
Luxusyachten mit Crew

Luxusyachten mit crew für ihren charterurlaub.

Das ultimative Urlaubserlebnis: Ferien an Bord einer luxuriöschen Charteryacht mit eienr Crew, die sich um das Schiff und Sie kümmert und Ihnen einen perfekten Service a Bord bietet. Wo auch immer Sie cruisen möchten. In allen wunderschönen Charterdestinationen weltweit. Wir bieten alle Luxus-Charteryachten an:

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  • alle Charter-Destinationen – Mittelmeer, Karibik, Indischer Ozean, Südsee, Atlantik & Pazifik – wo auch immer Sie cruisen möchten

Alle Typen von Luxusyachten: Motoryachten, Segelyachten, Katamarane, Gulets – alle Grössen bis zu Superyachten und Megayachten

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Ein Yachtcharter-Abenteuer zu einigen der begehrtesten Reiseziele der Welt ist ein Traum, der für begeisterte Reisende und Segler gleichermassen wahr wird.

Die Balearen, eingebettet im Mittelmeer, bieten eine harmonische Mischung aus pulsierendem Nachtleben und ruhigen Buchten. Die kroatische Adriaküste verzaubert mit ihren historischen Städten und abgelegenen Ankerplätzen. Korsika und Sardinien bieten raue Landschaften, unberührte Strände und eine reiche mediterrane Kultur.

Griechenlands bezaubernde Inseln locken mit antiker Geschichte, türkisfarbenem Wasser und köstlicher Küche. In der Karibik entdecken Sie ein tropisches Paradies mit endlosen Sandstränden, üppigen Regenwäldern und einer lebhaften lokalen Atmosphäre.

Die Bahamas laden Sie ein, ein atemberaubendes Archipel mit kristallklarem Wasser zu erkunden, das zum Schnorcheln und Tauchen einlädt. Südostasien offenbart ein exotisches Geflecht von Kulturen, von Thailands geschäftigen Märkten bis zu Indonesiens abgeschiedenen Ankerplätzen inmitten unberührter Schönheit.

Diese und viele andere Yachtcharter-Reiseziele versprechen vielfältige und unvergessliche Erlebnisse, ganz gleich, ob Sie Entspannung, Abenteuer oder ein bisschen von beidem suchen. Setzen Sie die Segel zu diesen Paradiesen und schaffen Sie Erinnerungen, die ein Leben lang halten werden.


Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden mit den neuesten Nachrichten und Einblicken aus der Welt des Luxusyachtcharter . Entdecken Sie exklusive Updates zu den neuesten Charterangeboten, innovativen Yachtdesigns und neuen Trends in der Branche. Von Reisezielen und Expertentipps für die Planung Ihres nächsten Yachtcharter-Abenteuers bis hin zu fesselnden Berichten über außergewöhnliche Törns - unsere kuratierten Inhalte halten Sie auf dem Laufenden und inspirieren Sie. Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein erfahrener Segler oder ein Neuling in der Welt des Yachting sind, unsere Beiträge sorgen dafür, dass Sie immer über die schönsten Erlebnisse auf den Weltmeeren auf dem Laufenden sind. Entdecken Sie mit uns die Welt der Luxusyachtcharter, wo jede Neuigkeit eine Reise ist, die darauf wartet, angetreten zu werden.

August 15 2024

Sardinien mit der Yacht erkunden: Ein Paradies für Meeresliebhaber

Sardinien, eine Insel im Herzen des Mittelmeers, ist ein Paradies für Yachtliebhaber, die Sonne, Meer und unvergessliche Erlebnisse suchen.

Juli 15 2024

Entdecken Sie die versteckten Strandjuwelen des Mittelmeers an Bord Ihrer Charteryacht

Ein luxuriöser Yachtcharter im Mittelmeer bietet die perfekte Gelegenheit, einige der atemberaubendsten Strände der Welt zu erkunden, von denen jeder seinen eigenen Charme und Reiz hat.

Juni 15 2024

Erleben Sie Luxus auf Cloud IX: Ihr Traum-Yachtcharter auf den Balearen

Cloud IX, eine außergewöhnliche Yacht mit Heimathafen in Palma, bietet ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis für alle, die einen wirklich unvergesslichen Yacht Charter in den kristallklaren Gewässern des Mittelmeers verbringen möchten.

Premium-Yachtcharter ist Ihr Portal zu einer unvergleichlichen Welt von Yachtcharterurlauben . Unsere Flotte sorgfältig ausgewählter Charteryachten, die von erfahrenen Crewmitgliedern betreut werden, sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Reise nicht nur eine Reise, sondern ein unvergesslicher Urlaub wird. Lassen Sie sich von opulenten Annehmlichkeiten verwöhnen, genießen Sie die Gourmetküche und tauchen Sie ein in die Schönheit der bezauberndsten Reiseziele der Welt.

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Superyacht being chartered at Ibiza

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Superyacht with Limo Tender

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3,698  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter

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Hotspots Summer 2024

Take a look at all the yachts available in a selection of our favorite summer charter destinations.

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St Tropez yacht charter

from $12,000 p/week

170+ yachts

Amalfi Coast yacht charter

Amalfi Coast

910+ yachts

Ibiza yacht charter

400+ yachts

Mykonos yacht charter

690+ yachts

Sardinia yacht charter

from $9,000 p/week

1070+ yachts

Bahamas yacht charter

from $17,500 p/week

370+ yachts

Monaco yacht charter

from $10,000 p/week

1000+ yachts

Dubrovnik yacht charter

Hotspots Winter 2024/2025

Take a look at all the yachts available in a selection of our favorite winter charter destinations.

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British Virgin Islands yacht charter

British Virgin Islands

from $11,900 p/week

Thailand yacht charter

580+ yachts

Maldives yacht charter

from $25,000 p/week

St Barts yacht charter

380+ yachts

Norway yacht charter

from $21,000 p/week

Tahiti yacht charter

from $31,000 p/week

Seychelles yacht charter

from $322,000 p/week

Mexico yacht charter

from $18,000 p/week

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VIP like a boss: Most expensive clubs in the Mediterranean

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Monaco Yacht Show announces new Sailing Yacht Area

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12 Guests | 7 Cabins  from $390,000 p/week ♦︎

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Charterboote - Suche

zurücksetzen: Schnellsuche

Luxusyacht-Charter - Luxusyachten mieten

Sunreef 70 Power

Luxusyachten und Mega-Yachten zum Mieten

* luxusyacht-charter * exklusiv * mega-yacht * exklusive yachten *.

Länder - Luxusyachten und Mega-Yachten - Charter

Luxusyacht-Charter und exklusive Yachten mieten - Länder

Länder - luxusyachten und mega-yachten - charter, * luxusyacht-charter * exklusive yachten * mega-yacht * exklusiv *.


Burger 105 - Luxury Yacht Charter

Podstrana, Kroatien

INDULGENCE OF POOLE - Luxury Yacht Charter

Cannes, Frankreich

Gulet Lady Gita - Luxury Yacht Charter

Split, Kroatien

Katina - Luxury Yacht Charter

Small cruise ship lupus mare - luxury yacht charter, seadream yacht club - private yacht cruise - exclusive charter.

, Saint Martin

Sunreef 80 - Luxury Yacht Charter

Yacht corsario - luxury yacht charter, finden sie luxusyachten und superyachten, luxusyacht mieten.

Die totale Freiheit während des Urlaubs erleben gelingt am besten mit dem Chartern einer noblen Privatyacht. Sie bestimmen wohin es geht und die erfahrene Crew bringt Sie hin. Heute liegen Sie in einer herrlichen Bucht und morgen fahren Sie stilvoll zu einem pulsierenden Badeort. Luxusyachten sind mit allen Annehmlichkeiten ausgestattet und die freundliche Crew lässt es Ihnen an nichts fehlen. Angesagte Fahrgebiete sind der Mittelmeerbereich und die Karibik. Aber ebenso sind Florida, die Bahamas und Französisch Polynesien sehr beliebt. Lassen Sie sich von unserem Angebot für Luxusyachten begeistern.

Neu auf Superyacht.travel

Private yacht sunseekeer predator 64 capri, sorrento & amalfi.

Sorrento, Italien

Cerri 86 Luxury motoryacht - Capri, Ischia and Amalfi Coast

Capri and amalfi coast luxury charter aicon 72', solstice - luxury yacht charter, baracuda valletta - luxury yacht charter.


ZALIV III - Luxury yacht charter

Athina, Griechenland

RARITY - Luxury yacht charter

Zadar, Kroatien

OHANA - Luxury Yacht Charter Croatia

Postira, Kroatien

YOLO Motor yacht - Luxury Yacht Charter Croatia

Amer 86 lady lona - luxury yacht charter, happy me - luxury yacht charter.

Saint Martin

Star of the Sea Superyacht - Luxury Yacht Charter Caribbean

Port Elizabeth, Saint Vincent und die Grenadinen

SuRi Expedition Yacht Charter


Lamima Sailing Yacht Charter

Hanse explorer - expedition yacht charter, can't find what you're looking for.

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Great service, also last minute requests were taken into account. Highly recommended!

Ms Dolatschko

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Antigua and Barbuda


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Finding and browsing luxury yachts is easy on The Yacht Engine. Simply use our search functionality to explore our extensive collection of yacht listings. Refine your search based on location, boat type, size, and budget to discover the perfect yacht for your charter experience.

Booking a yacht through The Yacht Engine is a seamless process. Once you've found a yacht that captures your interest, we connect you with leading charter brokers who will provide personalised assistance. They will guide you through the booking process, ensuring all your preferences are taken care of, and helping you plan an unforgettable yacht charter.

Absolutely! We prioritise the trust and satisfaction of our users. All the yachts listed on The Yacht Engine undergo a thorough verification process to ensure their authenticity and quality. We also maintain partnerships with respected industry organisations to uphold the highest standards, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your choice.

The Yacht Engine offers a wide range of destinations for yacht charters. From the sparkling Mediterranean to the pictureqsque Caribbean and beyond, our platform covers diverse and sought-after locations worldwide. Whether you have a specific destination in mind or seek inspiration, our extensive network of yachts can cater to your desired cruising grounds.

Many of the yachts listed on The Yacht Engine are fully crewed. Chartering a fully crewed yacht provides you with the ultimate luxury experience, as a professional crew takes care of all aspects of your voyage, from navigation to cooking and cleaning. Indulge in a worry-free charter, with dedicated crew ensuring your comfort and enjoyment throughout.

The pricing structure for luxury yacht charters can vary based on factors such as yacht size, charter duration, and destination. The Yacht Engine provides clear and upfront pricing, ensuring transparancy in the booking process. Additional expenses, such as fuel, provisions, and optional extras, may apply. Your dedicated charter broker will provide detailed information on pricing and help you navigate the options within your budget.

We are committed to providing exceptional support and assistance during your yacht charter. Your dedicated charter broker will be your primary point of contact, available to address any inquiries or concerns you mag have throughout the charter process. They will ensure a smooth experience, providing guidance, arranging any special requests, and ensuring your satisfation with the charter journey.


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Mit Sitz in Zürich, Schweiz, war unser Unternehmen, die erste Reiseplattform, die ein digitales Erlebnis mit individueller und persönlicher Beratung kombinierte. Wir bieten luxuriöse Aufenthalte mit Online-Buchung und maßgeschneidertem 5 Sterne-Service. Mit professioneller Beratung, helfen wir Ihnen auch bei der Auswahl der besten Internate und Privatschulen für Ihr Kind oder finden für Sie bei medizinischen Fragen erstklassige Ärzte, Kliniken und innovative Behandlungsmöglichkeiten.

Im Jahr 2004 sind wir als kleines Unternehmen gestartet und haben uns seitdem zu einer Aktiengesellschaft mit 45 Beratern und Mitarbeiter in allen Unternehmensbereichen entwickelt. Reisen ist unsere große Leidenschaft und um für unsere Kunden ein ganz besonderes Reiseerlebnis zu schaffen, arbeiten wir eng mit Switzerland Tourism und anderen bedeutenden Reiseagenturen zusammen. Sehen Sie sich einfach bei unserer Media Coverage um, um herauszufinden, was wir für Sie tun können!

Auch wenn wir uns stark vergrößert haben, sind unsere Klienten für uns immer noch einzigartig und genauso wichtig wie Freunde und Familie. Sollten Sie in einmal in Zürich sein, dann besuchen Sie uns doch in unserer Unternehmenszentrale – wir würden uns freuen, Ihre individuellen Anliegen bei einer Tasse Kaffee zu besprechen!

Herzliche Grüße,

Peter Zombori

CEO Premium Europe

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The Best Yacht Charters You Can Book Around the World

Whether you’re looking for seven decks of entertainment, a family-friendly trip, or a diving-focused Caribbean voyage, you’ll find it here.

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There are few experiences as luxurious and awe-inspiring as a yacht charter . You can explore the world at your leisure, spend quality time with friends and family in an intimate setting, and the service is second to none. We've rounded up the most exceptional new yacht charters to book around the world. They're sure to inspire your next voyage, whether you want to relax along the Amalfi Coast or explore remote corners of the globe.

In the yachting world, Loon is known for an exceptional array of water toys — perhaps the best in her class. There's a FunAir inflatable slide that goes from the third deck straight into the ocean, an in-water pool, and a luxurious 43-foot Everglades tender. You can hop on paddleboards, sea kayaks, Waverunners, or a Seabob to explore nearby islands and coves.

The adventurous can try kite surfing or Lift e-Foil surfboards, which seems effortless when you watch the crew fly past, but is actually quite challenging. Loon is also a scuba diver's dream. The crew has several master divers and dive instructors who can take you out each morning, and they have all of the equipment you need onboard. They can also certify new divers during the trip.

The 180-foot yacht has a staggering 1,100 gross tons of living space, elegant design, and an amiable and attentive crew. Loon has two master staterooms, including a unique one on the upper deck. It has wraparound windows that offer unparalleled views of the surroundings. There are two salons, including one with recliners and a projector for movie night, plenty of spaces for dining alfresco, and an oversized infinity-edge Jacuzzi with a wet bar nearby. Fancy a workout? Loon has a treadmill, exercise bike, rowing machine, and free weights in the beach club. You'll be hard-pressed to find better workout views than this.

The crew is absolutely lovely and specializes in setting up unique experiences. You might have a pizza night on board, a barbecue on a private beach, or sundowners at the Instagram-famous Loon Bar. The crew will even take you to a picture-perfect sandbar and serve you drinks as you loll in the warm water.

Loon is available for charter from IYC in the Bahamas, Caribbean, and Bermuda during the winter months and in the Mediterranean in the summer months. Rates begin at $325,000 a week plus expenses.

Nansen Explorer

For the ultimate Antarctica adventure, you can't beat a voyage aboard Nansen Explorer . This former research vessel has all of the technical features needed to safely explore one of the world's most remote and dramatic landscapes and, thanks to a retrofit in 2021, an ultra-luxe interior design that wouldn't look out of place in St. Tropez. For exploration, Nansen Explorer has an Ice-1A classed 236-foot hull and an ice-experienced captain and bridge team, which means she can go deeper into the ice than other polar-classed superyachts. There's a heli-deck with onboard fueling capabilities, so you can see the vast landscape from the sky, or even go heli-skiing. There are plenty of toys that allow you to get up close and personal with wildlife and nature, including kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, dive equipment, and Zodiacs.

The interiors are so stylish, modern, and well-appointed that you'll forget you're in the middle of Antarctica rather than at a swanky hotel. The ship originally accommodated 60 passengers, but now it holds just 12 guests in seven cabins, including an owner's suite and a VIP suite. Each cabin has large windows that showcase the stunning vistas outside the ship. The sumptuous Scandanavian-inspired decor features shades of grey and white, which reflect the surrounding environment. There's a cozy lounge with a bar and a fireplace, perfect for warming up after an excursion to see penguins or whales.

Nansen Explorer is available for charter from Plan South America in Antarctica. Rates begin at $340,000 a week and are all-inclusive.

Yachting in French Polynesia is always a blissful experience, but Dardanella takes relaxation to the next level with bespoke, wellness-focused charters planned by onboard wellbeing facilitator Ayumi Gallagher. The wellness experience is all-encompassing, including fresh, detoxifying food, mindfulness workshops, yoga sessions, Pilates, meditation, and massages alongside traditional yacht activities, like diving, surfing, and tender safaris exploring the pristine waters and nature of French Polynesia. The captain is also a qualified marine biologist and ecologist, so he's the perfect person to show you this unique environment. There are two dive instructors, 12 sets of dive gear, a Nitrox dive compressor, and underwater photography equipment, so you can capture the beauty underwater, too. As an expedition yacht, Dardanella is well-suited for exploring remote destinations. The 121-foot yacht was refit in 2018 and has five luxurious cabins.

Dardanella is available for charter from 37south in French Polynesia. Rates begin at $100,000 a week plus expenses.

With seven decks, there's something for everyone aboard Wheels . This massive yet elegant yacht measures 249 feet, weighs almost 2,000 gross tons, and has lots of standout amenities including a spacious cinema for eight guests, a huge aquarium, massage room with a dedicated onboard masseuse, air-conditioned gym, and the main salon converts to a disco complete with lights and a smoke machine for those late-night dance parties. The split-level master suite has panoramic views, a study, and plenty of space, and there are four spacious guest suites on the main deck. Outside, there are plenty of relaxation areas, including sunpads, a hot tub, several dining areas and bars, and an enviable water sports area with two Jet Skis, four wave runners, three seabobs, a luxurious tender, and plenty more toys. The crew is very active and can teach you to wakeboard, kitesurf, sail the new Hobie cat catamaran, or scuba dive. They can also lead yoga and fitness classes.

Wheels is available for charter from Fraser Yachts in the Caribbean. Rates begin at $680,000 a week plus expenses.

Inside the €775,000-a-Week Superyacht That Was the Talk of Monaco Yacht Show

It's not uncommon for yacht charterers to "upgrade" their yachts year after year, chasing newer and bigger boats, which is makes Big Sky 's number of repeat bookings even more impressive. The 157-foot yacht has been a charter favorite since 2010, and she recently underwent a refit leaving her in immaculate condition. Big Sky can accommodate 10 guests in five staterooms, including a full-beam master that spans the width of the yacht, and there's plenty of room onboard to relax, including the main salon with large windows and a state-of-the-art TV system. The sky lounge is perfect for entertaining — it has an onyx bar and sliding windows that make you feel as if you are outside. Of course, if you do want to relax outdoors, there are three teak decks with space for dining and a large sundeck with a Jacuzzi, sun pads, couches, and a bar.

Big Sky is available for charter from Northrop & Johnson in the Bahamas. Rates begin at $180,000 a week plus expenses.

This glamorous new superyacht caused quite a stir when she debuted at the Monaco Yacht Show in September 2021. It's rare for a brand-new superyacht of this size to be available immediately for charter, so book your trip on Tatiana early. This 263-foot yacht can accommodate up to 12 guests, who are guaranteed impeccable service from the 20 crew members. She has a great selection of water accoutrements and a stunning design with a large amount of interior space, including a deck dedicated to the owner's suite. There are also two VIP staterooms, four double cabins, and a twin cabin. While away any rainy days in the movie room or shooting some pool. Tatiana also has a fabulous beach club with a large bathing platform, bar, and outdoor lounge.

Tatiana is available for charter from IYC in the Bahamas, Caribbean, and Bermuda during the winter months and in the Mediterranean in the summer months. Rates begin at €775,000 a week plus expenses.

Nour El Nil Meroe

Step back in time aboard Nour El Nil Meroe , a traditionally inspired Egyptian yacht full of modern amenities and luxurious design. Meroe is available for charter through Black Tomato, a top luxury travel company known for its expertly curated trips with exclusive experiences and a focus on local culture. Meroe is styled like a classic dahabiya boat, with authentic decor featuring whitewashed walls and linens alongside Parisian decor details. The VIP cabins have floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the Nile — we can't think of a more fabulous way to have breakfast in bed — while the other cabins have large windows. The shaded roof terrace has plenty of spots for lounging and dining alfresco, and there's a cheery indoor salon with red-and-white striped decor and cozy couches. On your charter, you'll slowly sail down the Nile River from Luxor to Aswan. You can charter just the yacht voyage or book the Ultimate Egypt trip , which includes adventures on land as well as the yacht charter (think: private tours of the pyramids, exploring temples, or taking a jeep safari around Siwa).

El Nil and the Ultimate Egypt trip can be booked through Black Tomato . Rates begin at $5,800 a person.

The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection

One of 2022's most anticipated travel launches is the new The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection . While this is technically a small-ship cruise, every element has been designed to make you feel as if you are aboard a superyacht. The fleet will ultimately have three custom-built yachts, each with 149 suites. However, in 2022, the collection will launch with their first luxury vessel: Evrima . The suites all have private terraces, which isn't something you can expect aboard even the largest superyacht. And of course, the amenities are incredible. It has a beautiful spa, stunning marina terrace (set up like a yacht beach club), an infinity-edge pool, a large gym, and plenty of entertainment. The dining options are seemingly endless, including the main restaurant, the Evrima Room, S.E.A., which features a menu by acclaimed chef Sven Elverfeld of Aqua, Talaat Nam, a Southeast Asian spot, and several casual options.

The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection's inaugural voyage is set for May 2022 and pricing is dependent on the itinerary. Learn more about the trips here .

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Preise yacht mieten, mittelmeer yachting regionen.



Besucher von KROATIEN sind beeindruckt von der Schönheit dieses Insellandes, das durch eine Kombination aus üppigem Grün, fantastischer Geschichte, zahlreichen UNESCO-Welterbestätten, reicher Kultur und frischer mediterraner Küche räpresentiert. 

Im nahen Kroatien haben Sie die Auswahl zwischen folgenden Charter-Revieren: Süddalmatien, Zentraldalmatien und Norddalmatien. Das meist besuchte Charter-Revier ist Süddalmatien, wo die beliebten Yachthäfen Hvar und Dubrovnik liegen. Die kroatische Küste bietet insbesondere folgende traumhaften Insel-Naturschutzreservate: Kornaten, Telascica, Brjuni und Miljet.



GRIECHENLAND , das Land der Götter, verkörpert leuchtend weisse Häuser, paradiesische Inseln, einsame Buchten und tiefblaues, glasklares Wasser mit viel Sonnenschein und mit griechischen Gaumenfreunden. In Griechenland erwarten Sie auch antike Ruinen und ursprüngliche Fischerhäfen. Abends locken urige Tavernen mit Sirtaki und traditionelle Meze.

Wer im nahen Mittelmeer das einzigartige Panorama mit eigenen Augen sehen will, muss eine Privatyacht mieten/chartern, denn die 13’000 Küstenkilometer und 2’000 Inseln entdeckt man am besten mittels Motoryacht, Segel-Katamaran, Segelyacht oder Segelschiff.







Die TÜRKEI ist ein traumhaftes Yachtcharter-Revier mit mehr Küsten, als jedes andere Land im Mittelmeer. Die Charterdestination erreichen Sie am Besten über Bodrum, welches man auch das ägäische St. Tropez nennt. Oder Sie fliegen nach Dalaman, wo Sie die beliebten Chaterziele Göcek, Fethiye und Marmaris erreichen. 

Das Besondere der türkischen Küste ist, dass Sie viele ruhige und sichere Ankerplätze, in azurblauen Wasser, finden. Das Revier eignet sich ideal für Yachting-Genussreisen. Was uns fasziniert ist die Gastfreundschaft der Einheimischen. Nirgendwo im Mittelmeer finden Sie auf der Yacht eine herzlichere Servicebereitschaft, als in der Türkei.



An der AMALFIKÜSTE sieht Italien aus wie im Farbfilm aus den 50er- und 60er-Jahren. Schon damals zog es den Jetset in den sonnigen Süden Italiens. 

Die Amalfiküste gehört zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe und zählt zu den beeindruckendsten Kultur-Landschaften der Erde: Spektakuläre Steilküsten, kleine Buchten, die Berge im Hintergrund, von denen man atemberaubende Blicke aufs Meer geniesst, wunderbares Essen, kleine urige Fischlokale und natürlich die Gastfreundschaft der Süditaliener.

Europas schönste Küstenstrasse war schon im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert das Sehnsuchtsziel.


Im Sommer ist das MITTELMEER weltweit die beliebteste Charter-Destination. Von Europa aus, haben Sie kurze Anreisedauer und teilweise können Sie die Destinationen auch auf dem Landweg erreichen. Insbesondere wenn Sie mit der Familie reisen, können Sie somit Kosten für die Hin- und Rückreise einsparen. Jedes Mittelmeer Yachting-Revier hat seinen eigenen Charakter und hat somit seine Vorteile.

Bei unseren exklusiven Mittelmeer Motoryacht- und Segelyacht-Reisen entdecken Sie einzigartige Naturschönheiten, welche oft nur vom Wasser aus erreichbar sind. Sie lassen sich im traumhaften Inselparadies oder an der Küste treiben und sind sich und der Natur ganz nah. Die liebe Crew freut sich, Sie zu verwöhnen. Sie ankern in idyllischen, abgelegenen Buchten, weit weg vom Massentourismus und störendem Lärm. Teilen Sie Zeit zusammen mit Ihrer Familie, Kindern und Freunden. Auf Sie freuen wir uns.


Im nahen MITTELMEER werden die meisten Yachten im Zeitraum zwischen 1. Juni bis 30. Oktober verchartert/vermietet. In der Hochsaison, Juni und Juli, sind die Charter-Preise am höchsten. In der Vor- und Nachsaison, Mai und Oktober, sind die Charter-Preise am Tiefsten. 


Wenn Sie im MITTELMEER eine private Yacht mit Skipper und Crew chartern/mieten, haben Sie die Wahl aus folgenden Yachttypen: Segel-und Motor-Katamarane mit Flybridge, Motoryachten, Luxus Segelyachten, klassische Segelschiffe, performance Segelyachten, Motorsegler & Gulets.


Wenn Sie für das MITTELMEER die passende Yacht mit privater Crew – für Ihre Familie, Kinder und Freunde- ausgewählt haben, gilt es die Geheimtipps der idyllischen Dörfer, Ausflugsziele, Buchten, Strände sowie auch sicheren Ankerplätze zu kennen.

Was nützt Ihnen dies schönste Privatyacht, wenn Sie die falschen Ankerplätze anfahren und die Trouvaillen verpassen? Es gilt auch vorab die Distanzen für verschiede Wetterlagen einzukalkulieren und abhängig von der Wetterlage optional andere Buchten und Ankerplätze anzufahren.

Viele Yacht Charterer/Mieter fokussieren sich zu viel auf die Auswahl der Yacht und vergessen dabei, dass für erlebnisreiche Yachtferien das Routing essentiell ist. Für einen erfolgreichen Charter zählt auch die Planung und Vorbereitung vom Einkauf der richtigen Nahrungsmittel, Getränke sowie Organisation der Ausflüge.

Möchten Sie vielleicht, zusammen mit Ihrem Privatkoch, auf einem lokalen Fischmarkt einkaufen? Möchten Sie durch den Obst- und Gemüsemarkt schlendern? Oder möchten Sie die Auswahl der Haupt-Nahrungsmittel der Crew überlassen?

Von der Ausarbeitung der spektakulären Route, bis hin zur Planung und Organisation von Entertainment und Landprogrammen übernehmen wir alles, aus Schweizer Hand.


Executive Yachting Schweiz ist der Spezialist, Veranstalter von exklusiven Yachtreisen sowie Segeltörns/Segelreisen mit Skipper und Crew. Für Ihre Familie, Kinder und Freunde organisieren wir sehr gerne Ihre nächste Familien-Traumreise.

Da der Eigentümer von Executive seit 2010 Yachting-Leserreisen persönlich begleitet, kennt er die MITTELMEER Yachting-Gegebenheiten, wie kaum jemand sonst. Dank seiner langjährigen Erfahrungen kennt er auch die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Yachting-Gäste.

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Luxury Yacht Group is pleased to welcome Mamma Mia to our charter fleet. Available for charters in the Caribbean and Bahamas.


Luxury Yacht Group is pleased to welcome 40m Alegre to our charter fleet. Available for charters this Winter in the Caribbean and Bahamas.


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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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Luxury Rules at the Moscow Yacht Show

Maria Sapozhnikova

The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn’t stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of September when the Moscow Yacht Show commences. The main Russian Yacht exhibition gathers professional and amateur yacht lovers together under the wing of The Royal Yacht Club.

This year it took place for a fourth time already. The exhibition is considered the principal event on the sporting and social calendar. The Moscow Yacht Show 2010 united in one area three of the largest Russian yachts distributors: Ultramarine, Nordmarine and Premium Yachts.

A wide range of yachts were on display for a week. An exhibition showcased yachts both from Russian manufacturers and world famous brands: Azimut, Princess, Ferretti, Pershing, Riviera, Doral, Linssen, etc.

It was a real feast for seafarers as visitors of the show had a unique chance not only to take a look at the newest superyachts before they hit the market, but also to evaluate their driving advantages during the test drive. The show provided an excellent opportunity for yacht enthusiasts to choose and buy a new boat for the next season.

The event started with the grandiose gala evening. It included grand dinner, the concert and professional awards ceremony for achievements in Russian yachting industry. The guests also enjoyed the annual regatta.

Special guest Paolo Vitelli, Azimut Benetti Group president, opened the evening.

Next year organizers assured guests they would bring more yachts, the scale of which will even make oligarch Roman Abramovich envious. Sounds very promising indeed.

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Hotel St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya

St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya is a luxury 5-star hotel located in the center of the historical part of Moscow, a five-minute walk from the Kremlin.

In the heart of this city, with its inimitable charm, rich historical heritage and culture, the hotel creates an atmosphere that harmoniously combines with these unique features.

The hotel team preserves traditions and maintains high standards and an impeccable level of service, founded by the St. Regis brand.

Virtual tour of the hotel



Area: 35 m 2

Capacity: x 2

Superior Rooms are a unique combination of spaciousness, comfort and sophistication.

Attic room

The rooms of this category have a special atmosphere of comfort and romance.

Deluxe TWIN

Area: 40 m 2

Deluxe TWIN

A spacious bedroom with two single beds, from the windows of which there is a stunning view of Lubyanka Square, Nikolskaya Street or picturesque  Italian courtyard.


The Deluxe Room with a King bed is the perfect combination of elegance and comfort.

Junior Suite

Area: 55 m 2

Junior Suite

Junior Suites at the St. Regis Hotel are a world of luxury and comfort.

St.Regis Suite

Area: 60 m 2

St.Regis Suite

Astor Suite

Area: 75 m 2

Astor Suite

Astor's delightful suites impress guests with attractive bright interior design.

Presidential Suite

Area: 160 m 2

Presidential Suite

The St. Regis Presidential Suite embodies the highest expectations and the legacy of the founders of this prestigious brand.

Royal Suite

Royal Suite

Spectacular and bright Royal Suite St. Regis is the epitome of sophistication.

Attic TWIN

Area: 56 m 2

Attic room with two separate beds is an ideal place for a comfortable stay with family or friends.

Attic Suite

Area: 83 m 2

Capacity: x 4

Attic Suite

Enjoy the luxury and pleasant atmosphere of the attic suite, which is located on the eighth floor of the hotel.

Special offers

Wedding Package

Wedding Package

Long-term accommodation

Long-term accommodation

An exquisite birthday from St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya!

An exquisite birthday from St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya!

Family holidays

Family holidays


The business card of the hotel is the panoramic Rooftop restaurant.

Kandinsky Hall

Kandinsky Hall

A spacious hall with panoramic arched windows, a spacious lobby for a welcome cocktail. The windows overlook Nikolskaya Street.

Vasnetsov Hall

Vasnetsov Hall

The magnificent interior of the chamber hall with lancet windows and elongated shape is perfect for business events: round tables, meetings, presentations.

Vrubel Hall

Vrubel Hall

Adjacent to the Kandinsky Hall. The bright cozy room, made in warm colors, comfortably accommodates up to 20 guests.

Chagall Hall

Chagall Hall

Adjacent to the Kandinsky Hall. Together they make up an architectural ensemble, ideal for holding events.

Hall Malevich

Hall Malevich

The cozy Malevich Hall is decorated with historical arched windows, marble figurines and mirrors that visually enlarge the space.

Special offer on a SPA treatment

Special offer on a SPA treatment

Tea Ceremony at The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya hotel

Tea Ceremony at The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya hotel

Jazz Legends at St. Regis

Jazz Legends at St. Regis

Fall in love with The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya

Fall in love with The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya

IRIDIUM SPA will be closed for preventive maintenance

IRIDIUM SPA will be closed for preventive maintenance

The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya Tea Ceremony

The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya Tea Ceremony

On October 22, The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya, for the first time in a long time, will host a tea ceremony — a special ritual of the hotel. 

Address: 109012, Russia, Moscow, Nikolskaya, 12

GPS Coordinates: 55.7588,37.6257

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  19. Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

    Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

  20. Luxury Rules at the Moscow Yacht Show

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  21. Hotel St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya 5* official website

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  22. PAUL OAKENFOLD melodic DJ set on the #budboat, Moscow

    Get warmed up for the World Cup final and see the sights with this awesome set from the legend that is Paul Oakenfold on the #buboat in Moscow.