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INTERVIEW | Antonio Palumbo: ‘One of the best shipyards in the world’

Nine years after setting up shop in malta, palumbo shipyards have built a reputation for quality and efficiency. now, antonio palumbo tells business today he has a project in mind that would see the shipyard become one of the best in the world. that project will take two or three years to implement, and until then, he won’t say a word about it. but he did speak about his experience in malta this far.


You are in the business of ship repair and refitting, as well as ship and yacht building. What is your focus in Malta?

Our focus in Malta covers all naval activities – from maintenance, to refitting, to the transformation of all types of ships. Our shipyard is not specialised in a particular sector – we deal with all kinds of ships, from offshore vessels, to yachts, tankers, cruise liners and Ro-Ro ferries.

In the nine years that we’ve been operating in Malta, we have done work on all these types of vessels.

We’re also always up to date with the requirements imposed by the International Maritime Organisation, including those related to limiting emissions in the atmosphere. In fact, we recently secured a €6 million international contract to refit three Ro-Ro passenger ferries with fuel cleaning systems – known as scrubbers – which meet new environmental shipping rules.

How is the superyacht business doing, in general? And when might we perhaps see the first Palumbo superyacht built in Malta?

Contrary to popular perception, Malta is not on any central path used by superyachts. So attracting around 40 to 50 superyachts a year to Malta,  which are over 50 to 60 metres in length to the shipyard – something we are succeeding in doing – is quite a feat. We are confident these figures will continue improving and we are investing all our energy to surpass these numbers. We are working on presenting our shipyard as a superyacht-refitting village, the only one of its type in the world. So, apart from our competence and technique when it comes to what we do, we are also offering servicing and logistical facilities, ranging from hotel accommodation to a gym, spa and a shop selling nautical-related equipment.

In terms of when a Palumbo superyacht will be built in Malta, this is something I often think about,  but, unfortunately, the construction of a superyacht is a bit complicated. It requires a highly competent sub-contracted workforce. We have to keep in mind that we need to be competitive in such an endeavour, so I think we still need more time. But the right conditions exist, and its one of the objectives I have set my sights on.

Do you still believe Malta can benefit from repairing US Navy vessels if we had a Status of Forces Agreement with the United States?

A SOFA agreement would allow US Navy ships to come here for repairs, further contributing to the shipyard’s growth. But this is a very sensitive subject, so I am cautious not to say anything that can be misconstrued.

When you started your operations in Malta, had you been given any indication that the process to obtain a SOFA would have been facilitated?

No. Before I started operating in Malta in 2010, I knew that important repair work had previously been carried out on US Navy ships on the island. So it didn’t cross my mind that the country had no such agreement. I later became aware that SOFA was unfortunately, not in place. But we hope things can improve in this regard in the future.

How many full-time Maltese employees do you have?

The number of employees has decreased slightly, because some workers have retired, while others have found less strenuous work. We have around 70 to 80 full-timers at the moment.

Are your operations in Malta still financially viable, or might we see Dock 1 eventually transformed into a tourist attraction or something unrelated to ship building?

I hope this won’t be the case, because it would mean we didn’t do our job well. Having been in this sector for 50 years, we are determined to propel our activity into the future. We are buoyant about the future of this shipyard.

What are the challenges your shipyard in Malta faces?

Every day presents its own set of challenges. However, this ensures that we are always prepared to react and to be competitive when it comes to solving any problems which come our way.

In Italy you compete with other major shipyards. What can Palumbo offer to Malta which other ship builders cannot match?

Compared to other shipyard locations, Malta is situated at a central point in the Mediterranean. Location is crucial for a shipyard’s activities. Let us not forget that one of the docks here is 362 metres in length and is one of the best in the Mediterranean. Moreover, the country offers important facilities.

Palumbo has eight shipyards around the world, including the one in Malta. The Malta shipyard is the control centre of the entire network.

Are there challenges when it comes to finding workers?

It is a problem. In Malta, we find it hard to find local people with the necessary skills, so we have to rely on foreigners. It takes us about two months following a call for applications before we can find anyone, and this situation isn’t limited solely to Palumbo – it is happening across the board. The country needs to provide qualified workers more rapidly.

What does the future hold for Palumbo in Malta?

I have an idea germinating in my head and I believe that in two to three years’ time this shipyard will witness a very important development. Let us say that the shipyard will become not just close to the best, but one of the best in the world. We are committed to making this happen, and in two to three years the shipyard will enjoy the full success of its potential.

Can you provide more details on what your idea consists in ?

(Laughs). No, this is my secret for the time being.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned – positive or negative – since you started operations in Malta?

When I started our operations in Malta, I realised from the outset that I had to adjust to the reality on this island. In previous years I took some very, very important decisions. At the same time, they were also very courageous things to do, which I cannot imagine repeating now, because they would put at risk all that I have achieved. However, nobody ever showed me any recognition for them.

In Malta it has been different. Just a month after we started operating in here, we carried out an eight-day job on a ship. For me, this was a very normal job that didn’t require any particular effort. So I was quite surprised by the appreciation we received for this. In contrast, for instance, when my shipyard built a new 160-metre ship [in Italy], no one praised me for my good work. In Malta, I carried out this standard eight-day maintenance job, and I received letters complimenting me for the work.

Therefore, I wondered why such contrasting reactions existed between Malta and Italy. I then understood that the difference between the Maltese and Italian is that in Malta people communicate better. Italians have many plus points – we are creative – but we do not excel when it comes to our relationship with clients. I quickly understood this when I came to  Malta, and it was a major lesson for me, which I took on board.

I also wanted to ask you about the sentence by the court in Messina, Sicily. You were sentenced to six years in prison in January for illegal dumping of waste – you are appealing this sentence. A spokesperson for Palumbo had said that the company’s business interests in Malta and abroad are unaffected by the ruling. Are you sure about this? Has the company’s reputation abroad not been affected?

I am completely positive that the company’s reputation has not been affected. We know the true facts of the case, and we know the reasons why the imaginative accusation against me was made. Once a court outside of Messina hears the case, it will dissolve into nothing. In Italy, there are three stages of the judicial process. This judgment was the first stage, and there are then two opportunities to appeal, and we have appealed.

I confirm that the sentence of the first court has had no effect on our business – since the judgment was issued, the company hasn’t registered any slowdown, on the contrary, it’s doing even better and keeps growing in Malta and elsewhere.

There are two reasons I am confident when it comes to this case. The first is that it wasn’t Palumbo who dumped the waste – subcontractors did, and I didn’t have any direct responsibility. Second, all the analyses carried out on the waste showed it wasn’t hazardous.

So what is the case here?

All this transpired because I had the courage to make certain complaints [in Messina] – something I wouldn’t repeat today – because they were necessary to protect my interests there.

And I paid for this through this court sentence.

One thing I’d like to add: while it is normal that I am asked about this, I don’t understand the amount of attention given to this case in Malta.

Why don’t you instead judge me based on the nine years I have been in Malta? When I started my operations, I found a shipyard buried under two metres of rubbish, and it took me years to revamp it.

You can see with your own eyes how it has been changed today. It is on this that I want to be judged, not on what happened in Messina, where I had to suffer a particular situation.

  • Doing business in Malta: Great
  • Maltese politicians: Good, till now
  • Joseph Muscat: [A Prime Minister who] delivers
  • The prospects for Palumbo in Malta: Optimistic
  • Maltese employees: Professional

palumbo superyachts ltd malta

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The Docks, Ghajn Dwieli Road,   Paola   PLA9056
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(+356) 21824027

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The group built its reputation enrolling 50 years of professional expertise with a clear mission: to support customers with a range of time-sensitive services including sales, after-sales assistance, with a network of facilities – Palumbo Superyachts - in the heart of Mediterranean Sea (Napoli, Messina, Malta, Marseille). Actually PSY may boast of an impressive portfolio of clients and most relevant international players of the yachting industry. In addition to those two divisions, Palumbo Group has an off-shore drilling vessels production and also operates in cranes rental.

Palumbo started in the 1967 as a fairly small carpentry and metalwork yard to support the local ship repair industry. Actually the company is a group with four different division and five different sites (and a branch office in Monaco) now became a major maritime maintenance and refitting center with an ever expanding infrastructure with the Med. The group built its reputation enrolling 50 years of professional expertise with a clear mission: to support customers with a range of time-sensitive services including sales, after-sales assistance, with a network of facilities – Palumbo Superyachts - in the heart of Mediterranean Sea (Napoli, Messina, Malta, Marseille). Actually PSY may boast of an impressive portfolio of clients and most relevant international players of the yachting industry. In addition to those two divisions, Palumbo Group has an off-shore drilling vessels production and also operates in cranes rental. Palumbo Group has recently announced the acquisition of the fifth shipyard in Tenerife (Canary Island, Spain) which will represents the growth of the company outside the Mediterranean. An important step to further strengthen the presence of Palumbo Superyachts service outside the Mediterranean basin. Palumbo Messina and Palumbo Napoli are operating mainly in repair, construction, modification, conversion and maintenance of every type of ship and cruise lines. Aside Palumbo Superyachts, the group also produces its own range of superyacht - Columbus Yachts brand. The production is located in Naples facilities. The collections - full custom oriented - merge a solid 50 years heritage of shipbuilding with and extremely technologically addicted production thanks to the strong in-house engineering team and the collaboration of top international design firms like Hydrotech, Marco Casali and Vafiadis. The steel and aluminum units are available in four distinct collections: Liberty (26 to 38m), Berlinetta (33 to 50m), Oceanic Classic&Explorer (50 to 80m) and – perhaps the most striking and awards winning - the Sport Hybrid. With four yachts on water so far (one 40m-year 2013 and one 54m-year 2011) Columbus Yachts launched two new units last 2015. The 40m Sport Hybrid – M/Y DIVINE and a 57m Classic – M/Y TAIBA.



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Excellence in Yacht and Superyacht Construction.

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Driven by passion: the difference is within us all.

At our Italian shipyards in Ancona and Savona, we deliver excellence in yacht and superyacht construction through the relentless pursuit of both luxury and performance. It’s how we think and how much we care, it’s our potential and our enormous pride in what we do that makes the difference.

Whether building a new yacht or performing maintenance work, our straightforward philosophy is making our clients' dreams come true, and we pursue this goal single-minded.

Palumbo Superyachts Ancona is the headquarters for new ship building, strategically located in a manufacturing district historically devoted to the construction of superyachts.

Equipped with the largest superyacht lifting platform in the Adriatic Sea, the shipyard has extensive experience in building, refitting, maintaining and converting superyachts of all types and sizes.

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  • 3,300 ton Superyacht Lifting Platform
  • 560 ton Travel lift
  • 14.2 km from Ancona International Airport
  • 219 km from Bologna International Airport
  • 0.5 km from Ancona Train Station

Office space and secretarial / concierge services for crew management and other representatives during their stay at the shipyard. Outdoor barbeque and recreational area.

Palumbo Superyachts Srl Via Enrico Mattei 14 60125 Ancona, Italy

+39 071 502191 [email protected]

Palumbo Superyachts Savona is equipped with one of the largest travel lifts in the Mediterranean, and its long history in superyacht construction, refitting, maintenance and conversion lent it a global reputation for excellence.

Strategically located along one of the most beautiful coastlines on the Italian peninsula and approximately 120 kilometres from the French border and Monte Carlo, the shipyard is easily accessible from Genoa International Airport and Albenga General Aviation Airport.

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  • 820 ton Travel lift
  • 60 ton Self-propelled trailer
  • 300 ton Self-propelled trailer
  • 39 km from Genoa International Airport
  • 50 km from Albenga General Aviation Airport
  • 164 km from Nizza International Airport
  • 180 km from Milan Linate International Airport
  • 211 km from Milan Malpensa International Airport
  • 6.3 km from Savona Train Station

Office space and secretarial/ concierge services for crew management and other representatives during their stay at the shipyard.

Palumbo Superyachts SAVONA Srl Lungomare Giacomo Matteotti 6 17100 Savona, Italy

+39 019 8895055 [email protected]

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Simon Zammit General Manager, Malta

Simon Zammit

Palumbo malta superyachts ltd.

31st of March street ISL 1041, Senglea / Malta

ph +356 2399 6008


Palumbo Superyachts Marseille sasu

Boulevard des Bassins de Radoub Formes 3 & 6 13002 Marseille / France

ph +33 (0) 491 132 190

Paolo Balzano Operations Manager, Napoli

Paolo Balzano

Palumbo superyachts napoli srl.

Calata della Marinella (interno porto) 80133 Naples / Italy

ph +39 081 0900112

Palumbo Superyachts Ancona s.r.l. via Enrico Mattei 14 / 60125 Ancona / Italy IVA IT 02719080422

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Palumbo acquires Malta Superyacht Shipyard

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Written by Chelsea Smith

Palumbo Shipyard, an Italian company headquartered in Naples, signed a 30 year deal with the Malta government for the acquisition of Malta Super Yacht Services (MSYS) now called Palumbo Malta Superyachts LTD. Palumbo Group took over the yard on the 18 th of March 2011, after having been declared the preferred bidder for the tender to acquire Malta Superyacht Services in late 2010.

Palumbo Malta Superyachts LTD

Palumbo Malta Superyachts LTD

The total area measures around 45.000 square meters, including two dry docks of 160m x 25m and 140m x 18m. The latter is also equipped with a retractable shed enabling painting work.

The Maltese Government signed the contract for € 29.4 million, which includes a ground rent of € 500,000 to be paid annually over the 30 year period.

Palumbo Shipyard is headquartered in Naples and has been in the shipbuilding industry since 1967. The company was founded by Salvatore Palumbo, father of Antonio Palumbo, current Owner and CEO of the Company.

The growing company operates mainly in repair, construction, modification, conversion and maintenance of several vessels including superyachts. Now with 3 shipyards (Naples, Messina and Malta), the Palumbo Group has great potential especially in terms of location, in the heart of the Mediterranean, with access to yachts en route from the East to the Atlantic..

The acquisition of Maltese Shipyard, which can accommodate ships up to 300,000 tons, is a prestigious project for the Palumbo Group and will significantly shape the Company’s future.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Palumbo acquires Malta Superyacht Shipyard".

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Palumbo SuperYachts refitting yards Palumbo Group was established in Naples in 1967 as a refit workshop for commercial ships. Now, after three generations, it has become one of the largest marine Group in the Central Med. To date, the Group counts a refit, conversion and superyacht construction facility in the commercial port of Naples, a commercial shipyard in Messina, a superyacht yard in Marseille and a commercial refit yard + a superyacht repairs and refit facility in Malta. Innovations & solutions


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    palumbo superyachts ltd malta

  3. Palumbo Superyachts

    palumbo superyachts ltd malta

  4. Palumbo Superyachts Refit

    palumbo superyachts ltd malta

  5. Palumbo Superyachts Refit

    palumbo superyachts ltd malta

  6. Aerial view of Palumbo Malta Superyachts Facilities

    palumbo superyachts ltd malta


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  1. MALTA

    Palumbo Superyachts Savona srl operative / registered office via Lungomare Matteotti 6 17100 Savona Italy — ph +39 019 828516 — [email protected]. Palumbo Superyachts Malta. Palumbo Superyachts ltd operative office 31st of March street isl 1041, Senglea

  2. PSY Malta

    45,000 sqm / 484,376 sqf. Located in Malta's Grand Harbour, with an unrestricted entrance to the Yard, Palumbo Superyachts Refit Malta represents the only hub for any refit, repair, maintenance and conversion services to major superyachts in the harbour of Malta. Served by one of the biggest docks in Europe and also provided with a covered ...

  3. Palumbo SY

    Palumbo Superyachts Refit, formed by 7 shipyards (Ancona, Malta, Marseille, Naples, Messina, Savona and Rijeka) and a headquarter office (Antibes), today is the largest superyacht maintenance and repair network in the Mediterranean providing customers with a wide range of multitasking and time sensitive services.

  4. Palumbo Superyachts

    Life at sea has been the essence of Palumbo Superyachts for generations. Our story began over 50 years ago in a carpentry and metalworking yard for commercial vessels. Today, the Palumbo Superyachts division, directed by Giuseppe Palumbo, is a key global market player in the construction of yachts and superyachts made in composite and metal ...

  5. palumbo shypyards

    The work undertaken on the vessel at Palumbo Shipyards Malta was mainly focused on the renewal of bilge plates and internal interventions. ... Palumbo Superyachts Savona srl ... Italy — ph +39 019 828516 — [email protected]. Palumbo Superyachts Malta. Palumbo Superyachts ltd operative office 31st of March street isl 1041, Senglea

  6. Palumbo SuperYachts

    Palumbo Superyachts operates as ISA Yachts, Columbus Yachts, Mondomarine and Extra Yachts. | Palumbo Superyachts began to take root in 2008, when the Columbus Yachts brand was established, and in 2011 launched its first 54 metre superyacht, emblematically christened "Prima" ("the First"). ... (Ancona, Malta, Marseille, Naples and Savona ...

  7. Palumbo Superyachts Malta

    Palumbo Superyachts ltd operative office 31st of March street isl 1041, Senglea Malta — ph +356 2399 6008 — [email protected]

  8. Palumbo Malta Superyachts Ltd

    Palumbo Malta Superyachts Ltd: 31st of March Street Senglea ISL1041 (+356) 2399 6008 (+356) 2399 5292 ... maintenance and repairs of Super Yachts right in the middle of the Mediterranean. The company's strategic new management focuses on flexibility and optimization of working procedures to ensure product quality and on time delivery while ...


    And when might we perhaps see the first Palumbo superyacht built in Malta? Contrary to popular perception, Malta is not on any central path used by superyachts. So attracting around 40 to 50 superyachts a year to Malta, which are over 50 to 60 metres in length to the shipyard - something we are succeeding in doing - is quite a feat.

  10. Palumbo Shipyards

    Palumbo Shipyards in Malta. Palumbo is an international shipyard group headquartered in Naples with seven shipyards across the Mediterranean (Ancona, Naples, Malta, Savona, Messina, Rijeka and Marseille) operating five brands: ISA Yachts, Columbus Yachts, Mondomarine, [1] Extra Yachts and Palumbo SY dedicated to refit. [2]In 2011 they launched the largest yacht ever built in Southern Italy.

  11. About

    Palumbo SY Refit section, formed by 3 shipyards (Malta, Marseille and Naples), a headquarter offices (Antibes)and a Representative Office in Monaco, today is the largest superyacht maintenance and repair network in the Mediterranean. Palumbo SY Refit provides customers with a wide range of multitasking and time sensitive services, together with ...

  12. €4m investment propels Palumbo's superyachts division

    Palumbo Malta Superyachts saw its business grow exponentially in 2018 and we are confident the €2.5 million investment in a 420-ton boat lift will this year reaffirm our standing among the ...

  13. Superyacht facility privatisation agreement signed

    The concession agreement for the Malta Super Yacht Yard Facility was signed today between the government and Palumbo Malta Superyachts Limited. The concession is for 30 years and the global amount ...

  14. Palumbo Malta Shipyard Ltd.

    Palumbo Malta Shipyard Ltd. The Docks, Ghajn Dwieli Road, Paola PLA9056 (+356) 23960000 (+356) 21824027 ... Aside Palumbo Superyachts, the group also produces its own range of superyacht - Columbus Yachts brand. ...

  15. Shipyards

    Palumbo Superyachts Srl Via Enrico Mattei 14 60125 Ancona, Italy +39 071 502191 [email protected]. Explore. Savona shipyard. 30,000 sqm / 323,000 sqf. Palumbo Superyachts Savona is equipped with one of the largest travel lifts in the Mediterranean, and its long history in superyacht construction, refitting, maintenance and conversion ...

  16. Contacts

    Palumbo Malta Superyachts ltd. 31st of March street ISL 1041, Senglea / Malta. ph +356 2399 6008. Marseille [email protected]. Palumbo Superyachts Marseille sasu. Boulevard des Bassins de Radoub Formes 3 & 6 13002 Marseille / France. ph +33 (0) 491 132 190. Naples Paolo Balzano

  17. Palumbo acquires Malta Superyacht Shipyard

    Palumbo Shipyard, an Italian company headquartered in Naples, signed a 30 year deal with the Malta government for the acquisition of Malta Super Yacht Services (MSYS) now called Palumbo Malta Superyachts LTD. Palumbo Group took over the yard on the 18 th of March 2011, after having been declared the preferred bidder for the tender to acquire ...

  18. Palumbo Malta

    Palumbo Shipyard ltd operative / registered office The Docks - Ghajn Dwieli road pla 9056, Paola Malta — ph +356 23 96 00 00 — [email protected]. welcome ... Palumbo Superyachts Malta. Palumbo Superyachts ltd operative office 31st of March street isl 1041, Senglea

  19. palumbo

    Palumbo Malta Shipyards has just placed third worldwide for cruise ship refitting, beating stiff competition from Marseille and Barcelona. ... Palumbo Superyachts ltd operative office ... ph +356 2399 6008 — [email protected]. Palumbo Superyachts Marseille. Palumbo Superyachts Marseille sasu operative / registered office blvd. des Bassins de ...


    PALUMBO MALTA SUPERYACHTS LTD. Contact us » Palumbo SuperYachts refitting yards Palumbo Group was established in Naples in 1967 as a refit workshop for commercial ships. Now, after three generations, it has become one of the largest marine Group in the Central Med. To date, the Group counts a refit, conversion and superyacht construction ...

  21. about

    Palumbo Superyachts Malta. Palumbo Superyachts ltd operative office 31st of March street isl 1041, Senglea Malta — ph +356 2399 6008 — [email protected]. Palumbo Superyachts Marseille. Palumbo Superyachts Marseille sasu operative / registered office blvd. des Bassins de Radoub

  22. Palumbo SuperYachts

    Palumbo SuperYachts, Italy - France - Malta. 142 likes. Palulmbo SuperYachts is one of the largest Refit SuperYacht Yards Network in the Mediterranean. We a