Ocean Globe Race 2023

Historic victory: maiden becomes first all-female crew to win round-the-world race.

On April 16, 2024, the legendary yacht Maiden and her all-female crew made history by triumphing in the Ocean Globe Race, becoming the first all-female team to win a round-the-world race! Led by the inspirational skipper Heather Thomas, the crew braved 154 days at sea and covered over 28,500 nautical miles, showcasing extraordinary determination and skill. Despite a grueling final leg, Maiden's victory was sealed as their closest rival fell short, propelling them to an overall win.

Their triumphant return to Cowes was met with jubilant celebrations, including a Parade of Sail that honored their incredible achievement.This momentous victory not only commemorates the pioneering spirit of Tracy Edwards and her 1989-90 Whitbread Race crew but also reinforces Maiden's ongoing mission. Over six years, Maiden has empowered and inspired thousands of girls worldwide, raising awareness and funds to ensure access to education for all. The win is not just a sailing triumph; it's a powerful statement for gender equality and a brighter future for the next generation of girls. Join us in celebrating this historic achievement and the enduring legacy of Maiden!

"I am beyond proud of what these talented women have achieved. They took our success in 1990 to the next level and blew away one of the very few firsts left in women's ocean racing. Well deserved congratulations to Heather Thomas and her crew for winning on corrected time." Said Tracy Edwards MBE. "As the saying goes, 'I think my work here is done!"

Maiden and her all female crew had a remarkable journey throughout 2023 - 2024; not just racing in the Ocean Global Race (OGR) showing what a girl can achieve, but also sailing with the mission of supporting girls’ education around the world, so they too can follow their dreams. For the crew, each leg of the Ocean Globe Race 2023 wasn't just a nautical challenge but a voyage of hope, determination, action and progress!

There are so many reasons why girls cannot and do not access education; on each leg of the race we highlighted one of those reasons and raised money for charities in that relevant field working to change girls’ lives through education.

In Leg One, we tackled forced and early marriage, protecting girls' rights to their childhoods and futures. Leg Two saw us championing access to education for those girls banned from school in countries like Afghanistan, thanks to your unwavering support. In Leg Three, we focused on providing single-sex toilets for girls in schools, a crucial step towards ensuring their safety, dignity, and uninterrupted education. For Leg Four, we focused on securing access to clean water for girls, to further remove barriers to education for girls.

Sponsor a Mile, Ignite a Dream

We have now completed our OGR fundraising per leg, but if you still want to donate, you can by clicking the button below to stand with us in our mission to ensure that every girl has the right to an education. A huge thankyou to everyone who donated throughout the race! As a result, we can work with charities who break down the barriers for girls to access education and achieve their dreams to shape their futures and contribute to their communities and society. By supporting our cause, you play a pivotal role in paving the way for equality. Your donations enable us to champion the right to education, establish safe learning environments for girls and provide opportunities that will transform their lives.

Clicking the below Donate link will take you to a secure page hosted by our payment service provider, Stripe.

Meet our fearless all-female crew, who took on the stormy seas to support girls' education and make history:

A photo of Heather Thomas.

“It’s very exciting to be the first all-female crew to win an around the world race. It’s a historic moment. The girls have worked really hard for it and we’re very proud of our achievement. We have the best crew and the best boat so what can I say! To those we raced against it’s been a pleasure to get to know them and we’re going to miss them."'

Heather Thomas, Skipper

Leg Four OGR Crew

global challenge yacht race 2023

Leg Three OGR Crew

global challenge yacht race 2023

Leg Two OGR Crew

global challenge yacht race 2023

Leg One OGR Crew

global challenge yacht race 2023

Yacht Boat News


Photo of YachtBoatNews

Around the world Single-handed Non-stop By the three great capes With a unique format Budget friendly Environmentally conscious Starts in A Coruña September 2023

The Global Solo Challenge is a single-handed without assistance around the world sailing event with a unique format.

It will depart from A Coruña, Spain in September 2023.

It is for sailors on a wide range of boats seeking the challenge of a competitive  solo circumnavigation  under the umbrella of an affordable, well organised and controlled event that puts the safety of participants first.

Full details can be found in the  Notice of Event .

global challenge yacht race 2023

A unique format

The format is unlike any other round the world event and will make it fair and exciting for the Skippers as well as easy and engaging for the public and sponsors to follow:

Boats will be grouped by performance characteristics and set off in successive departures over 11 weeks.

Once at sea, there are no classes.  All boats will be sailing the same event. The faster boats will have to try to catch up with the slower boats, the pursuit factor creating competitive interest aboard and a fascinating event for the public and sponsors.

The first boat to cross the finish line wins.  The performance differential between the boats is taken into account in staggering the departures, eliminating the need to calculate corrected times.

global challenge yacht race 2023

All entries will have a chance of winning – dramatic from beginning to end

It may feel quite daunting and  emotional  to be among the first to set off on the adventure, with the remaining participants seeing you off.

Equally it will be  nerve wracking  for those with a long wait before their departure, following on the satellite trackers the progress being made by the earlier starters.

The last skippers to set off will have to keep cool waiting for their turn to  start the chase . And hope they can put on a show like Jeremy Beyou on Charal in the most recent Vendée Globe, progressively carving his way through the fleet.

The faster boats will need to sail fast and well to make up for the head start given to the slower groups.

It will be the ultimate enactment of the tale of the tortoise and the hare, with steady cruisers being chased by performance thirsty skippers on faster boats. Who will cross the line first?

Budget friendly

The event format creates a fair and exciting event for all the participants, their sponsors and the general public.

Budget alone should not be a deciding factor in how well each boat does.

global challenge yacht race 2023

What type of boats can enter?

The range of boats permitted in the Event is wide.

  • From 32ft to 55ft.
  • From classic long keel cruisers to more recent cruiser/racers.
  • Also One-off Open designs and other racing boats such as Class40s and Open 50s.

To keep budgets under control the Organisers do not wish anyone to build a boat specifically for the event.

Entry criteria

Boats must satisfy minimum stability criteria and may require modification to allow for adequate watertight bulkheads sub-dividing internal space. Read the Notice of Event for detailed entry criteria.

Each entry in the Event must comply with the  Global Solo Challenge Regulations .

Historically boats of many types and lengths have proven that a circumnavigation is possible. After all the first ever non-stop solo circumnavigation was completed by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston on a 32ft cruising boat in 1968 during the  Sunday Times Golden Globe Race . The famous navigator and writer Bernard Moitessier also took part in that event on a 39ft cruising boat.

global challenge yacht race 2023

What is the route?

An around the world, east-about circumnavigation. The start and finish port is beautiful and historic  Marina Coruña,  A Coruña, Spain. Entrants must leave “ The Antarctic Region ” and all known ice as defined by an “ Ice Limit ” to starboard and the three Great Capes to port before making their way to the finish line. “The Antarctic Region” and the “Ice Limit” will be defined in the Sailing Instructions.

How long will it take?

A circumnavigation by the three great capes is approximately 26,000 Nautical Miles long. Because the Event admits boats that are widely different in design and performance,  the faster boats are expected to take around 140 days  to complete the circumnavigation whilst  the slower ones could take in excess of 200 days .

global challenge yacht race 2023

When will it take place?

The Event will start in September 2023 with the  first group  of smaller and slower boats setting of on Saturday 2nd September 2023 at 1300 UTC.

The  last group  of fast boats will set off a whole 8 weeks later on October 28th 2023 at 1300 UTC.

Where will the start and finish be?

Marina Coruña , A Coruña, Spain will be the host port for the start of the Global Solo Challenge 2023.

Located in the  stunning  independent municipality of Galicia, A Coruña and its principal marina will provide the perfect venue for the GSC 2023. From a nautical point of view, the geographical location of  A Coruña is ideal  for both the start and the finish of a traditional East-About round the world sailing event.

Entrants will start the event from the protected bay waters of Ria da Coruña. After rounding the peninsula of Montealto, where the iconic Tower of Hercules is located, they will quickly be into the prevailing  trade winds , passing Cape Finisterre prior to their descent of the Atlantic.

Awe-inspiring scenery , the  historic   city  of A Coruña,  stunning local beaches  and Galician food and  hospitality  will provide a  unique experience  and backdrop for the families, friends and well-wishers of the GSC entrants. As the entrants tackle the final days of their circumnavigation, the weather systems of the North Atlantic, typically a train of depressions to the north and the Azores high pressure area to the West, conspire to make Galicia in general and A Coruña in particular, a natural point of arrival.

In round-the-world sailing events the first possibility of rescue following an incident often comes from another competitor in the same event. Therefore, an important safety benefit in staggering the starts is that the fleet should close together as it approaches the infamous southern Pacific point Nemo and the highly challenging passage of Cape Horn.

Each boat entering the Event must satisfy the Global Solo Challenge Regulations, which are based on the established best practices set out by World Sailing in their Offshore Special Regulation for Category Zero Events.  These are Trans-oceanic events which pass through areas in which air or sea temperatures are likely to be less than 5°C (41°F) and where boats must be completely self-sufficient for very extended periods of time, capable of withstanding heavy storms and prepared to meet serious emergencies without the expectation of outside assistance.

Boats are therefore likely to require some modifications to meet the Regulations.

global challenge yacht race 2023

A fantastic personal adventure, but risks should be mitigated

For each Skipper the Global Solo Challenge will be a fantastic personal adventure. But is not to be undertaken lightly.

Each participant must carefully consider if this Event is right for them.

Skippers participate in the Event at their own risk and peril and on their own responsibility. The Global Solo Challenge Regulations and event provide a framework that skippers can build on to implement strategies to mitigate the risks that exist in attempting a circumnavigation. They will be called to make thoughtful judgement in difficult situations and sound choices in challenging circumstances.

Hoping for the best cannot be a strategy, and only careful planning for the worst can yield success. Skippers will have to remain lucid, realistic and pragmatic as to the decision whether or not to depart and to continue. This event is not for everyone.

The Organisers plan to offer training modules, seminars and online resources to aid the skippers in preparing for a safe navigation.

The spirit of the Event

Pure competition is unlikely to be the only motivating factor behind entries in this event.

The Global Solo Challenge bridges the gap between high-budget, professional events and the very human, yet common, dream of a single-handed circumnavigation.

The intention is to keep this a sailor’s event, where camaraderie among entrants will produce lifelong friendships; where the sharing of the preparation and navigation will bring people together.

Many of our enquirers have long dreamed of setting off single-handed around the world. They can now do so single-handed, but not alone.

As part of this unique event they can share their personal challenge with other sailors.

As a sailor once famously said, on being asked why he sailed single-handed: “ I do it for the company ”.

Who are the Organisers and what is their experience?

global challenge yacht race 2023

Event Director

Marco Nannini  is a sailor, writer and consultant in marketing and communication with a financial background.

“ I know the commitment it takes to undertake a round the world sailing project. I experienced the sense of achievement it brings and the sacrifice it takes. I never underestimated the risks involved, i learnt the importance of mitigating and managing them. I wish to provide a safe and budget friendly event to achieve a dream that many sailors have. “

Gregory Debord – Sailing

Professional boat builder, carpenter, designer, engineering of sailing and motor yachts  for more than 20 years in the Arcachon basin in France.

global challenge yacht race 2023

Peter Kropotkin – ICT

CTO of Prime Consulting Peter has extensive experience in website building, social media management, online advert-isement, SEM, SEO.

Margherita Pelaschier – Media

Copywriter, SEO consultant and sailor. She has worked on events such as the LV Cup and  America’s Cup.

The Event, its name, logo, website, social media pages and all their content are the sole property of Marco Nannini LTD. All rights, title, intellectual property, Copyright, contractual and other entitlements of and relating to the Event, its name, logo, website, social media pages and all their content, vest in and are retained by Marco Nannini LTD.

more info globalsolochallenge.com

Photo of YachtBoatNews


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We believe in humans

That’s why we took part in the most human-centered regatta ever, the ocean globe race 2023, and we are now racing in the pacific cup 2024 ..

The route map

We produce great translations by combining human creativity with artificial intelligence. We believe that, by teaming up with great people with deeply held values and attitudes, we can overcome any challenge.

To celebrate this, Marco Trombetti, Translated’s CEO and founder, came up with an idea: to participate, as a true outsider, together with an amazing crew of both professionals and non-professionals, in the Ocean Globe Race 2023. The OGR commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the Whitbread Round the World Race, the most human and adventurous regatta ever. From September 2023 to April 2024, our sailboat Translated 9 will take on this extreme challenge, which is only open to boats that competed in one of the first three editions (1973-77-81).

No GPS and no electronic maps – just a sextant and stargazing to guide them on their way. No communication with the world during the journey – just resilience, empathy, and creativity in the face of the unexpected.

global challenge yacht race 2023

We Never Give Up

Translated 9 achieved a stellar triumph during the first and second Leg of the Ocean Globe Race. In these two Legs, Translated 9 demonstrated unparalleled skills, securing 1st position in IRC and the Flyer Class in Leg 1 and 2, and Line Honors in Leg 2. Despite being the fifth slowest boat in the fleet, Translated 9 led in IRC, potentially competing for Line Honors, and maintained dominance in the Flyer Class. The crew, led by co-skippers Marco Trombetti and Vittorio Malingri, exhibited resilience and strategic brilliance while navigating the treacherous Southern Indian Ocean, reaching the remarkable speed of 22.4 knots. The crew's dedication and teamwork, evident in their collective effort, significantly contributed to the resounding success of Translated 9 in these two Legs. In the third Leg, Marco Trombetti continued the challenge with co-skipper Simon Curwen, demonstrating unwavering determination and seamanship.

In a remarkable display of resilience and innovation, the Translated 9’s crew has overcome significant adversity after a forced withdrawal in the Falkland Islands, due to two breaches in the hull discovered after rounding Cape Horn. The crew managed to repair the boat and came back to the race, fully prepared and eager to tackle Leg 4 aiming at another victory. Marco Trombetti appointed Nico Malingri as co-skipper of the Translated 9 adventure joining co-skippers Vittorio Malingri, Simon Curwen, and Marco himself.

While leading the final Leg of the Ocean Globe Race, Translated 9 had to stop in Madeira (Portugal) after the crew discovered water in the hull, which we now know was due to a breach. This emergency necessitated a detour to ensure everyone's safety, forcing the crew to stop in Madeira for further repairs. After securing the boat, the crew set sail to finish the regatta.

On May 3, 2024 the crew of Translated 9 arrived at Cowes (UK), successfully completing the Ocean Globe Race 2023 and demonstrating the commitment that has distinguished us from the start.

Winning the first two legs and dominating the subsequent two until sustaining hull damage, and managing to restart twice, Translated 9 provided everyone with unique emotional experiences and demonstrated the value of determination and resilience.

Translated 9 in San Francisco

We are inviting our friends to experience what sailing around the world is. No prior sailing experience is needed. We want to prove that with courage, determination, and resilience, you can achieve anything.

The training sessions will be led by Paul Cayard , a 7-time world champion and 7-time America’s Cup competitor, who has twice circumnavigated the globe, and became the first American to win the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1998.

If you want to experience Translated 9 in San Francisco send an email at [email protected]

global challenge yacht race 2023

McMichael Yacht Yards & Brokers

  • McMichael News
  • 2023 Global Solo Challenge...

global challenge yacht race 2023

2023 Global Solo Challenge – Cole Brauer

By Brett Lyall | McMichael Yacht Brokers 

After winning the 2023 Bermuda One-Two at just 29 years old, Cole Brauer is back on the open ocean. She is one of five Americans on the roster of 20 skippers competing in the 2023 Global Solo Challenge. She is the only female sailor in the fleet, and if successful, she will be the first American woman to have raced solo around the globe.

As Cole said,  "I don't notice myself being any different than the other competitors. There's no gender when you're alone on the ocean. You're just a sailor who's out there, who has to make it work." 

After departing A Coruna, she's not just 'making it work' in this high-stakes pursuit race but catching the boats who started before her and putting distance on the boats behind. She recently posted a new 24-hour 'best distance' run since the start of the GSC covering 265 Nautical Miles. Join me in supporting Cole, and the rest of the competitors, as they race solo around the world.

To follow the race tracker, go to -   globalsolochallenge.com/tracking

To learn more about Cole's story, check out this article -  https://www.windcheckmagazine.com/article/cole-brauer/

Position Title:  Service Advisor

Position Type:  Full-time / Part Time

Reports to:  Sales Manager

Job Description and Summary: In this position you will be responsible for providing support to the Service Writer, Service Team, and Customers. Responsibilities include working with the customer to get the information required to perform the work on the boat, following through to make sure the work is completed correctly and in a timely manner.

  • Assist Service Writer in day-to-day operations, including scheduling and distribution of work for technicians and yard team, utilizing DockMaster and other tools as required to generate and manage work orders.
  • Communicate with customers by phone, email an text to determine needs, providing clear and precise instructions on the work order for the technician.
  • Answer incoming calls and emails in a professional manner, returning all customer calls and emails prior to close of business each day.
  • Promote the sale of additional labor services, part and accessories in a professional manner for each customer.
  • Obtain Customer approvals for work order, and collect payment for work prior to releasing customer boat. In the event the repair cost is unknown initially, obtain customer approval on work order to diagnose issues, and then contact customer with estimate for repairs as soon as determined, and obtain approval.
  • Review and input technician timesheets into DockMaster.
  • Inspect quality of work performed as required, prior to delivery to the customer.
  • Communicate with the customer during repairs and coordinate customer pick-up.
  • Finalize and invoice work orders.
  • Provide prompt, detailed and timely flow of all paperwork.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Key Results Areas:

  • Effective communication with the customer
  • Accurate and timely invoices
  • Accurate and organized service repair orders
  • Minimize aging accounts receivable, timely completion of open work orders


  • Pay commensurate with experience
  • Paid Vacation and Holidays
  • Health Insurance
  • Retirement Program
  • Continuing Education

Experience Level:   1-3 years preferred, or similar industry background

1-3 years preferred

Salary and Benefits:  $45 – 55k, Medical, 401K

Email: [email protected]

Position Title:  Sales Meeting Setter Position Type:  Full-time / Part Time

Job Description and Summary: In this position you will work alongside the McMichael Sales Team to set web meetings, conference calls and boat viewings for the sales team. You will work with an experienced team that specializes in premium racing and sailing yachts, as well as high-performance inboard and outboard day and cruising power yachts. You will work with an existing client database. You will cultivate ongoing communication with our clients and their families that demonstrate the highest degree of professionalism for the McMichael brand.

Core Skills:

  • Effective and professional phone communication skills
  • Prospect farming
  • Active listening
  • Influencing with content through digital and social media tools
  • Coordinating meeting schedules with Sales Consultants and prospects
  • Strong communication skills, verbal and written
  • Ability to work collaboratively with other team members


  • Call boaters to set web or phone meetings for Sales Consultants
  • Send emails to prospects for the purpose of setting meetings
  • Send texts to prospects with meeting request

The ideal candidate is someone who can consistently and persistently communicate and send reach out messages to boaters in a professional manner to set meetings. This position is ideal for a recent college graduate or someone going to school part-time.

Experience Level:  0-2 Years in Sales

Salary and Benefits:  $40 – 60k, Medical, 401K

Email: [email protected]

Brett Lyall A lifelong, passionate boater, Brett brings 26 years of sailing and 18 years of powerboat knowledge to the McMichael team. His background includes Environmental engineering and consulting, along with 7 years of sales and marketing experience in the luxury market. In addition to being an avid fisherman, surfer, and scuba diver, he is a sailing coach and has crewed extensively offshore on a variety of boats from J109, J105, J99 and 112E to a Gunboat 57. His knowledge of all things boating related is second only to his reputation for exceptional customer service and professionalism.

Doug Conner Doug’s life-long love of all things nautical naturally led him to pursue a career in luxury yacht brokerage. His professional background in sales and marketing, combined with his overall experience in and passion for the yachting industry, makes him a valuable asset to his clients for sail and power boats. Doug is committed to providing his clients with honest, professional, knowledgeable, and personal service.

Myles McQuone Myles is a licensed captain from age 18. He is a third Generation Merchant Mariner, operating boats runs deep in his family. Myles has held multiple roles within the marine industry between Marine Towing and Salvage, Marine Technician and Marine Service Manager. Myles’ focus has always had the customers best interest in mind; expect the same attention while consulting with Myles.

Ethan Morawski Ethan grew up in Fairfield CT and has been sailing for 13 years and powerboating for 10 years all over Long Island Sound. He has worked in the marine industry since High School and has an excellent reputation for superb customer service, seamanship, and attention to details. He is a graduate of Bryant University in RI.

Position Title: Boat Yard Crew Member Position Type: Full-time Experience level:  2-3 years preferred

Reports to: Service Manager

Job Description and Summary: In this position you will work alongside a team of supportive and experienced marine industry professionals. Your primary role will be to support the efficient daily operations of the McMichael yacht yard and the satisfaction of our customers.

This will include a variety of functions and tasks including basic property maintenance, launch and recovery of boats, cleaning, crane and forklift operations, blocking boats, and winter storage and other relevant duties as assigned.

  • Ability to clearly understand instructions and complete tasks accordingly
  • Mechanically inclined
  • Able to lift and reposition equipment, tools, and materials
  • Basic boat operations – power and sail (will train)
  • Focus on customer satisfaction
  • Proactive mindset
  • Able to work unsupervised
  • Ability to collaboratively work well with other team members
  • Support of daily operations
  • Support clients boating activities, prepping boats, fueling, etc.
  • Safe operation of company vehicles, forklifts, and equipment, including trailer handling
  • Haul, block and launch boats
  • Boat cleaning and detailing
  • Bottom paint and waxing boats
  • Dock and marina area maintenance
  • Shrink wrapping
  • Repositioning boats

The ideal candidate is someone who will enjoy the nautical environment of the boatyard, which includes being around boats and being on the water. They will have at least two to three years of experience at a previous boat yard or yacht club. Their background will include a familiarity with boats. They will be someone who enjoys the boating lifestyle and enjoys working outdoors. They value working in a team and being part of a family-owned organization an enhancing part of the local community. We encourage you to apply if you do not have the experience but are dedicated to building a career in the marine industry.

What does a typical workday look like? A typical morning could involve arriving and immediately removing covers, prepping several boats to be launched and readied for use by their clients. You could find yourself assisting with changing a large tire on a trailer or rigging and craning a boat onto a truck for transportation. Daily activities will also include basic maintenance of the boatyard facilities which includes painting, building repair, emptying garbage, and cleaning, as well as assisting technicians with boat maintenance.

Salary range: $15 – $30


Position Title: Fiberglass / GelCoat Technician Position Type: Full-time Experience level:  2-3 years preferred

Job Description and Summary: In this position you will work alongside a team of supportive and experienced marine industry professionals. Your primary role will be fiberglass and gel-coat repair work on sailboats and powerboats. The fiberglass work will include everything from small parts repair to structural repair and rebuilds. The gelcoat work will be similarly inclusive and will also involve spaying hull bottoms and topsides with boat bottom paint and gelcoat.

  • Working with vinylester, polyester, and epoxy resins
  • Experience working with various coring materials
  • Knowledge of gelcoat matching and application
  • Cutting, grinding and finish sanding
  • Visually spot imperfections in all parts
  • Use of buffers, DA’s, pencil grinders etc.
  • Finish buffing and polishing
  • Exceptional paint rolling and spraying finishing
  • Proactive mindset and able to work unsupervised
  • Complete fiberglass and composite repair work to the highest possible standards
  • Spray gelcoat, clear coat, and metal flake consistently and evenly to desired thickness
  • Getting the customer back on the water with a safe operating boat
  • Ensuring all repair work structurally and visually exceeds expectations
  • Lifting heaving objects
  • Assisting the entire service teams with various tasks

The ideal candidate is someone who will enjoy the nautical environment of the boatyard, which includes being around boats and being on the water. They will have at least two to three years of experience in fiberglass and composites fabrication or repair as well as experience with painting and gelcoat work or similar skill sets. Their background will include a familiarity with boats and enjoy delivering exceptional finish work. They will be someone who appreciates the boating lifestyle and working sail and powerboats. We are looking for a person who values working in a team and being part of a family-owned organization that is a respected part of the local community.

Salary and benefits: $50 – 70k, Medical, 401K

Position Title: Marine Service Mechanic Position Type: Full-time Experience level:  2-3 years preferred. Certifications Preferred. Equal skills and high motivation also accepted.

Job Description and Summary: In this position you will work alongside a team of supportive and experienced marine industry professionals. Your primary role will be engine maintenance and repairs for both gas and diesel engine systems as well as service and repair work on a variety of other boat system. A large part of this position will include troubleshooting, engine and drive preventative maintenance, emergency repairs at the yard or at the location of the boat needing service. You will be working on inboard and outboard systems and interacting and communicating with our boaters, so a focus on customer service is an important skill. Certification not initial required but is a plus.

  • Effective and knowledgeable mechanic
  • Problem solving – engines, drives, control systems and electrical
  • Mechanical and electrical troubleshooting
  • Engine rebuilds, 12v DC systems, machining work
  • Gas and diesel engine/generator operations
  • Wiring and soldering
  • Performing maintenance and repairs safely and quickly
  • Have your own set of tools
  • Performing functionality checks on engines and systems
  • Basic boat operations

The ideal candidate is someone who will enjoy the nautical environment of the boatyard, which includes being around boats and being on the water. They will have at least two to three years of experience as a marine service technician, automotive mechanic, Gen Tech, or similar skill sets. Their background will include a familiarity with boats and enjoy solving mechanical and systems issues. They will be someone who enjoys the boating lifestyle and working outdoors. They value working in a team and being part of a family-owned organization an enhancing part of the local community. We encourage you to apply if you do not have the experience but are dedicated to building a career in the marine service industry.

Salary and benefits: $60 – 80k, Medical, 401K

Position Title: Yacht Sales Consultant Position Type: Full-time Experience level:  2-3 years preferred

Reports to: Sales Manager

Job Description and Summary: In this position you will work alongside the McMichael Sales Team to consult with our client boaters, guiding them to find and purchase the best yacht for their modern boating needs. You will work with an experienced team that specializes in premium racing and sailing yachts, as well as high-performance inboard and outboard day and cruising power yachts. You will work with existing clients as well as being responsible for identifying, nurturing, and closing new clients. You will cultivate relationships with our clients and their families that demonstrate the highest degree of professionalism for the McMichael brand. You will be supported by the team to help you locate, acquire, and nurture prospective new client boaters. You will be a part of a sales and service team that caters to the all-encompassing boating needs of the McMichael community of boaters.

  • Conveying key features and distinguishing selling points of a given boat model
  • Ability to close high-value sales from $500k – $3M
  • Excellent negotiating skills
  • Consulting with and guiding clients effectively
  • Proactive mindset that fosters successful unsupervised work
  • Close deals on new yacht sales
  • Deliver world class service in the form of professionalism, knowledge, and customer service
  • Acquire and develop prospects into leads, then into new boat sales
  • Attend boat shows and events to meet with and engage boaters
  • Use digital and social media tools to engage with boaters
  • Secure used boat listings
  • Close used boat sales
  • Guide boaters through the research, selection, specification, closing, delivery, and commissioning process
  • Work with the Sales Team to constantly increase brand and model knowledge
  • Influence your client boaters to choose McMichael Yards for their boat servicing and storage needs

The ideal candidate is someone who will enjoy the nautical/boating lifestyle and has grown up around boats. They will have previous experience selling in the corporate environment, in addition to a strong boating background and several years of selling yachts over 30 feet and over $500K. They will be an excellent communicator who is able to convey information clearly and concisely. They will be motivated to constantly learn more and achieve more regarding new boats and sales goals. They will be a person who can collaborate with all the members of the sales team to find creative solutions to barriers and issues.

Experience Level Experienced as a sail or power boater or similar industry background 2-3 years preferred

Salary and benefits: Base of $50 – $70k, commissions, Medical, 401K

John Glynn John brings to McMichael more than three decades of sailing, boating and sales experience. In addition to his time at BEYC, Glynn’s resume includes years as an Associate Editor (and Contributing Editor) for Sailing World magazine, where he was part of the team that created both the “Boat of the Year” awards and the NOOD Regattas. Over the years he has raced aboard C&C 40s, New York 36s, J/35s, Express 37s and Farr 40s, as well as his own J/30 and Soverel 33 Grey Seal. He boats with his family out of Captain Harbor in Greenwich, CT.

“John brings a wealth of experience as a racer, boat owner and industry professional,” said Michael Beers, McMichael Sales Manager. “He will be a fantastic resource for his clients in buying and selling boats. We’re proud to have him on our team, and his background will help us continue to fulfill our motto, ‘Experience Counts!’”

“I’ve been fortunate enough to spend my career in and around the sailing and boating community, enabling me to love the various jobs I’ve held,” said Glynn. “In joining McMichael Yacht Brokers I’ve found another fresh, new outlet from which to apply my knowledge of and passion for yachting. Moreover, I’m able to do that while working in the company of some of the finest yacht brokers in the business. It is my hope to bring to my brokerage customers a sense of confidence and satisfaction as they make yacht transactions, both from the buyer’s and seller’s sides.”

Cameron Campbell Cameron has been boating his entire life, starting as a toddler on Great South Bay on Long Island. He grew up in Connecticut and spent every summer on Long Island Sound. In college he was a member of the University of Rhode Island Sailing Team and also ran operations at the URI Waterfront Center. After college he was an ASA Sailing Instructor at the New York Sailing School on City Island and then for Olympic Circle Sailing on San Francisco Bay. He participated in many regattas on both coasts in both small and large boats. He owned a Sabre for many years which he cruised from Annapolis to Maine. Cameron also has experience with power boats ranging from center consoles though larger cruisers.

Cameron has been working with clients preparing for Bermuda races, extensive blue water cruising, and many that are new to boating.

Rick Fleig Rick grew up on Long Island spending many years sailing on the Sound in everything from J/22′s to J/105′s, Custom C&C 41′s and many other boats, competing in all the major Northeast events. This experience and passion for sailing led him on a path to sail in the 1987 America’s Cup in Perth, Australia with both the Courageous and USA Syndicates. He has sailed in many major international regattas, including the Swan World Championships in Sardinia, the World 6 Meter Championships in Portofino, Italy, and several Newport Bermuda races.

Rick combines his extensive sailing background with both the marine and sports industry, having worked as a regional sales manager at SunfishLaser and Vanguard Sailboats, and prior to that as a regional sales representative with sporting goods giant Nike. He believes that building relationships and understanding the clients’ needs are essential in helping customers have a great experience with their boats. He works out of the McMichael Yacht Broker’s Newport office at the Newport Shipyard.

Rick resides in Portsmouth, RI, with his family, having fallen in love with the Newport area during his many sailing events there. He recently retired as the director/coach of the Portsmouth High School Sailing Team after many years, and along with his wife, Carline, now enjoys his time proudly following their youngest son, Tyler, who just finished his second year at the US Naval Academy. Tyler is a very accomplished sailor himself, and a member of the nationally ranked USNA dinghy sailing team. Rick is a member of Sail Newport and can be seen racing many weeknights and weekends in all the local events in a variety of boats.

Michael Beers Michael is a licensed captain and active racer who began his sailing career in Boston on the Charles River. As someone who did not grow up sailing, he especially enjoys introducing new boaters to the sport. Michael has a proven track record of working tirelessly for his clients, and enjoys working directly with buyers to identify the best possible “next boat” from the many options available. He is an active racer, recently racing in the J/70 fleet at Quantum Key West Race Week and aboard the J/130 Dragonly in the 2012 Newport Bermuda Race.

Prior to joining McMichael in 2007, he captained the 80′ schooner Adirondack II in Newport, RI and was an instructor at Offshore Sailing. In his free time, he enjoys cruising his Sabre.

Todd Williams Todd started sailing on his family’s cruising boat before his memory serves. His love of racing was cultivated through sailing Blue Jays and Lasers in Pequot Yacht Club’s junior program.  Since then he has actively raced in the J105 fleet, J109 fleet, and helped form the J122 class. He also developed and helped launch the LIS IRC 35 class.  Todd is an experienced distance sailor and was involved with winning the Vineyard race class and IRC overall aboard the J122 Partnership.  

Todd enjoys using his extensive knowledge of boating to find his clients the boat that best suits their needs.  He is dedicated to providing the best possible service to all his customers.  Todd can often be found racing with clients and helping them build their racing programs. Through the years, he has custom built many J/Boats, Alerions, and MJM power boats for clients, many of whom he now considers personal friends.

During the winter season you may spot the Williams family on the slopes at Okemo where they have a ski house.

Andy Kaplan Starting October 4, Andrew (Andy) Kaplan has joined the brokerage team at McMichael Yacht Yards & Brokers. The addition increases the McMichael roster to seven full-time yacht brokers serving customers up and down the east coast with a concentration on the Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay. He will work primarily out of the McMichael Mamaroneck, NY, office as well as Martha’s Vineyard.

“Andy is bringing to McMichael a lifetime of experience in sail and power boating with a keen focus in the sailboat racing world,” said McMichael President Steve Leicht. “His broad familiarity with offshore and one-design sailboats combined with his powerboating experience makes him an ideal addition to our brokerage team.”

Kaplan spent the majority of his career in finance including helping create the Quattro Global Capital, LLC where he was a principal and head of operation and marketing. “I believe that my financial sales and management experience is a great asset as I transition to yacht brokerage,” noted Kaplan. “While they are different industries, to succeed in either you need similar disciplines when matching buyers with the right product. That’s what creates and maintains long term customer relationships.”

Kaplan grew-up in Mamaroneck and has been a member of the Larchmont Yacht Club for over 30 years where he has been active in the Club’s leadership. He lives in New Rochelle, NY, and on Martha’s Vineyard, MA.

Huntington Beach city clerk race heats up

Regina Blankenhorn, left, and Lisa Lane Barnes, right, are the two candidates for the office of Huntington Beach city clerk.

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For the first time in more than eight years, Huntington Beach voters will seat a new city clerk when the general election is held in November.

Current City Clerk Robin Estanislau is retiring, and two candidates — Regina Blankenhorn and Lisa Lane Barnes — are vying for a four-year term.

The first couple of weeks of the campaign have already proven contentious.

Barnes hired an attorney to challenge Blankenhorn’s ballot designation of “city executive coordinator.” Her team argued that this was misleading, since Blankenhorn held that position in the city of Tustin — not in Huntington Beach.

“The ballot designation is very important, and when you use the word ‘city’ … it implies that you work in that city,” Barnes said. “Your ballot designation cannot be misleading, and that is misleading.”

The issue did not require litigation. On Monday, Estanislau agreed to reject Blankenhorn’s initial ballot designation and change it to her second alternative “municipal executive coordinator.”

Blankenhorn said she respected the decision.

“Executive coordinator is my job title, and I work for a city,” she said. “I thought it made sense. They said it was misleading, that people would think I was appointed to something or that I worked in Huntington Beach. I was like, everyone Googled me already and found out I worked for Tustin.”

Lisa Lane Barnes is currently a member of Huntington Beach's Community and Library Services Commission.

For the record, Barnes’ ballot designation lists her as “businesswoman/Huntington Beach commissioner.”

Blankenhorn has been an executive coordinator for Tustin for 11 years, providing support to its city manager and city council in their dealings with the public and outside agencies, including media, while ensuring that policies and procedures are adhered to by the council.

A 25-year resident of Huntington Beach, she was previously an instructor in the Coastline Regional Occupational Program. She’s currently the chairperson for the Enterprise Corp. for the Coast Community College District, a for-profit corporation that operates the swap meets at Orange Coast and Golden West colleges.

Blankenhorn, who said she was listed as No Party Preference for years before recently registering as a Democrat, believes her experience in municipal government sets her apart.

“I want to make sure that a person who’s in there is experienced, because that person is going to be a department head and they’re going to have to lead that department and staff,” she said. “It’s not just a matter of conducting city council meetings. The city clerk is the elections official, and they’re also the records keeper.”

Among Blankenhorn’s endorsements are the city clerk of Laguna Beach, Ann Marie McKay.

Blankenhorn said that when she found out that Barnes was the only one running at the time, she decided to throw her hat in the ring.

“I didn’t know her name,” Blankenhorn said. “I just knew someone was running that was a Realtor in town and had absolutely no municipal government experience. I thought that was wrong. As a resident myself, I would not want to have an inexperienced person in that position. So that’s why I decided to run.”

Regina Blankenhorn was an ROP teacher before landing her current position working for the city of Tustin.

Barnes countered that she directly serves the City Council in her current role as a Community and Library Services Commissioner , a position to which she was appointed by Councilman Tony Strickland in 2022.

Her background is is business. She said she previously worked for a global chemical manufacturing company before settling in as a local real estate agent two years ago.

“It’s always been one of my goals to be deeply involved with my community,” said Barnes, who has lived in Huntington Beach for a dozen years. “When I was working corporately, I did a lot of travel, and that really prohibited spending as much time as I would like to within our community. When that changed and I became a Realtor, it was a great opportunity for me to really anchor myself in the city and just become involved.”

She sees becoming the city clerk as an extension of that. As to Blankenhorn’s contention that she is unqualified, she noted that she’s proud to be on a commission that advises the City Council on what to do with Huntington Beach’s 78 parks, five libraries and one golf course.

Barnes said she has conservative values. She has endorsements from the Republican Party of Orange County, Mayor Gracey Van Der Mark, Mayor Pro Tem Pat Burns, City Atty. Michael Gates and state Sen. Janet Nguyen, whose District 36 includes Huntington Beach.

“I’m embedded in the fabric of this community,” Barnes said. “I’ve never met [Blankenhorn], I’ve never seen her at a City Council meeting. I’ve never seen her at a city event in Huntington Beach, because she’s in Tustin.”

Huntington Beach City Clerk Robin Estanislau is retiring after eight years in her role.

As the conductor of municipal elections, the city clerk could see increased importance in Surf City in future years.

In March, Huntington Beach voters approved Measure A , which means the city could require voter identification, provide more in-person voting locations and monitor ballot drop-boxes starting in 2026. Weeks later, California Atty. General Rob Bonta and Secretary of State Shirley Weber filed a lawsuit in Orange County Superior Court , arguing that Measure A was illegal and preempted by state law.

Blankenhorn said she’d be ready to go on day one if elected.

“When I don’t know something, I’m going to have my staff to help me, guide me and direct me,” she said. “And I’ll have other city clerks that I can turn to. I know city clerks.”

Barnes also believes she is qualified, adding that the livelihood and well-being of the community were important to her.

“When I became involved, I loved it,” she said. “I absolutely loved it, and I wanted to do more for our community … I believe I am the best candidate.”

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Matt Szabo is a sports reporter for the Daily Pilot. A Southern California native and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo graduate, he has been covering sports for L.A. Times Community News since 2006, most extensively water polo and tennis. (714) 966-4614

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Latest News: 2023 McIntyre Ocean Globe Prize giving!

days hrs mins secs

× The start/finish home port and prologue port will be announced soon.

Starting in Southampton in September 2023, the OGR is a 27,000-mile sprint around the globe, spread across four legs, taking in the Southern Ocean and the three Great Capes.

Stopovers will include Cape Town, Auckland and Punta del Este, before finishing back in the UK in April 2024.

To win the OGR challenge is to be first in class or handicap overall winner. In the spirit of adventure, the event will be sailed under International Collision Regulations.

  • FIRST LEG: Start 10 September 2023. 7800 miles. First boats finish 9-21 October 2023.
  • SECOND LEG: Start 5 November 2023. 7250 miles. First boats finish 14-23 December 2023.
  • THIRD LEG: Start 14 January 2024. 6200 miles. First boats finish 9-18 February 2024.
  • FOURTH LEG: Start 5 March. 6550 miles. Finish 1-10 April 2024.

Race Start: Ocean Village Marina, Southampton UK

Ocean Village Southampton

By hosting the start of this retro edition of the historic race at our Ocean Village Marina, we’re hoping to recreate the jubilant atmosphere of the early races, welcoming crowds of supporters, capturing the imagination of visitors and inspiring the next generation of round the world sailors. Tim Mayer, MDL Marinas

Visit Ocean Village Marina

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town Waterfront

Visit Cape Town Waterfront

Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland City

It is truly fitting that Auckland would host the race's third stopover in 2023. We look forward to formalising this arrangement in the coming weeks with the Ocean Globe Race organisers. Chris Simpson, Head of Major Events, Tātaki Auckland

Visit Auckland

Punta del Este, Uruguay

Yacht Club Punta del Este

The Yacht Club Punta del Este is thrilled to welcome the Ocean Globe Race. We look forward to working with OGR's fantastic team and receiving the intrepid sailors whose courage and determination keep the spirit of the Whitbread alive. Juan Etcheverrito, Commodore of Yacht Club Punta del Este

Yacht Club Punta del Este

Race Overview

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Siemens’ Digital Twin technology gives Orient Express Racing Team & K-Challenge the edge for America’s Cup

Orient Express Racing Team, the French Challenger for the 37th America’s Cup, uses Siemens Xcelerator software to create a digital twin to simulate hydraulics and aeronautic systems of the yacht in the water through virtual and immersive experiences (Image credit: Martin Keruzoré / Orient Express Racing Team)

Orient Express Racing Team uses Siemens Xcelerator software to create a digital twin to simulate hydraulics and aeronautic systems of the yacht in the water through virtual and immersive experiences while preparing for the America’s Cup (Image credit: Alexander Champy-McLean / Orient Express Racing Team)

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The Global Solo Challenge begins, looking ahead at the Ocean Globe Race

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The Republican Plan to Challenge a Harris Victory

How a right-wing takeover of an obscure, unelected board in georgia could swing the election..

Hosted by Michael Barbaro

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At the Democratic National Convention, party officials are celebrating polls showing that Kamala Harris is now competitive with Donald Trump in every major swing state across the country.

But in one of those swing states, Republicans have laid the groundwork to challenge a potential Harris victory this fall, by taking over an obscure, unelected board.

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On today’s episode

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Nick Corasaniti , a reporter covering national politics for The New York Times.

A white folding sign with an American flag and the words "vote here."

Background reading

The unelected body that shapes voting rules in Georgia has a new conservative majority, whose members question the state’s 2020 results. They now have new power to influence the results in 2024 .

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are in close races across Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina , crucial swing states that Mr. Trump had seemed poised to run away with.

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Fact-checking by Susan Lee .

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Nick Corasaniti is a Times reporter covering national politics, with a focus on voting and elections. More about Nick Corasaniti



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