion system. The 70% to 30% glass-to-resin ratio is much stronger and lighter than the traditional 40% glass to 60% resin ratio often used. All hardware, fabrics, and components are personally chosen by Lenny Noble, founder of Mares, to ensure an industry leading quality control process is executed. Mares will debut an all-new 65 foot catamaran coming soon in 2020.

The President Yachts Shipyard - Jianjun Boat Harbor  

President Yachts Built in Taiwan

President Yachts have been building luxury boats since 1968 when founder Eddie Yeh developed the brand. From the 41 Sun Deck to the 150-foot plus motor yachts being produced, President Yachts has excelled at design, quality, fit-and-finish, and overall value compared to other vessels in its class. Over 1,200 boats and yachts have been delivered all over the world. Most of the company's yachts are custom-built to the owner's requirements, offering exceptional quality control and buyer satisfaction.

There are many more yacht builders in Taiwan today than 20-30 years ago, over 35 to be exact, and the work force has become incredibly skilled at the nuances of building a yacht. Workers have become craftsmen and as you can see, many of the world's most reputable brands call Taiwan home. United Yacht Sales will be representing several Taiwanese builders at the 2019 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show including Dyna Yachts, Mares Catamarans, and President Yachts. If you have any interest in building a new yacht or finding the right pre-owned yacht for sale on today's brokerage market, please give our home office a call at (772) 463-3131 to be connected to a professional yacht broker that specializes in your interests.

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Taiwan Trawler 36

Taiwan Trawler 36 for sale in Bergen op Zoom ( Netherlands

Bergen op Zoom ( Netherlands

Make & Model

Taiwan Trawler 36



Excellently maintained Taiwain Trawler, ready to sail for a new owner.

Neat neat 12 meter Taiwan Trawler ready to sail for a new owner. The current owner has lovingly maintained her for years. Every two years she goes ashore for new antifouling and anodes, the engine is serviced and the paintwork is taken care of. In short, an excellently maintained ship.

The Taiwan Trawler is a familiar sight on the water and it is easy to see why. She looks tough, has fine sailing characteristics, comfortably equipped and of course a very charming appearance.

As soon as you step aboard you will immediately understand what we mean by that charming look. The railing is finished with a beautiful teak edge and the many teak accents outside on the ship are also immediately noticeable. The gunwales are wide enough for a comfortable walk around the deck, and the aforementioned high railing gives a safe feeling in the process. The aft deck provides access to the flybridge. Of course 1 of the many interesting aspects of this ship. From here you have a fantastic view of the surroundings and there is plenty of room for all crew to find a nice spot.

Inside the ship you are welcomed in a warm nautical saloon with lots of teak finishing as we unfortunately do not see much these days. Midships you will find comfortable couches on both sides of the salon with a table in the middle. In front of the salon on the port side is the inside steering position and the operation of all onboard systems. In the forecastle, a small staircase leads to the galley. This is fully equipped with hot and cold running water, a spiritus stove, a refrigerator and the necessary storage space. Furthermore, you will find a wet cell with toilet and shower in the forepeak and the double guest cabin in the forepeak. Finally, in the stern is the particularly spacious owner's cabin with a double bed and plenty of storage space.

So this Taiwan Trawler is not only nice to look at with a charming appearance but certainly also very practical and comfortable. Ideal for a nice day on the water but certainly also for longer vacations on board. Good weather or bad, aboard this Taiwan Trawler you will always be comfortable.

If you are interested, please contact us to make an appointment for a viewing. We can be reached by phone: +or email [email protected].

- Last time on shore, engine service and paint job was in 2021.

- No gas on board.

Engine Hours


Control Type

Hull Material

GRP (Polyester)


Battery Charger

Bow Thruster



Where Built

Ta Chao Bros, Taiwan


The Taiwan Trawler 36 is 39 feet long and has a 13 feet beam. The Taiwan Trawler 36 is made of grp (polyester). This vessel comes equipped with battery, battery charger, bimini, bow thruster, heating .


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