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[CV013] Sinking Ship

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013 - Sinking Ship
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  • 3.2 Correct

SOS! Fifteen people are trapped aboard a ship that's going to sink in exactly 20 minutes. Their only chance for survival is the five-person life raft stowed on their vessel. To make matters worse, the waters around the ship are teeming with man-eating sharks, so swimming to safety is out of the question.

A round-trip to the nearest island and back to the boat takes nine minutes on the raft. How many people will live to see dry land?

A round-trip to the nearest island and back to the ship takes nine minutes on the raft. How many people will live to see dry land?

In 20 minutes, the raft can make two round-trips to the boat.

Where is that boat located after two trips to the island and back?

After two round-trips, the raft returns to the ship. At this point, 18 minutes have passed, but since the ship hasn't sunk yet, there's no reason the raft can't pick up a few more passengers.

That's right, the raft has time to pick up three loads of passengers.

You now know that the raft has time to pick up three loads of passengers, so you're probably raring to answer.

Just be careful, as there is one more trick to this puzzle that you might not have picked up on. It's sad to say, but not every passenger will make it off that ship alive.

By now you've probably come to the realization that one person must stay on the raft in order to pilot it back to the boat and pick up more passengers.

Nicely done!

A moment of silence for the two who didn't make it, please...

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A Sinking Boat

A boat is bobbing happily across the ocean when it suddenly sinks. There are twenty people on board, including the captain and the crew, but when the people resurface after the boat sinks, twenty-four heads pop up. How is this possible?


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60+ Boat Riddles That’ll Make You Scratch Your Head

Boat riddles are a category of puzzles or brain teasers that involve scenarios, objects, or concepts related to boats, sailing, or maritime themes. These riddles often require thinking outside the box and considering non-obvious solutions. Solvers may need to visualize the scenario to understand and solve the riddle effectively.

They are a fun way to challenge one’s mind and can be enjoyed individually or in groups. They also enhance problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and mathematical abilities. Many parents make their kids solve these riddles during their free time to improve their imagination and creativity. 

After reading so much about riddles, you should check out the list of various boat riddles given below. They are quite interesting and engaging.

Boat riddles for kids

Keep in mind that most of these will demand more than a couple of words, and you may need to look for a number of answers.

This section also provides some great kid-friendly boat riddles. These riddles are considerably easier than most of the others on this list, and the term “boat” can sometimes be used as the answer.

Q. Where do boats that seem to have coronavirus go to heal?

A. The dock!

Q. The ship is controlled by Captain Ali. Captain Ali is the ship’s master. 

What is the name of the ship?

A. The ship’s name is “What.”

It asks, “What is the name of the ship,” in the final sentence. It is a statement instead of a query.

Q. A boat carrying passengers is seen. Even if it hasn’t sunk, no one is there when you look again. Why?

A. Each of them is married.

Q. You throw me out when you don’t need me. Nevertheless, you bring me back once you’re done with me. Who am I?

A. An anchor

Q. When they confronted the same difficulty, what had one sailor remark to the other?

A. We share the same Boat.

Q. This Is Dropped By a Ship To Stay Still

For steadiness, a ship drops this.

Even while the seas are calm

You can also view it as a tattoo on Popeye’s arm.

What does this have to be?

Q. When going on boat cruises, zombies don’t need anything. Which item do they not need to use?

A. Life jackets.

Q. On the Titanic, exactly what sort of coffee was served?

Q. Why is the ferryboat rule a good one?

A. Since it functions both ways.

Q. Why then do scuba divers reverse out of boats?

A. Knowing that they risked falling into the Boat if they fell forward!

Q. What home has roofing at the bottom and a post at the top while the rain falls from above?

Related: Sheep Riddles

Hard boat riddles

For those who want a tough brain teaser, here is a challenging collection of boat riddles. A lot of the questions in this list are justified by comprehensive evidence that comprises various facts and events. Let’s have a look at some of the brain-stimulating boat riddles below.

Q. What type of travel is most cost-effective?

A. Via sale boat

Q. When a ship feels under the weather, where does it go?

A. Go check out the dock-tor.

Q. Imagine yourself in a row boat that is sinking as sharks are all over it. How else would you sustain it?

A. Stop imagining!

Q. Even with the bottom rung on the water’s surface, a 10-foot rope ladder is suspended from over the side of a boat. The rungs are spaced one foot apart, and the tide rises at a speed of six inches each hour. How long will it take to complete the third rung?

A. Never. With the rising tide, the Boat rises.

Q. In what do vampires go all across the sea?

A. Blood vessels! 

Q. The Boat has four 2-foot wide sideboards. If the sea level rises by 4 feet, which board can the water reach if you are on a sailboat in the middle of the ocean?

A. The Boat floats. Thus everything will stay the same.

Q. A ship had been in the harbor on a beautiful sunny day. The ship started to sink all of a sudden. The ship sank in front of the spectators, although there was no storm without anything wrong with it.

What was the purpose of the ship sinking?

A. A submarine, in fact. 

Q. This mode of transportation is needed.

Having able to move away from a port

Then after, you can float in the water.

Also, use nets to catch fish

Then who am I?

Q. During a lightning storm, a guy died when he was resting in his cabin, writing a letter. What is his manner of death?

A. The room was a ship’s cabin.

Q. A king, princess, a prince, one nite, and a queen were on a boat. Who was left when the king, queen, princess, and prince tumbled off the Boat?

A. A nite (knight)

Q. A man has a head of cabbage, a wolf, and a goat. Once he approaches a river, there’s not even a bridge to cross it; rather, he should just use a little boat. 

Of the three items he possesses, the Boat can really only hold one. The goat will devour the cabbage if he first manages the wolf. The wolf will devour the goat if he overcomes the cabbage first.

In what manner does he come up with a solution?

A. He first takes control of the goat. Afterward, then, he takes control of the cabbage but releases the goat. He then takes command of the wolf. He reclaims possession of the goat at last.

Related: Candle Riddles

Funny boat riddles

Riddles might be a fantastic challenge that inspires kids to keep exploring. While riddles often serve the function of entertaining the audience by proposing challenging questions to be solved, they also act as fun for past-time activities for the kids.

There are The following humorous and funny riddles shown below.

Q. Pete went fishing with repeat. Pete lost his footing and fell off the Boat. Who managed to remain?


A. Pete went fishing with repeat. Pete lost his footing and fell off the Boat. Who remained? 

Continues since you are repeating it again 

Q. Guiding this ship

It was magnificent from across the sea.

The pilgrims’ ship was specifically chosen a name that indicated it might blossom.

A. Mayflower

Q. How many penguins survived when a boat carrying 99 of them was turned upside down?

A. 66 because if you turn 99 upside down, that’s really what you get: 66.

Q. What is the name of a creature that can transform into a boat?


Q. What will become of the pirate ship that sank in a shark-infested sea?

A. It arrived with a limited team!

Q. I already have a deck, but no backyard

I have a bow, but I have no arrows.

Despite having wheels and a beam, I am not a car or a light.

I have such a stern but I’m not serious, a crow’s nest but no birds, and I am what?

Q. Where on the coast shall I shop the most?

A. The sailboat (sale boat).

Q. Which ship lacks both a captain and two mates?

A. Friendship

Q. On July 4, a female passed the border into the United States, partied around for three days, and then returned on July 4.

Why did she do something like that?

A. She left on July 4 and arrived on the same day on a boat called the Fourth of July.

Q. A ladder with six rungs is seen on boats. One foot separates each rung. From the water, the bottom rung is one foot away. Every 15 minutes, 12 inches of the sea rise. In an hour, the high tide peaks.

How many rungs are submerged whenever the tide is at its highest?

A. None. Since the Boat is floating in the water, the ladder rises with the tide.

Q. On the Ganga river, ten men were in a boat. None of the men got wet even though the Boat capsized, and all of the men sank to the bottom of the river!

A. They have all been married and not single, which is why.

Q. What apparently happened after a red ship clashed with a blue ship?

A. There was a marooned crew!

Q. A river is what Twinkle and Rinki would really like to cross.

Only one of them can fit in the Boat at a time, which is the only means to cross the river to go to the other side. Regardless of the fact that the Boat is unable to return on its own or that there are no ropes or other aids, both girls are able to cross using it.

A. Unusually, Twinkle and Rinki are on opposite banks of the river.

Related: Duck Riddles

More To Explore:

I’m a former teacher (and mother of Two Childs) with a background in child development. Here to help you with play-based learning activities for kids. ( Check my  Next startup  Cledemy.Com )

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39 Boat Riddles with Answers

Feeling a bit landlocked?

Well, cast off those insecurities and set sail for a fun adventure with these boat riddles!

Let’s see how many of them can you solve.

Boat Riddles

  • I float on water but can hold a crew, I’m not a ship, much smaller in view. What am I?
  • With no engine, I glide, with no wings, I soar, Harnessing wind , I travel the shore . What am I?
  • I have a deck but no backyard, I have sails but no fabric yard. In the marina , I’m often seen. What am I?
  • Though not alive, I have a spine, I move with paddles, in a straight line . On lakes, you’ll find me, silent and fine. What am I?
  • I’m named like a bird , but I don’t ever fly, On the water’s surface, I gracefully lie. With a colorful body , I catch your eye. What am I ?
  • I’m not a fish , but I do have a fin, Under the waves, my journeys begin. In stories of war, I often come in. What am I ?
  • I can be paper , yet hold much weight, On ponds, I’m a child’s delight , my fate. With careful folds, I take my shape . What am I?
  • I’m steered by a tiller, not a wheel, I’m open to air , with no roof of steel. On rivers , I’m common, a simple appeal. What am I?
  • My name suggests I’m a pirate ’s foe, Yet in peaceful waters, I often go. I’m not a ship, but I’m not slow. What am I ?
  • I’m slender and long, and I cut through the waves, In races and sports , my form behaves. With teamwork and rhythm , I show my craves. What am I?
  • I’m named like a monarch, but I rule no land, In luxury and style, on me, you’ll stand. Across the ocean , with elegance, I’m planned. What am I ?
  • I’m a vessel, but not for food or drink, In ancient stories, I make you think. Built of wood , in history , I’m a link. What am I?
  • With a hull of metal, I’m a giant in size, In tales of icebergs, my memory lies. A tragic maiden voyage, under cold skies. What am I ?
  • I may seem ancient, with a mythical tale , Yet in modern times, my kind still sail. What am I?
  • I dance on waves, but I’m not a fish, I’m powered by humans, as is their wish. In a river , you’ll see me swish. What am I?
  • I am not alive, but I have a hull, In tales of treasure, my type is full. Pirates love me; I’m never dull. What am I ?
  • With no oars or motor, I still can drift, On ocean currents, I’m a gift. I carry life , and my form is swift. What am I ?
  • I’m not a creature, but I have a shell, In wars at sea, I’ve stories to tell. Under the ocean, I silently dwell. What am I ?
  • I’m built to race, sleek and fast, On water’s surface, my shadow ’s cast. With a streamlined shape, I’m unsurpassed. What am I ?
  • Larger than most, across seas, I roam, Carrying cargo, far from home . In busy ports, I’m well-known. What am I ?
  • With a flat bottom, I’m made to float, In shallow waters, I’m a common boat. Often with cargo, I’m set afloat. What am I ?
  • A vessel of old, powered by men, With oars lined up, count them to ten. In ancient battles, I was a gem. What am I ?
  • I’m a small craft, but not for play, In rescue missions, I lead the way. In storms and waves, I display my sway. What am I ?
  • I’m a boat that’s flat and often wide, In marshes and swamps, I’m the best ride. With a push pole, through waters, I glide. What am I ?
  • With a name like an insect , I flutter by, Skimming the surface, under the sky. Fast and agile, on me, you’ll rely. What am I ?
  • I’m named for a bird, but in water, I float, With a gentle motion, like a rocking boat. On peaceful lakes, I’m a popular note. What am I ?
  • I skim the surface, not deep, but shallow, Quiet and small, in marshes, I wallow. Guided by poles , through water, I follow. What am I?
  • Not a bird, yet I have a beak, In ocean races, my speed you’ll seek. With a crew and sails, I’m at my peak. What am I ?
  • I don’t have wings, but I can hover, Over water, I uniquely cover. With a fan behind, I’m like no other. What am I ?
  • I am long and narrow, crafted with care, On rivers and lakes, my use is fair. With a single paddle, I move with flair. What am I ?
  • I’m often red, sometimes seen in distress, In safety missions, I’m at my best. On the sea, I’m a life-saving quest. What am I ?
  • I’m not a knife, but I have a blade, Through ocean waves, my path is laid. With wind’s power, my journey’s made. What am I ?
  • I have a deck, but I’m not a card, On coastal trips, I work hard. For fishing and fun, I’m often starred. What am I ?
  • I’m named for an animal , but I don’t walk, In quiet waters, I often dock. With gentle paddles, I’m a stable rock. What am I ?
  • Not a queen or king , but I do reign, Over lakes and rivers, my domain. For leisure and sport, I’m a common vein. What am I ?
  • Small and nimble, I zip around, In harbors and bays, I’m often found. For quick trips, I’m aptly sound. What am I ?
  • I’m a vessel, but I don’t hold wine, On ancient seas, my form did shine. In myths and legends, I’m a line. What am I ?
  • Not a ship, but I have a crew, In competitions, we paddle through. With strength and timing, our rhythm’s true. What am I ?
  • I’m a silent hunter, beneath the sea, In wartime stories, a key I’d be. Stealth and mystery encompass me. What am I ?
  • A Sailboat.
  • A Submarine.
  • A Paper Boat.
  • A Man-of-War (Jellyfish or Naval Ship).
  • A Rowing Boat.
  • A Royal Yacht.
  • A Viking Ship.
  • The Titanic .
  • A Pirate Ship.
  • A Driftwood.
  • A Speedboat.
  • A Cargo Ship.
  • A Lifeboat.
  • A Flatboat.
  • A Dragonfly Boat.
  • A Swan Boat.
  • A Racing Yacht.
  • A Hovercraft.
  • A Lifebuoy.
  • A Fishing Boat.
  • A Catamaran.
  • A Pleasure Craft.
  • A Dragon Boat.

39 Boat Riddles with Answers

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Riddle: Sinking Ship

  • Category : Logic
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 2.61
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Can you solve this riddle?

On a fine sunny day a ship was in the harbor. All of a sudden the ship began to sink. There was no storm and nothing wrong with the ship yet it sank right in front of the spectators eyes. What caused the ship to sink?

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