
The Crew Coach: How to Leave a Boat on Good Terms

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Q: Todd, Bosun:

"I’ve been on my boat three months now and it’s not working out for several reasons. I have another brilliant opportunity elsewhere that I just can’t say no to. I’ve made my decision to quit, but this Captain is notorious for taking resignations badly. Any advice on how to go about it?"

A: The Crew Coach:

What a useful question! Yes, there are definitely ways in which you can minimise the fallout and have a professional and respectful exit off the passerelle. In order to know how to go about resigning from a yacht job, I think it’s important to start with why Captains often react so badly to crew quitting.

Understandably, you’re excited about your new opportunity and you feel like you have to put yourself first in life to make the best of your career. But let’s think about that Captain for a moment, who is not only thinking about him or herself, but also the rest of the crew, the safe and efficient running of the yacht, and, crucially, the yacht’s owners.

Ask any Captain and they’ll say crew turnover is one of their greatest headaches — hiring and training crew only to lose them is both expensive and deeply frustrating. Bear in mind they’re also worried the boss really doesn’t like crew changes, and on a personal note, they will worry that it reflects on their leadership. Put yourself in their shoes, and then decide your strategy to quit.

Last but not least, never forget the value of a good reference! As part of our CV service I often come across crew who can’t list their previous Captain as a reference because they left under a cloud and this can be very tricky to explain to people, especially if it is your fault. It’s worth doing the right thing by your Captain and fellow crew just for this reason alone.

Here are some basic guidelines on how to resign a yacht job gracefully… these should help you form a strategy that’s right for you.

* Just remember the key word: respect. Even if you don’t particularly respect your current Captain as an individual, respect their position.

* Find a time to tell them when they will have a chance to cool down. If you don’t have guests onboard, Friday afternoon is good; if on charter, make sure you avoid high-stress times and think about whether you can actually wait until after the guests have left as it will make things a lot less stressful all round.

* Don’t cut and run at a bad time for the yacht program, i.e. you are just about to receive guests, or are about to leave on a crossing or a trip somewhere. It’s very unprofessional and the Captain will be justifiably angry. This time of year is fairly safe as the season is drawing to a close, but each yacht is different so bear in mind they may still need your help to get to the shipyard or for one last guest trip.

* Be prepared to work out your notice. If for some reason you absolutely can’t, make it very clear to them that you understand how unprofessional you are being and explain your (very good reasons) for asking them to make an exception in this instance.

* Be prepared for them being a little annoyed, even if you are choosing ‘a good time’ to resign. Don’t get defensive; take it as a compliment- their frustration shows that they considered you important to the running of that yacht.

* Thank them for all that they have done for you. Even if you are leaving because of them, they gave you an opportunity in life – this position has earned you money and all jobs teach us something. Make it clear that you have respect for them.

* Don’t start slacking and just leaving unpleasant jobs for the next person, or visibly losing enthusiasm during your notice period. Even if the Captain wasn’t angry at you before, EVERYONE will be annoyed at you by the time you leave if you don’t pull your weight right up until your last day. (Don’t forget their opinion about you matters too – it can easily impact your industry reputation).

* Don’t try to convince others to quit with you. The Captain can manage to replace you, but he or she will be in real difficulty if a few of you leave at once. Allow everyone to make their own decisions: concentrate on your own situation and then you can’t be held to blame if others decide to leave with you.

* If possible (and you say you have, which is great) do try to have another job organised before resigning, and talk to a career coach or crew agent beforehand about your options and the pros and cons of resigning.

We all have to make tough decisions; just make sure you are aware of how your actions impact on others and behave respectfully.

Good luck and let me know how you get on. What do you think? Feel free to post your comments below.

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So Hard to Say Goodbye

It can seem like a revolving door in this yachting industry. Some crew make a career of hopping from one boat to the next; others end their careers by doing it.

So, what’s the difference? It’s all in how you say goodbye.

Truly professional captains and crew -- the ones who grow in a career rather than make lateral jumps from one ship to another -- are aware of three simple secrets to leaving with grace while keeping your good reputation intact.

1. Give ample notice to your former employer. This may seem obvious, almost cliched, but it accomplishes a lot. Not only will it give you a clear conscience, but it may also help secure a valuable reference from a former employer who can give your yachting career a boost.

Owners realize that all crew eventually must leave. But for all parties involved, it's best to leave on friendly terms and with a genuine feeling of appreciation for a job well done.

By giving sufficient notice, you allow your employer to find a suitable replacement while not putting any unnecessary burden on other crew, which may spill over into a negative impression on guests.

Your relationships with fellow crew are also at stake. You may work with these people again on another yacht, and they are less likely to view you in positive terms if you were the jerk who left without notice and made life unbearably difficult for the remaining crew until your replacement was found.

Captains and crew often provide the best character references as you move forward in your career. Don't take the chance of having any isolated incident tarnish your reputation for professionalism and common courtesy.

Kristen DiMartino, director of crew placement at World of Yachting advises, “If at all possible leave on good terms and avoid leaving your employer high and dry. If you can’t count on your former employer for a good reference, it is best to leave that job off of your resume.”

2. Take the high road. It may not always be easy, but in the final analysis it makes you a better person and a more valuable professional if you don't gripe about a former employer.

“It is important to maintain professionalism and integrity no matter how unprofessional the owner, captain or other crew might be," says Stacy Geddis, owner and co-founder of Crew4Crew. “As easy as it is to say this when you're not the one in an uncomfortable situation, ultimately how you choose to respond is a direct reflection upon your integrity as an employee. A person who is able to keep their cool and remain professional under stressful and unreasonable conditions makes a much greater statement than an act of retaliation.”

It’s also important, says Angela Wilson, senior crew agent at Elite Crew International, to remain focused even after the resignation has been submitted.

“Whether you’ve been with a boat a few months or several years you still need to give 100 percent right up until the end,” she says.

3. Look before you leap. Put your feelers out first and know your options before jumping ship. For financial reasons, it makes sense to line up another position, if possible, before leaving your current one.

Another consideration is negotiating power. Your departure may prompt counter-offers or better terms from your current employer in an attempt to persuade you to stay. This, however, is never guaranteed and you’re resignation should never be a bluff. Many people have outsmarted themselves with foolishly attempting this maneuver.

When your decision is made to leave your boat, the best way to do it is professionally, in person and with the accompaniment of a resignation letter that outlines the important details of your departure.

Changing jobs can be agonizing, complicated and exciting all at the same time . If you decide it’s your time to go, handling the transition in a mature and professional way can make the process easier for all concerned and be better for your long-term career.

Do you have a job change story to share? Have you ever been rewarded for following these three principles when leaving one yacht job for another? Let us know, comment below.

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The World's Best Resignation Letter

Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison explains why a 'less is more' approach makes a big difference.


Chief Executive Officer

Gary Burnison  is CEO of Korn Ferry and author of  Lose the Resume, Land the Job.  For more information, see  KFAdvance.com .

Ready to quit your job?

It’s a small world, and every little detail — from how you break the news to what you put in your resignation letter — will either help or hurt your professional reputation.

The purpose of a resignation letter is to provide an official document telling your employer that you’re either terminating your employment immediately or on a specific day. Once it’s sent to your supervisor, he or she will forward it to HR to keep in your file.

Here’s my basic philosophy on resignation letters: Less is more.

Unfortunately, the majority of letters I’ve seen can be summed up in one word: Eyesores. That’s because many of them usually fall into one of three categories:

  • The “bridge-burning” letter : Even if the circumstances of your departure were unpleasant, don’t treat the resignation letter as an opportunity to vent about your negative experiences. Let’s face it, you  will  need reference letters in the future, so why go out of your way to burn bridges?
  • The “here’s exactly why I’m leaving” letter : Whether you’ve “accepted a new opportunity” or “need to leave for personal reasons,” a resignation letter is not the place to emphasize your reasons for leaving. That’s a discussion you should have with your supervisor before even sending the letter.
  • The “barely there” letter : Yes, less is more, but give me  something.  If you send a one-sentence letter that reads, “I’m resigning and my last day is next Friday,” you’re basically saying, “I’m lazy and unprofessional.”

Writing a resignation letter?

To give you a clear example of where to begin, here’s the most impressive resignation letter I ever received based on my 20 years of working in corporate leadership and HR. 

As we discussed in our meeting today, I'm resigning my position as [xxx] at [xxx]. My last day will be [xxx].

Thank you for teaching me how to thrive in situations with tight deadlines and fast-moving parameters. I really enjoyed my time here and am so grateful for your support. During this time of transition, I will continue to screen candidates for my replacement and send you a memo reiterating everything we discussed about who will be taking over my existing projects. 

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to make the transition as smooth as possible. I wish you and the team continued success!


Less is more

The letter was clear, concise and included everything on my checklist:

  • Essential details : Intention to resign, title, last day
  • Positive tone : Polite, helpful, appreciative
  • Final responsibilities : Summary of what will be done during the transition period

I should also note that the way in which the employee resigned was flawless. Prior to sending the letter, she told me the news in private; we discussed the specifics of her departure such as who would be taking over her accounts and how she planned to help with the search for a replacement.

On her last day, she said goodbye to me in person. There was no raiding of the supply closet; she left the tape dispenser, stapler and Post-Its. No 1,000-word 2 p.m. email blast to hundreds of employees saying, “Goodbye friends and colleagues...”

Believe it or not, all these things matter a great deal.

A version of this article appears on cnbc.com.

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  • The iboats forum moderators would like to mention to all the iboaters here that we’re sorry but the website server seems to be running on half a cylinder and in order to post pictures, etc. you may have to use an outside hosting source, which we understand is not ideal, but its all we got at present. We are hoping that the administration can rectify this issue soon, but unfortunately at this time we can make no promises as to when... we have been working on letting the higher powers that be 'know of the situation... hang in there iboaters, we've been through a lot over the years and this is just another rough weather system rolling through to endure is all. Thank you.
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Letter of Resignation.

  • Thread starter kenmyfam
  • Start date May 10, 2007


Supreme Mariner

  • May 10, 2007

This is an actual letter of resignation from an employee at >>Zantex Computers, USA, to his boss. His boss apparently resigned >>very soon afterwards!" >> >>Dear Mr Baker, >> >>As an employee of an institution of higher education, I have a >>few very basic expectations. Chief among these is that my direct >>superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground >>squirrel. >> >>After your consistent and annoying harassment of my co- >>workers and myself during the commission of our duties, I can >>only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of >>our time. Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every >>little nuance of everything I do each time you happen to stroll >>into my office is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of >>precious oxygen. I was hired because I >>know how to network >>computer systems, and you were apparently hired to provide >>amusement to myself and other employees, who watch you vainly >>attempt to understand the concept of "cut and paste" for the >>hundredth time. >> >>You will never understand computers. Something as incredibly >>simple as binary still gives you too many options. You will also >>never understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and >>explain it to you, even though I am sure this will be just as >>effective as telling you what an IP is. >> >>Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will. You >>walk around the building all day, shiftlessly looking for fault >>in others. You have a sharp dressed useless look about you that >>may have worked for your interview, but now that you actually >>have responsibility, you pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping >>their talent will >>cover for your glaring ineptitude. In a world >>of managerial evolution, you are the blue-green algae that >>everyone else eats and laughs at. >> >>Managers like you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle. >>Seeing as this situation is unlikely to change without you >>getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, I am forced to tender >>my resignation; however I have a few parting thoughts. >> >>1. When someone calls you in reference to employment, it is >>illegal to give me a bad recommendation. The most you can say to >>hurt me is "I prefer not to comment." I will have friends >>randomly call you over the next couple of years to keep you >>honest, because I know you would be unable to do it on your own. >> >>2. I have all the passwords to every account on the system, and I >>know every password you have used for the last five years. If you >>decide to get cute, I am >>going to publish your "favourites list", >>which I conveniently saved when you made me "back up" your >>useless files. I do believe that terms like "Lolita" are not >>usually viewed favourably by the administration. >> >>3. When you borrowed the digital camera to "take pictures of your >>mothers b-day", you neglected to mention that you were going to >>take pictures of yourself in the mirror nude. Then you forgot to >>erase them like the techno-moron you really are. Suffice to say I >>have never seen such odd acts with a ketchup bottle, but I assure >>you that those have been copied and kept in safe places pending >>the authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation. (Try to use >>a spell check please. I hate having to correct your mistakes.) >> >>Thank you for your time, and I expect the letter of >>recommendation on my desk by 8:00 am tomorrow. >> >>One word of this >>to anybody, and all of your little twisted >>repugnant obsessions will be open to the public. Never f*** with >>your systems administrator. Why? Because they know what you do >>with all that free time! >> >>Sincerely >>  


Vice Admiral

Re: Letter of Resignation. That sounds like something my son would write.  

rolmops said: That sounds like something my son would write. Click to expand...


More fish than mountain goat

Re: Letter of Resignation. Them's fightin' words!!!!  


Re: Letter of Resignation. Awesome  


Re: Letter of Resignation. http://www.snopes.com/humor/letters/zantex.asp  


Re: Letter of Resignation. neat letter! BUT sadly it is is false www.snopes.com/humor/letters/zantex.asp  

Re: Letter of Resignation. I did not really expect it to be true.... but I did find it very amusing. That is why I posted it. Definitely not for it's authenticity !!!  

puddle jumper

puddle jumper

Re: Letter of Resignation. Just about every boss man needs to get a letter like that.I could think of a couple off the top of my head.  



Re: Letter of Resignation. even if it is not real it is still pretty good ......  

yacht resignation letter

Rules of the Road: To terminate, yacht owners must follow SEA

Rules of the Road: by Capt. Jake DesVergers

We’re going through some tough times. At the writing of this article, the estimated peak surge for the coronavirus pandemic in the United States is approximately two weeks away. It has already been a daunting task for many yachts and the businesses that supply them. It has been especially difficult for those yachts that have been downsized or laid-up. 

The last time that we saw such a large decrease in yacht usage was during the Great Recession financial crisis of 2007-2009.

In the unfortunate situation that an owner decides a yacht’s crew must be downsized, it is important for the owner, captain and crew to remember certain requirements. In particular, when working on yachts that require crew agreements, the contents of those contracts are critical.

For most non-U.S.-flagged yachts, especially those that charter, the crew will be employed under a Seafarer Employment Agreement (SEA) or similar document. It is within this document that the exact terms for termination will be outlined. Specific details may differ based upon the flag-state of the yacht, such as national holidays or points of contact, but in general, the requirements are nearly the same.

Notice Period

In most yacht crew agreements, unlike on merchant ships, there is not an expiration date. On a typical merchant ship, a crew member is hired for a time-definitive contract. That can range from just a few days to a maximum of 11 months. 

In contrast, yacht crew are typically hired indefinitely until either party decides to terminate employment. In those situations, the minimum notice period outlined in the contract must be adhered to. The standard notice period in yachting is a minimum of two weeks. Senior crew members, such as the captain or chief engineer, may have as much as four weeks’ notice. However, other than in certain instances of gross negligence, a crew member cannot be terminated with less than seven days’ notice.

Each crew member is entitled to wages up to the end of the notice period. If an owner determines that crew shall leave the yacht before the end of the notice period, wages shall include that period of time. For example, if crew are told that the yacht is downsizing and all crew must leave within 24 hours, the order shall be complied. If upon reviewing your contract it provides for a notice period of two weeks, then the two weeks of wages are also owed, even though the crew will technically not be on board. 

Any unused and earned vacation shall also be paid. However, gratuities from charter guests, unless specifically stated in the contract, are discretionary funds and not guaranteed.


This is a tricky one, in particular for those crew members that are not citizens or legal residents of the country where the yacht is to be on an extended dock. As per the SEA, the owner must repatriate a crew member to his country of residence or other mutually accepted location. With the difficulty being experienced with air travel and border closures, it does not leave many options available. Plans must be clearly outlined to ensure compliance with this important part of the crew agreement.

It is not permissible for crew to be kicked ashore and left to fend for themselves. The SEA does not end until the crew member has safely reached the location stated in the agreement.

In the unfortunate instance when assistance is needed because a situation remains unresolved, the flag administration can be contacted. When doing so, it is extremely important for the crew member to do so with a level of formality, professionalism and accuracy. The flag administration will have a procedure that must be followed and a specific point of contact. If there is not a specific form to complete, crew need to submit the following information, usually in writing:

  • Name of the yacht
  • Owner’s address and contact info
  • Name and contact info for the captain
  • Details of the complaint
  • Action taken to date to resolve the complaint

When submitting a complaint to the flag administration, it is important to remember that there is a process to be followed. Do not expect immediate action or results. As with any report, the accusation must be investigated. This will involve a review of the receiving complaint and subsequent interview/research with the accused party.

In these difficult times, please, everyone, do their best to stay safe and healthy. We will patiently wait for things to return to normal and everyone gets back on the water.

Capt. Jake DesVergers serves as chief surveyor for the International Yacht Bureau (IYB), a recognized organization that provides flag-state inspection services to private and commercial yachts on behalf of several flag-state administrations. A deck officer graduate of the US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, he previously sailed as master on merchant ships, acted as designated person for a shipping company, and served as regional manager for an international classification society. Contact him at 954-596-2728 or www.yachtbureau.org.

Update from the Author: We are slowly restarting surveys on yachts. Unfortunately, during the past few months, we have been dealing with a lot of crew contract issues. Yachts were being laid-up and crew terminated with little or no notice. Repatriation was a major headache, as international travel was near impossible. We are hoping to see that phase out as the summer season approaches and yachts are reactivated.

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15+ Membership Resignation Letter Templates

A membership resignation letters are written by an individual who would like to withdraw his or her membership in an organization where he or she currently belongs. Membership letters vary depending on the nature of the resignation and the kind of membership that the individual who wanted to resign has signed up for.

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Membership Resignation Letter Sample

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Guidelines in Writing a Membership Resignation Letter

  • Assure that you will write a formal resignation letter that will give you a lasting, friendly relationship with the entity where you are a member and its other members.
  • Be precise with your reason for leaving so that the organization will further understand why you have come up with the decision.
  • Be appreciative of the things that the membership has given you for the entire duration that you have been a member of the organization. You can also see more templates like  Job Resignation Letters .

Church Membership Resignation Letter

  • The date when the church membership resignation letter has been written
  • The name of the superior reverend
  • The name and address of the church where the resigning reverend is a part of
  • The statement of the membership resignation
  • The effective date of the church membership resignation
  • The reason for the church membership resignation
  • Other information that may be important to be known regarding the transaction
  • The name of the resigning reverend.

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Club Membership

  • The name of the club where the member will resign
  • The name of the person to whom the club membership resignation letter is for, which is usually the secretary of the club
  • The date that the club membership resignation letter layout has been written
  • The reason for the club membership resignation
  • The date that the individual would like to withdraw his or her club membership

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Formal Two Week Resignation Letter Template

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Letter Templates & Example

How to Write an Effective Letter for Leaving Club Membership

Are you considering leaving your club membership but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we’ll provide you with examples of letters for leaving club membership so you can edit them to fit your specific situation. Whether you’re leaving due to financial reasons, moving away, or simply no longer interested in the club, we’ve got you covered. Don’t stress about the logistics of leaving your club, we’ve got all the information you need to make the process as smooth as possible. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of quitting club memberships.

The Best Structure for Letter for Leaving Club Membership

Leaving a club membership may not be an easy decision to make. You must have weighed all the pros and cons before deciding to leave. However, when you are ready to say goodbye, it’s important to follow the best structure for a letter for leaving club membership.

The first thing to do is to address the letter to the appropriate person. It could be the club manager, the membership director, or the board of directors, depending on the rules of the club. Greeting the recipient with their appropriate title, such as “Dear Club Manager,” will show your respect for the club.

The next thing to do is to state your intention. Begin the letter by stating that you are writing to resign from the club or leave your membership. Be clear and straightforward with your wording to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

Then, explain your reason for leaving. This is an optional step, but it can help the club understand why you’re leaving and make any necessary improvements for the future. You don’t have to go into great detail, but a brief explanation, like “due to personal circumstances,” or “because of a change in my schedule,” can add clarity.

In the following section of the letter, express your gratitude for being a member of the club. You can also mention some of the benefits or experiences that you enjoyed during your time as a member. This appreciation will show the club that you’ve valued the membership and the relationships you’ve made.

Then, clearly state the effective date of your resignation. This gives the club a timeline to work with, and it also allows you to get any last-minute arrangements in order.

Finally, end the letter with a closing statement. It could be a personalized farewell, expressing that you’ll miss being a member, or a simple “thank you.” Regardless, it’s important to end the letter on a positive note.

In summary, the best structure for a letter for leaving club membership is:

1. Address the letter to the appropriate person.

2. State your intention to leave.

3. Explain your reason for leaving (optional).

4. Express gratitude for being a member.

5. State the effective date of your resignation.

6. End with a closing statement.

Remember that this letter is a formal document, so it’s important to keep the tone polite and respectful. By following this structure, you’ll ensure that the letter is informative and considerate to both the club and yourself.

Sample Letter for Leaving Club Membership

Personal reason.

Dear Club Secretary,

After considerable thought, I have decided to resign my membership from the club due to personal reasons. I have enjoyed the camaraderie and the many benefits of membership, but at this point in my life, I need to make certain adjustments.

I regret the inconvenience of my departure from the club, but it is necessary for me at this time. I appreciate the member’s friendship and wish everyone the best for the future.

[Your Signature]

Financial Constraints

It is with regret that I have to resign my membership from the club due to financial constraints. I have valued my association with the club, but I need to cut down on my expenses and commitments.

My departure from the club is purely financial and not due to any dissatisfaction with the club’s activities or members. It has been a pleasure being a part of the club, and I wish everyone well in their future endeavors.


Due to my recent relocation, I am regretfully tendering my resignation from the club. I have enjoyed my time as a member, but it is with sadness that I must leave due to distance constraints.

I will always cherish the fun memories and experiences that I had while a member of the club. Although I am leaving, I wish everyone continued success and happiness.

Health Issues

It is with deep regret that I have to resign my membership from the club due to my health issues. Due to this, I am unable to participate in activities as required by the club. It was a pleasure being a member and to have participated in various club activities.

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause to the club, and I wish everyone the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Best regards,

Time Constraints

I have decided to resign my membership from the club due to time constraints. I have enjoyed the club’s activities tremendously, but unfortunately, my current workload is preventing me from giving enough time to the club.

I hope you will understand my situation, and I apologize for the inconvenience that my resignation will cause. My fondest regards and wishes for the club to continue flourishing and expanding.

Warm wishes,

No Longer Interested

Please accept this letter as my resignation from the club, effective immediately. I have lost interest in the club’s activities and no longer feel motivated to continue my membership.

I appreciate all the opportunities that I have been given and the friends that I made during my membership. I wish the club every success and progress in the future.

Issues With Policies

After much reflection, I regret to inform you that I am resigning from the club due to fundamental disagreements with club policies. While I have always enjoyed participation in club activities, these particular issues cannot be reconciled with my personal beliefs and principles.

Thank you for the opportunities that I have been given during my membership tenure. I wish the club all the best in continuing to promote the mutual interests of the members.

Yours truly,

Tips for Writing a Letter for Leaving Club Membership

Joining a club can be a great way to meet new people and engage in different activities. However, at times you may need to leave the club if you no longer have time or interest in being part of it. Writing a letter for leaving club membership may seem challenging, but it is not complicated if you follow these tips.

First, it is essential to address the letter to the right person. You need to find out who the club president or membership coordinator is and address the letter to them. Make sure to mention your name, address, and membership number at the beginning of the letter to make it easier for them to process your request.

Secondly, keep your letter straightforward and to the point. There is no need to go into too much detail about why you are leaving, but if you want to give a reason, do so politely. Avoid being negative or critical of the club or its management in your letter, as this could come back to haunt you if you ever decide to rejoin.

Thirdly, it’s essential to be transparent about your financial obligations. If you have any outstanding dues, it’s only fair to settle them before you leave. Request for a receipt or a confirmation of payment in your letter to avoid any misunderstandings.

Finally, express your gratitude for being part of the club and the experiences you have had while being a member. It would help if you also considered offering to help with any outstanding projects or handing over any roles you may have had. This shows good faith and leaves the door open if you ever wish to rejoin the club.

Writing a letter for leaving club membership is not difficult if you follow these tips. Address it to the right person, keep it simple and polite, be transparent about your financial obligations, and express your gratitude for the experience.

FAQs about Letter for Leaving Club Membership

What is a Letter for Leaving Club Membership?

A Letter for Leaving Club Membership is a formal document that is used by members who want to terminate their membership in a club.

Why do I need a Letter for Leaving Club Membership?

You need a Letter for Leaving Club Membership because it is a formal way of notifying the club that you no longer wish to be a member. It is also important to have a record of your request in case of any disputes or issues that may arise.

When should I send a Letter for Leaving Club Membership?

You should send a Letter for Leaving Club Membership as soon as possible once you have made the decision to terminate your membership with the club. This will help ensure that your request is processed in a timely manner.

What should I include in a Letter for Leaving Club Membership?

A Letter for Leaving Club Membership should include your name, the name of the club, your membership number, the reason for leaving the club, and the date of your request.

Do I need to give a reason for leaving the club?

No, you are not required to give a reason for leaving the club. However, if you are comfortable doing so, it may be helpful for the club to know why you are leaving so that they can make improvements or changes that may benefit their members.

How should I deliver my Letter for Leaving Club Membership?

You can deliver your Letter for Leaving Club Membership in person, by mail, or via email. It is best to follow any specific instructions that the club has provided regarding the delivery of membership termination requests.

What happens after I submit my Letter for Leaving Club Membership?

After you submit your Letter for Leaving Club Membership, the club will process your request and remove you from their membership list. You may receive a confirmation of your request or instructions for returning any club property that you may have had in your possession.

Can I rejoin the club after I have submitted a Letter for Leaving Club Membership?

Yes, you can usually rejoin the club after submitting a Letter for Leaving Club Membership. However, the club may have specific policies or procedures in place for members who have terminated their membership and wish to rejoin.

Say Goodbye to Club Membership

Now you know that leaving a club is not as difficult as you thought. Just remember to follow the procedures and be respectful towards the other members. If you ever find yourself wanting to join again, there’s no harm in trying! Thank you for taking the time to read this article, I hope it was helpful. Don’t forget to come back and read more helpful articles soon!

A Comprehensive Guide to Using a Union Membership Cancellation Letter Sample Golf Club Resignation Letter Template - Free and Printable Samples How to Write a Professional Letter of Resignation from Cooperative Membership Church Membership Resignation Letter Template: How to Write and Resign Gracefully How to Write a Professional Country Club Resignation Letter Template Gym Resignation Letter Template: How to Quit Your Gym Membership Hassle-Free


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Resignation letters from HOA board (5 samples)

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The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter.  The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the subject matter and highly cited published material.

This blog post will show you samples of  “resignation letters from HOA Board.”

Writing a “Resignation letter from HOA Board.”

When writing a “resignation letter from HOA Board,” these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind.

  • The first step is to tell the board president about leaving and the final work date. Keep it short as the essential part of the letter is the last date of your work.
  • Indicate the reason you are leaving your job. It would be best to be polite as you will leave a positive impression on the board. Maintain your composure when drafting the letter.
  • Finally, thank the members for the position and the opportunities you have enjoyed during your work period.
  • Ensure you proofread your letter before sending it. You can send the letter to your family and friend to check for grammatical errors.

“Dated: ___.

The Manager Human Resources,

Name of HOA,

[County/ State].

Dear Mr. _______.

With great regret, I inform you that I am resigning from my position of Secretary on the board of Directors in [name of] Homeowners Association effective immediately.

My duties at my workplace and some other commitments make it impossible for me to fulfill my responsibilities as a Director of [name of] Homeowners Association. Therefore, it is in the community’s best interest that someone who can dedicate more time and energy to the HOA takes my place.

However, I will remain available for the community as a homeowner and never lose my interest in the HOA. There is no need to hesitate if my services are required at any time. It was a pleasure to be a part of [name of] HOA as a Director for three years. I am proud to be a part of such an amazing HOA and my services for my community.

Best Regards,

“Dear Mr. Snider,

I am just writing this letter to inform you that I am resigning as the president on the board of directors in homeowner’s association. As you may know, there has recently been some conflict among the members which was inadvertently caused by myself. As a result of this incident, I feel that it would be best for me to withdraw from the HOA at this time. Please note that I hereby relinquish all rights, responsibilities and privileges as a HOA board member, effective immediately. I hope you understand.

I hope that my resignation does not cause any inconvenience. I would be more than happy to assist as much as possible in training a selected replacement to take over my HOA duties. If you would like to discuss this with me further, please contact me at (555)-555-5555 or [email] and I will strive to return all messages as quickly as possible.

I have enjoyed working with the association and regret to hand over my responsibilities, but in light of the recent situation I feel that I have made the best decision for all parties involved. I appreciate all of the patience and good will you have shown me during my membership with the association. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Patrick G. Diamond”

“Dear Joseph,

It is with regret that I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign my position on the Board of homeowners’ association, effective immediately.

My other commitments have become too great for me to be able to fulfill the requirements of my position on the Board, and I feel it is best for me to make room for someone with the time and energy to devote to the job.

It has been a pleasure being a part of the HOA board. I am so proud of all we have accomplished in the past five years, and I have no doubt the board will continue these successes in the future.

If I can be of any assistance during the time it will take to fill the position, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

Jeanette Smythe (signature hard copy letter)

Jeanette Smythe”

“Dear Chelsea, 

It has been my pleasure to serve with you on the board of the Homeowners’ association. You have given us strong leadership, and I’ve enjoyed working with you for the last three years. I am sure that the goals we have set will be easily attained by the dedicated and talented members of this board. 

That said, I feel that it is time for me to resign my position, and focus on some other areas of my career. Please consider my resignation effective the last day of our fiscal year, June 30, 2021. Until such time, I am happy to continue to participate in the committees I am working with, and will also help to catch my replacement up to speed.

You may have some prospects in mind to consider for the position I am leaving, but if you would like my input on a candidate to take my place, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,

Bill Jones”

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do i write a letter of resignation for an association.

You can write a letter of resignation for an association by first expressing your thanks to the association and then mentioning your last working day. You can then state the reason of your departure from the association in a polite and professional manner without divulging too much unnecessary information.

How do I resign effective immediately?

You can resign effectively immediately by writing a short-notice resignation letter. In this letter you can explain your reason for departure. Along with the resignation letter, you can meet the management in person and explain your situation.

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HOA Board Of Directors Resignation Letter

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Sri Lanka

Vinesh Phogat Quits Job At Indian Railways, Shares Pic Of Resignation Letter

Vinesh phogat was employed as an officer on special duty (osd) with northern railways..

yacht resignation letter

Former India wrestler Vinesh Phogat on Friday resigned from the Indian Railways citing personal reasons amid speculation that she would be joining the Congress party. "Serving Indian Railways has been a memorable and proud time of my life," she posted on X with a picture of her resignation letter. She was employed as an Officer on Special Duty (OSD) with Northern Railways.

"At this point in my life, I have decided to separate myself from the railway service and have submitted my resignation to the competent authorities of the Indian Railways," said the wrestler who met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi earlier this week, leading to widespread speculation of her joining the party and contesting the Haryana assembly elections next month.

pic.twitter.com/HasXLH5vBP — Vinesh Phogat (@Phogat_Vinesh) September 6, 2024

"I will always be grateful to the Indian Railway family for this opportunity given to me by the Railways in the service of the nation," she added.

The 30-year-old had quit wrestling following her disqualification from the 50kg gold medal match in the Paris Olympics for being overweight by 100 grams ahead of the final.

She had appealed against the decision which was rejected by the Court of Arbitration for Sport. In her resignation letter, Vinesh cited personal reasons for resigning.

"It is requested that I, Vinesh, w/o Sh. Somvir Rathi at present is working as OSD/Sports Northern - Railway in Level - 7," Vinesh wrote in her resignation letter addressed to the general manager Northern Railways.

"Sir, keeping in view of my family circumstances/personal reasons, I am unable to perform my duties as OSD/sports. Therefore without any pressure, I wish to tender my resignation," she said.

Vinesh requested for her resignation to be accepted with immediate effect.

"It is kindly requested that my resignation with immediate effect may be accepted from Northern Railway. One month salary will be deposited in lieu of my one month notice period," she added.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)


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How to Write a Resignation Letter (With Examples)

yacht resignation letter

What Is a Resignation Letter?

When to give the letter to your employer, what to include in a resignation letter, what not to include in your letter, how to write a resignation letter, how to format a resignation letter, resignation letter template, resignation letter samples, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Are you ready to resign from your job? If so, you should write a resignation letter to formalize the details of your departure. But what is a resignation letter, and why should you write one? What should you include, and when do you need to provide notice to a soon-to-be former employer?

Here's information on writing a resignation letter or email message, along with samples and templates you can use to write your own.

Key Takeaways

  • A resignation letter is a formal document notifying an employer that you are leaving your job.
  • A resignation letter includes notice that you’re resigning, your end date of employment, and your contact information. You can include additional details, but they are not required.
  • Resignation letters can be submitted in print or sent by email. In some cases, you may want to share a printed letter with a manager in person.

A resignation letter is a document that notifies your employer that you are leaving your job. It formalizes your departure from your current job and can be submitted by email or as a printed letter.

The letter serves as written notice of your resignation and provides the details of your departure from the company, including information about the end date of your employment.

It's polite to send your resignation letter well in advance of your departure, with  two weeks in advance  being generally accepted as the minimum unless circumstances require you to resign without advance notice or with short notice.

In some cases, you may not be able to provide notice. If you’re working in a difficult workplace, have a family emergency, or other circumstances require you to move on right away, give your employer as much notice as is feasible given the situation. When you are considered an at-will employee , you are not legally required to give notice.

If you have an employment contract , it’s important to adhere to its terms when you’re resigning. Check your contract to determine how much notice you need to give your employer.

If you tell your boss in person that you're resigning, have a printed copy of your resignation letter ready to share. When you work remotely or resign with short notice, however, you can send your resignation via email.

When you resign from your job, it's important to do so gracefully and professionally. However, you don't need to include a lengthy explanation. Keep your letter or email simple and focused on the facts.

Here's an overview of what to include in your letter:

  • Intent to resign:  Your letter should start with the fact that you're resigning.
  • Last day of employment:  You should provide information about the last day you plan to work at the company.
  • An offer to assist with the transition:  Often, employees will also offer to help in the transition, perhaps by recruiting or training a replacement. In this way, both the employee and the employer can leave the situation with closure and a sense of respect and amicability.
  • Questions you may have:  If you have questions about your final pay or benefits, you can inquire in your letter or email.
  • Contact information:  Include your personal contact information so it's easy for the company to get in touch with you.
  • Signature:  A hard-copy letter should include your written signature above your typed name. If you're sending an email, simply type your name.

To achieve a positive and graceful exit, a letter of resignation will often thank the employer for the opportunities provided and mention experiences gained at the company or how the employee enjoyed their time there.

There are some things you shouldn't include when writing a resignation letter:

  • You don’t need to include the reason that you’re moving on, especially if it’s a negative one.
  • Resignation letters are not an appropriate place for complaints or critiques of the company, manager, or co-workers.
  • There’s no need to mention in your letter that you'll be getting a higher salary at your new job (if you are). If you’re looking for a counteroffer to induce you to stay, that conversation is better held in person.
  • Don’t use your letter to discuss how great the new job is or how thrilled you are about leaving.

Keep it simple, stick to the facts, and don't complain. It's important to leave on a positive note because you may need a  reference from the employer . There's no point in burning bridges when you've already decided to move on.

A resignation letter needs to include your contact information, official notice that you’re resigning, and when your final day of work will be. If you’d like to include more details you can, but they are not required.

Here’s how to write a resignation letter, with information on what to include in each section of the letter:

Contact information:  A written letter should include your and the employer's contact information (name, title, company name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date. In an email resignation letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature. You don’t need to include the company’s contact information.

Greeting:  Address the resignation letter to your manager, using their formal title ("Dear Mr./Ms./Dr.").

Paragraph 1:  Note that you are resigning from your job and state the date on which your resignation will be effective. This will give the employer official notice for your personnel file.

Paragraph 2: (Optional)  You can mention the reason you're leaving, but this is not required. If you choose to give a reason, be sure it’s a positive one, such as starting a new job, leaving the workplace, or going back to school.

Paragraph 3: (Optional)  If you’re able to help with the transition, mention your availability in your letter.

Paragraph 4: (Optional)  Mention your appreciation for the opportunity you had to work for the company. If there was something especially rewarding, share the details.

Closing:  Use a formal sign-off, such as "Sincerely" or "Yours sincerely."

Signature:  End with your handwritten signature followed by your typed name. For an email, include your typed name followed by your contact information.

Resignation letters should be simple, short, and written in business format using a traditional font.

Length of the letter:  Most resignation letters are no more than one typed page.

Font and size:  Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points.

Format:  A resignation letter should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use one-inch margins and align your text to the left (the alignment for most business documents).

You can download the resignation letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word) to use as a starting point for your own letter.

Review examples of a printed and an email resignation letter.

Printed Resignation Letter Sample

Joseph Q. Hunter 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-212-1234 josephq@email.com

August 8, 2023

Jane Smith Senior Manager Johnson's Furniture Store 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Smith,

I would like to notify you that I am resigning from my position as assistant manager for Johnson's Furniture Store effective August 22, 2023. 

Thank you very much for the opportunity you’ve given me to learn all about store management and proper customer service. I have genuinely enjoyed my time with the company, and I believe the experience has taught me much about the furniture industry and how to effectively manage employees.

Next month, I will be taking on a position as a manager of a new retail store. In the meantime, I will be happy to assist with your transition to a new assistant manager.

Signature  (hard copy letter)

Joseph Hunter

Email Resignation Letter Example

Subject:  Killian Zhu – Resignation

Dear Ms. Tanner,

Please accept this letter as my resignation from McTavish & Co. My final day at the company will be this Friday, August 7, 2023.

I apologize for the short notice. I've enjoyed working on the customer service team and have learned much during my tenure with the company.

Please let me know what I can do in the next few days to help with the transition.

Killian Zhu Killian.zhu@email.com 512-123-1234

How much notice is required when you resign from a job?

Two weeks is considered the standard amount of notice to give an employer when you resign from a job. When an employee is covered by an employment contract, however, they are expected to adhere to the contract terms, which may require a longer notice period. In some cases, an employee may need to quit with less or no notice.

Do you have to write a resignation letter when you’re leaving a job?

Company policy or employment contracts may require resignation letters, but most employers don’t require formal notification when an employee resigns. When a resignation letter isn’t required, it can still make sense to write one to create an official record of your end date of employment. Check with your company's human resources department if you're unsure.

SHRM. " Can Employers Require Workers to Give Notice Before They Quit? "

NCSL. " At-Will Employment - Overview ."


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Mamata Banerjee dials Jawhar Sircar, urges him to reconsider Rajya Sabha resignation over Kolkata doctor murder: Report

Jawhar sircar wrote to mamata banerjee, expressing disappointment and saying he expected her to handle the rg kar hospital case in her “old mamata style.”.

TMC MP Jawhar Sircar, who on Sunday declared he would resign as the party's Rajya Sabha member in the wake of the Kolkata rape and murder, was reportedly asked by chief minister Mamata Banerjee to reconsider his decision.

Jawhar Sircar (L) and West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee (R).

In a letter to Banerjee on Sunday, Jawhar Sircar announced his resignation from the Rajya Sabha following the rape and murder of a doctor at Kolkata's RG Kar Hospital. He also urged the TMC chief to “save the state.”

The politician also mentioned his plan to travel to Delhi to submit his resignation to Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar. Citing sources, India Today reported that Sircar is expected to visit the national capital on September 11.

After Sircar's decision, Mamata Banerjee called him and urged him to reconsider his decision to quit as a TMC Rajya Sabha member, the report said.

Sircar also wrote that he had thought Mamata Banerjee would interfere in the “old Mamata style.”

“I thought you would interfere in the ongoing movement in the old Mamata style, but I did not see it,” he said adding that ongoing agitation of doctors was against the “unchecked overbearing attitude of the favoured few and the corrupt”.

He claimed there was angst and a lack of confidence in people against the government.

Jawhar Sircar resigns from TMC: What's the reason?

“I have suffered patiently for a month since the terrible incident at RG Kar Hospital and was hoping for your direct intervention with the agitating junior doctors, in the old style of Mamata Banerjee. It has not happened and whatever punitive steps the government is taking now are too little and quite late,” the letter reads.

Sircar claimed that normalcy would have been restored sooner if the government had held accountable those responsible for improper administrative actions . He also mentioned that after his resignation, he would “completely disassociate” himself from politics.

On August 9, a trainee doctor was found raped and murdered inside Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. The police have arrested a man named Sanjay Roy for the crime.

However, the hospital administration and the Kolkata police's role after the murder came under the scanner due to questionable decisions.

The ex-principal of the hospital, Dr Sandip Ghosh allegedly tried to pass off the murder as a suicide. The victim's family was made to wait for over three hours before they were allowed to see the body of their daughter. The murder FIR was filed around 14 hours after the body had been found.

Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Kunal Ghosh on Sunday said he agrees to a big part of Jawhar Sircar's letter to West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee regarding his decision to resign as Rajya Sabha member.

“We have heard Jawhar Sircar has taken a decision. He was one of the best bureaucrats in the country, the greatest from West Bengal. It is his personal stand, decision, and letter. I won’t make a comment on it. He has the right to take a decision,” Ghosh said.

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  1. Resignation Letters

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  2. Short Resignation Letter Template

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  3. Resignation Letter Example

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  1. Yacht Crew Resignation Letters(4 Samples)

    Palm Beach Yacht Crew. 856 Elk Way. Bear, DE 80940. Dear Mr Brown: Please accept this letter as formal resignation from my position as Crew Member for Palm beach Yacht Crew. According to the company's policy, I am providing you with a 30-day notice of my intention to leave. March 6 will be my last working day.

  2. The Crew Coach: How to Leave a Boat on Good Terms

    Here are some basic guidelines on how to resign a yacht job gracefully… these should help you form a strategy that's right for you. * Just remember the key word: respect. Even if you don't particularly respect your current Captain as an individual, respect their position. * Find a time to tell them when they will have a chance to cool down.

  3. So Hard to Say Goodbye

    When your decision is made to leave your boat, the best way to do it is professionally, in person and with the accompaniment of a resignation letter that outlines the important details of your departure. Changing jobs can be agonizing, complicated and exciting all at the same time. If you decide it's your time to go, handling the transition ...

  4. Resignation Letter Example

    This resignation letter example can be used for a variety of situations, whether you're leaving for a new job, retiring, or any other reason. [Date] Dear [Employer's Name], Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date].

  5. The World's Best Resignation Letter

    To give you a clear example of where to begin, here's the most impressive resignation letter I ever received based on my 20 years of working in corporate leadership and HR. Dear Gary, As we discussed in our meeting today, I'm resigning my position as [xxx] at [xxx]. My last day will be [xxx].

  6. Sample Resignation Letter With a Reason for Leaving

    Use the following resignation letters as a model when you want to thank your employer and provide a reason for your resignation. These letters provide a format that you should customize to your own personal situation. There's one caveat, however. Keep in mind that any time you provide a reason for resigning from a job, this reason needs to be ...

  7. Letter of Resignation.

    This is an actual letter of resignation from an employee at >>Zantex Computers, USA, to his boss. His boss apparently resigned >>very soon afterwards!" >> >>Dear Mr Baker, >> >>As an employee of an institution of higher education, I have a >>few very basic expectations. Chief among these is that...

  8. How To Write a Resignation Letter (With Examples)

    Here's what to include in your resignation letter: 1. A salutation. You can use a general salutation for business letters, such as the person's first and last name ("Dear Jane Smith"). If you're familiar with the person receiving the letter, you can also just use their first name ("Dear Jane").

  9. Best Resignation Letter Templates

    August 7, 2024. Mr. James O'Leary. Manager. Acme Corp. 7803 Main Street. Bakersfield, CA 93306. Dear Mr. O'Leary: Please accept this letter as notice that I will be resigning from my job here at Acme Corp. two weeks from today's date. My final day of work will be August 21.

  10. How to Write a Resignation Letter (Examples and Tips)

    1. Document your resignation and last day. The beginning of your letter is not the place to sugarcoat or get creative. Just state your decision to resign and the effective date. While you probably shared with your boss your reasons for leaving, you don't need to describe them here—keeping it simple is perfectly fine.

  11. The Best Resignation Letter Examples and How to Write Yours

    Stating your intentions in the subject line lets your manager know how important your email is as soon as they open their inbox. Here are some good examples of resignation email subject lines: Resignation Notice — [Your Name] [Your Name] Resignation Notice. Two Weeks' Resignation Notice: [Your Name] 4.

  12. Rules of the Road: To terminate, yacht owners must follow SEA

    That can range from just a few days to a maximum of 11 months. In contrast, yacht crew are typically hired indefinitely until either party decides to terminate employment. In those situations, the minimum notice period outlined in the contract must be adhered to. The standard notice period in yachting is a minimum of two weeks.

  13. Resignation Notice Letters and Email Examples

    Bernard Jones 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 [email protected]. March 28, 2022. Janice Lee Manager Truly and White 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321. Dear Ms. Lee, I am writing to announce my resignation from Truly and White, effective two weeks from today.

  14. Effective Membership Resignation Letter Template: Say Goodbye to the

    A membership resignation letter should include the member's name, the reason for resigning, the effective date of resignation, gratitude for the opportunity to belong to the organization, and any relevant details about the member's responsibility for any outstanding dues or fees.

  15. Membership Resignation Letters Template

    Complaint Letter - 37+ Free Word, PDF Format Download! Format a Membership Resignation Letter Using a Free Download Sample. Each Prewritten Doc Is Perfect for the Withdrawal of Your Membership from a Society Secretary Position, Savings Loan Application, Club, Company, or Cooperative.

  16. Formal Two Week Resignation Letter Template

    Get the Free Formal Two Week Resignation Letter in a couple of clicks! This blank is 100% printable and editable. Start customizing without restrictions now! Get unlimited access to 5000+ Templates for Google Docs, Slides and Sheets Unlimited Access Templates ...

  17. Crew Member Cover Letter Examples

    Use our crew member cover letter example and writing tips to help make the writing process easier. Do use the cover letter to mention what you will bring to the position and the company. The applicant does not focus on how the job would be good for her; instead, she describes how her previous hotel service experience would make her a good fit ...

  18. Resignation Letters From A Club(5 Samples)

    Sample 5: "Dear [Mention the name of the recipient], I am writing this resignation letter to bid a formal adieu to all the members of [Mention the name] club. Due to some urgent avoidable issues, I have to shift out of the country for [Mention the number of years] and I will be leaving soon, so, unfortunately, it will not be possible for me ...

  19. How to Resign From a Job

    Write a formal resignation letter that states the last day you'll be working even if you resign via email or phone. You want to quit. So, take a deep breath, and plan ahead. Here's what you should (and shouldn't) do when resigning from your job. Catherine Song / The Balance.

  20. How to Write an Effective Letter for Leaving Club Membership

    Regardless, it's important to end the letter on a positive note. In summary, the best structure for a letter for leaving club membership is: 1. Address the letter to the appropriate person. 2. State your intention to leave. 3. Explain your reason for leaving (optional). 4.

  21. Resignation letters from HOA board (5 samples)

    Sample 1: "Dated: ___. For, The Manager Human Resources, Name of HOA, [County/ State]. Dear Mr. _______. With great regret, I inform you that I am resigning from my position of Secretary on the board of Directors in [name of] Homeowners Association effective immediately. My duties at my workplace and some other commitments make it impossible ...

  22. 35 Hilariously Funny Resignation Letters

    9. Jurassic work. The artist behind this masterpiece used the back of a receipt to pen out their resignation letter accompanied by a picture of a dinosaur.. Is normal paper going extinct? Imgur. 10. One pint of resignation, please! This self-proclaimed "socially awkward" employee broke the news to his boss in the best way possible: with beer. I guess you could say he made his resignation a ...

  23. Vinesh Phogat Quits Job At Indian Railways, Shares Pic Of Resignation

    In her resignation letter, Vinesh cited personal reasons for resigning. "It is requested that I, Vinesh, w/o Sh. Somvir Rathi at present is working as OSD/Sports Northern - Railway in Level - 7 ...

  24. How to Write a Resignation Letter (With Examples)

    Intent to resign: Your letter should start with the fact that you're resigning. Last day of employment: You should provide information about the last day you plan to work at the company. An offer to assist with the transition: Often, employees will also offer to help in the transition, perhaps by recruiting or training a replacement.In this way, both the employee and the employer can leave the ...

  25. Why I Am Resigning as a Brown Trustee

    Letters to the Editor. The Weekend Interview. All Things with Kim Strassel. Potomac Watch Podcast. Foreign Edition Podcast. Free Expression Podcast. Opinion Video. Notable & Quotable. Arts. Topics.

  26. Mamata Banerjee dials Jawhar Sircar, urges him to reconsider Rajya

    In a letter to Banerjee on Sunday, Jawhar Sircar announced his resignation from the Rajya Sabha following the rape and murder of a doctor at Kolkata's RG Kar Hospital. He also urged the TMC chief ...